Shaving girls' hair. Stylish short women's haircuts with shaved temples

In the past you shaved temples, mainly belonged to various subcultures - punks, emo, etc. Today, everything has changed significantly; this haircut is considered trendy and popular. Often seen on celebrities and Hollywood stars Oh. If you are an original and courageous person by nature, “shaved temples” will certainly suit you because they look quite impressive, stylish and original.

There are many advantages of this hairstyle, namely:

  1. This hairstyle will definitely not leave you unnoticed. Because it looks really bold and stylish.
  2. It’s also quite easy to keep it in perfect condition even at home.
  3. Great fit various decorations both large and not large.
  4. If you need to go to official meeting, then the temples can be easily covered by making a symmetrical parting.

Who will benefit from shaved temples?

The hairstyle described above, correctly, consists of fairly fluffy and flowing curls. This haircut looks truly beautiful on long hair, but an option with short hair is also possible; you’ll have to decide for yourself. Also given hairstyle will suit not every woman.

  1. For example, blondes should not think about going to the hairdresser for this purpose.
  2. Also, “shaved temples” are not suitable for everyone.
  3. In turn, women with rather rare and thin hair, it’s worth taking a closer look at other types of hairstyles.

There are also girls who really like this haircut and look just perfect, namely:

  1. Brown-haired.
  2. Brunettes.
  3. Girls with softer facial features.
  4. Women with an oval or round face.

Arriving at the hairdresser, girls often begin to copy “creative” hairstyles from various celebrities, in this situation this is not at all necessary because there are simply no boundaries when performing this haircut. You can independently decide and vary the style you like, making it brighter, richer and more individual.

The shaved temples style goes perfectly with many hairstyles. For example:

  1. Afro braids.
  2. Milding.
  3. Coloring.
  4. With long bangs and any type of coloring.

Shaved designs and prints

Quite a lot of women, distinguished by rather extravagant characteristics, prefer to further emphasize the above-described hairstyle with the help of various prints and patterns. And this is correct, because it is certainly fashionable today:

  1. This style, perhaps, has only one drawback: from curly hair should be refused. Experts think that “curls”, which are often symbolized with the image of a “sweet” girl, will clearly not be combined here. Firstly, because the hairstyle described above is characterized by such features as audacity and brutality.
  2. If you still decide to take such a step, you need to choose an experienced hairdresser and be sure to consult with him about your hair type and everything else. At unruly hair you should think more carefully to achieve this hairstyle.

Styling haircuts with shaved temples

Choosing this style, you need to prepare for the fact that it will need to be supported and brought into normal condition every day. This applies not only to styling, but also to your style itself: clothes, makeup, various fashion accessories, rings, etc.

After you have done this hairstyle, perhaps something in your wardrobe may simply not fit.

Also, if you shaved only one temple, then with enough long curls a variation is possible, namely throwing them to one side of the head, thereby emphasizing the contrast in the length of your flawless hair.

Long curls harmonize well with the temple, if their length is at least one centimeter. Also, if a girl has short hair, then the length must be selected 0.

If you have shaved both temples, then if your hair is long enough, experts stick to braids, ponytails or.

When does shaved hair grow back?

Often there are problems associated with regrown hair on a previously shaved area. To solve this situation, you can use several tips, in particular:

  1. Firstly, you can hide this area with long hair. But this advice does not apply to everyone, if the zone is large enough or you have relatively thin hair. This problem can be solved with false strands, which you can make in any beauty salon.
  2. Secondly, it is also possible to use various types bandages.
  3. Thirdly, use gels to style overgrown curls.

Fashion dictates its own rules, and even men are forced to follow them. If earlier their hairstyles had mostly boring and monotonous shapes, now everything has become different.

The usual asceticism in styling is a thing of the past; hair has to be processed in accordance with new requirements. Today, an amazing men's hairstyle is in fashion, based on shaved sides.

At first glance, it seems that everything is clear with such a hairstyle - the hairdresser saves the temples, slightly adjusts the rest of the hair, and this is where the creation of a new image ends. In fact, shaved sides can only become the basis of a stylish look. Experienced master is able to style such a hairstyle in the most different variations. Let's look at them in more detail.

Pros and cons of a haircut with shaved sides

Short hair - great option for those who value their time and want to look neat and well-groomed, regardless of the time of day or their age. Such haircuts are done by both young guys and adult men who have long passed the line of maturity. Shaving the sides is even more preferable in this regard. This hairstyle has a lot of advantages:

  • Easy to care for. By getting a haircut with shaving the temples of your head, you will save your time on styling. Of course, you will have to take care of your hair, but compared to owners of other hairstyles, you will do everything necessary procedures much faster.
  • Variability. The sides can be decorated in different ways. By contacting nice salon, you will become the owner of a stylish and, most importantly, unique hairstyle. With such a hairstyle, it will be flattering to attend bright, crowded events, star in programs, and simply live.
  • Versatility. There is probably no person who would not like a haircut with shaved sides. Everyone wears it: both little boys and men old enough to be their fathers and grandfathers. Moreover, based on this haircut, you can make any hairstyle that is more suitable for one or another age category: elegant classic or extravagantly bold.
  • Simplicity. Advice on choosing an expensive and highly qualified hairdresser cannot be neglected. However, anyone can master the skill of creating a haircut with shaving of the temple parts. Creating a hairstyle takes a minimum amount of time - if you have experience, the master will reproduce it within half an hour.

No haircut is without its flaws. There are also some disadvantages to a hairstyle with side trim. Let's take a closer look at them, because before you decide to change your image, you should learn all the subtleties of the new style, even if they are not very pleasant:

  • The hairstyle will look ridiculous if you have bald spots on your head. In this case, you will have to completely reconsider your decision to cut your hair this way.
  • In the presence of large scars on the temporal areas you will also have to abandon the haircut, because it will be unable to hide them.
  • Certain haircut variations require daily styling. Mastering this technique can be difficult.

The advantages of a haircut, both quantitatively and qualitatively, outweigh its disadvantages. It is no coincidence that the hairstyle is worn by eminent people known all over the world. However, we'll talk about this a little later. In the meantime, we suggest you consider interesting variations of hairstyles and haircut design with shaving of the temples.

Stop destroying your hair with harmful shampoos!

Recent research into hair care products revealed a shocking 97% famous brands shampoos ruin our hair. Check the composition of your shampoo for the presence of: sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These aggressive components destroy the hair structure, deprive the curls of color and elasticity, making them lifeless. But that's not the worst thing! These chemical substances penetrate into the blood through the pores and spread throughout internal organs, which can cause infection or even oncological diseases. We strongly recommend that you avoid such shampoos. Use only natural cosmetics. Our experts conducted a series of analyzes sulfate-free shampoos, among which the leader was identified - the Mulsan Cosmetic company. Products comply with all norms and standards safe cosmetics. This is the only manufacturer completely natural shampoos and balms. We recommend visiting the official website We remind you that natural cosmetics The shelf life should not exceed one year of storage.

Shaved temples combined with a beard

A beard, like hairstyles, is usually selected in accordance with the type of face. There is not a single man for whom stubble with a certain design would not suit him. In combination with a haircut that involves shaving the sides, the beard looks very interesting and original. Stylists recommend the following image options for men.

The English beard is popular with intellectuals and those people who love to travel. It makes you look like the sailor from fairy tales and movies. The stubble is formed in one wide strip along the very edge of the chin. In combination with shaved temples, a beard looks elegant.

The goatee is ideal for young guys. Grooming this type of beard requires a lot of experience. It is necessary to preserve not only a wide stripe from temple to temple, but also to indicate its good connection with the antennae and lower lip. With a goatee, shaved temples look very advantageous.

Artistic trimming of the beard and temple areas is a real work of art. As a result, you will get a perfectly beautiful and accurate unique image. Patterns on the beard and sides of the head can be designed in different ways.

Those who dream of leaving their stubble without proper decoration will have to reconsider their desires. A hairstyle with shaved sides implies beautiful combination beard hair on the head. Only in this case will your image be complete and sophisticated.

Hairstyle ideas with temple shaving

If you don’t wear a beard on principle, a hairstyle with shaved sides will still look great. The main thing is to choose the right one suitable option. A professional master will help you with this, own feeling style and descriptions of several options in our article. By the way, this list can be continued endlessly - the haircut is so variable.

  • If you leave the hair at the top long (up to 15 cm) and shave your temples, you can do various styling for any occasion.
  • Treat the strands with a fixative and lift them up. You will get the image of a reckless guy with big ambitions.
  • Having combed your strands back and treated them with varnish, you can safely go to a party or some special event.
  • An extravagant styling can be achieved by combing your hair to one side. Such variations of hairstyles are ideal for men who want to visually make the oval of their face narrower and neater.
  • Shaving the whiskey and leaving long bangs, you will get an inexhaustible supply of styling ideas. The hairstyle can be styled in the most daring and exotic ways. It will turn out cute and graceful if you straighten your bangs and comb some of the strands from the top of your head forward. Bangs on one side add spontaneity to your look and make your face look more youthful and attractive.
  • A hairstyle with shaved sides looks beautiful on those who have curls. Curls do not need to be cut as short as possible. It is enough to treat them with varnish and lay them down. The result is a very bright and bold look. Curls can be laid on one side, as well as only forward or backward.

Classic haircut with shaving of the temples

For those who are afraid to radically change their image, it is better to get a simple haircut. Traditional hairstyle with shaved temples is also known as boxing or half-boxing. She owes her popularity to her interest in the world of sports and focus on the images of its best representatives.

For more than two decades, young men have been striving to cut their hair so succinctly and at the same time brightly: to leave long hair on the top of the head, shaving the temples or the back and sides. In the classic version, the process of creating this hairstyle looks like this:

  1. Hair is washed mild shampoo, rinse thoroughly and dry a little with a hairdryer.
  2. Then the entire mass of strands is divided into three parts vertically.
  3. The middle third is divided into two more, but horizontally.
  4. The upper hair should be pinned up or simply left - there are no plans to work with it yet.
  5. Using a comb and a clipper with an attachment, shave the temples and, if necessary, the back of the head.
  6. Then they trim or completely cut the hair with a clipper with a different attachment. top part hair.
  7. After cutting your hair, you need to wash your hair again, dry the strands and style them.

Statistics show that at least 80% of clients order this haircut men's salons. Its process is familiar to most representatives strong half. He is also captured in the video below.

Star celebrities with boxing or semi-boxing haircuts

Despite the fact that we owe the appearance of a haircut with shaving of the temples to athletes of the 20th century, it was very much loved by the creative workers of show business of the 21st century. Most likely, this styling is popular among the most handsome men world thanks to its variability.

The famous rapper Eminem has been preferring a haircut in this style for a long time. His hairstyle is distinguished by its laconicism and clear lines.

Here is a completely polar styling option. Justin Bieber prefers it.

The haircut looks beautiful on Tom Hardy. This hairstyle suits him very well.

We didn’t leave this hairstyle unnoticed and domestic stars. Konstantin Khabensky has been flaunting it for a long time, not wanting to change his appearance.

Sergei Lazarev likes an extravagant variation of his hairstyle with the sides shaved.

More than once Philip Kirkorov appeared on stage with a haircut based on shaving the sides and an unusual styling. In his appearance, the hairstyle looks brutal and bright.

Stas Piekha is more conservative with regard to his own style - he changes it extremely rarely and reluctantly. But one day he couldn’t resist shaving his sides.


You don't have to make a choice star celebrities and go with an example to the stylist. It will be much better if you choose exactly what suits you. Let it be even an ordinary semi-box, but in combination with the right clothes and accessories you will save own style and make the image perfect.

With such a haircut, no man will be left without attention. Bright, independent, simple and fashionable, it has become almost a new trend in hairdressing. Don't you also want to be the owner of a sophisticated hairstyle with shaved sides?

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Shaved temples are now common among very young coquettes, and even on ladies Balzac age, not afraid of experiments. Pop singers were spotted among those who wanted to feel the fresh breeze on their temples - stylish Rihanna, the odious Miley Cyrus, the experienced punk Pink, our compatriot Lera from Ranetok. The singers and fashion models are not far behind. Long-legged Alice Delal demonstrates shaved temples on catwalks and on the beaches of San Francisco and Los Angeles. But most of all, women's hairstyles with shaved temples were loved by the servants of the cinematic cult.

Stunning and always especially feminine blue-eyed blonde Natalie Dormer shaved off almost half of her luxurious hair for her role in the penultimate installment of the Hunger Games franchise.

Her image is literally mesmerizing; Natalie has found the perfect balance between aesthetic tenderness and pretentious rigidity of the look. Shaved temples can also be seen on Noomi Rapace in the role of the hacker Salander in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Jada Pinkett Smith, the actress of The Matrix and the TV series Gotham, as well as the wife of Will Smith, provides excellent proof of the thesis that advanced age- not an obstacle to radical changes in image. The actress and mother of teenagers is already over forty, but she has also succumbed to fashion and looks very refreshed with shaved temples.

There is no classification as such for this type of hairstyle yet. Perhaps over time, hairdressers will develop narrower boundaries and name each hairstyle model differently.

But for now, exactly how to shave a temple is limited only by the imagination of the hairdresser and the girl herself. Hairstyles with shaved temples for women can be limited to only one temple on the right or left side of the head, or symmetrically to both temples. You can shave the entire area from the temple, above and below the ears and straight to the first cervical vertebra. They shave almost to zero, or with an indentation of 5-7 mm in length. Experienced hairdressers can also shave patterns on the temples: diamonds, cubes, arrows and even floral patterns.

The obvious advantage of this hairstyle is its ease of use. Caring for it is very simple: just trim the growing hairs with a trimmer or a sharp razor once every couple of weeks.

This can be done both in a hairdressing salon and at home yourself using a mirror. But the usual image with such a hairstyle will have to be slightly adjusted. Shaved temples expose your earlobes, so it’s better to start wearing voluminous and long earrings. You will have to exclude too romantic ones from your wardrobe ball dresses, or learn how to combine them with rocker accessories and leather jackets.

The main length of hair can be styled with foam, straightened with a curling iron or braided into one or more braids.

But on curly hair, shaved temples usually look much less impressive.

Light waves or elegant curls can be applied closer to the ends of the long part of the hair, but at the roots they must be straight.

An option for the brave is coloring shaved temple. Hair at the temples, from 0.3 mm to 1 cm in length, is often dyed by fashion bloggers in a tone that contrasts with the color of natural long hair on the crown. It can be any color of the palette, the brighter the better. IN progress is underway red, green and blue toners.

Fashion is incredibly fast. Just recently, girls could not even imagine that a women's haircut with shaved temples would one day become popular. Hairdressers provided this service mainly to men. Another well-established cliché is that only young people who consider themselves to be part of some subculture (goths, punks and others) shave their temples. Today you won’t surprise anyone with such a haircut. Women's fashion hairstyles, just like clothing fashion, often borrow ideas from men's fashion. Now girls with shaved temples are not only normal and acceptable, but also beautiful, creative and fresh. This fashion trend used all over the world, all female representatives. They are not afraid to show open temples even Hollywood beauties. On red carpets and celebrity events, you can increasingly see fashionistas with this particular haircut. Just a couple of years ago women's haircuts with a shaved temple were found only in subcultures. But now everything has changed! From now on, this hairstyle is one of the most popular among many Hollywood stars, as well as ordinary women.

The best photos of haircuts with shaved temples 2017

For the bright, bold and young, not just shaving the temple, but shaving in the form of some kind of pattern is suitable. It is important to know that shaving the pattern is not suitable for all hair types. Dry hair is difficult to style, so it will be difficult to apply a design on it. And even more difficult to save. A haircut with shaved temples for girls suggests different types styling and hairstyles. If the temple is shaved on only one side, then styling with hair combed to one side is suitable. They will emphasize the contrast of length, and also demonstrate the haircut in all its glory. If the temples are shaved on both sides, you can safely collect your hair in a high or low ponytail, weave all types of braids and do any other types of hairstyles. It is better to replace the classic bangs with very short ones or comb long bangs to the side. It is important to know that a haircut with shaved temples for girls is a youthful, bold idea and involves following the appropriate style of clothing. Classical, business wardrobe Doesn't suit this haircut. If you still don’t want to radically change your image or are just looking to change it, you can do simple hairstyle, which will show whether a shaved temple suits you.

In the recent past extravagant haircuts met quite rarely and were perceived extremely ambiguously, today the situation has changed radically - many, on the contrary, strive to express their originality and uniqueness, using their hairstyle for this. One of the fashionable and modern trends For women, there is a haircut with shaved temples, which appeared not so long ago, but quickly gained popularity. Stylists have come up with many varieties of this hairstyle, so you can always choose a suitable option that will harmoniously fit into your style. casual look. However, not everyone can afford a haircut with shaved temples; it suits bright and bold, creative and original ladies who love to be the center of attention.

How to create a look with shaved temples?

Women's shaved temples always attract a lot of attention, so you need to think about creating the overall look. It is necessary to carefully consider the style, accessories, and shoes. You can add details or complement the image with rock attributes. You can wear bright stylish earrings, bracelets, rings. Jeans, long T-shirts, and shirts look impressive. Sneakers, sneakers and other grunge-style shoes will complement the look. Sometimes not only the temples, but also the backs of the heads are shaved. At the same time, the strands on the top of the head may remain long. Short nape emphasizes the long neck well.

Being at the peak of fashion, hairstyles with a shaved temple are not suitable for everyone. Experts say that the ideal option would be dark color hair, oval face shape, as well as soft features and beautiful shape heads. Hair should be sufficiently thick and thick - one of the main conditions. If you want to make a haircut “to suit yourself”, remember our tips: A very rectangular face shape is ideal long hair. If you want to cut your hair, opt for long bangs - it will hide sharp cheekbones and make your features softer; For round face Suitable for different hair lengths and long oblique bangs; Square face types need long locks at the back.

The most fashionable women's haircuts with shaved temples 2017 photo ideas options

The advantage of this haircut great amount. It is not only fashionable, but also very convenient, as it does not require constant visits to the hairdresser. You can shave your temple yourself at home. It looks quite bold, but goes harmoniously with romantic images. In any case, you will attract the attention of others. Unfortunately, shaved side haircuts are not for everyone. This perfect option for women with oval and round shape faces and dark color hair. Blondes with thin sparse hair It is better to refuse such a haircut, as it will look ridiculous. A girl with absolutely any hair length can shave her temples; there are no restrictions, since in any case it will look beautiful and stylish. In addition, you can always experiment with the size of the shaved strip. It can be narrow or quite wide. Some particularly daring women create amazing looks by shaving half their heads.

A hairstyle with shaved temples can be made even brighter with the help of a tattoo or complex patterns. The type of coloring also plays an important role in decorating a hairstyle. It can be contrasting, when the temple areas are made darker or lighter than the main hair, or they are dyed in incredible colors - blue, pink, purple, etc. And it can also be animalistic, when the hair on the temples is dyed to resemble the skin of a tiger, zebra, or leopard. Unusual bracelets, open-ear earpieces, massive bright earrings, and neck jewelry will help complete the look. Choose makeup and the right clothing style (rock, casual or grunge). Remember that you will have to discard items that do not match the style.

Fashionable asymmetrical haircut with shaved temples 2017 photo ideas options

This haircut is obtained when one temple is shaved. It is performed both on short and long strands, can be combined with a square. This option with bangs also looks good, and the transition to the temple can be made smooth or sharp. Which side should you shave your temple from? Stylists recommend leaving hair on the side where the hair is thicker and grows better, so the hairstyle will look more voluminous and more impressive. You can emphasize a shaved temple if you comb the strands to the opposite side. This installation is done as follows:

    • comb all hair well;
    • we shift them to the desired side;
    • from the total mass of curls we separate several strands located near the shaved temple and pin them up so that they do not interfere;
    • on the rest of the hair we backcomb it and fix it with varnish;
    • we shift the previously pinned strands and cover the pile with them;
    • We fix the installation with varnish.

Creative haircut with shaved temples 2017 photo ideas options

In this case, the whiskey is not just shaved, but a pattern is depicted or a relief is created. Quite popular are diamonds, zigzags, stripes, leopard prints. Options are also common when the temple is highlighted with a color contrasting with the overall shade of the hair or this place is decorated with a temporary or permanent tattoo. A haircut with shaved temples is a fashionable and bold experiment that will allow you to always be the center of attention and tell others about your originality. At the same time, do not forget to complement your image with appropriate clothing, bright accessories and flashy makeup. Before you decide to shave off the strands at your temples and create for yourself bright image, you need to think through everything carefully and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of a haircut.

Do you like this type of haircut? Share your opinion in the comments!

Changing your hairstyle leads to changes in your life - says a well-known axiom. And if you’re happy with everything in life, and you want to experiment with your hair, what then? Follow the example of celebrities and shave some of the hair at your temple. Variations These women's haircuts will allow you to choose the most suitable hair length for your appearance type. All that remains is to decide on an idea and try it on yourself.

How much hair to leave

When deciding to shave off some of your hair, remember that you are now a hostage to constant hair correction. If you fail, you can grow curls, but it will take a long time and methodically. Therefore, it is better to immediately decide on the style and area to be shaved.

According to the classics

The classic haircut option is triangles symmetrically shaved on each side. total weight the hair remains intact.

You should pay attention to this hairstyle option in the following cases:

    Insufficient hair length. A haircut with two shaved temples will look harmonious on medium to short length hair.

    Lack of volume. If nature has awarded you subtle and weak hair, take a closer look at the option with shaved temples. The remaining length can be styled in any way you like - fluff, curl or smooth, creating the effect wet hair. Absence lush hair no one will notice.

    Features of the facial structure. Not every girl can boast of a face oval shape. This is not necessary. If you are a chubby beauty, or your cheekbones are emphasized square type faces, then shaved temples are what you need. In both cases, the face will appear visually more elongated, and the proportions will be closer to ideal.

Shaved temple

You have hair below your shoulders, and you just can’t decide whether to keep it long or shorten it? Try shaving one temple. On the one hand, you are gentle and feminine, and on the other, you are a rebel with a boyish haircut.

Remember the main condition - long hair will always have to be combed to the side. Otherwise, the haircut will look sloppy, as if you were struck ringworm. And the image will have to be thought through to the smallest detail. Paired with a strict business suit This hairstyle will contrast. Therefore, when deciding on such an experiment, take care of the general appearance.

Modestly shaved temple

If you don’t want to radically change your image, avoid large-scale shaving of your temple. Ask your barber to use a nozzle no smaller than 6mm and limit the shaving area to a small area above the ear.

The haircut turns out to be universal. Firstly, you do not depend on the length and thickness of your hair. The shaved area does not oblige you to anything. And secondly, you don’t have to consider the appropriateness of the hairstyle. To go to the club, just comb your hair to the side or put it in a ponytail. For important meeting wear a low ponytail or let your hair down. This way the shaved part will not be noticeable to others.

Shaved temple and nape

Over the past couple of seasons, girls have literally gone crazy with shaving. individual parts. It all started with one temple, then smoothly switched to both, and ended with a transition to the back of the head. The main thing is to have somewhere to roam.

In general, there are three types of hairstyles with a shaved head.

    Classic. A small, even area at the back of the head is shaved.

    With an image. The back of the head is shaved into a triangle, and then a pattern or pattern is created on a section of short hair.

    With transition to the temple. Not only the back of the head is shaved, but also the hair on the temple is captured. Usually, a small amplitude of the area to be shaved is taken so that the haircut looks harmonious. However, particularly bold hairstyles can affect up to half total number hair in this area.

The classic and patterned version will look original on short and middle length hair Long hair will overlap the shaved part, depriving the hairstyle of the key idea.

A haircut with a shaved temple and nape has no special restrictions on the length of the curls. Together with short hair, she will look especially daring. And long hair will not be able to completely cover the shaved part, leaving behind a bit of mystery.

Haircut ideas for different lengths

Perhaps you have already decided which haircut option you will go to the salon for. And if you haven't yet, borrow some ideas and don't forget to take into account the length of your hair.

Short hair

Short suitable for hair asymmetrical haircut with a shaved temple and long bangs.

Lovers of extraordinary hairstyles will love this model haircut different lengths, with bangs and a neatly shaved temple.

Pay attention to another original haircut. Extension on one side, a pattern on the shaved temple and a shaved stripe from the forehead to the parting.

Look how organically the shaved nape and temples look in contrast with the voluminous crown.

Medium length hair

Medium-length hair allows you to carry out any experiments with your hairstyle. Look at 5 different images with a shaved nape and temple, applied patterns of any complexity and coloring.

Long hair

You have long and Thick hair? Then take an example from Rihanna. Shave a modest triangle above your ear and loosen the rest of your hair casually.

Or sacrifice hair from the temple and back of your head by placing an intricate pattern on the shaved area.

A shaved temple is not a reason to give up your hairstyle. Take a closer look original ideas styling on video:
