Why does a modern person need a family. Does modern man need a family

The family has always occupied one of the most important places among human values. This is understandable, since all people at different stages of their lives are somehow connected with the family, it is a natural part of this life.
It is important for every person to have a family, a home. The family is a fortress, salvation from difficulties, protection from a cruel world. A strong family gives warmth, comfort, peace. After all, at home we are surrounded by relatives who love us, understand us, and always try to help. Happy is he who was born and raised in a friendly family.
Why is a family needed?
The most important people in life are dad and mom, who gave life. Under the parental wing, we spend childhood and youth - the most wonderful time in life. This is the time of knowledge, exploration of the world.
The family first of all forms the worldview of a new person. After all, a family is a model of the world within an apartment. This is where personality formation begins. We follow the relationship of parents, their conversations, their hobbies. Mom and dad are the first and main role models for us. They educate us, pass on their life experience, family traditions.
It depends on the climate that prevails in the family, on how comfortable and joyful the house is, what the child will be interested in. In dysfunctional families, children seek understanding not within the walls of the house, but on the street with strangers. The world is very cruel. A good family is protection from cruelty. How often, already adults, having our own families, in the turmoil of days, we forget to call our parents, take care of our health, visit! And they seem to understand everything and forgive us for inattention.
Starting a family is easy. To make a decision for two people to live under one roof, a declaration of love is enough. Of course, love for each other should reign in the family. But you also need understanding, patience, respect, willingness to listen and help. You need to be ready to sacrifice your time and desires for the sake of your family. It is necessary to feel responsibility to loved ones, to give them your attention.
A family can become truly strong when it passes the test of time. Life is never cloudless. Joys are replaced by sorrows, hopes are sometimes justified, but often end in disappointments. And every family is tested for strength. In a real family, problems are solved together, troubles are transferred together. The house where sincerity, fidelity, unanimity lives, where a strong shoulder is felt, is strong and reliable. Time only strengthens it.
In addition to family, there are other values ​​that fill our lives: work, friends, hobbies, politics. But it seems to me that nothing can replace families. Time spent with loved ones is invaluable.
In Russian classical literature, L. N. Tolstoy worked a lot on the theme of the family. One of the main ones is in the epic novel "War and Peace". Drawing a peaceful life, the writer describes the Rostov family with great warmth. Here they openly rejoice and openly cry, openly fall in love and all together experience the love dramas of everyone. Their hospitality is famous throughout Moscow, they are ready to accept and caress anyone: in the family. According to Tolstoy, it is the woman who creates the family hearth. She raises children, all her life she creates that House, which becomes her main world, a reliable and calm rear for her husband and the source of everything for the younger generation. She affirms the dominant system of moral values ​​in the house, she spins the threads that connect all members of her family. The ideal of such a woman for a writer is Natasha Rostova.
The novel "Anna Karenina" is devoted to the problems of family and marriage. The theme of the family, put forward at the beginning, turned out to be interconnected with public, social, philosophical issues - the work gradually grew into a major social novel, in which the writer reflected his contemporary life. Tolstoy passed a harsh sentence on society with its deceitful hypocritical morality, which drove Anna to suicide. In this society, there is no place for sincere feelings, but only established rules that can be circumvented, but hiding, deceiving everyone and yourself. A sincere, loving person is rejected by society like a foreign body. Tolstoy condemns such a society and the laws established by it.
Thus, I believe that every person should have a family. Neither money nor power will give us selfless love, will not heal spiritual wounds, will not save us from loneliness, will not bring true happiness.

: Previously, the family was created for economic reasons. Today, a person does not need a family to live and enjoy life. Moreover, it interferes with him and creates only problems. So why start a family?

Answer: Indeed, before a man needed a wife to serve him. Children to help him in his old age. A house to have a place to live. Friends, comrades, relatives - in general, the immediate environment.

A person needed to be supported in trouble, in illness, in the end, to be seen off on his last journey. And today he does not need it, there are all kinds of social public services that deal with this.

Do you need a wife? - Need not. He can have a different wife every day. Children? Why does he need children? They still grow up, and from the age of ten he practically does not see them, only when they apply for money. They do not consider their parents, and you will not get help from them in old age either.

Today, a person is cut off from his natural roots: family, wife, children, parents, household. Even the place of work is no longer tied. Previously, they worked in the same place all their lives. Where is it all today?

Question: It turns out that in society there is no longer its main unit - the family?

Answer: Unfortunately, nobody wants anything.

And the goal is an exit to the next level of existence, when we replace egoistic existence with altruistic one. This reveals to us completely different depths of nature, existence in other dimensions, when not our Universe is our home, but a completely different Universe.

Question: How then are relationships in the family?

Answer: They are adjusted only in accordance with what is seen by man as the goal of his higher existence. Proceeding from this, the family is kept, children are brought up. Otherwise, nothing will happen.

Question: Does a family where there is a goal, the concept of "" exist?

Answer: Love is the right relationship that allows you to achieve this highest goal. And no more.

Is the basis for the personal happiness of modern man? Or is it a long-obsolete public institution that hinders rather than helps? Discussion of these topics can often be found in various forums. We will also try to answer these questions.

When did everything start to change?

Many Western social researchers believe that there has never been such a sharp change in life priorities as it is now. In total, for some fifty years, the family was considered a fundamental value in the life of any person, and with a rather strict hierarchy where: the husband was engaged in the material support of the household, the wife raised the offspring, while there were at least three children. But along with the advent of first material prosperity, then the development of social and personal freedoms and, finally, the so-called sexual revolution, everything changed almost overnight.

Propaganda of freedom of sexual relations, protection of personal space and the right to self-expression flowed like a river from all mass sources of information. Naturally, the family and the values ​​associated with it are an anachronism that has become obsolete and binds a person hand and foot.

And what are the consequences of the changes?

As there is no color only black or white, so this change has a good side, and not so much.

A family

  1. The woman became an active participant in public life. She gained civil rights as well as the freedom to choose her own destiny. Now no one forces you to live according to the accepted pattern, but to look for an individual path in life.
  2. The equality of men and women is not only confirmed by the public, but also by law.
  3. Freedom of sexual relations with the right to choose a partner. To do this, now there is a great variety of reliable contraceptives, all kinds of sites with a search on a given topic.

But there are not so rosy changes:

  1. Large families have become a rarity these days.
  2. It is rare to find people who have been married for more than twenty years.
  3. Statistics notice an annual increase in patients with mental illness.
  4. The number of suicides is growing from year to year.
  5. Most take responsibility for other people's lives.
  6. A much more criminal environment is becoming more tense, even among schoolchildren.
  7. Abuse of bad habits began from an earlier age.
  8. The level of education has decreased significantly, as well as the average indicators of intelligence and cultural upbringing of a person.
  9. Now a huge number of children are being brought up in single-parent families or without one at all.
  10. Significantly reduced the number of white nations.
  11. The number of nursing homes, all kinds of shelters, and so on has increased.

This is not yet a complete list of these transformations and, unfortunately, the statistics for some of them are becoming more and more sad. And despite the fact that there are positive changes, there are still many times more negative ones.

And now let's try to answer the main question: has modern man become happier without a family? Judging by the data above, not really. Then perhaps the family is not so useless, as some supporters of ephemeral freedoms claim?

What is the meaning of family relationships?

Before answering the main question of this article, let's look at what functions the family still performs in a person's life. Here are the following:


This has always been one of the main reasons for starting a family in almost all times. Of course, it is much easier to raise a child when there is a father and mother. It is easier both from a material point of view and a psychological one.


Unfortunately, very often our country, as well as the whole world, at least once every decade is struck by some kind of monetary crisis with different severity of consequences, in the form of: unemployment, depreciation of material resources and other things. These hard times are easier to survive together than alone. In addition, with a joint budget, you can afford everything much more than with an individual one.


Close people are the first to come to the rescue, at least in the form of psychological support. Since they are interested in the moral and material stability of all family members, it is possible, without expecting any trick, to turn to them for support or advice, which, although not often, are still very necessary.

Other functions can be distinguished here, but these are the fundamental ones. As we can see, there is nothing bad in it, but on the contrary. And all the negative reviews about this public institution are just “horror stories”. Of course, starting a family is not an easy task and should be taken seriously. This is especially true of the choice of a potential spouse. This is where you shouldn't rush. With mutual sympathy and love, as well as the desire to build a family stronghold with a worthy person, this task will be easily solved.

Now more and more people are interested in that, even those who have already started a family do not understand this. The whole problem is insufficient and incorrect knowledge about why you need a family, and what is its role in the world, as well as the lack of faith and desire in a person, since the family is the most important thing in life. Therefore, today we will analyze this issue with you, giving only the most important and main methods and methods, so that each person can not only understand and know why a family is needed modern man y, but also created his happy and successful family and lived a long life with her.

The first thing you needbefore you know why do modern people need a family , try to think and understand for yourself what a family is and why it will be so necessary and important to you. Since there are people who are not at all interested in family and relationships, they are used to living alone, but still, there will come a moment of loneliness in their life when they are a little distracted from their favorite work and build a family and relationships. Since the family should be in the life of every person, it's all about time, and age plays a smaller role here than the very desire and character of a person.

But if you have plans to create a family, and you want to know why a family is needed in order to understand what its role is and how to make it better, then you need to realize and write yourself on a piece of paper what you think about this. If you cannot understand, then take a day off from all your worries and work, and think about the issue of the family, its role, and what kind of future you see when creating a family. Write exactly what you think will bring you happiness and joy, and you will no longer be lonely. You will notice that after the list has already been compiled, you will feel better and set yourself a goal to build a happy and successful life, since you yourself have already learned why a family is needed.

Happy marriage

Most girls have only one goal, it is to get married successfully, for this they need a family. Most marry for money, but only a few for love and to create a family and strong relationships. Therefore, understand what you need, happiness or money, and why you need a family. Since money does not bring joy, only new opportunities and the purchase of expensive unnecessary things. But here it is only your choice, and your experience will tell you how to achieve happiness in family life and you will decide why you need a family. You can read:, it is described in more detail there. But know that family and children are a value that must always be protected.


For many people need a family just to get rid of loneliness. But there are people who hide loneliness behind their favorite work and hobbies, but still in life they will face loneliness and start looking for a couple to start a family. After all, the family will not let you be alone, you will be filled with new life problems, joy and happiness. If you understand why you need a family because of loneliness, then just find and create a family with a loved one who you really love.


The best motive is not just to understand why need a family contemporary man but also to create it, it is the children. Since children are our future, the continuation of the family, the fate of mankind will depend on them. Therefore, think not only about yourself, but also about the children you will raise in such a way that they, like you, achieve success in life and become happy, changing the world in the right direction. Know that children are the main thing in life, as they help us fight laziness, depression, fears, improve our mood and betray joy and happiness. Since you, despite laziness and fear, will look for an opportunity to give children more opportunities in life, and they will find happiness themselves. If you really need a family because of children, and in order not only to be happy in life, then look for a suitable couple, and create a family and you will succeed.

Meaning of life

There are people who have the meaning of life, and it is not just to understand why a family is needed, but also to create a happy and successful family. But due to insufficient motivation and purpose, it is difficult for them to achieve the meaning of life. But this is not a problem, since you have a meaning in life, and you know what you want to achieve in life. It is enough for you to take a break from business and think about why you need a family, and how to set a goal that will lead you to your meaning of life, and there is already sufficient motivation for you, this is a future family and children. Overcome fear and laziness and move forward to the intended goal.


Few families are now built on love, which is why now there are problems with divorces and other problems. Such people either started a family because of money, or because of deceptive feelings and temporary passion. But only those of the few families who built a family of true and pure love are now very happy and successful.

There is a simple way for this, if you want to know why a family is needed, you first need to find and wait for your fate, for this read:, and then you can start building relationships. After that, in order to check whether your love is real, live together before marriage for at least 3 years, this period is enough to determine whether the same feelings have been preserved, if so, then you can safely create a family. Since a family is needed because of the love of two people, if it is not there, then there is no point in creating and building relationships.

That's all that we were going to sort out with you about why a family is needed. By applying all the tips and methods given in the article in practice, you can not only understand why a family is needed, but also create the most successful and happy family and raise wonderful children who will continue your family and change this world for the better.

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