We make crafts from disposable plates. Crafts from disposable plates Craft cheburashka from paper plates

Crafts from disposable plates can be done with children of different ages. What pleases is that the material for manufacturing costs a penny, and sometimes it just lies at home idle. Making crafts from disposable plates is easy. These things are sure to keep kids interested.

Paper plate products

What to do with such material? For example, paper plates can be painted with felt-tip pens, paints and pencils. If there is plasticine, then you can sculpt the faces of animals. Using colored paper, you can create various animals, such as a dog or a turtle. Some make carnival masks. For example, it could be a lion. To create a mask, you need to paint the plate itself yellow, inside you should draw the muzzle of the beast. To create more complex animals, it is recommended to use two plates.

Owl from plates

Considering crafts from disposable plates, one cannot help but remember the owl. An older child can do such a thing. To create crafts from disposable plates, you will need to stock up: glue, two plates, paints, scissors, colored paper and brushes.

Making an owl at home

1. First paint two plates brown, then let dry.

2. Cut out two large yellow circles from colored paper, as well as two white circles with a smaller diameter and 2 small black circles.

3. Cut out the owl's beak from orange paper.

4. Cut one plate in half with scissors. As a result, you will get wings.

5. Then glue the eyes and beak onto the plate.

6. After that, glue the wings to the back of the whole plate. That's it, you got an owl.

Similar toys can be used in puppet theater. You can also make a photo frame out of a plate. To do this, it should be colored. Beautiful jellyfish will turn out if ribbons are glued to the plate.

Frog from plates

What other crafts can be made from disposable plates? For example, a frog. To create you will need:


Colored paper (black, white and red);

Two molds from under the eggs;

A glass of water;



1. Paint the plate, chicken egg molds with green paint.

2. Cut out the tongue from red paper, and small circles (these will be the eyes) from black, white.

3. Glue the tongue on the unpainted side, then fold the plate in half.

4. Then stick the "eyes". That's all, the frog is ready.

Crafts from disposable multi-colored plates

Colored crockery is also for sale. Plates, as you know, do not need to be painted. You can create crafts from them right away. For example, if you can cut fish out of colored plates. You can place them in an aquarium drawn on paper.

Bouquet for mom

If, in addition to plates, you also have plastic cups, then you can make an interesting gift with your child.

To make a bouquet you will need:


Green and white plastic plate;

Yellow plastic cup.

Making crafts from disposable plates

1. Cut out chamomile petals from white paper, and stems from green paper. The bottoms of the cups will become the cores of the flowers. They also need to be cut.

2. Then glue all the details of the chamomile.

3. Put the resulting flower in a yellow cup. That's all, the bouquet is ready.

A small conclusion

Now you know how to make crafts from disposable plates, photos of interesting products are presented in our article. We hope that thanks to our recommendations you will be able to create fun little things at home. Such activities will develop the imagination and creativity of the child. Good luck!

The undoubted advantages of disposable plates are their volume, clarity of form, the presence of sections; the fact that these plates are easy to cut or paint. All this makes them an indispensable material for children's creativity. The simplest thing is to take a plate and paint it; add some elements of colored paper, cardboard, plasticine to the craft. Disposable plates are an ideal basis for panels, decoupage. Since the plate is easily cut with scissors; bends in the right places, you can create crafts from several of these plastic or paper circles drawn together.

See what interesting solutions your colleagues offered to pupils. The pages of this section contain a lot of step-by-step master classes for creating original crafts from plates. Teach children to think outside the box, to notice something original even in ordinary things.

We make outlandish animals, birds, fish and something else from paper plates...

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Disposable tableware can do a good job not only during a holiday or at a picnic - if desired, it can be easily turned into a multifunctional material for children's creativity. Crafts from disposable tableware are distinguished by ease of manufacture, volume, clarity of form and variety. Making something out of disposable plates for kids is a doable task, regardless of the age and skill of each child. They will gladly act on the instructions of an adult to get the desired result.

50 cool ideas for kids

Leo is as relevant as ever. By the way, his eyes are made of plastic spoons.

A cat with a chenille wire mustache is adorable.

A dog from the same series. Moreover, if it is not expected that the finished composition will be stored, one eye can be used repeatedly. Yes, and water-soluble paint, for example, gouache, is easily washed off, so it will be fun to play even with only one paper plate.

And here are some more funny cats and dogs, already from two plates each.

The decorative panel "Cheerful whale in profile" will also require a little more drawing and cutting on paper.

But on a half-faced rhino, you can cut it out of one plate.

Cheeky monkey.

For bird lovers.

Two types of aquariums and a turtle.

A couple of insects. I like that they have moving parts. The worm hides in an apple, and the ladybug's wings will hide, for example, congratulations or the baby's daily routine.

Great idea! A real chameleon. The lower plate is painted in different colors (before that, it may well serve as a palette), and the lizard itself is cut out in the upper one. You rotate the top piece and the chameleon changes color. Magically!

Paper plates can be turned into Noah's Ark or UFO.

And here are some interesting bunnies. The first serves as a basket for sweets.

And the second is a whole developing game. You need to feed the bunny with cookies with the number of chocolate chips that fell on the card. Bunny happy!

Paper plates are great musical instruments. Stationery rubber bands stretched on the "banjo" will really sound.

And for a real tambourine, it is better to provide a cymbal structure with bells.

Do you have a lot of plastic dishes lying around at home and you do not know what to do with it? Our advice to you, in any case, do not throw it away, because from such improvised material - seemingly quite primitive, you can create some home decorations for the New Year holidays with your own hands. Thus, you will save money and reveal yourself as a talented person. And the atmosphere of celebration in your home will take on the proper form. With such elementary things, you will have a unique opportunity to show off your individuality in front of guests and relatives. So, let's get acquainted with our article, which will provide you with 4 photos of ideas for wonderful crafts from disposable tableware for the New Year 2020 with your own hands, made extremely quickly and easily. If you do not have the skills of this skill, you can freely acquire them with the help of our master classes containing information that is understandable.

Snowman from a disposable cup

Snowmen are now being made with their own hands for the New Year 2020 from anything. Another interesting idea is a craft from a disposable cup.

This will require:

  • Disposable tableware - cups;
  • colored paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Paints;
  • tassel;
  • Textile.


  1. Since the glass is white, it does not need to be repainted. On its surface you need to draw eyes, nose and mouth. For a fabric toy, you need to make a hat and a scarf. To keep these products stronger, you can use glue.
  2. Arms, legs and buttons are best made from colored paper and glued to the surface. It turned out to be an excellent snowman for the New Year 2020, made by hand from disposable tableware. This craft is quite suitable for children, for self-production.

Video: master class for making a snowman from disposable cups

Christmas tree made of plastic spoons

A simple master class will be interesting for both children and adults. The result is a beautiful craft in the form of a Christmas tree, created with your own hands for the New Year 2020 from disposable tableware. As you can see in the photo, with its appearance it looks more like a purchased toy than a self-made one.

This will require:

  • Plastic spoons;
  • Cardboard;
  • Scotch;
  • acrylic paint;
  • tassel;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue thermal gun;
  • Christmas tree decorations.


  1. From cardboard you need to make a cone and fix it with tape. After that, the spoons need to be painted green and allowed to dry. From each product, it is necessary to cut the handle and for the Christmas tree the part with which they eat will be used. The cone itself should also be coated with acrylic paint.
  2. Then, using a glue gun, each spoon must be attached to the cone. So you need to do until the whole Christmas tree is in green branches. You can attach a finished star to the top or make it yourself. And over the entire surface you need to glue bows, beads and other decorations. A wonderful Christmas tree is ready, which will look very beautiful absolutely anywhere. When creating such crafts from disposable tableware for the New Year 2020, another instruction can be used with your own hands, because there are many ways.

Vase from disposable straws

You can make a beautiful vase from ordinary straws from juice or other drinks. It turns out a very beautiful craft for the New Year 2020, made by hand from disposable tableware. This is not just an unusual decoration for the home, but also useful, since artificial flowers can be placed in this kind of vase. All this will perfectly decorate the room.

This will require:

  • Lots of colored disposable straws;
  • Plastic bottle;
  • Glue;
  • Decor.


  1. The top of the bottle needs to be cut off and it is not needed for this craft.
  2. The bottle must be glued with disposable tubes, alternating colors. When the work is over, the product will delight, because it has many bright colors. To decorate a vase created with your own hands from disposable tableware, you can use various decors: ribbons, beads, rhinestones, etc. For the New Year 2020, such a product will become truly excellent and relevant, because the abundance of bright rainbow colors will significantly improve the mood of the entire environment.

Video: master class on making a vase from disposable straws

Decoration from disposable plates

If you are in doubt about what crafts you need to make from disposable tableware for the New Year 2020 with your own hands in order to perfectly decorate your home, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our excellent idea, which we hope you will like. Such a decoration, made of disposable plates, can be hung both on the wall in your apartment, and placed neatly on a chest of drawers as a decorative piece. If there is a desire and children, then it would be nice to present this product to a kindergarten in the form of a present.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • disposable plates;
  • glue;
  • gouache paints;
  • brushes;
  • decorative elements: cotton wool, rhinestones, sequins, bows and much more.

Work process:

  1. Think first about what you want to create: either a snowman, or Santa Claus, or a deer. Everything is up to you.
  2. Take an easy-to-use brush and paint the image of a fairy-tale character of your choice with paints.
  3. Then decorate it, if necessary, with cotton wool, sparkles or something else. For example, you can refer to the ideas presented in the photo. A great option, quite cheerful and colorful. Make your wishes come true and get excellent crafts for the New Year 2020, created by yourself from disposable tableware.


So you have learned how you can create a variety of crafts from disposable tableware for the New Year 2020 with your own hands in an original and simple way. Transform your house in a chic and interesting way and the mistress of the coming year - the White Metal Rat, will reward you with good luck, prosperity and great happiness. Happy holiday, dear friends! All the best to you!
