June 1 with fairy tale characters. The script of the holiday "June 1 - Children's Day"


June came, June, June
Birds chirping in the garden
Just blow on a dandelion
And it will all fall apart

Sun Festival, how many of you
Dandelions near summer
Childhood is a gold reserve
For our big planet!

Dear friends, the long-awaited holiday of the sun has come for us, the longest holiday is the holiday of sunny summer!

Every day of this joyful, great holiday will open like a new page of an interesting, bright, colorful book. This is a book in which there will be songs, and games, with fairy tales, and riddles, and trips, and adventures! Every day of the summer calendar is red, because every day of summer is joy, rest and celebration!
Today is the first day of summer. This day is dedicated to the International Children's Day and the preservation of peace on earth. This day is dedicated to you, dear children!

1st child:

To all the kids on the planet
The sun shines brighter
On this first holiday of summer
Let's all be warmed by happiness

2nd child:

First of June
Day of Big Things
Day of protection in the world
Little children

3rd child

That's how the holiday
This is how the day
Day of non-adults
Children's Day

4th child:

Children are good
Children are awesome
Without children and life is not life
It's immediately clear!

5th child:

What is summer
That's a lot of light
This is a field, this is a forest
It's a lot of wonders

6th child:

It's clouds in the sky
It's a fast river

7th child:

These are bright flowers.
This is the blue of the height

8th child:

This is a hundred roads in the world
For baby feet!


Dear children, on this festive day, I suggest you go on a journey through fairy tales. But first, we need to prepare for this journey and do a warm-up! Is everyone ready? Then do not be lazy, get to the warm-up!

1. Warm-up for the demonstration of the PIZO instructor to the song "Sunshine".


So guys, workout
You have done very well
Everyone is fit and healthy
Ready for the journey.

For our fabulous journey, we will be divided into two teams, and each team must come up with a name for itself - the name is not simple, but fabulous!
(Children count on the 1st-2nd and choose a name for their team - the name of a fairy tale or a fairy-tale hero)

Baba Yaga appears:

So, so, so, I was not expected!
And they didn't invite you!
I tell you honestly
I will not forgive insults
I will take revenge on you now!
I cancel the fun
I'm kicking everyone out of here!
I won't let you have fun
I answer you honestly
But I want to know from you
What is the holiday here now?


We, Grandmother Yaga, celebrate the red summer, celebrate Children's Day!
Stop being angry Yaga
Well, where does it fit?
Don't waste your energy
We are not afraid of you!

Baba Yaga:

Oh, you're not afraid of me?
Okay, then hold on!
I came up with a relay for you
Just class!

Baba Yaga shows the relay.

2. Relay "Baba Yaga - bone leg"


The first child of each team stands with one foot in the bucket, with one hand holding the handle of the bucket. It is necessary to quickly reach the landmark located at a distance of 5-6 meters, go around it, take the bucket in your hands and run back to your team, passing the bucket to the next participant.

Baba Yaga:

OK OK! won
And they cheered me up.
But I won't give up so easily!
Not! This is not to be.
In competitions and relay races
Agility will be tested!
I decided to go with you on a journey through fairy tales. To visit fairy tales, riddles must be guessed!
This fabulous hero
With a ponytail, mustachioed
He has a feather in his hat
All striped
He walks on two legs
In bright red boots!

Puss in Boots appears. He sings, smoothing his mustache. He takes off his hat, bows low to the audience.

Murr Meow!
Children, hello!
It is possible in another way -
Of course, I'm not a magician.
And not a fakir at all,
I love children and the world.

Children. Hello! Purr, good cat.

And it's not candy at all.
And the relay is waiting for you.
We need to loosen up
Walk through the stories.

My relay race is called "The most gallant cat in the world" muuurrrmeow, and the fastest is meow!

3. Relay "Puss in Boots"

Puss in Boots and Baba Yaga show the relay.

Performance: The first child from each team puts on a hat, runs to the first landmark - takes off his hat near him, turns to his team and makes a beautiful bow, puts the hat on his head and runs to the next landmark - bows, puts on his hat and runs to the third landmark - bows , goes around the landmark and runs back to his team, passes the hat to the next child.

Puss in Boots:

What wonderful, gallant and purring guys you are! Meowmeow - I offer you a riddle about a fairy tale.

Waiting for mom with milk
And they let the wolf into the house
Who were these
Small children?

Children: Goats!

Baba Yaga:

Oh my sweet little kids!
I propose to dance
Show me those kids!

Children become scattered.

4. Dance of the kids.

Baba Yaga:

Like goats I jumped
Never danced like this
I crushed the bones
And you have a riddle from me!

Taking for reinforcements
jar of jam
Takes flight
Helicopter man

Carlson appears.


What are you doing here? Everyone dressed up, washed, invited guests. Is today some kind of holiday?

Puss in Boots:

Yes, dear Carlson, we have gathered today to celebrate one very wonderful holiday!


Hooray! Holiday! I knew it! I love the holidays more than anything! They are always fun, noisy and lots and lots of sweets! Oh, how I love sweets!
And what holiday? Birthday? New Year?

Puss in Boots:

Alas, Carlson, you are a little late for the New Year. But today the holiday is no worse - Children's Day on June 1! And today we are traveling through fairy tales and holding fun fairy relay races!


Oh, how great, how fun, wonderfully wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! I have a relay race for you - “Walk with Carlson”!

Carlson and Puss in Boots show the relay.

5. Relay "Together in a hoop."

Fulfillment: The first two children from each team put on a hoop, stand one after another. The hoop is held at waist height with both hands. It is necessary to walk with a stomping step to the landmark (4-5 meters), go around it, return to your team and pass the hoop to the next pair.


Ah, walking is a pleasure!
I even got hungry
Where is the jar of jam?
It's high time to eat
And you guys don't get bored
Answer questions

Baba Yaga:

So, so, so my sweeties! I see that you are remote! And maybe smart?

Children: Yes!

Baba Yaga:

If smart then
There are questions about fairy tales from me
One, two, three - don't sleep
And respond quickly!

6. Riddles from Baba Yaga

Heals young children
Heals small animals.
Looks at everyone through glasses
Good doctor...

In Wonderland I am a famous cat:
Deceiver, beggar, swindler.
Catching mice is not fun
Isn't it better to cheat a simpleton?
(Cat Basilio)

The man is not young
With short beard.
He is a notorious villain

Walks to school with a primer
Wooden little boy.
Gets instead of school
In a linen booth.
What is the name of this book?
What is that boy's name?

He visits a little light:
Trouble for the owner!
And "puffers" like a poet,
Writes sometimes.
And has a scent for honey
He is called...
(Winnie the Pooh)

As a child, I was an ugly duckling,
And as he grew up, he became the king-bird.
Well, what are we talking about here?
Who is the hero of my riddle?
(Ugly duck)

Mom found her daughter
In a blooming flower.
Who read this book
Knows a little girl.

I am beautiful, strong, powerful,
I am more menacing than menacing clouds,
I'm smarter than everyone, there are no words, -
I have many heads.

The man is not young
In-oh-from such a beard.
Offends Pinocchio,
Artemon and Malvina.
And, in general, for all people
He is a notorious villain.
Does any of you know
Who is he?

Mixed with sour cream
It's cold on the window
Before the wolf did not tremble,
Run away from the bear
And the fox on the tooth
Still got it...

A good girl is walking through the forest,
But the girl does not know that danger awaits.
A pair of predatory eyes glow behind the bushes.
Someone terrible will meet the girl now.
(Red Riding Hood)

He plays a little
For passers-by on the harmonica.
He wants to build a house
To live in it with friends,
And the naughty old lady
Doesn't want to be friends with him.
You know for sure
Crocodile green...

girl sitting in a basket
On the back of the bear
He, without knowing it,
Carries her home.
And the road is not easy
And the basket is high.
To sit on a stump, to eat a pie.
(Masha and the Bear)

He is crooked and lame,
All washcloths commander.
He, of course, will wash everyone,
Wash basin...

I am the queen of the country
Where there is neither summer nor spring,
Where the blizzard sweeps all year round,
Where there is only snow and ice everywhere.
(The Snow Queen)

This story is not new
The princess slept in it.
Fairies are vicious in that fault
And the prick of the spindle.
(Sleeping Beauty)

Baba Yaga:

Well done! There’s nothing to complain about - the children know everything, they understand everything. I don’t even feel like doing harm and dirty tricks, but I want to do something good. I'll invite you to visit another fairy-tale heroine!

Fairy appears.

I am Cinderella's godmother
Kind fairy
Guys, I like your idea
And I have a relay for you
Help Cinderella
Right now!

7. Relay "Help Cinderella"

Performance: The first child of each team has a bucket of "garbage" in their hands: - cubes, cones, paper balls, etc. It is necessary to run to the hoop, located at a distance of 5-6 meters and pour out the "garbage" there, run back to your team and pass the empty bucket to the next child. He must run to the hoop, collect the "garbage" in a bucket, run back to his team and pass the bucket with "garbage" to the next participant, etc.

Well done, guys, helped Cinderella and I invite you to an oriental fairy tale! Are you ready to dance the cheerful Aram Zam Zam dance?

8. Dance "Aram-zam-zam"


So our journey through fairy tales has ended, but the holiday continues! I suggest you draw what you liked and remembered most of all in our fabulous journey.

Children take colored crayons and draw on the pavement.

List of used literature:

  1. "Physical holidays in kindergarten" T.E. Kharchenko, CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2011, St. Petersburg
  2. divelink.ru/zagadki-pro-skazki
  3. ped-kopilka.ru/vneklasnaja-rabota/zagadki-schitalki-i skorogovorki dlja-1-2 class

For many years, the first day of summer coincides with a beautiful holiday - International Children's Day. I consider any day of the year to be such a day, but it is on June 1 that public attention is drawn to the smallest citizens of the country.

Today I want to sketch ideas for different occasions, because it is not always possible to organize a standard holiday with rehearsed songs and poems. I must say right away that I did not prepare such a scenario today :-).

I'll try to please everyone! Those who want to give joy to one child, ten kids or a large company. Here are ideas for those who are ready to arrange a holiday with their own hands and for those who have long planned to celebrate Children's Day as pompously as possible :-).

All RED words will lead you to contest pages,
games and interesting ideas.

I collected a lot of interesting things in the article.
can be done at home and outdoors. Here's another (5-7 years)
For a family holiday, a selection is suitable.

Exit to the city!

In order to choose an interesting event for children on June 1, I simply open the “For Children” tab on the Yandex Poster. It is convenient that already in 2 weeks you can decide on the program of exhibitions, theaters and cinema. Each city in Russia will have its own selection, you only need to select your city (you will see a link on the left).

With a company of up to 15 people we go on a theatrical tour. Here is an example description.

For teenagers from 13 years old, we offer very cool and. Prices are very sparing, see the details and call!

At the end of May, you can find out what entertainment programs will take place in the nearest parks. These can be large and small concerts, performances by artists with interactive shows, games and competitions with prizes.


For children 6-10 years old, this one is suitable. You can add some entertainment from, there are very simple props.

Competitive and game program

Considering that I cannot offer a single scenario for all occasions, since the choice of a program depends on

  • number of children
  • age
  • venues (kindergarten, club, yard, apartment, children's camp or sanatorium)

help to choose and

Purpose: To give preschool children elementary knowledge and ideas about the international holiday "Children's Day";


To form motor activity of children;

Raise the desire to show creative initiative, providing equal opportunities for this to all children.

Raise the mood of children.

Equipment: Ball, Big candy with sweets, balloons, (fake) pacifier, soap bubbles, colored crayons.

Characters: Leading; Zyuzyuk; Clown Girl-Veselushka (Performed by adults).

The holiday is held on the street, on the playground of the kindergarten.

The course of the holiday


Hello, Hello, Hello!

We're glad to welcome you!

How many bright smiles

We see on faces now.

Today the holiday brought us together:

Not a fair, not a carnival!

First summer day of the year

Don't let your kids get in trouble.

Today we have a fun holiday dedicated to Children's Day. We will have fun, play, dance and, of course, wonderful guests will come to us. And I propose to start our holiday with a cheerful round dance (song "Big round dance")

Rubbing her hands, with her back to the children, enters Zyuzyuk.

Zyuzyuk. (Speaks in a snarky voice)

Well, I successfully did one more nasty thing: I poured salt into the compote. Let them drink salty compote now! Ha ha ha!

(Turns and sees the hall full of children.)

Zyuzyuk. Aha! This is where I need to be!

Leading. Where is "here"?

Zyuzyuk . Where, where ... Yes, here, where there are a lot of children. I will make my assistants out of them.

Leading . Who are you?

Zyuzyuk . I am Zyuzyuka Bilbedorskaya. You can simply - Zyuzyuk. I heard you have some kind of holiday here?

Leading. Not some, but a holiday of all children who have matured, wised up, become big during the school year. And they came to have fun.

Zyuzyuk . Are these big little kids?! Oh, laugh! (Laughs). I just want to give them a dummy to suck. (Gives the children a pacifier.)

Leading. Wait, wait, Zyuzyuk, to find out if our guys have really matured, you need to check them in games, in dances, in songs.

Zyuzyuk . Check, right? Please! (Pulls out the ball.) Here is the ball. Whoever does not catch him, he did not grow up, but remained a little shorty.

(Starts randomly, deceiving the children, throwing them a ball.)

Leading. Oh no! Will not work! If you play it, then for real.

Zyuzyuk. How is it for real?

Leading. It means - according to the rules. Look, we'll teach you.

Zyuzyuk. Well, we'll see who teaches whom. Held

Hot Potato Game

Children are arranged in a circle, on a signal they pass the ball to each other while the music is playing. After the music stops, the child who has the ball in his hands leaves the circle.

Leading . Guys, I know who Zyuzyuk needs to be introduced to so that she stops playing pranks, and becomes kind and cheerful with the Cheerful Girl. But in order for her to appear here, you need to laugh out loud, from the heart. Let's laugh together!

Children laugh. Zyuzyuk hides to the side, plugs his ears.

Enters under cheerful music the Girl-Veselushka (with soap bubbles).

The children are standing still.

Cheerful girl.Here I am! I heard laughter and realized that they were waiting for me here. Really guys?

Children. Yes!

Cheerful Girl. Do you have a holiday, fun? How I love it all!

Leading. Yes, Veselushka-Veselushka, we all met today and decided to have fun, and Zyuzyuka claims that our boys and girls have not learned anything and do not know how to do anything.

(Zyuzyuk laughs maliciously).

Cheerful girl.And I think it's quite the opposite. The guys in the school year did not waste time in vain. For example, do you know, Zyuzyuka, what to do in the morning?

Zyuzyuk . Of course I know! They are still asking. You get up in the morning and immediately start doing all sorts of nasty things, lying and playing pranks.

Cheerful Girl. But no! We will now teach you what to do in the morning.

(performs comic exercises to cheerful music)

Zyuzyuk . Eh, you! You will not be my assistants. Why am I so unlucky?! Why doesn't anyone want to be friends with me?! (Crying).

Leading. And you still ask?! Look at yourself: is it possible with such a mischievous face, on which there is never a smile, to find friends? Only other people are drawn to a kind, cheerful person. Here, look at what a fun dance our guys have prepared. Maybe from him and you, Zyuzyuk, a spark of warmth and kindness will light up.

Children perform country dance

Zyuzyuk (claps hands). What a wonderful dance! I haven't seen this yet!

Cheerful girl.Friends, a miracle happened! Zyuzyuka told the truth for the first time!

Zyuzyuk . How? It can't be! What is it with me?! Who will I be now if I forget how to lie? (Whimpering).

Leading. You will become good, kind and cheerful with us. We will give you a new name. Want?

Zyuzyuk (embarrassed). Well, I don't know... Can I...

Cheerful GirlYou can, you can! And we guys will help you.

Leading. Guys, let's come up with a new good name for Zyuzyuk. (Consult with children). Correctly! The guys and I consulted and decided to give you the name Veselushka-Laughter. We think you'll like it.

Cheerful girl.But from now on, you should only do good deeds and always smile. Agree?

Zyuzyuk . And how to do these good deeds? I dont know.

Cheerful Girl. Here's one of them to get you started. I picked up different colors along the way. But they are unusual. Each of them contains a riddle. Here are flowers for you, you will make summer riddles for children. Deal?

Zyuzyuk . No-o-o. I want to make my own riddles first.


In more often, he lifts his head, howls with hunger ... giraffe (wolf)

Who knows a lot about raspberries? Clubfoot, brown ... wolf (Bear)

Daughters and sons are taught to grunt ... ant (Pig)

The fastest of all rushes from fear ... turtle (hare)

In his warm puddle, he croaked loudly ... Barmaley (Frog)

From the palm tree - down, deftly jumping onto the palm tree again ... a cow (monkey)

Presenter: And now I will give you a riddle.

The forest is full of songs and screams,

Strawberry juice splashes

Children splash in the river

The bees are dancing on the flower.

What is the name of this time?

It is not difficult to guess - (Summer).

Cheerful Girl:Well, your riddles are not difficult. Now it's my turn.

Not a bird, but with wings,

Not a bee, but flies over flowers. (Butterfly).

The gates went up

Beauty all over the world.

The sun ordered: "Stop,

The seven-colored bridge is steep.

The cloud hid the light of the sun,

The bridge collapsed, but there were no chips. (Rainbow).

From the branch to the path

From grass to blade of grass

jumping spring,

Green back. (Grasshopper).

Alenka grows in the grass

In a red shirt.

Whoever passes,

Everyone bows down. (Strawberry).

Hat and leg -

That's the whole Yermoshka. (Mushroom).

Sisters stand in the field:

Dresses are bleached, hats are green. (Birches).

Cheerful girl.Well done boys! And you said (referring to Zyuzyuka) that our children do not know anything. How could kids solve such difficult riddles!

Zyuzyuk. Now I really see that the guys have grown up and wiser. Do you know why? Because I'm slowly turning into Cheerful Laugh. I want to thank them for this and treat them with something delicious.

Zyuzyuk with the Veselushka Girlthey bring in a big candy on a bunch of balloons, inside of which there are sweets. They give out sweets to the children and the presenters release balloons into the air.

Leading. Guys, let's say thank you to our cheerful guests for the treat.

(To cheerful music, the heroes leave.)

Leading. And so our holiday came to an end.

Now take the crayons

And on the pavement draw, write,

What is needed for happiness.

Let your drawings be:

Happiness, sun, friendship.

ANO DO "Planet of Childhood" Lada "

Summer holiday script

Done by: music director

G.o. Togliatti 2015

Summer holiday script

"Hello red summer, hello hot summer"

Goals: continue to improve the health of children, form the need for daily motor activity, enrich the musical impressions of children, evoke a vivid emotional response when perceiving music, develop skills in singing and moving to music.

Preliminary work: repetition of familiar songs, decoration of playgrounds, preparation of equipment for games.

Equipment : music Center; hero costumes;

Members: 2 Leaders - adults,

older preschool children

Cheerful music sounds in the audio recording.

Children go to the playground and stand in the places allocated for each group.

Presenter 1: June, June, June came Birds are chirping in the garden Just blow on a dandelion And it will all fall apart! Sun Festival! How many of you, Dandelions in summer! Childhood is a gold reserve For our big planet!

Presenter 2: Happy first summer day The holidays are here again! Today we celebrate the Day of Protection of all children, And on our happy holiday We look forward to guests!

And while we wait

Let's play a little

Let's dance and sing!

The game "Repeat"

Hey guys, don't be bored and answer all together!

How do you live? - Like this! (put thumb forward) How are you going? - Like this! (go on the spot) How are you sailing? - Like this! (imitate swimming) How do you run? - Like this! (run in place) How sad? - Like this! (sad) Are you kidding? - Like this! (grimacing) Do you threaten? - Like this! (threaten fingers at each other)

Host 2: We played well can you sleep some more? Oh how much fun we have

How the legs are torn to dance!

Dance "Sounding hands" (Children 21,22,11,12,13 gr.)
Presenter 1: Dear friends, the long-awaited holiday of the sun has come for us, the longest holiday - the Sunny Summer Festival! Every day of this joyful big holiday will swing open like a new page of an interesting and bright, colorful book. This is a book in which there will be songs, and pictures, and games, and fairy tales, and riddles, and trips, and adventures! Every day of the summer calendar is red, because every day of summer is joy, relaxation, celebration! And most importantly - it's a peaceful sky above us!

Round dance "Kindergarten" 91 92 gr
Presenter 2: Today is the first day of summer. This day is dedicated to the International Children's Day and the preservation of peace on earth. This day is dedicated to you, dear children. :

coming out Veselinka : Hi all! Girls-swirls, boys-stumps! I am a cheerful girl, everyone calls me Veselinka! Why did you come here? (play, have fun). Yes?! I also love to play. I know such wonderful games. For example Guys, if you agree with me say "YES" - what is the mood, in? - all of this opinion? - all without exception? - have we grown up?Have we done everything? Have we been everywhere? - one for all? - and all for one? - health in order? - Do you have fun? - can you play?
Presenter 1:
There are many games in the world But do not tell everything. Loved by adults and children Play different games.

Game "Fixiesong" .

Veselushka How well you played!

Do you know how to solve riddles? Then listen!


Hear mosquitoes singing

Time for berries and mushrooms

The lake is warm

Calls everyone to swim ... (summer)

A hot ball shines in the sky.

Anyone will notice this ball.

In the morning he looks at us through the window,

Joyfully shining ... (sun)

Collected honey from a flower -

Eat up, my friend! (bee)

Merry: Well done boys! Look how many insects are in the meadow. Each of them is busy with their own work.

Presenter 1: This is true. And you know, Veselushka, our guys also know how to make riddles, and now you will see it!

Song - the riddle "Bead".

Host 2: Well, Veselushka, did you guess our song a riddle? Who were the guys singing about? That's right, about the ladybug!


Look what a summer!

Look what days!

The ray of the sun makes us laugh and tease,

We are having fun this morning.

Summer gives us a sonorous holiday

And the main guest on it is the game.

Confusion game

Merry: I will speak the text, making special mistakes. Where a mistake is made, you should clap your hands; where there is no mistake, stomp your feet.

Songbirds sing: woof-woof-woof.

(Children clap their hands.)

The bells are ringing: zhu-zhu-zhu.

(Children clapping.)

The gray ball in the kennel barks songs in the yard: meow-meow-meow!

(Children clapping.)

A beetle on a tree buzzes: zhu-zhu-zhu.

(Children stamp their feet.)

Gray ducks cry: quack-quack-quack.

(Children stomp.)

The gray goat shouts: mu-mu-mu.

(Children clapping.)

And the lamb by the river: be-be-be.

(Children stomp.)

And the cow in the meadow: chirp chirp, chirp chirp.

(Children clapping.)

And the kids are all sitting, "bravo!" they shout to us.

(Stomp their feet.)

Presenter 1: Veselushka, and at our holiday there are guys who will go to school on September 1.

Merry: And what will they do there?

Leading: And they will tell you about it!

Song "First Graders" (Children 87,82,83 gr.)

Veselushka: Now I understand who the first-graders are!Who's got a frown there? The music is playing again! Is it possible without dancing Listen to this kind of music?

I suggest you play and dance a little!

Dance - game "If you like"

Presenter 1:

This day of colorful summer

He brought us together, friends,

Holiday of childhood, songs, light

A holiday of peace and kindness!

Birds are chirping this day

And the sky brightens


And daisies with cornflowers

They lead a round dance in the field.The sun is shining bright, bright! Streams run ringing! Invite, invite Sing all the guys today!

Song "Draw"
Host 2: This is where the fun ends. It's time for us to part. We wish you all goodbye
TOGETHER: Peace, happiness and kindness!

Children disperse to areas.

I. Introduction

Hello, Hello, Hello!
We're glad to welcome you!
How many bright smiles
We see on faces now.
Today the holiday brought us together:
Not a fair, not a carnival!
First summer day of the year
Don't let your kids get in trouble.

We wish you all good mood and radiant smiles! After all, today is a good and cheerful holiday - Children's Day!

Childhood is golden time
And magical dreams.
Childhood is you and me
Childhood is me and you!

Today, on this first summer day
Even an old stump will dissolve the leaves for us
And every blade of grass will give us a flower
And the mosquito won't bite anyone.
All because the holiday has come,
He united all the children of the Earth
And they became brothers - boys from China,
And sisters - the girls of Uruguay.
Let our skin be different in color,
But we understand all the children of the planet by sight.
We all dream together about one thing,
So that everyone has a family and a home,
So that both us and we are loved
And in childhood, without worries and grief, we all lived.
Therefore, we ask all people
To protect and appreciate us - children!

The song "Adults and children know" op. Rakhimova O.E.
(to the motive of the song "33 cows")

Adults and children know
Yes, it's time for us to know.
What's in the world for everyone
Have legal rights
And it doesn't matter where you live
Who is richer, who is poorer
And what color skin -
You have the right too
As does each of the people.

Every child has the right
Get treated in the hospital if you are sick
Right to food, education,
The right to attention, to a place of residence,
Has the right to a beautiful name,
For joy, for happiness
Happy childhood.

Lots of different smart laws guys protect your life and give you the right to a happy and joyful childhood. Children's Day reminds all people, all over the world, to remember the rights of every child and, of course, not to violate them.
The holiday dedicated to children comes to us on the first day of summer, when green forests rustle, birds sing in every way, the sun shines brightly in the vast blue sky, summer flowers bloom, bumblebees and bees circle merrily above them, transparent wings sparkle over crystal streams dragonflies.

II. game part

1. "How are you?"

How is it going? - Like this! (put thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (go on the spot)

How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How do you run? - Like this! (run in place)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

Are you kidding? - Like this! (grimacing)

Are you threatening? - Like this! (threaten fingers at each other)

2. Relay games

  1. “Shine bright” with the ball.

The participants of the game stand in a circle. The leading child with the ball in his hands is behind the circle. The children and the leader go in opposite directions, saying the words: “Burn, burn clearly,
To not go out.
Look at the sky
The birds are flying
The bells are ringing!"
After these words, the leader quietly puts the ball behind one of the players. All children count: “One, two, three! Run!” The leader and the participant near whom the ball was placed run around the circle in different directions. The one who runs around first and takes a place in the circle wins. The second player becomes the leader.

  1. "Hot potato".

Children stand in a circle. At the command of the leader, they begin to pass the ball from hand to hand in a circle. As soon as the host says: “Stop!”, The game stops. The player who has the ball in his hands is out of the game. Play until the last player wins.

3. Riddles

Not a bird, but with wings,
Not a bee, but flies over flowers. (Butterfly).

The gates went up
Beauty all over the world.
The sun ordered: "Stop,
The Seven Colored Bridge is steep."
The cloud hid the light of the sun,
The bridge collapsed, but there were no chips. (Rainbow).

From the branch to the path
From grass to blade of grass
jumping spring,
Green back. (Grasshopper).

Alenka grows in the grass
In a red shirt.
Whoever passes,
Everyone bows down. (Strawberry).

Hat and leg -
That's the whole Yermoshka. (Mushroom).

Sisters stand in the field:
Dresses are bleached, hats are green. (Birches).

4. Relay games

  1. Relay game "Kangaroo". 2 teams are playing. Rules: hold the ball between your knees and jump to the line and back, pass the ball to another player.
  2. Dance game "How beautiful I am." Everyone plays, becoming in a circle. From each other to the music, the players pass a basket of things. As soon as the music ends, the player who has the basket in his hands must take out one item and put it on himself. The funnier the items, the more interesting.
  3. Game for kids "Collect apples". Three people play (you can play several times). Rules: apples of yellow, green and red cardboard are scattered on the floor. The task of the players is to collect apples of their color as quickly as possible.

5. The game "Edible-inedible"

They sow it, they reap it in the field,
It is baked from flour,
They call it sweet bread
He is:
- Edible!

This one is baked in the oven,
Placed on a flat wall
Brick is called selective,
He guys:
- Not edible!

What grows in the garden
Spreads many leaves
This is a green cucumber
It will be for us:
- Edible!

Made of metal
He knocks like clockwork
This is a jackhammer
For us of course:
- Not edible!

It grows on a tree
Everyone knows this fruit
An apple is called vigorous,
He is:
- Edible!

Covers are sewn from it,
Scarves, curtains, blankets,
There are a lot of fashionable clothes,
It is a pity that the fabrics:
- Not edible!

Well done guys, everything is right, everything is right.
cakes and tarts,
honey gingerbread,
boiled lollipops,
tender cake,
Ice cream with raisins
Everything is edible, everything is so tasty,
Artfully prepared!

6. Fairy tale relay

Core of Baron Munchausen
The core is an ordinary balloon, on which it is written in large size: "Core". The relay participant must "saddle the core", holding it between the knees and holding it with his hands. Thus, he must make the way to the turning mark and back, pass the ball to the next player.

Puss in Boots
The props of this relay race are boots of a very large size (how many teams, so many pairs), a wide-brimmed hat for each team. On command, the participants put on boots and a hat, run to the turning mark, bow there and return back, passing the baton to the next participant.

Fox Alice and Cat Basilio
Team members are divided into pairs. In each pair, one participant is blindfolded and he puts his hand on the shoulder of his partner, who in turn bends one leg at the knee and holds it with his hand. In this position (one is blind, the other is lame), they must reach the turning mark and return to the start, passing the baton to the next pair.

Frog traveler
Props - gymnastic stick. The two strongest participants put a stick on their shoulders, and the third takes it with his hands and lifts his legs off the ground. At the signal, all three must reach the turning mark. If a player hanging on a stick touches the floor while moving, then penalty points are deducted from the team. At the finish, the "frogs" unhook from the stick and stay there, while the "ducks" run after the next participant - the "frog". Thus, the whole team should be at the start.

Baba Yaga
Everyone remembers that Baba Yaga travels in a mortar, helping with a broomstick. Instead of a stupa there will be a bucket, and instead of a broom there will be a mop. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket and holds it by the handle with one hand, and holds the mop in the other hand. In this position, he needs to reach the turning mark, go back and pass the props to the next participant.


  1. Pass the ball over.

For this and the next two relay races, it is necessary to gather 2 teams and build them in two columns, at a short distance from each other. Legs slightly wider than shoulders. Hands up. The team captains have the ball. At the command of the leader, the participants pass the ball over the top. As soon as the ball hits the last standing participant, the task changes. Now you need to pass the ball from hand to hand from below. Rolling the ball on the floor is prohibited by the rules. The team whose captain has the ball first wins.

  1. Pass the ball to the side.

Participants line up, shoulder to shoulder. The team captains have the ball. On command, they begin to pass it to each other. As soon as the ball hits the last standing participant, all participants turn around and the ball returns to the team captain on the other side. The team whose captain has the ball first wins.

  1. Slick ball.

In this relay, the task becomes more difficult - the first two games are combined.
(it is recommended to repeat all tasks first).

III. Asphalt drawing contest

Now take the crayons
And on the pavement draw, write,
What is needed for happiness.
Let your drawings be:
Happiness, sun, friendship.

IV. Final part. Summarizing.

May there never be a war
Let the cities sleep peacefully
Let the sirens howl
Doesn't sound over my head.

Let not a single shell burst,
Not a single one scribbles a machine gun,
Let our forests announce
Only birds and children's voices,
And let the years pass peacefully

All children: "Let there be no war ever!"
