Photos of girls with intimate hairstyles. Women's intimate haircut - fashion trends, how to do at home

A surprise for your loved one - an intimate hairstyle in the form of his portrait or your favorite car!

Intimate hairstyles

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Do you want to cause a storm of delight in your partner? Make an intimate haircut in the form of his portrait or manhood.

Too bold and obscure?
Then choose a haircut in the shape of a heart, cherry, snake, chamomile, stars, traces of a small cat, web, tiger cub or the name of his favorite sports team, a soccer ball, the sign of his favorite car (motorcycle), the date of your acquaintance, female lips, breasts, and everything that your imagination is capable of.

Today, intimate hairstyles are quite popular, - says the master of intimate haircuts Veronika Nikulina. - This is not only a great opportunity to surprise, delight and surprise your beloved man, but also a great reason for a woman to feel attractive, desirable and self-confident.

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The hairstyle option (drawing, shape) is selected based on the woman's figure, her wishes and hair length). For example, if a woman has wide hips, then it is better to pay attention to small and elegant drawings, narrow and vertical, Veronika explains. - With narrow hips, you can choose large and bright patterns. If you are tender and fragile, you can stop at floral motifs. If you love romance, you will love hairstyles in the form of the ocean, snowflakes, storms or sunsets. And if you are a perky and mischievous girl, an imp, a country flag or a witch - just in your style. Of course, in the salon, the master of bikini design will offer you a catalog with drawings and will definitely advise you on which one to choose.

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At first, intimate haircuts were performed with scissors and a razor. But over time, new methods and decor elements appeared: hot wax (it allows you to keep the shape of an intimate haircut for up to two weeks), hair coloring, temporary tattoos (body art), beads, rhinestones and sparkles. According to Veronica, in modern beauty salons you will be offered a special “package” of design services: making an intimate hairstyle of various lengths (with elements of hair removal, hair coloring and decoration with decorative elements). An intimate hairstyle on an all-inclusive basis (with all decor elements) is a fairly attractive option financially.

How is the session

The procedure is performed on a special cosmetic chair. The master, as a rule, applies the drawing chosen by you with the help of special stencils. Or he simply draws by hand (but for this, of course, the master must have artistic abilities). After that, the hair removal area is treated with a disinfectant tonic and wax is applied. The hair that remains, the master usually corrects with scissors and, if desired, paints it in a suitable color using paint for intimate areas. And complements the hairstyle with rhinestones, feathers and other decorations, using a special glue for the skin. The entire bikini design procedure can take from one to two hours, depending on the chosen composition and the complexity of the decorative elements.

In a salon or at home?
In view of the fact that the implementation of an intimate haircut requires certain artistic abilities, the selection of a successful bikini design in accordance with your wishes and image, it is best to entrust an intimate hairstyle to a trusted master. Although an intimate haircut is not available to prying eyes, but it is she who is the trump card for conquering the desired man, so everything should be at a professional level (and not amateur-unfinished).

Read more about intimate hairstyles and intimate haircuts in the article "

To look attractive not only in clothes, but also without it, women all over the world resort to tricks, using this type of body care as intimate haircuts. If you have never heard the details and are intrigued by what a female intimate haircut is and how to make it, then you are here!

Bikini area care is beauty without compromise

Hair growing on the pubis and around the genitals, although natural, needs to be corrected, as well as hair on the legs and armpits. From an aesthetic point of view, a well-groomed bikini area is much better than a neglected one.

For a young woman, it has long been considered decent to remove unwanted hairs in the groin and between the buttocks, remove excess length of pubic hair and give them a beautiful shape.

So, there are several design options for this zone:

  • completely remove the hair in this place;
  • reduce the length and slightly correct the hairline;
  • give the hair the shape of a crescent, heart, etc., remove the rest;
  • dye your hair;
  • use jewelry (piercing, rhinestone stickers), make a tattoo.

How creative the approach will be is up to you: to feel confident in bed with your loved one, not to be shy on the beach in a bathing suit and just maintain beauty, it is enough to remove hairs in the groin area and remove the length.

Curly intimate haircuts look much more exotic and very sexy, and if you often show your body (at a photo shoot, in an intimate dance, etc.), then creativity and courage of a decision are simply necessary.

How to make an intimate haircut for a woman

First, let's talk about the corresponding service in a beauty salon. The master performing such work must be trustworthy, have good recommendations from your girlfriends, or at least work in a decent beauty parlor. The fact is that this procedure involves safety and absolute hygiene - from the sterility of the instruments to the experience of the master.

When signing up for a service, ask in advance how it will go: cosmetic material for hair removal / depilation must be of high quality and used once (this applies to wax), are there necessary preparations for disinfection, in the end, talk to the master - can you trust him intimate area of ​​your body.

Usually in salons they offer a combined option. First, the excess length is removed - for this, a trimmer for an intimate haircut is used. This is a miniature clipper, it comes in different widths, depending on the chosen shape. Then the hairs are removed with wax between the buttocks, around the genitals (optional), in the groin.

The rest of the hair is either dyed in some interesting color - peach, raspberry, chocolate - or left in a natural shade. And give this area a clear shape. Along the line of the selected pattern, the hairs are removed with tweezers, sometimes trimmed.

Then the entire area is wiped with an alcohol-containing disinfectant and smeared with an emollient cream. This completes the procedure, and you can enjoy the beauty for about 2 weeks!

How to choose the type of female intimate haircut

We are talking about the specific shape that you want to give to the remaining hair after epilation (or shaving).

The most popular types have a simple form:

  • vertical strip (the width is selected individually, according to the type of figure or desire);
  • triangle base up;
  • crescent;
  • lightning sign;
  • torch shape (called "New York" by professionals);
  • heart of different sizes;
  • for fun, they cut out the muzzle of Mickey Mouse or a hipster mustache.

There are many variations on the theme of the listed species, and a master with artistic taste and a professional tool can create a complex drawing, a real masterpiece - from the silhouettes of animals to a scattering of stars.

Usually, for simple forms, so-called stencils for an intimate haircut are used. The contour of the future drawing is cut out on paper, then it is applied to the selected place and transferred to the skin with a cosmetic pencil. Experienced craftsmen practically do not use a stencil, but at home you can’t do without it.

You can create stencils yourself or print from the Internet, the main thing is that if you undertake to carry out the procedure with your own hands, do not be seduced by complex pictures, choose something simple and effective, for example, a zipper.

Women's intimate haircut at home

As we have already mentioned, you can learn and regularly carry out the procedure yourself at home. First, read more articles on this topic to feel confident, like a beautician. Get your tools and stencil ready, take a shower and get started.

You will need:

  • disinfectant liquid (alcohol can be used);
  • skin tonic;
  • talc;
  • manicure scissors;
  • hair removal tweezers;
  • trimmer for bikini area;
  • wax for epilation and napkins for it or
  • razor with good blades.

Disinfect metal tools, hands and trimmer. Wipe the skin and hair with tonic to remove the remains of shower gel and sebum. Powder the areas to be cut with a trimmer with talcum powder, remove the length as desired.

Treat the epilation area with wax, carefully remove its remnants with a special oil cloth. Wipe the same places with tonic to degrease the skin.

Transfer the silhouette from the stencil with an eyeliner to the body, then shape it with a fine trimmer and tweezers. To check the symmetry, look at the result in the mirror - the reflection will show flaws that are easy to fix with the same tweezers.

In the old days, no woman thought about removing hair on her legs, in intimate places or under her arms, but today the situation has changed dramatically. Women's intimate haircut is fashionable and hygienic!

Women's intimate haircut - fashionable or hygienic?

Now every loving and self-respecting lady gets rid of unnecessary hair, and women's intimate haircuts have become a fashion trend, which can be done on their own or in the salon.

The reasons for the new trend are varied, one woman strives to surprise her beloved and be the sexiest, the second does it for herself, the third, while swimming, wants her body in the bikini area to look aesthetically pleasing.

It should be noted that by turning on the flight of fancy, you can diversify your intimate hairstyle, namely, beautifully cut, dye, decorate with rhinestones.

The peak of fashion is red and red, as well as all shades of purple and gold. If you're afraid of your boyfriend's reaction to change, try asking him to get a man's haircut - this is also a fashion trend.

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By the way, a properly selected intimate haircut visually corrects the figure:

  • you can lengthen your legs and reduce your stomach with a long narrow strip;
  • for fairly thin ladies, it is best to leave a short and wide rectangle.

How to make an intimate haircut at home

If you do not want to visit salons for personal reasons, you can make any drawing yourself. For this you need:

  1. Cut out the stencil of the desired pattern.
  2. Then circle the stencil on the skin with a contour pencil for the eyes or lips.
  3. Use a razor, wax or epilator to remove unwanted hairs.
  4. After that, be sure to treat the shaved area with aftershave cream so that there is no irritation.
  5. Diversify the design with paint, using only natural dyes so as not to cause allergies.

Video plot

Women's intimate haircuts have already become commonplace, but this is not a reason to stop fantasizing, because with their help you can emphasize your individuality.

In the summer, girls try to appear before the stronger sex in full glory.

If you have no complexes, and you are going to go to a nudist beach, to a bathhouse, or just to surprise your boyfriend in bed, then just right - to make an intimate haircut!

It would seem that - Well, what is so special about women's intimate haircuts? Now, thank God, not the seventies, fashion does not stand still - let lovely women do what they want.

What's interesting is that men often like intimate haircuts of the chosen one, but they are most often embarrassed to ask their wives or girlfriends about it: for some reason, such haircuts are considered something unworthy, and almost depraved.

An intimate haircut is not depraved!

Of course, this is not true. Intimacy, of course, is present in an intimate haircut, but women do epilation of their legs, and no one condemns them for this. In a word, one thing can be said to public opinion: let everyone do as he likes, in the end, for this we live on this earth, and other reasons are quite enough for indignation and moralizing. The main thing is that your hobby does not interfere with anyone else.

The history of intimate haircuts

Since ancient times, the female naked body has always been held in high esteem, and it was not considered shameful to show it.

In the East, for example, with all its taboos and leapfrog with burqas, it was still believed that a beautiful body must have smooth skin no sign of hair. And this was done not only because of the lack of sanitation of the time, but also for more sensual procedures.

In ancient Greece and Rome, the situation was reversed.- it was forbidden to show intimate places there, maybe that's why there was no need for such haircuts. But all sexual prohibitions were lifted in Rome right before its decline, which did not improve the situation as a whole.

Bikini design and intimate haircuts as a trend emerged in the 60s in the West - during the sexual revolution.

Then organized nudism clubs appeared, swimsuits began to be made as open as possible, which required making decisions with an intimate haircut, and the beauty of bodies again attracted attention after such a long break.

At first, an intimate haircut was done with ordinary tools - scissors and razors. With all the convenience of this approach, it was impractical: after cutting with a razor, the hair began to grow quickly, and the delicate skin of intimate places was very sensitive to cuts and microtraumas, which caused a rash and even allergic reactions.

Most of the problems with hair removal in the bikini area disappeared after waxing was invented, carrying out which is not accompanied by skin irritation. In addition, epilation allowed the master to create quite numerous options for cutting intimate places, which resulted in a whole art similar to body art that we can see today.

By the way, many intimate haircut masters have their own professional secrets, which can help the client or client overcome the physical discomfort caused by the procedure.

Intimate haircut rules

  • Women's intimate haircuts it is recommended to do it only in the cabin, since in all sorts of underground workshops there is a risk of catching some kind of infection.

  • In the cabin the hairdresser must work with rubber gloves and use disposable tools.

  • You can choose styles for every taste.

  • Always in fashion will be: "lanterns", "flowers", "snakes". Very relevant this season "butterflies".

An intimate haircut is a great opportunity to change your sex life for the better. For many women, experiments with a "hairstyle" in the intimate area have helped to gain confidence not only in bed, but in life in general.

By the way, beauticians are quite normal about this procedure, putting it on the same level as a manicure or facial cleansing. Sexologists even welcome an intimate haircut in the bikini area, believing that it can diversify your sex life. Yes, and what is there to talk about?

Of course, in our country it is customary to look at the opinions of others, although some girls and women are not afraid to carry out such a haircut "to spite everyone." Others believe that a haircut in the intimate area makes her more confident, not only sexually, but in general in life.

Intimate haircuts today

Today, an intimate haircut is experiencing its rebirth. It has finally evolved into one of the fairly regular hair salon services.

True, haircut masters are still trying not to advertise their secrets. In bikini design, it has become popular to recolor the hair of the intimate area, decorate it with various elements - from sequins and rhinestones to feathers.

This is not always practical, but it looks very impressive on a romantic date or wedding night. Biotattoo (temporary tattoos) and body art are also in fashion - an art that can please the owner from 2 to 5 days. Some jewelry, like feathers, last only a few hours, and rhinestones - up to 3 days.

Intimate haircuts at home

If you are not ready to go to the salon, then you can make a simple intimate haircut at home, and it can even be organized in the form of an erotic game. It turns out that there is a whole community of people - shavers (from the word "shave" - ​​"shave") - who arrange such games for mutual excitement when shaving intimate places. By the way, these games are perfectly combined with an intimate massage.

Stencils for intimate haircuts

A few more photos of intimate haircuts:

There are following styles women's intimate haircuts

Basic intimate haircut

Removal of hair on the sides and along the top line.

Brazilian intimate haircut

The design of this haircut is similar to the basic one, but it involves removing hair from the labia minora, crotch area and buttocks.

Intimate haircut: "Rising sun"

Basis - Brazilian haircut + strip hair removal.

Color intimate haircut

Her basis is a Brazilian haircut + hair coloring.


A very popular intimate haircut. The width of the band depends on your desires.

Intimate haircut "Droplet"

Alternative to Runway. Another popular style!

Intimate haircut "Girl"

"Totally" girl. Ultra smooth.

Intimate haircut "Month"

Intimate haircut Tulip

Intimate haircut Car logo

Intimate haircut

Intimate haircut Herringbone

Intimate haircut New York

Intimate haircut Narrow runway

Intimate haircut Peacock tail

Mohican intimate haircut (two stripes)

Intimate haircut Sign of balance (yin yang)

Intimate haircut Snowflake

Intimate haircut Sonata

Hollywood intimate haircut

Intimate Haircut Dragon

Intimate haircut Lotus

Intimate haircut Tiffany (small "square")

Intimate haircut Heart

Intimate haircut Candle

Intimate haircut Drop

Intimate haircut The first letter of the name of a loved one

Intimate haircut Butterfly

And here are some examples:

How to make an intimate haircut


For any beauty salon, one scheme for performing an intimate haircut and bikini design is typical.

A. After the client has chosen a drawing, he goes to the beauty couch. By the way, you can offer the masters your own sketches.

B. To cleanse, disinfect and degrease the skin in the area where depilation will be performed, use a tonic.

C. This is followed by the application of the drawing itself, with or without a stencil.

D. After that, talc with menthol is used to treat the entire area. Thanks to talc, a protective layer is created between the wax and the skin, and menthol has a slight anesthetic effect. And only after these preparations begin to perform depilation with wax.

E. A spatula is used to apply the heated wax to the skin, and then, after a few seconds, a film begins to form on the surface of the wax, it is removed. For this, various techniques are used.

F. After removal in the "bikini" zone, they begin to process the "deep bikini" zone, that is, remove all unwanted hair that grows in the anus and perineum.

G. This is followed by a haircut directly to the most intimate hairstyle and hair coloring. With natural dark hair, when you want to add brightness to the picture, the “very light blond” paint is initially used, and then the paint of the selected shade.

H. After half an hour, the paint from the hair should be washed off and the talcum powder should be used again for the entire depilated area. And then it's time to decorate.

I. Henna is used to draw the outline of the drawing and supplement it with small details. For the durability of the picture, permanent tattooing is used. But in practice, clients do not come to restore hairstyles so often, as they prefer experiments.

Contraindications for bikini design
First of all, the client must be examined by a specialist. Contraindications for bikini design are the presence of fungal diseases, inflamed lymph nodes, skin irritations, sunburn or after a solarium.

Is it possible to catch any disease in the cabin?
This is influenced by the accuracy of the specialist. If a glove is put on his left hand or it is wrapped in a disposable napkin, and it touches only the body, and his right hand only touches the wax, then it is impossible to infect the client. And during the procedure, the mucosa is not affected.

What position is used to perform a "deep bikini"?
The client is located in a way that will be convenient for both him and the master. Most often, he lies on his side. Sometimes - it gets on all fours, and sometimes a roller is simply placed under the lower back. Anesthesia is not used, since painkillers practically do not work in this area. When using special creams, anesthesia is very superficial, and its effect begins only forty minutes after application. Only through the use of special techniques, the procedure becomes less “sensitive”.

First of all, before going to the salon, the client talks on the phone with a beautician or administrator. Most often, for the implementation of a bikini design, they go to the beautician with whom they have already worked before and there is trust. As with bioepilation on any part of the body, there are some prohibitions when performing a bikini design. For example, depilation is prohibited in the presence of injuries and irritations on the skin, sun and solar burns.

Bikini design is prohibited after thermal procedures, shower, bath, sauna are taken, as the skin becomes more sensitive due to steaming. The hair to be removed should have the most optimal length of five to seven millimeters, if they are longer - it's okay, but if they are shorter, it is undesirable.

After the procedure is completed, it is forbidden to use any shower or intimate hygiene products, as well as washcloths. It is also impossible to get a tan, both in the sun and in a solarium. Menstruation also affects: bikini design should not be done three days before and three days after it, since this period is characterized by an increase in skin sensitivity.

You can also contact the salon just for a consultation to determine what will emphasize your sexuality. Intimate haircuts are characterized by the presence of their own nuances and subtleties. It is necessary to take into account one's own individuality: body structure, skin color, density and height of hair in an intimate place, even temperament and character.

If the master is a good specialist, he will study the characteristics of the client, and only after discussing all the points and choosing the right haircut, will he begin the procedure itself. According to experts, it is best when the client retains a natural look for the procedure, that is, the natural length and thickness of the hair, since in this case the master has the opportunity for imagination and creativity.

After the intimate place is fully prepared for the procedure, for example, when a complete and thorough washing is completed, the time is right for a computer image, and then, based on it, the client and the master select the appropriate form or pattern. There are cases when a woman has an individual intolerance to epilation in an intimate place, so the master will give advice on which procedure to perform.

If you made a simple haircut with shaving, then, depending on the growth of the hair, you will need to re-apply to the master in about a week. When applying a superficial haircut, which uses epilation, that is, the hair follicles are deeply removed, one haircut will last about a month. If not only a haircut was used, but also a partially colored tattoo, then only the hairline needs to be kept in shape, and the pattern changes over time, like regular tattoos.

If you are planning a special evening and you want the look to be even more charming and sexy, the master can offer gel, rhinestones and sparkles to decorate an intimate hairstyle. If it was decided to recolor the hair, then the color will last for two to three weeks.

The purpose of such a haircut is the eyes of a loved one, and not strangers, and the more piquant and mysterious it is. You need to take advantage of this and give your image an intrigue. In addition, summer is in the yard, the days of vacation and rendezvous with the sea are approaching. So, you can easily become a star on a nude beach!

Intimate haircuts video
We suggest you watch the video of intimate haircuts and design in the bikini area. This is a step-by-step master class with different methods of epilation: epilation of the bikini area with sugar caramel, hair removal with depilatory cream, epilation of the bikini zone with warm wax, intimate haircut with an electric razor. As well as bikini area design options: stencil design, henna design and intimate haircut decoration.

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