How to correctly ask a man for money. Secrets of male psychology

Whom to ask for money?- Men! They are richer and therefore should fork out for us beautiful and tender, decorating their lives ...


Kind of on loan

Say you'll give it back as soon as possible. A man will “accept” this option if you are not indifferent to him. Then the "debt" will simply be forgotten ... believe me!

In any other case, you will hear “What are you!”, “How can you say that?”, “What kind of nonsense?!”, “What nonsense!”. And if a man is not very decent, then you can hear a lot of swear words ...

Cunning is not a hindrance!

If you have money - buy yourself what you want and show it to your loved one. Hint that this thing has been wanted to buy for a very long time and that it is wonderful and necessary. Do not forget to announce the price "with fat" and then expect a refund of the purchase.

Sell ​​him something for himself!

Buy your loved one something that, as you thought, would not interfere with him. Announce the price with percentages and praise the gift. The main thing is that you need to make this gift on a normal day. Look - do not get on any holiday or on his birthday, you will not return the money for sure ... The only thing is to hope for reciprocity.

Say directly "We need money!"

Just say you really need the money. You can also add what exactly you want to spend them on.

What men can quickly give money to a woman?

Men are most willing to give finances for such little things and little things:

  • Peignoir

They are sure that for their sake women buy "such"! It flatters them even. And not to a small extent. Although the stronger sex did not even think about the degree, in principle.

  • Pads and tampons

They know that women definitely cannot do without these things until a certain age. Men also know that these "things" will never be cheap.

  • Perfume

Women must smell good! And this is a strong male conviction. And women are happy about it. It remains only to please your male "half" with taste! Hard to please, however!

  • Training apparatus

Such an object is associated in men not with health, but with the “tuning” of the waist and figure. Statistics have already proven more than once how men love slim!

  • Underwear

Men can buy it, but most of all, of course, they love to take off underwear from women ... beloved and beloved. But the purchase will definitely be appreciated as it should be, at its true worth!

  • miniskirts

The shorter, the more attractive! Color and style don't really matter. For a man, in fact, the length is the main "component".

  • Cosmetics

The only condition... No lipstick, no shadows, no mascara should not be much! They ... (men) do not like it when the face is full of "plaster". Naturalness "cosmetic abundance" hides everything.

  • Hair dye

This item is on the list for a reason. It happens that men want to see their girls or women not as blondes, for example, but as brunettes. Or vice versa.

  • Tights

Sexy thing! Tights often "figure" in men's fantasies. Like the little thing that is "located" below the line. But we will talk about it separately ...

  • Stockings

Are they not wool, but transparent or translucent? Wonderful! You bought what you need! The man will not take his eyes off your feet! The only thing left to do is check...

  • Products

In vain they are the last in points! Men and food are something inseparable, or something. Love and passion for food is probably more noticeable than a similar feeling, but for the opposite sex.

How to cunningly ask for money from men, so as not to be refused?


Say that you really want to buy this or that little thing, but you do not have enough money for it. That man, in whom greed does not live, will immediately respond to the request. After all, gentlemen do not keep ladies waiting ....

With light, playful, but instructive sarcasm

One sentence is enough:“If you want to see me beautiful and charming, give me money for “beauty” or buy what I ask you yourself.”

Not all beauties will be able to express themselves so “clearly”. Conscience either torments or does not allow. But the other contingent was more fortunate (if the men come across complaisant). Women will say such a magical phrase and ... - everything immediately appears to them. Only the legs then get tired of the “journey” to various shops and hypermarkets ...

Generally, true gentleman and he himself will give his beloved and beloved money "for pocket expenses."

He doesn't need to be asked for it. Men have intuition too! They do not always use it, but only when there is a great need for it.

Extreme way!

Is the man stingy? - Find out the code of the card, look for it from him. Go to an ATM and withdraw money. Don't forget your card at the ATM. Do everything so that this device does not “swallow” it. Well, don't take too much.

It's not good to do so! And you figured it out as you read. So, this method does not suit you, but such a quality as honesty will do!

You, in fact, should not have the question “how to ask for money?”

In the event that next to you is reliable person, he will understand when and for what you need finance. And of course, they will! If you resist, he will buy everything that you dream of.

Very, very necessary, but too shy to ask?

Why can't you?

Possible reasons:

  • Blame embarrassment

Why be ashamed?! You are not at stranger ask! And do not steal, which is most important.

  • Integrity gets in the way

Forget principles! Better think about the fact that you can offend him in a healthy way. Not the fact that he will forgive you later.

  • Not used to asking for money from a man

Well, you know! You'll have to "fit" all this into your habit!

  • We promised ourselves that you would not ask or borrow from the opposite sex ...

You gave this word only to yourself! Means…. You can break it if you really, really need to.

  • You never did

Everything happens for the first time, dear women! Just do not be impudent in the "scale" of your request.

  • Do you want to appear independent?

Be with "naturalness"! The truth will “come out” anyway, either now or later!

  • Afraid that a man will think badly of you

Do not be afraid! Your fear of thoughts will not change it and will not solve anything.

  • You are very scared

You think that he is able to humiliate or laugh at you if he hears such a request. Such a person is not worthy of you (if you are sure in advance that he is able to say this).

Tell the man you want to surprise him- he will smile, and “regret” the money without hesitation! Love making surprises? Do you know how? Then luck, beauties, is on your side! Do not miss the "bird of happiness"!

The last option -

What a delicate situation for a woman to ask a man for money. This question arises not only among amateurs expensive gifts and unnecessary spending. Sometimes a woman really needs material aid. Why are we afraid to take this step? What reasons lie deep inside female psychology? And how, and most importantly why this fear needs to be overcome - this will be our article.

AT modern world a girl from childhood is prepared for independence. If a woman wants to respect herself and be independent, she must do everything herself: work, provide for herself, pay for all her whims. It is not surprising that in an exemplary student of such a system, at the moment of the request, the limiter is triggered. After all, material assistance makes a woman dependent and indebted, humiliates her dignity, hurts her pride. All these prejudices slow us down when we need to act. As a result, the request for help is either postponed altogether, or due to internal constraints, it sounds like an order or a plea. To start, remember important point. The man wants to give you money. The man is a provider. Next to a woman, he wants to be strong, able to solve her problems. The independence of a woman only scares the opposite sex, instills in him a sense of failure. By its nature, the stronger sex is initially looking for a companion that they can take care of. After all, how can they manifest masculine qualities if the lady herself is able to resolve her issues? Your requests will once again give a man a chance to feel needed. In addition, touching weakness will make you even more feminine in the eyes of a young man. So, when you have clearly realized that it is not only “convenient” but also useful to ask a man for money, learn to ask with dignity. Women make the following mistakes:
  1. Hints are used instead of a direct request. It should be understood that men are arranged differently. The phrase “Oh, what gloves I saw in that store” will not be a direct instruction for a man to help.
  2. They don't ask, they demand. Most often this happens when a lady is not sure that she is doing the right thing when talking about material means. Also, sharpness is a consequence of a long wait. At first, a woman tries to help herself, and when she can’t cope, she goes to a man with displeasure. But no one wants to be pressured. In addition, an aggressive woman does not look attractive at all.
  3. They do not ask, but try to manipulate. The phrase “You must!” sounds. A man realizes that he really should take care of his companion, but such care will definitely not bring him pleasure.
Major Mistakes excluded, then the time has come for the right actions:
  1. Asking for money will not make you dependent on a man. Remember the desire of the man himself to help you financially.
  2. Remind yourself of your problem. Patiently talk to him a second, and a third, and a fifth time. Men are designed in such a way that they need to realize your request. And in the end, as if to come to the decision to give you money.
  3. Give up the habit of hinting. Only directly and only specifically express your position. Otherwise, you risk not conveying the meaning of the request to the man.
  4. Don't start a conversation when your partner is upset or tired. Let him be full, rested both in body and soul.
  5. Don't be a victim. Speak with dignity.
  6. A man must believe that only he will cope with your problem. Believe it yourself when you start a conversation about money.
  7. Be grateful. Give a sincere compliment to your young man. How lucky you are to have him! How do your friends envy you! How delighted everyone will be from the acquisition that you will make with this money!

That's all the recommendations that will help you throw off the shackles of self-doubt, fear, shame. Just remember that asking for money should be within the power of a man. No man is happy if he can't decide material problems his woman.

There are at least 4 rules according to which you will be able to beg for money even from a stingy lover. The question will be answered by a mega expert and womanizer.

My name is Maxim Pavlovich. I have lived in the capital for almost 55 years.

Immediately agree: you read the article to the end.

And I will try to reduce it to the maximum possible limits.

* The main rule: You ask your lover for money not for your own, but for his needs.

This is a kind of trick, deception.

For clarity, a few examples.

Maxim, it will become much sweeter for us if we buy an exciting cream. It is a little expensive, 3000 rubles, but a friend says that it is worth it - ingratiatingly turn to your lover.

By giving you money, he must have a direct benefit from it. Otherwise, he will find himself one that will get naked for a couple of coppers, and even feed him with hearty cabbage soup.

* To regularly ask for money from a lover, write down another important rule on your forehead.

He must be attached to you not only by the bed, but also spiritually, morally, psychologically.

The mistake of many lies in the boredom that your languid meetings bring.

You intertwined, enjoyed, and turned over on your back. And then there is emptiness.

Become not only a lover, but also a devoted woman, a second wife.

Having achieved this, you will not have to ask for money. A man wants to provide for you.

Believe the old man, for I myself act as a lover. At 55 years old.

* Never ask for money for medicines. We don't like it.

The idea to exchange you is immediately born in the brain. Alas and ah, but the lover does not want to pay for expensive treatment.

Let yours do it lawful husband or children.

* Below I will give a few more appeals. Take them as a model.

Andrey, you want me to always look great. We both need this. I looked at perfume. The aroma will drive you crazy. So I decided to ask you for money. The husband is greedy, he will refuse one hundred percent - speak confidently, belittling his rival.

Gleb, I decided to visit the pool and the gym. A woman must keep herself in shape. So that you can still admire me. Subscriptions cost 12,000 rubles. This is a monthly fee - put your lover before the fact, and do not beg for alms.

We love confident and well-groomed women, on which it will not be a pity to spend money.

Marat, when I ask you for money, I know for sure that you are not mean. Of course, I can get by, but if you have the opportunity to do it for free, as a sign of respect for me, I will remember this all my life. Every woman has dreams and desires. It is a pity that you have to pay for them - proudly repeat, raising your lover in his own eyes.

Maxim Pavlovich, a man in his prime.

The material was prepared by me - Edwin Vostryakovsky.


Learn to ask for men u, but don't demand it. Men generally do not understand hints, so their requests must be formulated clearly and straightforwardly. Not every partner has the gift of telepathy, so he will not be able to guess about your needs on his own.

Overcome your fear, feel free to make requests, because if you remain silent, men but he will never understand where your discontent or irritability came from and will perceive it as a whim.

Don't worry about possible failure, your chosen one is more likely to be afraid to hear a flurry of accusations and reproaches against him. It will be easier for him to satisfy your request. However, do not show impudence, consider him, completely taking away his salary for may turn out to be a bad idea, since in next time he will simply refuse you money.

Unfortunately, not all male representatives easily part with the money they earn, so the soulmate can, that for maintenance household that companion men s is his face, she should look accordingly.

After the first request came out of your mouth, you don’t need to make excuses and tell your partner about an unforeseen situation that suddenly happened. No need to make it clear that this is the first and possibly last request. Let him get used to it.

Often, cohabiting couples do not sign immediately, sometimes this subconsciously affects the actions of one side or another. The girl begins to think about who she is to him and why he should give her money. This is living together- This is a marriage, only civil. After registration, life will not change.


It is better to wean your man to remember that you are also paid a salary. He should not encroach on your money, let this amount go to cosmetics and visits to a beauty salon.

Useful advice

Remember that a man loves to be appreciated and thanked in general for his existence, do not forget to say “thank you”.

Sometimes life situations folded in such a way that all money families are in charge husband and when a woman needs certain amount, she must explain for a long time why she needs money and ask them husband. How to be in that case?


modern family mostly equal, i.e., a woman works on a par with a man, also makes a career and earns money. Usually in such families the budget is shared and the spouses decide together where and how much to spend. But where does the husband keep family piggy bank in his own hands, strictly monitors household expenses and does not allow his wife to spend money on her own money. He simply gives them out for the maintenance of the house, for the purchase necessary products and things. If it is necessary to make a large purchase, he himself goes and buys, whether it be furniture or Appliances, or a new coat for the wife. Therefore, in order to ask money with such a master, a woman has to come up with various tricks.

The most reliable and proven way is flattery. Try to flatter your husband for a while and praise his abilities in literally everything. This is especially true of the sexual side of relationships. If you whisper to your husband in the morning how great he was that night, it will give him pride in himself, increase his self-esteem and naturally relax and lull his vigilance. A few of these praises - just do not overdo it, everything should look natural, and you will get required amount on the a new handbag or shoes.
