16 years of marriage what. Topaz wedding (16 years of marriage)

The 16th wedding anniversary is called topaz. In the countries of the post-Soviet space, the date is not very common. Therefore, the Svadbagolik.ru portal has collected useful facts that will acquaint you with the holiday and explain what gifts are usually given for it.

The 16th wedding anniversary received a separate name in Germany by the name of a semi-precious stone. By the way, topaz jewelry will be an excellent gift for spouses for 16 years from the wedding. According to numerous beliefs, durable topaz is considered a talisman of family happiness, drives away doubts and fears, and also helps to make the right decisions. The semi-precious mineral has many shades - from wine-yellow to rich pink. But the color of a topaz wedding is a blue stone, which is called a symbol of tenderness and purity. It is curious that topaz is called not only the wedding anniversary of 16 years, but also the anniversary of 44 years.

Why 16th Anniversaries Are Not Too Common

In the countries of the post-Soviet space, a topaz wedding is not often celebrated. There are two main reasons for this. The first is the tradition of celebrating round dates. And the second is a superstition, according to which a magnificent celebration of the 16th wedding anniversary can negatively affect future family life. If desired, any superstition can be circumvented. For example, to arrange not a grandiose feast, but a quiet and calm holiday, to match a reliable relationship. Indeed, from the moment of marriage, the relationship of the spouses became reliable and strong, the husband and wife learned to find a compromise in relationships, emotional decisions were replaced by calm and balanced ones.

How to celebrate your 16th wedding anniversary

We also bring to your attention a few especially symbolic options for the celebration:

What to give spouses for a topaz wedding

Topaz-encrusted products are the main gift option. It can be jewelry: earrings and bracelets, rings and rings, brooches and cufflinks, pendants or pins. Or accessories: lighters, flasks, antiques. At the same time, the presence of a stone in a gift is not at all a mandatory item. Color can serve as a reference to the theme. For example, your wife's favorite flowers. If they are not found in nature in topaz shades, they can be played with a suitable color in ribbons tying a bouquet and even containers if the plant is potted.

As for a gift for a husband, the topaz theme can be expressed by the color of the package in which the gift will be wrapped. And you can give items related to your spouse's hobbies: accessories for fishing, hunting or modeling, favorite books, CDs and even records.

What to give spouses if you are a guest

Guests are not required to choose a gift for a topaz wedding solely on the basis of the presence of the stone of the same name in its composition. A suitable sign of attention would be:

The listed options can be both in the colors of topaz marriage, and in any other shades that are not tied to the anniversary of 16 years. As a sign of attention, gifts that are not related to the wedding date, but useful, are also suitable. The list of gifts can include household appliances, certificates for purchases, services and entertainment.

It is important to remember that the cost of a presentation is not a determining factor. Do not write off not expensive, but symbolic and unusual ideas. Such as:

  • registered diplomas, created specifically for each of the spouses.
  • Medals a la "for patience", "for perseverance".
  • Photo collages, the pictures of which capture important and touching moments in the life of the heroes of the day. Such a photo collage will be a wonderful gift for parents on their wedding anniversary.

An important component of any gift is the congratulations with which you will present it. You should not focus only on large-scale poems that are replete with the Internet. A sincere wish, even if it is short and in prose, will sound much better.

In the people, the 16th anniversary of marriage is a topaz wedding. It is believed that topaz is a healing amulet that protects the family from evil looks and diseases. Topaz is also called the ‘stone of inner enlightenment’; this gemstone literally fascinates with its transparency and play of light.

16 years old - what kind of wedding is this

Topaz in combination with 16, symbolizing the years lived together, is a powerful amulet. The very number 16 means a life lesson, inner enlightenment, wisdom. This is an incredibly powerful number in numerology. It protects and patronizes those people who value material goods above spiritual ones, and promotes accumulation. Therefore, this year you need to restrain your passions for financial flows, money, because there should be much more of them in the family than in other years.

The number 16 promises many material benefits, but we must not forget about spiritual deeds, thoughts, aspirations. Topaz, in turn, balances these impulses, since it is a stone of spirituality, beauty, a very strong protective mineral. Therefore, it has long been used as a talisman against the evil eye and black thoughts.

What does topaz symbolize?

Topaz jewelry protected women from envious women, helped them conceive healthy offspring. Topaz stone was worn by soldiers in battle to strengthen the spirit and save life, to get out of the fight unscathed.

  • Golden topaz - a rare stone, symbolizes the fullness of pleasure, happiness, human enjoyment. Able to eliminate fears and relieve depression.
  • Yellow topaz helps to penetrate the secrets of other people and to know the secret of life.
  • Blue topaz helps to achieve enlightenment, connects a person's personality with higher powers. Therefore, it is used by yogis in their practices, and earlier used by alchemists.

What to give for a topaz wedding?

If you or people close to you have lived together for sixteen long years, and you are at a loss as to which ones are best suited for this anniversary, it is best to immediately go to jewelry or souvenir shops. With the choice of a gift for such an anniversary, you should not have any problems: anyone with the most beautiful topaz stone will certainly please your soul mate.

16 years of marriage, when spouses help each other with advice in work, household chores, raising children, this is an important and significant part of a person’s life. Husband and wife can no longer imagine their lives without each other, without this invisible daily support. Therefore, on the 16th year of marriage, the couple can rightfully receive their special family passport, in the corner of which a stamp will be printed above the common photo: ‘HAPPY TOGETHER!’

Friends or children can make such a document with their own hands and solemnly hand it over to the ‘newlyweds’ during the festive feast. Do not forget to record the delivery of the ‘topaz’ passport to the camera for the family photo archive.

How to hold a topaz wedding

Do you have a 16th wedding anniversary coming up? A toastmaster will be appropriate at a festive feast, who will joyfully, with jokes and contests, amuse you and your family all evening! Although this is only if you decide to arrange a noisy feast with the invitation of relatives and friends.

In general, it is believed that a topaz wedding is not celebrated. Only closest friends and children are invited. Or you can spend this holiday at your pleasure, so that only you are at the table. On this day, you can retire from everyone and take a paired certificate for procedures at, go on a short trip or go abroad for a week. After all, children and chores so rarely give you the opportunity to be alone. And how important it is to remain beautiful and desirable for each other.

In addition to official generally accepted holidays, many celebrate family celebrations. Such celebrations include birthdays, various symbolic dates, as well as wedding anniversaries. Each year spent together after the wedding is usually celebrated, and each such "wedding" has its own name. Of course, round dates, such as 5, 10, 25, 50 years, deserve special attention, when you can make a magnificent celebration and repeat what happened some time ago. But happy spouses also think about what kind of wedding after 16 years of marriage.

16th wedding anniversary

Each such anniversary from the moment the newlyweds said “Yes!” to each other is important in the life of two lovers. Years pass quickly, and, celebrating such a symbolic date for each family, the spouses summarize what good things happened during this period, and in what moments they could have done better.

The 16th wedding anniversary is called topaz. This date suggests that the spouses already know each other very well, all the positive aspects and disadvantages, have gone through a lot together and are now ready to move to a new level of relationship. From now on, there should be no place for discord, disputes, but only love, support and mutual understanding. Grown up children no longer require as much time and attention as before. Now you can enjoy each other, remember how good it was at the beginning of the relationship, when the spouses devoted a lot of time to themselves.

Topaz is the symbol of such a wedding.. Topaz is a clean, weightless, transparent noble stone. The stone symbolizes strength, calmness, balance and inviolability. This is what a family should become after sixteen years of marriage - strong and stable. Semi-precious topaz is so beautiful that it is valued in the same way as precious ones. The stone protects its owners from bad, destructive thoughts and endows with kindness and prudence. Topaz also brings inner harmony to its owner.

How to celebrate 16 years of marriage

It is usually not customary to widely celebrate non-circular dates, which include the 16th anniversary of marriage, but what event can do without mutual congratulations and congratulations from relatives and friends.

Of course, it is better to be alone on such a day, without too much fuss, enjoying the company of a loved one.

There are many options for staying alone, without the hype..

  1. A great pastime for two will be a change of scenery: a trip out of town, to another city or even a country. The new atmosphere will help you escape from everyday worries and enjoy each other. On trips, people open up from a new perspective, in addition, a change in their usual place can stir up forgotten feelings.
  2. A good alternative to the trip would be spending the night in a city hotel. The day that the spouses will spend together, visit the sauna or bath, massage parlor and end with a romantic dinner is a great idea for celebrating 16 years of marriage.
  3. However, it often turns out that it is difficult to allocate time and money for a trip or a city hotel. In this case, the "newlyweds" can be alone, walking around their hometown, along familiar streets, embankments or parks. You can go to the cinema, theater, philharmonic, to a concert. The list of places that modern life offers is simply endless.
  4. And, of course, the most beautiful and memorable end of the evening should be a gala dinner in a restaurant, when you can remember all the amazing moments of life together, drink a glass of wine and listen to wonderful music.

Gift Options

16 years of marriage… What wedding? What are they giving? These questions arise before those invited to the topaz wedding, if, nevertheless, the spouses decide to celebrate the event in a wide range of guests.

  • In this case, first of all, it is necessary to give preference to items that can be used in everyday life. Such items include kitchen utensils, a slow cooker, a coffee machine, and more.
  • Nowadays, you can also give certificates to "newlyweds" in various stores, where they can pick up what they need.
  • A good option would be certificates for spa centers, massage parlors, sauna / bath.
  • Creative gifts are also good - paintings, candy bouquets, beautiful things made by yourself.

The list of what can be presented for a topaz wedding is quite diverse and depends on the financial capabilities of the invitees. Spouses will also appreciate congratulations in a poetic form of their own composition.

Topaz wedding is a turning point in the family. During this time, the spouses have learned to build their relationship, to be one, to understand and protect each other, to support each other in difficult times. They have learned to avoid quarrels and to yield in controversial situations. At the next stage, the marital relationship will be renewed and "enlightened". 16 years of marriage indicates that the family has taken place, and friendly, trusting relations dominate in it. Troubles should subside, peace and tranquility will come.

Topazes are light, airy, rather stylish minerals, symbolizing the transition from soft to strong. No wonder the wedding anniversary of 16 years is associated with this stone. It is called a symbol of enlightenment and prudence. Topaz is considered a semi-precious stone, although its beauty is not inferior to precious minerals. It fascinates with the play of light, its transparency. Natural stone has many shades. But the most original is blue. This mineral is considered a talisman that protects the family from troubles, hardships and various diseases.

Topaz is beautiful in its appearance. In ancient times, wise people thought that this stone was a talisman. It was customary to wear it in moments of difficult decisions. This stone was believed to bring good luck. In addition, people believed that topaz inspires vivacity and confidence, improves mood.

Wedding traditions for 16 years of marriage.

There are no ancient traditions for this date. On this day, it is not customary to arrange a large feast. But today there are some customs:

  1. Romantic dinner for two. At home, you can decorate a room. Add decor with elements resembling topaz. They may be blue or pale yellow. Dinner can also be served at the restaurant.
  2. Before the anniversary, put a stone in a jar of water for the night. Take it out in the morning, and water all the flowers in the house with charged water. This water will protect you from all evil
  3. On the anniversary day, we meet each guest and tie a pale blue ribbon on our hand. You can put the ribbon in your pocket

How to celebrate the 16th wedding anniversary?

Many couples still celebrate this date. A topaz wedding is usually celebrated in a narrow family circle. Whether you will have a quiet relaxing dinner or not is your decision. But do not forget to congratulate each other on this event. It's nice to remind your wife of your love and tender feelings. And if relatives and friends come to this celebration, it will only please you.

What to give for a 16th wedding anniversary?

It is believed that topaz maintains beauty in women, and prudence in men. This mineral will help maintain love and friendship. A husband can present his wife with a beautiful piece of jewelry in the form of a pendant, earrings, necklace or brooch with inserts of this stone. Instead of jewelry, you can buy a thing that your wife has dreamed of buying lately. Be sure to give your soul mate flowers for this anniversary.

Choosing a gift for a topaz wedding is easy. For this occasion, any piece of jewelry adorned with these minerals is suitable: a rosary, cufflinks, a ring. A husband can be pleased with a thing that has long interested him, or with something useful from his hobbies.

Although the topaz wedding is not celebrated, friends and relatives will want to congratulate the anniversaries on this date. You can give a watch or a mug with jewelry or decor items. Present a figurine, a box, a mirror with a frame or a beautiful picture on the day of the anniversary. All this can be decorated with topazes. A photo album is also suitable for a present for anniversaries. Over the years, family photos have been accumulated enough. A gift for 16 years of marriage is any thing that will benefit the household. You can bring something from the furniture: a canape or a coffee table.

What to give your wife for a topaz wedding?

An elegant gold topaz ring that looks simple but has a sophisticated feel. It will adorn a woman of any age. Especially those who prefer the classic style. A woman can wear such a ring every day due to the delicate color of the mineral. The main highlight of the product is an oval blue stone that shimmers from any angle due to the original cut. Light penetrates it from all sides, and it shines. The ring on the sides has original forms of connection with this mineral. This design in decoration is modern and unusual.

A very good gift would be a gold bracelet with blue topazes. The purity and brilliance of these minerals in openwork gold binding will fascinate any person. This bracelet can become a happy talisman for the hostess. It is a great addition to earrings and rings made in the same style. Silver and gold cufflinks with mineral inserts look more interesting than buttons. Men's cufflinks are a great gift. They will give their owner a special style.

A topaz wedding is a transition to a more relaxed rhythm of life. Wish the couple on this day that the next years of their family life will be filled with tenderness, prosperity in everything and prosperity.

beautiful date, , this is the period when marriage goes through the first phases of maturity. It is customary to celebrate a topaz wedding - according to the value of this noble stone, which symbolizes loyalty and devotion. What is customary to give on this date and what interesting gift ideas should be taken into account? If you are also wondering what to fry for your 16th wedding anniversary, our article will be useful for you.

gifts for husband

It is important for a man that the present is meaningful and useful. Therefore, for a beloved husband, it is worth looking after such gifts with topaz.

  • A signet with this stone is ideal for a business suit.
  • For a signet, buy a stylish bracelet that will emphasize the style of your spouse.
  • Branded expensive good watch with topaz is a great memorable gift for such a day, which the spouse will wear for many years.

gifts for wife

Jewelry for the 16th wedding anniversary is the perfect gift. Let's see what exactly the beautiful ladies like.

  • A ring with a colored stone or with a scattering of different pebbles will be a beautiful and memorable gift that your spouse can wear without taking it off.
  • In addition to the ring, you can buy earrings and a bracelet, as well as a pendant.
  • Don't forget to pack the present in a stylish box for a surprise!

General gifts for the family

A wonderful occasion - the anniversary of 16 years of marriage, is worthy of making good gifts to each other.

  • Paired topaz pendants are perfect for keeping the memory of this day for a long time.
  • You can pre-order rings with topaz and a dedicatory inscription especially for this date.
  • Topaz bracelets with a commemorative inscription will also be a great gift for a couple.

Gifts for children

Children will be interested in getting something beautiful and memorable. Topaz gifts for 16 years of marriage can be like this.

  • Order a beautiful photo frame made of silver by inserting topazes into it. You can lay out the date in advance with small stones - it's beautiful and very stylish.
  • The couple's topaz jewelry box makes a great keepsake.

Gifts for parents

You will definitely like interesting ideas for 16 years from the wedding day for the older generation.

  • For mom - a beautiful brooch with topaz, which she can wear on the way out.
  • For dad, a silver watch strap adorned with topaz.

Symbolic and inexpensive gifts

The price of the gift is not important, the main thing is that it be made from the heart. You don't have to spend a lot to please your loved ones.

  • Stud earrings with small stones will be a great gift for such a day. They can be worn every day without taking them off.
  • A silver pin for a jacket with a stone at the end is like a talisman for good luck, a great gift option.

Universal gifts

In addition to jewelry, there are many other interesting ideas that are given to friends or relatives.

  • A good phone or tablet is a great gift that will always come in handy.
  • A stylish wallet or handbag made of leather will be a good present for this day.
  • Certificates for a beauty salon, for fishing or for any other entertainment are an ideal gift option.
  • Going to the sea with the whole family is a great option if the anniversary falls in the summer. And in winter you can go either to warmer climes or skiing.
  • It may look trite, but money is sometimes the best gift - let the heroes of the occasion buy what they need themselves.

DIY gifts

It is difficult to make a piece of jewelry, but there are a couple of interesting ideas.

  • A topaz ring cake is a very good gift. Especially since it's on the table.
  • A set of cakes in the form of topaz crystals will also appeal to those who accept such a cute present.

Original gifts and jokes

A gift with topaz is very interesting, but there are also ideas on how to present it in an original way.

  • Search Google for a Topaz cafe in your city or anywhere else. You can invite your soulmate on a date to go to another place and have a romantic dinner there in a cafe with a thematic name.
  • Also, "Topaz" can be a sports club, give a subscription, or get a family one for a trip with children.
  • A horse base, just a recreation center or even a Topaz sauna can be a great place where you can give a topaz gift.

What flowers to give for a topaz wedding

Each of us loves different bouquets - some are sweet and tender, and some are large baskets of roses. If you don’t know exactly what flowers to give for a topaz wedding or are in doubt about the choice, give red roses - everyone likes them. You can also give any bouquet of flowers of soft blue color, like a stone-symbol of this date.
