How to fold a stroller correctly: step-by-step instructions. Transformable strollers for newborns: making the right choice How to unfold a cozy stroller into a lying position

The baby has grown up. Diapers and lace caps were replaced by more adult outfits, the monotonous milk menu was diluted with mashed potatoes and cereals... And, perhaps, the cradle stroller has already become small and unsafe...

And the growing toddler needs more and more walks! And now I don’t want to limit myself to the park near my house, when the world is so huge, and it’s terribly interesting for a little discoverer to visit different places.

Want to take a breeze along a country road? Travel around the river bank in a stroller? Or maybe go on a picnic somewhere in the forest in comfort? Easily! If you travel in a stroller: light, compact, and even fits in the back seat of a car.

What are strollers?

Strollers are open strollers with a hammock seat instead of a cradle box. They are light and compact, have a folding mechanism, and when folded they are quite convenient: they can even be stored in a closet, and can be easily carried with one hand.

You can choose a stroller according to the season: summer, winter or all-season. The summer version has the smallest weight: from 5 kg. Winter models are heavier due to large wheels, a deep hood and high sides.

Strollers are divided into two types, depending on the folding method:

  • walking strollers;
  • strollers-books for walking.

What is a book stroller?

The book stroller is a very comfortable stroller: more compact compared to transformers, it is suitable for walking and for baby’s sleep.

The stroller has a wide, hard seat: the baby will fit even in bulky outerwear. The backrest is also rigid, adjustable to the “sitting” and “half-sitting” positions, and in many models it folds out horizontally: the child can sleep comfortably.

The handle flips back and forth, and in almost all “books” it is also adjustable in height.

How does a book stroller fold? Stroller mechanism

The book stroller got its name due to its folding mechanism. The back and seat of the stroller when folded form something like a book. Quite compact - the size of a large suitcase - the folded stroller easily fits into the trunk of a car, and it is not difficult to enter the doors of a tram with it.

Folding the stroller is easy. On the frame at the base of the handle there are levers on the sides. By simultaneously pulling the levers up and resting your foot on the foot lever, the stroller can be folded. If the wheels are swivel, they must first be aligned, only then will the stroller fold completely: this will be indicated by a characteristic click.

You should be careful! The stroller mechanism is quite durable, but should be handled with care. It can become damaged if the stroller is overloaded or folded incorrectly. In the cold it can “jam”. In this case, you should wait until the stroller warms up and only then fold or unfold it.

When do you need a baby stroller?

A baby can be transferred from a cradle to a stroller no earlier than six months. By this age, the child’s spine is quite strong and can easily withstand the load in the baby’s sitting position.

Strollers are equipped with seat belts, preferably five-point ones. The child must be restrained even if he is sleeping. Classic bassinets do not have belts, and as soon as the baby begins to roll over and sit up on his own, he should be transferred to a stroller. Some parents prefer to buy a book stroller for newborns.

This is quite justified, because you can save money by buying one stroller at once for the entire time, but you should choose more carefully - not all “books” fold out to the “lying” position, and for the correct development of the spine, the baby needs a stroller with a perfectly flat bottom in the first months of life.

A baby can ride in a stroller for up to three or four years, until his weight reaches the maximum for which the stroller is designed.

Book stroller or cane: which is better?

When choosing one of these options, it is worth knowing about their differences.

The main thing that distinguishes a “cane” from a “book” is the folding mechanism. A book stroller folds across and becomes like a book. The “cane” folds vertically, like an accordion, and together with the hook handles it becomes like a cane.

The handles allow you to determine the type of stroller even from afar: the “cane” has two of them, the “book” has one solid one. The solid handle makes it possible to carry the stroller with one hand if the other is occupied. This will not work with a cane: the stroller will skid to the side.

A book stroller has a more spacious basket. The “cane” cannot have a large basket due to the way it is folded. The same is with the seat: it is wider in the “book”. Only a book stroller can afford a rigid seat and backrest.

The “cane” has less weight. This is convenient if, for example, you have to carry a stroller into public transport, and it is also more convenient to walk up the stairs with it at the entrance. But the greater weight of the “book” is fully justified by more powerful wheels - the key to better cross-country ability.

A cane stroller is an exclusively summer option; it is not suitable for walking in the snow. And when riding on a summer road, you need to be more careful: many “canes” have an unpleasant feature of folding while driving.

It is important to consider that for short walks on flat roads in the warm season, a cane stroller is sufficient. Its wheels are small but very maneuverable. For walks on imperfect roads and long distances, it is worth purchasing a folding stroller.

How to choose the best book stroller?

When buying a stroller, do not hesitate to carefully inspect it and check the folding mechanism for serviceability right in the store. After all, the safety and comfort of the child in the next few years will depend on the right choice.

  • Sustainability. The stroller should not tip over, even if the center of gravity is shifted (for example, a child hangs over the bumper or a mother hangs a heavy bag on the handle). The lighter the stroller, the less stable it will be. A model with four wheels is considered more reliable in this regard. It’s good if there are double wheels - they will add stability. It is preferable that the case be made of metal rather than plastic.
  • Textile. The color of the stroller is probably not a problem; a huge range of colors allows you to choose the stroller you like. But the material from which it is made should be examined more carefully. Typically, the fabric used for strollers is water-repellent and windproof. It is easy to clean, especially since it is often coated with dirt-repellent impregnation. The fabric should be dense and the seams well stitched.
  • Convenience. What is the convenience of a book stroller? First of all, its compactness: it will fit both into the elevator and into the store doors. It makes it comfortable for your baby to travel both long and short distances. Comfort for the child is ensured by a rigid wide backrest and a spacious seat. The stroller should have a smooth ride - the presence of shock absorbers is welcome.
  • Accessories. Often, the stroller package includes: a mosquito net, a rain cover, a cover for the legs (in the winter version or in the “winter-summer” version).

It’s nice if the backrest can be lowered to a lying position - this will allow the child to sleep comfortably. It would be good to check how obedient the backrest adjustment mechanism is before purchasing. It should work smoothly so as not to wake up a sleeping baby, and, preferably, lower and rise with one hand.

It is very convenient if the stroller handle can be folded over and adjusted to the height of an adult. The presence of a bumper will provide additional protection for the child.

Working mechanisms, obedient to the movement of one hand, will greatly simplify mom’s walk. And the configuration of the stroller - the wider it is, the better - will provide comfortable walks not only for the baby, but also for the mother.

Important to remember! You should never leave your baby unattended in a folding stroller! No matter how stable it is, there is a risk of it turning over or collapsing spontaneously!

Sometimes, along with the required equipment, when buying a stroller, you can purchase additional accessories:

  1. Mattress. It will provide the child with additional comfort.
  2. Removable table. It has a built-in bottle compartment. Eating and playing in a stroller with a table is more convenient and interesting.
  3. Sun visor. It will protect the baby's delicate skin from the scorching sun.

Not all book strollers are equipped with a footrest. And it is perfect as an additional (albeit standing) place for an older child.

Baby stroller book: reviews from parents

Elena Pershina (Orenburg). We have a book stroller from Geoby. I am very pleased. For little money, in principle, good quality. The stroller is so light yet stable. We even took it with us on nature trips - it rides great on grass!

Valeria Panikarovskaya (Anzhero-Sudzhensk). What can I say about the Jane Nomad stroller? Not even worth that kind of money. There is no depreciation, the wheels are knocking. The back doesn't go all the way down. Walk only on a flat road and with an older child. It's not suitable for kids at all.

Oksana Ibragimova (Kazan). We spent a long time choosing a stroller for our daughter, and decided on the Camarelo Sevilla SE-17 book. Stroller “3 in 1”, from birth. The car seat is very comfortable, the cradle and the stroller are generally super. The fabric is easy to wash and the movement is soft. And it weighs a little.

Svetlana Naumenko (Novosibirsk). The child was born in winter; a stroller was needed for the cold and warm seasons. We bought Tako Jumper Light 05, deciding to save money and not buy a cradle first, then a “walk”. It’s a normal stroller, we’re not complaining, we’ve been using it for 2 years now.

Evgenia Loktionova (Vladivostok). We immediately fell in love with the Tako Jumper X Zoo stroller, it has a beautiful design and durable wheels that have never let me down. She overcomes all the holes so that her daughter doesn’t even wake up. We have been using it since birth and have been riding for three years now.

Ekaterina Zhang (Yeysk). We took a 4Baby Guido stroller, black, specifically for travel. There is nothing unusual about it. The hood is too small. But as a walking option it’s not bad.

A book stroller is an excellent choice for those who like long walks over long distances. Having good cross-country ability, the stroller is not afraid of uneven road surfaces. It will be convenient for a little traveler to ride, play and sleep in it. It will serve the baby from the time he learns to sit until the need for this type of transport no longer exists.

Many young families prefer transformable strollers. They are easy to use and convenient to transport. These strollers are especially popular in cities where most people live in apartment buildings.

When buying a transformable stroller, parents do not always remember how to fold it, and instructions from the manufacturer are often not included. This article describes basic tips on how to fold a convertible stroller.

What is a transformable stroller?

This is a multifunctional stroller that simultaneously combines a cradle and a walking seat. By choosing this model, parents save space and money, since there is no need to store additional blocks or buy another stroller. The ability to quickly fold and unfold is another important advantage, which is why the transforming stroller is very popular.

The instructions usually contain pictures showing how to use the stroller correctly. Some manufacturers only enclose with the product a warranty card and a small leaflet containing general information in a foreign language. Folding these strollers for the first time usually turns out to be a long and complicated process.

In order not to damage the connecting elements and learn how to assemble a transforming stroller in a few seconds, even when choosing a model, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the folding diagram.

How to fold a convertible stroller

Most models of such strollers fold according to the following scheme:

  1. Press the brake pedal and lower the hood as far as possible.
  2. Fix the seat back in a horizontal position.
  3. Move the handle in the opposite direction.
  4. Pull the side latches, which are usually provided in convertible strollers.
  5. Pull your body forward with light movements. As a result, the stroller should fold in half.
  6. Secure the position with a special lever to prevent accidental folding.

There is a second way to fold a transforming stroller. First you need to lower the frame, and then throw the handle to the other side.

In recent years, many manufacturers have been releasing models that have buttons instead of locking levers. They work according to the standard folding principle.

Full analysis of the stroller

There are strollers that require deeper disassembly to fold. Sellers usually tell you how to fold a transforming stroller consisting of separate blocks. Often it is necessary to remove the cradle and then fold the frame. In this way, transformable strollers are folded, consisting of several blocks: a cradle, a car seat and a frame.

To remove the cradle, you need to press the special levers located on the sides. They hold the locking elements connecting the upper block to the chassis.

When pressing, slightly pull the cradle so that the connecting parts come out of the grooves. This folding system is convenient for transporting the stroller in small cars. The 3 in 1 transformable stroller fits in any car if you disassemble it into separate blocks.

Introduced the folding of Bebetto strollers

Bebetto strollers are one of the cheapest and most practical models. They are popular among modern mothers due to their high quality. The stroller has a durable design and folds up quickly.

It turns out that many young parents do not know how to fold the Bebetto transformable stroller. Models of this brand fold according to the “book” principle in two movements. First you need to put the brake on the stroller to immobilize the wheels. If the stroller uses a carrycot, pull the side levers located at the top of the handle towards you. Then you need to pull the handle in the opposite direction until it stops. At the same time, you can push the footrest forward with your foot. You should hear a click when the chassis folds correctly. It is important not to put too much pressure, otherwise you may damage the frame.

Bebetto transformable strollers cannot be fixed in any way when folded. This should be taken into account when transporting the assembled product.

Unfolding Bebetto strollers is even easier than folding them. To do this, pull the handle towards you until the side locks engage.

If the top of the stroller is in the stroller position, the seat and hood must be lowered. Then you need to lower the handle by pressing the special buttons located under the armrests.

Features of folding Montana strollers

This is a classic 3 in 1 transformable stroller with a simple design. The set includes a removable cradle with large portable handles, a spacious walking block and a chassis. The frame has a mechanism that allows you to flip the handle to the other side.

There are small handles on the left and right sides that, when pressed, loosen the chassis. By lowering the handle, the frame folds.

How to fold the Montana transformable stroller is shown in the figure. It is enough to pull the handle up for the locks to engage. This movement is performed with one hand without much effort.

Regardless of the brand of stroller, it is important to follow several rules that will preserve the original appearance of the stroller and extend its service life.

It is necessary to remove toys and other objects from the stroller that may interfere with folding. If possible, it is advisable to empty the trunk. To carry things, it is better to use the bag that is usually included in the package.

You need to fold the hood. This will make the top of the stroller less bulky.

Remove the bag from the frame. Release the latches and carefully move the structure in the desired direction until it is completely folded.

The folded stroller should only be carried by the frame or by special handles, if provided by the manufacturer.

One of the most important characteristics of a baby stroller is its mobility. The convenient and practical stroller can be folded in a few movements and easily loaded into the trunk. And the better the folding mechanism, the longer the product will last. Depending on the type of model, the folding principle may vary - we will tell you how to fold a baby stroller and how to fold the stroller correctly.

The best way to learn how to fold a stroller is to read the manufacturer's instructions. It is given when purchasing a stroller along with a warranty card and a receipt. The brochure should have a step-by-step guide with detailed pictures. Even if you want to, it’s very difficult to make a mistake, so you’ll quickly learn a useful skill. However, this trick only works when buying a new stroller. If you purchase the product secondhand, you will have to learn how to fold the stroller yourself or ask for advice from former owners.

How to fold a stroller

The folding principle of a stroller depends on its type. All lightweight models are divided into “books” and “canes”. Books are more massive, but also more reliable. They fold across their axis, and when folded they resemble a real book, consisting of a seat and a backrest. The size of the structure when folded does not exceed the size of an average suitcase - it can be folded into the trunk of a car or carried on public transport.

The canes fold along their axis. Lighter and more mobile, when folded they really resemble an umbrella or a cane. For comfortable carrying, a small handle is often provided on the side of the stroller.

To fold the folding stroller, you need to:

  1. We stand behind the stroller
  2. On the frame of the stroller, at the base of the handle, there are special levers on both sides. We pull them towards ourselves.
  3. At the same time as the upper levers, we rest against the foot lever. The stroller will begin to fold. You just have to manually complete the process (click).
  4. A caveat: it is advisable to align the stroller wheels before folding them. Otherwise, they may interfere with the complete folding of the mechanism.

How to fold a stroller cane:

  1. We find a fuse (protective hook) on the lower transverse frame (on the back) and lift it. You can kick it.
  2. At the same time, tilt the handles forward. The mechanism will begin to fold up like a large umbrella, and the wheels will remain on the outside.
  3. Memo to parents: Some manufacturers “hide” levers and other controls under the armrests or on the handles. If the locking lever is not in the usual place, just inspect the stroller more carefully.

How to fold a transformable stroller:

  1. It is necessary to lower the back of the stroller to a horizontal position and fold the hood.
  2. We put the handle of the stroller behind the hood. To do this, you need to lift the small levers located at the base of the handle on the sides.
  3. Find the latches above the base of the armrests and pull them up until they click. The stroller will begin to fold: the body will fold like a spring, the wheels will press against each other.
  4. An important nuance: if you want the stroller to take up even less space, remove the front rail.

How to fold the 3-in-1 stroller:

Before you begin folding the 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 stroller, you must first unfasten and remove the seat unit or carrycot. Then:

  1. Find a button on the end of the frame and press it. The stroller will begin to fold and you just have to control the process.
  2. A caveat: some manufacturers complicate their models. Some strollers require you to pull special levers on the handles to make the stroller change its shape.

So that the folding mechanism works like a clock

In the new strollers, all the levers and springs work perfectly. But with age, any mechanism gradually wears out. If you took the stroller by hand, there is a high probability that certain difficulties may arise with its operation. mechanisms may jam or operate spontaneously. How to fold a stroller correctly so that it lasts as long as possible:

  • Do not fold the stroller with foreign objects inside. Children's things and toys must first be removed.
  • You should always fold the stroller all the way. Plus, it takes up less space. And don't forget about the position locks.
  • It is advisable to wipe all moving parts of the stroller dry after rain and lubricate them at least once a season.

With proper care and careful use, the stroller will serve your child well and will not cause you any trouble.

How to unfold the stroller

Walking in the fresh air is an integral part of daily exercise. This is the very first and simplest entertainment for a baby. All you need for this is a comfortable stroller and free time. Modern manufacturers of children's transport offer such a wide selection that you can easily choose a practical stroller for any age and season of the year. All you have to do is learn how to use it and you can go for a walk.

Mastering all the possibilities of a stroller can be a real blow for new parents. One of the most common questions is how to unfold the stroller, how to unfold the stroller. There is no clear answer to this question. All types of strollers unfold differently. And if with relatively simple models you can turn to your own parents to share their experience, then ultra-modern models with unique functions require a special approach: you cannot cope with them at random.

The easiest way to learn how to unfold a new stroller is to follow the instructions from the manufacturer. A brochure with detailed schematic images is necessarily included with the stroller. It’s very easy to master the operation of folding mechanisms using pictures – you can unfold the structure the first time. What should those who bought the stroller do second-hand? It would be good if the former owner took the time to explain the folding/unfolding principle. And if not?

We will tell you how to properly unfold different types of strollers. Minor features may differ from one manufacturer to another, but in general the algorithm of your actions remains the same.

How to unfold a stroller cane

Cane strollers come in many configurations. In each individual case, the folding mechanism will differ slightly. Let's look at the process using the example of super-light models weighing up to 5 kg.

  1. When folded, the stroller frame is assembled in the manner of an umbrella: the chassis is pressed against each other, pairs of wheels are located at opposite ends of the structure.
  2. Remove the clamp-clip that fastens the chassis into a rigid coupling.
  3. We lower the wheels located near the handles by hand to the lower position.
  4. We straighten the fabric base of the stroller. If necessary, align the front wheels.
  5. We find a crossbar under the seat that determines the shape of the stroller. Now it is located at an angle ^. We press it with our foot exactly in the middle until it clicks - the stroller should expand in width and take its shape.
  6. We remove the brakes from the rear wheels and we are ready to go.

In heavier and more functional modern models, the folding mechanism may differ slightly. The developers simplify the controls whenever possible, so that it is easier for parents to bring the stroller into the desired position during a walk and, for example, hide the stroller in the trunk. One of the leading manufacturers of cane strollers is Maclaren. In their latest innovations, the position of the stroller can be adjusted literally with one hand:

How to unfold a McLaren stroller

  1. Loosen the side lock.
  2. We pull the handles towards ourselves.
  3. Press the central pedal.

How to unfold a stroller book

  1. We find small black levers at the base of the handles and pull them towards us.
  2. At the same time, pull the top of the stroller towards you.
  3. The stroller opens up like a book. The seat and back take their shape and are fixed in a given position.

Most lightweight strollers are almost identical to those models in which we were also carried. Therefore, you can safely ask our parents about how to unfold the stroller. In 90% of cases they will tell and show how it is done correctly. We will have to cope with modern transformers and 2-in-1 or 3-in-1 models on our own.

How to unfold the transformer:

  1. Remove the clamp from the chassis frame. It is located on the side, near the base of the handle.
  2. Pull the handle towards you until it clicks. That's it, the stroller is unfolded.

An important nuance: in some ultra-modern models, the folding/unfolding mechanism is very complicated. In this case, you should definitely refer to the instructions from the manufacturer.

The frame of any designer stroller unfolds in almost the same way. All that remains is to attach the necessary unit (stroller, cradle) and you can go for a walk.

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A stroller is your baby’s first personal transport. For the mother, she serves as a faithful assistant and takes on many functions: frees the mother’s hands from the weight of the child during a walk, helps rock the baby at home, acts as a cart for shopping bags and performs many other tasks. But how to choose an option that would be comfortable for a child, universal for walks in any weather (both winter and summer), strong, lightweight and meet other, sometimes specific, needs of parents? Let's take a closer look at the transformable stroller - perhaps the information described below will help you choose this particular model.

Description of the stroller

The category of “transformer” strollers includes models that are a walking type of this vehicle, equipped with various removable elements and additional accessories. This is the currently most popular option.

The design of the backrest allows it to be lowered horizontally, which makes it possible to transport newborns and older children who can already sit confidently. If you unfold the backrest and install a U-shaped corner, which is the front side, then the walking model turns into a cradle.

Parents have the opportunity to easily assemble and disassemble the model, adapting it to specific immediate needs.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • The transformable stroller has excellent maneuverability. The designers equipped the lightweight vehicle with large-diameter wheels and a massive chassis, which made it possible to overcome any part of the road, regardless of snow, bumps and other asphalt irregularities. At the same time, even the lightest version of such a stroller has a decent weight, which makes it difficult for residents of multi-story buildings to operate it. If the elevator fails, getting this “all-terrain vehicle” up the stairs can be quite a difficult task.
  • The convertible stroller is strong and versatile. Some mothers still prefer classic models of lighter vehicles, because they are designed specifically for newborns: balanced chassis travel, perfectly selected cradle parameters. Despite this fact, transformable strollers are no less in demand, since they are universal transport for both infants and older children. Their sleeping place is also quite comfortable. Over time, you can raise the backrest to the desired level and get an excellent stroller for walking.
  • Transformable strollers are not as warm as classic bassinets with a plastic frame. The transforming module is made of textiles, but the stroller usually includes a carrying bag in which the baby will be warm and comfortable. These models also have a more voluminous hood, which can often be lowered all the way down to the bumper, and also have a good rain cover to make walks in autumn and winter weather as comfortable as on warm summer days.
  • Additional equipment. Any trip should be enjoyable for both the child and his mother. The transformable stroller has a number of convenient accessories: a viewing window, a mosquito net, a rain cover, a spacious shopping basket and a pocket for necessary small items - all this saves parents’ nerves and makes use more enjoyable.

Transformable stroller - despite being somewhat bulky, it is much more versatile than a classic cradle, which is why many families prefer it

Features of use

There are many points that it is advisable to know in advance. It often happens that at the most inopportune time it is necessary to fold or disassemble the stroller, put on a raincoat or raise the backrest, but the mother, confused or in a hurry, cannot figure out how to do this. Of course, these skills accumulate with experience, but in order to avoid unpleasant situations, it is better to choose the right time and find out all the nuances in advance (read a couple of articles with a description or watch a video).

Initially, each model is accompanied by instructions in pictures. But what to do if the vehicle was “inherited”, and there is no manual for assembling a transforming stroller? Below are tips for handling this vehicle.

How to fold a transformable stroller correctly?

  1. Press the brake pedal, lower the backrest horizontally, close the hood.
  2. Place the handle of the stroller in the “by the hood” position, find the latches on it (they are located on the side of the handle) and carefully pull them towards you.
  3. When loosening the clamps, gradually move the body of the vehicle forward. You will see that it folds in half under its own weight.
  4. Secure the folded vehicle with a lever to prevent it from accidentally unfolding.

How to remove wheels from a transformable stroller?

  • Find the button that allows you to remove the wheel. It is on every axis.
  • The lock can be located directly in the center of the wheel or on top.
  • Before folding the transformable stroller, you need to learn about the need to remove all 4 wheels. In some models, it is enough to turn the front pair inward, and this will be enough for convenient transportation. To get more visual information, you can watch a video about transformable strollers (more details in the article:).

How to put a raincoat or mosquito net on a transforming stroller?

  • Position the mesh so that the edge with the elastic is at the bottom.
  • Place the top edge along the edge of the hood and secure it.
  • Place the edge into which the elastic is inserted under the bottom of the baby's sleeping place. Many models suggest the use of mosquito nets for children under 6 months.
  • Using the provided fasteners (Velcro or ties), secure the mesh at the junction of the hood with the base of the transformer.
  • In the same way as a mosquito net, you need to wear a raincoat.

A net is definitely needed if mother and baby are planning to go for a walk in wet weather in the summer. It will protect against blood-sucking insects and midges that can get into your face or nose.

How to make a convertible stroller?

  • Pay attention to the area of ​​the baby's legs. There you need to unfasten the textile elements, but this is a fairly easy operation.
  • Move the footrest from a horizontal position to a downward position.
  • Raise your backrest to a “sitting” or “reclining” position.
  • To adjust the angle of inclination, you need to pull the lever or drawstring, which is located on the outside of the backrest.

The best models of transformable strollers

  1. First place in the ranking - Sleepover Silver Cross is an excellent type of personal transport for your baby. The model combines the best features of classic bassinets and transformable strollers. Weighing only 15.5 kg, the lightweight stroller is equipped with a comfortable sleeping area, large-diameter floating wheels and a high chassis.
  2. Fides Cybex. The model of this vehicle is incredibly similar to the 2-in-1 modular system. It is a very light transformable stroller (11.5 kg). Any mother will want to choose her when she finds out how much she weighs. Another advantage: the design provides for the presence of a single block. It serves as both a closed cradle and a seat for walking with an older baby.
  3. C705-X Geoby is a classic transforming model for children no older than 3 years. It is comfortable, durable, strong, large, has a lot of accessories, including a hand muff, and the weight of this transforming stroller is only 16 kg.

A transformable stroller is a type of transport for a child, suitable for all occasions. It never fails if you use it correctly. To do this, study the instructions for the “all-terrain vehicle” in advance.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

A cane stroller is a real lifesaver for mom. It is convenient to take it out for a walk, transport it on public transport, go shopping with it, take it with you on trips, and under certain conditions it is even allowed to be carried on board an airplane. Usually a child rides in such a stroller until he is 4 years old. In fact, it’s very convenient: I ran, rested, took a nap, ran again...

The mechanism for folding and unfolding a cane stroller, of course, depends on the specific model: there are super-light ones (3.5–5 kg), and there are also more fundamental ones (up to 7 kg). We will look at a method for unfolding a super light cane. Essentially, it is a fabric seat on a lightweight aluminum or plastic frame. When folded, its wheels are pressed against each other, reducing the stroller both in height and width.

You'll see, just one or two workouts - and you will be folding and unfolding a cane stroller in fifteen seconds. Believe me, this is not an exaggeration, but a matter of technique. In other words, an ordinary practiced skill. So let's get started.

Step 1.

Drawing by Elena Lisichenko.

When folded, the chassis parts are pressed against each other and secured with a clip. You need to remove it and lower the wheels, which were folded at the top, down by hand.

Step 2.

Drawing by Elena Lisichenko.

We straighten the fabric base of the stroller by lightly pressing the upper handles of the stroller. You can align the front floating wheels (but this, in principle, is not necessary; they will then align themselves as they should).

Drawing by Elena Lisichenko.

Under the fabric seat of the stroller there is a crossbar (aluminum or plastic) that folds in two. At this stage of unfolding the stroller, it resembles a triangle (two crossbars are raised and connected at the top point). You need to press your foot exactly in the middle of the triangle - the locking mechanism will work. There should definitely be a click.
