How to protect yourself from enemies? Prayer to shut the mouth of gossip.

Not a single person wants various gossip to be spoken about him “behind the eyes”. A gossip plot will help you protect yourself from evil tongues. This is a simple ceremony that everyone can do. If you can clearly and correctly fulfill it, slander and slander will forever leave your life.

To protect yourself from gossip and evil tongues with the help of a rite, do not spread rumors about other people yourself, otherwise the conspiracy will not help.

Many people do not understand the seriousness of gossip. Some have a kind of euphoria - "if someone talks about me, then I'm worth something and I'm popular." But it's not. Most slander is aimed at causing negative injury to a person. What does it mean?

Any discussion of a person, his personal life, has a negative impact on his inner balance. Often, gossips slander a person out of a sense of envy, killing with this feeling both the object of envy and, paradoxically, themselves. The energy shell of a person is destroyed and he can become seriously ill. Gossip is capable of creating negative vibrations at the energy level, which will lead to nothing good.

Gossip that has reached your partner's ears can ruin your relationship. And not always your arguments and excuses will be on your side. Your partner will stop trusting you.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Do not wish harm to a friend during the ceremony, otherwise you will harm yourself.

Rules for reading conspiracies

  • Any person can read a conspiracy from gossip. But when it is carried out, certain recommendations and rules must be followed in order for it to work for sure: Do not doubt the strength of the conspiracy. Believe that he will definitely help you.
  • Pronounce the words of the conspiracy clearly and correctly, without hesitation and peeping into a piece of paper;
  • Your intentions must be pure and open, directed to the good;
  • Speak the plot when the night has come and the moon is shining. The power of lunar energy has a powerful potential that will help you.
  • You need to read a conspiracy from evil tongues alone. Make sure that not a single person or even a pet can interfere with your ritual.
  • By following these rules, be sure that after a while you will feel the positive effect of the conspiracy and gossip will leave your life, and envious people will forget about you.

Conspiracies from gossip and evil tongues

Conspiracy for water

Water is very often used in various conspiracies; it is an excellent conductor of any energy. It is desirable to use not tap water, but water collected from sources of natural origin. Water from a spring or river will have more power than from a tap.

Get up quietly at night and fill a container with water. A glass container is best. Speak clearly a conspiracy from gossips over the water:

Holy Virgin, bless me for a good deed,

Deliver me from sidelong glances, idle gossip and slander,

Let evil tongues bite themselves and forget about me

Your strength is great - my word is firm!

After reading the plot, cross yourself three times. Then hide the bowl in a secluded place. And wash your face every morning only with this water until it runs out, when this happens, the gossip directed at you will stop.

Quick Plot

Each of us has experienced such a feeling, as if for no reason at all, “ears tanned”. It means that someone is talking about you. In this case, read the conspiracy from gossip three times:

Lord, help me, deliver me from idle gossip,

And those who slander me - punish, put a seal on their lips.

Let their gossip come back to them. Amen!"

After saying the words, immediately cross yourself three times. And if your ears stop burning after that, then the conspiracy hit the mark. The person who discussed you will not hurt you with his word.

Rite of Defense

Knowing a specific person who is weaving intrigues around you, it is easier to protect yourself from his attacks. If a gossip has been annoying you with his long tongue for a very long time, you should moderate his ardor and perform a certain rite for this.

Take a photo of the gossip and 3 wax candles bought on Friday afternoon in its second half. After waiting for 12 o'clock at night, open the window of your room so that the moonlight falls freely and illuminates everything around. Light the candles and put the photo in front of you. With burning candles, read the conspiracy from slander:

Red fire to help me, I will reach any enemy,

Yes, I will step on his sharp and evil tongue.

I will come so that I will completely crush him.

Fire protect me, create your white circle around me.

So that not a single enemy, toothy and loud-mouthed and tongue-tied, gets to me.

So that not a single evil mouth opens at me, but does not talk.

No one else will dare to say bad things about me, to dissolve an evil tongue. Amen!"

Do not extinguish the candles, let them burn out to the end or their flame will go out by itself. Bury the candle ends, along with the photo of the gossiper, in the ground.

The power of this conspiracy is very great, so it should immediately work. And now the gossip will not be able to say something bad about you, because at that moment he himself will feel bad, or he will have a psychological barrier to uttering words against you.

Advice: To prevent slander and gossip, use special amulets or amulets. They will help protect against various negative energy and unwanted emotions directed towards you by ill-wishers.

Rite while cleaning

The essence of this conspiracy lies in the fact that it is carried out during house cleaning. Along with getting rid of household garbage, a person puts things in order in relation to himself and gets rid of the negative energy of evil gossips and envious people.

When cleaning the house and sweeping out the garbage, you can read a conspiracy from evil tongues:

I clean my house, I get rid of negativity.

Let them be swept away, removed forever - all evil wishes and words.

Whatever you do while cleaning, repeat these words with reference to the process itself. Put all your energy into cleansing all the negativity and dirt in the house.

You can come up with the words of such a cleaning conspiracy yourself, since the very attitude to get rid of black energy is important here.

Christian amulet

Evil must not go unpunished.

If you don’t know where to expect a “strike” from and the ill-wishers are unknown to you, you can make a charm to protect yourself from all evil tongues. The best in this regard is a Christian amulet.

First, you need to choose the day when the phase of the waning moon begins. You will need:

  • 1 green candle;
  • consecrated red thread;
  • black, white and red fabric (three pieces).

Do not tell anyone that you are going to conduct this ceremony. Don't let even your relatives in on this. Close yourself in an empty room, light a green candle and say:

I call on all the saints to help me!

Envy has never been white, but only black is strong and evil.

I burn it with a green candle, I save myself from envy.

And the red color of envy is useless, I give it to the sacred fire.

Let only white words remain, and others will be burned with fire. Amen!

After reading the text, put the candle in the candlestick. The glow from the candle should not be seen from the street. Cut out three small circles from different colors of fabric and lay with the candle. Then read the second part of the plot:

I cover black and white with red.

I close the entrance to bad words and thoughts.

The holy cross helps me!

Fold the circles in this order: black first, then white, and then a red circle on top. The mugs are sewn together with a red thread in the form of an embroidered Christian cross. The cross will be the basis of the amulet. During embroidery, a plot is also read:

I sew with a holy cross - lips, words and thoughts on an eternal lock.

God's will and sacred canvas. From now until forever. Amen!

Upon completion of the embroidery, on the back of the amulet, you need to tie a tight knot of thread and say:

I fasten the power of my words with a knot.

From now on, an eternal castle will be thrown over the human mouth

Pour the wax from the green candle over the silhouette of the embroidered cross. The part of the red thread with a needle left from the embroidery is stuck into this candle and hidden. At the end of everything, "Our Father" is read. The amulet is ready.

Having waited for the great church holiday, you need to come to the crossroads and, when the bells ring, break the needle and throw it on the side of the road, saying:

At four roads, stay my castle,

Do not let the evil tongue on the threshold.

Light the candle again in the church and place it under the icon of Jesus Christ and say:

The canvas is finished - the Lord's will is this. Amen! (3 times)

Carry this amulet with you, and it will protect you from idle gossip and bad rumors.


Gossip plots need to be updated regularly. We ourselves also need to avoid gossip and gossip, so as not to become an object for whispering behind our backs in the future. If you yourself do not discuss anyone, then nothing threatens you.

Video "A strong conspiracy from the gossip of enemies"

Each person faced gossip, gossip and slander in his address. Gossip from others can be very disturbing and even dangerous. I want to stop this flow of false and offensive words. A gossip plot will help solve this problem.

How the rite works

With the help of a conspiracy, a person can close the mouth of a gossip. And it doesn't matter if the gossip is true or just pure fiction. The magical power of rituals disarms the gossip and helps to restore a calm life.

There are a number of conspiracies that have a protective effect. They help protect yourself and loved ones from such conversations.

White magic protects each family member from all sorts of gossip and gossip. At the end of the text of the conspiracy, the word "amen" sounds. It fixes magical power and does not allow witchcraft to dissipate.

Chicken Egg Conspiracy

The proposed magical action is aimed at protection from evil tongues and gossip. It has been used for a long time. This ritual is easy to perform. For him you will need:

  • Cup.
  • Cardboard circle corresponding to the size of the bottom of the mug.
  • Raw chicken egg.
  • A piece of ice.

The cardboard circle is placed at the bottom of the mug. Put ice on top and crack an egg. After that, the formed structure is spoken. To do this, you need to say a conspiracy from gossip three times:

“I’m riding a bear, I’m chasing a viper, I close all the foul language and idle talk. Whoever says anything to me will close his eyes. Amen".

After that, the charmed mug with its contents is placed in a cold place. It is best to place it in the basement. The conspiracy will work pretty quickly: gradually the amount of gossip and gossip will begin to fade and will be reduced to zero.

Conspiracy with petals

The proposed conspiracy from gossipers is aimed at punishing the gossiper who decided to spread rumors by the power of his influence. The rite is simple and effective, for it you will need:

  • Small cardboard box.
  • White flower petals.
  • Red candle.
  • Photograph of a gossip.

If there is no photo of the gossip, then you can write his name and surname on a piece of paper.

You need to light a candle, set it on fire with a photograph of a gossip or a piece of paper with his name and read the plot:

“Now all your lies will be silenced, only truth and truth will be in your language and in your words.”

The ashes from the burned photograph should be mixed with the petals and put into a box. Three days after the ceremony, scatter the ashes in the wind. To consolidate the effect, you need to repeat the ritual.

Conspiracy with a brown candle

For the ritual you will need:

  • Paper.
  • Needle.

The gossip's name is scratched on the candle with a needle. Sacred words are written on paper: Zamu-Wegor.

After that, honey is dripped into the center of the sheet with the magic text and folded into a ball. A small incision is made on a candle with a knife, representing the gossip's mouth at the place of the incision. A paper ball is placed in this incision. Light a candle. Let it burn until it burns out completely. The cinder is buried in the ground on which the gossip walks.

Conspiracy with a rose

Another rite aimed at giving what deserves to the one who spreads rumors. For him, you will need one red rose and a vase.

The thorns are removed from the flower. They are thrown into the vase one by one. With each thrown thorn, you need to read the plot:

"Every thorn for every evil tongue, for every injustice."

Then the same is repeated with the petals saying:

"To lay softly, to sleep hard, to think about one's own, to forget about someone else's, to determine everything in its place."

A vase with thorns and petals is filled with salt water. After that, the vessel is covered with a lid, nine knots are tied on it and placed in a dark place.

If the person who performed the ceremony knows the place of residence of the offender, this can be turned to your advantage. With the help of a vase with charmed parts of a rose, you can make a charm that will help protect you and your loved ones from intrigues and gossip coming from the mouth of a gossip. To do this, it is enough to either hide the enchanted vessel in his house, or bury it in the ground next to the offender's house.

Plot with a bunch of grass

You need to pluck ordinary grass while reading the plot:

“Dry, grass, dry, enemy tongue, dry, bad word, dry, evil spirit. Amen".

This grass is collected in a bunch, dried and thrown to the one who spreads rumors. The amulet will soon begin to act, bringing new worries to the offender. Behind them, a person will have no time to gossip either at work, at home, or among friends.

Rope conspiracy

For a simple ritual you will need:

  • New rope.
  • New scissors.
  • Church candle.

It is worth remembering that ropes made of nylon or nylon are not suitable for this ceremony. Experienced practitioners recommend using twine.

Three tight knots are tied on the rope. You need to tie so that the knots do not untie. The candle is lit. A rope is carried over its flame. You need to do this so that the nodules do not have time to catch fire. At this time, you need to pronounce a conspiracy:

“Here is a rope, here are three knots. I will tie tricky words into knots, cursed thoughts, a vile whisper, and an oblique look against the servant of God (name) thrown, said, unsaid, thought, thoughtless. Burn knots and don’t catch fire, lie and don’t lie. Bypass me, deceit, do not bring misfortune and fog on me. Go, liar, where is the edge of the raven, shout there, teach everyone, do not touch me. Amen".

With new scissors, the rope is cut into 13 pieces. Pieces of rope and scissors should be folded into a plastic bag and thrown into the trash. A flock of crows next to the container at this point is a good sign. Birds testify that magic definitely worked.


You can get rid of gossip by many methods - both standard and magical. Many rituals and rituals have come down to us that protect against slander and punish people who spread gossip. Their simplicity and effectiveness allow them to be used at work, at home, and in other situations when you need to protect yourself and loved ones from someone's evil language.

Each person can be subject to envy and negative attitude from ill-wishers and enemies. You can protect yourself from them through the rituals and rituals that our ancestors used.

Conspiracies can put protection from envious people who can harm the power of envy itself. As a result, the energy field of a person who is envied suffers. There is a violation of the protective energy and the person begins to lose vitality. With magical conspiracies and rituals against negative energy, you can protect yourself and cleanse the aura that has been negatively affected. Read the same as previously published and use protective rites from damage and the evil eye.

Conspiracy from envious people

Salt, as you know, has long been used not only as a seasoning for food, but is almost the main attribute in magical actions. Particularly widespread in magic, salt found in cleansing rituals. Conspiracies from envy are also read for salt, it is she who is able to protect from envious people.

To carry out the ritual, you will ideally need - Thursday, if there is none, then ordinary salt will do. Scoop up salt with a clean tablespoon, bring it to your face and say:

“Your strength is invincible. Protect and protect from human evil. From fierce envy and hatred. Not to the soul. Do not allow damage and envy into the body, but if it comes, turn it away from me and return it to the conspirator with double strength. So be it".

Pour the spelled salt into a small canvas bag or make a knot from a piece of cloth. The amulet should always be carried with you, you can pin it in your clothes with a pin. Also, in the same way from envious people, you can protect your family members by pinning spelled salt on their clothes in an invisible place.

From envious and ill-wishers

A rite against envious people and ill-wishers is carried out with the help of sugar. To do this, select a day at the end of the week (Friday, Saturday, Sunday). Wait until it rains, pour half a glass of sugar into an airtight transparent glass dish and close tightly. Put in an open place so that the water completely flushes the container from all sides. After an hour, take the dishes with sugar in your hands, knock on it three times and pronounce a conspiracy from enemies and envious people:

“The water flowed, tried, but never got to the sugar. I couldn't do any harm, so I ran away with nothing. So you (name) are envious no matter how hard you try, but you can’t harm me.

In case of detection, water leakage and sugar getting wet, stop the ceremony immediately. Flush the spoiled sugar down the toilet, otherwise things will take a completely different turn.

But, the longer the container stays in the rain with dry sugar, the more powerful the conspiracy will be from the evil eye, gossip and envy. If possible, give the ill-wisher tea with charmed sugar to drink. The action of magic will then be accelerated and human envy will disappear.

From evil tongues

You can get rid of human envy and evil tongues by performing a ritual at a garbage dump. During the waning moon.

At dawn, go to the nearest garbage dump, on foot, it's good if there are crows there. Starting from the east, bow to all four sides and, looking towards the noisy black flock, say:

“A black flock of black birds, I call on you to protect me from all sides. From the black eye, and from the dashing evil eye, at early dawn, and in the afternoon, in the evening, and all night. I came so that the main raven would drive away the cursed evil eye and grant protection. I came with her for help and left. As said, so done."

Pick up a small pebble from the ground and throw it towards the birds, while saying:

“I lift a stone from the ground and turn it into the eye of an envious person. In the direction of the crows, I throw him and all envious people, visible and invisible, thus I forgive.

After the spoken words, go home. Enter the house from the left foot with the words:

“The black eye will not be in my house and the thresholds will not be beaten. So it will be."

After the ritual, you need to wash yourself with running water and mentally thank the birds for their help. For three days, do not give anything to anyone from home and do not take anything yourself. Especially don't lend money. It is also advisable to refrain from guests. But the birds need to be fed with bread crumbs or seeds.

From gossipers and bad people

Conspiracies from gossips and evil ones should be read on the waning moon. To conduct the ceremony, you will need a bank of blessed water. At midnight, retire to a room, light a candle and read a prayer to our Lord, “Our Father”, then to St. Nicholas, then a conspiracy:

“I’m walking across the field - a field, towards the devil with my spirits. All black and unsociable from anger. I send them to my enemies, dashing envious. Put them on chains so that there is no harm from them, and I am whole and unharmed. In the field and in the forest, at a wedding and at a feast, along the road and in the forest, with friends and foes, on land and in water, day and night, and forever and ever. So that no one would ever envy me again and betray those demons. May it be so. And now and forever and forever and ever.”

Before going to bed, drink three sips of charmed water from a jar and go to bed. In the morning, with prayers to the Almighty, wash yourself with this water and do not dry yourself, let it dry on your face. This will work as a talisman against bad people. Drink water and wash it for another three days. If water remains after this period, pour it over the threshold of the house. Pour carefully so that drops do not fall on the threshold.

From envious people at work

At work, situations sometimes arise when you begin to understand that you are envied. The white stripe is replaced by black and unfavorable days begin, both at the workplace and at home. What can be the subject of envy:

  • Prosperous and friendly family;
  • The favor of the authorities;
  • Promotion;
  • High profit payment.

Envious people believe that happiness fell from the sky for you, while no efforts were made on your part. That you live on everything ready and "do not blow your mustache." And your children are excellent and your husband is a hard worker with a lot of money and you live in mansions and there is a big car, not like ours.

To protect against the envy of colleagues, perform a ritual on any part of the wardrobe. The conspiracy will help to improve relations in the team and restore a friendly atmosphere, and the piece of clothing will serve as a reliable defender.

In the evening, put the thing on the table, light three candles and read the conspiracy from envious people:

“Protect and guard me, from evil looks, and from black thoughts. Let each guardian angel sit on the shoulders, on the legs, on the arms and head and protect me day and night, front and back. I no longer fear an evil word or an indecent deed. Amen".

Conspiracy against the enemy

This conspiracy is from evil envious people who are always trying to make some kind of trouble. And also protect from the boss, who nullifies his nit-picking. After the ritual, relations are improved both in the team and with the management.

On a sheet of paper, draw a symbolic image of a person who brings discomfort to life. The drawing should depict the invisible enemy in full growth and with a complete picture of him and his bad deeds. Then burn the drawing and scatter the ashes in the wind, with the words:

“The ashes are carried by the wind, your anger (name) disappears.”

How to remove if envious people have already jinxed

If, nevertheless, it happened, so that the negative was imposed and the negative energy began its dirty deed, then first of all, you need to turn to a specialist for help. At home, you can also clean yourself of damage, but it will take a lot of time and a lot of patience.

When you realize that you have freed yourself from negativity, continue to perform the ceremony for a few more days to consolidate and further protect your aura. The words of the conspiracy must be learned by heart. The two most effective spoilage conspiracies that lead to positive results in a short time.

“I will ask the golden raven to fly to the sky and call the hero. And the name of that hero is the Red Sun. And the hero will come out and illuminate with his face and golden rays the whole earth-earth. The Red Sun will touch everything that lives and warm it with its heart. He warmed all the suffering and took away from anger and human hatred. Thank you hero, thank you Red Sun, you did a good and necessary deed. Amen".


“With a bird’s feather, with a sharp stone, with a steel knife, with a burning candle, I pass it over the forehead and remove the evil eye. I’ll stomp my foot three times, give an order to the protective forces, take the evil eye away from me and return it to the one who did it. Good must win, and evil must be punished.

Everyone loves to gossip, but no one wants to hear gossip about their secrets. At work or in the company of friends, there will always be those who want to wash the bones. They are very interested in following someone else's life, telling stories, and very often, just making them up. "Broken Phone" works fast. You can learn a lot about yourself if you allow gossips into your life. To prevent this from happening, there is an excellent remedy - a conspiracy from gossip. Say it, perform a small ritual - you will not need anything that is not found at home or in the nearest store. Gossip addressed to you will end once and for all.

Gossip and its impact on our lives

We all love to talk about others. The life of some of our colleagues, acquaintances, friends of a trip to a soap opera. Meetings, partings, crazy actions and words spoken in a fit of passion or grief. All this can become a topic for heated discussions. No one cares why a person does what he does. Those who gossip are those whose life is not so rich in events or emotions. Discussion, laughter, envy or sympathy, in any case, gossip does not lead to anything good. So your secrets and hidden secrets become known to the whole world. People love to watch other people's dramas, to condemn what they don't understand. It is very unpleasant when you become the subject of discussion, conjecture, gossip. It is impossible to stop gossip, in the usual way. But you can with the help of a conspiracy. So gossip girls will not even think about discussing your life.

How to avoid gossip?

Sooner or later, everyone is talking, whispering. But here are the things you shouldn't do:

tell anyone in your personal life, problems;
brag about achievements
brag about your partner;
You can talk about your worries or problems only with the most trusted people.

Imagine: you are telling an unfamiliar colleague about what a wonderful husband or boyfriend you have. He gives gifts, takes him to the cinema, arranges surprises all the time. It's nice to talk about it. But, your friend may envy and try to corny beat off the boyfriend. With their powers, or magic.

It is difficult to remove love spells and bindings, and this will ruin your relationship with a man.

Gossip and envy

Gossip is often quite harmless. They talk about something for a week, but forget it. But, if stories about you, your love, life cause envy, this is already scary. Here, delay will work against you. It is envy that causes many negative consequences - the evil eye, damage, the crown of celibacy.
Envy of you and your life can become so strong that it takes the form of corruption, then you can lose a lot.

Envy accumulates, and if many people envy at once, but not kindly, then expect trouble. This is how dangerous diseases and infertility come. If many women envy your beauty or intelligence, it is these qualities of yours that will become a dangerous target, into which all the negativity from envy aims. If you find out that someone has begun to gossip about you in a team or company, immediately stop it. The gossip conspiracy will begin to act quickly, so there will be no problems. It is better to immediately remove even the slightest possibility of discussing your personal life.

Conspiracies protect against gossip

Good conspiracies will help against gossip, and you can live in peace. Your life is your personal secret.

Conspiracy for water

A simple rustic way will help against gossip. Every day you need to wash yourself with charmed water in the morning. To do this, say to the water:

“Bless, Blessed Virgin, this water, wash away from me all the squints and glances of the braid, envious and bad words, female and male gossip, all allotments and forgeries, all lessons, oohs, sighs.”

Cross the water three times and wash your face. After that, no one will even say a word about you. This will end gossip, slander against you. Try it, the method does not fail. You need to do this every day, without skipping, for the best effect.

A quick plot if the ears are "burning"

There is a sign among the people that if “ears are burning” or cheeks, then someone is gossiping about you now. Rather put an end to this. As soon as you feel this happening, cross yourself and say three times:

“Lord, my God, drive away the slander, punish the gossips! Guardian angel, my trustee, guard me with your wings, gossip has gone back! May it be so! Amen!".

Helps instantly. A good and quick way to stop any talk about your person.

Christian amulet

If you don’t know where to expect a “strike” from and the ill-wishers are unknown to you, you can make a charm to protect yourself from all evil tongues. The best in this regard is a Christian amulet.
First, you need to choose the day when the phase of the waning moon begins. You will need:

1 green candle;
consecrated red thread;
black, white and red fabric (three pieces).

Do not tell anyone that you are going to conduct this ceremony. Don't let even your relatives in on this. Close yourself in an empty room, light a green candle and say:

“I call on all the saints to help me! Envy has never been white, but only black is strong and evil. I burn it with a green candle, I save myself from envy. And the red color of envy is useless, I give it to the sacred fire. Let only white words remain, and others will be burned with fire. Amen!"

After reading the text, put the candle in the candlestick. The glow from the candle should not be seen from the street. Cut out three small circles from different colors of fabric and lay with the candle. Then read the second part of the plot:

“I cover black and white with red. I close the entrance to bad words and thoughts. The holy cross helps me!”

Conspiracy from an evil tongue

If you know that a woman or a man spreads evil gossip about you, then do not leave it unpunished. Take a photo of this person (or several), put it under three church candles. They need to be lit. While the candles are burning and melting, read the text on them:

“Not with my feet, I, the servant of God (name), go, but with a black ray of a raven. I roll with the ring, and drive with red fire, with my right foot I step on the threshold of enemies.
I will step on the threshold with my right foot, I will crush the tongues of evil enemies. My enemies will only clap their lips, but be silent, grind their teeth in anger, and knock.
A white circle will lie around my body, protect from evil enemies, toothy enemies, envious, tongued enemies.
From the neighbors in the yard, the Lord will protect me, the servant of God, from the evil servants. My circle will not let the enemies dissolve their tongues, but slander me.
Enemies will be silent like fish, they will never say more bad things about me. May it be so. Amen".

The power of the conspiracy is very great. It helps against all gossips without difficulty and immediately. Now, if they want to talk too much about you, they will immediately feel bad. This candle spell does not fail. A person literally runs into a shield when he tries to slander you.

Gossip plots need to be updated regularly. We ourselves also need to avoid gossip and gossip, so as not to become an object for whispering behind our backs in the future. If you yourself do not discuss anyone, then nothing threatens you.
This is a simple conspiracy from black energy, envy and evil gossip, but at the same time it is very strong. Helps to get rid of all slanderers at once. In the future, when someone wants to gossip, he will feel bad, as if an invisible shield grows between you, which interferes with the slanderers.

Strong rite with photography and church candles

There are also strong conspiracies from gossip, for which you will need candles and a photograph of an enemy. The spell is cast at midnight. Better for a waning moon. Light a candle, hold a picture of an envious person and a gossip in front of it with your right hand, read these words:

“I will come to you in a dream, but not I will come, but your black envy, your dark soul will gnaw at you from the inside, do not give you peace. When you wake up in the morning, you will forget about me, you will not pester me. I'll tie your tongue and shut your mouth. You can't get rid of my bonds. Don't come to me. And build your life. I won't let you ruin my life. Strong and strong are my words.

After that, burn the photo, and scatter the ashes in the wind (you can do this through an open window).

Conspiracy using gossip candles

If people like to gossip, you can punish them, make sure that they no longer gossip. There is an effective ritual that takes place after sunset. Take a photo of a gossip, three brown candles (which were purchased in advance on Friday). Wait until midnight, open the window in the room, the moon should illuminate everything around. You need to light candles, put a photo of the offender in front of you. It is better to read, looking at the flame of a candle, then at the moonlight:

“The flame is red, the flame is scarlet, help me get to my evil enemy. Help step on the long tongue, close the black mouth. So I will attack that I don’t want to spread gossip anymore. Protect me fire, protect the moonlight. Let the evil mouths close, and tongues do not reach out to me. Amen".

Candles should burn out completely. Then take out the cinders along with the image of the enemy and bury them in the ground in a deserted place.

A conspiracy from gossip to the castle

You can close the mouth of gossips with the help of a ritual with a lock. You can shut up ill-wishers with the help of a slander that is read over a new lock, locking it with a key:

“Locks close the keys, let the envious and unkind mouth become empty. Let him not speak badly of me, do not slander, do not invent. May it be so".

Bury a closed lock in a deserted place, and throw the key into any natural body of water.

Ritual in the bath from gossip

Against slander, you can conduct a ritual in the bath. It is recommended to spend it on church holidays. Go to the bathhouse, wash yourself using an oak broom. In the bath, read these words:

“I beat myself with a broom, but not for long. Let all evil rumors cease, slander will lag behind me. Help me, higher powers. Amen".

Such a rite acts quickly, helps to get rid of gossip from others. But do not repeat your mistakes, telling strangers about your life, showing off your successes.

From gossipers during cleaning

Ritual protection will help prevent slander and slander. When cleaning the house, all the time to say the words:

“When cleaning the house, I sweep out the garbage, eliminate the negative. Let the evil words and wishes in my direction be swept away forever.

Sweep the trash out of every room, take it outside. Such a rite during cleaning can be repeated every month. This will strengthen his action.

Conspiracy for a new rope

If you want gossip and slander to stop, then buy a new rope. Cotton, not synthetic. It must be tied into three knots and moistened with holy water. Bring a wet rope to a thick candle and say:

“Here is a rope, here are three knots. I’ll tie tricky words into knots, sly thoughts, a vile whisper, and an oblique look against the servant of God (name) thrown, said, unsaid, thought, thoughtless. Burn knots and don’t catch fire, lie and don’t lie. Bypass me, deceit, do not bring misfortune and fog on me. Go, liar, where is the edge of the raven, shout there, teach everyone, do not touch me. Amen".

Be sure to moisten it well so that it does not catch fire. If it lights up, then there will be no effect. This will forever close the mouth of those who slander you.

Prayer for slander

It is also an effective method. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to learn prayer by heart. It is enough in your own words to ask for help in front of the icons, to ask for protection from a pure heart. It is also useful to drink holy water, wash your face with pre-spoken water.

It is rare to find a person who does not like to gossip. But no one likes to talk about their secrets. And at work, and in any company, there will always be a couple of people who like to discuss someone else's life. Often, details from the lives of other people are supplemented by non-existent details. Therefore, it is very important to keep gossips out of your life. To get rid of them, you can use a gossip plot. With the help of magic, you can once and for all close the mouths of your ill-wishers and those who like to delve into someone else's dirty laundry.

In real life, gossip will not do without

Gossip can ruin a person's energy field

Many people like to talk about others. The life of others is interesting, personal life, career, actions and even words are discussed. According to psychologists, gossip is the lot of those people whose life is monotonous and monotonous, in which there are few events and emotions. It is important to remember that discussions do not lead to good things. The energy shell is broken, because the name of a person is constantly heard. It is gossip that often causes envy, evil eye, damage. Few people can envy kindly.

And slander becomes the cause of illness, deterioration of relations with children and spouses. The slander must be stopped, since the consequences of interference in the human energy field will not be long in coming. To prevent the appearance of unnecessary conversations, you can use traditional methods, common psychological techniques:

  • do not tell anyone about your personal life, about achievements at work;
  • you can’t brag about anything (this also applies to material wealth, professional achievements and success in marriage);
  • you can’t brag about your spouse to anyone, even to your best friends, never discuss your children and your relatives with strangers.

It can be difficult to remove a love spell, damage and the evil eye, and relationships will invariably deteriorate. You can turn to white magic and nip in the bud attempts to gossip and slander against you. Such rituals will act quickly. But from now on, you need to remember the simple rules described above. And then someone else's tongue-tied tongue will in no way affect your life.

Conspiracy rules

Compliance with simple rules guarantees the result

A conspiracy from gossip and envious people will be effective if you follow the simple recommendations of experts in the occult and esotericism:

  1. You can carry out such rituals at home on your own. But never doubt the power of magic. It is important to believe in the effectiveness of the rituals and in the power of spells and prayers.
  2. Wanting to protect yourself from evil tongues, you can use various rituals. If slander is present among colleagues, read conspiracies at work. But then again, it should be discreet so that no one will know.
  3. All words must be pronounced clearly, clearly, without hesitation. It is better, of course, to learn the text by heart. But if it doesn't work, you can peek.
  4. Thoughts must be pure, without any desire for revenge. Intentions should be directed to the benefit and purification of one's own aura.
  5. You need to read conspiracies after sunset, and even better on a moonlit night. It is the power of the moon that is protection from gossip and slander.
  6. Cast spells alone. During the ritual, no one should interfere. This also applies to pets as well.
  7. After the magical action is carried out, it is impossible to talk about it. No one, not even the closest relatives or best friends. Since often it is friends who become a source of envy, and you don’t even know about it. By telling about your actions, you will neutralize all the rituals performed. They simply will not bring results, and time and effort will be spent.
  8. It is very important to strictly follow all instructions. If you need to perform the ceremony daily, perform every day without missing

Proven Rituals

It is very unpleasant when you become the object of other people's gossip and slander. Stories about one's life cause envy, and this, at times, is a very powerful weapon, since a person's emotions accumulate, he can direct them in a completely wrong direction (evil eye or damage). To get rid of bad statements addressed to you, there are a large number of time-tested magical rituals.

You can read a conspiracy on a gossip, after which she will bypass you. If you are sure that some man or woman is spreading rumors about you, this should not be left unpunished. It is necessary to take a photo of this person or people, put three church candles on top. Light the candles until they are bitter, recite the following words on the flame:

“I am going, the servant of God (name), but not with my feet, but with crows, black ones. With a steel hoop I roll, from myself with fire and flame I drive away evil envious people and enemies. I step on their trail, drive them to the very threshold. I will stand with my right foot on the threshold, I will crush my evil tongue with it, I will crush deceit. So that my enemies only clapped their lips, but were silent, gnashed their teeth from anger and envy, but could not say anything in my direction. Let a white circle become around me, protect from enemies of the tongued and toothy, slanderers and slanderers. Let there be protection from unkind neighbors, from evil thoughts. Let this circle prevent the enemies from spreading their tongues in my direction and spreading rumors. Like fish, let them be silent, they won’t be able to say more bad things. Let everything come true, what is said. Amen, amen, amen."

Conspiracies help create an invisible shield

This is a simple conspiracy from black energy, envy and evil gossip, but at the same time it is very strong. Helps to get rid of all slanderers at once. In the future, when someone wants to gossip, he will feel bad, as if an invisible shield grows between you, which interferes with the slanderers.

Strong rite with photography and church candles

There are also strong conspiracies from gossip, for which you will need candles and a photograph of an enemy. The spell is cast at midnight. Better for a waning moon. Light a candle, hold a picture of an envious person and a gossip in front of it with your right hand, read these words:

“I will come to you in a dream, but not I will come, but your black envy, your dark soul will gnaw at you from the inside, do not give you peace. When you wake up in the morning, you will forget about me, you will not pester me. I'll tie your tongue and shut your mouth. You can't get rid of my bonds. Don't come to me. And build your life. I won't let you ruin my life. Strong and strong are my words.

After that, burn the photo, and scatter the ashes in the wind (you can do this through an open window).

Fast acting conspiracy

The feeling of "burning ears" may indicate gossip addressed to you.

Sometimes a person, for no apparent reason, feels that his face is on fire or his ears are on fire. Experts say that this is a clear sign that at the moment someone is gossiping or talking badly about a person. Getting rid of gossip can be a simple rite. With its help, a person can get rid of slander, prevent rumors from spreading about himself. This is how you can get rid of the problem. Feeling that the face or ears are “blazing”, cross yourself three times and say this prayer:

“God, almighty. Help me in my trouble. Drive away from me fierce anger, prickly envy, evil tongues. Let my soul get rid of extraneous influence. Your angels will become my protectors, they will cover me with their wings, gossip and gossip will be sent back. Let what has been said come true. Amen".

A simple conspiracy for water

Against gossip, water is a good protector. It is especially good if it is spring or well water, since it contains a large amount of positive energy. Get up at night, fill a glass or jar of water. Read the following plot over it:

“Our Lady, I ask for your help and protection. Cover me, protect me from bad looks, untrue rumors, unclean envy, bad thoughts and slander. Let the evil and unkind tongue bite itself. And leave me alone. Holy virgin, help me, give peace to my sinful soul. Let envy, anger, slander and gossip never touch her. Your strength is very great, and let my words be steel, damask, iron. No one can break them, trample them, burn them, unravel them.”

After reading the text, overshadow yourself three times with a cross. Hide the container with the charmed water in a secret place so that no one can see. This is your guardian. Every morning after waking up, be sure to wash yourself with this water. Make a talisman until you feel that all the evil against you has ended, that there is no more slander.

The water container should be well hidden

Ritual on a brown candle

If people like to gossip, you can punish them, make sure that they no longer gossip. There is an effective ritual that takes place after sunset. Take a photo of a gossip, three brown candles (which were purchased in advance on Friday). Wait until midnight, open the window in the room, the moon should illuminate everything around. You need to light candles, put a photo of the offender in front of you. It is better to read, looking at the flame of a candle, then at the moonlight:

“The flame is red, the flame is scarlet, help me get to my evil enemy. Help step on the long tongue, close the black mouth. So I will attack that I don’t want to spread gossip anymore. Protect me fire, protect the moonlight. Let the evil mouths close, and tongues do not reach out to me. Amen".

Candles should burn out completely. Then take out the cinders along with the image of the enemy and bury them in the ground in a deserted place.

On the rope

On the rope you will need to tie three knots

A gossip plot can be carried out using a new rope. But in order to prevent slander, denunciation and slander, only cotton rope should be purchased. Tie three knots on it, lower it into holy water. Light a thick candle, bring a wet rope with knots to its flame, say:

“How easily this candle lit up, so easily the ears begin to burn with gossip, slander, slander and slander. As the flame shines, so envy and hatred will burn in the soul. Let their tongues burn in this flame. Knots will help. I will tie in them secret words, only known to me. Let evil thoughts be tied in them, long tongues. Let what was said by chance not come true, it does not concern me. Go slander into the open field, into the dense forest, into the swamp. Don't come back to me."

Bury the rope with a candle near the pond. In this case, gossip and slander of other people will no longer concern you.

With a lock

You can close the mouth of gossips with the help of a ritual with a lock. You can shut up ill-wishers with the help of a slander that is read over a new lock, locking it with a key:

“Locks close the keys, let the envious and unkind mouth become empty. Let him not speak badly of me, do not slander, do not invent. May it be so".

Bury a closed lock in a deserted place, and throw the key into any natural body of water.

In the bath

Against slander, you can conduct a ritual in the bath. It is recommended to spend it on church holidays. Go to the bathhouse, wash yourself using an oak broom. In the bath, read these words:

“I beat myself with a broom, but not for long. Let all evil rumors cease, slander will lag behind me. Help me, higher powers. Amen".

Such a rite acts quickly, helps to get rid of gossip from others. But do not repeat your mistakes, telling strangers about your life, showing off your successes.

Cleaning ritual

Ritual protection will help prevent slander and slander. When cleaning the house, all the time to say the words:

“When cleaning the house, I sweep out the garbage, eliminate the negative. Let the evil words and wishes in my direction be swept away forever.

Sweep the trash out of every room, take it outside. Such a rite during cleaning can be repeated every month. This will strengthen his action.

The Power of Prayer

Prayer from slander is also an effective method. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to learn prayer by heart. It is enough in your own words to ask for help in front of the icons, to ask for protection from a pure heart. It is also useful to drink holy water, wash your face with pre-spoken water.

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