Maslenitsa cards with congratulations and forgiveness. Cute Forgiveness Sunday cards with festive inscriptions

Every Maslenitsa week is spent cheerfully and cheerfully. On all days of this holiday, it is customary to congratulate acquaintances, meet with friends and family. Beautiful pictures from Maslenitsa 2018 will help our readers to congratulate their loved ones and loved ones: we have created free collections for downloading with congratulations, poems and without text. Among the ready-made selections you can find images with pancakes or a Maslenitsa scarecrow. Bright cards and animated congratulations will help you beautifully express attention and respect to everyone you know.

Beautiful pictures of Maslenitsa 2018 and congratulations - a selection of postcards and videos

Even in Rus', during Maslenitsa week it was customary to congratulate your family and friends. IN modern world Cool cards will help you express respect to your loved ones. For our readers, we have selected the most beautiful pictures with congratulations for Maslenitsa 2018.

A selection of beautiful pictures for Maslenitsa with congratulations

Among the pictures we have selected you can find the most unusual and beautiful cards for the Maslenitsa holiday. The selection includes pictures from congratulatory inscriptions and funny poems.

Beautiful video cards with congratulations for Maslenitsa 2018

You can please all your loved ones with funny pictures and video postcards. Bright animations with congratulations will certainly delight every recipient.

Funny pictures with pancakes for Maslenitsa 2018 - a selection of images without text

To congratulate your family and friends on Maslenitsa 2018, you can select not only postcards with congratulations, but also thematic pictures. Cool images with pancakes you can add your own wishes. Readers will be able to pick up such cool pictures for Maslenitsa in the next collection.

A cool selection of pictures with pancakes in honor of Maslenitsa 2018 without text

The best pictures of Maslenitsa and Forgiveness Sunday 2018

Maslenitsa week ends with Forgiveness Sunday. On this day, it is customary to ask for forgiveness from relatives, friends, and colleagues. The following selection of pictures will help our readers to beautifully congratulate everyone they know on the last day of Maslenitsa - Forgiveness Sunday.

A selection of pictures and postcards for Forgiveness Sunday of Maslenitsa

We have selected the most best pictures for Forgiveness Sunday of Maslenitsa, which will help you congratulate your friends in an original way on the end of Maslenitsa week. Cool postcards with poems can be sent via mms, in social networks or messengers.

Beautiful pictures with a stuffed animal for Maslenitsa 2018 - free selection for download

During the celebration of Maslenitsa, it is customary to make and burn effigies symbolizing winter. Therefore, images of this character can also be used to send during Maslenitsa week as postcards. We have made a selection beautiful pictures with stuffed animals for Maslenitsa, which every reader can download absolutely free.

How to download beautiful pictures of the Maslenitsa scarecrow for free?

Free beautiful pictures-congratulations on Maslenitsa 2018 - selection for downloading

Using a ready-made collection congratulatory pictures, can be easily found suitable postcard for any holiday. Therefore, for our readers we have created another cool selection beautiful pictures for Maslenitsa, which you can download for free. With its help, they can easily select bright images to congratulate their family and friends.

Free selection of pictures for downloading with congratulations on Maslenitsa

In the collection of pictures we created, readers will be able to find images with congratulations and without text. Cool cards and drawings will help you congratulate relatives, friends and acquaintances on Maslenitsa in an original way. To do this you just need to download free collection congratulatory and thematic pictures.

Congratulating your friends and family on every day of Maslenitsa is as easy as shelling pears, using ready-made collections of pictures. Our collections can be downloaded or copied to your computer for free for sending on social networks and instant messengers. They include beautiful and funny pictures of Maslenitsa 2018 with congratulations, poems and without text. Themed cards with pancakes and stuffed animals will definitely please the recipients and will give them maximum positivity.

The most best cards with Forgiveness Sunday 2018 and Maslenitsa you can download for free from our website. We bring to your attention beautiful images with inscriptions and poems touching to tears, funny pictures and warm, sincere congratulations. By choosing the most successful and attractive option, you can make a pleasant surprise relatives, friends, acquaintances, work colleagues and neighbors at the entrance. In our collection there are suitable holiday cards for everyone with congratulations and good, good wishes, which will touch even the most reserved and stern hearts.

Funny cards with Forgiveness Sunday and Maslenitsa 2018 for family and friends

Funny cards with Forgiveness Sunday and Maslenitsa received as a gift will definitely be liked by family and friends and will bring a lot of joy positive emotions. It's simple and affordable way please your loved ones and beautifully greet them on two holidays at once. Great addition to a bright and colorful thematic picture will become nice words congratulations and good wishes good health, great happiness, luck, good luck and prosperity.

Types of cool cards with Maslenitsa and Forgiveness Sunday for friends and family

Touching to tears postcards with verses on Forgiveness Sunday in 2018 - where to download for free

You no longer need to waste time searching for where to download free postcards with verses on Forgiveness Sunday that are touching to tears. All the most beautiful thematic images, decorated with kind rhyming couplets, are on our website. They can be presented to your beloved soul mates, parents, brothers, sisters and other relatives, be sure to supplement them with a request for forgiveness and the most sincere, good wishes. Such sweet and touching signs of attention will only affect relationships in a positive way and will help to make amends for minor grievances and other negative aspects that sometimes arise even between very close and dear people.

Options for postcards with verses for free download for Forgiveness Sunday

Beautiful greeting cards in honor of Forgiveness Sunday for friends

Bright, expressive and beautiful cards in honor of Forgiveness Sunday for friends need to be selected in advance. This holiday is very special and provides an opportunity to delicately apologize to loved ones for voluntary and involuntary insults, harsh words and inattention. In ordinary times it is very difficult to ask for forgiveness for such things, but at the moment of bright and sublime triumph even the most proud and arrogant people feel the need to admit that they were wrong.

Forgiveness Sunday opens up the opportunity to make peace with loved ones and return good attitude friends and establish a normal dialogue with colleagues to whom you previously did not want to show loyalty. On this beautiful and blessed day sorry words must be accepted and forgiveness cannot be refused. But all this must be done only with pure thoughts and with an open heart. Only then will you be forgiven not only offended person, but also the Savior Jesus.

A selection of beautiful cards for friends on Forgiveness Sunday

Cute Forgiveness Sunday cards with festive inscriptions

Very tender, cute Forgiveness Sunday cards with holiday inscriptions are suitable as a gift to friends, acquaintances and work colleagues. By downloading beautiful images for free, you can send them to loved ones on smartphones, tablets and computers, drop them into an email inbox, adding good wishes, or post them on personal pages on social networks. This style of holiday greetings is very accepted among young people and middle-aged people who constantly communicate with the Internet and modern gadgets.

For elderly relatives or friends, it is better to prepare more traditional congratulations. For this colorful cards With themed pictures you need to print it out on a printer, sign it by hand with some warm, good words and hand over with a small a nice present or a bouquet of flowers. Older generation will appreciate such a touching sign of attention and will remember it for a very long time.

Examples of cute cards with inscriptions in honor of Forgiveness Sunday

The best cards for Forgiveness Sunday with congratulations and wishes for relatives

All the best Forgiveness Sunday 2018 cards with congratulations and wishes for relatives can be downloaded for free on our website. The carefully selected collection includes tear-jerking images, optimistic pictures with good wishes and cheerful, joyful cards with beautiful inscriptions in honor of Maslenitsa. Any of these congratulations will appeal to every person and will bring wonderful holiday a lot of positive emotions.

It is appropriate to print greeting cards on Forgiveness Sunday on a color printer and give them to all loved ones, friends and acquaintances, adding the most sincere congratulations and wishes. Hear good words, said from pure heart and with the brightest intentions it will be pleasant for absolutely everyone, especially on a day like Forgiveness Sunday.

For those who cannot be congratulated in person, you need to send a postcard by mail or send it via the Internet, in the form of an SMS or mms message. This will not take much time, but in this way you will be able to greet maximum amount of people.

Collection of the best greeting cards for Forgiveness Sunday 2018 with good wishes

Many people associate Maslenitsa with spring warmth, noisy fun, the unique aroma of freshly baked pancakes. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine without these traditional attributes annual holiday Maslenitsa, celebrated on a grand scale on the eve of Lent. For seven days Maslenitsa week joy and fun reign everywhere - in every house guests are happy to be treated to delicious pancakes with all kinds of fillings, and on the street they arrange festivities with songs, games and fun. The end of the celebration is considered to be the ritual burning of a straw Scarecrow, symbolizing the passing winter - this ritual is carried out on Forgiveness Sunday, the last day of Maslenitsa (Cheese Week). With joy, laughter and jokes, people are preparing to welcome the long-awaited spring, adhering to the traditions and beliefs of their ancestors. So, the first three days of Cheese Week are called Narrow Maslenitsa- this period is usually devoted not only to entertainment events, but also to preparation for the upcoming forty-day Lent. The height of fun and festivities occurs in the second half of the week, when the Broad or Rambling Maslenitsa. In the last pre-Lent days, it is customary to visit and host relatives and friends, setting lavish tables with traditional Maslenitsa treats. In honor of the upcoming holiday of farewell to winter, we offer the most beautiful cards with Maslenitsa and Forgiveness Sunday – 2018 – cool congratulations with poems and inscriptions in prose can be downloaded for free on our website. When congratulating your family and friends on Maslenitsa, do not forget to add the traditional wishes of satiety, fun, good luck and prosperity.

Beautiful cards for Maslenitsa 2018 – free download for congratulations on the holiday

The tradition of celebrating Maslenitsa goes back to pagan times, when our ancestors cheerfully celebrated the end of winter and the beginning of spring. agricultural work. Rejoicing at the onset of warmth, housewives baked ruddy pancakes, which were considered a symbol of the Sun. With the advent of Christianity, Maslenitsa week began to be called Cheese Week, which precedes Lent. Today, Maslenitsa still remains one of the most beloved holidays, gathering all relatives and friends at generously set tables. We have selected the most beautiful cards for Maslenitsa 2018 - congratulations in verse and prose can be downloaded for free and sent to the recipient in electronic form. On each postcard you will find a colorful image of Maslenitsa symbols, as well as inscriptions with best wishes.

Examples of beautiful cards for Maslenitsa for free download

Funny cards for Maslenitsa - for family, classmates, friends

Choosing a cool funny postcard with congratulations for Maslenitsa 2018

Postcards with Maslenitsa - 2018 - by day of the week with congratulatory inscriptions in verse and prose

Each day of Shrovetide Week has its own name, meaning, as well as traditions and customs. Thus, the most important part of the holiday is considered to be Broad Maslenitsa - from Thursday to Sunday. These days it is customary to visit relatives and friends and receive dear guests at home. We have selected the most interesting postcards Happy Maslenitsa - 2018 by day of the week - with congratulatory inscriptions in poetry and prose. With the help of our beautiful cards you will be able to congratulate your family and friends every day throughout Maslenitsa week.

How to congratulate with a postcard every day of Maslenitsa

The best cards with Maslenitsa and Forgiveness Sunday - funny pictures for the holiday

Forgiveness Sunday is the most important and last day of Maslenitsa week. According to tradition, on this day people ask forgiveness from relatives and friends for all offenses, hearing in response: “God will forgive, and I forgive.” We bring to your attention the best free postcards With Wide Maslenitsa and Forgiveness Sunday - they can be easily downloaded and sent to the addressee in email or simply post it on your social media page. The appearance of such funny postcards or pictures will remind everyone of the end of Maslenitsa entertainment events and the beginning of Lent.

The custom of asking for forgiveness on the last day of Maslenitsa is Forgiveness resurrection— originated a very long time ago.

This tradition is directly related to the beginning of strict church fast. It was considered important to ask forgiveness from all relatives and friends, friends and acquaintances, in order to prepare the soul for the onset of Lent.

On Forgiveness Sunday, people set tables, invited and visited, and participated in active games And winter fun. It was important to “release” all your energy so that you could then spend 40 days in peace and repentance.

On this day, asking for forgiveness, people expressed to each other the most necessary and kind wishes.
We offer you many congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday, and you find what you need and say it at your sacred hour.

To mom

In prose

Dear mommy! Please forgive me for the insults that I may have caused you, voluntarily or unwittingly. Please forgive me for unsaid words and unfinished actions. I want you to know that I love you very much and wish you nothing but the best. Be healthy, cheerful, cheerful, may the sun shine brightly above your head during the day and the stars at night, illuminating all your roads. Let the smile never leave your face, dear. Happy Feast of Forgiveness Resurrection!

My dear, beloved mother! I hasten to ask you for forgiveness for all my sins. I know you always forgive me because you love me. I try not to upset you, but only to please you, but, unfortunately, I don’t always succeed. Don’t be offended by me, dear, and forgive me again! Health to you and for long years life.

Darling! Dear Mom! On this frosty sunny day, I ask you to forgive me for everything that could upset you! Your daughter did not always live up to your expectations, don’t be angry with her. She was often mischievous and did not listen to you. Forgive her today, and she will definitely improve, because she loves you very much!

To mom in verse

Mom, dear, forgive me!
Release all my sorrows to the sky,
On this Sunday I want to say,
That I will soon pay for your tears,
And I will answer for everything before God,
If only you would forgive me, my mother!

Forgiveness Sunday has arrived
I rush to meet my mother,
As soon as I see her, I’ll say quietly in her ear:
“You are mine, dear mother, forgive me for the disappointments,
And let all my sins far away from you!
Be healthy, dear,
Be sweet and gentle
And forget all the insults, dear, forever!

To dad

In prose

My dear dad! Today I want to ask you for forgiveness for everything that could upset you. Sometimes we are in a hurry, rushing somewhere, not noticing how we offend our loved ones with wrong actions, and hurt our loved ones with rude words! Don't hold a grudge against your daughter. Today I bow my head and ask you for forgiveness for everything!

My dear father! Forgive me, your daughter. Maybe I don't pay enough attention to you. Maybe I argue with you a lot and defend my position. Maybe I just don’t say enough affectionate and kind words to you. Don't hold grudges against me. Forgive me for all my voluntary and involuntary ugly actions. I love you and will try not to upset you ever again.

To Dad in Poems

I called my dad today
And she asked her daughter to forgive her.
My dear dad is very wise,
He will not carry evil within himself.

Daddy, darling, congratulations,
Happy Forgiveness Sunday to you!
And I sincerely wish you,
Let your mood be great.
Let all the sorrows and fears
They will fly away and not return.
Always live your life on a grand scale,
And be able to smile at problems.
And further! I ask you to forgive me,
Don't blame me for my mistakes and shortcomings.
You know I love you!
And I always armor myself for everything!

To my husband

In prose

My dear! On this Forgiveness Sunday, I ask you to forgive me! I know that I am not always kind to you, I often raise my voice and, probably, I do something wrong. Don't be offended by me, and forgive your girl, she will try to never upset you again!

My dear! Today is an unusual day, because now I will say what you have always wanted to hear. You often reproach me for being wrong, not listening to you, doing things against you and not admitting my guilt. You say that I don’t know how to ask for forgiveness, and I’m not grateful. So, today I fully admit my guilt and want to ask for forgiveness for myself, for my words, for my actions and thoughts. I really value our relationship and cherish our love faithfully. I want to always be with you and don’t try to upset you over trifles. Don't be angry with me and forgive me for everything!

To my husband in verse

My dear dear man is such a man
There is definitely no reason for sadness
On Sunday I ask you to forgive me
And treat you to champagne in honor of forgiveness.

Darling, I'm sorry
For all my past sins.
I advise you to forget about everything sad,
And new, clean, bright life live!


In prose

My dear wife. I kneel before you and ask you to forgive me. No, don’t think that I did something and caused trouble! I never even thought about it. But there are moments when I could unwittingly offend you. Forgive me, and let's also love each other as we have done for (number of years) years.

My dear (name). On Forgiveness Day, it is customary to ask for forgiveness from all your family and friends. You are my dearest and close person. I feel good and cozy with you. I appreciate all your efforts and care for me. I feel your love and answer you the same. We rarely swear and quarrel and this is very good. This gives me strength for work and all my additional activities. I never intentionally wanted to anger or upset you, not to mention resentment and revenge, and you know it, my love. But still, maybe a word came out of my mouth or I did some action that offended or upset you. This is all involuntary and reluctant. Forgive me, forgive me and forgive me again!

To my wife in verses

Darling, I may have offended you!
And I ask her to forgive me for that.
I promise not to do this again
And always love her alone!

I ask and beg my wife
Forgive me for my actions and words,
Try, my dear,
Let go of tears and sorrows!


In prose

I apologize to you, my beloved granny, for everything at once! Be healthy, cheerful and cheerful and always greet your grandchildren with the same enthusiasm!

Grandma, dear! On this Forgiveness Sunday, I ask you to forgive me for my infrequent visits to you, for my infrequent kind words addressed to you. I'll fix it, because I love you!

In poems to grandma

Holidays are knocking on my door,
I want to open up to my grandmother.
Forgive me, my dear,
That I'm not with you often,
That I rarely bring gifts,
I'm just constantly in the park.
I promise: I will improve,
Come visit your house more often!

Dear grandmother, please forgive me!
And treat me to pancakes with jam!


In prose

Dear grandpa! I ask you to forgive me on this forgiven day and I want to add that you are my most “global” grandfather!

When I was (was) little (little) you, grandpa always told different stories about good and evil, about strength and weakness, about courage and cowardice. You taught us kindness, lightness and honesty. You said that you should always admit your mistakes, miscalculations and mistakes. You said that you should not offend people and ask for forgiveness at the slightest offense. So, I never tried to offend you, but today I want to thank you for your presence in my life as an example to follow and ask for forgiveness for all my involuntary offenses. I know you will forgive me on this forgiven day and, like in childhood, you will shake my hand!

To Grandfather in Poems

On holiday, I urgently need to visit my grandfather,
And ask my family to forgive me for everything.
Be healthy, grandfather, for many more years,
I send you Sunday fiery greetings!

Dear grandpa! Dear and dear,
You are so handsome, brave, mischievous.
This Sunday, forgive me!
I will tell you again: “I love you!”


In prose

My dear boy! Forgive your godfather (godmother) for all his (her) sins. I am responsible for your life before the Lord God and I pray for you: for your right steps, your well-being. Don't be angry with me if I did (did) something wrong. You and I are connected by the highest Divine thread and therefore everything should be fine!

My dear godson! On the day of Forgiveness Resurrection, I ask you to forgive me for all my actions or inactions that resulted in disappointment on your part. Forgive me for those prayers that for some reason “did not reach the Almighty.” I will continue to pray for you and be responsible for your spiritual life. Don't be angry with me and forgive me again!

In verse to the godson

I ask my godson for forgiveness,
On this Forgiveness Sunday.
I only wish him well,
Sending your prayers!

Resurrection has come
It brought faith to people.
I apologize for everything!
Come for a treat!


In prose

My dear goddaughter! It's time to ask you for forgiveness. I ask you to forgive me for the fact that in the turmoil and whirlwind of our lives, I probably don’t pray enough for you! You are my smart girl, and God grant you only all the best!

Let me ask you for forgiveness once again, my dear. I am responsible before God for your spiritual life. Maybe somewhere I didn’t finish watching something, didn’t finish it, didn’t finish it. I'm sorry!

Goddaughter in verse

Forgive me for all my prayers
That maybe they didn’t reach God,
I always ask God:
“Only the best for the goddaughter, let’s go!”

Forgive me and I forgive you,
My good and sweetheart,
I honestly, honestly promise you
That I will pray for you!


In prose

My dear (name). On this day we are with you again. It's great. After all, there is no holiday when we are separated. We are always there. I love you all, but maybe someday I offended or offended you in some way? I ask you to forgive me and forgive me on this forgiven Sunday!

Please forgive me, my friends! Free my soul from torment! I value our friendship so much! On this Forgiven Day, I ask you to forgive me for everything, for everything!

My dear friend, I know that you always forgive me all my shortcomings. Forgive me today on this Sunday of Request!

Friend, forgive me and I forgive you for everything! Let all our grievances dissolve like sugar in a cup of coffee, and strengthen our friendship even stronger!

To a friend in verse

Please, my friends,
Forgive me for everything:
For a rude word,
For my intolerable temper,
Forgive my sins before God,
I admit that I was often wrong!

I apologize to my friends
So that life becomes more fun.
I congratulate you on Forgiveness Day
And I forgive you all for everything!
Sunday is a wonderful day!
You, my friend, get up quickly!
And forgive me for everything!

Forgive me, dear friend,
For everything that happened to us in life.
We will forgive our friends
Strengthen friendship more!

To a friend

In prose

Dear friend, I ask you to forgive me for all my involuntary actions that could have offended and offended you.

On this Sunday holiday, I want you to forgive me, because your forgiveness is very important to me, my dear, beloved friend!

In verse

Please forgive me, friend!
After all, we are with you in the rain and blizzard.
We are together - water will not spill,
May the friendship live on for many years to come!

Forgive me, singing girlfriend
And let go of all sorrows,
We are always interested together
We are always on the same path with you!

Work colleague (male)

In prose

(Name), you and I spend a lot of time together every weekday. You and I, shoulder to shoulder, solve important work issues. Perhaps I accidentally offended you or said something unpleasant to you! Please forgive me and clear my soul and head of disturbing thoughts!

Dear (name, patronymic)! This Sunday, let me ask you for forgiveness for all my ridiculous actions and incorrectly spoken words addressed to you. I value our working relationship and don't want to upset you any further. Sorry!

In verse to a colleague

On the day of forgiveness, I ask for forgiveness!
This “cleansing” is important to me
I'm ready to be better, cleaner,
So please forgive me!
