Unusual wedding traditions from around the world. Wedding traditions from around the world

If today most marriages are for love, then in ancient states the main role was played by calculation and the pursuit of financial or social goals.

Today we decided to remember and tell you about various wedding traditions in different countries of the world.

Ancient Rome

Weddings in Ancient Rome were celebrated noisily and cheerfully.Girls were married off at the age of 14, but there were cases of earlier marriages at the age of 12-13. DIt was not easy for the ancient Romans to choose a wedding day, since many days were considered unfavorable. Weddings were usually celebrated in the middle or end of June, promising a happy life for the new family.

Ancient Roman wedding rituals placed great importance on the bride

After the engagement, the bride put the ring on the finger of her left hand. On the same day, a marriage contract was drawn up. After this, the celebration of the wedding itself began. On the night before the wedding, the bride brought all her children's toys to the home altar and said goodbye to them; this ritual symbolized her entry into adult married life. When the wedding day arrived, the bride dressed up in white and red clothes and waited for the groom to arrive.

Every American eats at least a piece of turkey on this day.

After the priest clarified whether the wedding day was successful, the marriage contract was signed and the newlyweds took each other’s hands to pray together to the gods. After the ceremony, guests and the newlyweds celebrated the wedding at the bride's house. And only then did the newly made husband and wife go to the house of the head of the family. The groom carried the bride over the threshold of his house in his arms. At this point the wedding celebration ended and family life began.

Ancient Rus'

After Christianity became the official religion in Kievan Rus, the formation of a traditional wedding ceremony began.

Since it was not possible to completely eradicate paganism, a symbiosis of Christianity and pagan rituals resulted. After the 16th century, a clear ritual, wedding dresses, attributes and folklore developed, which have survived to this day. And the main innovation was the mandatory church coverage of marriage.

After the 16th century, clear wedding rituals developed in Rus'

The ceremony took place in the evening, for which they put on the best dress and all the jewelry that was available. In the front door they prepared a table at which they awaited the arrival of the groom. Then the mother-in-law combed her hair and braided two braids, which symbolized a woman in marriage. After the blessings, the newlyweds went to the wedding; according to the rules, the groom had to arrive first. Only after the wedding could the couple kiss. When leaving, the newlyweds were showered with hops and flax seeds, with wishes of happiness. Afterwards, everyone headed to the husband’s house, where the celebration itself took place.

The ceremony itself was divided into several stages: pre-wedding customs (dating, bridesmaid viewings, maiden fortune telling ); pre-wedding customs (matchmaking, bridesmaids, collusion, bachelorette party, groom's gatherings ), wedding ceremonies (bride price, wedding train, wedding, wedding feast ) and post-wedding rituals (second day, visits ).

Ancient Greece

The wedding rites of Ancient Greece differed from those of ancient Rome primarily in that the word of the bride had practically no significance in the choice of the groom, who was chosen by the bride's father. A girl was married off at the age of 15 to a groom who was about 30 years old or a little older, since this was the age that men considered the best and most mature.

As in Ancient Rome, in Greece the bride said goodbye to her toys, after which she took a bath. On the wedding day, the bride was dressed in white robes. Then the bride waited for the groom, who was supposed to come for her in a chariot and take her to his home. The wedding procession accompanied the newlyweds all the way to the groom's house. The groom introduced the bride to his mother and carried the girl over the threshold, after which the newlyweds ate a specially prepared wedding dish.

According to the wedding rites of Ancient Greece, the newlyweds were showered with fruits

Wedding rituals of that time required that the newlyweds be showered with fruits for a well-fed and prosperous family life. The bride and groom went to the bedroom. The next morning, the bride's family came to the groom's house, and a family wedding celebration was organized, at which the newlyweds received gifts from relatives and friends.

Ancient China

In those days, a Chinese man could have as many women as he wanted and could afford. Situations where the young concubine was a teenager, while the husband was an ancient old man, were in the order of things.

In Ancient China, poor families often sold their young daughters to the rich

Poor families often sold their young daughters to rich families in order to get some money and also to get rid of the useless women in the family.

Marriages arranged by parents were also common. The young people got married because their parents decided so. Sometimes young people saw each other for the first time at their own wedding. Arranged marriages were also common: the wedding was organized even before the birth of the children with the consent of the parents on both sides.

Modern China

Today, Chinese young people choose and marry those they love. However, in order to show your respect for the parents of the other party, official permission from the parents for the wedding must be obtained in advance.

One of the wedding customs is preparing a dowry. The bride's family buys various things that will be useful to the new family.The wedding should be held on a day that symbolizes goodness and good energy.

— The groom arrives at the house of the bride’s parents and greets his future relatives. The couple then heads to the house of the groom's parents, where the newlyweds greet his parents together.

— At the banquet, the newlyweds must drink half a glass of wine from a glass tied with a ribbon. Then the newlyweds change hands and drink the other half of the wine.

According to modern Chinese traditions, young people choose each other for love

- In some provinces of China, fish is served at the banquet table, which should not be eaten entirely - this symbolizes a good beginning and end to marriage.

— After the banquet, the friends of the newlyweds continue the night with games and dancing.


In England, many rituals associated with entering the church have survived to this day. The bride and groom, for example, had to jump over a bench placed across the entrance to the church, which signified overcoming obstacles in family life.

In England, many wedding rituals have been preserved to this day.

There is a legend that in the mid-19th century, at one of the weddings in Leicestershire, the bride's brother, when returning home from church, threw a huge old shoe onto the road from the wedding carriage. The bridesmaids, in elegant dresses, rushed onto the dusty road and it was the one who first grabbed the shoe who soon got married.


Previously, in Japanese family relationships, love played the last role. Marriage, depending on the era and the head of the government, was a way to maintain social status and prolong the family line, and in the times of the samurai, a means for creating military and clan alliances.

The Japanese organize weddings in special centers where Buddhist, Shinto or Christian customs are combined. The wedding itself is an expensive pleasure. For example, a bride’s outfit is a real work of art, since gold and silver thread is used in sewing, and gold and silver powder is used when dyeing fabric.

In Japan, it is customary to have a wedding in the summer - this is an ancient tradition.

It is customary to have a wedding in the summer; this is an ancient tradition that has survived to this day. Therefore, all modern calendars are full of happy dates for marriage.

In the USA, a wedding is a business. Future newlyweds practically do not prepare for the wedding celebration on their own, and all pre-wedding matters are taken care of by employees of wedding agencies.

After a young man proposes to his girlfriend, an engagement ceremony is held, at which it is customary to give a diamond ring. Only after this the couple in love officially becomes the bride and groom. Between engagement and wedding usually takes from six months to 2 years. During this time, preparations for the wedding take place.

American weddings typically feature a rehearsal ceremony.

Six months before the wedding, the bride and groom begin sending out invitations to the celebration. Invitations in the USA are very different from Russian ones. Firstly, usually the young people themselves come up with their design - it’s not just a postcard indicating the date and place, but a whole package of messages. The time and place of the celebration, the possibility of renting a hotel, as well as a list of desired gifts are indicated here. In addition, an additional envelope and a card are included in the envelope, which must be returned before the specified time, indicating whether the invited guest will be at the wedding or not.

A month before the celebration, the bride and groom have a bachelor party and a bachelorette party, respectively. The bride's friends come to the bachelorette party with gifts. This is a long tradition, dating back to the first settlers.

In our understanding, a traditional wedding is associated with a white fluffy dress, a formal suit for the groom and a large festive table. But not all countries around the world celebrate weddings this way. Many nations honor their traditions and celebrate marriage especially.


In Malaysia, most wedding ceremonies are carried out in the Muslim tradition. Brides often choose wedding dresses in purple, violet or cream shades. The ceremony is held on a special platform. This is a special wooden gazebo, beautifully decorated with flowers.

Before the wedding day, the bride is given special henna designs, which is very similar to a similar ritual in India. In Malaysia, there is a very unusual ritual for signing a marriage contract. It represents a special contract, considered a gift from the groom to the bride. Before the banquet, the groom and his entourage must pick up the bride, who is waiting for him at the appointed place. This entire ritual is performed to the sound of a drum. Traditionally, a banquet held in the evening is considered important at a wedding in Malaysia.

In Japanese weddings, brides often wear two dresses throughout the ceremony - white and red, although sometimes there may be more. Wedding customs in Japan are very different from the traditions of other countries, because most marriages are contractual - a man and a woman marry not for love, but for mutual benefit. The girl is looking for a wealthy partner, and the man is looking for a good housewife who will look after the house and raise children. Of course, in the Land of the Rising Sun, love marriages take place, the number of which is growing every year, but today there are also a lot of arranged ones.

Preparation for a wedding takes at least 6 months, so invitations are usually sent out at least 2-3 months before the wedding. Future spouses traditionally exchange mokuroku, scrolls that list all the relatives of the other half. If the newlyweds know everyone by name, they will be able to make a good impression on the new family. In Japan, it is customary to give gifts even before the wedding. They are called engagement gifts (yuino). The groom's family gives the bride a gold or platinum diamond ring. If the family income is not high, then with a stone that matches the bride’s zodiac sign. It is also customary to give money to the bride for the wedding. Japanese weddings rarely cost less than $80,000. The bride, in turn, gives her groom a ring, but of much less value.

Ghanaian traditional weddings are very colorful. The design of their national clothes may vary depending on the colors and patterns. Each family has its own pattern of traditional clothing.

Today, most young Romanians have weddings in a modern style. However, traditional outfits can still be seen in more remote areas. Although Romania is small, each region has its own wedding costume.

Romanians begin their wedding ceremony on Monday. Since the first day of the week symbolizes the creation of a new family. The groom and his parents should come to the young house early in the morning. Then everyone goes to church and the marriage ceremony takes place. In addition to the parents of the young, the imprisoned mother and father are allowed to be present.

According to tradition, after a wedding in church, the newlyweds come home and greet the guests with bread and salt and a full glass of wine. Then all the guests go to the tables and sit down. The traditional Romanian wedding menu includes cabbage pies, sour soups, goose and duck offal, pickles and, of course, wine drinks. Before sitting down to the table, young people must bow to their parents.

Then they ask forgiveness from the guests for any mistakes that may have been made during the wedding ceremony, and then the fun begins. In the evening after the holiday, according to tradition, the mother who was seated is the first to leave the feast, as she must make a bed for the newlyweds. She puts a thorny bush under the bed, which will help overcome every hardship in family relationships.

Then the seated mother returns to the table, takes the newlyweds by the hands, walks with them three times around the table, and then the newlyweds go to the bedchamber. From this moment on, the women at the table start singing sad songs, and this is how the traditional Romanian wedding ceremony ends!

The Sami are the indigenous people of Lapland. Their traditional dresses can tell a lot about their owners. For example, square buttons mean that a person is married, while single people use clothes with round buttons.

On the eve of the wedding, all relatives gather at the bride's house, where the groom presents the relatives with gifts that they had previously agreed on. Usually, as a sign of respect, the young man presents a silver cup to his father-in-law - this is the first and main gift. The second most important gift will be a huge copper or cast iron boiler. The third is a bed, that is, deer skins, from which a sleeping place will be made. Gifts for the mother-in-law are as follows: a silver belt, a formal and elegant dress, a neck decoration made of silver circles. The groom should give silver spoons, a necklace, and similar pleasant things to other relatives. The gift must be for each relative of the bride, otherwise the bride may not be given to the young man. The wedding is celebrated the next day, first the wedding, and only then the feast. Those getting married wear suits specially made for the special occasion; renting things from the Sami is considered bad manners.

>The bride is always the center of attention on her wedding day. However, if you find yourself at a traditional Sri Lankan wedding, you will most likely not be able to take your eyes off the groom.

Here, during the wedding, national wedding rituals are fully adhered to. As a rule, the newlyweds dress in local clothes, and the wedding procession consists exclusively of elephants. The bride carries a bouquet of bright flowers. Those getting married are accompanied to the ceremony site by a small company of girls and boys. During this period of the procession, the fairer sex performs national wedding songs, and the guys perform traditional dances. Drums set the rhythm of songs and dances. The newlyweds are declared husband and wife in an arch specially erected for this purpose - poruwa. It is decorated with pink and white lotus flowers, which is also a tribute to tradition.

One of the beautiful rituals is the exchange of betel leaves between a couple. During the entire ceremony they make this gesture 7 times. According to local beliefs, this should bring happiness and love to the next 7 generations. As a sign that the husband and wife are ready to take care of each other throughout their life together, they eat rice that is boiled in coconut milk and water. After the newlyweds exchange rings, their little fingers are tied with a thread of gold and water is poured onto them from a silver goblet. While observing this tradition, a special prayer is read.

Red or pink wedding dresses are a traditional choice for brides in Indian culture. In the northern regions, married women draw a red dot in the center of their forehead.

Indian marriage has a feature that distinguishes it from others - a young married couple is formed not by the young couple, but by the groom’s parents. They choose a future wife for their son and negotiate with her parents about the upcoming wedding. A girl may not know her betrothed at all, but she can only submit to her parents’ will. This tradition was formed several thousand years ago, but has not changed at all since then, despite the large number of castes and cultures in India.

According to tradition, in India, before scheduling a wedding, the parents of the newlyweds carefully study their horoscopes, choose the optimal date for this event, and future relatives are invited to the viewing.

After an agreement on the wedding is concluded between the parents, a meeting of the newlyweds is organized, or rather, two meetings - first at the bride’s home, and then at the groom’s. These meetings are called “ashir-vad” in India. The parents bless the marriage and the engagement takes place. According to Indian wedding traditions, the newlyweds prepare gifts for each other, and they are also generously given by their parents and close relatives. It takes about two months from engagement to wedding.

A wedding in India is a special celebration; people spend a long time preparing for it and spending a lot of money. If the family is wealthy, from 15 to 20 thousand dollars are spent on the wedding. 700-800 guests are invited, who need to be provided with housing and food for many days, because the wedding with all the preludes lasts more than a week.

In Scotland, the groom traditionally wears the kilt of his clan. After the marriage ceremony, he must wrap a scarf decorated with the flowers of his clan around the bride's shoulders. This symbolizes her membership in a new family.

The wedding day is strikingly different from our norms. The Scots, oddly enough, prefer weekdays for weddings, because... They believe that on weekends you need to rest from any business, including weddings.

To confirm the seriousness of his intentions, the Scottish groom gives the bride an unusual brooch (Luchen booth). This brooch attracts happiness, good luck, and health. It is for this reason that the young wife later decorates the outfits of her children with this brooch, thereby protecting them from any negativity in life.

The groom can also give his beloved an elegant silver spoon- a symbol of material well-being. Wedding ring sometimes it is inherited by a girl; the groom can do without a ring altogether.

>Although Pakistan is an Islamic state, its traditions have much in common with Indian ones. For example, the bride's hands are decorated with intricate henna patterns. A red wedding dress is also considered traditional.

It is not surprising, but the bride price, which is an integral part of the wedding ceremony in many Muslim countries, is not given in Pakistan. This is simply not accepted here. Moreover, the bride’s side is equally financially responsible for the wedding celebration.

A wedding in Pakistan is usually celebrated over four days. On the first day of the wedding, the bride's side and the groom's side celebrate the upcoming marriage separately from each other. This event is informal and represents a small rehearsal for the future celebration. On this day, everyone dresses mainly in orange and yellow colors. There is an explanation for this: despite the fact that today Pakistanis profess Islam, the yellow color, which is preferred at such events, is an echo of other beliefs that previously dominated the territory. For example, among Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs, this color is a religious symbol.

The second day of the celebration is called “Mehndi”, which translates as “henna” and this is not without reason. The fact is that on this day the ceremony of coloring the bride’s hands and feet with henna takes place. For this, special masters are invited, and often the entire bride’s family takes part in this ritual. On the same day, the groom's side brings her wedding attire for the bride.

The third day is called “baraat” and is the most important day in the entire wedding ceremony. Literally, the word “baraat” is translated as “handing over the bride to the husband’s family.” The religious ceremony and the civil wedding ceremony take place simultaneously. On this day, the mullah first goes to the groom and, after reading the appropriate prayers, takes his consent to marry. The necessary documents are signed, and then the mullah goes to the bride. There he also conducts this ceremony and, having collected the signatures of the bride on the relevant documents, declares this couple husband and wife.

After the marriage, the bride can be taken to the groom who has already arrived. Both are dressed in red. By evening, the bride is already leaving for her new home, she is going to the groom's family. Usually, when saying goodbye to her family, a girl cries.

The fourth day, “valima”, is the final day. The newlyweds appear before the guests in a new capacity. Now they are a separate family. Guests give the newlyweds gifts, mostly money. On this day, a rich table is also set for those invited, and a real wedding feast awaits the guests.

You may be surprised, but Ethiopia is the only country in Africa where Christianity is the official religion. The majority of the population belongs to the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, so the wedding ceremony here resembles a Russian one.

On the wedding day, the groom and his friends go to the bride’s house. But the parents of the young woman close the door on them. To get into the house, they must dance, sing songs and make up jokes so that the door will be opened for them. As soon as the groom gets inside, friends spray aromatic tinctures. This is a symbol of the beginning of married life.

The wedding table of this tribe is very modest. There are no delicacies or gourmet treats here. Ethiopia is a poor country, and I treat my guests to what I cultivate myself. First of all, they don’t use cutlery here. All food is eaten with the hands. There are no traditional plates either. Instead - figs. This is a yew cake, which is placed on the bottom of a tin dish, and a treat is placed on top.

The hostess of the house treats the guest of honor to the most delicious piece, which is called gursha. She puts it into her guest's mouth with her hands. Refusal can greatly offend the hostess.

Indonesian weddings can vary greatly from island to island. This country is home to more than 300 ethnic groups and has 6 major religions. Is it any wonder that different cultures and civilizations mix in Indonesia?

There is a beautiful tradition in Indonesia. Every couple who wants to tie the knot must plant two trees. Three trees are planted when people begin family life for the second time.

All wedding preparations in Indonesia are of a public nature. Only a large number of people (an entire Indonesian village or a street in a city) can organize a wedding. A specially created committee undertakes the preparation of wedding celebrations in Indonesia. His responsibilities include: organizing a festive table, building a huge canopy in case of rain, preparing tables and chairs for guests, ordering an orchestra to perform live music.

During a traditional Caucasian wedding, the groom usually wears a Circassian coat and a sword attached to his belt. Brides choose a white wedding dress with national motifs.

At a Caucasian wedding you will never hear shouts of “Bitter”. Firstly, such liberties are not acceptable in Muslim customs, and the groom has the right to touch the bride only on the first wedding night. And secondly, it happens that at the holiday the newlyweds sit in different rooms and purely physically cannot kiss each other.

The bride should behave quietly, modestly and preferably remain silent during the entire wedding ceremony. Here is another discrepancy with European generally accepted behavior. No prepared joint dancing, throwing a bouquet or drinking champagne from a shoe. One continuous innocence and chastity. But guests are allowed everything. By the way, many young people have the opportunity to make new acquaintances at the weddings of their friends or relatives.

Traditional wedding dresses in China should be red. In this country, white symbolizes times of mourning and funerals. After marriage, the groom removes the red veil from the bride's head.

A Chinese wedding takes place with great joy. On wedding days, brides come to the grooms' house. Wedding processions are accompanied by fireworks and fun. During the fun, wedding unicorn or lion dances are performed. It symbolizes goodwill, prosperity, good luck and business reputation.

In the house where the bride lived, the groom is given two chopsticks to eat with. So they assume that they will have sons faster. When the bride goes to the groom's house, grain and rice are scattered in front of the bride. This means a symbol of fertility. Mirrors are attached to the back of brides' dresses. This will protect them from all evil spirits and other negative energy. When a bride crosses the threshold of her future husband, she must step over the saddle, because the Chinese translate saddle as peace.

In different parts of the world, a wedding has the same meaning, but it is celebrated differently everywhere in accordance with the cultural characteristics of the nation, way of life, and historically established rituals. Wedding traditions and customs of the peoples of the world are so original and diverse that it is sometimes difficult to believe in their existence. Nevertheless, they exist and are an important element of ceremonies that are held in different countries of the world.


Newlyweds from Germany immediately after the wedding ceremony are prepared with a special log, which they must saw together in front of the guests. It is generally accepted that such a custom allows one to better prepare for family life and realize that the spouses have a lot of work to do together.

In Denmark, there is a very strange custom - directly at the wedding, the groom makes a hole in his sock with scissors. After all, few strangers will lay claim to a man in torn socks.

In some regions of Switzerland there is an unusual wedding tradition - throwing mud at the bride in the literal sense of the word. On the day before the wedding, the groom's friends should stain the girl with ketchup, mayonnaise and even soot, after which she should walk through the city streets in this form. This custom is designed to discourage other suitors and possible lovers in the future from the girl.

In the Netherlands, there is an unusual wedding custom of holding a banquet: it can be held without observing accepted norms of behavior, because the more obscene the holiday, the happier and more fun the life of the spouses will be. Here, instead of a cake, it is customary to treat guests to candies of various shapes, which symbolizes the variability of a woman’s character. They are called "bride's sugar", and if one of the guests gets candies of the same shape, this is a lucky sign.

In Greece, to protect the newlyweds from misfortunes and failures, an eye must be depicted on the clothes of wedding guests. It is also considered here that it is a good sign, which promises healthy offspring, to let children run around on the bed in which the newlyweds will spend their wedding night.

According to one of the wedding traditions in France, relatives and friends organize a loud “concert” under the windows of the house where the newlyweds spend their first wedding night. To do this, they use spoons, pots, lids and other utensils. To gain peace and privacy, the newlyweds need to bring out snacks and drinks for guests.


Egypt is considered the birthplace of traditional marriage, since it was here, even in ancient times, that a man and a woman could legitimize their relationship and exchange rings on this occasion. For the Egyptians, the ring is a symbol of love, worn on the middle finger of the left hand, since this is where the cardiac vein is located, which holds the hearts of the newlyweds together.

In Kenya, it is customary to marry only after confirmation of the bride's pregnancy. On the day of the ceremony, the girl’s hands are covered with special patterns in red and black shades, which remain on the skin for a year and confirm the new status. After marriage, the husband is obliged to wear his wife’s clothes for at least 30 days in order to experience all the difficulties of a woman’s lot.

An interesting wedding custom among the people of Nigeria: after the ceremony, the groom is supposed to walk through the “corridor” of relatives, who will heartily beat him with sticks, and not utter a single groan. Only in this case is he considered ready for all the difficulties of family life.

The wedding traditions of the Bahutu tribe of Rwanda require that the newlyweds express mutual hatred after the marriage ceremony. To do this, they go to their husband's house, where until the morning they have to scratch or show other types of aggression, without talking to each other. Such a strange tradition is considered a test of readiness for family life, after which the spouses of the Bahutu tribe will no longer quarrel.

In Ethiopia, there is an even more unusual tradition: six months before the wedding, representatives of the Surma tribe have to cut their lower lip (after removing the teeth in this place) and place a clay disc there. At the same time, its larger diameter confirms a rich dowry, and the main purpose of the disc is to protect the girl from evil spirits that enter the body through the mouth.

Wedding customs of different peoples living in the Sahara require brides to have the largest possible rounded shapes, which are considered the ideal of beauty, a symbol of health and confirmation of the financial well-being of the girl’s family. To do this, at least 12 months before the wedding, mothers begin to fatten their daughters. For those who are unable to do this due to poverty, there is a tradition of giving their daughter to relatives or friends.


During a ceremony in Thailand, the bride can change up to 10 outfits, depending on the number of rituals performed. They can be of any color or finish except black, which can only be worn by widows.

In China, red is considered the main color of a wedding, so it can be seen in all the details of the holiday, from the bride’s dress and rose petals to gift boxes and envelopes for money.

It is customary to invite as many guests as possible to a wedding in Korea so that the couple can live as happily as possible. Ducks and geese are considered symbols of endless fidelity and love here, which is why these birds are the main dish of the wedding table.

According to Indian wedding customs, the bride's father must meet the groom and wash his feet as a sign of respect, and the girl herself must serve a drink of sour milk with butter and honey. Hindus should have exclusively vegetarian dishes on their holiday table. In addition, they wear rings not on the ring finger, but on the thumb.

In Nepal, future mothers talk among themselves about a possible marriage: the engagement is announced when the “groom” and “bride” are still in the womb. But when children of the same sex are born, the agreement is terminated.

Australia and island countries

In Malaysia, a boiled egg is a symbol of wealth and prosperity, so every guest invited to a wedding should give it to the newlyweds.

On the island of Bali, there is a very strange wedding custom: at the ceremony, the newlyweds have their incisors and fangs filed down to protect them from human vices and animal instincts. Balinese wedding dishes are prepared exclusively by men, after which they go to rest, and women remain at the wedding table for the celebration.

On the island of Java, as in many countries, you must pay a tax to register a marriage. The only difference is that the means of payment here are rat tails - the future newlyweds must deliver 25 rat tails to the local administration.

In Australia, modern newlyweds often create a website on which they indicate the desired wedding gifts. Invited guests choose from this list the option that they are able to give as a gift.

The peoples of New Guinea have no less amazing wedding customs: the groom must give the bride 20 skins of birds of paradise, shells and pigs, which are considered sacred animals. It is the stomach of one of them, turned inside out, that will be on the bride’s head as a veil.

North and South America

In the USA, a mandatory attribute for a bride getting married for the first time is a veil on her face. For Americans, preparations for the wedding itself are traditionally carried out not by future spouses, but by holiday organizing agencies.

In Mexico, newlyweds are tied together with a symbolic lasso to remind them of the inseparability and integrity of the marriage union.

In Brazil, a bride should be a little late for her own wedding so that no one thinks that she is very eager to get married.

In Venezuela, the groom must ask his godfather for permission to marry. If he does not approve of the future union, then it is believed that the young family will not be happy.

In Bermuda, there is an unusual tradition associated with the wedding cake - a real tree is attached to it, which the newlyweds plant next to their home after the ceremony. There is a belief here: the longer the tree lives, the happier the couple will be.

In Nicaragua, the groom has to ask for the bride's hand three times and be refused the same number of times. Only for the 4th time (if he hasn’t changed his mind yet) he receives his beloved’s consent to give his hand and heart.

This is only a small part of the wedding traditions of the peoples of the world. Over time, the meaning of older customs is distorted and simplified, and they are replaced by new ones, but the meaning remains unchanged: to ensure the newlyweds a long life, prosperity, healthy offspring and well-being in other areas of family life.

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People meet, people fall in love, get married... This plot has remained unchanged in all countries of the world for thousands of years. But as for the wedding ceremony itself, each country has its own amazing traditions and fascinating customs.
I propose to travel the world together and attend a variety of weddings.

Wedding traditions in Italy

In sunny Italy, wedding celebrations begin in the morning, ideally on Sunday. According to Italian folklore, couples should never get married (or start their honeymoon) on a Friday or Tuesday, as their marriage will be doomed to unhappiness.

In addition to the white dress, the face of the embarrassed bride should be hidden under a veil - a symbol of virginity and protection from evil spirits. Meanwhile, the groom should also have a small amulet in the form of a piece of metal in his pocket.

Italian brides and grooms walk to church. In some regions, it is considered bad luck for the groom to turn around as soon as he steps foot near his home on his wedding day (there is no turning back!). Just in case, he is accompanied to the ceremony by a group of friends who will run home in his place if the groom accidentally forgets something. After the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds must break the vase into pieces, and the number of pieces will determine the number of years they will live happily in marriage.

Even hundreds of years ago, food was an integral part of an Italian wedding. Squid, pasta, fish, pork are served on the table, and all this is accompanied by a huge amount of liquor or wine.

As a form of entertainment, the bride and groom lead their guests in a joyful circle dance called the tarantella.

Most guests give the newlyweds money to help with wedding expenses.

Wedding traditions in China

The timing of the wedding ceremony depends on the astrologer. Chinese couples always consult a fortune teller to choose an auspicious day based on their own birth dates.

For centuries, Chinese brides have been dressed in traditional qipao, a bright red silk dress with intricate gold embroidery. These loose, high-necked, long-sleeved dresses fall to the ground, leaving only the head, arms and legs exposed. During the ceremony, the bride often changes dresses to show off her family's wealth.

On the morning of the wedding, the groom and his best man make the long journey to the bride's house. There, her girlfriends organize auctions and let the groom into the house only for money. Once the ladies are satisfied with his ransom, they deem him worthy to enter and join the bride's parents for a tea ceremony, as a farewell ritual. The bride herself brings out the treats.

A wedding in China is a great opportunity for families to flaunt their wealth. Therefore, at the festive banquet you can find the most unusual delicacies, including bird's nest soup or shark fin soup.

At lavish Chinese weddings, instead of music, they put on a whole performance called the “lion dance”, in which performers dressed in costumes of huge cats sway to the beat of drums, gongs and cymbals to scare away evil spirits from the newly married couple.

After the wedding feast, friends and family accompany the couple to their bedroom, making as much noise as possible and teasing the newlyweds. The guests try to stay in the room as long as possible until the bride and groom chase them away.

Wedding traditions in Mexico

For Mexicans, there is no better time for a wedding ceremony than a cool summer evening.

The bride's attire varies significantly depending on the region. But most often it is a white cotton dress, colorfully embroidered with national patterns. She must wear a veil and sew three ribbons (yellow, blue and red) into her underwear, which symbolize food, money and passion for the coming years. The groom is usually dressed in lightly colored trousers and a loose-fitting T-shirt, perfect for the Mexican sun.

During the ceremony, the groom gives his bride 13 gold coins called arras, which symbolize Christ and his apostles. After the vow, the priest ties a rope around the couple, which signifies their eternal unity.

The wedding table at Mexican weddings is modest. Most include spiced rice, beans and tortillas, as well as a traditional wedding cake with nuts, dried fruits and rum. But the musical accompaniment is striking in its splendor. An entire mariachi orchestra is invited to the celebration, consisting of at least two violins, two trumpets, a Spanish guitar, a vihuela and a guitaron.

Wedding traditions in Sweden

In Sweden, the wedding season begins in the summer. The day of the week does not matter, the main thing is that the sun shines in the sky for 20 hours in a row.
The bride is placed on her head with a crown of myrtle leaves, which symbolizes virginity. The father puts a gold coin in the girl's right shoe, and the mother puts a silver coin in her left shoe.

In some parts of the country, the bride and her bridesmaids are required to carry bouquets of weeds, which emit a terrible smell, to ward off trolls.

The couple is required to enter the church together. Whoever takes the first step across the threshold will become the leader in the family.

The traditional buffet lasts three days and includes pickled herring, lingonberry jam and Swedish meatballs.

Throughout the evening, guests sing love songs and folk verses, accompanied by a violin. Each guest must make a speech or toast in honor of the newlyweds.

During the wedding ceremony, a Swedish bride receives three gold rings from her future husband: one for engagement, one for marriage and one for pregnancy.

Wedding traditions in Morocco

Historically, Moroccans celebrate weddings on Sundays in the fall at the end of the harvest, when food is plentiful and there is plenty to feast on.

Brides' wedding dresses differ depending on the region of the country, but for all, without exception, there are mandatory colors: yellow, to scare away evil spirits, and green, which brings good luck. In preparation for the ceremony, the bride and her bridesmaids decorate their bodies with henna tattoos.

A traditional Moroccan wedding lasts seven days, separate for men and women. The first three days are spent preparing, organizing the party and decorating the bride. On the fourth day the couple gets married. On the fifth and sixth days, the celebrations stop. Finally, on the seventh day, the bride is seated on a pillow, the men lift the groom onto their shoulders, and the new couple is carried to a special room in order to perform the sacrament of marriage.

The wedding table consists of fish and chicken - ancient symbols of fertility. Most people serve tagine (chicken, beef and lamb mixed with almonds, apricots, onions and other spices) and couscous.

Instead of traditional musicians, a whole march is invited to the wedding, with dancing and fiery swords.

French Canadian wedding traditions

According to French Canadian tradition, the groom and his friends are expected to meet the bride and her family at her home. They take a whole motorcade of cars, often honking and yelling to announce their happiness to the whole world. And passers-by shout out good wishes to them.

The bride must wear a white dress, which symbolizes her purity and innocence.

The sock dance is an integral part of any French-Canadian wedding. The unmarried siblings of the bride or groom are forced to wear funny socks and do a happy dance, and guests throw money at the performers, which the bride and groom will later collect.

Some couples incorporate traditional French-Canadian music into their wedding celebrations as a way to honor their French roots.

French-Canadians, in order to avoid unnecessary wedding gifts, do not hesitate to indicate to the invitees that guests bring only money.

Wedding traditions in India

An integral part of Indian pre-wedding rites is the muharat mandap, where the bride and groom are coated with turmeric, a yellow powder that makes their skin smooth. In addition, the bridesmaids hand-paint the girl's hands and feet with henna patterns.

Red symbolizes good luck in Hinduism, which is why brides in India wear traditional red colored sarees with white and gold detailing.

The most important part of a Hindu wedding ceremony is Saptapadi, or the exchange of vows. At this time, the bride and groom must walk three circles with the sacred fire. After the first round (seven steps) they exchange vows. After the third, the groom gives the bride a silver ring as a sign of love. The couple also exchanges flower garlands as an additional symbol of their feelings.

Guests at Indian weddings wear traditional attire in subtle colors.

Instead of cake, Indian newlyweds usually feed each other honey and other sweets.

Wedding traditions in Greece

A traditional Greek wedding is filled with numerous ceremonial rituals dedicated to the Holy Trinity.

In Greece, brides wear yellow or red veils representing fire to ward off evil spirits. Some modern brides still decorate their bouquets with a mixture of herbs and plants that symbolize fertility.

Greek weddings sometimes turn into cooking competitions, with guests bringing baked goods and sweets to the ceremony to earn praise.

Greeks dance a lot during wedding celebrations. Kalamatiano is an energetic circle dance that is performed at the very beginning at the reception.
Sometimes, the bride and groom perform a "money dance" during which guests throw bills at them.

At a Greek wedding, it is customary to smash dishes on the floor as a sign of happiness.

At the end of the ceremony, the groom cuts the ribbon that binds the newlyweds, and the couple “sells” the pieces to the guests.

Wedding traditions in Poland

A Polish wedding is similar in its traditions to all ceremonies of the Slavic peoples. In this country, wedding celebrations can last for two or three days.

In the past, an engagement party was organized by the groom-to-be as a formal family celebration during which he asked his girlfriend to marry him. In recent years, this custom has changed, and today the betrothal is much more personal and intimate.

In some regions of Poland it has become a tradition to invite guests to a wedding in person. Many young couples, accompanied by their parents, visit friends and acquaintances to present them with a wedding invitation in person.

According to the old tradition, the groom comes with his parents to the bride's house before the marriage ceremony. At this time, the parents give their blessing to the young couple. The newlyweds enter the church together and walk to the altar, accompanied by two witnesses and their parents.

The Polish bride traditionally wears a white dress and veil. The groom is usually dressed in a fitted suit with a bow tie and a handkerchief in his pocket, which matches the color of the bride's bouquet.

During the ceremony, the newlyweds exchange wedding rings. As soon as the couple leaves the church, they are showered with rice for good luck or guests throw coins at their feet. This is done to ensure a good and prosperous future for the newlyweds.

There is certainly something to learn for your own celebration!

For a bride, her wedding day is one of the most important in her life. Traditions surrounding weddings vary from country to country (and often even from region to region), but most have a few things in common: friends, family, and lots of food! Although more and more newlyweds are ditching some of the old traditions in favor of a modern style, culture still has a big influence on the celebration of their special day. Here are the most fascinating wedding traditions from around the world.


During a traditional Japanese wedding, the bride must wear not only a white kimono, but also a matching hood. Moreover, she must be made up in white from head to toe to emphasize her purity. Modern Japanese brides often change their outfit several times a day. Initially they use a traditional white kimono, then a red one, and end the celebration in a white wedding dress, which matches the Western style.

The union of spouses symbolizes the drink they drink together. As soon as each of the newlyweds takes a sip, they begin to be considered husband and wife.


Indian weddings vary greatly depending on the region and religion of the bride and groom. Most Indian weddings follow age-old rituals and often last for several days.

One of the most memorable rituals of an Indian wedding is the Mehendi ceremony, during which the bride's hands and feet are painted with henna. Friends and relatives often participate in this ritual.


In China, brides traditionally choose red rather than white (as this color is associated with funerals), although more and more girls are choosing white Western-style dresses for their wedding. Most brides who decide to do this simply switch from the traditional red dress to a white one midway through the wedding party. The color red symbolizes good luck and helps protect newlyweds from evil spirits. Wedding dresses are often decorated with images of a golden phoenix and a dragon, which symbolize male and female strength.

On the wedding day, the groom takes the bride from home, where she is waiting for him surrounded by friends. According to tradition, they must tease the groom and not let the bride go with him until he “convinces” them of this by paying money.

Women in China tend to get married quite young due to social pressure. 30-year-old unmarried women are often called "spinsters."


In Mauritania (a country in West Africa), it is believed that full-figured women bring good luck and prosperity to marriage. It's no secret that many modern brides decide to diet in order to look good in their wedding dresses, but Mauritanian girls make every effort to gain extra weight.

Do you think this is every woman's dream? Hardly. The fact is that many Mauritanian girls are force-fed from childhood until they become overweight in order to make them more attractive to men.


In Jamaica, a wedding is typically an important event that brings the entire community together. According to an old tradition (which is rarely practiced nowadays), villagers would gather outside to see the bride, who should look her best. When the villagers thought she didn't look good enough, they began to criticize her. In this case, the girl had to go home and dress up to look better.

For a Jamaican wedding, it is customary to bake a lot of cakes. During the ceremony they are carried by married women dressed in white, symbolizing the happiness of the young wife.


On the eve of a wedding in Germany, it is customary to follow a tradition called Polterabend. This holiday is a kind of combination of a bachelorette party and a bachelor party, where friends of the bride and groom are invited. During the holiday, you should break a plate to attract good luck.

At German weddings, traditional games such as Baumstamm sägen are often played, during which the couple tests their strength by sawing a wooden log. Another game is Brautentführung, during which the bride's friends must kidnap her and the groom's task is to find his lost wife.


In Afghanistan, green is considered the wedding color because in Islamic tradition it represents prosperity and paradise. On the wedding day, the bride's hands and feet are covered with henna, just like her relatives. According to tradition, henna on the little finger helps unmarried girls find a groom.

A wedding is a huge event in Afghanistan that lasts for more than three days. It includes both a religious ceremony and a feast attended by family and friends.


Mexican weddings are often very colorful. Although in some parts of the country, tradition requires the bride to wear a simple white cotton dress, she can decorate it with yellow, blue and red ribbons to bless her marriage with food, money and passion. Grooms usually wear a light, loose shirt.

Mexican weddings are very heavily influenced by religion. During the ceremony, the groom must give the bride 13 gold coins, which symbolize Jesus Christ and the 12 apostles. After the couple have exchanged vows, the priest should wrap woven flowers or rope around their necks to show that they are now connected.


In the Italian region of Tuscany, the traditional color for wedding dresses was black! However, these days, brides across the country are opting for white dresses and veils. The tradition of throwing rose petals or confetti on the happy couple has remained unchanged.

As a wedding treat, guests often receive delicious sweet almonds coated in white sugar, although the quantity does not have to be an even number. It is believed that since two people have become one, the almonds should also not be divided equally.

All you need is Love

A wedding is a special event, no matter where you live! Whether it follows all the wedding traditions or defies stereotypes, the most important thing is to celebrate the love between the happy couple with family and friends.

Wedding is one of the oldest traditions in the world, which is common to people in all countries and at all times. People in different countries may have differences, but celebrating love is what unites us all.
