Hydrocarbonate-chloride waters. What alkaline mineral waters can you drink if you have gout? Hydrocarbonate sulfate mineral water

Alkaline mineral waters are a medicinal product - they are recommended for a number of diseases, mainly the stomach and digestive tract. According to the generally accepted classification, alkaline mineral water is hydrocarbonate water from natural sources, which are characterized by a constant mineral composition.

The main defining feature in this case is pH level, which should be above 7. Also, this water is characterized by a predominance of ions of hydrocarbonate salts and sodium, which provides a beneficial effect on the body. Unfortunately, today our store shelves are replete with counterfeits and low-quality products. Very often, under the guise of alkaline mineral water, the buyer is offered a surrogate that not only does not meet the stated standards, but can even cause significant harm to health. Therefore, if you have been prescribed such a remedy, you must approach the issue of choice extremely responsibly, carefully studying the list of names of alkaline mineral waters that are produced in Russia and also supplied to our country from neighboring countries.

Russian manufacturers

The main Russian brand is Essentuki. It combines several varieties of mineral water, but Only two numbers are alkaline. Essentuki No. 4 It is considered a medicinal table mineral water and has a complex effect on the entire body. But option number 17 is characterized by increased mineralization, so consuming it in large quantities is not recommended, and this will not work due to its specific taste.

Many sources of alkaline mineral waters are concentrated in the Stavropol Territory. Such well-known brands as " Slavyanovskaya" And " Smirnovskaya" Among Russian brands of alkaline mineral water, “ Martin", mined and bottled in the Primorsky Territory.

Georgian mineral waters

The list of names of alkaline mineral waters of the Caucasus is headed by Borjomi. This name was familiar to every resident of the Soviet Union. Moreover, products with such a label were exported and were in great demand in Europe. Today, there are several factories producing Borjomi in Georgia, most of which are supplied to Russia.

The share of hydrocarbonate salts in Borjomi reaches 90%, the remaining 10% comes from substances such as bromine, fluorine, sodium, magnesium and calcium. The close to optimal mineral composition of water and the salt concentration of 6 g/l made Borjomi an indispensable remedy for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the digestive system.

Also, two more types of alkaline mineral water are produced in Georgia - “ Sairme" And " Nabeglavi" They were named after the place of extraction and, although in terms of mineral composition and healing properties, these brands are inferior to Borjomi, their regular use can also bring great benefits to the body.

Speaking about Caucasian mineral waters, one cannot fail to mention large deposit located on the territory of Armenia – Dilijan. The name of this small town was once immortalized by the hero of the film “Mimino”, who said that the water that flows from a simple tap in Dilijan ranks second in quality in the world. Rubik, of course, got excited about such a high position, but Dilijan brand water has unique properties, that’s a fact.

Ukrainian alkaline mineral waters

The first in the list of names of alkaline mineral waters extracted on the territory of Ukraine is a brand no less famous than Borjomi. In any case, among experts and fans, water " Luzhanskaya" is rated quite highly. Its deposit is located in Transcarpathia, the characteristic features of “Luzhanska” are low mineralization with a high concentration of salts - over 7.5 g of bicarbonates per liter of water.

Saturation with hydrocarbonates, depending on the specific source, can reach from 96 to 100%, therefore Luzhanskaya" is often used as a mild antacid, that is, a natural means of neutralizing high acidity - it helps well with regular heaviness in the stomach, bloating, and heartburn. It should be noted Almost instant effect when drinking this water.

Water " Polyana Kvasova"Also almost 100% consists of hydrocarbonate salts, but at the same time, compared to Luzhanskaya, it is characterized by a higher degree of mineralization. It helps well with complex diseases such as diabetes and obesity. You can take it both before and after meals - with different effects observed.

The products of Ukrainian manufacturers are good because they contain water of medium mineralization - “ Svalyava" It is characterized by a high concentration of boron, which provides a healing effect on the liver, kidneys and bile ducts.

The list of names of alkaline mineral waters given here is, of course, not complete - it can be supplemented by another two dozen names. We have tried to list only the most famous brands with an impeccable reputation and the most remarkable healing properties.


The importance of food products in therapeutic nutrition and their quality indicators

Natural mineral drinking waters are underground waters of various chemical compositions, saturated with carbon dioxide (CO 2) and used as medicinal, medicinal-table and table waters.

Medicinal waters include waters with mineralization from 8 to 12 g/l. In some cases, waters with higher mineralization are allowed (Batalinskaya - 21 g/l, Lugela - 52 g/l), as well as with mineralization less than 8 g/l in the presence of increased amounts of arsenic, boron and some other substances in the water.

Healing mineral waters have a pronounced effect on the body and are used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Medicinal waters include waters with mineralization from 2 to 8 g/l. The exception is Essentuki water No. 4 with mineralization up to 10 g/l. Medicinal table waters are used as medicinal waters as prescribed by a doctor and as a table drink, but not systematically.

Table waters are divided into natural mineral table waters (mineralization from 1 to 2 g/l or less - in the presence of biologically active substances) and natural table waters (mineralization less than 1 g/l), which are used as a table thirst-quenching and refreshing drink.

In Russia, about 20 types of medicinal mineral waters are produced in bottles, about 110 - medicinal table waters and about 70 - table waters.

The labels on mineral water bottles indicate the chemical composition of the water. Dissolved salts are represented by electrically charged particles - ions with positive (cations) or negative (anions) charges. The main ions are: three cations - sodium (Na +), calcium (Ca 2+), magnesium (Mg 2+), three anions - chlorine (Cl -), sulfate (SO 4 2 -) and bicarbonate (HCO 3 -) .

If hydrocarbonate ions and sodium ions predominate in the water, then it is classified as a sodium bicarbonate group (Borzhom, Dilizhan, Luzhanskaya, etc.). These mineral waters are sometimes called "alkaline".

The predominance of sodium ions in combination with chlorine ions is typical for sodium chloride, or “salty,” mineral waters (Mirgorod, Tyumen, Rostov, etc.).

The combination of three ions - sodium, chlorine and bicarbonate - creates a group of hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium waters (Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17, Arzni, etc.), which are also called “salt-alkaline.”

Mineral waters such as Smirnovskaya and Slavyanskaya are hydrocarbonate-sulfate-sodium-calcium.

Some mineral waters are characterized by an increased content of microelements, for example iron (Mariyalnaya, Darasun, Ankavan, Polustrovo), bromine (Talitskaya, Lugela), iodine (Azovskaya).

In the low-mineralized water of the Naftusya resort of Truskavets, organic substances have medicinal value: bitumen, humins, etc.

Carbon dioxide (CO 2), which is part of mineral waters, stimulates the secretory and motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract, promotes better thirst, and improves the taste of water.

Low and medium carbon dioxide waters are used: 0.3-1.4 and 1.5-2.5 g CO 2 per 1 liter. In hospitals, sanatoriums, dietary canteens where there are no mineral waters of their own, it is necessary to use the most studied medicinal and medicinal table waters: Smirnovskaya, Slavyanovskaya, Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17, Borzhom, Narzan, Jermuk, etc.

Many mineral waters are universal, i.e. they are used for various diseases: digestive organs, kidneys, metabolism (Borzhom, Essentuki, Narzan, Sairme, Jermuk, Krainka, Arzni, etc.).

Taking into account the disease, mineral waters are prescribed at different temperatures: 18-20, 35-40, 40-45°C. In the latter cases, the bottles are heated in a sealed (if necessary to preserve CO 2) or uncorked (to remove CO 2) form.

When water mineralization is 2-10 g/l, a single dose is most often 200-300 ml, daily - 0.5-1 l. In case of circulatory failure, the amount of mineral water taken is reduced.

When taking mineral waters, reduce the amount of liquid in the diet. The temperature, quantity and time of taking mineral water are determined by the doctor’s prescription and can be individually changed during the course of treatment.

The course of drinking treatment is usually no more than 1 month. After a break of 2-3 months, the course can be repeated. The “Recommendations on the principles of organizing dietary (therapeutic) nutrition at the place of work, study and residence in the public catering system” (given by the Ministry of Health of the USSR on January 24, 1980, No. 06-5/8-5) gives rules for taking mineral waters (Table 31 ). It is advisable to have these rules in the form of a stand in dietary canteens, sanatoriums, and health resorts.

Quality indicators.

Mineral waters should be colorless, transparent, without foreign inclusions, with a slight natural sediment of mineral salts; For table waters Aivazovskaya and Tsarichanskaya, a slight yellowish tint is allowed. The taste and smell are characteristic of the complex of salts and gases contained in the water of this source.


Therapeutic value

Treatment with healing waters officially belongs to traditional medicine - it helps to cope with many problems. And in some cases, it is even recommended to go on vacation to a sanatorium that specializes in this type of therapy.

Mineral water is no less effective for gout. It is especially important to start drinking it at the very beginning of an exacerbation of gouty symptoms, when sudden pain appears in the legs - in this way it is possible to reduce the pain syndrome.

The therapeutic effect for gout is provided by alkaline water with a high content of minerals - sodium bicarbonate ions, silicon, magnesium, sulfates.

Alkaline water has an acidity pH of 7, so its sodium and bicarbonate components have a positive effect on joint, connective and muscle tissue containing inclusions of urate crystals.

Alkaline low-mineralized water produces the following therapeutic effect:

  • Helps remove purines, resulting in relief of general condition and pain in the legs and other organs.
  • With its help, it is possible to normalize the acid-base balance in the human body.
  • It has a positive effect on the functioning of the human nervous system and helps relieve stress.
  • Activates brain activity.

This disease is characterized by the accumulation of uric acid. With an unhealthy diet, the body contains a lot of oxalic acid, and this is detrimental to health. After all, the first is the cause of the formation of urate salts, which are actually deposited in the joint tissue. Due to the second acid, oxalates appear in the body, which, together with urates, provoke the formation of kidney stones. Alkaline water helps remove excess of these acids from the body.

In addition, water has a wide spectrum of action and is an effective remedy in the treatment of other diseases.

It is known that microelements contained in natural water from medicinal sources are necessary for the smooth functioning of all organs and systems, in particular, for normal metabolism.

Types of Alkaline Water

In stores and pharmacies you can see many bottles of medicinal waters. And very often a person cannot decide which one to give preference. Therefore, in order to achieve a therapeutic effect, mineral water for gout is recommended by a doctor.

For gout, the following types of alkaline mineral waters are prescribed:

  • Water with bicarbonate ions (bicarbonate), which dissolves and removes sodium urate and other purines from the body, reduces the severity of the inflammatory process, and heals the genitourinary system.
  • Water with magnesium ions, neutralizing oxalic acid and relieving urinary tract spasms.
  • Water with sulfate and sulfide ions, neutralizing uric acid, reducing the severity of the inflammatory process in the legs and other parts of the skeleton, producing a mild diuretic and choleretic effect.
  • Water with calcium ions, which helps neutralize uric acid, accelerates metabolism in cells, and reduces the severity of inflammation.
  • Silicon water, which accelerates metabolic processes, neutralizes oxalic acid, is a mild diuretic.
  • Fluoridated water, which reduces the formation of uric acid.

Everyone knows such effective types of chloride-hydrocarbonate medicinal water during the period of gout exacerbation as Essentuki No. 4, Essentuki No. 17.

It is very important to choose the right medicinal water, because each has contraindications for use.

Which one to choose?

Many doctors prefer Essentuki. But in fact, you can choose another one. Thus, for the treatment and prevention of gout, the following alkaline mineral waters are recommended:


a brief description of

Natural hydrocarbonate water with magnesium and potassium ions from sources in the vicinity of the city of Truskavets, Ukraine

Novoterskaya healing

Hydrocarbonate water from North Caucasian springs containing magnesium, sodium and calcium ions

Magnesium water from Slovenia, known since the 12th century

Hydrocarbonate water with a unique composition - with magnesium, calcium, sodium ions and sulfates. Mined in Kislovodsk in the North Caucasus

Lysogorskaya, Slavyanovskaya and Smirnovskaya

medicinal waters from springs near Zheleznovodsk, produced since 1908.

The names of most medicinal waters are associated with the places where they emerge on the surface of the earth. For example:

  • Waters of the Essentuki brand were discovered near the city of Essentuki in the Stavropol Territory back in 1811.
  • Natural mineral sodium bicarbonate water Borjomi, named after the city in Georgia, has been extracted and used in medicine since 1930.
  • Jermuk (water containing magnesium, silicon and other compounds), known since the Middle Ages. Delivered all over the world from Armenia, from the outskirts of the city with the same name.
  • Dilijan is also named after the health resort city in Armenia. In 1805, springs of healing waters were first discovered in the city of Lipetsk.
  • Alkaline hydrocarbonate with sodium ions (Luzhanskaya No. 3, No. 4, Borjomi, Korneshtskaya, Sirabskaya, etc.).
  • Salt-alkaline with chloride and sodium ions (Essentuki No. 4, No. 17, Isti-Su, Arzni, Dragovskaya, etc.).
  • Alkaline hydrocarbonate with sulfate, sodium and calcium ions (Slavyanovskaya, Smirnovskaya, etc.).

The dosage of medicinal table water, its type, frequency and duration of use is prescribed by the doctor based on clinical tests and other types of examination of the patient. For example, in the case of a long-term disease, changes in the joints of the legs and arms, etc., can be seen on an x-ray.

You cannot self-medicate without consulting a specialist: take alkaline water in too large quantities, use it for cooking. All these “good impulses” can harm your health, not improve it.

Admission rules

When choosing medicinal water, the acidity of the body, that is, the individual characteristics of the patient’s digestive system, is important.

The acidity level will determine the amount of liquid per dose and the mode of taking mineral water. The doctor will also give other recommendations on diet and physical activity.

The average rate of water intake is 3 milliliters per 1 kilogram of the patient’s body.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, you must follow the following rules:

  • If there are gases in industrially produced healing water, they must be eliminated before drinking the water.
  • At the beginning of treatment, you should drink water in small portions so that the body gets used to it, and then gradually increase the dosage and bring it to the one prescribed by the doctor.
  • Mineral water is consumed before the first meal (at least half an hour before);
  • Water for medicinal purposes is drunk heated to 35–40 °C.
  • Medicinal table water is drunk in a calm state in small sips slowly - in order to better absorb the beneficial components.

If there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the doctor prescribes alkaline waters according to a different scheme:

  • After meals (for gastritis and peptic ulcers).
  • During meals (for gallbladder dysfunction).
  • One and a half hours before meals (with a reduced level of gastric juice secretion).

If the condition worsens, you should immediately stop drinking water and consult a doctor.

If the patient does not have problems with the digestive and cardiovascular systems, then alkaline mineral water is taken in an amount of nine hundred milliliters to 1.2 liters of water per day.

Drinking medicinal table water for therapeutic purposes is usually recommended for 30–45 days. Between courses a break is required for a period of three months to six months.

Alkaline water enhances the effect of medications, reduces symptoms and delays the next attack. In the early stages, it is possible to get rid of gouty deposits if healing waters are included in the complex of therapeutic procedures.

Prophylactic intake of mineral water will help prevent illness in patients who have relatives with characteristic bumps on the legs and other external changes in the joints.


What happens in the body during gout

Metabolic disorders, excessive consumption of protein foods and alcohol cause an increase in uric acid in the body. At its normal concentration, it has a beneficial effect on health; when its accumulations exceed the norm, the kidneys are not able to cope with its excretion. Excess uric acid substances pose a threat to human health, primarily affecting the musculoskeletal and urinary systems:

  • The concentration of uric acid in the body increases and urate salts are formed.
  • Excess acids prevent the full outflow of urine.
  • urate salts accumulate and begin to crystallize, depositing in the joints of the feet.
  • Gradually, inflammation develops in places where they accumulate, and a diagnosis of gout is made.
  • Some of the salts settle in the kidneys, which leads to the formation of stones and inflammation.

Gouty arthritis is a complex disease, painful relapses ultimately lead to changes in the joints, severe kidney disease, and other organs suffer over time. Treatment is aimed at reducing the frequency of exacerbations and increasing remission periods. During this period, it is important to restore the lack of minerals, which will help restore the balance between acid and alkali.

Mineral water for gout: which one should you drink?

Filled with useful substances, mineral water has a beneficial effect on the entire body system:

  • it is a complex of active natural microelements;
  • reduces cholesterol;
  • stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and liver;
  • helps prevent heart disease;

If you drink water regularly in cycles, the functioning of almost all body systems will improve. My patients use a proven remedy that allows them to get rid of pain in 2 weeks without much effort.

Mineral water is effective for gout on the legs. It is an excellent preventative against the formation of salt deposits:

  • mineral water breaks down uric acid salts;
  • removes excess acid from the body;
  • mineral water helps reduce inflammation;
  • helps eliminate toxins.

What mineral water to drink if you have gout? The one that most efficiently removes excess purines. This is hydrocarbonate water with a high content of alkali, sulfates and magnesium. It is its rich composition that is given to cleanse the body of toxins, normalize the processes of metabolism, metabolism and proteins:

  • Fluorine, silicon and calcium ions in mineral water stabilize cell membranes, prevent the process of uric acid synthesis from developing, and prevent the formation of crystals.
  • Magnesium helps in the functioning of the heart, activates the nervous system, removes excess glucose, lowering its level, it has an antispasmodic effect, and is indicated for the formation of urate stones.

Therefore, between attacks, alkaline mineral waters for gout are effective in that they prolong periods of remission:

  • the amount of acid decreases;
  • kidneys and urine are cleansed;
  • the risk of developing inflammation in the urinary tract and joints is reduced.

If you drink water in courses, positive changes will soon become noticeable. If you have a hereditary predisposition to joint diseases, kidney stones, gastrointestinal tract and liver problems, it is also recommended to use mineral water.

Alkaline mineral water for gout

To neutralize the acid, you need to drink alkaline mineral water, there are several names for gout, the main thing is that the pH is above 7, in this case alkali:

  • restores acid-base balance;
  • reduces acid levels in the stomach;
  • stimulates protein metabolism;
  • utilizes excess acid;
  • promotes alkalinization of urine, in this form it is better excreted from the kidneys with water;
  • cleanses joints of salt deposits.

As a result, alkaline drinking for gout, if taken regularly, will help rid the body of toxins, the rich mineral composition of the water will compensate for their deficiency, medications will act more effectively, and metabolic processes will return to normal faster. Alkaline water is used for compresses, applications, and baths are taken with it. Experts recommend diet number 6 for gout.

Alkaline mineral water is indicated not only during remissions, but also during times of inflammation. Names on the list for gout that meet these conditions:

  1. Lipetskaya.
  2. Jermuk.
  3. Baby rabbit.
  4. Borjomi.
  5. Smirnovskaya.
  6. Lysogorskaya.
  7. Donat Mg.
  8. Novoterskaya healing.
  9. Slavyanovskaya.
  10. Narzan.
  11. Dilijan.

Essentuki for gout

Essentuki mineral water is widely used for gout; it is a sulfide type, rich in sulfates, has a choleretic and diuretic effect, reduces the accumulation of uric acid, the likelihood of developing inflammation, and is an alkaline mineral water. The list for gout is replenished by Essentuki only with these numbers; the rest of the water in this area is not so rich in minerals and in this case is not used.

In Essentuki No. 4 and 17 there is a high concentration of chloride and bicarbonate salts, it is saturated with carbon dioxide. Essentuki mineral water No. 4 is classified as medicinal table water. Essentuki No. 17 wins in terms of the quantitative composition of salts and minerals. This is explained by the fact that the level of the source is very deep.

How to drink correctly?

Although mineral water is actively used for gout, you cannot drink it uncontrollably and in large quantities. The high content of minerals and salts contributes to their accumulation in the body, and this is no less dangerous than a deficiency.

What mineral water can be drunk for gout, its quantity is determined by the doctor, based on the patient’s condition, his age and test results, and the composition of the mineral water. Typically, the dosage is prescribed at the rate of 4 ml per 1 kg of human weight. But this formula is average; for each individual, the doctor himself adjusts the intake schedule.

During periods of remission, it is enough to consume about half a liter per day; during the period of active treatment, the dosage increases to 1.5 liters or more. A single dose is usually 200-300 g.

Drink mineral water on an empty stomach, before eating food, warming up the temperature of the human body, so its effect will be more effective. The time interval between eating and taking mineral water is determined by its type. Typically the range varies from a quarter of an hour to 40 minutes.

Treatment with water is started, starting with small doses, gradually increasing the amount of liquid to the recommended volume. The patient will quickly get used to its taste, and the beneficial substances will gradually fill the body. In order for drinking water to have the expected result, following a diet is necessary.

If after drinking mineral water the disease worsens or heaviness in the stomach or nausea appears, you should inform your doctor about this.

Only regular long cycles of treatment with water for gout will help alleviate the condition. Mineral water therapy will be effective if it is used in combination with medications, physiotherapeutic procedures, and a strict diet. In some cases, the doctor may suggest fasting with only water and rosehip decoction.


Why should you drink alkaline mineral water?

The definition of “alkaline” is quite general in relation to the chemical composition of water. It means that it contains bicarbonate ions, sodium and magnesium sulfate. Chemical elements are beneficial to the body, they help prevent and eliminate illnesses. It is recommended to drink alkaline soda for the following diseases:

Among the chemical elements of mineral water is magnesium sulfate, which essential for brain function. For this reason, it is recommended to take it to stabilize the nervous system after stress.

In addition, alkaline water is especially necessary for energetic people. Thanks to it, metabolic products are eliminated from the body in a short time, and swelling does not occur in the tissues.

Healing effect

Hydrocarbonate mineral water replenishes the alkaline reserve in the body, reduces the volume of hydrogen ions, and improves the health of the digestive organs.

Benefits of alkaline mineral water:

  • cleansing the digestive organs of mucus;
  • relieving the burning sensation;
  • elimination of heaviness in the stomach and belching;
  • purification from metabolic products.

Rules of use

The most beneficial effect on the body is provided by drinking water immediately at the site of extraction from a natural well. Nevertheless, even bottled alkaline water improves the health of the body if you know how to use it correctly.

The daily required volume of fluid is determined by the acidity of the human body. The degree of acidity can be determined in a hospital. On average, the norm is 3 ml/kg of weight. In other words, you need to drink 600 ml of liquid per day.

Requirements for drinking mineral water:

  • for preventive purposes - 30 minutes before meals;
  • ulcers and gastritis - after eating;
  • in case of excessive formation of gastric juice - during meals;
  • gastritis with low acidity - 1–1.5 hours before meals.

To treat hyperacid gastritis, you need to drink alkaline water without gas. Therefore, before using it, carbon dioxide must evaporate from the liquid. The reason is a significant increase in the volume of gastric juice from carbon dioxide.

The liquid temperature requirements are simple: for stomach diseases, it needs to be warmed up a little, and in other cases – consume at room temperature.

To absorb beneficial substances, mineral water should not be drunk quickly in large sips. If your health worsens, you need to stop drinking alkaline mineral water and consult a doctor.

Contraindications for use

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • urinary tract disorders (difficulty removing excess salts);
  • renal failure;
  • bilateral chronic pyelonephritis;
  • insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

Famous brands of alkaline mineral waters

Alkaline mineral springs are found in Georgia, Russia and Ukraine.

Georgian waters

Thus, Borjomi is undoubtedly considered the most famous and healthy Georgian alkaline mineral water. It is naturally rich in minerals, the salt concentration is 6 g/l. The chemical composition is rich in useful elements:

  • acid salts of carbonic acid;
  • fluorine;
  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • aluminum;
  • magnesium, etc.

Borjomi mineral water is intended for the prevention and prevention of a large number of diseases of the digestive system. Most often Borjomi is used for diseases:

  • metabolic disorder;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • ulcer;
  • colitis.

Russian waters

The most famous brand of Russian alkaline water is Essentuki mineral alkaline water. In composition to alkaline species of this manufacturer There are only two numbers - 4 and 17.

Thus, the alkaline mineral water Essentuki 4 is included in the group of medicinal table mineral waters. The set of chemical components included in the composition have a complex healing effect on various body systems. Improves the condition of diseases of the kidneys, digestive system and bladder.

The second type of alkaline mineral spring is Essentuki 17. This is healing alkaline water with high mineralization. Micronutrient-rich water Essentuki 17 s Helps treat gout, stomach disorders, mild diabetes and other diseases already mentioned.

Ukrainian waters

Luzhanska is extracted from a Transcarpathian source. It has a salt saturation of 7.5 g/l and low mineralization. This allows you to use it as drinking mineral water, i.e. a table drink. The mineral water contains a lot of hydrocarbonates (96–100%). The chemical composition of Luzhanskaya contains the following components:

  • active magnesium;
  • fluorine;
  • potassium;
  • silicic acid;
  • calcium.

It follows from this that Luzhanskaya, due to its saturation with bicarbonates, can serve as a light antacid - a remedy that eliminates high acidity in the stomach and dyspeptic syndrome: heaviness, heartburn, bloating. You feel better immediately after drinking. It is recommended to use Luzhanskaya for obesity and gastritis.

Alkaline mineral water Polyana Kvasova is a liquid saturated with carbon dioxide, with a high level of mineralization. The composition contains many hydrocarbonates. The main indications for treatment are similar to the described alkaline brands.

Brand Svalyava– This is a type of boron water with an average level of mineralization. Its healing qualities help improve the functioning of internal organs - the gallbladder, liver, kidneys.

A short list of alkaline mineral springs. Titles

You should not expect a strong healing effect from bicarbonate mineral water. Mineral water will not replace full treatment. But its beneficial properties are able to support the body Polyarthritis treatment at home

Gouty arthritis, or gout, is a joint disease caused by high levels of urate (uric acid) in the human blood. Normally, its excess is excreted by the kidneys; when they weaken, the concentration of uric acid salts increases, and it begins to crystallize and be deposited on the surface of the joints.

For this disease, in addition to drug therapy, a therapeutic diet is used, which, along with food, includes alkaline mineral water. Let’s take a closer look at what mineral water to drink if you have gout.

What are the benefits of alkaline mineral water for gout?

All types of mineral water, depending on their purpose, are divided into three groups: table, medicinal and medicinal-table. Drinking recommended for gouty arthritis of the joints belongs to the latter group.

Drinking mineral water for gout on the legs aims to accelerate the positive therapeutic effect. It is used simultaneously with drug therapy and diet in the treatment of the disease, but can also be used for its prevention. Practice proves that its regular use helps:

  • Dissolve crystals of uric acid salts;
  • Normalize metabolism;
  • Replenish the deficiency of microelements and minerals;
  • Remove toxins and cellular decay products from the body;
  • Relieve tissue swelling;
  • Lose weight;
  • Reduce the risk of developing inflammatory processes.

The composition of the mineral water for gout must include an alkali, which reacts with the acid, neutralizing it and alkalizing liquid media - blood and urine. Also, alkaline mineral water for gout has a therapeutic effect on the body due to the microelements it contains:

  • Magnesium – dissolves urate salts and promotes their elimination;
  • Silicon – has a diuretic effect;
  • Calcium – accelerates the regeneration of bone and joint tissues destroyed by gout;
  • Fluoride – slows down the production of uric acid.

Experts say that such alkaline drinking for gout helps restore the disturbed acid-base balance. By dissolving and removing urate salts, alkaline mineral water for gout simultaneously prevents their re-accumulation.

On a note!

Since mineral water for gout is not used to quench thirst, but as a remedy, the question of its prescription and selection is decided by the attending physician. It is not recommended to purchase and use it yourself without consulting a specialist - this can lead to a worsening of the condition.

What types of mineral water are used for gout?

It is not so easy to independently choose mineral water, the use of which will bring maximum benefits for gout. To do this, you need to know in advance what qualities such a drink should have.

Therapeutic mineral water used for treatment must be natural - artificial mineralization of drinking water is unacceptable in this case. It is extracted from underground sources located at great depths, or from mountain glaciers, which guarantees environmental purity.

The level of natural mineralization of such water varies from 3 to 20 ml/liter, and its acidity should be equal to 7 pH. Its composition is dominated by chlorides, bicarbonate ions, sodium and magnesium. This composition gives the water a slightly salty taste, slightly reminiscent of soda.

List of names of mineral water for gout:

  • Essentuki 4 and Essentuki 17 for gout are the best option. Both varieties are extracted from wells located in the Caucasian Mineral Waters region. They are characterized by a high degree of concentration of minerals;
  • Smirnovskaya - mined in Zheleznovodsk, located in the Stavropol region. It has a weak concentration of minerals. For gout, it can be used both during periods of remission and in the stage of exacerbation of the disease;
  • Slavyanovskaya is water from a high-thermal spring located in the Stavropol Territory at a depth of 300 meters. Refers to low-mineralized varieties of mineral waters. Has a characteristic sour taste;
  • Narzan is alkaline water of glacial origin; its spill occurs in the North Caucasus. A special feature of Narzan is its natural carbonation. The beneficial effect of Narzan on the osteoarticular apparatus is ensured by the high content of magnesium and calcium;
  • Borjomi - is extracted from wells located on the territory of Georgia. It has a pleasant taste and healing mineral composition. Normalizes metabolic processes. Improves the regeneration processes of the bone apparatus.

For gout, you can drink one of the listed types of mineral water, or several types of it at the same time. The combination of their beneficial qualities gives the best therapeutic effect.

How to drink mineral water for gout

Since alkaline mineral water is a medicine, it has certain rules of administration that must be strictly followed to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect:

  • Since mineral water is supposed to be stored in the refrigerator, in a tightly closed bottle, before use it must be removed in advance and brought to room temperature, or slightly warmed up to 40°C;
  • Carbon dioxide must first be removed from sparkling water by leaving the bottle open for a few minutes;
  • Mineral water in plastic packaging cannot be stored for longer than two or three days, so you should not make large reserves of it;
  • You need to drink alkaline mineral water gradually, in small sips, pausing after 2-3 sips. This will help the body better absorb the minerals contained in it;
  • You should start with a single dosage of 100-150 grams, gradually increasing it so that the total daily dose is one and a half to two liters;
  • Time of administration: in the morning on an empty stomach, then half an hour before meals;
  • The duration of the course is 2 months, then you need to take a month break and repeat again.

The accumulation of useful substances in the body when drinking alkaline mineral water occurs gradually. Therefore, the therapeutic effect of its use will be noticeable no earlier than after two courses. The patient's condition while drinking alkaline mineral water for medicinal purposes should be monitored by the attending physician.

Mineral waters - treatment with mineral water.

Mineral water is water saturated with mineral salts and trace elements. These can be gases - carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, radon. These may be salts of various metals. It may be weak radioactivity. Healing waters are divided into natural and artificially created. For almost quite a long time, we were given mineralized water as mineral water. In mineralized water, all substances are introduced artificially; mineral water is always of natural origin. The presence of additional impurities in water leads to the fact that it becomes healing for humans. The healing properties of mineral waters were actually the reason for their demand by human society.

The method of formation of natural mineral water is almost identical for all sources. This is the seepage of water layers through rocks to great depths. The deeper the water goes, the stronger the pressure on it and the more it washes out, leaches, oxidizes various substances, becoming saturated with them. Isotopes and gases also get into the water. Depending on which layers the water passed through and what was more in them, we get different types of its medicinal properties.

Basics of therapeutic effect

The therapeutic effect of mineral water is determined by its composition. Depending on what compounds, salts and elements are included in the composition, the medicinal properties of water also change. For some waters, the reception temperature and even time also affect.

The most common components of mineral waters are: potassium, sodium, calcium, chlorine, magnesium, sulfates, bicarbonates, and sometimes iron and aluminum.

Quite often there are waters containing bicarbonate (HCO3), but despite their prevalence they are of particular value.

Chlorine- affects the excretory function of the kidneys.

Sulfate in combination with calcium, sodium or magnesium, it can reduce gastric secretion and its activity.

Hydrocarbonate- stimulates the secretory activity of the stomach.

Potassium and sodium- maintain the necessary pressure in the tissue and interstitial fluids of the body. Potassium affects changes in the heart and central nervous system, sodium retains water in the body.

Calcium- is able to enhance the contractile force of the heart muscle, improves immunity, has an anti-inflammatory effect, dehydrates the body, and affects bone growth. Hot calcium waters help with stomach ulcers and gastritis.

Magnesium- is well absorbed by the body, helps reduce spasms of the gallbladder, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

In addition, mineral water often contains the microelements we need.

Iodine— activates the function of the thyroid gland, participates in the processes of resorption and recovery.

Bromine— enhances inhibitory processes, normalizing the function of the cerebral cortex.

Fluorine— lack of fluoride in the body leads to the destruction of bones, in particular teeth.

Manganese- has a beneficial effect on sexual development, enhances protein metabolism.

Copper- Helps iron convert into hemoglobin.

Iron- is part of the structure of hemoglobin, its deficiency in the body leads to anemia.

The most common are mineral waters containing hydrogen sulfide or carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide content affects our body's metabolism. Most often, it speeds up metabolism and improves overall metabolic health. In addition, increasing carbon dioxide levels enhances respiratory activity and improves muscle tone.

Hydrogen sulfide mineral mods are taken orally less often and only under medical supervision. They have a pronounced effect on the skin, metabolism and digestive system. Although most often hydrogen sulfide water is still used for bathing. This is very useful for the nervous system and blood vessels. Hydrogen sulfide affects the glands that secrete hormones: adrenal glands, pituitary gland, thyroid gland. Therefore, this water should be taken as seriously as possible. Nature has provided protection - this water has an unpleasant smell of rotten eggs and a nasty taste.

Classification of mineral waters

The temperature of the outlet from the source is taken into account.

Cold below 20°C

Warm 20-35°C

Hot 35-42°C

Very hot above 42°C

Medicinal mineral waters are either neutral or alkaline (pH 6.8-8.5). Their effect on digestion is due to the fact that when they enter the stomach and intestines they affect the acidity of the environment. Such changes affect the activity of digestive enzymes.

Groups of mineral waters by chemical composition:

Hydrocarbonate sodium composition (alkaline).

Reduce the content of hydrogen ions. Reduce acidity. They are used in the treatment of gastritis, increased acidity of gastric juice (taken one and a half to two hours before meals), and are used to treat diseases of the liver and gallbladder (biliary dyskinesia). These waters give good results during body cleansing procedures - removing mucus from the intestines. They treat gout, diabetes, and the consequences of infectious diseases. Bicarbonate sodium waters include mineral waters such as Borjomi.

Hydrocarbonate-calcium-magnesium waters. Affect protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism. They are used for chronic inflammation of the stomach, intestines and liver, peptic ulcers, obesity and diabetes.

Hydrocarbonate-chloride-sodium waters (salt-alkaline). These waters can be recommended for patients with increased and decreased secretion of gastric juice. They are used for chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, biliary dyskinesia, chronic diseases of the liver and gall bladder, and metabolic disorders. They have a beneficial effect on obesity, gout, and diabetes. It is better to take them before meals.

Waters of this type include Essentuki No. 17 and Semigorskaya.

Sodium chloride waters. These waters stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. They are used for diseases of the stomach with reduced secretion of gastric juice. In this case, they should be taken 10-15 minutes before meals. For edema of various origins, these waters are contraindicated; they are not recommended for increased acidity of gastric juice, kidney disease, pregnancy, or allergies.

Calcium chloride waters. They reduce the permeability of vascular walls, have a hemostatic effect, increase urine output, improve liver function, and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Sulfate waters. These waters are choleretic and laxative. They are used for diseases of the liver and biliary tract, obesity and diabetes.

Chloride-sulfate waters. They have a choleretic and laxative effect. They are used for diseases of the stomach with insufficient secretion of gastric juice, with simultaneous damage to the liver and biliary tract. You should drink chloride-sulfate water 10-15 minutes before meals.

Hydrocarbonate-sulfate waters. They have an effect that inhibits gastric secretion, are choleretic and laxative. Drinking these waters improves bile formation and pancreatic function. They are used for gastritis with high acidity, peptic ulcers and liver diseases. You should drink them 1.5-2 hours before meals.

Waters of complex composition. Most mineral waters belong to this type. Due to their complex composition, they have a multifaceted effect on the body. Strengthening or decreasing their effect depends on the method of administration.

Rules for the use of mineral waters

The attending physician decides exactly how much water to take at a time. Even for the same disease, different patients should take different amounts of water.

Despite the general recommendations to drink warm water (31-40°C), in fact, the temperature of the water also depends only on the disease. One thing is certain: cold mineral water (from the refrigerator) does not heal. Here are approximate estimates, but you still need a doctor to make an appointment.

For chronic gastritis and gastric ulcers, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, hot water is indicated.

For intestinal spasms and diarrhea, you should drink hot water.

For constipation, you should take cold mineral waters (from 20 C), they cause intestinal relaxation.

In case of increased secretion and acidity of gastric juice, water should be drunk heated.

Attention! If you have liver and gallbladder diseases, you should not drink cold water.

Depending on the time of drinking water, its effect may be different. Mineral water should be taken before, during or after meals. Most often, drinking water on an empty stomach is recommended, but for some illnesses, such as diarrhea, drinking water on an empty stomach is not recommended.

  • If gastric motility is impaired, then water should be taken 2-2.5 hours before meals.
  • If the acidity of the gastric juice is high, water should be drunk 1-1.5 hours before meals.
  • To activate the activity of the digestive glands, mineral water should be taken 15-20 minutes before meals.
  • For heartburn and pain in the stomach, you should drink alkaline waters of Essentuki, Borjomi after meals, 0.25-0.3 glasses every 15 minutes.
  • If there is increased secretion of gastric juice, water can be taken with meals.
  • Mineral waters can be taken from 4 to 6 weeks, no more.

Attention! Drinking medicinal water for too long can lead to disruption of mineral metabolism in the body.

For almost all diseases, you need to drink mineral water slowly, in small sips, but for stomach ulcers and increased acidity of gastric juice, you should drink water in large sips.

Attention! Treatment with mineral water is incompatible with drinking alcohol (hereinafter referred to as beer). If possible, smoking should also be avoided, since nicotine is a potent irritant and its effect is opposite to that of medicinal water.

Drinking mineral waters is effective in combination with therapeutic nutrition.

Characteristics of mineral waters and diseases cured by them

Atsylyk— hydrocarbonate-sodium water of the Atsylyk spring, widely known in North Ossetia, Dagestan, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic and Georgia. Atsylyk is not only a table drink, but also an effective remedy in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys, etc.

Batalinskaya- bitter mineral water with a high content of magnesium sulfate and sodium sulfate, is known primarily as a very effective laxative. Simultaneous intake of 1-1.5 glasses of Batalinskaya (preferably on an empty stomach) causes rapid and complete bowel movement. Batalipskaya is indispensable in the treatment of chronic constipation.

The advantage of Batalinskaya water is that it can be taken periodically for a long time without fear of any harmful consequences. It is used with no less success in the treatment of hemorrhoids and congestion in the portal vein system. It has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, especially in obesity.

"White Hill"— chloride-sodium-calcium water with high mineralization. The water of the Belaya Gorka spring (Voronezh region) contains a significant amount of calcium chloride, as well as bromine. It is used in the treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gout.

Berezovskaya— ferrous hydrocarbonate-calcium-magnesium water of low concentration. It has a pleasant taste and is widely used as a table drink. Recommended for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract, regulates gastrointestinal secretion, increases diuresis, enhances hematopoiesis.

Borjomi- carbonated sodium bicarbonate water, which can be successfully used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, liver diseases, urinary tract diseases and metabolic disorders. Useful for stomach catarrh, stomach and duodenal ulcers, chronic intestinal catarrh, chronic liver and biliary tract diseases, urolithiasis, colds, bronchitis, mild forms of diabetes.

Essentuki No. 4— carbonic bicarbonate-chloride-sodium mineral water of moderate concentration. Widely used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for diseases of the liver, gall bladder and urinary tract. Has a beneficial effect on the course of metabolic processes.

Essentuki No. 17- carbon dioxide bicarbonate-chloride-sodium water, has a significant concentration of minerals. It is used with great success for the same diseases as Essentuki No. 4 (often in combination with it, for example, in the morning, water No. 17 is taken, and in the afternoon - water No. 4).

Essentuki No. 20- a common table drink. It belongs to the type of sulfate-hydrocarbonate-calcium-magnium waters of low concentration. Has a beneficial effect on intestinal functions and promotes normal digestion. This is not only table water, but also an effective remedy that works well for metabolic and urinary tract diseases.

Izhevskaya— sulfate calcium chloride mineral water of the Izhevsk spring. A refreshing table drink that has an excellent taste and quenches thirst well. Taken in the morning on an empty stomach, it has a laxative and diuretic effect.

Izhevskaya is successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the liver and biliary tract, diseases of the urinary tract, and metabolic disorders.

"Martin"- carbonic bicarbonate-sodium-magnesium water with a high content of free carbon dioxide. Mineral water “Lastochka” in its physical and chemical properties is also close to waters such as Borjomi and is very popular in Transbaikalia and the Far East, not only as a medicinal mineral water, but also as a tasty, pleasant table drink.

Mirgorodskaya- sodium chloride mineral water of the Essentuki type No. 4 and No. 17. The use of this water affects the secretion and acidity of gastric juice, increases the secretion of bile, stimulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and improves metabolism.

Moscow— mineral water of the Moscow deep borehole, characterized by low mineralization and belongs to the type of sulfate-calcium-magnesium waters. The chemical composition is similar to Essentuki water No. 20.

Moskovskaya is a delicious table drink, refreshing and good at quenching thirst; it is successfully used in the treatment of chronic gastritis, normalizes gastric motility and reduces heartburn, belching, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and is useful for diseases of the liver and biliary tract, since its use has a choleretic effect.

Narzan— carbonic hydrocarbonate-sulfate-calcium water of the Narzan spring in Kislovodsk. This water is famous as a refreshing, thirst-quenching and slightly appetite-stimulating table drink.

Narzan enhances intestinal motility and secretory activity of the digestive glands, increases the amount of urine, and promotes the dissolution of phosphates. The salts of magnesium sulfate and calcium bicarbonate contained in narzan have a beneficial effect on the body in case of catarrhal diseases of the urinary tract.

Naftusya (Truskavetskaya)— low-mineralized hydrocarbonate calcium-magnesium water. Used to treat urinary tract problems, urolithiasis, and stimulates bile formation.

Polyustrovskaya- ferrous, slightly mineralized water from a spring discovered in the 18th century in the vicinity of St. Petersburg (near the village of Polustrovo, which means “swamp” in Finnish). Water contains a large amount of ferrous iron. It is successfully used to treat anemia, blood loss, general loss of strength, and in the postoperative period. It is also a drink that quenches thirst well and is especially useful for workers in hot shops where the air contains carbon monoxide. Polyustrovskaya increases the number of red blood cells, which are partially destroyed by carbon monoxide. Long-term use of it increases the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. After additional carbonation, it is used as table water. A number of carbonated fruit and berry drinks are produced based on Polyustrovskaya water.

« Polyana Kvasova"- carbonic bicarbonate-sodium water with a significant content of carbon dioxide. “Polyana” is superior to Borjomi in its mineralization and amount of hydrocarbonate. It is used with great success in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, intestines, urinary tract, liver, etc. Its use affects gastric secretion and acidity, thins mucus, increases diuresis and enhances the secretion of urinary sand.

Growled-su— hydrocarbonate-sodium water of the Rychal-su spring. In its physical and chemical composition it is close to Borjomi. Rychal-su is used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract and metabolic disorders.

Sairme— carbon dioxide bicarbonate sodium-calcium water, indicated for diseases of the stomach, in particular gastritis with high acidity, stomach and duodenal ulcers, functional intestinal disorders, chronic kidney diseases, obesity, mild forms of diabetes.

Slavyanovskaya- almost identical in chemical composition to Smirnovskaya. It is only less saturated with natural carbon dioxide and more radioactive. Slavyanovskaya, like Smirnovskaya, has proven itself in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Smirnovskaya— carbonic acid bicarbonate-sulfate-sodium-calcium water of the Zheleznovodsk hot spring. This water is very effective in treating gastric and duodenal ulcers. Smirnovskaya, taken 1-1.5 hours before meals, leads to inhibition of the process of secretion of gastric juice and is therefore extremely useful in the treatment of gastric diseases with high acidity. This water also has a very beneficial effect in the treatment of the liver, biliary and urinary tracts.

Water is an important element, without which the existence of life on our planet would be impossible. Various liquids surround a person everywhere, however, against the background of ordinary drinking water, waters of different mineralization stand out significantly.

There are many known beneficial properties of mineral water. It is used to treat hundreds of different diseases and is also used for cosmetic procedures. But not every mineral water is suitable for a certain organism. The many parameters by which mineral waters are divided can often confuse the average consumer, and one of these indicators is the level of activity of hydrogen ions, that is, the PH indicator.

What is PH?

Every buyer has seen dozens of different names of mineral waters on store shelves, all of them have differences in their characteristics, including physical and chemical properties. Alkaline, neutral and acidic mineral waters - the list of well-known names is familiar to any person who drinks these drinks. However, only a few are familiar with the effect water has on the body depending on its type.

PH is an indicator that characterizes the amount of free hydrogen ions in a liquid. This indicator is most important for determining water quality.

The degree of hydrogen ion concentration ranges from 0 to 14. Depending on the PH saturation, water is divided into the following types:

  • : PH level is above 7;
  • Neutral: PH level is 7;
  • Acidic: PH level is below 7.

Since the pH value directly affects the course of biochemical processes in the body, when purchasing mineral water you should be sure to familiarize yourself with its level.

Also Depending on the concentration of hydrogen ions, mineral waters are popularly divided into:

  • Living () water;
  • And dead (acidic) water.

As in fairy tales, living and dead water perfectly complement each other, allowing the body to renew cells and function properly.

Alkaline water

Significantly different from acidic mineral water, the list of names of which can be obtained from your doctor. acts on the body as a biostimulant, restoring the immune system. It also activates cell regeneration, restores metabolism, and allows you to recover from stomach diseases.

It justifies its popular name everywhere. It is useful not only for the human body, but also has a wonderful effect on plants. often used on farms, thereby significantly increasing yields.

Mineral springs with alkaline mineral water:

  • Sairme and Nabeglavi, located in Georgia. The waters of these sources have a pronounced healing effect.
  • Swallow in the Primorsky Territory. Water with low mineralization has an average pH value.
  • Korshtskaya, Moldova. Still mineral water with high sodium levels.
  • Dilijan, Armenia. Medicinal water with low mineralization.
  • Slavyanovskaya and Smirnovskaya, sources are located in the Stavropol region. The waters from there are distinguished by large amounts of calcium and sodium.

You can find a list of names of alkaline water in the article.

The main disadvantage of alkaline water is the rapid loss of properties. Due to the unstable activity of the system, living water retains its positive properties only for two days after opening the bottle.

Acidic water

Acidic water, unlike water, is especially popular in the domestic sphere. Since water with a low pH level is an acidic solution, it has a strong bactericidal effect. For this reason, such water is often used to disinfect linen in medical institutions.

Also, acidic water allows you to quickly recover from various ailments. It is often used to wash wounds for disinfection, rinse the throat, mouth and wash.

Dead water is one of the main components in alternative medicine. Thanks to it, experienced healers treat high blood pressure, reduce joint pain and eliminate cold symptoms.

Mineral water differs from other drinks in that it is drunk not only to quench thirst, but also as a remedy. Alkaline mineral water occupies a special place in this series. It is useful to use as an auxiliary remedy for healing from many diseases. The list of the best alkaline mineral waters will tell you how to choose the right one and which type of water to prefer.

This drink is used as a healing and prophylactic agent. You can’t just drink it to get rid of thirst, as the doctor prescribes drinking it to get rid of existing diseases. The composition of alkaline mineral water allows it to be classified as a hydrocarbonate subgroup of mineral waters of natural origin. A characteristic feature of this drink is a large amount of mineral salts in the list of ingredients, as well as an acid level exceeding 7 pH. With the constant use of such a drink, a natural activation of carbohydrate and protein metabolism occurs, and the functioning of the digestive system improves.

Slightly alkaline mineral water is isolated separately. It has similar characteristics, but the pH level and concentration of mineral salts is slightly lower.

Valuable qualities of alkaline mineral water

The list of ingredients of such a natural drink includes components necessary for the normal functioning of the body: magnesium, sodium and ions of the hydrocarbonate group. Therefore, it is allowed to drink it for the treatment of the following ailments:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • liver diseases;
  • colitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • infectious diseases;
  • gout;
  • obesity.
  • remove mucus from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eliminate the burning sensation in the esophagus and stomach;
  • get rid of belching and signs of stomach heaviness;
  • remove products of metabolic reactions from the body.

How to drink correctly

The exact dosage of the drink is prescribed by the doctor after finding the level of stomach acidity. On average, the dosage ranges around 3 ml of alkaline liquid per kilogram of body weight.

For preventive purposes, it is recommended to take mineral water 30 minutes before meals. If the patient has a peptic ulcer or gastritis, the drink should be drunk immediately after meals. If you have increased stomach acidity, you should drink mineral water while eating. With reduced acidity, the drink should be consumed 1 hour before meals.

If a person has hyperacid gastritis, then it is allowed to drink exclusively non-carbonated water, since the gas stimulates the production of gastric juice. Therefore, patients with this diagnosis are recommended to leave a bottle of mineral water open overnight so that excess gas evaporates.

In case of stomach diseases, you need to drink warm mineral water, in other cases it is allowed to drink it at a cool temperature.

For better absorption of the beneficial components, the drink should be consumed slowly, in small sips. If a patient’s health worsens due to mineral water, the appointment should be noted and a doctor should be consulted.

Not everyone can be treated with alkaline mineral water. Contraindications to its use are:

  • bladder stones;
  • renal failure;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system.

Proper use of alkaline mineral water for various diseases

Depending on the existing illness, it is necessary to use alkaline mineral water correctly. In this case, you need to adhere to the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor.

For pancreatitis:

  • alkaline mineral water without gas is suitable;
  • the duration of treatment is 1.5 months;
  • It is recommended to use natural well water rather than bottled water.

For the treatment of gout:

  • A slightly alkaline mineral water is suitable, which should be consumed in case of exacerbation of the disease in the first 2 days;
  • You need to drink non-carbonated liquid;
  • treatment should begin with a minimum amount and gradually increase it to the required volume;
  • During the recovery period, mineral water should be drunk 20 minutes before meals.

Against cough:

  • Drink warm, non-carbonated mineral water during the day;
  • to treat a dry cough, gargle with a mixture of warm milk and mineral water;
  • Mineral water inhalations show good results.

For inhalations:

  • preference should be given to mineral water in glass containers purchased at a pharmacy;
  • You must first release the gas from it, leaving it unopened overnight;
  • To fill the nebulizer you need to use a sterile syringe;
  • During the day you need to conduct about 7 sessions, the duration of which should be at least 5 minutes.

Names of the best alkaline mineral waters

Among all the mineral waters of the hydrocarbonate subgroup, there are 3 varieties:

  • table mineral water contains no more than 3 g/l of salts, this can be drunk by anyone;
  • the medical table contains a salt concentration of 3-10 g/l, this can be taken for a short period of time;
  • medicinal waters contain up to 35 g/l of salts, so they are allowed to be taken only as prescribed by the attending physician.

Among all alkaline waters, this water is the most famous and loved by many. This water is released in Georgia. It contains from 5.5 to 7.5 g of mineral salts in each liter. In addition, the ingredients of such water include boron, fluorine, sodium, calcium, magnesium and aluminum. Drinking Borjomi is allowed to treat colds, gastritis with high acidity, pancreatitis, and to normalize metabolic processes. Contraindications are heart disease, stones in the gall bladder and liver ducts.

Borjomi mineral water


  • water from a natural source;
  • useful for the treatment of certain ailments;
  • Recommended for use to reduce body weight.


  • there are contraindications.

On average, the cost of such water is 90 rubles.

The mineral water of this brand belongs to the sulfate-hydrocarbonate waters and is produced in Kislovodsk. The mineral content in Narzan ranges from 2.0 to 3.5 g/l. It is recommended to take this mineral water to get rid of stomach ulcers, gastritis with increased or normal production of gastric juice, diabetes, pancreatitis, cystitis, inflammatory processes of the liver, and increased weight. Obstacles to the use of Narzan are periods of exacerbation of chronic ailments, high blood pressure, heart or liver failure.

mineral water Narzan


  • useful in the treatment of many diseases;
  • has weak mineralization;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • has a small number of contraindications.


  • not found.

The average cost of 1 bottle of Narzan is 45 rubles.


This mineral water is loved not only by Russians, but also by residents of Ukraine and Belarus. Water is produced in Russia, in the Stavropol Territory. The drink stabilizes the condition in case of ailments of the liver and kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and bladder.

There are many mineral waters produced under the Essentuki brand, but only No. 4 and No. 17 are alkaline. They should be used in the treatment of minor diabetes mellitus and in case of malfunction of the digestive system. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and lasts from 1 to 3 months.

Essentuki mineral water


  • popular mineral water with a pleasant taste;
  • can be used for diabetes;
  • treats stomach diseases.


The average price for 1 bottle is 35 rubles.


Alkaline mineral water Luzhanskaya is produced in Ukraine, in Transcarpathia. It is used primarily for the treatment of gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice. The concentration of mineral salts in Luzhanskaya ranges from 3.6 to 4.3 g/l. With its help you can get rid of increased gas formation and eliminate heaviness in the stomach. The drink helps in losing excess weight. An obstacle to consuming Luzhanskaya is hypothyroidism.

mineral water Luzhanskaya


  • inexpensive mineral water;
  • used to treat stomach diseases;
  • helps reduce excess weight;
  • has a small number of contraindications.


  • has a small number of indications.

The average price of 1 bottle of Luzhanskaya is 25 rubles.


Nabeglavi water is produced in Georgia. The mineral water has a pleasant taste and is valued for its good healing qualities. By drinking it regularly, the body is freed from toxic elements and is saturated with the necessary mineral compounds. Drinking this mineral water is useful for diabetes mellitus, metabolic failures, and chronic gastrointestinal ailments.

Nabeglavi water contains a high concentration of sodium.

Nabeglavi mineral water


  • has a large number of indications;
  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • saturates with useful minerals.


  • high price.

The average cost of 1 bottle is 100 rubles.

This slightly alkaline mineral water is produced in Armenia. It has a very pleasant taste and an excellent, balanced composition. Drinking Dilijan mineral water is useful for chronic gastritis, uncomplicated stomach ulcers, diabetes mellitus, colitis, chronic liver diseases, uric acid diathesis, and metabolic disorders. Systematic consumption of this mineral water helps eliminate excess kilograms.

mineral water Dilijan


  • balanced composition;
  • pleasant taste;
  • a large number of indications.


  • high price.

The cost of 1 bottle of this mineral water is 100 rubles.

Polyana Kvasova

This mineral water is produced in Ukraine and bottled there. It has a high degree of saturation with minerals and has a pleasant taste. The healing properties of Polyana Kvasova mineral water allow it to be used to heal stomach and intestinal ailments, cleanse the body of accumulated toxins, eliminate heartburn and hangover syndrome. According to the recommendation of specialists, it is used to relieve cough.

You are allowed to drink this mineral water for 1 month. Then you need to take a break for a period of 3 to 6 months.

mineral water Polyana Kvasova


  • high concentration of minerals;
  • pleasant taste;
  • cleanses the body;
  • eliminates excess weight.


  • cannot be taken for a long time.

The cost of 1 bottle of this mineral water is 90 rubles.

It is necessary to take alkaline mineral water as a healing agent only on the recommendation of a doctor, adhering to the prescribed dosage without deviation. You are only allowed to drink table mineral water on your own.

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