The most necessary things on a hike. What are the essentials to take with you on a hike? Instructions for those preparing for a trip to the mountains: what should you take with you? What you need to take with you on a hike


What should you take with you to the mountains?

Lake of Artists

Using the example of a hike in Ergaki, we will look at what you need to take with you on a hike in the mountains. It is prohibited to take condensed milk. Basic backpack. Volume 110-140 liters for men, 90-100 for women. It can be easel, anatomical or soft. It is advisable to have a waist belt that takes up to 90 loads, relieving the shoulders. The main backpack should weigh no more than 1.5 kg. It is also advisable to have a waterproof cape for your backpack, preferably in a bright color - red or orange. Assault backpack. Volume 30-50 liters. Used for radial walks. There we put a snack, an individual first aid kit, spare clothes, rain capes, and photographic equipment. The main requirement is light weight. Any additional bags are not allowed. The tourist's hands must be free. You can take an alpenstock or a stick - if desired. It is believed that the alpenstock helps to maintain balance on the ridge. Some tourists take two alpenstocks - they help relieve the load on their legs during steep climbs. If you are used to walking with alpenstocks, take them. If you don't have this habit, don't take it. Sleeping bag. In June and August you can take thicker ones, you can even take down ones. It gets so hot in July that we sleep on top of our sleeping bags. Some tourists also take sleeping bag inserts. It's up to you. Blanket sleeping bags have proven to be the best. The worst thing is the so-called “tourist death”, cocoons. Tents. Preferably light (3-seater up to 3.6 kg), framed and with a large vestibule. In other areas, it is possible without a vestibule at all, but in Ergaki it often rains. It is convenient to change clothes in the vestibule. Even if a tourist gets wet, he enters the tent dry and happy. CLMN- mug-spoon-bowl-knife. A mug of approximately 0.5 liters or more, light, unbreakable. The bowl is large enough, light, unbreakable. An aluminum spoon is better. Wooden ones break, steel ones are heavy. The knife can be folded, do not forget to sharpen it. Rug (karimat). For thermal insulation and softness. Polyurethane foam mats are sold in all tourist or hunting stores, are very light in weight, and cost 200-400 rubles. It is also permissible to take building thermal insulation materials with similar characteristics. There are also inflatable mats, also with a pump. Such rugs usually do not justify themselves: they are too heavy. In addition, air mattresses burst and do not fit with regular mattresses. Shoes. The best shoes are leather boots with thick, ribbed soles and high ones. I myself usually buy in military stores, the price is about 1,700 rubles. You can also buy ankle boots or leather boots in workwear stores, the average price is from 260 to 700 rubles. Boots should be taken one to one and a half sizes larger than usual. You can also buy regular rubber boots for 250-350 rubles. It is especially good to wear boots in June and August, but in July they can be hot. Don’t be afraid that your feet will get wet in your boots; usually we walk for no more than 20 minutes at a time, after which we stop and you can take off your shoes. Second pair of shoes- light sneakers or sneakers. Beach flip flops, which are very light, are suitable for walking around the camp. Do not try to consult a salesperson at a sports store about shoes. Most likely, the seller will sell you some very beautiful trekking shoes for 50,000 rubles, which will fall apart in three days. Good trekkings fall apart after 7-10 days. It's extremely rare to find truly durable tracking - I've only seen one like this once. In recent years, sports shoes based on membranes have begun to be sold. They say that moisture can only pass in one direction, outward. They say the foot will remain dry. In fact, the leg will still get wet, and so will the other one. But drying such miracle boots is a really difficult task. Therefore, I repeat - leather boots with Vibram-type soles are best. Boots must be broken in beforehand. It is useful to soak boots with hydrophobic lubricant. Socks. We wear three pairs of socks under our boots: first thin woolen ones, then thick ones, then synthetic ones. It's not always possible to wash and dry socks, so I usually take 10-12 pairs and just throw away the wet ones. Cloth. Two T-shirts, a vest, a vest, a windbreaker. Rain capes are a must, preferably long and colored. If you take thin, disposable capes, then 3-5 pieces are better. Thin capes are easy to tear. Pants, shorts. You can wear long pants, this way you will protect your legs from scratches. You can wear shorts, it’s easy and comfortable, your legs will get tanned, but will have scratches. The choice is yours. Sometimes you have to break through the bushes - if someone has soft skin on their legs, they need long pants. Any clothes should be comfortable to dry, perhaps by the fire. Please note that synthetics melt easily. Sunbathing and swimming are comfortable in a swimsuit. Those who are afraid of the sun's rays can take a baseball cap or hat. In June and August, a warm woolen or knitted hat will be useful. Outerwear should be bright colors, preferably red and orange. Head Torch. Will come in handy in July-August. In June the nights are usually light. Individual first aid kit. Elastic bing. Sunscreens Repair kit(thread needles, adhesive tape or electrical tape, laces, ropes, pins), as well as all sorts of garbage of unknown purpose. Toilet paper- pack tightly. Matches- several boxes, pack tightly. You can take additional means for starting a fire in damp conditions: birch bark, pieces of plexiglass, a candle, hunting matches, super lighters, dry fuel.

We take a selection of things for a mountain hike using the example of a five-day hike in the mountains of the Tuapse region (Tindyuk, Semashkho, Two Brothers). Autumn mountain hikes will not always please you with warm weather; on the contrary, there may be non-stop rains, which often fall on the mountains in large amounts of precipitation in the autumn. We will divide the article into 2 sections - personal equipment for mountain hiking and group equipment.

List of personal equipment for mountain trekking

  1. Travel backpack— depending on the length of the route, choose the required volume. Some backpack models have a special rain cover. If the manufacturer has not made such a device, it is worth purchasing a cape that fits your backpack size.
  2. Karemat- tent mat (foam)
  3. Sleeping bag— you need to individually select the location where you are going on a hike based on the ambient temperature.
  4. Seat (podsrachnik)- not only will it allow you not to get cold in your body, but it is also very comfortable to sit on the stones.
  5. Raincoat— preferably not the one where grandmothers sell vegetables on the street.
  6. Flashlight— you need a high-quality one with a supply of batteries.
  7. Trekking poles- will allow you to walk long distances and protect yourself from falls.
  8. Tourist dishes- convenient (preferably folding) dishes: mug, deep bowl, fork, spoon.
  9. Knife.
  10. Matches\lighter— it is advisable to take several boxes or several lighters and keep them in a waterproof bag.
  11. Membrane jacket.
  12. Membrane pants.
  13. Thermal underwear.
  14. A cap.
  15. Socks- several pairs + warm ones.
  16. Trekking boots— you should definitely take them in before going on a hike to avoid blisters. Trekking boots can withstand strong impacts on rocks, hold the foot, are highly durable and are waterproof.
  17. Gloves.
  18. Regular comfortable shoes— for the convenience of walking around the camp in parking areas.
  19. Things for campsites- light pants and a jacket.

List of group equipment for mountain trekking

These things are distributed among the entire tourist group evenly, according to each person's strength.

  1. Tents— 3-4 seater with awnings.
  2. First aid kit.
  3. Food supply.
  4. Boiler with lid+ water boiler
  5. Fire pit for two boilers— you can place the cauldrons on stones next to the fire or on sticks, but with a fire pit it is much more convenient.
  6. Hatchet + chain saw— for the convenience of chopping firewood or sawing large logs.
  7. Rope— for fording rivers or belaying during dangerous climbs.
  8. Tent for dining area.
  9. Sapper shovel- will help in various situations (dig tents, clear a place for a tent, make a cache)
  10. Compass, maps, jps tracker.

This list of equipment includes only the basic essentials for mountain hiking. For comfort, you can take a lot more things, but remember that the more things you have, the harder it is to walk, especially on mountain hikes where descents are constantly changing with ascents.

Endless hills and meadows, rocky streams and all-encompassing silence - a mountain trip will appeal to the heart of every tourist tired of the hustle and bustle of crowded cities. However, the mountains are not only beautiful, but also a demanding place for summer holidays. To travel to such an area, you should be very well prepared. The basis of such preparation is a properly packed backpack. Find out what to take with you on your mountain trip so you can have a great time and enjoy the magic of the wild without any obstacles.

What to take with you on a mountain hike: clothes

What to take with you on such a trip? The basis is appropriate clothing. The first thing you need to buy is good trekking shoes. Summer boots should be above the ankle and covered with breathable materials. If you are just going to buy shoes for hiking in the mountains, remember that they should be on average one size larger than the ones you wear every day. If you already have good boots, do not forget to thoroughly treat them with a special spray before leaving. This will make them more resistant to moisture. Another important item is hiking socks. They must be made of materials that allow air to pass through and remove moisture. It's good for summer socks to have cooling properties. These types of products are available in travel and sports stores. When hiking in the mountains, you need to take trousers and several T-shirts with short and long sleeves. They should be made of breathable and quick-drying fabric. A good choice would be clothing made from polyester or polypropylene. In addition, you will need a warm sweatshirt. Remember that even if the summer is hot, mountain evenings and mornings can be very cool. In addition, even during the day, the weather in the mountains can be very variable. Be sure to also take a membrane jacket, also called a hardshell. It will protect you from rain and wind. A very important thing is a headdress. In the mountains it is especially necessary to protect yourself from the bright sun. You can pack your favorite hat or, better yet, a multifunctional scarf in your backpack. The latter is used as a headdress or scarf. Also remember about sunglasses. If you have a backpack, shop for a model with a hip belt - this is an absolute must to ensure the weight of your luggage is properly distributed. A good backpack should be waterproof. It should also have a bottom or side slider so you don't have to remove it to put things you have hidden at the bottom. The most important thing is that everything in it is comfortable. How can I check this? Measuring an empty backpack won't tell you anything. Ask the seller to load it and only then check how it sits. Do not put: Don’t take your favorite cotton T-shirts and socks to the mountains. Cotton retains moisture, which can cause discomfort, especially on long hikes. Nobody likes to have a sweat-soaked T-shirt stuck to their back while hiking. And if you take cotton socks on your trip, you'll probably end up with painful blisters. Don't put jeans either. The thick, hard material is very uncomfortable during long hikes. Not only will it keep you warm on a cold evening, but it will make you very hot on a warm day.

Equipment for a trip to the mountains: what you must take with you

The first thing you need to pack in your backpack is a map and compass. Do you think this is unnecessary in the era of smartphones equipped with GPS? This is very far from the truth. The phone gets lost too easily in the mountains to rely on its navigation. Does this mean that the smartphone should stay at home? Absolutely not. You should have your phone with you just in case, so that if problems arise you can call for help. Before leaving, add emergency numbers to your contacts. Save a contact in your phone for someone close to you who should be notified in the event of an accident. This phone should be kept as one of the most important. It is also good to take a so-called powerbank with you, it will allow you to recharge your phone in a situation where you do not have access to an outlet. If you are going to spend the night outdoors, you need to take a tent and a sleeping bag. If you plan to stay at a tourist camp, take only a sleeping bag with you. In both cases, it is important to take a good flashlight, preferably a waterproof one. Tourist camps often do not have constant lighting. A multifunctional pocket knife wouldn't hurt either. In addition to a knife, you must have scissors, a can and bottle opener. You can’t help but have a travel multi-tool (spoon-fork) in your backpack. If you're planning a long hike, don't forget to take a small camping stove. Also wrap a large mug, preferably metal, and a thermos. At least a small first aid kit is very necessary. Place in it painkillers and anti-inflammatory tablets, as many patches as possible, disinfectant and medications that you regularly take. Also, take a set of cosmetics. Remember that in the summer in the mountains you will need a cream with a filter, preferably SPF 30 or higher. Do not put: Seriously consider going to the store and buying a fancy survival kit. It often contains items that you will definitely not need during a mountain trip, such as knitting needles, blades, miniature saws or fishing kits. Regarding the latter, you need to know that fishing in some cases is poaching, which can lead to criminal liability.

What to take with you on a hike in the mountains so that you don’t get overwhelmed by hunger

What food should I take? The principle is simple: food should be as high in calories as possible and take up as little space as possible. It shouldn't spoil easily either. Freeze-dried products are becoming increasingly popular. They are very light and come in small packages. To prepare them you will only need boiling water. Previously, the taste of such dishes left much to be desired. Nowadays, these kinds of products from good companies are really very tasty. Also, pack sweets and nuts. It's a good idea to bring good quality protein bars with you. These snacks will give you energy between meals. To drink, in addition to tea, be sure to take isotonic drinks in powder form. They will help you maintain adequate hydration. Also take with you a bottle of water or a so-called camelbak - a water tank with a mask and snorkel, place them in your backpack, so you can drink during the march. Do not put: Previously, chocolate was a mandatory item on the tourist menu. This is, however, a very impractical snack if you are going to the mountains in the summer. On hot days it can easily melt in your backpack. At best, if it didn't melt during the hike, you might get it on your hands while eating, then fiddle with your dirty hands until you find water. And if the package has been opened, the chocolate will stain the contents of your backpack. Another thing you should not take with you is energy drinks. They cause short-term stimulation of the body, and as a result cause even greater fatigue and dehydration.

You can choose a model that is both mittens and gloves. That is, the outer side is a mitten, you put it on when it’s cold. Outside, if it suddenly gets very cold, you can walk in mittens, but in the lodge, take off the top part of the mittens and wear inner gloves. Gaiters for boots are not a superfluous thing. Every year, snow falls in different parts of the Himalayas even during the peak tourist season. These gaiters will seriously help you keep your feet dry and warm. They fit over the boot and help protect the shoe from snow. And for future mountains, you can’t do without them, so it’s better to play it safe and take them now! Powder puff. If for hiking in the Alps or Montenegro a second warm jacket or a thin down sweater may be enough for you, then in the Himalayas this is clearly not enough! When trekking in Nepal, it is better to take a puff of medium thickness. There must be a hood and pockets, but a snow skirt is not required. The main thing is that the jacket is light, compact, and warm. A double zipper is also desirable; it will come in handy on future ascents. This down jacket, put on a fleece and membrane, will reliably protect you from the cold at the heights of the upper camps of the trek. And again, such a puffer can be worn in the city as casual wear. That is, the money spent on it will fully pay for itself. A balaclava in case of strong winds and a warm sports hat, for example with a Windstopper membrane, are very useful and necessary accessories on such a hike. They will reliably protect your head from hypothermia. And of course, the most important question: what is all this worth? If you are going on your own and do not plan to use the help of local porters, you will need a large backpacking backpack. Even when using the most compact and modern equipment, a volume of at least 70 liters will be required. Please note that with such a backpack you will have to walk every day for 10-15 days. Therefore, choose a backpack with a comfortable back, height adjustment, and a comfortable belt, which will bear at least half the weight of the backpack. It should also have a lot of pockets. A backpack, just like shoes, must be chosen personally, because the width of the back, the structural features of the trapezoid and height are individual for everyone. Be sure to come to the store with the largest assortment and try to try on everything that the consultants show you. When trekking with porters, you carry part of the equipment: camera, cosmetic bag, telephone, membrane clothing and down jacket, as you may need it at any time, and the other part can be given to the porters. It is most convenient to go yourself with a backpack with a volume of 40-45 liters, and give the porters everything else in the trunk. Such a trunk will not tear, will protect the contents from dust and dirt, and taking out the most necessary things from it upon arrival at the lodge and packing it back will not be difficult.

There is probably nothing more dangerous psychologically than a long stay in areas that can hardly be called wild. Physical fitness can save you from any excesses, which often make hiking in the mountains even more painful. In order for you to rest your soul, you need to properly stock up on equipment, as well as special food.

1. Clothes

Cotton items, which we diligently try to find in everyday life, have one property that makes them not worth taking on a mountain hike: they dry slowly. Therefore, especially in winter, it is necessary to take clothes made of synthetic polyester with you, which will protect from moisture and wind. Moreover, we must not forget about warm clothes, which should be stocked in duplicate. Also, don’t forget about what will protect your hands and face: mittens insulated from the inside and a balaclava hat will help you with this.

2. Products

It would seem what benefits candy brings while camping. However, everything is not as simple as it seems: they not only lift, but also save from dizziness, which occurs due to pressure drop. Remember that you will have to carry everything on your own back, so try not to carry half the store with you. Stock up on something that doesn’t weigh too much: for example, instead of cans of meat, you can take dried meat. Hiking in the mountains will not give you the opportunity to prepare complex and multi-step dishes, so you should take with you everything that can simply be boiled, cut or fried over a fire.

  • One day hike

On any hike, no matter how many days, you need to take something that will help you stay in healthy shape: personal documents, anti-frost cream and, of course, a phone with GPS or a special device for orientation on the terrain. In addition, it’s worth taking a powerbank, because you may need work equipment at any stage of the trip. Moreover, for a few days you don’t need to carry a pot and a burner on your back, because during this time you will be able to feed yourself on snacks, fruits and simple sandwiches.

  • Hiking in the mountains for several days

The longer you are camping, the more personal items you need. On a multi-day trip, you need to have a burner and a pot, several bottles of clean water, matches, a saw, and personal hygiene products. Moreover, you need to take care of food in stock for several days. It is better to avoid tents with zippers, because they freeze in the cold. In addition, you can take heat-insulating mats (foams, mats) that will keep you from freezing while you sleep.
