How many years does a pensioner have the right to work? Does the insurance period increase if a person who has reached retirement age works? Can a pensioner get a civil service job?

According to statistics, there are over 14 million working pensioners in Russia, which is due to low level pensions, which are not easy for an ordinary citizen to live on.

Employed pensioners are included in a special category; they always receive payments smaller size than unemployed citizens retirement age. And at the same time, the question of completely denying them monthly payments until they leave their jobs is regularly raised.

Will there be a recount? pension payments a pensioner who continues to work after leaving work? Yes, modern legislation guarantees its citizens old age after their dismissal, full indexation of the pension, the size of which will depend on the period of work before retirement, as well as on pension points, coefficients and insurance contributions.

Today we will talk about how a working citizen’s pension will be indexed, the timing of this procedure and the changes that will affect it in 2019.

Indexing order

In accordance with Russian legislation Every citizen upon reaching retirement age is considered to be working when he is officially employed, that is the employer pays monthly insurance and pension contributions for him.

Let us remember that pensioners in Russia are considered to be women over the age of 55 and men over the age of 60. If a person is over this age, he is considered to be working even if he is not working for anyone else, but:

  • is an individual entrepreneur;
  • conducts legal practice or works as a notary;
  • officially registered his tutoring activities.

The peculiarity of payments to working pensioners is that they do not undergo annual February indexation. However, if a pensioner stops working, his pension will be recalculated for the entire time he had working status. Not only will recalculation be made in relation to annual indexations, but also in relation to all pension points and coefficients depending on the amount of monthly insurance contributions from the employer (on the size wages).

In 2019, after dismissal, persons of retirement age do not need to notify the Pension Fund of this fact. Indexing occurs automatically based on those monthly deductions that the employer does. It is the responsibility of the organization to send data about employed and dismissed persons of retirement age.

Each pensioner will receive indexed monthly payments after termination labor activity automatically, no action is required for this.

Indexation terms

The Pension Fund provides a detailed explanation of whether a person’s payments will be changed if he resigns. Until the 10th of every month the employer sends information via electronic communication channels to the Pension Fund about pensioners who worked for him last month.

A person is considered to be working even if he worked only 1 day in the reporting month. If he is not on the list of employees, the Pension Fund will initiate a recalculation procedure.

Full indexation after dismissal now takes a long time, over 3 months.

As an example:

  1. In January, a person quits his job;
  2. In February, the Pension Fund receives a report from his employer stating that in January he was still working (there were insurance contributions);
  3. In March, the Pension Fund already sees that the person is not on the list - which means he has become unemployed;
  4. During April, a decision will be made to re-index his pension and all the necessary calculations will be made;
  5. And only in May a person will receive an increased, fully indexed pension.

This procedure operates in accordance with the norms of Federal Law No. 385 of December 29, 2015. The undoubted disadvantage of this procedure is that for the months that have passed since the dismissal, during which the information was received by the Pension Fund and processed there, compensation will not be paid.

Despite his actual status as an unemployed pensioner, a person is forced to receive reduced payments for 3-4 months.

Working citizens who have already had a recalculation made after leaving work can be officially employed again, and their pension will not be reduced again (but will not be indexed in the future, during the entire period of work).

Important! If information about the dismissal was not sent to the Pension Fund in due time, then the appropriate punishment will be applied to the employer. However, the pensioner should not expect compensation in this case; this is not provided for by law!

Law changes in 2019

From January 1, 2019, indexation of retirement age for retired citizens will occur immediately, from the 1st day of the month following the month of dismissal.

The re-indexing procedure, as before, will take more than 3 months, but this entire period is fully compensated. Let's look at the example again:

  1. In March 2019, the citizen resigned;
  2. In April, the Pension Fund will receive a report from the employer that the person is still among the organization’s employees;
  3. In May, the Pension Fund will see in the report that the person is no longer working;
  4. In June, payments will be indexed;
  5. And only in July will the citizen be paid an indexed pension, and in addition to it, compensation (the monetary difference between the previous and current amount of payments) for the previous 3 months - April, May, June.

Currently in State Duma a draft law on the denial of pension payments to working pensioners whose annual income from work exceeds 1 million rubles is being discussed. This is due to the lack Money from the state.

The question of indexing payments to persons employed in seasonal part-time jobs and to those who independently declare their income (for example, royalties or patents) remains open. The issue of indexing payments to pensioners engaged in entrepreneurial activities is also not clearly regulated.

In the Russian Federation, there is a large percentage of pensioners who are thinking about earning money in order to provide themselves with more decent life. Size guaranteed monthly payment does not allow them to “be a lord,” in connection with which there is a need to continue “toiling away” in their home organization at least half-time, or to look for another part-time job. They want to know whether they should work after retirement.

Is it possible for Russian pensioners to work?

People who have reached retirement age often do not have a clear idea of ​​how realistic it is to combine work and retirement. Nevertheless, a working pensioner has everything legal grounds receive both salary and cash support according to old age (experience).

However, it must be taken into account that a working pensioner is automatically deprived of social benefits. pension supplement. Even if the pension itself does not reach the valuation of the “consumer basket” with minimum set goods and services.

Additional payment to working pensioners is due only at the expense of. These contributions to the Pension Fund are paid by employers and together form a citizen.

Pros and cons of working in retirement

Each retiree needs to decide for himself whether he will continue to work or not. To settle this issue once and for all, we suggest Check out the pros and cons of working in retirement from the table below:


Maintaining familiar social connections and professional circle of contacts.

Less time for everyday life, children and grandchildren, as well as good rest and favorite entertainment.

Improved adaptation to the role of a pensioner and a new way of life due to the fact that the status of an employee has not been lost.

Poor health due to overexertion at work.
Maintaining physical and mental activity.

Social benefits are not included in pensions.

Maintaining income levels at a higher level.

Features and nuances

Pensions are provided not only to pensioners, but also to some other categories of citizens; in addition, the employed population is declining. The state encourages people to voluntarily delay their retirement by increasing their bonuses, and at the same time wants to save money by eliminating the indexation of payments to working elderly people.

Survivor benefits for workers

So, pensions are assigned not only to elderly people. There is also a fixed one. These funds are received by disabled close relatives of the deceased who are dependent on him until the moment of death.

Who can count on a survivor's pension:

  • minor family members;
  • husband/wife, or parent or grandparent of any age and regardless of ability to work;
  • a child of the deceased who has reached eighteen years of age or other adult family members, provided that they are caring for close relatives of the deceased benefactor who are under 14 years of age and not working;
  • father and mother or husband/wife who managed to live until retirement age or are disabled and were supported by the deceased;
  • grandparents of a deceased breadwinner who managed to live until retirement age and have no one else to provide for them.

Working citizens are not paid a survivor's pension, although they have the opportunity to earn money, eat normally and independently resolve housing issues.

If a citizen receives a survivor’s pension and is officially employed, he must mandatorysubmit an application to the Pension Fund for renunciation of pension. Otherwise, he will face the law. What punishment awaits him? You will have to compensate the Pension Fund for damages in the prescribed amount.

Premium odds for deferred exit

Having reached retirement age, a citizen has the right to delay his retirement for at least a year and continue to work. In case of a positive decision, he will be accrued bonus coefficients based on each year of such deferment, but not more than for ten years.

In Russia there is a tendency towards an increase in the number of people of retirement age, despite the fact that the employed population is declining. To stabilize the economy, the state is forced to interest people in retiring later. Although not all of our fellow citizens live to see their appointment pension provision. At this point, let everyone decide for themselves how to act: or wait for “better times.”


In 2016, for a reason financial crisis and the Pension Fund in the Russian Federation indexation of guaranteed payments was canceled. Now they are not provided with an annual increase in the size of the insurance pension, taking into account rising prices - one of the ways to protect against inflation.

What explains this step? Busy retirees have additional sources of income and can weather rising prices. In addition, a number of experts are confident that this measure will save the Pension Fund’s expenses. However, the fact of termination of employment will entail a revision in terms of indexation.

Let us remind you that from February 1, 2019, according to the Decree of the Russian Government of January 19, 2019 No. 36, the indexation coefficient is 1.054.

Dismissal due to vacation

Will benefits for working pensioners be abolished?

Today, it is not legal to deprive a working pensioner of his pension. Although previously it was proposed to limit these payments to those who earn more than a million rubles annually. If these innovations became legal, then the state budget would probably be replenished with 145 million rubles within three years due to a proportional reduction in expenses.

The project of the Russian Ministry of Finance described above dates back to 2015. So far he has not gained approval. Although it cannot be ruled out that it will be reviewed again in the near future.

Video: Latest changes in the Pension Fund of Russia

In accordance with the new pension reform and legislation Russian Federation, or rather with federal law“On insurance pensions”, starting from 2019, all male citizens over the age of 65 and women over the age of 60 can receive an old-age labor pension, or as they say by age. This category of people are pensioners.

The legislation also defines exceptions that allow a person, subject to certain conditions specified in the law, to retire at a higher age. at a young age than indicated earlier, that is, ahead of schedule. You can read about the categories of citizens entitled to early retirement in the article at the link. Any person who meets these requirements has the right to apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (Pension Fund of Russia) to assign him an old-age pension.

The situation is becoming quite common when, even after reaching retirement age, a person has a desire to continue his active work activity at his place of work. In this regard, many who want to continue working should know that they, like non-workers, can continue to receive their labor pension, without imposing any kind of restrictions on it. It is also necessary to know that reaching a certain age limit does not mean at all that a person should quit his job. In addition to the established benefits for pensioners, working old-age pensioners have additional guarantees and benefits.

Benefits for working pensioners at work

Old age pensioners are similar to all others age categories people may be dismissed from their positions both on their own initiative and on the initiative of the employer, but only in accordance with general rules specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

For people who have reached retirement age, there is a special article in the above code, which implies dismissal due to at will in connection with retirement. Also, any pensioner has the right to get a job again at any time at his own request, and this also does not affect the salary he receives for the worse. labor pension. Here it is advisable to know that there are some age restrictions for certain professions, which is that the maximum age up to which a person can work in public service is 65 years old, and for example the position of rector of a state municipal higher educational institution can be occupied by a person under the age of 70, etc.

Length of a pensioner's working day

The current labor legislation does not provide for extra hours holidays in work time for pensioners or reduced working hours. That is, pensioners, along with other employees, are required to work the working hours stipulated by the labor regulations.

Additional leave for retirees at work

Unfortunately, the status of a pensioner does not entail the right to additional days vacation.

However, a significant benefit for a working old-age pensioner is the right to additional leave at your own expense. Labor Code It is established that a pensioner who continues to work has the right to receive such leave for a period of 14 days at any time convenient for him, and the employer’s obligation is to provide such leave to the employee upon his written application.

Additional vacation periods apply to separate categories citizens:

  • for working WWII participants, leave at their own expense can be granted for 35 days,
  • for disabled people, unpaid leave can be up to 60 days

Granted by law calendar days can be used either at a time or in parts, depending on needs, divided over 1 year.

Working after receiving a pension leads to an increase in pension

In any of provided by law cases of imprisonment employment contract with a pensioner who has decided to start working again, the employer will be required to make monthly mandatory insurance premiums counted funded pension of this person.

Speaking on this topic, it should be noted that in this case, a pensioner who went to work has an advantage over his non-working acquaintances and other pensioners. This is due to the fact that his old-age pension will be indexed.

Firstly, for a non-working pensioner, as a rule, the insurance pension and a fixed (basic) payment from the state will be indexed for the most part. Secondly, his funded pension will increase solely due to the investment of its management company or pension fund in any market transactions, which today may not only not bring any benefit to the accumulated over time insurance period money, but can even cause certain material losses, since investing in modern economic conditions is not a completely safe way to make a profit.

At this time, the working pensioner will also receive investment interest on his pension account, but he will also increase the very amount from which this interest will be taken due to mandatory insurance contributions, which will ultimately lead to his general pension in old age in the process of the next indexation will increase by more high rate. It should be noted here that for indexing in this direction, it is necessary that insurance premiums were paid by the pensioner for a full 12 months continuously. This countdown begins from the day the labor pension is calculated.

From 2015, through employer contributions from the salary of a working pensioner, points will be credited to the pensioner’s account in an amount of no more than three in one year.

However, not everything is so rosy. At the end of 2015, a law was passed to abolish the indexation of pensions for working pensioners. Thus, from 2016, working pensioners will continue to receive a pension, but it will not increase. After the pensioner is dismissed from work, the pension will be recalculated taking into account indexation.

Social benefits for working old-age pensioners

Meanwhile, current regulations prerequisite Providing benefits for pensioners is that the pensioner must not work. That is, there are a number of benefits that are not available to working pensioners.

What are working pensioners deprived of compared to their non-working compatriots?

A significant deprivation for working pensioners is inability to receive compensation to the vacation spot and back. It is worth noting that non-working pensioners this right available. Read more about how to receive compensation for travel to a vacation spot in our article.

For example, in Moscow and the Moscow region there is a provision that all registered and non-working pensioners in a given area can undergo free Spa treatment by contacting the authorities social protection with the corresponding request. Also, for example, in a number of large regions of the country there is a law that a non-working pensioner, when committing long trip to undergo treatment at a resort, sanatorium, etc., has the right to ask for reimbursement of expenses incurred for travel, both in the form of direct monetary compensation for the amount spent, and in the form of travel tickets.

Working pensioners are not entitled to social supplement towards retirement

Pension legislation provides for the payment of a social supplement for pensioners in the event that the total monthly income of the pensioner (and it includes pensions, various social payments) is less than the cost of living of a pensioner in the region of his residence.

Meanwhile, the legislation establishes that social supplements are paid only non-working pensioners. When applying for a job the payment of the social allowance automatically stops, and the pensioner does not receive them for the entire time he is working, and after that if, due to certain circumstances, his pension begins to correspond to the subsistence level. That is, for working pensioners, even if their pension is below the subsistence level, they are not entitled to pay a social supplement.

In this regard, it is impossible to guarantee that his total income will be at the same level or higher, since he can get even the lowest paid job.

To date, no documents for receiving a pension upon reaching retirement age and continuing active work have been established at the state legislative level; the package that is submitted to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is the same as for pensioners who have decided to retire. However, it must be remembered that it is imperative to notify your employer that he does not have the right to stop making mandatory insurance contributions to the funded pension just because the person has reached retirement age.

Is it profitable to continue working after retirement?

As can be seen from all of the above, today it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to how profitable or not it is beneficial for a person who has retired to continue his working activity. On the one hand, this brings an undoubted material increase to his overall financial situation, but on the other hand, he is not sufficiently protected from employers due to his age, since he is subject to general provisions Labor Code.

It should also be noted that while he is working, he will not be able to receive some privileges from the state, and use some of the benefits that are provided exclusively to non-working pensioners. However, on the other hand, if there is a good salary, the need for such benefits may not arise at all, and at this time accumulative part pensions will increase, and when a person decides not to work, he will receive a higher pension than those citizens who did not continue their working activities after reaching the age limit and went on an old-age retirement pension.

Prepared by "Personal"

Upon reaching retirement age, not all citizens wish to leave workplace and spend time at home. On the contrary, pensioners find additional part-time work or remain in official employment.

In the Russian Federation, it is possible to remain in retirement with a monthly payment and work officially, simultaneously getting paid with her.

  • The Government's proposal to reduce pensions for working pensioners in order to save the Pension Fund budget, presented back in 2015, did not find support, so at the moment, while continuing to work, the pensioner old age pension is not deprived.
  • However, some citizens applying for a survivor's pension can count on it while continuing to work, in accordance with clause 2, part 2, article 10 of the law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “About insurance pensions”, because this type payments can only be received disabled close relative deceased, who was his dependent.

The state is trying in every possible way to stimulate the population to more late retirement, refusing payment, offering increase its size.

Is it profitable to work in retirement?

Receiving both a pension and salary at the same time is much more profitable and, of course, significantly increases the financial security of a pensioner. In addition, by continuing to increase your length of service upon retirement, you can benefit from the fact that insurance premiums and the amount pension savings also increase, which means the payment itself increases. In this regard, an annual recalculation of pension payments is carried out.

However, on this moment It is certain that such decisions will not be made in the near future.

Survivor's pension if you work

You can postpone retirement for a minimum of one year, and the maximum bonus factor is accrued for 10 years. Correspondence tables premium coefficient and the deferment period are placed in the appendices and to the law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “About insurance pensions”. It can be concluded that the longer the deferment period, the higher size future pension provision. For example, if you defer for a year, the pension amount will increase by 6.5%; with a delay of 5 years - already by 40%.

As soon as a Russian citizen reaches retirement age, he must go to Pension Fund, where he will be assigned the amount of pension payments. Many retirees continue to work. But not all working pensioners know about their rights. Sometimes an employer offers an employee to enter into a fixed-term employment contract. But for this, one condition must be met - agreement on both sides. Few people know that an offer by an employer to conclude a fixed-term employment contract may be illegal if the employee has reached retirement age. An offer to exchange an employment contract to a newly hired employee can be presented in court as an illegal action that can be appealed.

If the employer has good reasons, he has the right to fire a working pensioner. Unlike pregnant women and disabled people, this category of people does not have dismissal privileges. However, there are some peculiarities here. Termination of the employment contract by the employer must occur within the period specified in the resignation letter. In addition, a working pensioner is not required to work for another two weeks after dismissal. Working pensioners are not included in the category of citizens who have the right to work part-time. Of course, they can make a personal request to the employer, but receiving a refusal will be completely legal. A working pensioner has the right to one additional unpaid leave for a period of 14 days.

Is it possible to work and receive a pension at the same time?

Currently, pensioners have the right to work officially and receive a pension at the same time. However, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation has already submitted for discussion a proposal to reduce pensions for workers. Then officials came up with a system according to which the funds of the country's Pension Fund were saved in a cunning way. A pensioner who continues to work would lose his pension, but he would be guaranteed a larger amount in the future in exchange for continuing his work experience. However, the department abandoned the idea.

If a pensioner continues to work, he does not lose his pension. The state decided to encourage pensioners to work with the promise of a significant increase in pensions, depending on the salary received and length of service. To reach the required level of 30 points, you will need to work officially for about 30-40 years. But if a pensioner refuses to continue his work experience and retires due to age, he will no longer receive a significantly increased pension. That is, we can say that this new pension formula suspects a hidden increase in the retirement age, or rather, an incentive for people not to retire.

Recalculation of pensions and benefits

Working pensioners have some benefits. Working pensioners receive a supplement to their pension. In addition, the size of the pension changes whenever the cost of living in the country changes. After its installation, the pension is recalculated and its new amount is determined. Pension recalculation is also carried out based on the salary of a working pensioner. Pensioners working in the field of education are also entitled to a so-called scientific pension. The amount of such a pension is usually about 80% of the salary that the researcher received before retirement.

Tip 2: How will working pensioners receive their pension?

If a person, after reaching retirement age and receiving a pension, continues to work, this does not deprive him of the right to the benefits due to him. pension and does not serve as a basis for reducing its size. At the same time, a working pensioner has the right to increase it based on the results of each calendar year based on contributions received during this time to the pension account from his employer.

You will need

  • - passport;
  • - certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
  • - copy work book, certified by the employer, or other documents confirming work experience;
  • - photographs (not in all cases).


Apply after reaching retirement age (60 years for men and 55 for women; for beneficiaries age limits may be lower, but in general it is very likely that the retirement age will be increased to 65 and 60 years, respectively) to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence, stay or actual residence. If you live abroad, please send copies necessary documents by mail to the central office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. According to the law, you have the right to apply for an old-age pension both immediately upon reaching retirement age and later - at any time when you consider it necessary.

Provide the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with your passport, a certificate of compulsory pension insurance and all available documentary evidence of your work experience: the original work book or its copy certified by the employer, certificates of average earnings until 2002 (if applicable to your case) and, if necessary, other papers according to requirements of the pension fund.

Contact the department of social protection of the population of your area with a passport and papers from the Pension Fund, if the legislation of the region where you are registered provides for the issuance of social cards for pensioners. Depending on the region, a photo may also be required, although in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in particular in Moscow, you will be photographed directly at the department. Social card usually gives the right to free travel on public transport and discounts in a number of stores, and also serves as confirmation of a number of other benefits entitled to you.

Choose a method that is convenient for you to receive your pension: at the post office (you have the right to choose whether to come for it yourself or instruct the postman to bring it to your home), to a bank account or card of Sberbank and a number of other credit organizations. If necessary, open a pension card or account and provide the details to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Visit the Pension Fund branch if, after the end of the next calendar year in which you continued to work after leaving pension, they didn’t increase it for you. You do not have to submit any applications for recalculation of your pension; the Pension Fund is obliged to recalculate it itself based on the information received from your employer. But if for some reason he didn’t do this, it will never hurt to remind him of yourself.

Circumstances may force you to work two jobs: the availability of free time at work, a small salary, big plans for the future for which you need to save up, the need for part-time work due to the purchase of an apartment or renovation.


Working two jobs is not easy: you need to meet deadlines and complete assignments different types activities. However, if you have the desire and opportunity to combine two jobs, it will be quite successful. To do this you need to have not only the right attitude, but also great responsibility, the ability to properly manage time and complete work quickly, without being distracted by extraneous matters.

You can work two jobs without leaving your workplace. Let’s say that if an employee is not overloaded with work in the office, there are free hours between tasks, it is profitable to occupy them extra work. You can register on virtual freelance exchanges and receive orders for writing texts or reviews, creating logos, videos, websites, groups in in social networks– it all depends on what types of work you can do and what you can and want to learn.

Additional employment can be obtained from the main employer. If the company has a need for some activity, but they have not yet found an employee for this position or they do not want to open a vacancy at all, propose your candidacy. Then it will be possible to register this employment as a part-time job with partial pay. Both the boss and the employee will like this option - the position will not be paid as the main one and it will be possible to save money, and the employee will have the opportunity to receive a higher salary for the same working hours.

Finding a part-time job is not so difficult in another company. There are many positions in the job market that allow you to work part-time or work on weekends. To work part-time, in most cases you will have to negotiate with your boss at your main job or, according to at least, inform the manager.

Another option for part-time work is when you work on a schedule of 2 days every 2. Then the first two days the employee works in one company, the other two days in another. This is a very exhausting part-time option, since it does not provide for days off and you will have to work 12 hours every day, so you should resort to this option only when as a last resort.

Take up your hobby after work and turn it into a small business of your own. Getting paid for your hobbies is the most nice option part-time jobs. Perhaps you know how to knit, sew, make jewelry, paint, or grow flowers to sell. All this can generate income, which will come in handy in addition to your basic salary. This kind of work can be done after work, on weekends, and on vacation, and it will be much less tiring than your main job.

Video on the topic
