Evening makeup for gray-green eyes in stages. Makeup for gray-green eyes step by step

How to make up gray eyes

Gray eye color is not as simple as it seems. Skillfully selected makeup shadows can achieve various shades. native color eye.

Gray eyes refer to the cold color scheme, so shades of blue, pale blue, pink, purple and cold silver are suitable for them. gray color, dark blue, as well as a full range of black and white and neutral shades.

Each color can be used alone or in combination with others. This makeup goes very well with white, light blue, light pink and purple clothes. Contrasting colors are not recommended, but more daring ladies can try them. More gentle and light shades choose for daytime makeup, while if you increase their brightness, you get an excellent evening makeup, suitable for artificial lighting.

If you have a hard day at work and little time for makeup in the morning, use light shades of silver. Basically, any light color shadows will highlight gray eyes, emphasizing their advantages. Try also experimenting with a combination of the selected tone with white, applying it to the inner corners of the eyes and under the eyebrow.

Depending on skin type, makeup may vary. Choose gold, bronze, caramel or sand shadows if your skin is warm shade, purple or green shadows - if cold.

Owners gray eyes you should also consider the color of your hair. So, if you are a brunette, use almost everything. suitable nuances shades for gray, especially purple, green and burgundy. Avoid yellow, turquoise and plum. If you are blonde, you should use neutral shades of eyeshadow and beige or sand to emphasize the warmth of the eyes.

Makeup for grey-green eyes

Gray-green eyes are considered to be very expressive and attractive in nature. Proper daytime and evening make-up emphasizes their advantages and draws additional attention to the look.

If you want to highlight more green color, choose gray or pale green shadows, or green eyeliner. Suitable for owners of gray-green eyes and shades of gold, bronze, emerald, olive, peach and pink cold shades.

In the evening try smoky makeup eyes with rich silver hues that will give the look an extra sparkle. The lilac-violet range will emphasize the green nuances of the eyes. When using several shades in makeup, make sure that the transitions are smooth. Don't forget the eyeliner. If you have bright irises, you can use black pencil or eyeliner. In other cases, it is better to take a pencil or an eyeshadow similar to the color of the eyeshadow.

For daytime makeup, use gray or black mascara, but evening makeup cannot do without black.

Makeup for gray-blue eyes

Gray-blue eyes are even more expressive than, for example, bright blue.Many argue that such eyes are the most mysterious, there is a secret in them.

Well-chosen makeup, hairstyle and clothes give the owner of gray-blue eyes even more charm and charm.

The color perception of gray-blue eyes depends on external factors, such as the weather, the color of the sky, or the tint of the environment.You can also emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes with various clothes, makeup, hairstyles, shadows.

Decide what effect you want to achieve.Optionally, your eyes can be blue or with a cool metallic tint.If you want to emphasize blue, wear blue tones. For example,gray-blue or graphite-blue suit, jeans, turquoise outfits.In the second case, wear gray clothes.Silver, gray, smoky shades will turn your eyes into a cold gray.Pay attention to the fabric of the clothes you wear.Thin soft materials give the eyes a calm tone, and dense fabrics- more dramatic.In addition, gray-blue models of shoes, clothes, bags, jewelry will give more expressiveness and brightness to the eyes.

Owners of gray-blue eyes, as a rule, have dark hair.If your eye color is very light, do not dye your hair bright red or dark brown. You will like soft caramel shades, for example, light brown or golden blond.Remember that the hair color for gray-blue eyes should be natural and blend well. with skin color.

You can also emphasize blue-gray eyes with makeup. Your shades are: skynavy blue, sky blue, grey, silver, blue, navy blue and light ice blue.You can also use (especially those with greenish eyes) gold, copper, watery blue, yellow, light green, turquoise and emerald. In addition, pthe ash shade of the eyes will be emphasized with white and purple, pink, beige-pink shadows.

Do not use cosmetics that are too sharp and contrasting colors.Shadows should be slightly darker than natural color your eyes.Perfect with grey-blue eyes metallic shades makeup.You can safely use all shades of blue and blue color, in combination with a blue pencil, brilliant shades of azure are perfect for the evening.White color looks good daytime makeup. It refreshes gray-blue eyes, just like pale pink, and can give them a natural shine.

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Gray-green eyes are very beautiful, but they lack a little brightness. Proper makeup emphasize natural shade cornea without obscuring it.

Makeup for gray-green eyes

Makeup for gray-green eyes. Make-up basics for brown-haired women, brunettes, redheads

Light eyes combined with dark or bright red hair look very beautiful. Therefore, everything that needs to be done by brown-haired women, brunettes, redheads or dark blond girls with gray or gray-green eyes - emphasize their shape and correct imperfections.

If the eyes are set wide apart, the inner corners should be shaded with a dark brown or purple pencil. The second looks the most advantageous, emphasizing the greenish tint of the cornea. On outer corner eyes can be applied with peach or pink shadows.

You can enlarge your eyes with a pencil and eyeliner. Brown and dark gray pencil is in perfect harmony with the light cornea. To make your eyes appear rounder and larger, draw a thick line on the edge of the upper eyelid. Blend it out so that the color becomes smoky, deep. Above put light shiny shadows. The lower eyelid can also be emphasized with a pencil. Only it should be lighter than on upper eyelid. Dark color along the edge of the lower eyelid visually makes the eyes smaller.

Many girls wonder what color eyeliner is suitable to gray and green eyes. For daytime makeup, it can be black or brown paint. For the evening - bright purple or even raspberry. These shades harmonize well with light cold colors, emphasizing beautiful colour eye. Need to apply eyeliner thin line along the edge of eyelash growth. To make the eyes more almond-shaped, it can be extended a little further to the temple, protruding beyond the edge of the upper eyelid.

TO bright eyes black mascara works well. And if the eyebrows are dark enough, even blondes should not be afraid to use it. Black mascara makes eyelashes thicker and eyes expressive

Gray-green shades make the eyes stunningly deep and beautiful. Exactly many Hollywood beauties can boast of such eyes, for example, Angelina Jolie. Do own image even more beautiful and mysterious under the power of any girl: it is enough to master a few simple tricks and choose the right color scheme. The latter is diverse - from peach or nude shades to green, blue and even burgundy! What are the features of the make-up, what do you need to know in order to independently do evening or everyday makeup for gray-green eyes? Let's figure it out together!

How to do makeup for gray-green eyes - instructions with step by step photos

Pay attention to your eyebrows! Correct the shape in advance, get a tattoo (if necessary) or use permanent paint. If you prefer to color your eyebrows daily, use special lipsticks or shadows for this.

Another make-up option for such eyes, which perfect for solemn events or evening outings into the light shown in the following photo. You can repeat all the steps of applying cosmetics. Don't forget mascara!

Types of such makeup

Choosing a make-up option, Consider more than just lighting, in which you will be seen by others, the selected color scheme of the outfit, but also your color type as well as hair color. What shades to give preference to blondes, brunettes, brown-haired women or redheads?

When choosing a make-up technique, consider the structural features of your face, the distance between the eyes, their size. About the secrets of applying makeup with a lowered or impending eyelid, as well as about that, you can learn from separate articles.

Makeup for blondes with gray-green eyes

Combination blonde hair and an eye with green sparks looks very soft. You can familiarize yourself with the basic principles in a separate article, and for gray-green eyes, use the following rules:

Makeup for brunettes and brown-haired women with gray-green eyes

You can afford almost any experiment! Try a multi-color make-up; gold or bronze looks good on the eyelids, and For everyday makeup give preference olive tones or a shade of moss. Purple or dark blue shadows and eyeliner will add mystery and depth to the look.

The only thing worth giving up in such makeup is green colors, which are identical with the shade of the eyes.

Makeup for redheads with gray-green eyes

Stunning combination fiery hair and the cold shade of the eyes allows such girls to look beautiful with and without makeup. As for the color scheme - here it is practically full scope for imagination(discard only pink and blue tones).

If you want to do makeup as quickly as possible, limit yourself to eyeliner: dark, olive or purple. In no case do not bring the lower eyelid along the edge of the mucosa.


  • Dreaming make the look mysterious? Then pay attention to the following video, which shows a very elegant and sophisticated evening makeup for gray-green eyes.

  • those who loves bright colors and not afraid to experiment, you can try to combine olive and purple tones. Such makeup will emphasize the beauty of gray-green eyes.

  • Last the video is dedicated to one of the top trends in makeup- Creation of Smokey Ice. The proposed color scheme is most suitable for gray-green eyes, but can also be used in.

Gray-green eyes beckon with their mysterious shade and allow you to use the most various shades. What techniques and colors do you prefer? Share your secrets in the comments!

Beauties with gray-green eyes have always attracted attention. With the help of makeup for gray-green eyes, the image can be made soft and romantic, cold and strict or fatal and attractive.

Perfect Makeup Rules

Before you take on the shadows, contour pencil and mascara, remember a few simple rules to help make your makeup look perfect.

  • Don't choose for makeup bright colors: they will divert attention from unusual color your eyes. Makeup artists advise using bronze, gold, silver shades. If you still want something unusual, then try an emerald or purple color, but do not apply such shadows too densely.
  • Mascara can be black, brown, emerald or dark green, the main thing is that it should emphasize the appearance.
  • Forget about pink and blue shades, they not only do not emphasize the color of the eyes, but also make it look sick.
  • When choosing the color of the shadows, try to determine what is more in your eyes - gray or green. If gray, then give preference to shades of the same color, be sure to use a contour pencil. For greens, emerald shades are ideal.
  • The most a big problem to create makeup for gray-green eyes and blond hair, this is the choice of colors, because the wrong choice can make the image too bright or, conversely, dull.
  • Owners of blond hair and gray-green eyes should remember that they must definitely exclude ash-blue and strawberry shades, otherwise the eyes will appear red and inflamed, this is especially noticeable if the skin tone is light.
  • For creating perfect makeup it is better to use peach, beige, bronze, lilac and purple. The eyes will become expressive and bright.
  • If you need to give the image decisiveness and insidiousness, then you will need coral, taupe, coffee or purple shades.
  • Another rule that all stylists adhere to is that eyeliner and pencil should not differ in color from shadows, they can stand out, but they must be in the same color scheme. And it is important to correctly draw the arrows in front of the eyes.

Makeup example for blondes

To make it easier for you to understand the makeup technique, consider an example.

  1. First, apply a base in the form of peach shadows to the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe moving eyelid. Then apply another brown color on top. Get interesting brown-peach shades.
  2. You will need dark brown shadows - to emphasize the cut and the outer corners. Be careful at this stage, the lines should be neat and not too thick, otherwise the image may turn out to be vulgar.
  3. After you can paint the eyelashes with black mascara.

What shades are suitable for brunettes

Brunettes can take advantage of a wider color palette. They are allowed to use navy blue and copper shades, while purple, metallic and plum will help to make their eyes look bigger and open.

Do not be afraid to experiment and make multi-colored makeup from contrasting shadows, for example, dark and peach tones, apricot and black can be present at the same time.

For daytime makeup, give preference to shadows. olive color or a shade of moss, and for the evening - golden or bronze. But there is one limitation - do not use green shadows, especially a similar shade to the eyes.

Makeup for gray-green eyes and dark hair in stages

  1. Apply lilac shadows on the eyelid in a loose layer, it is better if they have high level transparency.
  2. Put plum shadows on the upper crease, but try not to apply them too much, make-up should be light and airy.
  3. Emphasize the outer corners of the eyes with shades of dark gray, be sure to blend them. It is important that there are no clear lines.
  4. With the help of eyeliner, draw arrows, the lines can be thin or medium thickness.
  5. The last step is to apply brown or black mascara.

The combination of red hair and eyes of this color is something unusual and unearthly, but in order to create perfect image and win the hearts of men, you need to know a few secrets.

First, you should not allow the presence of circles under the eyes. Of course, you can use a corrector, but still you should regularly make special masks and facial compresses.

Secondly, you can use any bright shadows, but blue and pink should still be avoided.

Thirdly, do not forget about eyeliner and contour pencils when creating makeup for gray-green eyes and red hair, great options will be the means of purple or dark green, but do not paint the lower eyelid.

We create makeup for brown-haired women and redheads

We do not require eyeliner or a pencil, choose only one shade, but bright and pearlescent. For example, red-brown, golden or golden brown. Apply to the moving area of ​​the eyelids first Foundation, and then shadows of the selected color. Stylists advise the first tool so that the shadows do not crumble. You do not need to draw arrows and lines, it is enough to paint over the eyelashes with brown mascara.

Despite the hair color and the advice of stylists, listen to your intuition and taste. But still keep one thing important rule- do not apply too much cosmetics, this applies to girls with any color of hair and eyes, otherwise beauty will simply be lost in the abundance of shades and colors. Don't be afraid to experiment and create for yourself perfect palette colors.

The right choice of colors in makeup helps to create the perfect look. Cosmetics highlights natural beauty each woman, while the shade of the eyes and hair color are necessarily taken into account. A wide palette of shadows gives you a chance to choose the perfect option for yourself.

What shadows are suitable for gray-green eyes

Creating makeup for gray-green eyes requires right choice shadows that will help emphasize natural beauty. Depending on what result should be obtained, you can use the following combination:

  1. The brown range of colors helps to make a delicate, beautiful and natural make-up for gray-green eyes. You can apply almost any shade, from shortbread to dark chocolate, beautiful and the color of coffee with milk. These shades will make the look expressive, but gentle.
  2. Casual make-up can be created using a green palette with a chameleon effect, with a slight golden overflow. This color option makes the look more bright, charming and mysterious.
  3. The blonde should choose copper, bronze, golden and mother-of-pearl tone.
  4. Makeup for gray-green eyes, if the red hair color allows you to apply cold gray and silver shades.
  5. Lilac, purple colors are perfect to create a beautiful everyday make-up.
  6. When choosing from the green scale, it is recommended to select deep shade- for example, emerald. Looks interesting and bright marsh color.
  7. If you need to do evening look, it is best to choose plum, burgundy, fuchsia and lavender colors.
  8. Young girls can create everyday look with shades of shade of yellow grass. This tone emphasizes light brown color hair and makes the look bold and expressive.

Eyeshadow color for gray-green eyes with daytime makeup

Owners of beautiful gray-blue eyes need to choose the right shade of shadows. The ideal option will be:

  • gold;
  • lilac (matte);
  • emerald;
  • grey;
  • copper;
  • blue;
  • white.

For evening make-up

Make-up for the evening should be bright and expressive, emphasizing the natural beauty. Makeup artists recommend choosing shades of the following colors:

  • mother-of-pearl;
  • silvery;
  • purple;
  • dark green;
  • pink;
  • gold.

How to do makeup for gray-green eyes

  • applied to cleansed skin foundation;
  • the inner corner of the eyelid is stained with white, silvery shadows;
  • brown shadows with a red overflow are applied to the eyelid;
  • a pencil is used to emphasize the shape of the eyes, a thin arrow can be made;
  • eyelashes are stained with mascara;
  • blush is applied;
  • lips are painted over with a translucent gloss.

For autumn girls

Women belonging to the "autumn" type are very bright - in almost everything there are copper-golden tones. The skin has a golden, peach hue, so you need to follow these tips:

  • the eyelid is stained with flesh or beige shadows or lightly powdered, but not much;
  • shadows of a dark silver or dark gray shade are applied and carefully shaded so that there are no sharp drops - the brush should be directed upwards;
  • from above, the eyelid is stained with not very dark eggplant-colored shades, purple or blue;
  • a pencil is used to highlight the lash line and slightly correct the shape of the eye;
  • mascara is applied at the end.

For winter color

The "winter" type is characterized by snow-white, sometimes pale skin and practically total absence blush. You need to apply cosmetics step by step, adhering to next instruction:

  • in order for the make-up to be persistent, a primer must be used, because it helps to easily shade the shadows, while they will not roll or crumble;
  • a pencil of any cold shade is taken (for example, plum) and a line is drawn on the upper eyelid strictly along the eyelashes, then gently shaded;
  • mother-of-pearl shadows with a slight pink overflow are applied to the brow area and the inner corner of the eyelid;
  • shadows of a light lilac shade are shaded over the moving eyelid;
  • to give the look shine, it is worth using a light beige or white liner, which draws the inner line of the eyelid;
  • eyelashes are stained with mascara.

Festive makeup for spring women

Girls belonging to the "spring" color type have pale pink skin, there is a slight blush. Makeup artists recommend using the following tips:

  • foundation is applied to clean skin;
  • the inner corner of the eyelid is stained with silver or white shadows;
  • shadows on top Brown With light red shade;
  • the shape of the eyes is emphasized with eyeliner or pencil;
  • eyelashes are stained with mascara.

Spectacular make-up for the summer type

The "summer" color type is characterized by snow-white skin with a slight pink tint, which appears as a result of the proximity of the capillary. Professional makeup artists It is advised to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • bodily powder is applied to the eyelid;
  • peach shades are used as a base, which are well shaded;
  • gray shadows are applied to emphasize the beauty of the eyes;
  • a point of dark gray shadows is placed in the corner of the eyelid, but they are not rubbed;
  • a gray strip is drawn under the lower eyelid towards the temples;
  • eyelashes are stained with mascara.

