Why do fingernails exfoliate in circles. Internal triggers

Every woman wants to look beautiful. She pays special attention to her hands, which undoubtedly attract attention. Therefore, a woman's hands need constant cosmetic care: moisturizing with special products, manicure. But what to do and how to treat if the nails on the hands exfoliate? How to prevent this problem and how to deal with it?

The causes of delamination of the nail plate can be different: from improper hand care to serious health problems.

The nail plate consists of many small and thin horny scales. It is keratin (a protein of biological origin) that is responsible for the density of nails. And the water layer gives them shine and elasticity. But under the influence of negative factors: external or internal, gaps appear between the dense layers of scales, developing into cracks and exfoliating the nail. The plate becomes brittle, dull, dry, slowly growing.

To external reasons delamination of nails can be attributed to:

  • exposure to household chemicals: dishwashing detergents, bleaches, powders, as well as disinfectants for bathrooms;
  • the use of aggressive cosmetics for nails: applying varnish, which contains formaldehyde, the use of acetone-containing solvents;
  • improper removal of artificial coating from the nails (the so-called "gel polish") and violation of the nail extension technique;
  • constant hypothermia of the hands, as well as overdrying of the skin;
  • mechanical injuries and damage to the nail plate.

Nails may begin to peel due to internal causes - malfunctions in the body:

  • irrational nutrition and constant diets that lead to nutritional deficiencies: vitamins A, E, D, micro and macro elements;
  • violation of the metabolism of minerals, leading to the occurrence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine and biliary systems;
  • skin diseases: lichen, fungus and others;
  • hormonal changes in the body with the onset of menopause, during puberty and pregnancy are not excluded.

Taking action

If you have a problem with delamination of the nail plate, then first of all you need to eliminate external causes. Clean the room and wash dishes only with rubber gloves. Any chemical agent can adversely affect the skin of the hands and nails. Iron brushes must not be used. Try to use metal graters carefully at home when cooking.

Keep your hands moisturized: regularly use creams that contain protein, keratin and ascorbic acid. It is advisable to use a moisturizer twice a day: when going outside and just before bedtime.

Manicure technique is also of no small importance. If you do not follow some manicure rules, then brittleness and delamination of nails cannot be avoided:

  1. Choose a nail polish remover with the lowest acetone content or its complete absence. Since acetone can disrupt the structure of the nail.
  2. Many cosmetologists recommend not to cut the nail plate with scissors, but to use a glass nail file for such purposes. While filing the nail, you need to monitor your movements: file in one direction in order to avoid injury to the nail plate and the appearance of cracks on it.
  3. It is desirable to give the shape of the nail oval, since the square most often breaks or exfoliates.
  4. Acrylic coating is prohibited. It makes the nails very flaky.

Nail treatment at home

Fragility and lamination of the nail plate on the hands can be cured at home. You do not need to spend N-th amount of money to purchase special tools. Patience and some helpful recipes will help solve your problem.

How to start treatment:

  • first drink a course of a vitamin complex, which will make up for the lack of nutrients in the body, restore the work of internal processes;
  • review your diet: the diet must contain protein, fruits, vegetables, calcium-rich foods.

Further, the treatment of exfoliating nails comes down to procedures that can be carried out independently at home. One of the most ancient and effective methods of strengthening and healing the nail plate are nourishing baths.

Bath with sea salt. Dissolve a tablespoon (tablespoon) of sea salt in a glass of warm water. Soak your fingers in the bath for 10-15 minutes. Perform this procedure every day for 2-3 weeks in a row.

soda and iodine. Heat the water to 40 degrees, dissolve 1 tbsp in it. soda, add half a teaspoon of iodine. The duration of such a procedure is not more than the previous one, but it must be carried out twice a week.

Potato decoction. It has strengthening properties, gives shine to nails. The procedure is carried out daily for 2 weeks.

Olive oil is considered a useful remedy for the nail plate. It is mixed with a few drops of vitamin A and lemon juice. The mixture is applied to the fingers, covered with cellophane and put on cotton gloves. This hand mask is recommended to be performed once a week.

To eliminate the lamination of the nail plate at home, you can rub various oils with massage movements: castor, sea buckthorn, avocado, lavender and rosemary. Such massages are carried out several times a week, they noticeably strengthen the nails and give them elasticity.

Treating exfoliating nails at home is the easiest and most inexpensive way. The main thing is to be patient and carry out the procedures regularly. However, the problem is easier to prevent than to fix. To do this, you must adequately treat your health and properly care for your nails.

The condition of the nail plates can tell about the health of a person as a whole.

If a person's nails exfoliate, the problem should be considered comprehensively.

Causes and treatment

Why do fingernails exfoliate:

  1. Negative impact on the human nail of household chemicals. The delicate skin on the hands is exposed to strong chemicals, as a result of which the nails suffer from daily contact with harmful substances in everyday life. Cleaning products and washing powders destroy the nail and contribute to its brittleness. In order to preserve the beauty and health of nails, you need to work with rubber gloves.
  2. Avitaminosis. The lack of the necessary elements after an illness or following a strict diet, in which there were food restrictions, negatively affects the whole body as a whole, and the condition of the nail plates in particular. Also beriberi can be observed seasonally, in the spring after a long winter, the body needs additional minerals and vitamins. To combat beriberi, it is necessary to adhere to a special diet aimed at enriching the body with nutrients, to eat in a balanced way.
  3. Incorrect selection of cosmetics for hands. Poor quality cosmetics for hand care has a negative impact on the condition of the hands in general and the nail plates in particular. Excessive use of nail polishes and other care products is not conducive to their health. Nails begin to break and crumble, they require protection and care. First aid in this situation is as follows: it is necessary to give a temporary rest to the nails from varnishes, lubricate them with olive and burdock oils. If the cause of the brittleness of the nail was only excessive cosmetic care, then with such first aid, the problem of lamination should go away.
  4. The occurrence of stressful situations. The condition of the nails can be the result of nervous overload.
  5. Injury to the nail plate. With an incorrectly done manicure, the nail plate can be injured, which in the future can contribute to its foliation. There is also the possibility of domestic injury to the nail. A strong blow, prying a nail can affect his health.
  6. Dehydration of the whole organism. To maintain the necessary balance of water in the body, a person should drink about two liters of fluid per day. If the amount of fluid that enters the body is insufficient, a person begins to fight dandruff, his skin dries, hair and nails become brittle.
  7. Negative changes in the body. Chronic diseases, diseases of the immune system, fungal infections affect the healthy structure of the nail plate.

Help of folk remedies

With the foliation of nails, you can fight without leaving your home. Folk remedies will help to cope with this problem.

Baths for nails:

  1. Half a cup of sea iodized salt pour boiled water over it. Salt must be completely dissolved in water. When the water is no longer hot, dip your nails into the bowl. Sea salt has a beneficial effect on the nail, gives it strength, eliminates brittleness. Such baths are recommended to be repeated several times a week.
  2. A handful of edible gelatin is dissolved in a glass of cooled boiled water. The nails are immersed in gelatin water, the procedure is carried out three times a week.
  3. Squeeze the juice of one orange, put a bunch of iodized salt, drop iodine, pour in a few tablespoons of mineral water. Soak your fingers in this mixture for 15 minutes.
  4. One tablespoon of apple cider vinegar is mixed with vegetable oil (2 tablespoons). For 15 minutes, fingers are lowered into this mixture. Repeat once a week.
  5. Take half a pumpkin, grind it on a grater, pour one tablespoon of olive oil into the pumpkin mass. Dip your fingers in this mixture for twenty minutes. After applying the pumpkin mass, it is possible to use it again, store it in the refrigerator.
  6. Baths based on medicinal herbs. The composition includes: plantain, celandine, sage, nettle, chamomile. A spoonful of grass is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused. The fingertips are immersed for 15-20 minutes.
  7. It is useful to rub iodine into the nail plate, the nails turn yellow from it, but thereby a therapeutic effect occurs.
  8. Squeezed juice from currants or cranberries is very useful for nails, helps to eliminate lamination.
  9. Heat the olive oil slightly, add drops of iodine, rub the mixture into the nails.
  10. It is very helpful to dip your fingertips into the lemon pulp.
  11. Apply cocoa butter on the nail, hold for one hour, and then grease your hands with cream.
  12. Take corn oil in an amount of 100 ml, add tea tree oil, fir oil, eucalyptus oil to it - take 5 drops each. A mixture of oils is rubbed into the nails and kept on them for 10 minutes.

After any procedure related to the restoration of the nail plate, a cream is applied to the hands.

Why break

The main reasons why a person is faced with the problem of nail foliation were listed above. But, basically, the factors affecting the condition of female nails were described.

This is the use of household chemicals with unprotected hands, and poor-quality cosmetics, and beriberi, and the effect of stress on the nail plate, and in general on the whole woman's body.

Of course, all these factors can affect men. But here I would also like to add men who, by the will of their personal passions associated with a car hobby, for example, or having such a job, allow their hands, and, accordingly, nails, to come into contact with adhesives, gasoline, solvents. All of these components have a negative impact on the condition of the nails and contribute to their foliation.

The problem starts at the corners

Avitaminosis is a factor contributing to the foliation in the corners of the nails.

It is necessary to replenish the thinning stocks of trace elements:

  • to replenish the missing vitamins A, E and C, you need to increase the intake of foods rich in them, such as cabbage, raw and sauerkraut, hazelnuts, cheese and fish with white meat;
  • with anemia, exfoliating nails are observed in the corners. In this case, it is necessary to replenish iron deficiency, eat beef, beef liver, green apples, beets, greens, decoctions of nettle, burdock and dandelion are recommended as a drink;
  • To replenish the body with the necessary calcium, vitamins are taken, which include a sufficient amount of calcium and vitamin D.


Nails are very brittle

The main prerequisites for this disease are the following:

  • mechanical injury to the nail, which can occur when using harmful chemicals, as well as injury due to bruises;
  • the nails on the hands are very crumbly and exfoliate due to beriberi - unscheduled food intake, protracted uncured diseases can lead to a weakened immune system, which will certainly affect the health of the nail;
  • fungal diseases, usually characteristic of toenails;
  • low qualification of the specialist who was engaged in nail extension, unprofessional actions lead to the fact that the nail plate may break or crack;
  • excessively frequent use of varnish inevitably leads to weakening of the nail;
  • if the occurrence of this disease with toenails, you need to change shoes.

In a situation where the nails exfoliate and crumble, it is worth preparing traditional medicine recipes that will help reduce the problems that have arisen:

  1. One harvest of glycerin is diluted with cooled boiled water. A small piece of cotton cloth is wetted and applied to diseased nails. Hold for no more than half an hour.
  2. Mix half a teaspoon of ground red pepper with a third cup of nourishing cream. Apply the warm cream mixture on your nails for fifteen minutes.
  3. Strengthen nails with bee honey. Apply for half an hour.
  4. Cut off an aloe leaf and put it on the nail with the juicy side for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Melt the wax, dip your fingertips into it. When the wax fingertips have hardened, put on cotton gloves on your hands. Keep your hands in gloves until the morning.
  6. Measure out 250 ml of semi-sweet red wine, put a tablespoon of sea salt into a heated container with wine. Dip your fingers in this solution and hold for twenty minutes. Repeat three days later.

Resorting to cosmetic procedures

To remove colored varnish from exfoliating nails, it is better not to use acetone liquids in order to protect the nail plate from withering and exhaustion. To fortify the nail under the colored varnish, apply a medical varnish for brittle and exfoliating nails.

The use of a crystal coating of a manicure file is indicated for exfoliating nail plates. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to apply a nourishing cream.

A very effective help in the presence of a problem of nail lamination is provided by a cosmetic process called sealing. Nutrients are applied to the surface of the nail, which can strengthen the surface of the nail.

This procedure is often carried out on the basis of the natural component of beeswax. After the procedure, the nails acquire a kind of protective layer, which, in addition to its main function, will nourish the nail with natural substances.

The seal can be applied for quite a long time. It will not become a hindrance in everyday life, vacation, in the gym.

In terms of efficiency, the process is similar to applying biogel to the nail, among the components of which non-natural substances stand out.

This type of treatment is indicated for brittle nails and for the restoration of the nail after the extension procedure.

Nail sealing is beneficial due to its properties:

  • strengthening the nail plate;
  • providing antibacterial action;
  • soothing effectiveness;
  • saturation with natural growth components.

The sealing procedure is extremely useful, but has significant disadvantages. In beauty salons, it is done at a fairly high price. This procedure can be mastered at home, then the nails will always be well-groomed, beautiful and healthy.

Oils and medicinal varnishes

To restore the exfoliated nail structure, the following are useful: cocoa butter, apricot oil, cedar oil, walnut oil, grape seeds. Olive oil is excellent for use, it nourishes the nail, heals small cracks.

Fir and eucalyptus oils have an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminates the onset of inflammation of the nail cuticle.

Oils are well rubbed and protect the plate from softness and breaking. It is very useful to dip your nails into the mixture for a quarter of an hour. The procedure is shown to be repeated periodically.

  1. Nail strengthener "Iron formula", used for applying varnish, thanks to the iron included in the composition, weakened layered nails become stronger and do not crumble, are able to make the surface of the nail even and give the nail a neat look, retain the color of the applied coating.
  2. The restorer "Argan Extract", it includes a vitamin complex A, B5, C, E, F. It has a healing effect on the horny structure, if desired, it is used instead of varnish.
  3. Strengthener "Force of Nature". It has the following components: potassium, sodium, bromine. Made on the basis of olive and jojoba oils.
  4. Regenerating conditioner with keratin Medical varnish with keratin No. 18 . Has a healing effect.
  5. Strengthening conditioner with silk. Gets rid of the softness of nails, has a restorative effect.

Most Effective Multivitamins

  1. Edelstar BIO Actinail - the development of multivitamins was carried out for a long time, as a result of which the ideal composition for nails and hair was revealed. But despite this, multivitamins are taken orally with caution, as they contain strong allergens.
  2. LADY-S (Pharmamed) is an excellent quality product that gives good results. Strengthens nails, prevents their fragility.
  3. Futura Beauty Royal No. 60 is a useful complex, completely allergy-free.
  4. Capsule Fitofaner - fight against brittle nails, as well as the occurrence of fungus on the nail.
  5. Viaderm Complete is a vitamin complex with a high content of vitamin A.
  6. Vivasan CVS - under the influence of the vitamin, the nail is perfectly strengthened.
  7. Merz Special Dragee is a very good complex, recommended by the best nail care specialists, which contains cystine, a component responsible for the growth and prevention of nail splitting.
  8. Beauty (Beauty) high quality vitamins, but can cause an allergic reaction.
  9. Medobiotin - improves the condition of nails, protects against lamination.
  10. Alfavit Kosmetik - vitamins of a domestic manufacturer, are distinguished by an affordable price.
  11. Aevit - a complex containing vitamins of group A and group E, everything you need for healthy nails is contained in this complex.

What to do for prevention

In order to learn how to avoid the appearance of the problem of exfoliating fingernails, you need to follow the simple rules for its prevention:

  1. Household products and washing powders make the nail thinner and contribute to its brittleness. Do housework with rubber gloves.
  2. It is imperative to fight beriberi, for which it is necessary to adhere to a special diet aimed at enriching the body with nutrients, eat in a balanced way.
  3. It is important to make the right choice when choosing cosmetics for hands.
  4. It is necessary to give a little rest to the nails from varnishes, lubricate them with olive and burdock oils.
  5. Avoid stressful situations.
  6. Do not injure the nail plate.
  7. It is necessary to maintain the health of the nail, without injuring it during a manicure.
  8. It is important to maintain the necessary balance of water in the body.
  9. Avoid chronic diseases, immune system failures, fungal infections.

It happens like this - you grow your nails, you already imagine what color your new manicure will be and look for an original design, but then an annoying nuisance happens ... The nails begin to exfoliate, and you have to forget about a beautiful manicure.

Is this problem familiar? Your nails are peeling. What to do and the reasons you do not understand? I think so. Almost every woman has ever experienced such an unpleasant phenomenon, and some are constantly looking for ways to get rid of her. Just for them, and it means for everyone, our next review, in which we will try to reveal the problem of delamination of fingernails, causes and treatment.

List of reasons why nails exfoliate

There are many factors that affect the health of the nail plates: from the environmental situation to mechanical damage. Consider the most common options:

  1. Avitaminosis and lack of certain vitamins is considered one of the main causes of delamination of nails. The imbalance of mineral metabolism also very often ends with the fact that the nails exfoliate and break.
  2. Failure of the hormonal background. Most often, the problem occurs during adolescence; in women - during the period of bearing a child, menopause, when taking contraceptives containing hormones.
  3. Violation of metabolic processes. Metabolism is responsible for the balance of the interaction of internal organs, and malfunctions at the cellular level worsen the condition of the whole organism, including hair and nails.
  4. No power system. A variety of diets, the use of mono-products, prolonged fasting lead to a deficiency of vitamins and microelements responsible for the growth, strengthening and healthy state of nails.
  5. Infection of the nail plate with a fungus, the life process of which negatively affects the structure of the nail.
  6. Reception of potent drugs that can fight viral and bacterial infections, simultaneously inhibiting the activity of beneficial microorganisms.

Also, do not forget about the external influence of environmental factors:

  • prolonged stay of the hands in the aquatic environment;
  • poor-quality manicure in conjunction with the use of traumatic devices and cosmetics for nail treatment;
  • mechanical damage due to the impact of nails on any solid object;
  • interaction with household chemicals without the use of household gloves;
  • Toenails can split as a result of wearing tight shoes.

Therefore, the problem of exfoliating nails must be approached comprehensively. The exclusion of any one negative factor may not give a positive result.

How to strengthen nails?

The problem of delamination of the nail plate can be solved with the help of traditional medicine. In order for the treatment to be successful, it should be carried out according to a certain scheme:

  1. Give up nail extensions for a while.
  2. Eat right: include dairy products in your diet, especially cheeses and cottage cheese, eat more greens, fish, nuts, you can drink a course of vitamins.
  3. Take care of your skin and nails: protect your hands in frosty weather, avoid contact with any chemicals, do your homework with rubber gloves.
  4. Take a course of treatment using traditional medicine: make therapeutic hand baths, use natural masks.
  5. Carry out a hygienic manicure in accordance with all the rules: prepare a bath for hands, carefully remove damaged areas of nails, do not use metal tools, use high-quality varnishes, apply a medical coating.

Nail health is affected by lichen, fungal infections and other skin diseases. In addition, they can exfoliate due to hormonal disruptions: during pregnancy, with menopause.

Baths for nails

What baths can be done at home? Here is a list of the most effective procedures:

  • With lemon juice. Dilute a tablespoon of lemon juice in five tablespoons of slightly warmed vegetable oil. Dip your hands in the bath for 15 minutes, after which do not rinse your hands, but simply get wet in a napkin.
  • With essential oils: myrrh, bergamot, pine, tea tree, patchouli, cedar. Dilute a couple of drops of oil with vegetable oil. Add oil and a couple of tablespoons of salt to a liter of warm water. Keep your hands in the bath for 15-20 minutes, while massaging your fingertips and nails.
  • Soda bath. Heat a glass of water (up to about 37 degrees) and dissolve soda in it (1 tablespoon) and half a teaspoon of iodine. Take a bath for 5-7 minutes.
  • Herbal baths. Herbs of chamomile, celandine, St. John's wort, calendula are used. A tablespoon of any herb is brewed in a glass of boiling water, after which it cools slightly. Keep your hands in the bath until completely cooled.

Also, the use of salt baths is considered an affordable and simple method of treating exfoliating nails. To do this, a teaspoon of salt is diluted in a liter of warm water and hands are lowered for 15-20 minutes. Daily carrying out of such a procedure will significantly strengthen the nails.

Olive oil and lemon juice for nails

Olive oil is mixed with lemon juice and this mixture is rubbed into the nail plate. For one teaspoon of olive oil, you need to take 1/3 of a teaspoon of lemon juice and rub this mixture into the nail plate every evening. It is better to do this procedure for 5-7 days, then take a break.

Lemon juice perfectly whitens and nourishes the nails, and also helps to strengthen them, the oil softens. Since lemon juice can dry out the nail plate, the oil in this case does not allow it to be done, plus it also nourishes.

Firming massage with vitamin A and E

To strengthen and nourish the nails, vitamin A and E are rubbed into the nail plate. These vitamins can be purchased at a pharmacy. Vitamins are rubbed alternately one day with vitamin A, the second day with vitamin E. Rub the vitamins into the nail plate for about 8 days, then take a break. That is, we rub vitamin A for 4 days and vitamin E for 4 days.

You can also rub ordinary glycerin into the nail plate. I recently discovered shea butter. I rub this oil into the nail plate and lubricate my hands. Very light and nourishing oil. I also love almond oil.

Healing mud

Silty, hilly, peaty, rich in minerals and biologically active substances.

The mud is diluted in hot water to a viscous consistency and cooled to 40-37 C, then applied to the nails in a dense layer, kept for 15 minutes, after which the hands are washed off and rinsed in water salted with sea salt. Do such procedures daily for 7 days, after a 10-day break, you can repeat the course.

Medical varnishes

If the nails become brittle, you can use therapeutic varnishes: a series of therapeutic varnishes from Eveline, Dance Legend, FIONA. Contain vitamins and growth activators, safely seal the damaged plate, protecting it from external influences. Some varnishes can also be used for decorative purposes. Price 100-250 rubles.


In order to learn how to avoid the appearance of the problem of exfoliating fingernails, you need to follow the simple rules for its prevention:

  1. Avoid stressful situations.
  2. Do not injure the nail plate.
  3. It is important to maintain the necessary balance of water in the body.
  4. It is necessary to maintain the health of the nail, without injuring it during a manicure.
  5. It is important to make the right choice when choosing cosmetics for hands.
  6. Avoid chronic diseases, immune system failures, fungal infections.
  7. It is necessary to give a little rest to the nails from varnishes, lubricate them with olive and burdock oils.
  8. Household products and washing powders make the nail thinner and contribute to its brittleness. Do housework with rubber gloves.
  9. It is imperative to fight beriberi, for which it is necessary to adhere to a special diet aimed at enriching the body with nutrients, eat in a balanced way.

As you can see, the procedure for what to do if the nails on the hands are very exfoliating are simple and effective. The main thing is the regularity of the procedures and further prevention, and you will never remember the problem again.

Healthy and well-groomed nails are the basis of an impeccable manicure. Stratification of the nail plate, its cracking - every woman meets this problem sooner or later. What is the reason? Why do fingernails peel off?

An unbalanced diet, improper or inconsistent care, stress, some chronic diseases can be the causes of this problem. Only by eliminating them, we will get the desired result. Folk remedies will help us with this: time-tested, simple and giving a good and lasting effect.

Causes of splitting nails

The nail plates consist of keratinized scales of the epidermis, most of which (89%) are hard keratin. The rest is water (10%) and fats (1%). This ratio makes the nails dense, elastic, shiny. Healthy nails are pink, smooth and even. If the nails become dry and brittle, lose their shine, change color, you need to look for the cause and take urgent measures.

  • Internal factors affecting the condition of the nails:
    • Deficiency in the body of vitamins (A, E, D, group B) and trace elements (magnesium, zinc, calcium, sulfur, iodine, silicon, iron). Often this is due to the passion for various diets and unbalanced nutrition.
    • Chronic diseases of internal organs: endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys.
    • Hormonal disruptions (pregnancy, menopause)
    • Fungal infections and dermatological diseases.
  • External factors affecting the condition of the nails:
    • Insufficient protection against exposure to household chemicals, hypothermia, overdrying and waterlogging of hands.
    • Violation of the technology for performing hygienic and cosmetic manicure, the use of aggressive and often low-quality varnishes and solvents.

Video: Brittle nails. Recipe for flaky nails!

Important tips for treating brittle and exfoliating nails

To restore strong and healthy nails, it is necessary to eliminate the causes that negatively affect their appearance and health. A few tips will help you with this:

  • Watch your food. Products should be varied, rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits, dairy products, greens, various cereals. A course of vitamin preparations is sometimes necessary (after consulting a doctor)
  • Do not put off seeing a doctor if you are concerned about your health. The cause of poor nail condition is often chronic diseases.
  • Wear gloves, use protective creams in frosty weather and when doing housework if you use household chemicals.
  • Choose a manicurist or a salon with good recommendations, ask if the instrument is being processed correctly, what materials are used for manicure, and whether the technology of the procedure is violated. If you do a manicure yourself, do not neglect the rules of hygiene.

The use of traditional traditional medicine recipes will help you in the complex treatment of brittle and dull nails, making them healthy and beautiful. You will always be satisfied with the appearance of your hands.

Recipes that have stood the test of time

Among household chores and worries, you just need to find a few minutes to take care of your hands. It is very important that you do baths and masks regularly. Only if this condition is met will you achieve the maximum effect and the desired result.

The recipes for these homemade masks and baths are simple, the ingredients are available. You have them in your kitchen, or you can buy them at the nearest pharmacy: salt, soda, vegetable oils, essential or cosmetic oils, herbs, vitamin preparations. The advantage of home cosmetics is that you will always know what is included in its composition.

Masks are applied to clean skin. It is necessary to remove the remains of varnish from the nail plates. Be careful, there should be no cuts, abrasions and scratches on the hands.

Sea Salt Nourishing Whitening Mask


Sea salt has amazing properties. It tones, whitens, strengthens the nail plate. Saturates it with useful trace elements (iodine, bromine, phosphorus, sulfur).


  • Sea salt - 1 tsp.
  • Juice of one lemon - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil - 1 tsp


  • We mix all the components.
  • Carefully apply the composition to the nail plates and the skin around them.
  • Keep the mask on for 10-12 minutes.
  • Wash off the mask with warm water.

During the week, the procedure can be repeated daily.

Video: How to treat nails if they exfoliate?

Mask with vitamin A (retinol)


Restores the elasticity of nails, nourishes them, accelerates cell regeneration.


  • Apple cider vinegar - ½ tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vitamin A (retinol) - 2 drops
  • Salt - 1 tsp


  • Heat up the oil, but don't let it boil.
  • After cooling, mix it with salt.
  • Add apple cider vinegar and vitamin A (sold in pharmacies)
  • Apply to the nails and the skin around them, rub in with light movements, leave for 10-15 minutes.

The mask can be stored in the refrigerator, the quantity is enough for several procedures. You can repeat the mask every day, as long as there is a need.

Firming bath


This bath is good to do before the manicure procedure. Strengthens nails, softens the skin.


  • Iodine - ½ tsp
  • Water - 1 glass
  • Soda - 1 tbsp. l.


  • The water temperature should be 37-40 degrees.
  • We dissolve soda in it.
  • Add ½ teaspoon of iodine.
  • We keep our hands in it for 5-7 minutes.

This bath can be done as needed up to 2 times a week. After a soda bath, it is easier to remove the cuticle and process the nails.

Nail care: Strengthening exfoliating nails?

Herbal oil bath


Accelerates the growth of nails, strengthens them, makes nails smooth and elastic, heals, has an anti-inflammatory effect.


  • Nettle, chamomile, linden, flax seeds - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Ylang-ylang oil, sandalwood oil, tea tree oil - 1-2 drops each
  • Oatmeal and sea salt - 1 tsp each
  • Vitamin E - 1 capsule
  • Olive oil - ½ cup


  • Heat the olive oil in a water bath until steam appears.
  • Add herbs to oil. We cook the composition for 15 minutes.
  • We cool and filter.
  • Grind salt and oatmeal in a blender or coffee grinder, combine with herbal oil.
  • We add vitamin E and essential oils from the capsule (carefully!)
  • Keep the fingertips in the composition for 15-20 minutes.
  • With light movements we massage the nails and hands.

We store the finished product in the refrigerator. Apply daily for a week.

A little patience and your hands will look healthy and well-groomed!

If the nails exfoliate, then this may be a sign of certain changes occurring in the body, or improper nail care. There can be quite a few reasons for this, each of them has its own elimination features. To choose the right treatment, it is recommended to first consult a doctor. This is what guarantees maximum efficiency.

Why do nails peel?

Nails on the hands react to any changes that occur in the body, they are exposed to the negative effects of environmental factors. Therefore, almost every woman at least once in her life is faced with the problem of delamination of the nail plate.

When the nails exfoliate, this may indicate the presence of pathological processes in the body.

If the nails exfoliate, break, this not only looks unaesthetic, but may also indicate various pathological processes occurring inside the body. When such problems appear, they should not be ignored, but you should consult a doctor.

The specialist will help to find out why the nails exfoliate by conducting a series of analyzes and tests. This is the only way to prescribe the optimal treatment.

Nails exfoliate: causes, risk factors

The relative norm of delamination of the nail plate can only be considered a phenomenon in infants. In all other cases, it is necessary to look for the causes of the external deviation that has appeared. They can be conditionally divided into the following categories:

    • Avitaminosis. The lack of certain vitamins, minerals provokes brittleness, delamination, and other problems with nails.
    • Diseases. We are talking about various inflammations, chronic processes in the internal organs, fungal infections and so on.
    • Negative impact of external factors. This includes the effect of temperature, chemicals, mechanical damage.
    • Heredity. This is one of the more difficult causes to correct.

The correct identification of the factors that cause problems with the nails, worsen their appearance, will allow you to choose adequate treatment methods.

Nails on the hands are very exfoliating: we blame beriberi

The state of the whole organism depends on the usefulness of nutrition, because vitamins and minerals enter inside with various products. If, in addition to nails, the condition of the hair has worsened, then the problem is beriberi. The following substances may be missing:

      • Calcium. It is a building material for bone, connective tissue, is involved in the formation of cell membranes. It makes nails firm and healthy.
      • Vitamin C. This is a powerful antioxidant. Its lack leads to the rapid aging of the plate, its peeling.
      • Vitamin A. Protects against the appearance of inflammatory processes.
      • Vitamin E. This is the substance that is responsible for the intensity of nail growth.
      • Vitamins B. Responsible for the strength of the nail plate. The most important are B1, B3, B5.
      • Vitamin D. Its main task is the absorption of calcium.
      • Magnesium. Responsible for the formation of nail tissues, participates in other metabolic processes. It is almost impossible to fully obtain the required daily allowance with food.
      • Sulfur. This substance is part of the B vitamins, is involved in the formation of connective tissue.

The lack of vitamins and minerals in the body affects the condition of the nail plates.

Other minerals are also important, which are the basis in building the nail plate. It is possible to ensure a full, balanced intake of these substances by proper nutrition or by taking special mineral complexes. Each of the ways has its positive and negative sides, but experts agree that if there are problems, it is necessary to act from two sides: adjust the diet and take appropriate supplements.

What diseases will manicure tell about?

If you notice that your fingernails are exfoliating and breaking, then you should think about the possible presence of any diseases. After all, the state of our fingers reflects what is happening inside. In the absence of apparent causes from other categories, this symptom cannot be ignored.

What diseases exfoliate the nails on the hands? Typical diseases include:

      • Cardiovascular diseases. As a result of heart defects, peripheral blood supply deteriorates significantly. Fingers receive less oxygen, food.
      • Helminths. When infected, a violation of metabolic processes occurs, the absorption of vitamins and minerals important for the functioning of the intestinal walls worsens. Symptoms are similar to beriberi, so with self-treatment they are easy to confuse. The doctor will take into account other signs characteristic of this disease.
      • Anemia. A lack of iron in the body leads to a decrease in hemoglobin. As a result, the capillaries suffer, they lack the oxygen necessary for normal functioning.
      • Deviations in the work of the endocrine system. The most notable are the imbalance in the work of the thyroid gland and diabetes mellitus. Women over 45 should be especially attentive to themselves, because it is at menopause that the risks of developing these diseases increase.
      • Serious inflammatory and viral diseases. In the presence of tuberculosis, rheumatism, frequent bronchitis, kidney dysfunction, the Coxsackie virus, the body's defenses are significantly reduced. This is evidenced by exfoliating, brittle nails.

Why do toenails peel?

The legs are less affected than the arms by the negative factors associated with exposure to chemicals. But the constant wearing of shoes increases the likelihood of micro- and macrotrauma of the nail plate.

But the most common causes of peeling include fungal diseases. Infection can occur due to violation of hygiene standards, wearing someone else's shoes and other things. This group of diseases is called onychomycosis. When affected, the nails become exfoliated, turn yellow or change color to dirty gray.

Nails exfoliate and break: reasons for care

In some cases, the delamination of the nail plate is the result of improper care or aggressive external factors. To determine what to do, you need to analyze what a woman is doing wrong. This category is best treated at home.

After several consecutive decorative manicure procedures, it is recommended to give your nails a rest.

In a week, the nail grows by 1 mm, in order to completely renew the nail plate, it takes at least 5-6 months.

The main factors include:

      • Frequent washing of dishes without the use of rubber gloves. Modern detergents are good at corroding grease on dishes. But their pH leads to degreasing of the hands. As a result, the protective layer dries up, the nails begin to peel off.
      • The use of cosmetics that have an alkaline environment. Their action is identical to aggressive detergent chemistry. The inscription on the label "soft action" is not always true. You also need to take into account the individuality of each person - for some, such products are safe, and some suffer from peeling and delamination of nails.
      • Frequent coloring of nails, the use of acetone-containing products. If you often paint your nails, then varnishes and liquids for removing them based on acetone are an aggressive environment that damage the keratin layer. Many can also observe a change in the natural color of the plate, it turns yellow, begins to crumble. Today, many people prefer to perform a manicure using gel polish or carry out artificial extensions. Its removal involves mechanical processing, therefore, after several consecutive correction procedures, take a break.
      • Mechanical damage. Any injury can lead to the fact that the nail begins to exfoliate. This also includes violations of the manicure technology: incorrect setting of the nail file, cutting the cuticle with damage to the deep layers of the nail plate.
      • Frequent prolonged contact with water. It softens the keratin layer, leads to brittle nails. There is even such a thing as "hands of the laundress". The situation is aggravated by the use of detergents. They actively destroy the nail structure. Fungal infection can also join this process.
      • Constant exposure to low temperatures. When you feel cold, blood vessels constrict, blood circulation is disturbed in them. If this is repeated systematically, then the nails from chronic oxygen starvation begin to exfoliate and break.

Mechanical damage is a common cause of brittle nails.

Nail care at home

Most of the problems associated with improper nail care can be solved without the help of a doctor. It is enough to follow a few simple rules:

      • It is unacceptable to use a blunt instrument to process the nail plate. This applies to scissors, nippers, nail files. They create excessive pressure, lead to displacement of the layers of the plate, breaking the connection.
      • The tool should be perpendicular to the nail, it must not be bent or displaced.
      • If delamination is present, a metal nail file cannot be used to shape. It has a large abrasive, leaves sawn particles in the resulting voids. This provokes further damage. It is optimal to carry out processing with a glass or ceramic file.
      • If the nails crumble, the tips should be filed from top to bottom, from the edges to the center. For this, nail files with a thin (fine) abrasive are used.
      • Giving the right shape. An oval or semi-square shape is optimal, nails should not be sharp.
      • Complete ban on grinding. In this case, the already damaged keratin layer is damaged.
      • To remove varnish, products that do not contain acetone are used. After each procedure, a break of at least 2 days is required.
      • Use of special essential oil, regenerator, smart enamel. They provide gentle hand care, reduce the negative impact of external factors. In some cases, it is necessary to change several drugs in order to find the composition that is most suitable for a particular woman.

You can contact the nail service. There, the masters will offer to carry out the “sealing” procedure.

The constant exposure to cold adversely affects the blood circulation of the hands. Nail exfoliation occurs due to constant oxygen starvation.

Fingernails are very exfoliating: what to do

The treatment for fragility depends on the causes causing the condition. In most cases, a visit to the doctor is required. To make an appointment with a specialist, you can get a free consultation at the link.

The condition of the nails can be a serious symptom of diseases that go unnoticed. If peeling, brittleness appears, visit a doctor.

The main areas of therapy include:

      • When diagnosing any diseases of internal organs and systems (stratification as a symptom), it is necessary to cure the underlying disease. After that, the condition of the nails should noticeably improve without the use of additional drugs or agents.
      • If the cause is a fungal infection, long-term use of tablets, ointments, creams, special baths is necessary. But the appointment of a specific remedy is the task of the doctor. He will preliminarily conduct tests to determine the causative agent of the disease.
      • Lack of vitamins and minerals. Independently start taking vitamin complexes or eat hard. Vitamins cannot be accumulated for the future, and hypervitaminosis causes more harm than hypovitaminosis. A medical consultation is required first.

If you have problems with nails, it is better to entrust their processing to professionals. They can also carry out the procedure of "sealing" the nail layers.

What else do you need to know?

It is known that the problem is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, you should take care of your hands, constantly take care of them no less than your face. The main rules include:

      • Washing dishes, carrying out wet cleaning of the house is necessary in rubber household gloves. They exclude contact with aggressive chemicals, permanent moisture.
      • After washing, showering, bathing, washing and other contacts with water, the hands must be thoroughly dried, apply a nourishing cream on them. In this case, pay special attention to the area around the nail.
      • Twice a day, you need to use a special cuticle oil, applying it with massaging movements.
      • Soak your nails twice a week. To do this, in 1 liter of water you need to dissolve 1 tablespoon of sea or table salt. The duration of one procedure is 20 minutes.
