What are white blue gold collars. What does the phrase "blue collar" mean?

These are, a little strange, the designation adopted in Western sociology for various categories of wage laborers.

white collar (from the English white-collar worker) refer to engineering and technical workers, clerical and bank employees. blue collar (blue collar) - highly skilled workers, salespeople, etc. These terms are used in the theory of social stratification.

American employees were the first to introduce such definitions. It was probably the white-collar workers who arrogantly began to call blue-collar those who could not afford to wear a starched white shirt, because, due to the nature of their work, it would quickly become dirty.

And so blue collar became a sign of the hard workers. The owners of white collars got a clean office, air conditioning and administrative tools, along with management as a load.

How many, however, are there color collars in today's business world, and how do you navigate this? Let's start with the fact that, in principle, such a classification is conditional. Moreover, it exists in pure form”, perhaps only among the Americans, since it was the workers and employees of the United States who always had a very clear question about uniforms and corporate work clothes. In the USSR, this system was somewhat blurred and more democratic. But now some companies (often these are joint ventures with foreign capital participation) are introducing such a classification in domestic open spaces. Therefore, it is useful for a prospective employee to understand it.

Platinum collars
The platinum collar heads the hierarchy. It means the president of the company and the top managers. In addition to business, this category of collars also covers politics. So, it would be logical to call the current president of the country the platinum collar of the state. These collars are less than 1% of the working population.

golden collars
In the service hierarchy, these are the second most important persons. Of course, at the same time, the owner of a corporation or the director of a bank may not have a shirt at all. golden tones or with lurex threads. It is not difficult to guess that a top manager is called a golden collar (for any real color). This color is associated with the “golden fund” of the most valuable management personnel, who decide the fate of business and affect the viability of the company, brand, etc. Golden collars have about 4% of the total working population in their ranks.

blue collar workers
Do not think that the blue collar is not prestigious! Education, intellectual potential and his professional skills high level. The only difference between blue collar and white collar workers is that the blue collar earns much less. This category includes executive directors of companies. Blue collar workers make up approximately 9% of total weight all workers.

These are workers the highest standard, independent creative units that can be managers or produce a product of both intellectual and material terms. White-collar workers include qualified scientists, engineers, architects, as well as specialists with the makings of entrepreneurs. Those are about 5.5% of the total number of working people.

Khaki collars
The very name suggests the idea of ​​the military. This layer of employees in the armed forces sometimes has a very specific gradation (remember the notorious hazing). In numerical terms, khaki collars are approximately 5.5% of the total number of all workers.

blue collar
Such collars can boast of police officers, carriage conductors, pilots, couriers, postmen, doctors, teachers, etc. In general, those who communicate a lot and constantly with people, working for the benefit of society, serve, deliver, teach, etc. In general, such specialists make up approximately 8% of the working population.

green collar
Green collar workers work in the service sector, in restaurants, hotels, gas stations, etc. In terms of wages and professional skills, they can be classified as blue collar workers. In general, green-collar workers account for about 8% of the total number of workers.

gray collar
Of all social groups, gray collar workers are the most hardworking and the lowest paid. And all because they have low qualifications. This group, according to experts, is very large. Its number is 23% of all workers on a global scale. Perhaps such a high percentage is given by such overpopulated countries as China, India, Taiwan.

pink collar
The very color of the collar speaks of his gender. Pink collars, in theory, are worn in the office space by such representatives women's professions, as a press secretary, referent, secretary, telephone operator, office manager. This is 7% of the total working population. The pink collar indicates that women also found a place in this classification.

Burnt out collars
Sometimes they are also called frayed collars. Often these are the unemployed, as well as low-paid pensioners, that is, poorly protected social groups people to whom the state usually pays very small benefits. There are 29% of such people with the conditional "collar" designation on earth!

Very often among employees there is an expression "white collars and blue collar» what these expressions mean. In our note, you will learn what these expressions mean, as well as what is the difference between them.

Any medium or large firm and organization can divide its team into two conditional camps, they are distinguished by the type of activity, as well as the amount of wages.

blue collars - These are employees who usually go to work in a special uniform. The term originated in America, where employees wore blue uniforms.

All employees who are called blue collars can be attributed to working specialties. They perform heavy physical labor and usually work on a piecework system. Very often, such workers receive a small wages and spend great amount strength and energy.

The blue color of the uniform for hired workers was not chosen by chance. On blue clothes, traces of dirt and dirt are almost invisible. machine oil. That is why the management of most enterprises stopped at this particular color.

In this way "blue collar" can look neat and clean for a long time. And this means that the uniform will need to be washed less often, and it will serve its owner longer. So the company will be able to significantly save on the cost of funds for the purchase of uniforms for its employees.

White and blue collar workers are very different in the nature of the work they do. Blue collar workers do not require specific knowledge to work, very often their work is associated with the use of force. Very often, such people occupy positions in the field of service personnel, as well as some working specialties.

White collars- these are specialists who occupy managerial positions, as well as narrow-profile professionals who work under a contract and receive a fixed salary.

White and blue collars are very different and the main difference is in the uniform. White-collar workers are required to follow a dress code, most often a business suit with a shirt and tie.

White-collar workers must watch their appearance, frivolity is not allowed in their work and only business style both in communication and clothing.

For their work, white-collar workers need a store of knowledge and skills. Very often, such workers have a higher education, since it is not possible to occupy leadership positions without certain skills.

White collar workers got their name from light colors classic shirts. The usual representatives of this type of workers are directors, top managers, deputies and engineering and technical workers.

What is the difference between white and blue collars?

White and blue collar workers do different kinds of work, white collar workers do only mental work, while blue collar workers do only physical work. because of different types activities, the place of work is also different. Whites mostly work in office space, while blues work in enterprises and factories.

Also white collars are worn only business suits, and blue collars go only in a special blue uniform, on which dirt and stains are not visible.

White and blue collar workers have different salaries, white collar workers receive higher wages, while blue collar workers are paid piecework.

In conclusion, I would like to note that blue collar workers represent the working class, while white collar workers are management personnel who occupy high positions in firms and enterprises.

terms used by Western political economy and sociology to refer to various persons wage labor. "White Collar" - engineering and technical staff and office workers; "gray" - employees of social infrastructure sectors; "blue, blue" - workers, employed physical labor, usually those who work in the shops, as opposed to office workers, known as "white collar". The name "blue, blue collar" comes from the fact that workers in factories usually wear blue clothes, and the name "white collar" is due to the fact that the clothes office workers usually consists of a white shirt and tie.

  • - "" employees, officials, employees of the administrative apparatus, firms, engineering and technical workers, mental workers who are part of the so-called non-production personnel of enterprises, organizations, ...

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  • - "" white, gray, blue - terms used to designate certain categories persons of hired labor, in relation to their professional affiliation: white-collar workers - engineering and technical personnel and clerical ...

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  • - employees, officials, employees of the administrative apparatus, firms, engineering and technical workers, mental workers, who are part of the so-called "non-production personnel" of enterprises, ...
  • - terms in international economic practice and sociology to refer to certain categories of wage laborers. Blue collar workers are manual laborers; gray - service workers ...

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  • - a term coined by many foreign countries to designate a new category of personnel with high computer literacy...

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  • - employees, officials, employees of the administrative apparatus, managers, engineering and technical workers, mental workers, who are part of the so-called "non-production personnel" of enterprises, ...
  • - terms used to refer to certain categories of wage laborers, in relation to their professional affiliation: white-collar workers - engineering and technical personnel and clerical workers, officials, ...

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  • - terms used to refer to certain categories of wage laborers, in relation to their professional affiliation: white ...

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  • - ́ I pl. Details of clothing sewn or fastened to the collar. II pl. The word used in the names of various categories of wage laborers ...

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  • - Pub. About persons of hired labor engaged in mental activity. NSZ-70; BTS, 150. /i> From English. white collar worker. Mokienko 2003, 16...
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  • - Pub. About persons of hired labor engaged in physical work. NSZ-70. /i> From English. blue-collar - working. Mokienko 2003, 16...

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Collar- a piece of clothing that borders the collar, usually sewn on or removable. It complements the neckline and successfully harmonizes with its shape. When creating an image of a certain style orientation, the collar is taken into account as one of the important details. In modern times, collars are more practical than decorative, while in ancient times they were rich in decor and spoke of the position of their owner.

Types of collars

Rack- a collar that has something in common with a pipe in shape. There are several subclasses of the stand-up collar. These include: polo, cadet, tangerine, funnel and even Elizabethan. Rack decorates clothes different kind, from strict office blouses to carnival costumes, ball gowns and frank masquerade dresses.

Bertha- a collar of soft, semicircular shape, which is very reminiscent of a boat, judging by the outlines. If such a detail crowns the dress, then most often it is made of a material that is different from the general dress in terms of texture. There are options from thin lace and even removable, acting as an additional accessory. This piece of clothing came into fashion Victorian era and it doesn't seem like it's going to come out. Berta allows you to give the necessary rigor to the side, at the same time allowing you to see the shoulders of a beautiful lady.

Cadet- a kind of collar fastened with a zipper. As mentioned above, a direct "relative" of the stand-up collar. Can be turned into a turndown collar if needed. Usually such collars are attributed to things sports style- hoodies, nylon jackets or knitwear.

Cape- a large enough collar that acts as a cape. It is wide and soft, in outline most often semicircular or in the form of a trapezoid. Most often, a collar of this cut is used when sewing children's clothes or women's coats. Just like berta, it was extremely popular in the Victorian era, but is now undeservedly forgotten.

Mandarin- a traditional oriental stand-up collar, the edges of which are neatly rounded. Distinctive feature: fasten such a detail, as a rule, with a button or button. For the first time, the Chinese began to sew collars of this type on clothes, and the mandarin got its name from the collective name of the official. In Europe, USA, it became part of military uniform local soldiers and an accessory that adorns some special costumes (for example, a chef's uniform).

Funnel- a wide, spacious collar, diverging closer to the top. It is quite high, it can reach the chin or cover it. Is a typical detail warm sweaters, less frequently produced raincoats with funnel collar. It gives freedom to the neck, but it is able to keep warm in the cold season, which is its undoubted plus.

cape collar

Medici, or raf- a collar that we are used to seeing on the dresses of movie heroines like Snow White or Belle. It is wide, rather high and, as a rule, pleated. It is sewn from lace, satin or silk fabric. AT individual cases RAF reaches incredible, sham sizes. Fashion for him, as the name already implies, was introduced by the family of Catherine de Medici, notorious in Europe. The Queen of England, however, also loved this collar, and the courtiers strictly repeated the outfits of Elizabeth the First. I must say that before the RAF could be worn not only by women, but also by men, but such an “uncomfortable” fashion quickly passed. Now we see this kind of collar more often on screen or in the theater than in real life.

Collar having lapels usually accompanies deep neckline. Otherwise, it is called a collar with lapels. If it is part of a costume, then, as a rule, the fabric from which it is made is strikingly different from the fabric from which the main product is sewn. Tuxedo, tailcoat, classic women's jacket- these are the things for which such a collar has become practically “native”. It is very convenient to attach jewelry to the lapels of such a detail, whether brooches or buttonholes.

Peter Pan Collar- another type of these irreplaceable parts. It consists of two parts diverging in the center and has rounded ends. Most often is essential attribute work uniform, a uniform resembling a school uniform, i.e. sewn to closed dresses.

Schalka- Collar with lapels that are rounded and one-piece. There are times when such a collar does not require separate sewing, but merges with clothing. Women's knitted sweaters, as well as jackets that keep their shape, often have a shawl collar.

Tab- a collar characteristic of shirts, the ends of which are necessarily connected by a button or button. Helps to create a prim image of a "man in a case". Things with such a collar are indispensable at office events.

Johnny- a collar that combines a turn-down detail and a V-shaped neckline. Often sewn to polo and summer men's shirts.

Ascot- a collar that allows the wearer to independently change its shape. At the heart of such a collar is a ribbon.

Butterfly- collar with wide brim, typical for bright clothes of the 80s. Rather, spring or summer, rather than a winter version.

Jabot collar

jabot- a festive collar made of lace gathered into a frill, usually to the middle of the chest. In the 18th century, only men wore it, but now it is preferred by women and children.

Etonian- a turn-down collar, its ends are rounded, it is wide. Long time was part of the form of English lyceum students.

Shark- Collar with wide open ends. It was very popular in the early 20th century. Suitable for wearing any type of tie.

False- a collar that tightly covers the neck, but does not constrain movements. Sweaters, turtlenecks - that's where you can meet him.

sailor's collar- a rectangular piece of fabric, its ends are tied in front and frame the neckline. Has a deep Blue colour and white piping. Almost never used except Japanese schools and carnival costumes.

roman collar- Detachable view that is held on by buttons. It can be either cotton or plastic. It came into fashion from the clergy - they attached it to the cassock.

Detachable collar- new fashion trend received in recent times very widespread. It is an independent accessory. As a rule, it is inlaid with rhinestones or beads and has a clasp or ties.


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