Curvy women with large forms 90.60 90. Research has proven how the ideal woman should look


It's hard to get perfect, but it's possible. However, for this there must be an initial predisposition. So, if by nature you have a normal or large-boned physique, it is unlikely that you will be able to bring your waist to 60 cm, and your hips to 90, unless, of course, you exclude the appeal to surgeons and surgery, such as removing ribs. The same goes for the chest. If by nature the breast is small in size, it will not be possible to enlarge it without surgical intervention. It is worth noting that this ideal is very doubtful and such volumes will look good only in combination with a fairly high growth. In addition, such an asthenic physique looks advantageous only on fashion catwalks, but in life it does not look so attractive.

Proper nutrition. If natural data are conducive to making sizes 90-60-90, you can try to get closer to the "ideal". To do this, you need to draw up a nutrition plan, which you will have to adhere to constantly. You will have to exclude all fatty and starchy foods, forget about chocolate and sugar, and leave only low-fat chicken from meat. It is allowed to eat lean fish cooked without the use of oil. Vegetables should be the main food ingredient. Low-fat dairy products in the morning will also be very useful. All alcoholic beverages must be completely excluded.

Sports activities. Constant aerobic exercise will be very useful for weight loss of the whole body. You should also pay attention to the exercise bike, which perfectly forms the hips. However, you should not overdo it, since pumping the muscles of the thighs leads to an increase in their volume. It is better to use an exercise bike or bicycle regularly, but little by little. In order to bring the waist volume closer to the desired one, you need to constantly work on the oblique muscles of the abdomen. Bends to the sides, circular rotations of the pelvis and rotations of the hoop will be useful exercises here. You need to do it regularly, every day. The waist will never be 60 cm if the stomach is not flat, but flabby. To achieve a flat stomach, you can use the torso and leg lifts from the “lying” position, as well as the “scissors” exercise.

Cosmetic procedures and massage can have a positive effect on blood circulation, which will increase metabolic processes, and weight loss will go faster. With the help of various wraps and massage, you can achieve good results in reducing cellulite and fat deposits in the abdomen, thighs and buttocks.

Of course, if nature itself has not endowed you with the desired body composition, then you can always turn to the help of surgeons. Modern plastic surgery allows you to change the shape of the body associated with the structure of the skeleton. Also often used such operations as liposuction and lipolifting, involving the removal of subcutaneous fat.

Although the standard is considered a model, there are practically no models with such a figure.

Our site is not called for nothing! These treasured figures around the world symbolize the standard of the ideal female figure. This name is used in a variety of medical products for weight loss, diets, and even in the popular TV series Models 90-60-90, which was released in 1997.

It would seem that this standard of beauty is generally accepted and does not need to be discussed. But our portal about the modeling business cannot ignore such an important topic. It is necessary to understand and give an answer to many women - where did the parameters 90-60-90 come from, and are they really an example to follow?

The ideal figure of the model

I worked in the modeling industry for a long time, where I often had to deal with the parameters of models. With almost any request to a modeling agency, the customer asks to indicate the sizes of the girls: height, chest, waist, hips. This is necessary for tailoring suits, or vice versa, for demonstrating ready-made ones, and just for a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe model.

Now I will surprise you, but in professional modeling, sizes 90-60-90 are quite a rarity!

Firstly, a chest volume of 90 cm is a fairly large, lush bust. Of course, if the modeling work concerns a hostess, or posing at a stand in a luxurious dress with a deep neckline, then such a bust will be a big plus. It's the same when taking pictures, or demonstrating underwear and swimwear on the catwalk. But in other works, it can be difficult for such a girl.

From my own experience, I will say that meeting a waist ratio of 60 cm and hips of 90 cm is almost unrealistic. With such a volume of hips, the waist size is usually 70 cm. But do not forget that female models have an average height of 175 cm, and many are taller. Therefore, a girl with a height of 180 cm and a waist of 70 cm will never seem full.

What are the most common sizes for models, you ask? For example, I will give the parameters of several well-known top models.

  • Alessandra Ambrósio (Alessandra Ambrósio), height 176, volumes 86-58-86;
  • Coco Rocha, height 178, volumes 84-61-86
  • Natalya Vodyanova, height 176, measurements 86-61-86.

Please note that I cited far from the thinnest models as an example. For example, Alessandra Ambrosio is one of the main "angels" of Victoria's Secret, showing underwear. Coco Rocha and Natalia Vodianova also have good shapes. Therefore, in the modeling business you can often find models with a chest of 75-80 cm, and the same hips .

What do 90-60-90 look like (photo)?

We found out that among professional models, the proportions of 90-60-90 are quite rare. So where did this standard come from, and is it wrong? Not certainly in that way. The fact is that these "ideal" volumes have never been applied to the modeling business. Rather, they denote the general standard of beauty of the female figure, seductiveness, “appetizing”. These sizes can conditionally be attributed to the most feminine and seductive.

It is believed that the beginning of the 90-60-90 era was laid by Marilyn Monroe. It was she who had such parameters, although she had a low growth of 166 centimeters.

If we talk about modern women, then who is the secret object of desire of millions of men? Of course, Monica Bellucci! Her height is 178 cm, and her body measurements are 92-62-92 cm. see, Megan Fox - height 167, parameters 89-63-91 cm, and even Vera Brezhneva - height 171, parameters 90-62-92 cm.

  • Monica Bellucci Monica Bellucci
  • Megan Fox Megan Fox
  • Penelope Cruz Penelope Cruz
  • Marilyn Monroe Marilyn Monroe

The article will focus on the ideal female body with parameters 90-60-90. Everyone will find for themselves the answer to the question of how such a standard of beauty arose. The text also lists celebrities with the specified forms.

90-60-90. What woman would not want to become the living embodiment of these? And even if in real life it is almost impossible to match them, but only to get closer, they have become a popular brand anyway: this is the name of the best fitness programs, modeling body cosmetics ...

Ask any man what a female figure should be, and he, almost without hesitation, will repeat the cherished numerical code. But when did the fashion for these ideal figures appear?

Versions of the appearance of a numerical idol

Today it is already difficult to get to the bottom of the truth why these average parameters became the embodiment of the dreams of women and men (only in different senses).

There are at least three versions - and they all have the right to life. And the truth, like this number itself, will be a kind of “golden mean”.

Version 1. Romantic Marilyn

Each era erected certain parameters on a pedestal. In ancient Greece, they were immortalized in statues of goddesses, in the Middle Ages, pale shy women with a faintly white complexion came into fashion, the Renaissance opened the world to mysterious women (the famous Mona Lisa), baroque and rococo girls with an aspen waist, the 19th century glorified natural femininity and beauty.

It was in the middle of the 20th century, when cinema gained crazy popularity, that the incomparable Marilyn Monroe appeared on the horizon. With a height of 162 centimeters, her figure was very close to the cherished figures and corresponded to such parameters as 88-56-90. Due to her short stature, it seems that she was far from thin, but nevertheless she set a fashion trend for the next century.

Version 2. Pure mathematics

Particularly pedantic researchers of this issue find the root cause of the appearance of the digital ideal in the exact sciences, namely in the law of normal distribution. Its main researcher was the German mathematician Karl Gauss. What is this law? In simple terms, we can say that any set of values ​​is grouped around an average value.

That is, all objects with a certain parameter (for example, the proportions of a figure) are formed around objects with an average value, and combining these groups allows us to get the "average of the averages". According to this law, translated into centimeters, such an approximate average value will be 90-60-90. One question remains, how did a complex scientific formula break into the world of fashion?

Version 3. Conquerors of the podium

The third version indirectly intersects with the second. It is believed that the standard - 90-60-90 gained popularity at the end of the 20th century, when fashion models became the ideal of female beauty. It was bred as an average value convenient for workers in the beauty industry. By the way, the German top model Claudia Schiffer was very close to him with the parameters of the figure - 95-62-92.

Of course, such forms are almost impossible to meet among the fair sex in ordinary life, but fashion houses do not hide - it is necessary to establish a strict selection to make the model faceless. Pay attention should not be on the woman, but on what she demonstrates on the podium. All designers meet the same standard, and those who do not meet it are left out of the fashion industry.

Celebrities of the past

Despite the rarity of such forms in nature, nevertheless, cinema, almost from the moment of its inception, was “occupied” by actresses with ideal proportions:

Marilyn Monroe

Figure parameters: 88-56-90.

Norma Jean (real name of a celebrity) has become for centuries not just an ideal of beauty, an icon of style, charm, charm and exceptional femininity. She can rightfully be called legendary.

They say that everything ingenious is simple. Both the first and the second in this incredible woman, actress and singer were in abundance. Graceful gait, white, styled curls, bright scarlet lips and, of course, perfect round shapes- such, at first glance, a simple set of female tricks made her image recognizable and unique.

It was Monroe who graced the cover of the first issue of Playboy magazine. Thus, her ideal figure was presented to the general public.

Gina Lollobrigida

Figure parameters: 94-53-90.

The unearthly beauty of the Italian actress, director, screenwriter and producer Gina Lollobrigida became famous by playing Esmeralda in the film Notre Dame Cathedral, as well as one of the main roles in Fanfan-Tulip. This incredible woman harmoniously combines perfect appearance, talent and wonderful spiritual qualities.

Lollobrigida is over 90 years old, but she continues to lead an active lifestyle, wears dresses with a neckline and does charity work.

Ornella Muti

Figure parameters: 89-61-89.

Which of the men was not delighted with the stunning girl from the film "The Taming of the Shrew", who managed to "tame" Adriano Celentano himself? Yes, it was the incomparable Ornella Muti or Francesca Romana Rivelli (real name of the actress).

Having crossed the sixty-year milestone, Muti retained a beautiful figure. This is facilitated by the regular training of the actress according to a special technique.

Stars of the 90s and 2000s

Time has changed, but not the fashion for 90-60-90. The most beautiful women in the world continued to strive for ideal forms:

Cindy Crawford

Figure parameters: 86-66-89.

At one time, Crawford became the highest paid fashion model. They talked about her, admired her, and for fashion houses with a worldwide reputation, Cindy's participation in the show was an honor. The authors of her photographs were the best photographers. Her unique highlights perfect figure and a mole above the lip.

Cindy Crawford considers healthy sleep to be the secret of her beauty.

Monica Bellucci

Figure parameters: 91-60-88.

The chic Italian actress Monica Bellucci is so beautifully built that it seems that you can’t think of a more perfect figure. All this, combined with a languid, soulful look and burning black curls, made her a sex symbol of the 90s. But at the same time, one should not forget that not only her appearance paved the way for her in the cinema, Bellucci is a very talented actress, subtly conveying the emotions of any character.

Monica herself never considered herself slim.

Public tastes from century to century dictate a variety of norms and rules. There is such a norm for the female figure. For many years it was believed that the ideal figure with proportions of 90-60-90. Who came up with this rule? Is it relevant today? Let's figure it out together!

Is 90–60–90 really ideal?

In fact, these proportions are rather a way of standardization in the fashion world. For women who are not going to go on the podium, there is absolutely nothing to strive for such sizes.

When did these options appear?

With the active development of television and video advertising at the end of the 20th century, it became clear that in the frame the human body looks a little larger than in reality. In an attempt to correct such an optical illusion and to achieve the exceptional attractiveness of the models, the designers went for a little trick. Special requirements began to be imposed on girls in the fashion industry, the main of which was a fragile miniature figure.

The advantage of this innovation was the convenience of production. Making costumes for the next fashion show is much easier if you don't think about sizes..

The myth of Marilyn Monroe

Why thin girls were selected in the model is understandable. But why exactly 90-60-90?

The version of the origin of the increased interest in the notorious ideal was the popularity of the 60s star Marilyn Monroe.

The appetizing figure of the idol of that time exactly corresponded to the proportions mentioned above. But it should be borne in mind that the height of the diva was only 166 cm.

However, the taller girls didn't really care. Everyone wanted to be as beautiful as their beloved Marilyn! So, they wanted to have the same shapes and dimensions.

Are there models 90-60-90?

The most interesting thing is that except for Monroe herself, no one exactly fit the generally accepted characteristics.

Important! Many celebrities can boast of a seductive figure, elastic belly and voluminous forms, but not 90-60-90.

The closest parameters can be seen in such famous beauties as:

  • Monica Bellucci (92–62–92);

  • Penelope Cruz (89–62–92);

  • Naomi Campbell (86–61–86);

  • Stephanie Seymour (85–58–85).

As you can see, none of them meet the "gold standard" of beauty. But at the same time, each has an army of fans and many merits. Their bodies look flawless even without exact correspondence to the dimensions favored by fashion designers.

What figure is considered ideal today

Fortunately, modern girls are thinking more and more about their health than about some centimeters.

Important! The growing popularity of body positivity and the appearance of plus-size models on the catwalks shows that the ideals are changing again.

The main thing is that this time people do not fall into new extremes.

How proportions are set

Nutritionists say that for each person it is possible to calculate specific values ​​for the girth of the hips, waist, chest, as well as the entire body weight, which will be normal in his case.

This is not as difficult to do as it seems. To find out the optimal weight, you need to subtract 100 cm from the height value and another 10% from the value obtained.

Reference. The waist, the size of which is from 60 to 70% of the volume of the hips, is a sign of a proportional figure. Additional condition: the volume of the chest and hips should be approximately equal.

Different figure ideals for different countries

Historically, the culture and customs of individual parts of the world are very different from each other. Representatives of different nations have their own ideas about female beauty.


Asian girls strive to be as petite and fragile as possible. Moreover, in some countries, a pretty face is most valued, while in others, a thin neck is of particular importance.


Slimness is loved here. It is not necessary to have a small stature, but it is desirable to have a toned body!

So, Italians tend to demonstrate a thin waist, and the Dutch - long slender legs.


In Africa, women don't go on strict diets to keep fit. The inhabitants of these places from birth have an amazing sense of proportion, which does not allow them to eat too much. In addition, their lifestyle obliges to always be in motion.


But American women appreciate both the wasp waist and curvaceous forms. Every girl's dream here is an hourglass figure. The women of Peru and Mexico were especially successful in this.

The beauty of every woman is in her personality.

Today, more and more often on the net, on a television screen or on a glossy photo, girls who have a figure of 90-60-90 flicker. For many women, these are not just numbers, but the so-called "gold standard of beauty" to strive for. And girls lose weight, go on diets, exhaust themselves with strength exercises, refuse food or other pleasures in life in order to achieve ideal parameters. But is it worth it?

Where did these standards come from?

Fashion has dictated its conditions to us since ancient times. And for several decades now, the ideal figure is 90-60-90. The most interesting thing is that the author who came up with these standards is still unknown. But where did they come from then?

Such fantastic standards came into vogue at a time when television was booming. Constant filming and video recording... Many people are probably aware that video cameras have one "unpleasant" effect. In the video, people look much fuller than they are in ordinary life. In order for everything to be beautiful in the film and advertising, an original way was found. During the filming, rather thin models were used (photo - figure 90-60-90). And thus, on the screen, they looked quite attractive, although in real life they were skinny. Of course, this effect is not noticeable to the audience, so they believe that 90-60-90 is the figure of the ideal woman that they see on the screen.

Why such numbers, no more, no less? This is also unknown. Perhaps these numbers are just a whim of fashion designers, who are much more comfortable sewing clothes for skinny women. After all, it is known that at the end of the last century, fashion maestro began to put forward parameters 90-60-90 for their models. However, it is difficult to explain why these figures were adopted by ordinary women.

The pursuit of beauty

In recent years, figures of girls resembling teenage boys have become increasingly popular. No chest, no hips, no priests - nothing is visible. Solid "boards" or "hangers", as they are called. And their main advantage is their legs. Long thin legs to walk the runway and a 90-60-90 figure.

The fact is that in the modeling business, fashion traders are mostly men. However, they differ from the usual representatives of the stronger sex. Fashion designers are unique personalities. Like women, they love paints, fabrics, jewelry. Like women, they strive for beauty in all its manifestations, as well as ... for handsome young men. Therefore, creating clothes for real women, they strive to turn them into young men: languid, tall, flat-chested ...

So who's on the runway? Woman or man? Maybe something third? And this is called beauty? And should we strive for this?

One way or another, but the majority of women who claim that they do not need sizes 90-60-90, losing weight, strive for them. After all, models with such parameters flaunt on the covers of magazines, and even more so on the screen or in clothing catalogs.

creepy scheme

It turns out that in the modeling world there is a special scheme by which the ideal parameters for fashion models are calculated. How much should a model weigh to have a 90-60-90 figure.

According to this scheme, the weight of the girl should be equal to her height, from which 100 centimeters were subtracted and another 10 percent was taken away. And models follow this rule. But with this approach, it turns out that if the girl’s height is 180 centimeters, then the weight should not exceed 62 kilograms. It's wild! Of course, few people can meet such an ideal, because for an ordinary girl with a normal physique, this threatens with exhaustion.

However, women strive for the desired "ideal". In slender and not very rows, they go to fitness centers, where a specific goal is set for themselves and for the coaches: a figure of 90-60-90. They begin to exhaust themselves with strength training and strict diets, which usually do not bring success.

Why doesn't it work?

Failure in this case is explained by just one word - genetics. If a woman has a wide bone and body type is clearly located in other parameters, it is useless to try to change anything. If the older women in the girl's family (grandmother, mother) were ladies "in the body", then she should not even overexert herself on simulators and starve herself to become a slender doe. And you need to come to terms with this, and not try to fight and go against nature.

Don't give up

However, accepting yourself and your figure does not mean at all that you can completely abandon sports and grow fat. Even if the structure of your figure cannot be changed, you should at least try to bring it into a beautiful appearance and prevent the formation of fat folds on the abdomen and waist. Tighten the muscles of the legs, arms, abdomen and buttocks, strengthen your back - and you will gain self-confidence and understand that there is only one ideal figure in the world, and it is yours.

In order to correctly calculate the weight and body parameters, you need to take into account many different factors. And this is not only the girl’s height, but also age, physique, health status, wrist girth and much more. Therefore, you should not use the terrible formula developed by the fashion industry. To find out the ideal formula that is right for you, you should consult a nutritionist. The doctor will tell you which silhouette is the most harmonious for you. And it will not necessarily be the same figure 90-60-90.

Think soberly

Remember that the figure of a girl 90-60-90 looks beautiful with a short stature. And if a woman with a height of 180 centimeters has the same parameters?

No. Nature never adapts to fashion. By creating a tall girl, she endows her with a stronger skeleton, heavy bone and a broad chest. For such a girl, initially all volumes will be larger than for a low one. And to achieve the cherished ideal, you will have to lose weight. Strongly, to the bones covered with skin. But on the other hand, “golden” ones were achieved. And now the model, wrapped in a fashionable dress, walks along the catwalk ... And then dies of exhaustion. And the worst thing is that she is not the only one. After all, thousands of girls around the world, in an attempt to keep up with the ideal, exhaust themselves with hunger .

The 90-60-90 gold standards are imposed on us by the fashion industry. And all because such a skinny figure, without bulges and bends, is much easier to sew clothes for shows. And we, adults, understand all this very well, but we still make comparisons between ourselves and screen beauties.

Then you should pay attention to those who have long been recognized as the standard of femininity and beauty. Are the cherished numbers so important to them?

Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett has a feminine figure that is admired by crowds of men all over the planet. However, it does not fall under the “gold standard” at all. With a height of 163 centimeters, the actress weighs 57 kilograms, and her parameters are: 95-68-91.

Her figure can hardly be called a model, but Scarlett does not need it at all - her charm and beauty are undeniable. And the crowds of fans are direct proof of that. However, this does not mean at all that the actress does not follow her figure. Every day, a Hollywood star performs simple physical exercises. Her program is as follows: 30 minutes - cardio warm-up, then running at a slow pace, push-ups and squats. Plus, it's a light diet. Scarlett adheres to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. He tries to minimize the consumption of fried and fast food, preferring fruits and fresh vegetables.


The chic figure and seductive forms of the singer undoubtedly helped her win a million-strong army of fans. Beyonce is proud of her body and does not strive for the mythical 90-60-90. With a height of 165 centimeters, she weighs 61 kilograms, and her parameters are 87-65-100. Although at a young age the singer was shy and did not consider herself beautiful.

Seductive Beyoncé adheres to strict diets only before filming and performances, the rest of the time she simply cannot live without food so beloved and familiar to the American. True, she does not forget to practice daily in the dance studio.

Kim Kardashian

The socialite and reality TV star is clearly far from standard beauty proportions. With a height of 157 centimeters, she weighs 56 kilograms, and her parameters are: 89 - 65 - 101.

However, she does not complex at all about this, and is even glad. Kim never aspired to thinness, and considers her large hips very sexy and attractive, in which millions of male fans support her. Kardashian is not shy about wearing tight dresses and jeans, frankly demonstrating her virtues. And her boyfriend rapper Kanye West adheres to the principle "the more the better."

Jennifer Lopez

J Lo is one of the idols of beauty. However, its parameters are also far from the "gold standard". With a height of 167 centimeters, J. Lo weighs 56 kilograms, her measurements are 88-58-96. She does not at all, but this does not prevent her from being considered one of the most beautiful and sexiest stars in Hollywood.

Of course, Jennifer makes a lot of efforts to keep fit, especially after giving birth. She adheres to a low-calorie diet (1400 kcal daily) with frequent meals in small portions, and also tries to work out daily in the gym.

By the way, the singer recently released her own line of sportswear to support everyone who is friends with sports and with their figure.

Kate Winslet

The Titanic star, despite her non-model appearance (Kate weighs 63 kilograms with a height of 169 centimeters and has parameters: 91-71-94), is one of the twenty sexiest actresses in Hollywood.

By the way, Kate is familiar with ridicule and bullying, because as a child she was a real “donut”. Despite this, the actress did not become a victim of weight loss at any cost. Kate follows a simple but effective principle: eat less, move more. True, after giving birth, the actress still went on a diet, thanks to which she got rid of 25 kilograms.

As you can see, all these women, despite the completely different body parameters, are amazingly beautiful. So, we can safely conclude that the real secret of female beauty is not at all in volumes and not in invented 90-60-90. Beauty is completely different - in natural charm, zest, love for one's own body and the ability to maintain in excellent shape what nature has given.
