How to do Greek hairstyle without headband. Greek hairstyles (55 photos): tenderness and femininity in one curl

The inhabitants of ancient Hellas have long been distinguished by their grace, naturalness, and flowing outfits.

Styling their hair “in Greek” is the embodiment of femininity, soft lines, natural carelessness, and amazing grace.

Features of Greek hair styling

The style of these hairstyles, reflected in the myths about the goddesses Artemis, Athena, Artemis, today is very impressive with fashion trends and a dynamic lifestyle. attractiveness Greek styling lies in their properties to visually correct certain appearance features.

Greek styling ennobles the image, focuses attention on the eyes and lips, emphasizes the graceful lines of the neck, and is suitable for different types faces

The Greek hairstyle has the following distinctive features:

  • freely falling strands of hair curled from the temples, twisting of all kinds of plaits, bundles, rollers
  • volume of hair on the back of the head
  • open temples and forehead
  • straight, even parting of hair
  • elegant “disheveled” braids
  • availability of accessories.

The classic Greek hairstyle is performed, most often, on long hair, but you can do it with your own hands on medium hair.

Creating the necessary foundation for a Greek hairstyle

Important to remember! For any of the length options, you need to prepare your hair, create its volume, and choose accessories.

For achievement desired result how to do it right Greek hairstyle for medium hair, several are executed simple actions, namely:

Be careful! When choosing jewelry, you should know when to stop and avoid excessively cluttering your hair or being too pretentious.

Here are some examples of how to do a Greek hairstyle for medium hair at home without visiting luxury beauty salons.

Classic hairstyle with headband

Interesting fact! Bandages on the forehead helped Greek women observe the canons of beauty regarding a low forehead. According to them, no more than 2 fingers should be placed between the hair and eyebrows.

This is one of the most accessible opportunities to learn how to do a Greek hairstyle for medium hair for everyday life. This option is characterized by ease and simplicity of execution, the absence of ingenious weaving or pretentiousness. To create it, you need to twist the curled strands of hair into a rope, throwing the remaining curls onto the back or weave a small braid of hair middle length.

Classic Greek hairstyle

The hairstyle must be complemented by a bandage made of fabric tape, decorative elastic bands, threads of beads, headband. Accessories that harmonize with clothing are worn on lightly combed hair in the forehead, back of the head, or slightly higher. The headband is also used for wrapping curls.

Greek hairstyle with headband

Note! Hairdressers advise doing this hairstyle not on freshly washed hair, in order to avoid the bandage slipping.

Performing the famous "Greek knot"

This most famous “Greek woman” is a prototype ancient looking braids and was present in all the hairstyles of the daughters of Eve of Ancient Hellas.

It is distinguished by many simple and complicated variations, but this knot is always a type of bun with braids, plaits, strands of hair, giving free rein to imagination. The beam location level is chosen arbitrarily.

The algorithm for creating it is as follows:

  • form bundles from 2 halves of hair separated in a straight parting, create strands from each, which are brought to the bundles so that the 2nd part of the hair frames the 1st. The loose ends of the hair need not be hidden, since in Greek hairstyles a certain carelessness in the appearance of the bun is allowed, increasing its volume
  • Collect curled and parted hair into a single bun and place it in a voluminous knot using hairpins, bobby pins, and fixative sprays.
  • decorate the knot with a hoop, mesh, and the forehead with thin ribbons.

Knowing how to do a Greek knot hairstyle for medium hair also requires some experience with curly hair.

It is important to know! This type of gentle, feminine “Greek” is also called “korymbos”. However, this type of hairstyle differs in the technique of execution and the location of the knot at the very base of the neck. This is one of the most current options for especially important rendezvous, weddings with appropriate decoration with accessories.

The hairstyle can be done in the form of lateral displacement of braids, braided braids, ponytail. Creating such a multi-variant styling will require a minimum of time and effort.

Ribbons, flowers, rhinestones, strings of beads, braid and other accessories are used for mandatory decoration.

Carefully! The choice of accessories should be in harmony with colors makeup, wardrobe, features of going out and (day/evening, work/celebratory event, etc.).

Scythe in Greek

This is the optimal technique for those who want to learn how to make a Greek braid hairstyle for medium hair to feel their femininity every day. Possible here different variants, limited only by imagination. One of the simplest is an imitation of a hoop made from a braided braid placed around the forehead.

You can braid the braid and fluff it slightly, pulling the hair to the sides. The weave should be light, giving volume. It is good to weave braids in several rows, connecting them at the back or weave ribbons/braid into strands different color, flagella interspersed with small flowers, invisible flowers with decorations.

Hairstyle "Aphrodite Waves"

Thanks to the simplicity and perfection of the hairstyle technique, you can use different variations of it.

The basic steps for creating Waves of Aphrodite are as follows:

  • weave a braid from ribbon or fairly coarse rope
  • Well-combed hair divided into a side parting
  • fasten an overlapping braid/rope on the forehead
  • twist locks of hair in small sections into not very tight strands
  • wrap the strands around the braid previously woven and secured to the forehead (start from the side with more hair)
  • Fix the voluminous tourniquet obtained at the back of the neck with your favorite styling device.

Hairstyle "Hellas"

This is one of the types of “Aphrodite Waves”, but here instead of a braid, a metal arc is used for an inconspicuous rim.

Here step-by-step instruction its implementation:

  • Divide the hair not into a side parting, but into a middle parting
  • attach a rubber headband to your head, through which pull strands of hair from 2 edges with one turn to the center
  • weave the rest of the hair into 1 strand (you can do this carelessly)
  • roll the braid into a “snail” and then secure it to the back of your head.

Hairstyle "Beautiful Amazon"

This antique styling option is one of the versions of Greek braids. A distinctive nuance is creating the effect of carelessness, looseness of the braid with the help of mousses, foams, and styling products.

Performed " Beautiful Amazon" Thus:

  • divide the combed hair into 4 parts, making it thicker on the outer sides
  • create 4 ponytails using invisible elastic bands, braid 4 braids and lightly “pull” them with your hands
  • twist each braid, secure them without the slightest gap with decorative pins at the very base of the hair.

Hairstyle “Melon slices”

This, unlike other antique hairstyles, is done quickly and quite easily. It was introduced into fashion by Aspasia, the wife of Pericles.

To do this you need to curl large curls, vertically along the hair growth line, lay them from the forehead in wide “slices” to the back of the head, where they are collected, and then secured with a pair of ribbons.

All this creates the appearance of original melon slices. You can decorate your hair with a hoop or ribbon.

Evening Greek hairstyle

Choosing any type of hairstyle for a formal, intimate evening will make you feel like a goddess. After all, even during fun, somewhat disheveled hair will only add charm...

Crucial for creating Greek evening hairstyles are their decorations, which can transform the simplest option.

Here you should use more expensive accessories with rhinestones, pearls, luxurious beads, etc. For solemn occasions– tiaras, flowers. It is also important to remember that your hair is in perfect condition.

Even this small list of the styling of Ancient Hellas allows you to create with your own hands unique image, appropriate in different situations. In each of the options, any lady can choose something of her own or show creativity in creating new version. After all, even the same option can be different depending on the structure of the hair and on how the curls “want” to lie.

Useful videos on how to do Greek hairstyles

Useful video on how to do a Greek hairstyle quickly:

Another interesting video

There are ancient cultures that have had a significant influence on many aspects of beauty and style, and provide inspiration modern fashion. Greek culture is synonymous with perfection of form and harmony, and the Greek Goddess is a symbol of beauty and femininity. Aphrodite, Hera and Artemis were considered among the most beautiful women in the world. When it comes to hairstyles Greek style, our imagination draws tender and airy images of ancient goddesses. We have prepared a review of the most beautiful and fashionable hairstyles in Greek style, with which you will look brilliant.

Why are Greek style hairstyles so popular?

Greek mythology has had a significant influence on hairstyle trends for a long time, it timeless classic, which is not boring to play modern interpretations. Greek style hairstyles are beautiful, trendy and easily recognizable. They are popular due to their versatility and variety of styling methods: these are braids and soft waves, and romantic, slightly disheveled buns. Such hairstyles involve the use of hair accessories, all kinds of ribbons and wreaths, tiaras and tiaras, with which the image looks fabulous and stylish, and most importantly, incredibly feminine.

Who suits Greek style hairstyles?

Hairstyles in the Greek style are suitable for absolutely all girls; they are very versatile and quite simple to perform. Greek women are naturally curly when creating a Greek hairstyle. But if you have straight hair, don’t despair, in this case you can use a curling iron. Greek style hairstyles are great for holidays and wedding images However, they also look great as a daily hairstyle option. Pastel makeup with an emphasis on the eyes is suitable for this look; brown and beige shades and Mediterranean bronze on the cheekbones, and a soft pink tone on the lips will perfectly complete the look.

#Greek Style Hairstyle with Headband

This is the most simple hairstyle in the Greek style, which is easy to repeat yourself at home. It's great for daily styling thanks to its practicality. To create this look you will need a Greek headband, pins and nail polish. strong fixation. If you have straight hair, curl it slightly with a curling iron, this will add volume to your hairstyle. Please note that the headband should be in the form of an elastic band; its function is not just to decorate, but also to hold the hair well. Place the headband on your head, with your bangs underneath the headband. Using a comb, distribute the hair into strands and twist them under the headband. The longer your hair, the more difficult your job will be. Pin the ends of the hair under the bandage with hairpins, and spray the entire hairstyle with hairspray.

You can also put not all the strands under the bandage, but one at a time, leaving a few free curls. In addition, hairstyles in the Greek style with a bandage are variable; they can be combined with loose wavy curls, or use different techniques weaving. The only condition is that the hairstyle should look slightly careless, as if tousled by the sea breeze. Owners also have access to Greek-style hairstyles with a headband; simply create volume on the top of the head and leave the forehead and temples open. In this case bright accessories in the form of ribbons, headbands and other hair decorations they look great.

#Hairstyle in Greek Style - Greek Braid

Another popular hairstyle in the Greek style is the Greek braid, which has many braiding options. It can be braided from the temple and beautifully frame the head, or decorate one side of the face like a spikelet or vice versa, often with openwork weaving. This hairstyle looks especially good on girls with thick hair. If you are the owner fine hair, the option that suits you is when the braid links are slightly stretched in different sides, and the braid has a free and volumetric view. Greek braids can be worn as a crown, decorating interesting accessories or fresh flowers, or you can recreate fashionable chic in boho style, choosing a floor-length dress and long earrings to match the look.

#Greek Style Hairstyle – Flowing Curls and Side Ponytail

Greek girls could boast of healthy, thick hair, and often walked with curls flowing down their backs, so for perfect hairstyle It is necessary to have curly hair, owners straight hair It is recommended to use a curling iron. Hairstyles with loose hair often involve strands raised and pulled into a side ponytail. This great option for girls who love to wear romantic curls, and at the same time value comfort and convenience, because partially pinned and combed hair away from the face does not interfere and does not get into the eyes. In addition, the undeniable advantage of this hairstyle is its ease of execution; you don’t need to be a hairdresser to repeat the look you like. You just have to lift your hair, making a small backcomb at the roots, and tie a careless, slightly disheveled ponytail. The hairstyle looks very natural, feminine and harmonious.

# Volume Knot, or Hetaera Hairstyle

This beautiful and sensual hairstyle for romantic beauties is very popular and very simple to perform, as if it was created for girls who want to look spectacular while spending a minimum of time and effort. Greek buns attract the masses admiring glances. The hetera's hairstyle looks original - the hair is gathered into a knot at the back of the head, onto which a special mesh is put on - a stephana. A stefana made of gold threads, decorated with fresh flowers or pearls, looks especially impressive. Another interesting option- a tight high knot in the shape of a cone at the back of the head (korimbos), decorated with ribbons, circular headbands or laces. Greek hairstyles Smoothness is of no use, so when forming a knot, comb your hair; accessories will also give your hair a voluminous look.

#Wedding Hairstyle in Greek Style

If you are looking for a beautiful and gentle, but at the same time spectacular hairstyle on a special day, pay attention to wedding hairstyles in Greek style. They harmoniously combine volume and laconicism, combining loose, flowing curls, which are skillfully tamed by the hairdresser using bobby pins, high buns and intricate braids. Greek wedding hairstyles are quite versatile, so you can choose a hairstyle in this style for almost any outfit. Greek wedding hairstyles are one of the most popular and sought-after hairstyles among brides. long time, they open the face and favorably emphasize the beauty of the neck and hands, turning the bride into an ancient goddess. Variants of Greek hairstyles can be different, but, as a rule, they are performed on long hair. You can choose a wedding Greek braid, strict or somewhat loose, or diversify your loose curls with side braiding. Often, wedding hairstyles in the Greek style are decorated with fresh flowers, a diadem, tiara or a spectacular headband.

As you can see, hairstyles in the Greek style are simple, elegant, varied and easy to do yourself at home. Having done your hair in the Greek style, you will look like Ancient Greek Goddess and you will attract the admiring glances of modern Zeus and Hercules.

A hairstyle in the Greek style is not just another element of hair styling - it is a whole era of the triumph of female grace. IN Ancient Greece women were sensitive to their hair. And even ladies from poor families could not afford to go out without braiding their hair and styling it in a special way. Women from richer houses wove ribbons and pearl threads into their hair, and decorated their beautifully styled strands with precious stones.

Greek hairstyles are still in fashion now, so let’s find out what types of Greek hairstyles are trending now and how to do them correctly.

Greek hairstyles for long and medium hair

Greek style knot

To create such a hairstyle on your head for long hair, you will need some skill. The Greek style knot is performed exclusively on curly hair, so it is not always easy for the average person to do it. The hairstyle technique is as follows:

  1. Gently gather your curls into occipital region into a tight bun, leaving a few curls falling freely.
  1. Secure the resulting bundle with hairpins and decorate with ribbons or beads.

Getera's hairstyle

This hairstyle is suitable for everyday wear, and it is quite simple to do. But, despite the ease of execution, it will in any case add mystery, grace and femininity to the image. The only thing you need to create this hairstyle is a special comb for maintaining the hair, decorated with beads and golden threads. And Hetera’s hairstyle is done like this:

  1. Use a curling iron to create tight, small curls.
  2. Gather your curls at the back of your head and twist them into a bun.
  3. Pull a few curls out of the bun in advance and secure the base of the bun with a comb.

Flame of Greece

As you can see in the photo, the Greek flame styling looks very fashionable and impressive. But its implementation requires some skill, although any of you can do it if desired. To create a Greek flame hairstyle you will need: bobby pins, hairpins, beautiful ribbon or braid. And this hairstyle is done as follows:

  1. Divide the entire volume of hair into two parts so that an even straight parting is formed on the head.
  2. Take one strand at the back of your head and secure it tightly with a ribbon at the base.
  3. Curl this curl into a spiral. Similar manipulations must be done with all strands.
  4. When all the curls are ready, take the main strand and secure all the spirals to it with hairpins or bobby pins.
  5. Form a bun from the ends of the spirals.

Greek braid

This is perhaps one of the most favorite styles of fashionistas. In addition, the Greek-style braid is often used in wedding hairstyles. It can be done on both long and medium hair. It can be braided in several ways, but the main condition is that the braid should go around the head. The most popular braiding technique in the Greek style is as follows:

  1. First of all, divide the entire volume of hair with an even parting.
  2. Start braiding your hair from the front of your head.
  3. The strands should lie from left to right, and new thin strands should be added alternately on both sides.
  4. When the braid on one part of the parting is ready, start on the second. To make the braid look thicker and more voluminous, pull out individual loops of strands from it.
  5. Connect both braids using hairpins, ribbons or barrettes at the back of the head.

Ponytail, Greek style

Every girl can pull off this hairstyle, even if she has never done her own hair. Execution rules:

  1. Curl your curls with a medium spiral and secure the curls with hairspray.
  2. Choose carefully curled hair on the back of the head and secure with an elastic band.
  3. On top, the elastic band can be decorated with beautiful ribbons.

Greek style hairstyle with headband or headband

The fashionable and feminine Greek hairstyle with a headband has captivated modern girls. It will be appropriate both for the office and for an evening promenade. The main difference between this styling is volume and splendor.

Execution method No. 1

  1. Gather your curly hair into a bun and secure it with bobby pins at the back of your head.
  2. Carefully pull out individual strands from the back and near the cheekbones.
  3. Put on a hoop or a beautiful headband and use it to pull your hair slightly towards the frontal part. Everything is great and delicate hairstyle ready.

Execution method No. 2

  1. Divide the entire volume of hair into two equal parts. Make a straight parting.
  2. Lift your curls up and carefully put on the headband.
  3. Twist a separate curl with a rope and wrap it around the bandage or simply hide the curl under it.
  4. Do this manipulation with all the strands, while securing each of them with a hairpin or bobby pin.

It must be said that the second method of doing the hairstyle is more difficult, but believe me, the result will pleasantly please you.

Greek style bangs

A Greek hairstyle with bangs looks simply amazing and can be used as an everyday styling option or as a wedding or formal hairstyle. Execution method.

One of the most popular hairstyles this season is the Greek hairstyle. Most often it is made for a wedding or some kind of celebration. This is not surprising, since it looks elegant and very attractive. Today we will learn the history of its creation, and also tell you how to do a Greek hairstyle with a headband.

Hairstyle with headband originates from Greece

History of creation

From the name it immediately becomes clear that this hairstyle comes from Greece, and not modern, but from Ancient Greece. You should know that it was at this time that strict proportionality, harmony and beauty were valued. The hairstyle at that time, like the outfit and jewelry, spoke of social status girl. The more attractive and richly decorated it was, the higher the position of its owner. The Greeks were sure that even goddesses styled their locks In a similar way, as evidenced by the images of the great artists of the time.

As a rule, girls made curls and then put them in their hair and decorated it with a headband. It turned out very gentle image, which is still valued in our times.

with backcomb and braid along the forehead line

with a bun at the bottom

Rules for choosing a dressing

If you want your hairstyle to be irresistible, then choose the right headbands to create it. They must meet the following requirements.

  1. The elastic bandage should not be weak, as it will not hold the hairstyle and very soon it will become frayed.
  2. Also, you should not use a bandage that is too tight, as it will cut your skin and leave a red stripe, and also block the access of blood to the epidermis of the head, which will negatively affect the condition of the hair.
  3. If you are doing a hairstyle with a bandage in the middle of the forehead, then this accessory should not be convex or have beads in the decor.

with a tight bun on short hair

for medium length hair

Types of Greek hairstyles with a headband

Note that you can do a similar styling yourself if you show a little imagination. We will tell you how to do a Greek hairstyle with a headband in various generally accepted ways.

Hairstyle with a bandage - an elastic band (option 1)

To create this hairstyle you will need:

  1. The bandage is an elastic band.
  2. Hairpins.
  3. Comb.
  4. Styling product.
  5. Hair fixation spray.

A hairstyle with a bandage - an elastic band should be done as follows.

  1. The hairstyle is done on unwashed curls, as they will fit better. However, this does not mean that they have to be very dirty. Hair in this case It is better to wash with shampoo a day before creating your hairstyle.
  2. Comb your curls and apply any styling product to them. Note that it should not weigh down the hair, otherwise the hairstyle will not look attractive.
  3. Put an elastic bandage on your head. Hair should be loose.
  4. Separate the strands of the temporal part from the curls of the occipital region. The first ones should be twisted into a tight rope and pulled through the elastic band behind the head. Its ends should calmly fall along the back.
  5. Next, divide the remaining hair into 2 identical strands and also pass them through an elastic band, leaving the ends. Note that there is no need to tighten the tourniquet.
  6. Pull the free ends of the hair through the bandage several times until the tip remains inside the hairstyle.
  7. Secure your hair with hairpins so that not a single strand falls out when moving. After this, fix it with varnish for reliability.

step-by-step instruction

step by step

Hairstyle with a bandage - an elastic band (option 2)


  1. The bandage is an elastic band.
  2. Hairpins.
  3. Comb.
  4. Styling product.
  5. Hair fixation spray.

To get this hairstyle, you need to do the following.

  1. As in the previous version, styling is performed on unwashed curls.
  2. Comb the strands thoroughly and treat them with styling product.
  3. Place an elastic bandage on your head. Also, the curls should be loose.
  4. Gather all your hair at the back of your head into a ponytail and twist it into a braid. After that, pull it through the elastic band and roll it into a roller.
  5. Secure your hair with hairpins.
  6. Treat the styling with hairspray to fix the hair.

in the form of a natural braid

at home

Hairstyle with backcomb

For this hairstyle you need:

  1. The bandage is an elastic band.
  2. Comb.
  3. Curling iron or curlers.
  4. Styling product.
  5. Hair fixation spray.

The rules for doing a hairstyle with a headband with a fleece are as follows.

  1. Comb your hair and apply styling product.
  2. Curl your strands. You can use a curling iron or curlers for this. It all depends on how much time you have and your personal preferences.
  3. On the back of your head, do a little backcombing and put on the headband so that it is on top of it. Curls should “peek out” freely from under the elastic.
  4. Please fix the style with hair spray.

to yourself with a double rim

Hairstyle with a ponytail


  1. The bandage is an elastic band.
  2. A simple rubber band.
  3. Comb.
  4. Curling iron or curlers.
  5. Styling product.
  6. Hair fixation spray.

To do this hairstyle, you need to proceed as follows.

  1. Comb your curls and apply styling product to them.
  2. Curl all the strands. You should be able to large curls. With small curls or light waves, the hairstyle will not look as luxurious as with large curls.
  3. Put an elastic band on your head, leaving your hair loose.
  4. Gather all the curls into a side ponytail and tie them with an elastic band.
  5. Fix your hair with hairspray.

with a gold bandage on curly hair

with hair pulled up high

with a bandage imitating a natural braid

with a braid on one side and bangs

youth version for long hair

with a bun

with short hair bandage

loose hair

with a headband decorated with beads

with a headband decorated with beads and chains

for long hair

evening option

wedding option

for long hair

for a wedding event

We told you about how to do a Greek hairstyle with a headband with your own hands. In this article you will find several similar styles that will help you diversify your look and look attractive at any event.

One of the first associations associated with the word Greece, – goddesses Greek pantheon. The goddess of hunting, fertility and childbirth, Artemis, the patroness of marriage, the goddess Hera, the personification of the victory of Nike, the goddess of justice, Themis, and, of course, the goddess of beauty and sensual love Aphrodite. Majestic, harmonious and extraordinary feminine images inspired representatives of the art workshop to create outstanding works of art. And in our technocratic age, images greek goddesses continue to inspire.

From year to year, Greek hairstyles are becoming increasingly popular. It is impossible to define what such a hairstyle is in a few words, just as it is impossible to describe all the goddesses of the Greek pantheon in two phrases. Greek hairstyles vary in appearance and techniques. Absolutely different at first glance, they are united by natural carelessness, apparent simplicity, and extraordinary femininity.

Mandatory attribute of the Greek hairstyle:
  • parting in the middle
  • curly, free-flowing curls from the temples
  • loose, lacy, like disheveled braids
  • weaving around the forehead, headbands, headbands, tiaras located closer to the forehead
  • open forehead, temples, voluminous nape

Greek hairstyles for long, short, medium hair

The greatest number of styling options in the Greek style can be done on long hair. Ideal if your hair is naturally curly. Otherwise, the curls should be pre-curled large curlers or curling iron. After this, do not comb, but only separate with your fingers. This will give your hair a natural, messy look. The curls will look as if touched by the wind.

The most simple greek hairstyle for long hair– secure long bangs on the back of the head using bobby pins, crabs, barrettes or hairpins, leaving the remaining curls to fall freely over the shoulders. You can leave a strand of bangs free.

Another romantic option– . Braid individual curls into a braid, which is fixed at the ends with nothing more than varnish or some other styling agent. It should give the impression that the braid is about to unravel. The role of a forehead bandage can be performed by a ribbon, elastic band, beads, lace, or any decorative strip of fabric.

You can make it Greek hairstyle for medium hair. The best way to do this is to use an elastic band. It fits tightly to the hair and securely fixes the curls where ordinary hairpins cannot cope. The rubber band may be neutral color and decor, so as not to attract attention, Can play a dominant role in the hairstyle. To achieve this hairstyle, you need to curl your hair and comb it a little, which will give it additional volume. Put on an elastic band. Tuck bangs and curls at the back of the head under the elastic band.

Looks no less advantageous Greek hairstyle for short hair. The principle of execution here is the same as on long hair. Curl, separate the curls with your fingers and decorate with a tiara or headband. Simple, but incredibly feminine.

A Greek-style hairstyle does not necessarily mean free-flowing hair. Proof of this is the Greek knot hairstyle. The bangs in this hairstyle are woven into a braid or twisted into a plait. The hair at the back of the head is gathered into a ponytail, secured with an elastic band, and then twisted into a knot and secured with hairpins.

Another option for a hairstyle with hair gathered at the back of the head is the Greek hairstyle with a bun. In this version, the bun is made using a hair elastic, under which strand after strand is tucked. More details on how this hairstyle is performed will be discussed below. This hairstyle looks good with or without bangs.

How to do a Greek hairstyle correctly. Step-by-step instruction.

To make a simple Greek hairstyle you will need a comb, an elastic band and hairpins. General recommendation for all hairstyles based on headbands, elastic bands and bandages - the hair must not be “first fresh” or must be used styling products to give hair more rigidity. Clean flowing hair will come out from under the elastic, and the hairstyle will fall apart.

– Comb your hair and put an elastic band over it.

Twist the front strands from the front and temporal parts into a bundle and tuck them under the elastic band at the back of the head.

Carefully tuck the next strand under the elastic. In this case, the tourniquet does not need to be twisted.

Do this alternately with all the strands until each is wrapped through an elastic band.

Gather the hair that falls from under the elastic into a ponytail. Twist it into a rope and wrap it through an elastic band several times, as long as your hair length allows. How longer hair, the more massive the bundle will be.

At the end, securely secure the hair with hairpins.

Having mastered it, you can successfully perform a wide variety of styling. You can leave individual strands, weave only part of the curls into a bun, braid braids and then tuck them under an elastic band, experiment with accessories. Each hairstyle will look unique and different.

To begin with, your hair should be combed well and divided into three even parts. Gather each part into a ponytail using an elastic band.

Braid each ponytail into a braid, the end of which is also secured with an elastic band.

Next step– take one of the braids, twist it into a knot and secure it with hairpins, as when making a classic knot.

Do the same with the rest of the braids.

Spray your hair with hairspray. Can be decorated with beads decorative flowers, studs with pearls or rhinestones.

To do this hairstyle you will need no more than 5 minutes, but it looks as if an experienced craftsman worked on it for hours.

Accessories and decorations for Greek hairstyles

beautiful, well-groomed hair, which also curl naturally, look great in a Greek hairstyle on their own without additional accessories.

To make your hairstyle look more interesting and textured, you can complement your Greek hairstyle with all kinds of braids. It is convenient to weave bangs into braids, either completely or partially, leaving individual strands free.

The simplest accessory for an antique style hairstyle is. You can make it from regular tape. To do this, you need to measure a piece of tape 2.5-3 times larger than the circumference of your head. Twist the tape into a tight bundle. Fold it in half and then release it. The tape will partially unwind and its two parts will wrap around one another. Finally, tie the ribbon across the width of the head. Use to create Greek headband hairstyles as shown in the picture below or described above.

You can use elastic bands instead of bandages. They fit securely to the head, do not slip, and hold the curls tucked into them well.

Headbands can perform an exclusively decorative role, adding charm and completeness to the hairstyle.

An inexhaustible source for imagination - This artificial flowers, beads, rhinestones, all kinds of hairpins. With their help regular hairstyle easy to turn into a solemn, festive one.

Jewelry for Greek hairstyles can be in harmony with the main outfit, or serve as the main accent, the highlight of the image. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the decorations do not overshadow natural beauty hair and its owner.

Video lesson on Greek hairstyle, master class

The popularity of Greek hairstyles is understandable. They allow you to emphasize your individuality; they make it easy to fantasize, experiment, and be different and new every day. It's safe to assume that long years Greek hairstyles will not leave the fashion Olympus, since beauty, grace, and femininity cannot go out of fashion.
