How to dye your hair so as not to spoil it and get the desired result. When can you dye your hair after a failed dye?

If you think that painting takes a maximum of half an hour and the walls become like new, we have to disappoint you. Surface painting is a work that is not without nuances: the process can be delayed due to the wrong paint, roller or wrongly applied layer. Also important is the time of day at which you pick up the instrument. Training, of course The best way achieve success, but we recommend avoiding other people's mistakes - we tell you how.

Mistake #1: Painting Unprepared Walls

Minor defects, dust, grains of sand, bristles from the brush during the previous staining may be under the paint and adversely affect the result. Under a layer of paint, all the shortcomings will be visible - it remains either to put up with it, or to clean the wall and repaint it. And possible greasy spots will show through, no matter how many layers you cover the surface. Defects will be especially noticeable if you use glossy paint.

What to do: to avoid double work and unpleasant surprises, prepare the wall in advance. Take sandpaper or a special plaster sanding tool and go over the bumps and defects. After - brush off the dust with a brush or broom. Stains can be removed by wiping the wall with a damp cloth and soap.

Mistake #2: Ignoring the Primer

Do not use a primer before painting the walls? Don't be surprised if you end up with an unevenly painted wall or paint overrun. The fact is that the primer provides a lower hygroscopicity of the surface, which saves the means for painting. And also the base gives the "cohesion" of the surface with the paint, which improves the painting of the walls.

What to do: choose the appropriate primer for the walls. Apply it with a brush vertically in small stripes, and then horizontally - perpendicular to the first layer. After the base has dried, you can cover the surface with the first coat of paint.

Mistake #3: Wrongly thinned paint

The paint is too thick consistency or becomes so in the process of work. Then it must be diluted - this is an intuitive action. But with what to dilute - this is already a question that can ruin both the material and the whole work. For example, if water-dispersion paint is diluted with white spirit, it will cause the polymers to stick together. If you paint a wall with such a composition, the result will be of poor quality - disappointment is inevitable: the paint will lie unevenly, maybe even in lumps. If, on the contrary, oil paint is diluted with water, it simply will not mix with the main mass.

What to do: read the composition on the paint can and select the product according to it with which you will dilute the product. Do not pour in too much water or thinner - it is better to add little by little, mixing the paint thoroughly.

Mistake number 4: painting without a sample

Choosing a color is a rather complicated process, especially if the shade has to be combined with another tone or pattern. The unfortunate masterpiece will have to be repainted, and so the process can be repeated indefinitely. The same applies to the shade, which you have to "extract" with your own hands with the help of color.

What to do: add the coloring concentrate to the paint little by little, mixing the contents thoroughly. First, pour a small amount of paint into a small container and add a couple of drops of color - see what color you get. Get the tone you want, and then do the same in a larger bank if you like the result. To make sure the color is compatible with the overall decor of the room, try to paint - apply paint in an inconspicuous corner and wait for it to dry. If the result suits you - for the case.

Mistake #5: Choosing the wrong tool

Using the right brush or roller is just as important as choosing the right paint. And it's not a matter of taste. In order to evenly paint over the wall, you need to purchase a couple of rollers and a brush. First you will “roll up” the surface, and with a brush you will paint corners and hard-to-reach places.

What to do: for the first coat of paint, it is better to choose a roller with a long pile - 1-1.5 cm. It will pick up more paint, which will make it faster and easier to get a uniform color. For re-painting, a roller with a short pile - 6–7 mm is more suitable: it will help you use the paint more economically and definitely will not leave “streaks”. Bet on the brush with natural bristles- it will not leave villi on the surface.

Mistake number 6: applying paint "in different directions"

If you apply paint vertically, then horizontally, and then completely, as you like, in the hope that when it dries, the wall will have decent view You are making a serious mistake. All strokes can show up, especially if you use a brush.

What to do: choose one painting option - vertical or horizontal - the paint will lie evenly, and the coloring will not look ridiculous due to chaotic strokes. When painting in several layers, you can alternate methods, for example, paint the first layer vertically, the second horizontally.

Mistake number 7: applying paint in one layer

When applying paint in one layer, the coloring may turn out to be uneven, and if you want to change the color of the surface in a drastic way, you definitely won’t be able to finish the job quickly. Even if you change from a light shade to a darker one, the first color will show through.

What to do: For an intense shade, apply two, and preferably three layers. The first will allow you to distribute the paint over the surface; the second and third - it is better to shade it, even out the color and fill in small irregularities.

Mistake number 8: staining on wet paint

Of course, I want to finish painting faster and enjoy the result. Therefore, we often do not think about the consequences of painting on a “raw” wall. As a result, the wet layer begins to come off, stick to the brush or roller. Oil paint, in turn, can go bubbles - all work will have to be started again. True, after waiting for the paint to dry, and sanding the places with defects.

What to do: be patient. While the paint dries, do something else. Pay attention to the instructions on the can, which indicate how long the paint takes to dry completely. If it's a single base emulsion, it won't be long before you can get back to work.

Mistake #9: Not enough paint

This can become a serious problem. Firstly, because during a trip to the store, the already applied layer may dry out (after drying, the joint between fresh and already applied paint will be noticeable). Secondly, it is difficult to find desired shade if you added color to the paint yourself.

What to do: the easiest option is to take more. AT last resort an unopened jar can be returned to the store or left "just in case" - touch up places where the paint will peel off over time. On paint cans they always write what area the volume is designed for - pay attention to the numbers. Keep in mind that if you paint the surface in two layers, the area will double.

Mistake #10: Wrong Timing for Painting

Applying paint in bright sunlight can cause the compound to dry too quickly - before you even distribute it evenly. Also, the paint may start to foam or peel off. And if you paint by the light of an electric light bulb, all the errors will be barely distinguishable.

What to do: the best option for painting the surface is during the daytime, without direct sunlight falling through the window. It is better to paint the south side in the morning or in the evening, when the sun does not shine so brightly.

When the question arises of painting any element or detail, then stories of unsuccessful painting over old paint, as well as the fact that before the next painting, the old paintwork must be removed. Let's try to figure out whether this is so and how, as well as in what sequence it will be performed removing old paint.

To calculate paint consumption, you can use the paint consumption calculator.

You can of course take the easy way and paint the surface without pre-cleaning, and perhaps you will find this optimal, fast and correct in this moment time solution, but it's not! It should be said right away that painting over the old paint will bring a short-term effect and after a while the new paintwork will begin to swell, peel off and most likely disappear. Below we will talk more about painting over old paint because it still exists. In order to avoid such unpleasant consequences, you must do the following:

  • Remove all layers of old paint;
  • Degrease the surface;
  • Treat with a primer.

Only after following this sequence can you start applying a new paintwork.

There are the following options for removing old paint:

  • Paint annealing;
  • Sandblast;
  • Chemical wash old paint (from special formulations)

The best way to clean metal surfaces from paint today is a special liquid.

Tools that come in handy for removing old paint and painting the surface.

  • The paint remover itself or a special chemical composition for this;
  • Protective gloves;
  • Respirator to protect the respiratory tract;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Putty knife.

When choosing chemicals for removing old paint must choose quality formulations, such materials are certainly not cheap, but the result from their use will be an order of magnitude higher than from the use of cheaper analogues.

Protective gloves must be worn before surface treatment. In addition, it is necessary to protect the upper Airways from harmful fumes and toxic toxins that are released when liquid interacts with old paint.

It is important to remember that after applying a layer special liquid on the old paint, necessary certain time for the peeling process to begin. The time that must be endured is often indicated in the instructions.

After the exposure is completed, you can safely proceed to removing old paint. To do this, you can use a spatula, prying off the exfoliated layers of old paint with it and removing it from the surface. It should be noted that if the old paint has several layers, then re-treatment of the surface will be required.

For better cleansing surface, after processing and removing the old paintwork, it is recommended to clean it also with sandpaper(it is necessary to remove the smallest particles of old paint and level the surface).

Last cleaning of old paint performed with a solvent (White spirit).

Next, we will consider painting the walls with old paint and talk about the stages of such painting. Before starting to paint the walls with old paint, it is necessary, as in the case of metal, to treat the surface to be painted well, remove the old layer of paint, rust, mold,

If you do decide to apply a layer of paint over the old coating, then there is a possibility of incompatibility of paint materials, discoloration, and upon drying, bubbles, cracks, paint may peel off or peel off.

It is possible to remove it without it, only in cases where the compositions of the paints do not differ, but it should be noted that the original color may not differ significantly as a result. In order not to make a mistake with the colors, you can conduct a small test before painting: a small section of the wall you will need new paint let dry for 30-40 minutes. If the result suits you, then you can safely start painting on the old paint.

Old paintwork, rust, small bumps, you can remove with metal brushes or special scrapers. Large defects on concrete, stone, brick walls are removed with grinding stones, such as pumice, and wooden ones - with planers, chisels. If mold is present on the wall, then such an area must be treated with a bactericidal solution against mold. After applying such a solution, after 12 hours fungal infections easily removed with a spatula or stiff brush.

For residential areas, the most suitable option are water-dispersion paints, or water-based.

Conclusion A: Basic requirement before painting the walls with old paint- these are carefully protected, leveled, dried surfaces, only after all these procedures, you can start applying the paintwork.

There are many ways to apply paint to walls and ceilings: brushes, rollers, sprayers, foam tools. The final result, as well as the life of the paintwork, will depend on the chosen method of painting. Painting with a roller is the most popular and inexpensive method, since it is convenient to apply paint with it and distribute it over the surface. But for such hard-to-reach places as wall corners, skirting edges, etc. it is more convenient to use a brush. For large surfaces, a spray gun is more convenient, faster and more uniform, and the surface to be painted will look better than when applied with a roller or brush.

Many people wonder how to repaint furniture that was originally dark in white. Of course, you can, it is not difficult to do even at home. The most important thing is how to prepare the piece of furniture that we will be repainting.

First you need to prepare the tools and materials with which we will clean the old coating and apply a new one. You need to choose where the work process will take place, since this is not only the smell of paint, but also its drying. A piece of furniture will be completely ready for use a day after repainting.

You also need to take care of security measures. It's not only protective glasses and gloves, you also need a respirator or a gauze bandage on your face. It will be needed both from the smells of paint and chemicals, and from dust when removing the old coating and cleaning the surface.

Again, you need to decide where you can repaint the furniture. The room should be well ventilated and there should be no small insects in it, which, sticking to a freshly painted surface, will let all the work down the drain.

What tools and materials will be needed

To clean a piece of furniture from the old coating and paint it, we need:

  • Detergent diluted in warm water - for cleaning and degreasing the surface.
  • Soft brush - sweep away dust after sanding.
  • Primer - for leveling the surface of the product.
  • Putty - for sealing deep cracks, scratches and chips.
  • A set of screwdrivers - disassemble a piece of furniture.
  • Rubber spatula - for priming and puttying.
  • Building hair dryer or chemical special means- to remove old varnish.
  • Acrylic paint in cans or cans.
  • A tray for paint, if it is in a can.
  • Lacquer matt or glossy - to protect and shine the painted surface.
  • Roller - for painting wide surfaces.
  • Brushes - for coloring small parts and corners.
  • Masking tape or film - to protect non-paintable surfaces (mirrors, glass).

Advice! Choose a primer with a shade that matches the color of the paint. When choosing brushes, make sure that the bristles do not crumble.

What paint to choose

It is better to use paint for furniture and on water based(cm. ). These include acrylic compounds, they are non-toxic and breathable, giving the wood the ability to "breathe". This is very important factor This will help protect the product from mold and mildew. Besides, acrylic paints practically odorless, and we will not have to put the household members out of the house while repainting the furniture.

Also good are alkyd paints made on the basis of an organic solvent. Their price is the same as that of acrylic. They are particularly suitable for damp areas such as bathrooms.

Oil paints and nitro paints are suitable if you have a separate room for painting furniture, as they take longer to dry than acrylics and have a rather strong smell.

When choosing a paint, you should immediately pick up the primer under it. Manufacturers produce paint and primer for their paint, so their adhesion will be much more effective.

Arriving at the store, we see what a variety of white paint is presented. What shade to repaint the furniture in white?

Professionals advise taking probes and, attaching them to furniture, observe for several days. For example, lighting is very important when choosing a shade. Natural light changes throughout the day, and in the evening we turn on the light bulbs and the hue changes.

Various tint colors look differently. Matte paints create a soft look by absorbing light. Glossy paints reflect light, which makes whites very bright.

Also white colors can be:

  • warm- semitones of red, orange or yellow are added to white.
  • cold- white color with the addition of green or blue undertones.

Interesting! If there is a purple undertone in the white color, then over time the color will begin to appear pink. White paint with yellow undertones has been in fashion for many years and is now considered old-fashioned.

Choosing shades white color, you need to take into account both the lighting and the overall picture of the entire interior of the room.

Getting Started

Below is step-by-step instruction how to repaint furniture with your own hands:

  • First you need to properly wash the piece of furniture with detergent diluted in water. We are waiting for complete drying and disassemble the product for spare parts (drawers, doors and handles).
  • We clean all planes with sandpaper with a fine-grained surface. This will help erase the old paint and even out small irregularities in the product.
  • Apply a layer of primer to level the entire surface of the furniture, wait for drying. If there are deep scratches or chips on the surface, we close them with putty. On top, apply another layer of primer.
  • We clean everything from dust and dirt with a soft dry brush, you can also use a vacuum cleaner. It is not recommended to wipe the dust with a damp cloth, as the dirt will clog into the pores and cracks of the surface.
  • We cover the places that we will not paint with masking tape or film. You also need to protect the floor and nearby objects, especially if you use spray paint.
  • On a completely dried product, apply the first coat of paint and wait for it to dry completely. Only then can the next layer be applied. Two or three layers are enough for a piece of furniture to acquire a new white color.
  • When all layers of paint are completely dry, you can apply a layer of varnish. Depending on what you want to see can be used like glossy varnish, and matte. It will protect furniture from wear and tear and give a special charm.

Old lacquered furniture

Yes, just like repainting polished furniture and any other. The only catch is the old cracked varnish or polish. E

It can be removed in several ways:

  • The mechanical method is the cheapest and most affordable, but also the longest and most laborious. Old polishing or varnishing is removed with sandpaper or scrapers. After choosing it, do not forget to wear safety glasses so that dust and small pieces do not get into your eyes.
  • The chemical method is quite expensive, it's special chemical substances applied to the old surface and then washed off with water. They come in the form of powder, gel, foam and so on. When removing old varnish in this way, you need to protect the skin and mucous membranes.
  • The thermal method removes the old coating with a building hair dryer. Heating the plane with one hand, scrape off the polish or varnish with the other. With this method, you need to be careful with temperatures so that ignition does not occur.

Important! The thermal method of cleaning the surface of old varnish is not suitable for all types of coatings. Heating may not remove the top layer, but simply char the surface.

In the video in this article you can see how to remove the old coating.


Having tried, to the question whether it is possible to repaint the furniture in a different color, we can safely answer - of course, you can.

Constancy in the image is a rarity for real fashionistas. Fashion trends, the desire to refresh the look, give it mystery or brightness pushes girls to experiment with hair color. Highlighting is the ideal solution in this case. But what to do when the coloring does not look the way we would like, or views on appearance want to experiment further? Is it possible and how to paint over highlighting to return to natural color, turn into a brunette or a blonde?

In what cases is it necessary to paint over highlighting

Highlighting is great option quickly and with minimal harm to curls to give the appearance of brightness and freshness. This is an ideal alternative to coloring hair in one tone, which every beauty can resort to.

The procedure for highlighting individual strands with color has been popular with mankind since its inception. The method of changing the image is unanimously supported by hairdressing professionals, stylists and colorists.

Despite such a high popularity and support for highlighting, sooner or later the question arises of how to paint over highlighted hair. There may be several reasons for this:

  • poorly selected colors, colored strands focus on the flaws in appearance, spoil it;
  • highlighting went wrong due to the lack of professionalism of the performer, this is often characteristic of amateurs home coloring;
  • there was a desire to change the image, to make it more or less bright;
  • changing fashion trends;
  • dyed curls of the industry and require correction, which is not possible to do.

In these cases, experts suggest evenly coloring hair highlights in light brown color, in blond or in more dark shades. This process is not the easiest for the performer and can injure curls weakened by previous chemical exposure.

Attention! Unsuccessful or irrelevant highlighting can be painted over, but the slightest mistake in re-staining threatens with brittleness, dryness of the hair, the appearance of split ends and a faded appearance.

How to even out hair color

The easiest and most predictable option is to switch from highlighting to a natural tone. In this case, you do not risk making a mistake with the chosen shade, nature has taken care of this.

There are several nuances in the procedure:

  • for brunettes with white strands on their hair, experts do not recommend using black dyes, start with dark chestnut, cherry, chocolate or dark blond. Otherwise, greenery may appear in color;
  • owners of black hair do not have to use synthetic dyes, refer to natural dyes (for example, henna, basma);
  • blondes paint over unsuccessful coloring only paints will help.

Let's take a closer look, how to return your hair color after highlighting with paint:

  1. Take care of the quick recovery of curls after lightening. To do this, regularly use nourishing masks and balms filled with vitamins and minerals.
  2. Get paint in two tones: the first is as close to natural as possible; the second is 1-2 levels darker. Important! Choose paint from one manufacturer.
  3. Highlight the highlighted strands, wrap them in foil strips. Then color the rest of your hair with your native shade. After 20-25 minutes, according to the requirements of the paint company, wash off coloring composition from hair. Dry the curls.
  4. The next step is painting the previously highlighted curls, in other words, highlight only using a darker tone. Act carefully so that the dye does not get on curls dyed in natural color.
  5. The exposure time of paint on highlighted strands depends on their structure and condition. This will take about half an hour, but to be sure, check the result periodically. Upon reaching desired effect, taking into account the exposure of the composition recommended by the manufacturer on curls, wash off the paint from the hair. Dry your hair.

If the shades of paint were chosen correctly, and the painting was carried out without errors, there are two options for the outcome of the procedure:

  • the color turned out to be even, without traces of past experiments, as it was intended;
  • achieve one hundred percent even shade it didn’t work out, the previously clarified strands became less noticeable. They may differ slightly from neighboring strands (be a little darker or lighter).

Please note It is not so easy to even out hair color after highlighting without professional skills and abilities. If you want to achieve an amazing result, contact the colorists.

How and what to lighten

Features of the procedure

An excellent way to smooth out contrasting light strands with a natural tone is blond coloring. There are several options for how to become a blonde after highlighting. Their choice depends on natural tone hair.

It is easy for girls with blond hair to turn into a blonde. You need to buy paint light shades. Color experts recommend choosing a color intermediate between streaked and unstreaked strands. Then you are guaranteed to get an even color.

If your goal is to lighten dark hair, the process will be more complicated and lengthy. Turning from a brunette to a blonde in one color will be impossible and threatens with severe hair damage, so lighten in several stages. In each case, use paint a few levels lighter than the original tone.

Important! To lighten dark hair quickly and as carefully as possible, use the help of a professional. Performing blonding yourself, you run the risk of permanently worsening the condition of your hair.

How to lighten highlighted curls

For home lighting previously highlighted hair, only high-quality, proven paints are used. From the variety of dyes, professionals recommend stopping at the products of such brands:

Garnier (Garnier). This French brand offers fashionistas of all ages cream paints of the highest quality with a rich palette of shades. The composition of Garnier paints includes vitamin complexes, natural oils and innovative components that allow you to achieve rich and lasting color.

Garnier Color Naturals and Color Sensation are guaranteed to provide luxurious, saturated shade. Also, a well-known brand offers the most gentle coloring. oil paints from the Olia series. More than half of the composition of the product is natural, healthy oils, which will take maximum care of the health of your hair during lightening.

L'oreal (Loreal). Cream paints from L'Oreal guarantee careful and high-quality coloring. This is a godsend for lovers of cold blonde. The Recital Preference and Excellence Creme series will help you achieve the desired effect with minimal harm to highlighted strands.

The brand's products are distinguished by a wealth of innovative components, the highest quality, durability and a variety of palettes. Many girls appreciated these and other advantages of Loreal cream paints and use only them.

Estel (Estel). Products of this brand are used for salon and home coloring. Cream paints provide an even and rich shade, have a gentle effect and please with an affordable price. The only disadvantage of this choice is that you cannot buy paint from Estelle in an ordinary supermarket, you need to order it in online stores, from company representatives, or ask a familiar hairdresser about it.

Mark Estelle pleases with wealth color palette. In addition, paints can be mixed with each other, achieving even greater perfection in color.

Lightening technique

The procedure for lightening curls resembles painting in one tone. For this you need:

  1. Carefully study the instructions for the drug, conduct an allergy test.
  2. Prepare a coloring composition by mixing an oxidizing agent and a dye.
  3. Apply the product to the entire hair.
  4. To withstand the paint on the hair for a while, specified by the manufacturer in the instructions for the product.
  5. Rinse the dye thoroughly, first with warm water, then with shampoo.
  6. Use balm or nourishing mask. Dry and style your hair.

How and with what to paint in light brown color

The process of coloring highlighted curls in a light brown color resembles lightening. Special attention in this case is given to the choice of shade. You need to focus on your own color type.

Here are some tips when choosing a shade of paint:

  • fair-skinned beauties are better off using light blond shades;
  • dark-skinned girls will suit honey and golden tones;
  • for those who naturally have dark hair, experts recommend turning to ashy shades. In addition, now this color is considered fashionable.

In some cases, to obtain an even and desired color, you will have to resort to a wash and only then paint in the selected tone.

Attention! Wait 2-3 weeks between pre-washing and dyeing in light brown color. During this time, the hair will recover, get stronger and will be ready for further chemical exposure.

For dyeing in light brown color, you can use paints famous brands Garnier, L'oreal, "Palette" or "Estelle". These manufacturers are in high demand, characterized by high quality and a rich selection of shades.

To obtain the desired color, you can use tint shampoos. But keep in mind that it is difficult to guarantee a decent result. In addition, such agents do not have high durability.

How and with what to paint in a dark color

Color the highlighted curls in more dark tones will be less problematic. The process of turning into a brunette can be done with paint or natural dye(basmas). Let's consider both options.

With paint

The process of painting hair after highlighting in dark colors involves the following steps:

  1. Mix the paint of the selected tone with the oxidizing agent in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer of the product.
  2. Treat the regrown roots first. Allow the dye to set for about 20 minutes.
  3. In the next step, apply the coloring composition to the remaining length of the hair. Wait another 10 minutes.
  4. Wash off the paint with warm water. Wash your hair with shampoo.
  5. At the end of the procedure, apply a balm or mask. Dry and style.

Be prepared that light highlighted strands can stand out from the main tone. To do this, repeat the staining process after a few weeks.

Important point! To avoid the appearance of a green tint in the color, do not use light brown tones. To solve this problem, professionals add purple mixton to the coloring composition.

We use basma and henna

You can darken unsuccessful highlighting at home using natural dyes. For these purposes, take a combination of basma with henna. Do not use only basma, otherwise you risk getting green hair instead of a nice chocolate or dark color.

By varying the proportions of henna and basma, you can achieve different shades: Light chestnut to jet black. The more the coloring composition contains basma, the darker the color of the hair will be and the longer it will take to keep the product on the hair.

Before applying the product to the entire head of hair, perform a trial staining on a separate strand. Plus, if necessary, you can change the proportions of the composition.

How long does dyeing with natural dyes last:

  • basma can be used to strengthen the structure of the hair shaft. To do this, limit the time of its exposure to curls to 5 minutes;
  • to obtain an unsaturated dark tone, keep the product on the hair within 0.5–1 hour;
  • for those who want to get saturated color staining time is increased to 3 hours.

Proportions for cooking natural paint Depending on what shade you want to get, the following are recommended:

  • to become a light brown-haired, dissolve basma and henna in equal parts in a small amount of water, and the exposure time should not exceed 1 hour;
  • for getting chestnut shade take basma 2 times more henna. Keep this composition on your hair for 60-90 minutes;
  • for those who want to get a bronze tint, you need a double portion of henna and one portion of basma. Coloring time - no more than 90 minutes;
  • for painting in a rich chocolate tone, as in the photo below, you will need the same amount of dyes, plus 4 tsp. natural ground coffee. Exposure time - up to 2.5 hours. Dissolve coloring powders with white wine, not water;
  • for those who want to get a pitch black color, you will have to work hard and complete the coloring in two stages. At the first stage, paint the curls with pure henna, and at the second - only with basma;
  • one more no less effective option painting in a rich black tone is a composition of 1 part henna, 2 parts basma and 4 tsp. freshly squeezed beet juice. Keep this mixture for about 3 hours.

Important point! If, after painting with basma, the shade turned out to be too dark, do not be discouraged. You can lighten your hair a little by rinsing vinegar water or lemon juice.

Caring for dyed curls correctly

Repainting in one tone after highlighting is not an easy undertaking, plus stress for weakened strands. In order to somewhat mitigate the damage caused by painting, to restore shine and a healthy glow, competent care will be required:

  • use a special line of products for colored curls;
  • be sure to make nourishing and regenerating masks 1-2 times a week;
  • do every 2-3 days oil treatments. For this a little burdock oil rub into the scalp and distribute along the length of the curls, do not rinse for 1 hour;
  • Apply conditioner to your hair after every wash. Alternatively, rinse with decoctions of chamomile or nettle flowers;
  • give up the hair dryer in favor of natural drying of the hair;
  • do not use an iron and curling iron for styling, a great alternative to them is wooden, foam rubber or plastic curlers;
  • even when unsuccessful painting refrain from updating the image for at least 1 month;
  • eat well, pay attention fresh vegetables, fruits. Start taking vitamin supplements, vitamin complexes.

Any bad highlighting can be corrected, but it is important to wish it right. If you are not sure about own forces contact the professionals. And finally, remember that hair is weakened by chemical components and requires quality care. Please follow the suggested guidelines for quick recovery health and elasticity of strands!

Useful videos

Correction of unsuccessful highlighting and toning.

Toning in a cold light brown color.

Not always, after highlighting, girls get exactly the color they wanted. Sometimes the hair becomes too bright, and sometimes it becomes too pale. It's too late to blame someone anyway, the problem needs to be fixed somehow. Still, the highlighting itself is washed off over time, discolored, or the hair grows back, then you need to either tint it, or it's time to change your image again.

In this article, you will learn how to change highlighting, which color will be most beneficial for various initial conditions, consider photo examples and master classes on this topic.

Before deciding whether it is possible to paint over highlighting, some time must pass. It is necessary to wait at least a few weeks for the hair and scalp to recover after chemical intervention. Rush to paint over yesterday's highlighting - bad option, you can simply damage your hair to such an extent that it will fall out before your eyes.

The next very important factor is your starting hair color. A lot depends on this. If you have highlighted your hair with a color that is not far from your original color, then in most cases, after a couple of months, the highlighting is washed off by itself or becomes almost invisible. Another thing is highlighting in custom color or far from your original. Here it is already worth getting down to business thoroughly. Before proceeding with the analysis possible methods, I propose to consider some photos of girls who managed to successfully return their hair color.

How to paint over highlights and what to use?

When enough time has passed and your hair is ready for the next operation, you need to decide on some theses.

1) Firstly, what kind of highlighting did you do? Deep (regular, American) or gentle (California, Venetian). If the first option, then you need to take a highly concentrated paint, and if the second, then you should not lean too much on the new color;

2) Secondly, how far is the highlight color from the one you want to repaint? It is known that what color to paint over depends not only on your whim, but also on common sense. For example, paint light highlighting on the dark hair need in chocolate color or brown-haired, dark blond is also possible. In general, the color for painting should be close to your natural one, so as not to greatly harm the structure of the hair.

3) Thirdly, you need to decide exactly what you are going to paint over. If you are strong and strong hair, then both “natural” preparations and paint will do. So, for elastic and strong dark hair, dyeing with henna or basma is welcome, for light and weak hair of any color - it is better only with paint. Also, if the highlighting was not deep, then a tint balm can help you.

Now it is worthwhile to clearly define that initially dark hair is repainted only in dark color. Natural blond - in blond or shades slightly lighter or darker. Initially quite blonde hair- in blond various shades, the most preferred - milky blond.

What paint to choose?

Of course, before you run to buy the right ingredients, you need to decide what paint to paint over the highlights. The first paint from the store will no longer fit here. You need to correlate your choice with the type of hair. We do not recommend taking ammonia dye if possible and deciding how concentrated the mixture is for you - it depends on how much you want to dye your hair.

most best paint paint is rightfully considered for any hair color, it can be freely purchased both in the store and on the Internet. With its help, you will be able to thoroughly recolor your hair in dark, light brown, blond, there are also many different shades. The resulting color will look soft and deep, as after toning the hair.

But it is still worth remembering, as it was written above, when repainting in a dark color, it is advisable to use henna, basma and other similar preparations.

Painting procedure at home

When all the necessary ingredients are purchased, it's time to start the procedure itself. At home, in fact, it is not so difficult to carry it out, you just need to master at least the basic skills that are achieved if you have already experimented on your hair on your own. However, it is never too late to gain this experience. And hairdressers and other amateur girls will help you with this.
