Summary of extracurricular activity "ecological path". Synopsis of a sightseeing educational-ecological excursion in the middle group “Autumn journey along an ecological trail

MunicipalautonomouspreschooleducationalinstitutionChildren'sgarden 36 "Cornflowers"urbandistrictscityOctober


Lesson notes on the ecological trail.

T ema "Journey to Autumn"

Goals. Observe the trees in late autumn; learn to recognize

trees by external signs; expand children's knowledge about bird life

in winter; cultivate children's compassion and empathy towards" our little brothers."


Feeders from waste material; bird food, treats for children.

Moveclasses Travel to the country of Autumn.

Q. We are now leaving for wonderful country, a mysterious country full of secrets.Watch late autumn.

But there are no trains to this country,

And planes don't fly there

What should we call this country?

A country just a stone's throw away!

V. And here is a simple secret. Look, notice everything and don’t miss anything. Well,let's hit the road. We are going to the country along the path where someone’s feet walked (we are goingalong the path). But be careful. The paths need to be changed. Listen to the words andfollow the verses.

Little feet walk along the path

A big feet are walking along the road.

Little legs jump and jump along the path,

And big legs run along the road.

Q. Are our legs obedient?


Q. Where are we going?

D. Watch autumn, look for signs of autumn.

Q. Yes, each season has its own signs. Let's check now, you know

Are you a sign of autumn? Let's play a game.

Game "Yes or no" (give the correct answer)

    Do flowers bloom in autumn?

    Do mushrooms grow in autumn?

    Are the clouds covering the sun?

    The prickly wind is coming?

    Are the fogs floating in autumn?

    Well, do birds build nests?

    Do the bugs fly?

    Do animals close their holes?

    Is everyone getting the harvest?
    Yu. Are flocks of birds flying away?

11 . Does it rain often?12. Do we get boots?

13. Is the sun shining very hot?14.Can children sunbathe?

15.Well, what should you do?16.Should we wear jackets and hats?

Q. You know the signs of autumn, which means you can move on.Guess the riddle.


Without caring about the weather

He walks around in a white sundress,

And in one of warm days

May gives her earrings.

D. Birch.

B. That's right, birch.

- Guys, how did you know that it was a birch tree?

D. Cora white with black strokes, flexible, soft, thin,hanging branches.

Q. What color are the leaves of a birch tree in summer?

D. Green.

Q. Correct, what about in the fall?

D. Yellow, gold.

Q. What shape are the leaves of a birch tree? (I'm giving away, look)D. Triangular, small, edges with teeth.

V. Well done!

V. Oh, guys, a magical wind blew (throwing leaves over the children).V. We all, we all turned into leaves.Dance of the leaves.

Oak leaves, maple leaves

They turn yellow and fall quietly.

The wind grabs you and throws you into a heap,

The leaves are spinning quietly.

So makes you fly and spin,

This is how he plays and has fun.

The leaves are dancing their round dance,

They will return again only after a year.

The rain has appeared

The round dance landed on the ground.V. Now we’ve turned into kids again.V. Well, let's move on.

Task "Direct counting to 5 and more."

And so that you don’t get bored along the way, here’s a task for you: who cancount to 10, we need to count how many rowan trees we come acrossway, and whoever still doesn’t know how to count to ten, you need to count how many birdsrowan trees are sitting on the trees.

Meeting with Little Red Riding Hood

( Little Red Riding Hood appears)

Q. What are you doing here, Little Red Riding Hood?

A conversation about wintering birds.

K.Sh. I came to help the birds. The cold will come soon, and in winter the birds

hungry and cold. And it is very difficult for them to find food in winter. Therefore the birds

they move from the forest closer to human habitation.

How can we help birds in winter?

Q. Guys, let's tell Little Red Riding Hood how we can help


D. Make feeders and feed them.

Q. Guys, what kind of food can you feed birds in winter?

D. Crumbs of white bread, seeds, various cereals.

Q. Where can I put the food?

D. To the feeders!

K.Sh. What kind of feeders are there? I don't even know.

V. Look, K. Shapochka, and you guys look! We are with the older children

groups made these feeders from waste material! From

plastic bottles, from boxes of juice, kefir, yogurt.

Display of feeders made from waste material

K.Sh. Guys, let's hang up some feeders, I was just about to

feed the birds.

K.Sh. puts food in the feeders and hangs the feeders together with the children.

B. Birds can be fed with pumpkin, watermelon, and melon seeds. Mix everything

these feeds, and the birds themselves will choose their favorite seeds from the mixture. Birds are allowed

also feed with white bread crumbs. Crumbs of black bread are harmful to

birds. Birds readily eat cottage cheese and creamy margarine.

K.Sh. Guys, is this your site?


K.Sh. Do you know what birds fly to your site in winter?

D. Sparrows, tits, bullfinches, crows, magpies.

"Take care of birds" promotions

Q. Guys, take care of the birds! Birds are our friends and tireless helpers in

pest control.

Even folk wisdom reads:

    Feed the birds in winter - they will pay in summer!

    More birds - fewer pests - higher yield!

Surprise moment

K.Sh. Guys, when I was walking through the forest, I picked up these cones! (nuts). And II want to treat you! (hands out nuts or cones)

K.Sh. Now guys, I have to go. Goodbye!

V. Guys, let's say goodbye to Red Hat.

D. Goodbye, Little Red Riding Hood!

Summary of the lesson.

Q. Guys, today we learned how to take care of birds. Winter is ahead, and the birds will be waiting for our help. Shall we feed the birds?!



Q. Guys, here’s another task for you: when you come to the group, once again

remember our walk, draw pictures, come up with small

stories for those who were not on the walk.

V. Thank you guys, thank you dear guests, that’s our lesson

it's over!

Lesson summary “Travel along an ecological trail”

Position: teacher
Place of work: MDOU No. 102G Rybinsk

Program content. Strengthen children's ability to recognize and name trees on the ecological path of the kindergarten. Systematize knowledge about some of the structural features of wood. Continue to form the foundations of ecological culture through communication with nature (trees) on an ecological path. To consolidate and generalize children's knowledge about the weather site, its purpose, to consolidate knowledge about calm and windy weather, wind strength, to teach children to determine the direction of the wind from surrounding objects, to develop memory, imagination, observation, logical thinking, broaden the horizons of children, educate children ecological culture, love to native nature, the ability to see the beauty of nature. Strengthening children's ideas about garden flowers.

1 Guys, today we will go on an excursion along the ecological trail.

We came to a sign where it says ecological trail. Guys, an ecological trail is a place where we observe nature and learn to take care of it. Look, here is the second sign with the inscription: Corner of the Forest. Tell me, what trees are on the path? (larches, linden, birch, rowan, spruce).

Well done, you recognized all the trees correctly.

How are these trees similar and how are they different? (The trees are similar in structure, but the difference lies in the shape of the leaves and the ability to shed them in the fall.)

“We have trees on our site like in the forest,

You can lean against them

You can sit under them.

IN quiet time they rustle the leaves,

They protect our preschool children’s peace.”

-Guys, try to guess the riddle about the tree?

“Green in the spring, sunbathed in the summer,

I wore red corals in the fall.”

That's right kids, let's find a mountain ash on our path.

Here she is. Rowan can live up to 200 years, its crown is openwork, which is why they call it “openwork rowan.”

Who loves rowan berries? (birds)

Russian beauty

Standing in a clearing

In a green blouse

In a white sundress.


Let's approach her.

Guys, you need to say hello to the birch tree. How can you say hello to a birch tree? (Say: “Hello birch tree,” stroke, hug)

Let's hug her.

How can we recognize a birch tree at any time of the year? (In the whole world there is no tree with a white trunk, except birch. For this, it is popularly called white-trunked)

Look, what kind of birch? (Big: tall, thick)

Now let's play a game.

Didactic game "C whose branch are the children"

Target: Activate in speech words denoting the names of trees, practice word formation (relative adjectives). Develop fine motor skills.

Progress of the game:

1. Identify a tree by its leaf, name it (Birch, oak, maple)

2. Name the birch leaf - birch leaf;

Sheet maple-maple;

Oak leaf – oak;

3. The guys collect and carry leaves to the trees.

2. Children with a teacher walk along the path to the next sign.

What is written on the sign? (Weather station)

Guys, please tell me what the weather site is for? (to watch the weather)

Who knows who meteorologists are? (these are the people who make the weather forecast)

The grass bends.

The leaves rustle all day.

And the trees themselves

They move the branches.

Our colored kite

Became more agile, more fun

He flies and jumps

What does all of this mean?

Adults and children know:

This means it’s windy today!

Look up. In front of you is a wind measuring device. Do you know what it's called? (Vane)

The arrow shows the direction of the wind, and the letters will help determine which direction the wind is.

Let's determine which wind is blowing. (Children determine.)

What is the name of the next device? What is it made of and what is it called? (From a plastic transparent bottle. Precipitation gauge)

What is the following device for? (to find out how much rain fell)

What would you call it? (Rain gauge)

Physical education moment

The wind is blowing in our faces.
(wave hands at face)
The tree swayed.
(sway from side to side)
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.
(sit down, wave your arms up and down)
The tree is getting higher and higher.
(reach up)

"Alpine hill-flower garden."


In the center of the flowerbed, near Natasha,

Flowers bloomed - daisies.

They show off all day long

They admire the dresses.

Look at our beautiful flowerbed.

What flowers do you see on it?

(children answer: marigolds, begonia, fragrant tobacco, etc.)

Discussion on the structure of a flower.

Guys, what parts do flowers consist of?

(Stem, leaf, flower, root)

Why do we need the root?

(to stay in the ground,

to drink water and nutrients).

What is the stem for?

(the stem holds the plant;

It contains leaves, flowers and fruits, the stem conducts water and nutrients to the leaves, flowers and fruits).

What is the flower for?

(To rejoice, admire it, attract insects, fruits are formed from them)

(The teacher offers to water the flowerbed)

4 . We watch the feeders.

The teacher offers to guess the riddle

The hut is new,
Dining room for everyone
Calls for lunch
Taste the crumbs.

That's right guys, this is a feeding trough.

- Why do birds need a feeder?

(Especially in winter, it is difficult for birds to find food for themselves, so people help the birds by hanging feeders for them in different places, in parks, forests, in courtyards, in kindergartens, just outside the windows of houses and they pour bird food into these feeders. Birds fly to the feeders and feed.) -Guys, feeders are often called bird canteens.

What do you think can be fed to birds? (children's answers)

That’s right, you can sprinkle bread crumbs, seeds, rowan berries and viburnum berries, and for tits you can also put lard in the feeder, they love it very much.

Outdoor game: “Sparrows, starlings, tits”

The teacher takes turns calling the birds, and the children perform actions intended for a specific bird: Starling - we wave our arms, a sparrow - we jump, crows - we spin. Each time the pace of the game increases.

Guys, our excursion along the ecological trail has ended.. What did you like best and why?

What do you remember most?

Program content:; expand your understanding of maple seeds and their distribution; exercise the ability to find positive and negative properties of objects; develop cognitive activity and interest in trees, environmental thinking; bring up careful attitude to the plant world.

Material: magic wand, chest, jar of water, bean and maple seeds, eco-ball (ball with stickers - rules of behavior in nature).

Educator (V.). Guys, today we are going to visit our friend. But who you will find out when you solve the riddle:

Horny bitches,

Winged fruits

Leaf palm,

With a long leg.

Children. Maple

IN. Are you familiar with this tree? What is our friend's name? So, we go to visit Fluffy.

Children line up in pairs and walk towards the maple tree.

IN. Visiting a friend, going for a walk

I invite you to go.

More interesting adventures

We guys can't find it.

Stand next to each other

Hold your hands tightly

Along the paths, along the paths

We'll go visit.

At Fluffy's home

We'll have some fun.

The children and the teacher approach the tree.

IN. And here is our Fluffy. Let's say hello to him. How can we say hello to our friend without words?

Children's answers.

IN. Guys, teachers from other groups also came to the maple tree with us, but they don’t know anything about our friend. Let us tell them about it. To begin with, I suggest you game« Magic wand».

Children pass the “magic” wand to each other, talking about what they know about maple.

IN. What benefits do you think maple brings to people?

(Maple provides shade in hot weather; furniture is made from maple, musical instruments(violins, guitars), skis and rulers, etc.)

IN. Oh guys, what is this? (shows maple seeds) It was probably Carlson’s propeller that broke.

Children. No. These are snub noses.

IN. Right. But they are also called lionfish. These are maple seeds.


Lionfish fly like letters

On paths and playgrounds.

And the postman doesn't know

Who writes them... (maple).

IN. Where do we find lionfish on our walks? How do they get into the flowerbed or garden? Why does the wind carry lionfish? There are seeds in the nests of lionfish (the teacher shows them and the children look at them). If you plant them, new young trees will quickly grow from them. Birds also love them very much. And now I propose to imagine yourself as lionfish, show how the seeds swirl around and fall to the ground.

Motor pause to music« We are lionfish»

IN. Look, guys, I found some interesting seed (bean). How is it different from lionfish? Let's see if it can fly.

Experience« What seeds fly and why?» (toss the bean and lionfish at the same time)

IN. Which fell to the ground faster? Why? And if a bean had the same wing as a maple, could it fly?

Experience« Comparison by weight» (bean and maple seeds are placed in a jar of water)

IN. What happens to the seeds? Why did the bean seed fall to the bottom, but not the maple?

IN. Guys, winged seeds fly because they have wings and are light.

IN. Oh, our Fluffy is feeling sad. Let's play a game and make a friend laugh.

Outdoor game« One two Threerun to the named tree!»

IN. Well, our Fluffy became cheerful and even waved twigs at us. But it's time for us to say goodbye. And finally, I suggest you play a game with such an interesting ball. It's called "eko-ball".

IN. Roll our eco-ball

A long, long time in hand.

Who has the ball left?

He will tell us now.

Children pass the eco-ball to each other to the music, who has the eco-ball on last word ends up in his hands, he answers the question asked by the teacher about the maple tree.

Did you like the game? Guys, what can we give our Fluffy as a souvenir?

Child. Poem.

IN. Fine. Tell me please.


Roofs and bushes get wet,

The yard and street are empty.

Rain since morning

Drizzling absentmindedly...

The maple tree lost all its leaves

And he stands there confused.

IN. Well done! And I propose to give Fluffy ribbons different color. We will tie them on maple branches and they will remind him of his colorful leaves.

The children and the teacher tie ribbons, say goodbye and leave.

Ecology lesson in senior group kindergarten. During the lesson we continue to teach children to observe seasonal changes in nature (see, describe), watching birds. We cultivate love and respect for nature, the desire and ability to help it. We develop skills for behavior in nature.




Class "Ecological trail"

Program content.


Methodical implementation.




Children. Poplars, birches.

Educator. How did you recognize the birch?



I love Russian birch,

Sometimes bright, sometimes sad

In a white sundress

With handkerchiefs in pockets.


Children. Poplars.


What shape is the branch?

Children. Direct.


What trunk?




Children. Thick.

“Don’t destroy a lot of forests,



Educator There’s not enough forest – plant it.”

. What do you see under the tree?


Children. Cones.

Educator. Children. Squirrel.

What does a squirrel eat?



Children. Nuts.





Educator. Children. In the forest, in the park.

Children. What birds live in the forest?


Starlings, rooks, owls.


Educator. The game "Skvorushki" is played.

Let's repeat them.

Flower in the meadow

On the run.

Tore off,

What for -

I can't explain.

In glass

He stood there for a day

And withered

And how much would he

  1. I stood in the meadow.
  2. Don't knock over the mushrooms.

Don't light a fire.

If you came to the forest for a walk

Breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play

Just don't forget,

What you shouldn’t make noise in the forest:

Even sing very loudly,

The little animals will be scared

They will run away from the forest edge,

Don't break oak branches,

Never forget,

Cleaning up trash from the grass

There is no need to pick flowers in vain.


Children. Butterflies.

Children. Mushrooms.




What mushrooms?

Children. Fly agarics.

Children. Children. Fox.






Class "Ecological trail"

Program content.What is she like?

Equipment. Red-haired, fluffy, cunning. The journey ends.(trees, birds, butterflies). Recording. Wild animal toys (squirrel, hare, fox). Hemp, nuts. Birdhouse for playing, birdhouse hats.

Methodical implementation.

The teacher invites the children to go to spring forest, see what has changed there with the arrival of spring.

Educator. Let's go to the forest. Not for mushrooms or berries, but for miracles! After all, in the forest it is enough to take a few steps - and one miracle after another will see you. Children take the train to Lesnaya station. At Lesnaya station, passengers get off and gather around the teacher.

Educator. The forest is big house, it has many inhabitants (trees, herbs, flowers, birds and animals). You need to walk carefully in the forest so as not to crush the small inhabitants. Listen carefully and peer to discover what is beautiful and interesting.

Educator. Look, children, what a beautiful clearing. How much is growing here? different trees. Who can name what trees grow here?

Children. Poplars, birches.

Educator. How did you recognize the birch?

Children. The trunk is white, the leaves are small, sharp, with teeth, thin branches.

Educator . Listen to the poem "Birch".

I love Russian birch,

Sometimes bright, sometimes sad

In a white sundress

With handkerchiefs in pockets.

Draw the children's attention to how brightly the birch tree trunks stand out.

Educator. What kind of trees are these? Tall, spreading.

Children. Poplars.

What a strong trunk, lush branches.

Educator. Such a tree provides a lot of oxygen, the air next to it is cleaner and fresher. In the forest, trees purify the air, therefore it is necessary that there be more of them.

What shape is the branch?

Children. Direct.


What trunk?

Educator. What can you say about the kidneys?

Children. Poplar buds are fragrant and fragrant.

Educator. Under the poplars, the whole ground is strewn with bud caps; they crunch underfoot and stick to the soles.

Remind children that they need to take care of every bush, every tree.

Children. Thick.

“Don’t destroy a lot of forests,

Educator. Guess the riddle “Winter and summer in the same color.” That's right, it's a Christmas tree. Which tree is decorated once a year?

Children. Christmas tree. Its needles do not lose their color even in winter.

Educator There’s not enough forest – plant it.”

. What do you see under the tree?

Educator. Who can you see in the trees in the forest?

Children. Cones.

Educator. Children. Squirrel.

What does a squirrel eat?

Children sit down on stumps to relax and look at the forest.

Educator. Birds in spring are not easy to see, but their cheerful chirping and singing can be clearly heard. (The recording “Voices of Birds” sounds).

Educator. How beautifully the birds sing. We hear their voices recorded on the record. Where can you hear the voices of birds in nature?

Children. Nuts.

Educator. You can listen to birdsong in the territory of our kindergarten. What birds did we see here?

Children. Sparrows, swallows, rooks, pigeons.

Educator. How do you and I take care of birds?

Children. In winter, they poured food into the feeder: seeds, bread crumbs, grains.

Educator. Children. In the forest, in the park.

Children. What birds live in the forest?

Educator. In order for birds to sing, adults and children protect green spaces and hang birdhouses.

Starlings, rooks, owls.

Educator. And here is our “Green Patrol”. (Children from the preparatory group enter).

Children of the preparatory group.Guys! Have you broken anything in the forest? Do you know the rules of behavior in the forest?

Educator. The game "Skvorushki" is played.

1. Don’t pick flowers in the forest or meadow.

Reading of V. Viktorov’s poem “Flower” (read by a child in the middle group).

Let's repeat them.

Flower in the meadow

On the run.

Tore off,

What for -

I can't explain.

In glass

He stood there for a day

And withered

And how much would he

  1. Do not break or cut branches of trees and bushes.
  2. Do not catch butterflies, bumblebees and other insects.
  3. I stood in the meadow.
  4. Don't knock over the mushrooms.

Reading the poem “Forest Rules.”

Don't light a fire.

If you came to the forest for a walk

Breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play

Just don't forget,

What you shouldn’t make noise in the forest:

Even sing very loudly,

The little animals will be scared

They will run away from the forest edge,

Don't break oak branches,

Never forget,

Cleaning up trash from the grass

Teacher, addressing the “Green Patrol”:

- Guys! We will take care of nature so that in our kindergarten It was always beautiful, flowers blooming, birds singing.

The children go out to the edge of the forest. The teacher says:

“In the forest there are tall trees, they provide shade and coolness, but here in the meadow it’s completely different: the sun is shining brightly, many flowers and herbs are growing. Let's breathe in the beautiful meadow air. Look, someone is flying over the flowers. Who is this?

There is no need to pick flowers in vain.

Educator. Bright, beautiful spots on the wings of a butterfly, similar to eyes, help it scare away enemies. What is this beautiful clearing?

Children. Butterflies.

Children. Mushrooms.


Educator. That’s right, these are inedible mushrooms, but they are beautiful, attractive, you can’t pick them, and you can’t touch them either.

The teacher invites the children to hide behind the bushes.

Educator. Something red flashed in the distance, who is sneaking around carefully?

What mushrooms?

Children. Fly agarics.

Children. Children. Fox.


Educator. Oh, guys, what's the surprise here? (basket with nuts). A gift for a squirrel.

Educator. When you go into the forest for miracles, you will never return home empty. That's how many interesting things we saw in the forest.

Ecological trail "Nature is our green friend" for the middle group.

PROGRESS of the lesson:

The teacher conducts an introductory conversation. Briefly talks about what it is "ecological trail" , what children will learn about by walking along it.

Educator: Guys, now you will walk along an unusual path. Our kindergarten teachers laid it out for you. Walking along it, you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about the nature of our region: trees, shrubs, herbs, birds and insects. You will learn what nature gives to man and how man should take care of nature and protect all living things.

There's not much to see here
Here you need to take a closer look,
So that with clear love
My heart was full. (N. Rylenkov)

(Children are shown a plan of the trail, all stops on the route are marked)

1 stop: "Nature is our mutual friend"

Educator: Guys, our path is unusual. She has an owner. Look carefully, there is an old man sitting on a stump. This is the owner of the trail, the Old Forest Man. He has prepared various tasks for you.

Old Forest Man: Guys, answer the 1st question: What is Nature?

(children answer the question)

2nd question: Remember the rules of behavior in nature.

(called rules of conduct)

Educator: Well done, guys! You said correctly that nature is

our house. Nature is what surrounds us: forest, sky, river, trees, bushes...

Nature gives man everything necessary for his life - food, shelter, clothing.

For these priceless gifts, we also give nature our love and protection.

But every person should be able to behave correctly in nature, remember the rules of behavior, so as not to harm nature. And you all named these rules, and now I am sure that you will not harm any insects, trees, birds, or animals.

2nd stop: “Everyone is so different, but everyone is so necessary”

Educator: Guys, in nature all plants, animals and even people are interconnected. If there is no one, there will be no life for the other (example: animals-plants). A person also uses plants for his life - they give him food, shelter, enrich the air with oxygen, shelter him from the heat in the summer, and save him from the cold in the winter. But man also tries to use nature’s gifts correctly: he protects forests and parks, and restores plant resources.

Various plants grow next to our kindergarten. Look and name a familiar tree or shrub.

(The teacher supplements the children’s answers: Lilac, maple, acacia, poplar, rowan)

Educator: And for such a huge tree or bush to grow, you only need one such small seed (shows different types seeds).

The seeds are also food for birds, especially in the cold season.

For normal height Plants need light, warmth, and water. And the birds that live in the park also help the plants in the forest.

Old Forest Man: Guys, do you know how birds help plants? (children's answers)

Educator: Birds are the main helpers of the forest. They destroy harmful insects and other pests, saving trees, shrubs, and grasses from death. Writer B. Zakhoder wrote a poem "About everyone in the world" , listen:

Everything, everything, everything in the world,
The world needs it!
And midges
No less needed than elephants.

Can't get by
Without ridiculous monsters
And even without predators
Evil and ferocious!

We need everything in the world
We need everything -
Who makes honey
Who makes the poison?

Bad things
A cat without a mouse,
A mouse without a cat
No better business.

3rd stop: “What a big tree!”

Educator: Look, guys, what a tree! How can you tell me more about him?

say? (huge, large, spreading, living, green...). This tree has been growing on our site for many years, which is why it is so huge. After all, every year it is gaining strength. This means the tree is alive and healthy. But a tree, like a person, can also get sick. The cause of the disease can be small insects - aphids, bark beetles, and voracious caterpillars. If there is a drought in the summer, there is not enough water, if the roots are exposed and dry... The tree itself cannot cope with such diseases, so the trees need to be helped and protected: diseased, withered branches are cut down, the trunks are painted in the spring, and birds are fed.

(Together with Lesovichok they look at the tree, walk around in a circle)

Educator: What birds fly to our tree? I'll tell you riddles, and you can guess them.

The fidget is motley,
Long-tailed bird
Talkative bird
The most chatty one. (magpie)

Naughty boy
Gray Armenian
Snooping around the yards
Collects crumbs. (sparrow)

Black, agile,
Screams "krak" ,
The enemy of all caterpillars. (rook)

Grayish in color,
Thieving in habit,
Hoarse screamer,
A famous person is... (crow)

Everything is spinning, fussing,
She can't sit still,
This is a lively... (tit)

Old forest man: Now listen to how the birds sing on our

4 stop: « Multi-colored paints summer"

Educator: Children, what benefits do you think flowers bring in nature? (bees collect nectar, people admire flowers...). Look at our flowerbed. How bright beautiful flowers grow here. Name plants you know. (phlox, daisies, marigolds, marigolds, dahlias) The flowers you see in the flowerbed were planted by our teachers. They look after them:

water, loosen the soil, remove weeds. Therefore, in our flowerbed you can see and admire different flowers.

Elegant dresses,
Yellow brooches,
There's not a speck
On beautiful clothes.

So funny
These daisies -
They're about to start playing
Like children playing tag.

How beautiful all the flowers are!
Do you agree with me?
All nature is a marvelous color
Bloomed. Thank you, summer!

Old forest man: Guys, where else can you find flowers in nature? (in the forest, in the field, in the meadow, even in the mountains)

Educator: That's right. flowers can be found in nature almost everywhere.

They differ from the flowers that people planted in that they are not as bright and do not attract much attention. But without flowers, life around would be uninteresting and boring.

Old Forest Man: Now you yourself will water our flowerbed and then the flowers will delight us for a long time. (water with pre-prepared watering cans) 5 stop: "Apple orchard" (place for rest and analytical conversation along the trail)

Educator: Our unusual path has ended! We are in an apple orchard! How many trees there are here! What are all these trees called? (apple trees) An apple tree is a fruit tree. In spring, apple trees bloom with delicate white or pink flowers, and at the end of summer, juicy, sweet and healthy apples appear on them. How many of you love apples? Apples contain a lot of vitamins and other useful substances, so both children and adults need to eat apples more often.

Listen to a poem about an apple tree.

In winter he sleeps tiredly
Under a blanket of snow.
White in spring,
How the girl is dressed.

And with the onset of summer
Gives gifts to children.
Its fruits are juicy, tasty,
They eat until winter.

One barrel is green,
Raised under the sun.
The other barrel is on fire
And a ray of sun plays in it. (S. Suvorova)

Educator: In nature, all plants, animals, insects, birds and even humans are interconnected. What else do animals need?

niyam, people for life? (air, sun, water, soil) In order for our land to make us happy, so that plants, animals, and birds do not disappear or become extinct, you and I need to take care of, love and protect nature. Writer B. Zakhoder wrote this poem:

* Yes! If we are not very friendly with someone
We still really need each other.
And if anyone seems superfluous to us,
This, of course, seems like a mistake...

Everything, everything, everything in the world,
The world needs
And everyone must remember this!

Old Forest Man: I want to play swami goodbye. How do you think

Is it hard to be a tree? Want to try? Now I'll turn you into trees (does magic sign hand). Your skin has turned to bark and hands in branches. Raise your branch arms and rustle your leafy fingers.

Spread your legs wider - your roots grow, they hold you in the ground, give you water and food. What wonderful trees have grown in my garden! It's a pity to disenchant you. But it's time to become little people again (disenchant).

Old Forest Man: Our journey has ended. Did you like it? And now my surprise! Who knows what trees sweets and bagels grow on? There are such trees in my garden, and such magical fruits have recently grown on them. Find such trees. I'll go and rest. Goodbye!

Municipal budget educational institution general developmental kindergarten No. 11 "Baby"

Ecological trail "Nature is our green friend"

(middle group)

Educator: Grebeneva E.L. MBDOU d/s No. 11 "Baby" Lukhovitsy

Ecological trail passport:

The ecological trail is one of modern forms raising and educating children - work in an environmentally significant space, on an educational route passing through various natural objects. By getting to know nature and the features of the natural landscape, children and adults broaden their horizons and practice orienteering. The ecological trail makes it possible to see the object at different periods of time.

All this helps to consolidate and enrich speech material, correct sound pronunciation skills are practiced, and mental processes. In communication with nature, children's curiosity develops, their horizons expand, interest in work manifests, and a sense of beauty awakens. Great importance to instill in children a love for their native land.

When organizing work on an ecological trail, you can use various shapes: excursions, classes-experiments, classes-observations, environmental games, quiz competitions, holidays. An ecological trail is a means of moral, aesthetic, and labor education.


  • Expand your understanding of plants.
  • Develop cognitive interest.
  • - Determine the stages of growth of garden, forest and field crops and the role of humans in their cultivation.
  • To give an idea that plants are living beings, and very fragile ones at that.
  • To develop a cognitive interest in the world of plants.

Planned results.

  • Expanding your horizons.
  • Formation of a positive attitude towards nature, research and work activities.
  • Feeling of satisfaction from joint activities children, parents and educators.
  • During collective activity interact productively, listen to each other and express their attitude to proposals in a socially acceptable form

Preliminary work:

  • Select methodological, popular science literature, and illustrative material on this topic
  • Information: children's fiction, Internet resources, bench material, interaction between participants in this project.
  • Logistics: video, audio, photographic equipment, computer, technical equipment.
