A true friend is known in trouble. Composition A friend is known in trouble (reasoning)

Friend is known in trouble- Russian proverb that the only true friend is the one who does not leave you in trouble.

This idea is indicated in several Russian proverbs in the book "" (section - ""): "You recognize a horse in rati, but a friend is in trouble", "You do not recognize a friend without trouble", "A friend is known in misfortune", "A friend is known in rati yes, in trouble."

There is a similar proverb in English: Friend in need is a friend indeed (a true friend is one who remains a friend in your trouble). This proverb is usually translated into Russian as "A friend in need is known".

A close proverb was known in ancient Rome: Amicus certus in re incerta (lat.) - A true friend is known in a wrong deed.

The expression is found in the tragedy "Hecuba" by the Roman poet Ennius Quintus (239-169 BC). Later, these words will be quoted in his treatise "On Friendship" by the famous Roman orator, writer and statesman Mark Tullius Cicero (106-43 BC) (Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. Serov V.V., 2003).


Y. Laptev

"Path open": "" A friend in need is a friend indeed!"- these words are correct, but unfortunately, not all people interpret them correctly. Many, for example, do not understand that a true friend, no matter how much he sympathizes with you, will not prevaricate and indulge your weaknesses (i.e. treat them with respect).

A. Stepanov

"The Zvonarev Family": "I always knew that the most true friends are recognized in trouble. A simple person himself knows how much a pound is dashing (he knows what trouble is), and he will not let anyone else down.

"The Word of the Living and the Dead" (1972): "In different translations in different years, we had S. Maugham's story "A Friend in Need". The name is "Friend in need" - half of the proverb (in Russian - a friend in need is a friend indeed). But almost the fifth translation in a row is entitled in a serious literary organ: “Dear friend”. And the meaning is distorted - and why disturb the shadow of Maupassant? Why should a modest short story compete with a well-known novel?

"Handwritten notes of the Empress" - Catherine about Peter III - "To this he answered me that only true friends are known in need that in this attire he is ready to act according to his duty, that the duty of a Holstein officer is to defend the ducal house by oath against all his enemies, and since I am not well, he hastened to my aid. "

Friendship is an important part of everyone's life. The meaning of the word "friend" in one dictionary is explained as follows: "the same, equal, different me." A friend is not just a person with whom you are interested. The meaning of this concept is much deeper and wider. True friends understand without words. They can think out loud, talk like they are with their reflection in a mirror. Strong friendship is based on love, sincerity, trust. Poems, songs are written about this beautiful facet of human relations, films are made. In one work, friendship is described as follows:

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Not in joy with a magnificent feast,

And in a long separation, in captivity,

In a life-threatening environment.

How exactly these lines convey the meaning of true, faithful and devoted friendship. After all, when everything is good, there is health, money, stability, and there is respect from everyone. Everyone loves you, appreciates you, wants to be closer. And when misfortune happens, comes the test of whether this is true friendship. Even in small things you can see who truly loves and appreciates you. Who needs you just because you are in this world. Friendship has nothing to do with betrayal, deceit, selfishness and a sense of gain.

What is a true friend?

“Friends are known in trouble” - how to understand and see the meaning of this expression in practice? A friend in trouble will never leave, no matter what happens. Even if the whole world is against you, a loved one will be there, no matter what misfortune you meet on your way. A true friend loves at all times - both in favorable and in difficult times. Of course, situations between life and death are rare when one saves the other. Or even risks himself, his life for the sake of a dear person. But everyday little things, in which friendship is also tested, happen all the time. It is in such trifles that friends are known. Everything starts small, because he is faithful in small things - he is faithful in many things. And a friend who does not fail even in something insignificant will be there in serious troubles.

Friends in deeds, not in words

For example, the following situation may arise: the temperature has risen sharply, and there is no necessary medicine at home. It is in such trifles that a friend is known. He does not need to be asked, persuaded. Having learned that you feel bad, he himself will offer his help, ask what is needed. It will only be a pleasure for him to help. A friend is known in trouble - and, perhaps, even to the detriment of himself, because for him the interests of another are higher than his own. The concept of friendship is around the clock, at any time of the day, the shoulder of a friend is nearby. Friendship knows no boundaries and distances, it is not a hindrance to it.

In separation, friendship only grows stronger, and a friend is truly known. Throughout life, someone goes into the past, new people appear. Sometimes friendships just end and they go their separate ways. But there are those who remain in your heart and life forever. They become not just friends, but family people. And there is nothing better than friendship that has stood the test of time. With such a person, both in fire and in water, he will not leave such a person in trouble. Nothing is scary with him, he feels confident, as in himself. It is time that a friend is known, passing through certain situations.

Friendship is a very strong feeling that requires a lot of effort and gives a lot of joy in return. This concept is two-sided. Everyone wants good friends, but it is also important to be such a person yourself. Friendship helps to discover all the best qualities, it gets rid of selfishness, teaches you to live for others. Great happiness is to give, to sympathize, to be supportive. The ability to make friends makes you kinder, cleaner, better.

A friend is known not only in misfortune, but also in joy. The ability to rejoice in the success of others is equally important. A real comrade will always be sincerely happy about achievements, victories, ups and downs. Friends are not rivals, but employees. They do not envy each other, but, on the contrary, help in achieving goals.

A friend in need will always lend a helping hand. You can cry and laugh with it. Better one, but real, than ten "fake". And this is one of the best gifts of life.

The fox and the hedgehog were once great friends. Day or night they were not separated.

Somehow the fox wanted grapes. She began to call a hedgehog with her. Yes, the hedgehog was afraid of the owner. And the fox should persuade him.

- "While I'm with you," says the fox, "there is nothing for you to be afraid of the owner. After all, I know three hundred tricks how to get away from trouble. How much are you?" Yes, only three, but true ones, - the hedgehog answers her.

They went. The hedgehog carefully made his way, because he knew only three tricks and was afraid to fall into a trap. He reached the first vine and began to pluck it.

And the fox, who knew three hundred tricks, without understanding the road, ran from one vine to another: she kept choosing the most ripe grapes. And suddenly - click! Fell into a trap.

Oh, oh, brother hedgehog, save me! the fox cried. The hedgehog tried to free her, but he could not.

In the meantime, the owner of the vineyard appeared not far away. The fox began to ask the hedgehog to reveal to her one of his tricks - she says that she forgot everything with fear.

The hedgehog taught her: “When the owner comes up, you pretend to be meek and tame. Be gentle with him until the trap opens. And then - you yourself know - run as fast as you can!

And the owner is getting closer and closer. He saw that a fox had fallen into a trap, and was very happy. He decided that a good collar would come out of it for his old woman.

But the fox began to curl up around him, howl plaintively and lick his hand.

The owner believed the fox and opened the trap. And she only needed that - she set off to run as fast as she could.

She climbed to the top of the hill and began to tease the owner. - "Wait for it! the owner called out to her. - Hit me again!

And imagine, after a few days, again the fox calls the hedgehog to the vineyard. “Or have you already forgotten the sharp nails of the trap? - the hedgehog was surprised. “What should I be afraid of? I have all my three hundred tricks left.

And everything happened just like the first time. The fox fell into the trap again and began to ask the hedgehog to reveal to her one more of his tricks.

The hedgehog took pity on the fox and advised her: “When the owner appears, you pretend to be dead. He will take you to the edge of the vineyard to take you home in the evening. As soon as he moves away from you, you run!

And so it happened. As soon as the fox saw that the owner was coming, he immediately stretched out his paws, closed his eyes, lies - does not breathe.

The owner believed that the fox was dead, and carried it to the edge of the vineyard. And he went on to inspect his vineyard.

The fox, without hesitation, jumped up - and run. She climbed up the hill and began to tease the owner. The owner left with nothing.

“Where is the collar? met his wife. “Running through the woods,” the old man answers her. - The fox outwitted me again.

The old man told her everything, and his wife advised him next time not to leave the fox on the edge of the vineyard, but to immediately carry it home.

Then I'll take a walk in a fox collar - the old woman dreamed.

How much, how little time has passed, and the fox and the hedgehog again went to the vineyard. And again the fox fell into the trap. The hedgehog had to reveal his latest trick to her.

The fox pretended to be dead, but this time the owner did not believe her. He threw it over his shoulder and went to the village.

The owner returned home, put the fox on the porch, and he went to sharpen the knife and at the same time call his wife: “Come out, woman, look at what collar I brought you!

And that's all the fox needed. She rushed to run through the garden - and straight into the forest. Just saw her!

The hostess came out onto the porch - and the Thai was empty. She shouted at her husband: “Why are you deceiving me? There is no collar here!

What are you talking nonsense! the owner did not believe. When he realized that the fox had tricked him for the third time, he became more angry than before and decided to teach her a lesson.

He immediately went to the vineyard and dug a deep ditch. “If the fox comes again for grapes, let him try to jump over! he thought.

But the fox became more cautious and prudent. When they gathered again with the hedgehog in the vineyard, she let the hedgehog go forward, and she herself followed him.

They arrived at the vineyard. Then the fox saw a deep ditch and said to the hedgehog: “Come on, brother hedgehog, jump over - you are the first!

The hedgehog obeyed the fox, ran up to jump over the ditch, but his legs turned out to be short. He did not jump and fell right into the ditch.

At that moment, the owner of the vineyard appeared on the road. The poor hedgehog rushed about, trying to get out of the moat. But nothing works for him.

Then the hedgehog began to ask the fox to reveal to him one of her three hundred tricks. And the fox makes fun of him: “You were stupid that you revealed all your tricks to me!

The hedgehog realized that the fox did not want to help him, and said: “I see that my end is near. Come to me, fox-sister, so that I can kiss you goodbye.

The fox leaned towards the hedgehog, and he - hop! - and grabbed the fox right in the ear. Holds on tight, doesn't let go. And the owner is getting closer.

The fox started to run, and the hedgehog sits on her back, holding tightly by the ear.

They got to the forest, the hedgehog said to the fox: “Friends are known in trouble, Kuma-fox. From now on, you are no longer my friend, and I will not make friends with people like you.

Since the hedgehog and the fox meet in the forest, they always scatter in different directions.

There are a lot of proverbs in Russian that reflect the realities of life. They were invented many years ago, and are relevant today. People who know and understand proverbs can successfully navigate in any situation, because they are instructive.


Friendship arises between two people and can last as long as you like. But true friends are known in trouble. After all, a person who is actually just an acquaintance can seem like a friend.

But we can conclude that not every acquaintance is a friend. A true and faithful friend will never leave you in trouble. He must know that friends are known in trouble and will come to the rescue in difficult times. Even if it is winter, summer, night, day, they should still help. It is absolutely easy to introduce yourself as a friend if everything is fine, your friend has no problems, has a lot of money, a lot of benefits and is ready to share them. Such pseudo-friends will not be able to be with a person for a long time and will give up at the first opportunity.

Because they do not want to sacrifice themselves for the sake of someone who is not at all dear to him. True friends spend a lot of time together, they take part in all the victories and defeats together. And no matter what the result of their work may be, they will always remain friends.

Famous proverb about friendship

Surely many people know that a friend is known in trouble. The proverb of the Russian people has been talking about this since ancient times. And indeed it is. Many do not understand what kind of relationship between two people, and it is in difficult times that it becomes clear. The meaning of the proverb "A friend in need is known" lies in itself. When one of the friends is in trouble, the second must help him. It often happens that these are serious problems, and people do not want to get involved in them. But a true friend will never think like that, because he knows that his comrade needs help, and no one else will help him. Sometimes you have to do something that you yourself do not like, but it will help a friend. So, in those relationships that can be called friendship, such actions are performed without problems. And mutual assistance of any kind is inherent in friendship.

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends

Of course, another proverb that speaks of friendship is relevant in our time. Its meaning is very simple.

After all, sooner or later the money will run out, and nothing can be done with it, and friends will remain forever and will always help in difficult times. Friends are known in trouble, but also in joy. You can always share happy moments with a friend. This is good for the general population. After all, it is possible to build peace on the whole planet on friendship. There will be no war, there will be no enmity, but there will be spring in the soul of the entire population for the rest of their lives. And this will bring grace, and everyone will live well. It is also always good to have many friends, as they also have acquaintances and friends, and through them you can make new acquaintances. After all, friends are known in trouble, which means that at a time when a person who has many friends gets into trouble, he will quickly be able to get out of it if each friend takes a little part in this.

A pledge of good and long friendship

In order for friendship to be long and real, you never need to demand something from a friend, but on the contrary, give everything that he needs. Then there will be no resentment. No need to substitute friends and do bad things to them. After all, sooner or later they will realize this and will also begin to betray. And you can always lean on a true friend and trust him with anything. Therefore, to maintain friendly relations, it is necessary to be kind and honest, responsible and devoted. And if all this is carried out, then such friendship will be forever strong and real. And when friendship reigns on the whole planet, life will become much better and calmer.

MOU "Zavyalovskaya secondary school No. 1"

Zavyalovsky district of the Altai Territory

"Friend is known in trouble"

Conversation - improvisation

Developed and conducted

primary school teacher

Andryushchenko Natalya Vladimirovna

Conversation - improvisation

Topic: "Friend is known in trouble"


1. Expanding children's knowledge about friendship.

2. Development of the ability to argue your point of view, to reason.

3. Formation of the moral qualities of students: the ability to make friends, cherish friendship, communicate in a team.

4. Education of goodwill, respect for each other.

The course of the conversation

  1. Introductory part.

“Friendship is the main miracle always.
One hundred discoveries for all of us concealing.
And any trouble is not a problem.
If there are real friends nearby”

- Read the topic of the conversation.

What we will talk about? /About friendship./

Guys, raise your hand, which one of you has real friends?

I see many such children.

2.- Tell us about your real, faithful friend.

How are you friends?

What is true friendship?

Who is a person entitled to call his friend?

How is friendship tested?

Yes, friendship warms the heart. It is necessary for adults and children in any life situation. And who knows where they teach to be friends and value friendship?

Strong, strong friendship
Treasure friendship since childhood
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

Where does friendship begin? How to sing in a children's song?
A river starts from a blue stream,
Well, friendship starts with a smile!

This is true, why? When a person smiles, he wins over, his mood rises, and you also want to smile in response. Smiling, we show sympathy, trust, and this is where friendships begin.

And under what conditions can friendship arise in the class?(games, communication, common affairs, joint games)

Guys, how do you feel when you meet a friend?(joy)

Who do we call a true friend?

A friend in trouble will not leave, he will not ask too much -
This is what it means to be a true friend!
- Guys, the topic of our conversation is the proverb: "A friend is known in trouble."

How do you understand it?

Guys, do you think a person should have many friends or is it enough to have one friend? (it doesn't matter, the main thing is to have a friend, and friendship was real)

On the bear I, friends 2 times
Came out without fear
Because I'm with a friend 2 times
A bear without a friend.
What is snow to me, what is heat to me,
What is pouring rain for me,
When my friends are with me.
- Would you like to have such a friend?
- What do you think is the most important thing in friendship?
(true friends may quarrel, but quickly make up; help each other; tell the truth; share everything equally)

- Are there any children in our class who are in a quarrel?

I am very glad that our class is a friendly team.

Let's imagine what miracles can happen in our school,

if all around make friends?

If everyone around makes friends -

The whole earth will smile!

What a reliable and capacious word FRIENDSHIP!

You can be friends with everyone and with just one person.

Quiz Who is friends with whom?

1. Green crocodile Gena and …………………….
2. Trusting Pinocchio and ……………………….
3. Funny Bear Winnie the Pooh and …………………
4. Once four musicians got together and became friends. Together they gave concerts, together they drove out the robbers, they lived together without grieving. Name these musician friends. (a donkey, dog, cat and rooster)

What qualities should a friend have?(modesty, adherence to principles, goodwill, perseverance, sociability, responsiveness, sincerity, readiness to help)

- Guys, unfortunately, in life there are people who have no friends. They are very lonely, from this they take offense at others and suffer themselves. But it all depends on the person himself. You just need to know and follow the Rules of Friendship.

Friendship rules.

1. Help a friend in need.

2. Know how to share joy with a friend.

3. Don't laugh at your friend's shortcomings.

4. Stop a friend if they do something bad.

5. Know how to accept help, advice, do not be offended by criticism.

6. Don't cheat on a friend.

7. Know how to admit your mistakes, make peace with a friend.

8. Don't betray your friend.

9. Treat your friend the way you would like to be treated.

10. Smile more often.
11. Do not give out other people's secrets.

4. Reflection. Summary of the conversation.

Children, you have spikelets on your desks, we will now make wheat bouquets out of them.
- When the wheat ripens, what color do the spikelets become?

And when it is not yet ripe, what are the ears of corn?

Think, have you already learned to be friends, are your spikelets ripe for true friendship?

If “yes”, then take a yellow spikelet, if someone has not yet matured, but is just learning to be a true friend, then take a green spikelet.

Now attach your spikelets to the board: yellow to yellow, green to green. Which sheaf is bigger?

Judging by your answers and statements, I hope you will be true friends.

5. Summary of the conversation.

What were we talking about today?

Would you like to tell your parents about today's conversation?


Thank you all for participating in the conversation.

I wish each of you to have a true true friend, to be able to cherish friendship.

Application No. 2 ( "Friend is known in trouble")

I want to tell you one miracle! When I was little and in elementary school, we were told a lot about friendship. Once I read the story of M.V. Vodopyanova “One for all and all for one”, which I still remember and want to tell you.

M.V. Vodopyanov “One for all and all for one”

“The outstanding mathematician Lev Semyonovich Pontryagin went blind when he was still an elementary school student. His eyes hurt, an unsuccessful operation was performed, and the boy forever plunged into hopeless darkness. The boy was dejected by the catastrophe that overtook him. One day Levin's comrades came home and firmly declared that they would help him with their whole class. And they helped. Every evening someone came to Lyova to teach lessons with him, to read textbooks and books aloud to him. A neighbor on the desk during the lessons in an undertone told him what is written on the blackboard, what experience the teacher shows. The comrades went with Leva to the skating rink, to the theater, to concerts, and to lectures. With the help of true friends, Lev Pontryagin graduated from high school with honors and entered Moscow University. And there are good comrades here. Students willingly helped the young man. Pontryagin turned out to be a talented mathematician, and at the age of 23 he became a professor and a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences.”

Here it is a miracle! Friendship saved a man, true friends! Just imagine, at the age of 23 a blind man became a scientist thanks to his friends. But everything could be different.

Application No. 1 ( Conversation - improvisation Topic:"Friend is known in trouble")

Discussion of problem situations: “What would I do?”.

1. Your friend hasn't done his homework and is asking for your notebook to write it down.

2. Your friend uses bad words and expressions.

3. Your friend gets bad grades in a quarter and you are not allowed to be friends with him.

4. Your friend does something bad and everyone will know about it, including you.

5. Your friend suggests that you do something bad.

There are many proverbs about friendship. I say the beginning of the proverb, and you continue:

  1. No friend - look for ... ... / but found - take care /.
  2. Do not have a hundred rubles ... ... / but have a hundred friends /.
  3. One for all and all for one/.
  4. A man without friends…… /what a tree without roots/.
  5. Friendship is like glass ...... /break it - you can’t put it together /.
  6. The enemy agrees, but ...... / friend argues /.

A good friend always comes on time.
- Do not brag about a friend for three days, but brag about three years.
- Look for a friend, and if you find it, take care of it.
- An old friend is better than two new ones.
- With a friend it's more fun with luck, it's easier in trouble.
- A friend in need is a friend indeed.
- In the enemy, the arrow is in the stump, and in the friend - what is in me.
- The enemy agrees, and the friend argues.
- Friendship is different friendship, but at least drop another,
- A person rich in friends is as wide as the steppe, and without friends - narrow as a palm.
- A friend's water is better than an enemy's honey.
- If there was a friend, there would be leisure.
- A bird is strong with its wings, but a man is strong with friendship.
-Not the friend who indulges, but the one who instructs the mind.
- A friend will teach, an enemy will teach a lesson.
- Friends have no secrets.
- There are many friends, but no friend.
A tree is supported by roots, but a person is supported by friends.
-Friends are direct brothers.
- A true friend is better than a hundred servants.
- With whom you will lead, from that you will type.

Application No. 3 ( Conversation - improvisation Topic:"Friend is known in trouble")

It is true that there are angels, but sometimes they do not have wings, and we call them friends.

Parable: “Rails are always near, but never meet. I would like to meet, but things do not allow: each rail carries half of the tram. And they do not disperse for the same reason: after all, if one leaves even for a minute, the other will have to carry a whole tram.
This is true friendship: to be next to a friend not for play, not for entertainment, but to take on half the tram so that the friend does not have to carry the whole tram.

Felix Krivin

Probably everyone would like to know
That friendship is a blessing.
When your friend is always with you
Protects your peace.
He will advise how to live,
Who and how not to forget.
He will always lend a shoulder
And it gets hot in the cold.
A friend will not forget, will not betray,
Support and give hope.
Friend is forever, forever
And it's not terrible at all.
Everyone would like to know her
After all, friendship is a blessing!

Friendship is a warm wind
Friendship is a bright world
Friendship sun at dawn
A fun feast for the soul.
Friendship is only happiness
People have only one friendship.
With friendship, bad weather is not terrible,
With friendship, life is full in spring.
A friend will share the pain and joy,
A friend will support and save.
With a friend, even an evil weakness
In an instant, it melts and leaves.
Believe, keep, appreciate friendship,
This is the highest ideal.
She will serve you.
After all, friendship is a precious gift!
