Crybaby shoe polish on the nose hot pancake. The funniest nicknames on the names of friends

Baby teasers are strongly associated with children's play folklore - nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, fables, tongue twisters. They reflect the negative aspects in the perception of children of the surrounding reality.
The life of children awakens in their souls and minds not only joyful, wildly cheerful, happy experiences. By different reasons and the occasions of the child are equally strong feelings grief, resentment, hostility, disgust, even hatred and anger.
long time ago folk wisdom gave vent to the negative emotions of the child in the word, in the sound and rhythmic combinations of words, in the movements accompanying them, jumps, grimaces - in teasers.
Certainly, harassment with the help of teasers of an adult or a small one, the habit of mimicking everyone and everything has always met with resistance ("Teasing - a dog's snout"). But the presence of teasers, their diversity and censorship is an indicator healthy relationships V children's team who knows how to fend for himself without the help of adults and fisticuffs.
Folk teaser its whole system is intended to put the offender in his place, to express his attitude to unpleasant deviations in graying, habits, appearance. Without teasing, the game of a child's life loses taste, justice.
The teaser teaches children the ability to notice the bad, unfair, ugly, it teaches them to hear words and select them according to consonance and meaning, it develops sensitivity to ridiculous situations in life and in verbal representation.

From children's folklore

Deceived a simpleton -
For four fists
On the crack and on the pillow,
For a green frog.

Crybaby, wax,
Burnt pancake.

The dog was walking across the bridge
Four paws, fifth tail.
If the bridge collapses
The dog will fall off.

roar cow,
Give milk!
What is the price?
- Three spots!

Fedorok with inches,
Head with a pot
peg hat,
Log legs.

Andrey Sparrow,
Don't chase the pigeons.
Pigeons are afraid
Do not sit on the roof.

straw leg,
Himself with a fingernail
Elbow head.

Boris barberry
Hanging on a rope.
How the rope breaks
So Boris will turn over.

Vanya, Vanya, simplicity!
Bought a horse without a tail!
Sat back to front
And went to the garden.

Vanya rides a bull
Balalaika in hand
The balalaika fell
The bull's leg was broken.

Vova, Vovka-karapuz
I ate my grandmother's watermelon.
Grandma is arguing
Vova unlocks!
- It's not me, grandma!
This is your cat.

It costs three pennies:
Neck - penny,
Altyn - head,
Two money leg -
That's the whole price for him.

copper forehead,
Himself with arshin,
Head with jug.

Vanka-vstanka karapuz,
Put on a big cap.
Loaf eat bread
Grow up to the sky!

Volodya-Volodey -
Full cap of crackers.
crackers hot,
Three pennies change.

head with basket,
peg hat,
Log feet.

donut tree,
Ate a candy bar
Piglet and bull
Drank a pint of milk
Another crate ate bread,
Three baskets of pies.

Our Pasha is thin,
Like a wild straw.
And he puts on shoes -
How the bubble inflates.

Nicholas Basurai,
Get on the barn
There they fight a mosquito,
They'll give you a paw.

Kolya, Kolya, Nikolay,
Stay at home, don't play.
Clean the potatoes
Eat a little.

Fedot is thin,
Head with pud,
crochet nose,
Tufted crest.

Dunya donut
Went out into the street
I sat down on a bump,
The mosquito ate.

Serezha looked back
Blowed up a bubble
And the bubble is in the woods,
Rides, rides on the fungus.

Fedya-copper offal,
Ate a cow and a bull
And fifteen piglets, -
Only tails hang.

Cossack, Cossack,
Tin buckles,
Lychany* garters.
Cossack, Cossack,
Bast eyes -
Cell pads.
* From bast.

The bosom of the crows is full.
Head - a penny,
straw neck,
crochet nose,
Hair in a tuft.
Myron bought a crow,
Paid three kopecks.

inside out caftan,
New cap with feather
Silver mittens.
He walks, minces,
The bell rings.

Thief thief
Stole an axe.
Climbed into the window
Fell into a bucket.

bird teasers

Raven, raven
Tail broken off
Tail broken off
The nose is bound.

Skok, magpie,
Skok, forty.
Blind from the eye
Curve from the side.

Thrush, thrush,
Simple, simple
forged nose,
Iron tail.

crooked sock,
crooked sock,
Side plucked.

Chile, Chile
Peck, peck -

From foreign folklore

Our tailors
Brave were:
"We are not afraid of animals,
No wolves, no bears!”
And how did you get out the gate
Yes, we saw a snail -
got scared
Run away!

Here they are
Brave tailors!

(how to tease a glutton)

Robin Bobin Barabek
Ate forty people.
Both cow and bull
And a crooked butcher
And the cart, and the arc,
And a broom, and a poker,
Ate the church, ate the house,
And a forge with a blacksmith,
And then he says:
"My stomach hurts!"

Tom, Tom, trumpeter's son,
Stole a pig and gave a chirp.

He stole a pig and was beaten for it.
And here he is in tears along the road running.

Well, Sonya is my son John.
He went to sleep in his pants.
He threw his slipper away,
And in the other he slept all night.

A teaser about people from Cape Cod
Cod people - all stupid,
Hair scratching cod ridge
And for skating instead of skating
A pair of cod take fins.

Literature and fantasy: Book. for educators children. kindergarten and parents. - M.: Enlightenment, 1992.

Name teasers: 70 children's teasers for girls and boys alphabetically. We come up with a teaser - a rhyme. How do teasers differ from other genres of folklore.

Name teasers

Teasers have long been found in the communication of children. Where did they come from, what types of teasers are there, what are teasers - undershirts and teasers - mockery, what are “anti-teasers” or answers - you will learn rhymes

It is very important to teach your child to take teasing with humor. After all, a teaser does not always reflect life and makes fun of any negative qualities character (cowardice, untidiness, pride and others). Very often a teaser is just a game of rhyming, it is a fictional world, it is a fiction that will never happen in real life.

Usually, children are not offended by a teaser, but also respond with a teaser - a more capacious and bright or anti-teaser - rhyme.

So that the child does not take offense at teasers, try to compose inoffensive teasers with rhymes with him. What can you rhyme with the word "Zina"? (Zina is a picture, Zina is rubber, Zina is a basket, Zina is from a store), Katya? (Katya is in a dress, Katyusha is a trinket, Katyusha is a talker, Katya is a hare). And the word Anton, Antoshka? (Antoshka - potato, Antoshka - leg), Sasha (ours, porridge, Pasha, Natasha), Andrey (sparrow, pigeons), Alenka (cardboard). You can also come up with new teasing words and for what reason they can be said - do word creation: for example, children school age came up with such language teasers: Agafya - Scandinavia (if the girl Agafya boasts to everyone that she was in Scandinavia on vacation), or Fedya - a bicycle (a teaser for a child who does not allow anyone to approach his bicycle - preschoolers came up with).

Discuss the teaser your child heard - what quality is she laughing at? What tease actually happens, and what is fiction. Teach responses to teasers (see previous article), discuss what happened when the response was used by your child.

With children over 6 years old, you can talk about the teaser genre and how a teaser differs from a regular poem. Read two texts about Seryozha and ask the child to determine whether it is a poem or a teaser?

The whole house is shaking.
Seryozha beats with a hammer.
Blushing with anger
Hammers nails.
The nails are bent
The nails are crumpling
The nails are wriggling
Above Serezha they
They just mock.
They don't crash into the wall.
It's good that the hands are intact!
No, it's a completely different matter -
Drive nails into the ground!
Here - and the hat is not to be seen.
Do not bend
Do not break
Take out back. (V. Berestov. Seryozha and nails)

Serezha looked back
Blowed up a bubble
And the bubble is in the woods,
Rides, rides on the fungus (folk teaser)

What is the difference between a teaser and a poem? ( question for children aged 6 and over). What can we say about Seryozha from the poem? What quality of the boy is being mocked in the teaser? What does it mean "bubble inflated"(gets angry, puffs out his cheeks, looks frowningly). When does it happen that a person inflates like a bubble? And it happened to you - when? Emphasize that the teaser describes something that never happens in life(Seryozha became a bubble and galloped into the forest), and in the poem - what really happens. At the same time, similar emotions of Seryozha are described.(he got angry and pouted, blushed with anger). The teaser is not offensive, it is funny, cheerful.

Teasers for girls' names (alphabetically)

Agashka - dirty shirt

Alka - washcloth

Alya is a slut

Anna - balana,
Pewter head.
crochet nose,
Drawer mouth

Annushka is a heart!
Boil the ear with pepper
And I'll come with bread.

Valya, Valya, simplicity,
Sour cabbage!
Ate a mouse without a tail
And she said: "Delicious!"

Valya is a fashionista! Gardener!

Like Vali's nose, the mice ate sausage.

Barbara turned up her nose.

Curious Varvara had her nose torn off at the market.

Dunya - donut
Went out into the street
I sat down on a bump,
The mosquito ate.

Zina is a basket. Zina is a bitch. Zinka - gum.

Rolled down the tangerine
named Irina.
Didn't teach lessons.
And I got two.

Katya - Katya - Katerina,
A picture has been drawn.
Not with ink, not with pen
From the pelvis with a broomstick!

Lenka - foam

Lyuda - dear crushed her leg.

Masha - curdled milk

Masha - the bride ate a pot of dough.

Milka is a piggy bank. Darling is a piggy bank.

Nadyushka is a pillow. Nadenka is a sweet porridge.

Nastya is sweet.

Olena is salty.

Our Pasha is thin,
Like a wild straw.
And he puts on shoes -
How the bubble inflates.

Sonya is sleepy. Sonya is fashion.

Tatyana - sour cream.

Emma - ate cream.

Boy name teasers (alphabetically)

Abrosim - we ask for porridge.

Alyosha - belyosha
It costs three pennies:
The neck is a penny,
Altyn - head,
Two money leg -
That's the whole price for him.

head with basket,
peg hat,
Log feet.

full of mice.

Andrew the sparrow
Don't chase the pigeons.
Pigeons are afraid
Do not sit on the roof.
Chase ticks
From under the sticks.

Antoshka - potato,
straw leg,
Himself with a fingernail
Elbow head.

Antoshka, Antoshka,
Unbaked potatoes!

Athos is a sleepyhead.

Boris - barberry
Hanging on a rope.
How the rope breaks
So Boris will turn over.

Borka — Boris
Hanging on a thread!
The thread is crackling
And Borechka squeaks!

Boriska - radish (sausage).

Borya is a bean! Thick forehead!

Vanka - stand up peanut,
Put on a big cap.
Loaf eat bread
Grow up to the sky!
Vanya rides a bull
Balalaika in hand
The balalaika fell
The bull's leg was broken.

Vanya, Vanya, simplicity!
Bought a horse without a tail!
Sat back to front
And went to the garden.

Vasya - Vasyuk,
Get on the bitch.
Vaska - Vasyonok,
skinny pig,
Tied into the grass (emphasis on the first syllable) -
Screaming: "Meow.
I won't get out!"
Venya - a broom,
Ate dumpling.
Volodya - Volodya -
Full cap of crackers.
crackers hot,
Three pennies change.

Vova, Vovka-karapuz
I ate my grandmother's watermelon.
Grandma is arguing
Vova unlocks!
- It's not me, grandma!
This is your cat.

Egorushka - Egor
Climbed over the fence
Caught on a nail
Hanging - shouting:
Get off the fence
Poor Yegor.

Egorushka - starling

Yeremey rode and rode,
On a cow on your own.
He held on tight to his tail.
Loudly sang a song
But didn't enjoy it for long.
Suddenly he broke off from the cow.

Leonid. Lenchik - donut,
Ate a candy bar
Piglet and bull
Drank a pint of milk
Another crate ate bread,
Three baskets of pies.

Michael. The bear is a bastard. Teddy bear - a bump on the head.

Nikita - red tape bought a horse without a hoof.

Nikolay - Basurai,
Get on the barn
There they fight a mosquito,
They'll give you a paw.

Kolya - Kolya - Nikolai. Sit under the bench and lay down.

Kolya, Kolya, Nikolay,
Stay at home, don't play.
Clean the potatoes
Eat a little.

Kolya-Kolya - with great will.

Serezha looked back
Blowed up a bubble
And the bubble is in the woods,
Rides, rides on the fungus.

Stepan is a torn caftan. Stepan is a glass. Stepka - tattered.

Petka is a bitter radish.

Prokop - dill,
copper forehead,
Himself with arshin,
Head with jug.

Romka - chamomile, a new shirt!

Sasha is a cockroach.

Senechka is a seed.

Simon is smart, but not strong.

Taras is sour kvass.

Timothy is a cat.

Fedot is thin,
Head with pud,
crochet nose,
Tufted crest.

Fedul - pouted his lips.

Fedya is copper tripe,
Ate a cow and a bull
And fifteen pigs,
Only tails hang.
Fedorok with inches,
Head with a pot
peg hat,
Log legs.

Filya is a simpleton.

Thomas the stubborn went straight,
Fell into a hole.
I didn’t trust anyone - I checked it myself!

Yashka is a red shirt.

If you did not find the name you need in this list, feel free to invent a teaser yourself! Look for rhymes and compose!

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Alyosha-belyosha It costs three pennies: A neck is a penny, Altyn is a head, A leg for two money - That's the whole price for him.
Alyoshka is good-looking, Sheathed in leather.
Alyoshka-potato, A louse started up.
Alyoshka's mother was about to die. Didn't die, only spent time.
Alka is a jump rope.
Andrey - a sparrow, Chushka-pichushka, A frog on the go.
Andrey-barmaley Made a hat out of nails. He goes to boast, Nails fall.
Andryukha is a pig's ear.
Anna-bath, shoe polish, Hot pancake on the nose.
Anton is a buffoon.
Anton sells a bath, Antonina does not give, Antonyata cry, jump.
Antoshka - a potato, A straw leg, Himself with a marigold, A head with an elbow.
Grandmother-hedgehog, Bone leg, Went out into the street, Crushed a chicken.
Grandmother-hedgehog, Blue potato, Baba Yaga, bone leg, He stoked the stove, cooked his leg.
Toothless hag, The cat gave birth to you, The priest baptized you And lowered his pants.
Boris - barberry, chairman of fat rats!
Boris is the leader of the dead rats. And his wife, Larisa, is a wonderful rat. And his son, Ivan, is a wonderful blockhead.
Borka - Boris Hanging on a thread! The thread is cracking, And Borechka is squeaking!
Pinocchio - a long nose, He picked manure!
Valyuha - without an ear.
Valyuha - grief.
Valya is a fool, she blew into the forest, She ate cones, she told us to. We do not want, we laugh: "Hee-hee-hee! Ha-ha-ha!".
I imagined the first grade I took it to the resort, I fell ill at the resort And died under the bench.
I imagined the first grade I was going to the resort, And I came from the resort - I began to imagine more.
I imagined the first grade I ran away (left) to the resort, And I came from the resort - I imagined even more (worse).
I imagined I tucked my tail in And ran under the stove, And under the stove the crocodile Swallowed the imagination.
I imagined I tucked my tail in And ran under the stove, And under the stove a crocodile Bit the Imagineer.
I imagined, the tail was tucked in!
It imagined (a), The tail was tucked (a) And ran (a) to (under) the stove (bench)!
Vobrozhulya first grade Now go to the resort.
Vovan-dummy was going to war, As soon as he saw the first tank, He immediately pissed.
Vovan-dummy was going to war, As soon as he saw a machine gun, he immediately crap himself.
Vovka - carrot, pickled cucumber, cucumber lying around and no one eats it
Imagine top notch! Where are you going? - To the resort. The resort is empty Cabbage has grown!
Raven, raven. The tail is broken, the tail is broken, the nose is bound.
This is how the nose: God carried seven, And he got one!
In our class there is a Shuttlecock - Instead of an ear - a cockroach!
In our class there is Congestion - Instead of a nose - a nail puller!
Jackdaw-stick, Jackdaw-rope
They say to those who do not want to drive in the game: Reluctant, red face, It looks like a Tatar. Seven hundred pigs hang on Neotvozhe.
They say when someone "buys" a joke: They deceived the fool With four fists!
They say when something happens to the offender: So you need it - A barrel of lemonade (chocolate)!
Lips, lips two arshins, A car runs over the lips, The head of the car is the driver: "Lips stop, stop!"
Dear, dear, Why so thin? Come to my village, You will be as fat as a donkey.
Teased - dog snout!
Teasing high: Uncle, get a sparrow!
Thrush, thrush, Simple, simple, Forged nose, Iron tail.
Fool, fool, lipstick Went into the forest - Puffed out her pants.
Fool-Snow Maiden Lying on the stove, Eating bricks!
Uncle Styopa s long nose He came to me with a question: - How to reduce this nose, So that it does not grow anymore? - You buy vitriol And put it to the nose, Pick with a chisel - The nose will fall off later.
Uncle Piggy - repeater Licked the whole garbage dump And didn't say thank you.
Uncle Piggy is a repeater, And named Turkey. I licked all the plates, But I didn’t say thank you!
Uncle Piggy, Uncle Piggy, And named Turkey. I licked all the garbage cans, But I didn’t say thank you!
If someone answered the question incorrectly, they said: It doesn’t fit, it doesn’t fit, A cow walks behind you. A cow without a tail is your own sister!
If you want to know a teaser, sign up for kindergarten Or write out "Murzilka". "Adults" are teased by guys there.
Greedy, beef, Turkish drum! Who is playing on it? Vaska is a cockroach!
Greedy, beef, empty chocolate!
Greedy, beef, Empty chocolate, Greedy, beef, Pickle Lying on the floor, no one eats it!
Greedy, beef, Fluffy drum, And whoever plays it, That red cockroach!
Greed, beef, Pickled cucumber, Lying on the floor - Nobody eats it!
Greedy, beef, Dry (large) chocolate!
Greedy, beef, Rotten cucumber, Lying on the floor - Nobody eats you!
Greedy, Greedy, Greedy Beef!
Greedy beef Stuffed with sausages, Angry at me.
Greedy beef, Greedy salted, Boiled on the fire!
Greedy Beef, Evil Chocolate.
Greedy beef, Pickled cucumber, Who does not eat it, Well done!
Greedy beef, Pickled cucumber, Lies on the shelf, No one eats it.
Greedy beef, Pickled cucumber, Lying on the floor - No one eats it. A fly flew in - sniffed and ate.
Gilda came out to the truth. (Gilde is a deceiver).
There lived a grandfather. He was a hundred years old. I'm sorry to tease him, Yes, and how to tease, don't know.
A fat barrel She gave birth to a son, She did not have time for the fifth - She gave birth to the tenth. And the tenth without ears, Shouts: "Mommy, sew!" And the eleventh bald, Runs after a rat!
Fat, fat, Passenger train!
Fat-industrial-combine, tits-pussy-lemonade!
A fat barrel gave birth to a son, And a son without ears, At least sew on the strings.
Fat donut, Give me a ticket: There is nothing to melt the stove!
Winter-summer parrot! (teasing not for the weather wrapped up)
Prickly prickly!
Inca pig, Inca picture
Like a mountain eagle At the top of the Caucasus, Our Vovan is sitting on the edge of the toilet!
When something bad happens to the greedy, they say: The vein does not live long!
Kolya, Kolya, Nikolai, stay at home, don't go out!
Regiment commander - Nose to the ceiling, Ears to the door, And he himself, like a sparrow!
Regiment commander - Nose to the ceiling, Ears to the door, And himself, like an ant!

teasers- small rhyming rhymes. In the children's environment teasers help the child deal with the offender not with fists, but with words.

Dedicated to those who cry loudly:

Crybaby, wax, shoe polish,
Hot pancake on the nose.
It's not good to cry
You can catch a cold.

- Roar-cow,
Give milk!
What is the price?
- Three spots!

Crybaby, wax, shoe polish,
Hot pancake on the nose!

For kids who don't like to share:

Bass drum...
Who is playing on it?
(child's name) is a cockroach.

Empty chocolate!

Three kopecks given
For the fourth penny
Hit the bench.

greedy, greedy,

You are a white-sided magpie,
Your aunt is crooked,
Call names for a century!
I am a good person.

The one who was deceived

Deceived a simpleton -
For four fists
On the crack and on the pillow,
For a green frog.

Deceived a fool
For four fists
On the fifth tail -
Drive to the mowing.

Bride and groom!
Feet in fluff -
Bow to the groom!
Legs in the dough -
Bow to the bride!

Sneak, Sneak!

Lying on the floor
Nobody eats it.

salted habbit,
Boiled in a pot
upholstered in cones,
To not be angry!

Thief, thief!
Don't come to my yard
Horses will kick you
And the cows gore.

Coward, coward-boyagus!
Fought in the war:
As I saw the machine gun -
I immediately got scared.

Sailor from the stove break -
Stretched out like a worm!

Name teasers:

Lenka is a dirty knee.
Arkashka - cockroach.
Vaska the cat baked a pancake.
Tanya is a frog.
Valya - kralya.
Lisa is a sucker.
Ninka is a basket.
Olezhka - cart.
Masha - curdled milk.

Fell off the roots.

Lenka-foam, sausage,
Wasp on a string.
And the wasp moves
Lenka is getting married soon.

Lenya, Lenya-offal
Ate a cow and a bull
Seven hundred pigs
A barrel of borscht
And screams: "I want to eat!"

Boris barberry
Hanging on a rope.
How the rope breaks
So Boris will turn over.

Ksenya, Ksenya, sausage,
Fried cabbage!
Ate a mouse without a tail
And she said, "Delicious."

Valya, Valya, simplicity,
Sour cabbage!
Ate a mouse without a tail
And she said, "Delicious."

Andrey Sparrow,
Don't chase the pigeons.
Pigeons are afraid
Do not sit on the roof.

Vova, Vova-karapuz
I ate my grandmother's watermelon.
Grandma is arguing
Vova unlocks!
- It's not me, grandma!
This is your kitty!

Vanya, Vanya, simplicity!
Bought a horse without a tail!
Sat back to front
And went to the garden.

Kolya, Kolya, Nikolay,
Stay at home, don't play.
The girls will come to you
They kiss and leave.

straw leg,
Himself with a fingernail
Elbow head.

A hat full of crackers
crackers hot,
Three pennies change.

Put on a big cap.
Loaf eat bread
Grow up to the sky!

Went out into the street
sat on a bench,
The mosquito ate.

head with basket,
peg hat,
Log feet.

Fedya-copper tripe,
Ate a cow and a bull
And fifteen pigs -
Only tails hang.

Ate a bear.
early in the morning
Ate a lamb
For a snack
Ate a frog!
Wanted a wolf
Yeah, it's embarrassing.
I wanted a goose
Yes, I'm afraid!

Fedot is thin,
Head with pud,
crochet nose,
Tufted crest.

Hotel Fedya
Learn the bear
And a bear to him:
"Fed, don't you dare!"

Fedot with tops,
Head with a pot
Found a stick
Killed the jackdaw.
The jackdaw is crying
Fedya is jumping.

Olezhka sat on a bull,
I went to the forest for firewood,
And the firewood burned
Oleg was eaten by wolves.

Teddy bear-shorty,
Big bump on the nose!

Like Sleigh on the nose
Pigs ate sausage
Ate, ate for three weeks,
Ate, ate - did not eat.

Misha-Mishenka, bear,
Teach me to roar!
If you don't teach
You'll get it in the ear.

Sat on a table
And went to war
Fought, fought
And screams: "I want to go home!"

Nicholas Basurai,
Get on the barn
There they fight a mosquito,
They'll give you a paw.

donut tree,
Ate a candy bar
Piglet and bull
Drank a can of milk
I ate a hundred more bread and butter,
Three baskets of pies.

The bosom of the crows is full.
Head - a penny,
straw neck,
crochet nose,
Hair in a tuft.
Miron crow bought
Paid three kopecks.

copper forehead,
Himself with arshin,
Head with jug.

Sergei Sparrow
rode a horse,
I flew into a birch
Left without a hat.

straw leg,
Himself from the top,
Head with a pot.

Sergei Sparrow
Selling worms.
He wore it on a plate
He asked for three kopecks.

On the mound protuz \ x,
Dropped an egg
I took it to the market.
They don't take it at the market
Petka is pulled by the ears.

I ate my grandmother's watermelon.
Grandmother swears;
Victor opens up:
- This, grandmother, is not me,
It's a red pig!

Sonya sleepy,
ballerina doll,
Imagine, gossip!

Serezha looked back
Inflated with a bubble
And the bubble is in the woods,
Rides, rides on the fungus.

Teddy Bear-Teddy Bear
Doesn't work anywhere:
Potato nose,
flat eyes,
Mouth to the ears -
At least sew on the ties!

Get on the bitch.
They tear up a cat there -
They'll give you a paw.

Gena-foam, give me a log.
Nothing to light the oven!
And the smoke comes from the stove
Gena is leading a young lady.

Vanya was driving from Kazan,
One and a half hundred rubles for a sled.
Vanya's sleigh is not being taken -
They only take money.

Vanya rides a bull
Balalaika in hand
The balalaika fell
The bull's leg was broken.

Borka oblique
Went to the salt
I didn't buy salt.
And drowned the mare...

Vanyushka poor
Found a copper jug
I went to the water
Found a glove!

Baba Malanya,
lamb head,
human eyes,
And the face of a sheep
goat legs,
Bear hands.

Nikita-red tape,
Bought a horse without a hoof
And Thomas-simplicity
Bought a horse without a tail
Sat back to front
And went to the garden.
Caught on a stump
Stood all day;
Hooked on a bump
Stayed all night.

And our Sasha got sick:
No appetite -
I ate three pots of soup
One hundred and one cutlets!

Grishka the thief
Stole an ax
Climbed into the window
Fell into a bucket.

red coat,
beaver hat,
She is black-browed.

Denis climbed on the shore,
Hanging on a rope
And everyone thought: swing -
And rocked for two weeks.

Tanya-banya walked along the ford,
She carried water with a sieve.
Soap-soap in the hut floor,
Frozen the hem.

Yerema sings songs
Thomas is lucky on his back.
And Thomas shouts: "Ha-ha!
Ate Yerem's rooster!"

I would sit at home.

Fedot in the garden
Polled a swan
Caught a birdie
Caught a frog.

Fell from heaven
From all over,
Ripped his shirt.

Along the Volga along the river
Pashka floats on a bucket.
He does not rule, does not row,
Only sings songs.

You, Mishenka-bear,
Teach me how to cry.
I can, but I don't dare
I'm afraid of the owner.

Fell at the gate.
Fell into the tub
Crushed a frog.
Fell on the mint
Crushed the house.

Thomas tripe
Ate a cow and a bull
ninety ducklings,
fifty pigs,
Breadcrumbs tub,
Salty frog!

Filya rides on oxen,
Crackers in the heads.
Crackers are sharpening
I want to eat fillet.

Fedorok with tops,
Head with a pot
peg hat,
Log legs.

inside out caftan,
Shpak new with a feather,
Silver mittens.
He walks, minces,
The bell rings.

Our Pasha is thin,
Like a wild straw.
And he puts on shoes -
Like a bubble, inflate.

Erema, Erema,
You would sit at home.
Would you cut shavings
Childish toys.
Your sister is spinning
I spun on a thread,
Hanks shook,
I put it in a box!

Do not chase pigeons:
Pigeons are afraid
Do not sit on the roof.
The roof is breaking
The owner is arguing.

Lied three bags
They began to crush - five pounds,
They began to weigh - ten pounds!

Oh, you, Levka-offering!
Ate a cow and a bull
cow sheep,
Pig dirty trick,
Fifty piglets -
One leg is hanging.
The corporal came
Took the rest
And behind him Elizar -
Everything cleaned up nicely.

Alyosha Belyosha
It costs three pennies.
Himself with a pitcher
Head with arshins.

gray spleen,
Flew into the lake
I muddied the bottom there.

Erema, Erema,
Would you sit at home
I would plan shavings -
children's toys,
And your wife
I would take you to the market.

Behind the river at the peg
Mikolushka stands,
Hat with lock
Harmonica with a bell.
And in the pocket of a cockroach
Beats-plays the drum.

Sidor rides on a bull
Berezinochka in hand
Berezinochka fell,
Broke the bull's leg.

From behind the river, from under the groove
Vanechka jumps on the grass,
The legs are long, curved,
Paws are lime thin.

little boy,
Head with a sheaf
Nose with elbow
And mind with a fingernail.

Dunya donut
Went out into the street
I sat down on a bump,
The mosquito ate.

Rogue Thief
stole sauerkraut,
Grandma saw
Threw the test.

Vanyushka poor
Found a copper pot
Gave it to a young woman
Went for water.

Belted short.
Walks like a log
spindle nose,
short legs,
With a creak of boots.

  1. Silent women
  2. I'm afraid of Baba Yaga!!!
  3. Fables-shifters

Akulina from above

Strangled the goose.
The goose squeaks
He drags a hundred rubles.

Anna - banna,
wooden leg,
Damn thick,
Run, don't stop.

Alka is a jump rope.

Anna-bath, shoe polish,
Hot pancake on the nose.

Nyura went on the water,
Tied up her head
And how is Misha Mr.
Wanted to pull one
And how Manka to help -
They tore off Nyurka's leg.

Valya, Valya, simplicity,
Sour cabbage!
Ate a mouse without a tail
And she said: "Delicious!"

Valya is a fool, she blew into the forest,
She ate cones, she ordered us.
We don't want, we want:
"Hee-hee-hee! Ha-ha-ha!"

Valka is a fashionista,

Barbara -
Above the barn!

Rope jackdaw

Dunka - bloat,
Blow up the fire
Kiss Me.

Zinka - basket,
rubber band on the front,
Behind the drum -
For all cities.

Inca pig,
Inca picture

Katya, Katya, Katerina,
a picture is drawn,
And from painting to portrait,
There is no better Katya than ours.

Katerina - kitten,
fat pig,
Rolled down the hill
Salom choked.

Lidka - snail,
Pull out the horns
I will give you bread
Piece of pie.

Aunt Malanya -
lamb head,
Damn thick,
Fresh loaf.

Ninka is a basket!
rubber band on the front,
Behind the drum
The cockroach is playing.

Olga is stupid
Blowed into the forest
Went to the forest
I found a penny
I bought a soap
Rylce washed.

Fields, Fields, Polagea,
Three buttons on the neck
Four on the side
The nose is full of tobacco.

Sonya is stupid
Sonya is stupid
Loved the plasterer
The plasterer is not a fool,
I bought Sonya a cap,
Sonya began to put on
Kiss the plasterer.

Tanya - sour cream,
The cat ran
I licked off the sour cream.

Fekla, Fekla
pancakes baked,
Dropped the frying pan
She broke her head.

Shura is stupid
Blowed into the forest
Ate the bark
We were told
We didn't eat.

By the boys' names

Alyosha Belyosha

Worth three pennies:
Neck - penny,
Altyn - head,
Two money leg -
That's the whole price for him.

Alyosha is good,
Lined with leather.

The louse started up.

Alyoshka's mother
Was about to die.
Didn't die
Just spent time.

Andrey - sparrow,
The frog is on the move.

I made a hat out of nails.
He goes to boast
The nails are falling.

Alyoshka - cake
Mother is a potato
Father is a cucumber.

Alyosha - three pennies,
Neck - penny,
Altyn - head,
Three money - a leg,
Back and peritoneum -
Four altyns.

Alekha - Alexey,
The bosom of mice is full.

Andrey - sparrow,
Don't peck the cannabis:
Hemp crackle
The sparrows are chirping.
Don't bite the sand
Don't dirty your sock.

Andrey - sparrow,
Don't bite the sand
Don't blunt your sock.

Andrey - sparrow,
Sleeping on the wind
Vorobyov dragged.

Anton is a hedgehog!
Where are you crawling?
Crawl into a hole
You won't crawl out.
Anton sells a bathhouse,
Anthony does not give
Anthony are crying
They jump in Spain.

Arkashka - cockroach,
Arkan is a cockroach.

Antoshka - potatoes,
straw leg,
Himself with a fingernail
Elbow head.

Boris - barberry,
Chairman of the fat rats!

Boris is the leader of the dead rats.
And his wife, Larisa, is a wonderful rat.
And his son, Ivan, is a wonderful blockhead.

Borka - Boris
Hanging on a thread!
The thread is crackling
And Borechka squeaks!

Pinocchio - long nose,
Picked up manure!

Borka - Boris
Hanging on a thread!
The thread is crackling
And Borechka squeaks!

Borka - Boris
Sour at the market!
Took a carrot to the market
They don't take it at the market
They fight by the ears.

Borka oblique
Went for salt
I didn't buy salt.
And laid the mare.

Vanya, Vanya, simplicity!
Bought a horse without a tail!
Sat back to front
And went to the garden.
Ate a head of cabbage
He growled: “How delicious!”

Like Vanka on the nose
Ate damn sausage.

Gene-foam, give me a log,
Nothing to light the oven!
And the smoke comes from the stove
Gena is leading a young lady.

Ivanushka the Fool
Got into a zucchini
Dad will come -
Will impose on you.

Ivan is an idiot
Fell from the bell tower
Rolled for three years
Choked on the dust.

Vaska - Vasyuk,
Fly on bitches
They're tearing up a cat
They'll give you a paw.

Vaska - Vasenok,
skinny pig,
Tied into the grass
Shouting "Meow"
I won't get out!"

Vasya oblique,
Don't run in lane
Run with a perch
Shake your muzzle.

Vitya-titya - karapuz
I ate a watermelon from my grandmother,
Grandma is arguing
Vitya backs off.

Vitya, Vitya is a king!
Mom doesn't give titi!
Vitya cries and yells -
Calling everyone to the factory!

Vovka - carrot,
Rifle in front
Behind the drum -
In all cities!

Like a mountain eagle
At the top of the Caucasus
Our Vovan is sitting on the edge of the toilet!

Grishka - yarzhka,
Bare ankle.

Grishka, Grishka
Stole an ax
Escape to the thorn;
Escape to brother
Stole the house;
Escape to father
Stole a sheep.

Grishenka the fool
Got into a zucchini
There he was beaten
He was beaten
In four clubs
Heel - aspen -
Carried on the sides.

Our Danila rode
On a gray mare;
The mare fell
The skin is not gone.
From the skin - boots,
From hooves - scallops,
Pulled from the tail
Played the violin.

Guard! Guard!
Uncle Mitya drowned!
Not in the swamp, not in the river,
Just sour milk.

Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Grandpa Yegor is coming.
His girls loved
Buttered porridge fed;
Buttered porridge, painted spoon,
The spoon bends, the nose shakes, the soul rejoices.

Our Yegorka is a hero,
A blister popped up on my nose.

Kolya, Kolya, Nikolay,
Stay at home, don't play
Don't look out the window
Don't tease girls.

Kolya, Kolya, Nikolay,
He threw his hat on the barn,
The hat is spinning
Kolya is angry.

Luke doesn't have
No salt, no flour
No butter for pancakes.

Oh, grandfather Martin,
Don't go to tyn:
The weather is great there.
Bring the old man -
The kids will be sorry
More often they will be beaten with a stick.

Mironov's children
They sit on the ledge
Weaving paws.
To whom paws?
Barin thick -
Myron Red.

"Bear is a bear,
Teach me how to cry."
“I can, but I don’t dare,
I'm afraid of the owner.

Rotten on the mound
Dropped an egg
He took him to the market
They don't take it at the market
Petka is pulled by the ears.

Reluctant, red face,
She looks like a Tatar.
seven hundred pigs
All on ... (name) hang.

Called the tail tucked
And ran under the bench
And under the bench a crocodile
Aunt-motya swallowed.

Petka is a fool
smokes tobacco,
Doesn't sleep at home
Matches steal,
kissing girls,
His mom is looking for
And he whistles through the garbage heaps.

Sanya is a fool
I bought a talyanka
With a cam
Climbed into the hole
Blowing into a talyanka.

Senka the monk
In cashmere pants
Who will pull the thread
Who will remember the parents.
Remember the slave
Sulfur mouse in the coffin.

Carried a woman on a sled
Sledge - lope,
Senka - in the forehead!

Sergei is a sparrow
Don't chase the pigeons.
Pigeons are afraid
They sit on the roof.

Sergey - bergey,
Red nose,
He took the pie from the priest,
He went to the market
I told all the merchants.

Fedya - copper
Ate a bear!
Fell into a hole
Shouted to mom.

eagle nose
Growing up under the stove!

Yurka, Yurchonok,
White pig!
