Methods for potty training a child. How to potty train a child: terms, readiness, ways

Potty training a baby is an important stage, not only promising to simplify the cleaning process for adults, and for the child to visit childcare facilities, but also testifying to the development of one of the skills of independence.

For a long time there was no particular disagreement on the issue of methods and time for the start of potty training: the sooner you start offering, the better and faster the training will be. However, modern experts believe that traditional methods are ineffective in terms of age and ways of learning. Potty training should take place in stages, at the right time and with the appropriate accompanying rules: no pressure, punishments, incentives.

Not so long ago, potty training began to accustom children almost simultaneously with the advent of the skill to sit on their own. The lack of disposable diapers, the need for frequent and usually hand washing, and, most importantly, short maternity leave and the early start of nursery school forced parents to stimulate the process of potty training.

Over time, the situation has changed, and at the moment it is considered correct to wait until the age of readiness to use the potty. This stage of development is determined by the presence of skills and the maturation of mental processes. The terms regulating the age of the beginning of the “toilet” training vary considerably: domestic experts consider the period from 18 to 22 months to be optimal if there are signs of readiness, American pediatricians, following a more democratic style of education, call the interval from 27 to 32.

Signs of readiness include:

  • Physical development

The child can independently sit down, stand up, take off his underpants, pants, diaper, and is also able to sit for 5 minutes in one place. Important: during the day, children at the stage of readiness can withstand from 2 hours between urination;

  • Psychological signs

Toddlers show interest in how and what mom, dad, other children, animals at home and on the street do in the toilet;

  • Psychophysiological maturity

The child notices when he soils his shorts or diaper, and is dissatisfied with this feeling of wetness, informs his parents about it.

If the child does not yet show these signs, potty training can be a rather lengthy and inefficient process that negatively affects both children and adults.

Recently, attention to psychophysiological processes, their stages of formation during the first years of a child's life, as well as the active introduction of marketing principles into all aspects of everyday life, have led to the emergence of numerous methods, "toilet training", rules for potty training, as well as the production of various devices. designed to simplify the development of hygiene skills.

Among all the methods and techniques, three directions can be distinguished: classical, blitz training and soft accompaniment and direction of the child.

There is also a method that is difficult to consider as a technique: wearing diapers until the moment when the child, due to pressure from the public or thanks to his own conclusions, begins to use the potty or the toilet on his own. It is likely that this will happen by 4-5 years, but the optimal age for potty training allows a child to make the transition much earlier without undue effort.

The traditional method of potty training a baby is to develop a skill through long and repeated plantings. This classic method has been used for centuries and is still considered by some of the older generation to be optimal.

Its features are the early start of training and tracking urges, as well as planting on the potty according to the schedule: after meals, before and after sleep, etc.

According to modern experts, at best, children with this method master the skill of using the potty one to two months earlier. However, the efforts of parents who disembark children before the age of readiness "reduce" such achievements.

Statisticians have calculated that, at the beginning of potty training a child at the age of 10 months, adults have to make several tens of thousands of landings until the baby understands and masters this process on his own.

Additional consequences of this method may be the child's negativism regarding the use of the potty, stubbornness, deliberate avoidance, neurotic phenomena (enuresis, constipation), especially if adults force the process and tend to scold or punish the child for mistakes.

3 day training plan

All shortened potty training methods are based on the readiness of the baby. Without signs of readiness, not a single training will help you master the rules of hygiene in either three days or thirty.

If there are signs of maturity of the child, the second stage, on which the blitz methods are based, is to prepare for the day the training starts. A child who has been wearing potty training panties for a month or two, special, ordinary underwear, is prepared by stories about the toilet, choosing a potty. On a certain day, parents begin to carefully track all the urges to the toilet and offer to complete them on the potty.

An important point of abbreviated trainings: each successful completion should be accompanied by emotional reinforcement, kisses, small rewards. Attention to the urges during the required number of days, according to the training, must be tireless. This allows you to form a clear connection "feeling - a pot", but not yet the ability to use it.

Such intensive trainings are effective if the child is prepared, the beginning is not forced. However, one should not expect instant success, misses and wet underwear are inevitable companions of the first years of any baby’s life, and this is normal, there is no need to scold children for such “misconduct”.

Gentle involvement of the child in the process of using the potty is a technique that involves offering to complete the majority of monitored urges in the toilet, for a period of 10 days to a month.

With this method, the baby does not feel pressure, which contributes to the optimal ratio of time spent and attention. Most children respond positively to soft, not forced training. However, in these cases, it is imperative to follow two preparatory rules: the presence of signs of readiness of the child and the preliminary period without a diaper or in special diapers/panties for potty training.

How to speed up potty training

There are several ways to speed up potty training your child. The best time to start toilet training is the summer period, warm weather.

The basic principle to help you feel the urge faster is to form a connection between urination, discomfort from wet skin, and, if possible, visual marks on the floor or on the ground.

If not all adults are ready to perceive puddles on the floor for educational purposes as a necessity, then the choice of various types of special underwear and diapers for potty training is quite large. Different models help both to insure the child and parents in case of failure, and to tell the child what happened, to make them feel undesirable consequences.

Helping to start potty training and such ways as drawing the attention of the child to the characters in cartoons, animals on the street, stories about using the toilet, engaging in washing wet clothes, cleaning the floor (conditional help). Everything that helps the baby to realize where the liquid suddenly comes from and what needs to be done so that it does not end up on clothes / on the floor contributes to the formation of logical, and then psychophysiological connections necessary for mastering the “toilet” skill.

Special panties for potty training - an alternative to regular underwear and disposable diapers. Potty training panties are most often found in two versions: multi-layer panties-diapers that require washing entirely, and panties with replaceable liners.

As a rule, such briefs have an additional inner layer, which excludes or reduces the likelihood of liquid leakage through the layers of matter.

Panties for potty training must meet two important requirements: do not stain the child's clothes if he does not have time to visit the toilet, and be easily removed by the baby.

You also need to pay attention to how well the inner layer absorbs liquid. Prolonged exposure to moisture can adversely affect the health of the child, but for educational purposes, a slight feeling of discomfort after urination is allowed.

Potty training diapers are an alternative to regular and special underpants. Potty training diapers come in two varieties. Their common characteristics are the form of panties, convenient for self-removal by the child, and a thinner layer of filler compared to conventional diapers.

Models of the first type are disposable diapers worn “for safety net” by children who have started using the potty.

Variants of the second type, such as Pampers Feel'n Learn or Huggies Cool Alert, allow the child to feel that he has wet the diaper, and this feeling, unlike other types of diapers, will last for a long time. These are the so-called diapers with the effect of wet panties, which replace the child's walking in ordinary panties, do not adversely affect health and do not leave marks on the floor. This type is good before and during toilet training.

Diapers may also have special markings or patterns that appear or disappear after contact with the baby's urine. This “miss” visualization helps some children to learn the process of potty training faster, and parents to understand what happened.

Such diapers should not be used in children with immature potty skills during night sleep, long walks, trips, etc.

Pot selection

Choosing a pot can be quite a responsible undertaking. The abundance of various "devices" that carry the child into the world of hygiene skills often makes young parents contemplate the range of models in confusion.

New items in the baby toiletry market include potties with a built-in device that plays joyful music when in contact with liquid, varieties equipped with play pads, inflatable, collapsible potties, potties of various designs and shapes.

What does the baby need?

Firstly, the potty should be comfortable for sitting, not tip over when getting up from it, and not irritate the skin. For some children, the feel of the cold metal of old style pots is repulsive (and sometimes causes contact dermatitis), which delays potty training. For boys, the shape of the potty is important with a protective ledge in the front that allows urine not to spill onto the floor in the process.

Secondly, the pot is a functional item. Entertainment, music, joyful sounds are companions of toys. The child needs to be stimulated to create a “physiological urge - potty” connection, but not a desire to play, pour water into the pot, or sit on it longer after or instead of completing physiological processes.

Thirdly, inflatable, foldable, road pots are good for road or vacation conditions. A home children's "toilet" should be stable, easy to use for a child, and easy to clean and disinfect for adults.

A variety of drawings, figurines, fairy-tale characters on the pots are at the discretion of the parents and the baby. When preparing a child to learn how to use the potty, it can be recommended to take him to a pre-selected store and suggest that he make an independent choice of a new "object for big children" - a potty.

Potty training for girls is usually not very different from potty training for boys. However, while boys can initially use the toilet to urinate, girls will make this transition later.

When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of potty training girls: as a rule, female children are more sensitive to the material, the smoothness of the potty surface.

An additional important point regarding girls: taking into account the physiology of the female body, girls need to be able to completely remove their panties, a diaper before urinating, otherwise wet underwear can create both discomfort and a misconception about the purpose of using the potty: if panties are also wet after sitting on the potty, then it doesn't matter where you urinate.

Girls and boys should be taught right away to use toilet paper or wet wipes after urinating to remove urine from their skin and keep their laundry clean. However, for girls, this skill is more important, so in the early stages, parents will need to help wet wet places and explain the need for action.

How to potty train a child and not make it a big problem not only for the baby, but for the whole family. After all, sometimes this process proceeds violently: with the confrontation of "fathers and children." How and when to help a child come to independent sitting on the potty? Are there any methods and ways?

Acts of defecation and urination in infants occur involuntarily. What is the purpose of potty training? In order to gradually turn the unconditioned reflex into a conditioned, conscious one. According to medical indications, control over these processes is formed in a baby from 22 to 30 months. This figure is called pediatricians around the world. And only by the age of three does a child consolidate an independent skill. What should parents do? Wait a deadline? Or is it possible to teach a child to go to the potty earlier? There is always a choice. It is important that it does not contradict common sense.

Physiology and Pedagogy

Successful potty training is not associated with the efforts of parents, all kinds of pedagogical, and sometimes anti-pedagogical methods. It depends on the physiological readiness of the bladder and rectum, on the maturity of the nervous system, the sphincters of the excretory system, and the urethra. The process of maturation proceeds in different ways, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, past diseases, complications, genetic factors. The question arises: where to apply pedagogy? It is enough to accept the following rules for yourself: consistency, unanimity of all family members in the principles of potty training and calmness, only calmness.

Signs of readiness

You can start potty training your baby after 18 months. By this time, most children are mature not only physiologically, but also psychologically, to sit on the potty without coercion. What are these signs?

  • The interval between urination gradually increases. Within two hours, the baby has dry panties or a diaper.
  • Bowel movements occur at about the same time. This allows the child to “tune in”, listen to the processes that take place in the body.
  • Awareness . Despite the fact that the processes may still not be controlled, the baby understands the meaning of the words "write" and "poop".
  • Introduction to body parts. By the age of one and a half years, the baby already understands where the hand, stomach, butt, etc. are. He also knows what pants, tights, panties are.
  • Independence. It manifests itself in the famous "I myself." In every possible way it is necessary to encourage and support in the child the craving for independent dressing. He must know where to put on panties and panties. And how to put it on is another question and a matter of time.
  • Attention on wet pants. The child demonstrates not only discomfort, but his emotional attitude to what happened. It is important not to scold the baby, but to focus on the sensations: unpleasant, uncomfortable, uncomfortable, cold, smells bad.
  • "I want" signal. Perhaps one of the most important points. If the baby demonstrates his desire, that is, “asks”, then he does not need to be taught at all. This process is started by nature itself. The baby can express his desire not only with words, but also with gestures, some of his own symbols and symbols. Such behavior should be encouraged and praised.
  • Understanding the purpose of the pot. The pot is not a toy. They do important things on it, and do not sit for half an hour and play. This attitude must be formed from the very first steps to the potty.

If all of the above signs are absent, it is necessary to carry out "explanatory work" and form these important skills in the baby.

First pot: choice, intended use

The pot is a separate issue. For some families, it turns into an epic. What devices they didn’t buy - but they didn’t learn how to write in a pot! What to look for when choosing a pot? What rules should be followed?

  • Quality and care. Buy a pot made from quality plastic. It should also be easy and convenient to wash.
  • Convenience. There are so many shapes, options and models of potties in the baby products industry that it can be overwhelming to choose. And yet this device has a very prosaic function. He should like the baby outwardly, not be cold, have a supportive back, fit in size. An excess of "visual stimulants" on the potty can only interfere with the process. This must be taken into account.
  • Time to get to know. The first trials of planting should coincide with the moment when the baby is about to pee or poop. Choose the right time: immediately after sleep, feeding. Sitting on the potty should be kept to a minimum whenever possible. Children may perceive prolonged holding on the potty as an attempt to limit their actions.
  • musical pot. When the child pees, he receives a bonus in the form of a melody. This motivation is like a double-edged sword. It can work where it shouldn't. It happens that children hear music somewhere and immediately blow their pants. Another problem that experienced mothers talk about is that the melody can scare the child, and he will perceive the potty as a kind of threat.
  • Devotion to one "throne". It is not recommended to buy several pots, and also change them often. Children have a strong attachment to things, and any changes cause them anxiety. Changing the potty can cause a one-year-old child to simply refuse to sit on it.
  • The subject of life and being. The pot should become part of the baby's material world. At first, it is not recommended to put the pot in the toilet, bathroom, corridor. He must take a place of honor in the room, the corner of the child, be part of not only his material, but also psychological space.
  • Alternative to a pot. You can purchase a special child seat on the toilet. Although at first the pot is still preferable: it can be installed in the most comfortable, favorite corner. And the toilet is a cramped, unusual space for a child. Although a lot depends on the habit.

How to potty train

Potty training a child requires the patience of parents and the understanding that this will not happen in 1 day.

  • Season . It is better to start in the summer with a purely practical side of things: warm, few clothes, dries quickly, you can go outside without a diaper with spare underpants. Some mothers may be concerned about the question: if we don’t get this summer, then wait for the next one? Yes, you can wait. But no one forbids doing it at any other time of the year. You just need to be sure of two things: the child is not hypothermic and everyone agrees that precious (and not so) carpets, mattresses, bedspreads can suffer.
  • Hard to learn, easy to fight. There will be misses and wet pants. It is important to praise the child specifically on the case. Not just "well done", but "look, dry pants are good." If there was a failure, then it is better not to pay attention to it. Encourage only success, try not to get annoyed.
  • . During potty training, you should not abruptly refuse diapers. Their use should be reduced. It is better to leave the daytime and nighttime sleep with diapers, then do not wear them during the daytime. During the time it is better to play it safe and put on a diaper. At home, the child may well do without it. Every time you wake up, you need to put the baby on the potty. It often happens that a child pees immediately after waking up. If the diaper remains dry, mom - saving money, and the baby - honor and praise.
  • Panties for potty training. This innovation of children's underwear is designed so that the child, having described himself, feels discomfort and realizes that the potty is still a useful thing. At the same time, the baby's feet, bed or carpet remain dry. Panties are reusable, knitted, inside they contain a waterproof layer that absorbs moisture and allows air to pass through. In fact, it is a thin reusable diaper. Reviews about them are different: from the highest ratings to absolute uselessness. However, one positive progress towards the goal can be noted when using these panties: the child begins to signal that he is uncomfortable. This is an important step.
  • Habitual ritual. The kid must clearly learn the complete algorithm of actions related to the process: they went to the potty, took off their pants, sat down, did the job, washed themselves, wiped their ass, put on their pants, went with their mother and poured the contents into the toilet, washed the pot, put it in place. By the way, all these important stages can be completed in a playful way.
  • Potty line. You can plant your favorite soft toys on the potty. This method has been tested by more than one generation. And it works flawlessly. It is only important that the child himself stands at the end of the line.
  • Calm environment. There are children who need privacy, this is a normal, adequate request. But there are babies who need company when they pee and poop. Of course, the presence of parents should not turn into a fun show. Once again, we focus attention: sitting on the potty is only for business, and not for the sake of the game.
  • Good mood. The act of defecation and urination should not be associated in a baby with execution, coercion. We will not delve into Freudian and Jungian theories, go into the secrets of the subconscious, but still there is something “below the belt” in this topic.
  • Personal example . Experience shows that children learn to use the potty faster in large families when they see how it happens with brothers and sisters. Mom and Dad can also demonstrate that they go to the toilet and have dry pants. In general, father and son can develop close cooperation in this matter. It is important that the baby learns: potty training is a step into the world of adults.
  • Kindergarten . For many parents, the issue of planting is related to the time the baby enters kindergarten. And as experience shows, this problem is quickly solved in this place. Here, sitting on pots takes place together, with the whole group. The motivation to join the common cause at this age is high.
  • Psychological stress and anxiety of the mother. How to wean a child to write in his pants if the mother is very tense about this? And the stronger the stress of the mother, the stronger the relaxation of the crumbs with the results in the form of puddles. Friendship with a potty and dry pants is an indicator of not only physiological maturity, but also the social adaptation of the baby. However, first of all, make sure that the child is healthy. It is worth consulting with a neurologist and urologist if there is any suspicion. But listen to the opinion of neighbors, friends and relatives on this matter is not worth it. Mother and child are connected with each other energetically. Anxiety, guilt, feelings of inferiority or inferiority of the child - all these negative emotions affect him in an invisible way.

It is not recommended to start the process of potty training at times when the child is sick or weakened after an illness. The psychological atmosphere in the family should be calm. It is also necessary to exclude the expectation of a good result. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment and involuntary irritation of parents with unsuccessful attempts.

Favorite method of English moms

This method is devoted to a separate book by Gina Ford "How to potty train a child in 7 days using the Satisfied Baby System." In England, Gina Ford's theory (she has published many books on parenting) is incredibly popular. Children who have grown up according to her system are called "Gina baby". What is the essence of the method?

  • First day . Explanatory work is being carried out on the topic that the baby is already big, walks not in a diaper, but in shorts. To pee or poop, he must use the potty. Show that mom also has “her own” potty - a toilet bowl. The author recommends potty training every 15 minutes and sitting for at least 5 minutes. If the baby does not want to sit, you can entertain him, read him a book. When the child manages to go to the potty several times, you need to increase the interval between planting. It is necessary to show calmness and confidence, not to show disappointment and disapproval.
  • Second day . First, remind your child about the potty, and then ask if he remembers to sit down. If the baby managed to pee twice on his own - this is already a success. Try to eliminate stressful situations, emotional outbursts, organize a calm daily routine so that the baby does not get overexcited and tired.
  • Third day . The frequency of planting on the potty is determined: after breakfast, before a walk, before going to bed. Important: do not put a diaper on your baby when you go for a walk. Explain why you need to pee before going outside. The author believes that this is a big mistake on the way to an independent skill. Be persistent.
  • Fourth and all subsequent. According to Gina Ford's theory, on the fourth day, the child sits on the potty on his own. If he is distracted by games, then every two hours he needs to be reminded. Tips for the next three days: put the potty close to the toilet so he can develop an understanding of where to go to the toilet. Reward his efforts.

Gina Ford's planting method, like all her other theories, is categorical, full of English rigor and integrity. Maybe that's why it works? It is somehow difficult for a Russian mother to imagine that a child, having seen a potty for the first time in her life, will be able to sit on it according to a schedule. This does not bother the English mother at all. To plant a child on a potty in English means to show parental will, build the right regime and drink tea with friends exactly in “fife o clock” with a calm soul.

Ways to the potty: 3 options

There are many ways to go about potty training. Some of them are thorny.

Long live the diaper!

Adherents of this option believe that it is not necessary to fool yourself and the child ahead of time. If doctors say that there may not be physiological readiness until 30 months, then you just need to wait. This approach has its pros and cons. The advantage is that parents do not have anxiety about this, and they also have calm nights, without waking up, changing wet beds and clothes, and days without a mountain of laundry, etc. And they don't care what people say, because there's nothing shameful about it.

The downside is that constantly being in a diaper deprives the child of contact with his own body. The diaper absorbs moisture, and the baby does not fix attention on this process. It is important to see the “results of the work done”. This helps prepare the child psychologically to sit on the potty. After all, there must be some justification for the educational moment. What is the rationale for a diaper? Dirtied - thrown into the trash can. And you can’t just throw beautiful pants in the trash.

Down with the diaper!

Adherents of early planting on the potty uncompromisingly refer to diapers as an evil of civilization. And they unreasonably believe that these funds provoke development. Some mothers try to plant a baby on a potty at six months or earlier. Potty training a child from infancy does not make sense. Be a child prodigy three times, but for the time being, urination and defecation will be involuntary. Endless holding over the basin, tedious "wee-wee" and "ah-ah" eventually bear fruit, but at what cost! At the cost of the precious time of the mother and the mood of the baby.

What is good about this situation? The fact that the mother devotes a lot of time to the baby creates reliability and safety. What is wrong? Mom tries to control what she has no control over. The act of defecation and urination is an intimate process. The kid should be focused on his feelings, and not on what his mother or grandmother whispers in his ear.

Golden mean

It lies at the intersection of common sense of parents, knowledge of the physiology of the process and convenience. Who's to say a diaper is uncomfortable? On a walk, on the road, in a dream - an irreplaceable thing today. Who will say that crawling, walking or running naked, in panties or pantyhose around the house is not good for a child? For carpets - yes, it is harmful. But for a baby who is mastering the path to the potty, this is an important and necessary condition. After all, they learn from their own mistakes. And only the experience of wet pants gives an understanding of how good and pleasant it is when they are dry. A full bladder and bowel creates tension and discomfort. Emptying brings satisfaction and peace.

The child must catch the difference, learn this internal process from personal experience: the longer the tension, the greater the relaxation. Over time, he will learn to restrain and relax the muscles of the sphincters of the excretory system. This can happen at 2 years or later.

Intervention in "potty affairs" has subtle lines that adults step over without realizing it. In the future, this may lead to psychological problems and dependence on some special, and sometimes specific conditions in order to pee and poop.

What to do if the skill is lost

It happens that the child stopped going to the potty. It seems to have mastered this skill, and then set to the old one. What could be the reasons?

  • If a child perceives sitting on the potty as a game, then she may just get bored of him.. Perhaps initially the baby did not learn that this was serious and for a long time. We'll have to be patient and place the accents correctly.
  • The force of action is equal to the force of reaction. This is not only a law of physics, but also of psychology. Once again, you need to pay attention to whether there is pressure on the baby, otherwise he will resist.
  • Reminder . It is naive to believe that the baby will run and sit on the potty. Up to 3 years, adults should control the process and remind that it's time. Often during the game, children are so addicted that they can describe themselves. This is quite normal and typical.
  • Positive emotions. Regression in potty training is common. You shouldn't worry too much about this. Support if the baby himself is upset because of what happened. Watch the child. Perhaps he lacks attention. If there are suspicions that the causes are in neurological or urological disorders, see a doctor.
  • stress. This may be admission to a kindergarten, fear, moving to a new place, a long journey, changes in the climate zone, daily routine, nutrition. At such moments, the child needs to be reassured, to provide him with psychological comfort. And only after that return to the lessons of planting on a pot.

Sincerely rejoice if the baby managed to go to the potty again. This is more valuable than all the most effective methods.

When to potty train a child? Sometimes situations, for example, the need to go to kindergarten, push to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Sometimes mom gets anxious. Sometimes grandmothers pester. In any situation, it is worth reminding yourself: even some 100 years ago, mothers did not think about this at all. And all the children learned to go to the toilet on time. Women of that time were interested in other pressing questions: will the baby survive after typhus, measles or scarlet fever? If not all, then much is known in comparison.


Each of the mothers must think about the question of what age is optimal for teaching their baby to the potty and how this is done. There are many opinions on this matter. Who advises to start this business almost from the cradle, who recommends taking your time.

But maybe you should first evaluate the psychological preparation of the baby, his development. After all, if a child does not understand why this new object is needed, considers it another toy, he will not learn to use the toilet consciously. Therefore, many experts recommend potty training at the age of one and a half years, when the psychological and physiological development of the baby allows this.

When to introduce your child to the potty

It is believed that the most suitable age to get acquainted with a new activity is the period from 18 to 24 months. This is approved by most pediatricians.

It must be remembered that each baby is individual, and if some are ready to make friends with a potty at a year and a half or earlier, then others can drag this matter up to three years. Boys usually learn later than girls. Restless, excitable children also learn the pot a little later than their more unflappable peers. The long stay of the child in diapers also affects.

So why exactly is 18 months considered an acceptable age for potty training? Until the end of the first year, almost all babies do not feel the activity of the bladder or intestines. Filled organs push out the contents without awareness of the process. And even if a loving mother will follow and put on the potty on time, this will not mean that the child is accustomed, and his nervous system consciously controls the process of excretion. This will save diapers. But more often there will be wasted nerves and strength, and a negative attitude developed in the child towards the process of planting on the potty.

And already at the age of one and a half years, the child begins to feel the urge and try to restrain himself a little. But until complete control, time must pass when the baby acquires some skills that make it easier to get acquainted with the potty:

  • the child knows how to bend over, squat down, and then get up;
  • collects small things from the floor and puts them in their places;
  • understands what adults say and reacts to speech;
  • can use interjections or simple words to talk about his desires;
  • during daytime sleep remains dry, and when awake for two hours may not be written;
  • feels uncomfortable when in wet or soiled linen.

It becomes clear that in the matter of potty training, you should not look back at the age of the neighbor's baby, who cheerfully runs to the toilet, taking off his pants on the go. You need to watch your child's behavior. And at a favorable moment, gently and calmly, put him on a pot.

Every mother wants for her baby all the most unusual, beautiful. And how not to choose a cute pot with various interesting things for your beloved child?

Children's goods stores provide a huge selection of a wide variety of items. They differ not only in color, but also in material and shape. Models are sold with legs and high backs, in the form of cars and bicycles, with attached steering wheels and stands for games, prefabricated and camping, turning into a cute container, musical and imitating small toilet bowls with water drain.

But many pediatricians advise not to rush to throw money away on advanced expensive models. It is advisable to first opt ​​for the classic version, practical and convenient. A child who is being taught a new object and learning a new skill may be frightened by too bright colors or harsh sounds. And subsequently ignore all attempts of parents to master the pot. This is first. And secondly, a child can take a fancy model as a toy, and instead of using the potty for its intended purpose, get carried away with new fun.

Therefore, the most correct choice for the formation of a skill is an ordinary simple “toilet” without frills and unnecessary functions. Later, when the child gets used to doing his own things in the "children's toilet", then it will be possible to choose a model to your liking.

The following characteristics will help you choose the “right” pot:

  • Sustainability. A small child, even on the potty, can be very active. And to exclude an accidental fall, you must choose a model with a wide base or with footrests.
  • Material. It is preferable to buy a plastic pot and only in specialized stores that have certificates of conformity for their products. The surface in contact with the delicate skin of the baby should not be sticky, have seams, roughness and notches.
  • The form. The convenience of the pot also depends on its shape. So, girls get a round model, boys get an oval one with a ledge in front. The difference in shape is due to the different anatomical structure of the babies.
  • For a trip with a baby, it is better to purchase a potty with an existing lid or travel models in the form of containers with handles.

The invention of diapers helped make life easier for moms. But now the time is coming when you have to, as they say, “roll up your sleeves” and be patient. The process of potty training a baby is far from the easiest and fastest. Some tips from more experienced moms will come in handy:

  • Don't push too hard on the potty on the first day, a new weird thing can be scary. Gently and calmly explain to the baby what kind of object it is, put your favorite toy on it first. If the child is used to diapers, then they will have to be removed. Older children will be a good example, because babies often copy the behavior of their brothers and sisters.
  • Babies at this age are already trying to get to know their bodies. Mom's explanations of why external excretory organs are needed will help to understand why the pot exists. Children are able to feel that being in the pants described is very unpleasant, and “friendship” with a new object will help to avoid this.
  • It is imperative to praise the baby if the development of the potty goes well. Positive emotions will help to consolidate a new skill. In case of unsuccessful attempts, you should not despair and swear, you need to patiently and kindly remind the child again about the potty and the opportunity to be dry and clean.
  • You will have to constantly monitor the time and plant the baby on the potty after sleeping, eating, waking for some time, until he himself begins to remind you of the toilet when the urge occurs. In no case should you do this by force, which may cause the child to have a persistent rejection of the toilet. Calmly and affectionately you need to offer to go to the potty.
  • While the skill is being formed, the new item should be where the child is constantly located so that it can be quickly used if necessary. If the pot is, as they say, “at hand”, it is easier for the baby to get to it at the first urge.

If the baby is stubborn and does not want to go to the potty, you should come up with little tricks to make the process more fun. For example: reading a certain book at this time, playing a selected toy, which will help the child relax and forget about his fears. However, one should not get too carried away with this method, so as not to replace the natural process with a game. Many kids are interested in the mechanical draining of water in the toilet. You can also take advantage of this during the formation of a potty habit.

No need to rush and forcefully plant on the pot. Excessive efforts can cause a reaction in the baby, and as a protest, he will do "his own business" anywhere, but not where he should be. In such a situation, the best way out is not to think about the potty for a while. In the meantime, boys should be taught to urinate like an adult, standing like a man, and girls should “start a stream” in a bath or basin. After a few days, you can try to return to the potty, but try not to insist, but gently offer to sit down and pee.

Never compare your baby with one of the children and do not complain if something does not work out right away. Every child is different and everything will work out if you treat them with love and patience.

The attentive and calm attitude of the parents will help the baby quickly understand what they want from him. If he pushes, tenses, blushes, this is a signal for a quick landing on the potty. A few successful attempts, and the child himself will ask to go to his toilet.

Summing up all that has been said, we can conclude:

  • a quick result is possible if the child has already reached a certain psychological age;
  • it is obligatory to sit on the potty after the child has woken up, and if his clothes are also dry, then the likelihood of the early formation of a new skill increases;
  • you should not teach an unhealthy child to the toilet: a sick stomach, teeth that come out and a temperature are a reason to postpone training for a while;
  • it is impossible to cause urination with the help of the sounds of pouring water, the reflex formed as a result can play a cruel joke with the child in the future;
  • during potty training, do not immediately abandon diapers;
  • in case of failures, you can’t scold the child, you need to show more care and patience and everything will work out.

Technique number 1: accustom in seven days

Every mother wants her beloved child to get used to the toilet as soon as possible. This not only allows you to visually see how the baby has grown, but also significantly saves the family budget and reduces the woman's workload with household chores.

There are several methods of potty training, one of them allows you to do this within seven days. A special system called "Satisfied Baby" was invented by a British former nurse, Gina Ford. It is intended for kids aged one and a half years who can understand the simplest instructions and follow them, try to dress and undress themselves, know the parts of the body. The technique is scheduled for seven days and is as follows:

  1. First day begins with the fact that in the morning the diaper is removed from the child (how big you are, it's time to wear panties!) and often put on a potty. You can bring the baby to the adult toilet and clearly show what it is for. If not everything works out right away, repeat the process every quarter of an hour. Mom's goal now is to keep on the potty for 10 minutes, which should be enough for the baby to complete all his tasks. You can sit next to him and try to captivate with something so that there is no desire to get up from the potty. If, nevertheless, the pants were dirty, you should be patient and in no case scold the baby.
  2. Second day needed to reinforce the skill. But at the same time, you need to be careful so that the baby is not very fond of games, and substitute the pot in time.
  3. Third day continues the chosen method. You need to forget about diapers, even when walking, so that there is no desire to urinate in them. Before the street, be sure to hold the child on the potty. And periodically ask if he wants to go to the toilet. At first, you can take a “plastic friend” with you if you don’t want to take your baby to the “bushes”. After a few days, the child will learn to restrain himself, and the need for a potty on the street will disappear.
  4. To fourth day Many children are already potty trained. Only for now it is necessary to remind the overplayed crumbs of the need to go to the toilet. And praise more and encourage more often, but never scold for oversights. And so on until the end of the week. Later, the pot is placed in the toilet or bath so that the baby goes to relieve himself in a specially designated room.

Method #2: Fast Training in 3 Days

In the process of accustoming the baby to the potty, it is usually not advised to rush, so as not to instill in him an aversion to the action itself. And the formation of such a conscious skill can take more than one month. But if you need to speed up this process, for example, it’s time to go to kindergarten or you have a long trip ahead, special potty training techniques can help parents.

Quick potty training does not mean that the baby will immediately and forever learn to walk according to his needs without problems. But it will help to quickly realize the need to visit the toilet.

In order for this technique to work, it is determined how ready the baby is for it. The feasibility of its use can be shown by several factors:

  • the age of the child is about 2 years, in extreme cases - 2 years 1 month;
  • the baby can calmly endure 1-2 hours, and at the same time not be described;
  • the child no longer wants to wear diapers;
  • the baby has formed the process of defecation every day and at a certain time.

All the signs are there, now you need to prepare the baby for the coming changes. And you should start a couple of weeks before specific actions:

  • To begin with, it is worth buying a pot and explaining the purpose of this item.
  • Repeat often that young children first sit on the potty, and then, when they grow up, on the toilet, and so do all people.
  • A few days before the scheduled event, explain to the baby that soon he will have to wear panties and go to the children's toilet. You can interest the child in new underwear with bright patterns.
  • Specially choose a time when it will be possible to deal with only the baby for several days. It will be very good if grandmothers or husband help mom these days.

The preparation has passed, the time has been chosen, it's time to start potty training. It will take three days.

The first day. For the first time, your baby will be without a diaper all day. Instead, you can wear panties, or you can let them run around with a bare booty. You will have to watch the baby very carefully all day and literally do not let go of the toilet. As soon as you see that the baby is about to urinate, immediately carry the potty. And so every time, so that the baby sees the connection between his desire and the appearance of the pot.

If the baby manages to go to the toilet, this should end with praise, a specific explanation of his actions. Failures should be left unattended so as not to form a negative in relation to the pot.

Before you go to bed, you need to remember to put the baby on the potty and put a diaper on him.

Second day. On this day, you need to look after the baby again and try to have time to plant him on the potty. In addition, you can go out for a walk, but without the usual diaper. First, be sure to take the child to the potty, and plan the walk in such a way that it is possible to quickly return home. It will be useful to take spare clothes and a travel potty.

Remember that it is necessary to praise the baby for every success!

Day three. Today you can already go for a walk twice. The kid at home is already landing on the potty, but you need to learn to restrain yourself even when he is not at hand. Be sure to visit this item before and after the walk, before going to bed and after waking up.

Three such active and difficult days will help the baby adapt to the potty and even make the first attempts to sit down by himself. These days you need to choose clothes that can be easily removed and do not require outside help. After a certain period, we put on pajamas or panties for the night.


Sometimes situations arise when the baby abruptly and categorically refuses the pot, although the skill has already been formed before that. This can happen up to two years, and in three or four years. The reasons are different:

  • Conflicts within the family are always bad for children. Unable to influence them, the baby may rebel or withdraw into his world in protest. The reluctance to go to the potty becomes one of the elements of an unconscious reaction to the world around.
  • Some changes in the usual way of life (moving, the birth of another child in the family) come as a surprise to the baby and may lead to a refusal to do things that were previously familiar.
  • The crisis period of three years can also lead to the rejection of the pot. At this time, the baby begins to realize himself as a person and try to do as he himself wants, and others do not require him.
  • Refusal from the pot can also occur during the illness of the child, during periods of the appearance of new teeth. Now all the forces of a small organism are aimed at recovery, and for this period you should not insist on visiting the potty.

Having found out the reason why the child stops visiting the “baby toilet” that has already become familiar, you can think about solving it. In any case, do not insist and land by force.

How to give up diapers

While getting used to the toilet, the child should gradually wean him to wear diapers. During the day, it is easier to follow the baby and have time to put it on the potty when the first signs appear. If the necessary skill begins to be developed, you can put to bed at night in panties or pajamas.

At first, special waterproof diapers will help to avoid a damp bed. Over time, the habit will form, and even at night the baby will be able to wake up and ask for a potty. And at first, make sure that the baby drinks less fluids before bedtime, and make it a habit to go to the toilet before putting the baby to bed.

Causes of fear of the potty and what to do in such cases

Fear and rejection of the potty can occur in the following cases:

  • Unsuccessful acquaintance with a new thing. Perhaps you should put the potty away for a while and try again, adding something interesting to the visit process, such as sewing a cape or putting on a little play with toys.
  • The kid periodically gets his pants dirty and this is followed by frequent and strong swearing, which leads to all sorts of avoidance from the potty.
  • Planting a half-asleep baby on a cool potty can also fix the negative in relation to the process itself.
  • The desire to buy a super novelty with music sometimes leads to a fear of visiting the potty, a melody that appears can discourage the desire to sit on this item. This problem also includes the fear of a sudden fall.
  • Fear of the pot also occurs with such troubles as constipation. The kid may not understand that this problem has nothing to do with this subject.

And summing up all that has been said, you can add that everything will definitely work out, the child will get used to doing his needs in the pot. The main thing is to do everything with love and patience, and the problem will be resolved.

Although there are no children in the world who sooner or later do not understand that their “business” should be done on a pretty potty, this question worries parents at all times - “When and how to teach a child to go to the potty?”.

How many psychologists, so many opinions, but everyone is unanimous in one thing - you need to start not with buying a pot, but with accustoming to neatness from the very first days of a baby’s life.

A timely wet diaper change is a guarantee that your baby will not like to be peed or pooped on, and you will have less problems when it comes time to potty train your child.

From the age of four months, the baby can already be kept over the pot, bending its legs up and saying, like a sacred mantra: “Pee-pee! Ka-ka! ”, But you should do this at those moments when you notice a corresponding need in a boy or girl, for example, when your baby grunts and pushes. This process is called planting. This is the first step towards learning not to “walk” under yourself. A step, but not yet a whole step!

The most likely times for this stage are: immediately after waking up (if he or she woke up dry), 15-20 minutes later. after eating, if the playing baby remains dry for an hour and a half.

All this is included in the further development of the habit of neatness, which will greatly help us when the step is taken directly to the self-administration of natural needs.

The main help in potty training can be provided by close relatives of the family.

The first step is getting used to sitting on the potty.

The first big step in house friend training comes when the baby is already sitting firmly and confidently, and this happens around the age of 8 months.

Many parents are concerned about the questions: “When to put the child on the potty? Can this be done before 8 months? You can plant at 6-7 months, but for a very short time and without fail “insurance” of the baby, supporting it with both hands.

It is necessary to plant your miracle child on a “home friend” carefully and carefully at any age so that this new life experience does not scare the baby in any way, otherwise a number of unpleasant problems may arise, the basis of which is fear of the potty, and then you another difficult question will arise: “How to teach a child not to be afraid of this pot?”.

Please note that it may not be possible for manyuni to do “things” in a pot right away, and this is not necessary, the main thing at the first stage is to learn how to sit on this very potty, get used to it.

It will not be Google that will help you, but careful observation of the child, guessing from his behavior the approaching moment of relief and the timely “planting” of this “seedling” into the pot, accompanying the process with the singing of mantras: “Pee-pee! Ka-ka!

These signals will also contribute to the development of the necessary and useful habits in the baby. Through his reflexes, which you will develop in him before the year.

Step Two - Avoid diapers

Giving up diapers is a sure step towards potty training, especially if the house is warm.

In general, few people know that babies can control their emptying processes from birth, but the availability and convenience of diapers for “lazy” parents reduces these natural data of their native little ones “to nothing” and only adds problems in accustoming to neatness. In fact, parents with their diapers “tighten the noose around their own neck” and spoil the nervous system of the crumbs, because it has long been known that retraining is always more difficult than teaching.

Diapers do you and your child a disservice: the child, thanks to the “dry ass” system, does not understand when he has registered. Therefore, the second and very important step in solving the question: "How to teach a child to go to the potty?" - There will be a rejection of diapers. At all.

Let's listen to common sense - the longer diapers are used, the stronger the baby's defense against the potty imposed on him. It is much more difficult to teach a child at the age of 2 to “potty” things than from the earliest childhood!

Of course, it is best to let the baby run with a bare booty in the warm season, but if your house is warm enough even in winter, then woolen booties will be enough.

Step three, also very important - getting to know the pot

A pot in the shape of a bear cub or any other animal will interest the baby as a new toy

Since, in most cases, the moment of accustoming to the management of natural needs from infancy has already been missed, you will have to introduce the children to the place of the correct mandrel - the pot. It is necessary to “convey” this fact, which is so understandable for adults, to the kids.

The algorithm of how to potty train a boy and a girl is always the same; physiological differences do not affect the training.

Let the kids look at the “house friend”, touch, knock and generally perform a series of actions only for him the most understandable, and then show them, as soon as they try to pee, what this item is really intended for - bring the pot to the inguinal region, if it's a boy, or gently potty a girl. Show the children (boy or girl) what happened and be sure to praise!

Believe me, praise for the right action has never harmed anyone, unlike swearing or shouting. The process of perception of "a pot - a small or big need" can drag on for several weeks, so stock up on endless patience, you will definitely need it!

But, perhaps, great luck will await you: having caught the correct time for landing on the potty several times in a row, your baby will be illuminated by the discovery of the need for this item with "wee-wee" and "ka-ka" and he will begin to look for meetings with him at the first urge to go to the toilet. For such cases, we must try to ensure that the pot is always in the same place, where the baby can easily find it and use it.

A video about how not to do it - mom scolds her daughter for pissing herself in pantyhose.

"Pamper" problems

But "diaper" babies rarely get used to the potty at an early age, they "grow" to understand it somewhere by a year and a half, or even later. These children need to understand with their minds why they put this object under their buttocks and why before that they take off their pants.

There are times when "diaper" kids are scared for their "unprotected" diaper inguinal areas and fall into a real stupor or start crying inconsolably. This happens especially often with future defenders - boys. And then the process of accustoming the baby to the potty gives way to the problem of the baby's fear of being left without diapers.

The diaper will have to be removed anyway, and you will have to endure wet pants for a couple of days, where you will allow the baby to pee, even sitting him on the potty, through the fabric, until he gets used to the lack of a soft layer between him and the potty. Take comfort in the thought that this method of weaning from diapers will make it possible for the little one to feel what really wet pants are and feel disgusted with this state of affairs.

The Pi-pi Friend asterisk will help make sure the child has done his “things” right

Assessment of "readiness"

No less important for sane parents is the assessment of the psychological development of the crumbs at the time of potty training.

Observe your child and honestly answer yourself a few questions:

  1. Does your baby feel discomfort if he has dirty hands, face, clothes or buttocks? Does he try to get rid of these troubles on his own?
  2. Can he take off his own clothes, in particular - pants or tights?
  3. Does the baby try to convey her desires to you with the help of individual words or purposeful actions? For example, if he is thirsty, he tries to get a cup himself or leads you by the hand to the kitchen. Perhaps he does both, saying: “Drink!” - then it's absolutely wonderful!
  4. Does he listen to your words? Does he try to communicate with you?
  5. Does he understand the meaning of words like “write” or “pisya” and “butt”?
  6. Does he know the names of the items of clothing?
  7. Has the baby established a stable "mode" of defecation?
  8. Can he bend down, squat down and stand up freely without your help?
  9. Does he use his hands so well that he can pick up even small objects from the floor?
  10. Does he understand that all things must have their place, and can he take the thing given to him to this place?
  11. Does he try to imitate you or older children in the family, if any?
  12. Can it stay dry and clean for 1.5-2 hours?

If you can answer “yes” to the vast majority of questions, then this means that a stable connection-control has formed between the child’s brain and his muscles, and emotions, and you have the right to start potty training your boy or girl.

Your baby is ready to use the potty, as they say, both morally and physically, that is, consciously, and by no means reflexively, as “diaperless” babies do, who have not gone through forced accustoming to a “night vase”.

But even here you cannot do without titanic patience, especially since “accidents” will happen from time to time up to a regular basis, especially at the first stages of the study.

Potty training is up to the parents

What should be kept in mind while learning?

What is obvious to 1000 adults is not at all a rule of conduct for a small person - adult logic is powerless in front of a child's psyche.

If you choose one of the methods proposed below, then act strictly according to it, without transferring to another and do not sculpt a vinaigrette from "a little bit of everything" in your actions. In any technique, a strictly coordinated sequence of your actions and their combinations is important!

Choose for classes those few days that you can fully devote to your baby, from morning to evening. How? – It will depend on which system-method is used.

It would be nice if your spouse or grandmother can replace you in this “post”.

Clearly put into your head a simple thought: “Education is a big, time-consuming and often long journey. May patience and love not leave me on this thorny path!

You absolutely should not worry about the opinions of others, neighbors, good aunts and fairy fairies. It is quite possible to protect your baby and your psyche from all sorts of comparisons and advice with a thick blanket of self-righteousness. Finally start taking action!

There is a separate article-instruction on how to choose a pot, but for now we present you a video ..

The seven day method

This method is approved by the largest number of parents of children aged 1.5 - 1.8 years. It is called "The Volunteer Baby" and was developed by pediatrician Gina Ford for children who already know how to perform simple independent actions and understand the requirements of their parents.

And most importantly, he fully answers the burning question: "How to potty train in just 7 days?".

Use your child's favorite soft toy to help with potty training.

The first day

  1. Immediately after waking up in the morning, we remove the diaper, explaining to the baby that he is already old enough, and adults do not wear diapers, and immediately put the miracle child on a warm (!) Pot. Withstand 10 min. In theory, this time should be enough for all wet and other “cases”.
  2. If the baby did not cope with the task, then you can bring your favorite doll or bear to help. Drop a little water into the pot, put a toy on it, read a mantra suitable for the occasion and be sure to vigorously admire what the toy has “done”. Praise her, you can even treat the rubber (plush) miracle with a piece of goodies and go along with your own child to pour out the pot.
  3. Invite the baby to first flush the toilet (I don’t know a single child who would not like this procedure), and then invite him to repeat the “feat” of the bear doll.
  4. If the baby flatly refuses to repeat the “feat”, pretend that you are very upset by his behavior, but just do not take any forceful actions!
  5. Retry potty training after 15 minutes. And another 15 minutes later. And after another 15. Until, finally, something does not work out for your crumbs. Now it's time for his glory, your admiration and endless praise!
  6. If the cunning peanut managed to pee in his pants between two attempts, do not despair, but be sure to express your upset: “Ai-ai-ai! So big, and the pants are wet, like a very small one!

Notice the difference! You should be upset, not angry or (God forbid!) angry! Otherwise, malipus will clearly connect this “terrible” object with his fear and your anger.

And do so throughout the first day.

Second day

On this day, we will consolidate the skills of cleanliness and tidiness acquired on the first day: we will put the baby and the doll in turn on the same potty, stand for 10 minutes each. and praise them one by one.

Let's give the baby the opportunity to verify the correctness of his actions, through praise and the opportunity to flush the toilet every 15 minutes. We ourselves will carefully monitor the time and ensure that the baby does not play too much and does not make (or even did something more powerful!) In clean and dry pants.

Planting a soft toy will help in potty training a child

Day three

Today we are going for a walk! And we go for a walk together with a plastic "home friend", ignoring even the very concept of "Pampers"! If we decide not to use diapers, then we will do it without the slightest regret, otherwise the baby may get confused: “Where will we write?” and all the efforts of the previous two days will go down the drain, alas.

We will definitely visit a “home friend” before going out, for exactly 10 minutes, and on the street we will be interested in our baby if she wants to pee or poop in her wonderful pot.

The “night vase” will have to be dragged along for some days, but as soon as the baby gets used not to ponder in his pants, but to consciously ask for “wee-wee”, the pot can be successfully replaced with bushes.

Day four - fixing

By this day, both you and your baby have already figured out what's what and why, it remains only to make sure that the baby does not forget what kind of plastic object it is in front of him. We will regularly remind and ask: “Do you want to pee? Shall we go potty?"

Day five, six and seven

Everything, as in the fourth. The main thing is not to miss the time of visiting the "toilet". And be sure to praise, praise, praise after each successful "hit" of a wet "shell" right on target! A kid satisfied with praise will definitely try to get praise again!

Whether to wake up at night

Quick potty training techniques allow you to firmly fix the material

Usually, by the age of one, children are already soiling their panties with feces, but they can pond there for a long time and will inform you about this as a fait accompli.

Especially often this will happen at night, during sleep. At night, for the first time of potty training, diapers can be relaxed. But only for the night!

Should we wake up the lovely girl or the lovely boy for "wee-wee" at night? It entirely depends on how the child behaves after waking up. If he calmly sits on the potty, and then just as calmly falls asleep, then you can and should wake him up.

But if the child actively protests, cries, his sleep is disturbed, then you will have to limit yourself to just quietly changing a wet diaper to a dry one. Priority in this case should be given to a good night's sleep - definitely!

Troubles happen to the baby from about 2 a.m. to 5 a.m., so until you figure out if it’s possible to wake your miracle child for a nightly potty, you will have to stay awake during these 2-3 nights.

Principles of Rapid Learning Methods

Methods for quickly accustoming a baby to asking for a potty are justified and good in that they allow you to quickly fix the habit of being in a dry state for a long time and strengthen the “potty-repair” connection for several days.

Without these techniques, the process of developing a “friendship” with a potty can drag on for several weeks, or even months.

But, if you have nowhere to rush (you don’t have a ticket to kindergarten or tickets to Jamaica), then you shouldn’t rush too much: the pot itself will “come” to you at the right time, honestly!

Never forget that it is your baby who is unique, and his development is just as unique and can be very different from the development and actions of the neighbor Vasya or Petya, who “have been going to the potty for a long time!”. Do not rip off the nervous system for yourself and your little one, demanding from him actions that are still inaccessible to his understanding!

But your baby can build a whole tower of cubes! Can Petya? That's it! Here it is - mother's joy, which should be the starting point in the successful development of a new stage of development - the ability to ask and go to the potty yourself.

Do not belittle the dignity of your baby even in your thoughts, be proud of his achievements and, of course, praise and encourage for every centimeter of the path to independence!

If after a week of active joint actions on the part of you and your child, the baby regularly and joyfully provides you with traces of his life in the pot, then you can consider your task of teaching the child to the potty completed, even when the baby has a "program failure" from time to time.

"Failures" take place up to 5-6 years, especially at night, and this is absolutely normal, you do not need to diagnose "enuresis" on your own, and then panic about it.

Before a walk in the initial stages of accustoming, be sure to go to the potty

Method "Three days before the potty"

There are times when you just need to potty train your child! Then this turbo method is for you.

When applying it, praise and consistency, multiplied by your patience, are just as important, but determining the readiness of the child himself for it is extremely important!

First, let's determine if your little one is ready for "turbo actions":

  1. Can he not write for 1.5-2 hours?
  2. Has he developed a specific time to ease his bowels?
  3. Is he trying to take off his diaper after "going" there?

If the answer is “yes”, then the “preparatory work” can begin. To do this, we will purchase a pot of the shape and size we need, according to the gender of the child. Until that time, the “home friend” should not appear as a toy among cubes, horses and inflatable hares!

From the first days of the appearance of a “night vase” in the house, accustom your baby to the idea that the pot is not a toy, but an important item for keeping the crumbs clean and tidy.

All this, as well as thoughts about how well it is to be able to do “ka-ka” and “pee-pee” on this glorious pot (well, just like a completely adult!) We will inspire the child within one to two weeks. Of course, we will show manyuna “how it is done”, but not by our own example (due to morality and ethics), but we will involve all the same dolls and bears in action.

If we have an older child or a neighbor's kid who already knows how to cope with this complexity, then we will thank good luck and involve them in our difficult work.

Buy your child beautiful new panties with a bright pattern that your baby will like, but do not allow them to be pulled over Pampers, explaining that only those children who already know how to pee in a potty or toilet wear panties. Encourage your baby to painlessly part with a diaper pad!

Now that the explanatory and preparatory work with the awareness of the coming changes has been carried out, you can proceed to the next part of the program, to directly planting on the pot. And this part will take us, as we remember, three days.

Day #1 is the hardest day

Pot in the form of a throne of the princess will interest the parents of the girl

As in the first method, we expose the ass of the little one from the hour of his awakening and finally allow him to put on beautiful panties and strongly advise him to pee on the potty.

Since our task is to prevent “leakage” into beautiful panties, we postpone all the most important things on this day and go after manyunya all day with a pot “at the ready”, persistently, but without using force, offering him to do his “business” in this plastic bowl .

Since the baby already knows, thanks to the preparatory suggestion, what the pot is for, we just have to fix the action (writing) and the object (pot) in his mind.

To do this, we will catch every drop that is ready to break out of the child's body into the “night vase” substituted under the stream. And we will vigorously express our admiration when we succeed.

We will admire, of course, the behavior of the baby, and not our dexterity, although it is important for us on this day to stabilize every attempt of our child-miracle to relieve himself when sitting on the potty. Did you feel the approach of "ka-ka" or "wee-wee"? And here it is, our miracle pot! He really is a miracle: the panties remained dry! What a smart kid! And I went to pee, and I didn’t soak my panties! Well, the baby has already grown up with us, just like dad right!

It seems that you will not succeed in catching all the streams, but you will not reasonably begin to focus on your own mistakes, and even more so blame your own child for them. The negative has a bad habit of growing up to the complete refusal of the crumbs from this unpleasant object - the pot.

Let's not forget to sit on it after eating and after a day's sleep, we will visit a "home friend" for the night and go to bed, putting the pot in the visibility zone of a small independent person.

As for the night diaper, it's up to you.

Day number 2 - this day is not much different from the first, except that today we will go for a walk without a diaper!

  • As soon as our relative went to the potty, we get dressed and go out into the street, taking with us clean pants and beautiful panties.
  • We will walk very close to the house, so that at the first urge to “wee-wee”, we can rush into the house and sit on the potty. Did not have time? No problem! Anyway, let's get home and sit on the "home friend".
  • If it’s far from home, we’ll silently and quickly change into spare clothes, it’s like there was nothing!
  • If there is no chance to quickly "fly" to the house, then you will have to "walk" the pot, it's good if you have a folding folding model in stock!
  • Upon returning home, we go to the potty and continue the day in the usual rhythm: we catch streams and praise, and encourage, and admire.

We end day #2 in the same way as day #1.

Day #3

Ideally, it repeats the first and second days, just add one more extra walk to it so that our baby tries to restrain her impulses to “go to the toilet” right here and right now, and endure until the potty, which is with us on this day " will not go for a walk, but will remain to “wait” for us at home.

As a rule, after such a deep immersion in "potty therapy", children begin to perceive the potty, on which they need to direct all their needs, as a matter of course: if you want to pee - run to it!

Some babies “beg”, and some do everything on their own, therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant “wet situations”, the baby’s clothes should be as comfortable as possible for exposure: no complicated laces and tight elastic bands that do not lend themselves to the fingers of a one and a half year old crumbs, let’s leave alone crossed or tied straps and buttons that are difficult to unfasten. Motto: “The simpler, the better!”

But we do not leave our attention to the crumbs on the fourth and fifth day! Everything that he has learned, he still needs to repeat and repeat, to polish the acquired skills, to hone the acquired skills.

We remind manyuna that his “home friend” has already been waiting for him, if the baby has played too much and does not go to the potty for more than an hour, we arrange sudden unscheduled “gatherings” before going to the store or just sitting on the window.

  • Before bed is a must!
  • After sleep - a must!
  • And after a meal - by all means a must!

If the native forgot and sat down on the potty right in his beautiful panties, we would never blame him for this, but rather the opposite, he honestly sat down on the potty, to do his “things”! And isn’t that what we wanted from the baby when we wanted him to learn the “toilet” skill?

  1. Extremely popular among young parents is Nathan Ezrin and Richard Fox's 1-Day Potty Training course. The authors of this book + video course claim to have developed an incredible system, following which you can accustom a little one to a “night vase” in just 1 day. Yes, there is a day! After 4 hours, your baby will not just walk, he will run to the toilet without any reminders and whims! May be…
  2. Speaking in conscience, the method of Maria Atalikova “Simple step-by-step training in 27 days” is more trustworthy. This, of course, is not in one day, and not even in three, but it is a very understandable, practical course adapted to our children, giving a huge percentage of positive results, thanks to phased-sequential practical exercises with the baby. What else is a good course, besides clear content? - Eliminates the vicious dependence on diapers from the age of 3 months.

Of course, each parent decides for himself when to potty train his child. For some, training from the young heels is acceptable, while someone is ready to wait up to 1.5-2 years. But it should be remembered that all the proposed methods “work” better with children under 2 years old. The deadline is 2 years and 3 months. Extreme!

If you were not able to deal with this problem in due time, then, at an older age, you may need the help of another specialist.

In any case, teaching the baby to stay dry and not pee on slippers is the responsibility of the parents, not the "Pampers"!

Diapers are a great invention, thanks to which many mothers do not have to endlessly wash and iron most of the time after giving birth. Sooner or later, parents have to introduce their baby to the potty. This happens differently in every family and at different ages. Someone already at the age of one and a half runs to him, pulling off his pants on the go, and someone goes through a tough school of growing up in a kindergarten, learning the rules of self-service with the help of educators and nannies. How to potty train a child, and what to do if he refuses to use it?

When is the best time to introduce your child to the potty?

Children begin to learn new skills easily when they are ready physically and mentally. No sane mother will force a child to crawl or stand on legs if he has not yet matured for this. Experts and in the matter of the toilet recommend that parents do not rush, as it is much easier to teach a child to the potty when he is already 2 years old. If a baby up to this age is forced to sit on an incomprehensible object, making sounds like “piss-piss”, he will not understand anything, and will resist. Sometimes children are so intimidated that they start crying at the mere sight of a potty.

When to start teaching? If the child does not need to go to kindergarten soon, the mother can track his behavior. The kid will always give a sign that he wants to go to the toilet. Everyone has his own. One begins to shudder or freeze, the other will push or grunt. You need to seize such a moment, and quickly put him on a pot. If you have time on time several times, the baby will begin to understand the true purpose of the pot.

At what age should a child be potty trained, young mothers are interested? 1.5-2 years is considered optimal.

Prior to this, it is difficult for children to control their needs. The fact that the bladder and intestines are full, the baby does not notice. If a neighbor boasts that her one-year-old son can already poop in a pot, this does not mean that the problem has been solved on a conscious level. It's just that he is planted there with enviable regularity. The reflex kicks in. If they managed to plant on time, everything works out, if not, he will put on pants.

When the child is already able to:

  • squat down and get up without anyone's help;
  • collect various objects from the floor, put them in their places;
  • sit down on the potty on your own (even without taking off your panties) or put toys on it;
  • it is good to understand what they say to him, to perceive praise from parents, requests and encouragement;
  • say a few words, communicate your desires;
  • stay dry after waking up during the day, do not pee, being awake for 1.5-2 hours;
  • feel that wet and dirty panties are uncomfortable

mom can safely start toilet or potty training.

Important! Each child develops individually. The age at which they switch to the potty after diapers also differs. If a baby pees on a potty for a year, this is not related to his meaningful habits. He must clearly understand what he is doing, and not follow reflexes.

Which pot is better to buy

Children's goods stores offer a wide range of potties for boys and girls of all ages. For girls they are made in a round shape, for boys they are oval with a slight bulge in front, which corresponds to the anatomical structure of the body. You can choose any model - from classic to a pot in the form of animals or cars. Consultants will tell young parents about the advantages and disadvantages of a particular product.

There are several points to consider that even an experienced seller may not know about:

  1. Warm material. The product must not be cold. It is unlikely that a baby who is accustomed to warm diapers, soft diapers and gentle mother's hands will like to touch iron or ceramics with his booty. It is advisable to choose models made of plastic. They are bright, attractive and comfortable, and most importantly, warm. They are easy to wash and disinfect.
  2. Convenience. In such a delicate issue, comfort and the presence of a back are no less important. You can choose an option for your little one that matches the anatomical features. The main thing is that the hole is wide enough and does not stick into the body of the baby.
  3. Sustainability. An unstable toilet item with an awkward movement can easily tip over with the child. This is fraught with a categorical refusal to sit on it next time.
  4. Mobility. Models with a removable cover can be taken with you on a trip.
  5. Efficiency. Pots with light or music effects interfere with children distracting them from the main process. Often they are perceived as toys, and not a necessity.
  6. Quality. A good pot should be smooth, solid and solid. Cracks or sharp protrusions are not allowed. Do not forget that the contents will need to be regularly poured into the toilet, so a strong comfortable handle is an important element of the product.

If the pot consists of several parts, make sure that they are easily removed and accessible for washing. Otherwise, dirt will accumulate in the corners, and the item of necessity will turn into a breeding ground for germs.

Teaching Methods

Parents need to stock up on remarkable patience, since it will not work to teach a one-year-old child to the potty in one day. You can make the process easier by following some tips:

  • introduce the baby to a new subject slowly, playing. It is better to explain that this is a very good thing, and if you use it, the panties will not be wet, and there will be much less puddles on the couch or on the floor. A good example can be shown on toys, first sitting on a pot, for example, a beloved bear, and then a hare;
  • the child needs to be told that it is unpleasant to walk in wet clothes. The butt will begin to blush and hurt. To avoid this, you need to go to the potty. It is advisable to put a toilet item in the children's room and squeeze the crumbs on it after waking up, walking and eating;
  • encouragement is needed. If everything worked out, the child must be praised. Then the next time the little one will definitely want to repeat his little success. If an “accident” happened, you don’t need to get upset and scold the baby. It is enough to gently remind him of the existence of a pot in the house that will not allow his panties to get wet again;
  • the pot should be in a prominent and familiar place. If the child sits on it himself and is able to cope with his own affairs, the joy will be great, and the reaction of the mother will doubly please him;
  • there is no need to pay excessive attention to the usual process, to cover the baby with books and toys, arranging a puppet show. The act of defecation should not be associated with games.

It is impossible, when planting a child on a potty, to hold him against his will until he pees. This will cause resistance, and when the baby is released, he will defecate elsewhere, but not on the insidious pot. Then it is better to forget about this subject for a while, and try to lure the child in another way. A boy, as an adult, can be offered to pee standing up. The girl - let a stream in the basin. If this helps, you can safely return to the pot, but not so assertively.

Each person is individual. This must be taken into account when raising children. You can not equate your baby with neighboring children of the same age who have already learned toilet tricks.

You can get a successful result by taking into account a few tips:

  • You can quickly potty train a child when he is ready mentally and physically. This can be determined by parents who are constantly next to him;
  • it is necessary to put the little one on the pot after each awakening. If he didn't go to bed, then there is a chance that he will successfully go to the potty;
  • if the baby is sick (teeth are being cut, the stomach hurts, the temperature has risen), you do not need to start training;
  • do not scold the baby if he forgot about the potty and wet his pants;
  • it is best to start accustoming in the summer, when it will be possible to walk naked for a long time or wear a minimum of clothes;
  • the attention of the child should be fixed not only on the process of emptying, but also on removing linen, pouring the contents into the toilet, returning the pot to its place;
  • during urination, do not use the sounds of running water. This in the future can negatively affect the psyche.

How to potty train in 7 days

Some mothers, wanting to reduce the number of diapers used and the number of washes, are trying to quickly teach the child to go to the potty. How to properly potty train your child? There is a special method that allows the baby to get used to it in 7 days. It was developed by renowned midwife and author of many childcare manuals, Gina Ford. The technique was approved by many women, whose children already knew how to take off their pants and understand what they were being told.

  • First day

On the morning of the first day, the diaper is removed from the baby and, offering to go to the toilet, they bring him to the potty. The procedure, if the first attempt was unsuccessful, is repeated every 15 minutes until it ends in success. It is advisable to ensure that the child sits on the potty for about 10 minutes, this is enough for him to empty himself. You can sit next to and entertain the baby so that he does not jump up. If it was not possible to catch the moment, the child begins to resist, it is better not to insist. This requires patience.

  • next 2 days

On the second and third days, they act according to the same principle. The child needs to be monitored, not allowing him to forget and relieve himself in his pants. If the seven-day method is chosen, diapers are not worn even for a walk. Before going out, the baby is offered to sit on the potty. And while walking, they are interested in whether he wants to write in order to avoid an unpleasant surprise.

  • Remaining 4 days

Already from the fourth day, parents and the child know approximately when to visit the "toilet friend". If the kid is carried away by the game, he needs to be reminded of this and be sure to praise in case of success. Mom's joy will be the impetus for the child's final mastery of toilet skills.

How to potty train in 3 days

If the baby is not pushed, the process will drag on for a long time. You can potty train your child in 3 days using another proven method. But this does not mean that the baby will never misfire, getting used to it. Such techniques convey to the child the importance of visiting the potty, and form the basis of toilet wisdom. For everything to be successful, you need to find out if he is ready for this.

When evaluating the feasibility of a fast learning method, you need to focus on the following factors:

  • such techniques are used for children under 2 years old;
  • the baby is able not to write for 1-2 hours;
  • The baby poops around the same time.

These criteria indicate the readiness of the baby. But before you start learning, you should prepare in advance. They begin to prepare 2-3 weeks before the transition to the planned actions:

  • the child is shown a toilet friend, and every day they are told what he is needed for;
  • they say that all children go to the potty, and then, like adults, to the toilet - and rightly so;
  • a few days before training, the baby is told that he will not wear diapers, because he is already big. Instead, he will have panties, and in order not to spoil them and not wet them, you need to pee in a pot. In order to arouse the interest of the baby, they buy him a pair of panties with beautiful images.

After the soil is ready, you can begin the process:

  1. On the first day in the morning, the diaper is not put on, replacing the selected panties. A quick training method provides that the little one will learn to pee on the potty while awake. Overnight diaper weaning will take longer. When the child begins to fully control his physical needs and excretion processes.
  2. If the temperature in the room allows, it is better to leave the baby without clothes for the whole day. If not, wear comfortable pants with a loose elastic band. Even after training, some babies may sit on the potty in their underwear, forgetting to take it off. Adults should closely monitor him and, at the first sign, plant him on a pot. The child must understand the close connection between the actions performed and the potty. If the parents do not have time to catch him before the need is corrected, the connection in the mind will not be fixed.
  3. Each successful hit in the pot should be marked with joyful emotions and praise. It is better not to focus on failures, otherwise negative feelings will be associated with the toilet and the training will be delayed. Before going to bed (in the afternoon or in the evening), the baby must be offered to sit on the potty.

Do the same on the second and third days. You can go for a walk outside, but go out after the child goes to the toilet. Before going to bed or going for a walk, the baby is offered to sit on the potty, not forgetting to praise him after he does his job. After such active actions, the concept of a potty will clearly form in a child in three days. He will calmly perceive the “toilet theme”, and even ask or sit on it on his own. Over time, it will be possible to abandon the night diaper.


Some parents are faced with the fact that their child, who regularly went to the potty, suddenly began to miss visits and again wet and soil the laundry. This can happen at 1.5 and 4 years.

The reasons for this behavior are different:

  1. Stress associated with moving, having a second child, long-distance travel. Children are very conservative and prone to worries. Even the simplest changes in life can cause a child to stop doing things they used to enjoy doing. This also applies to the pot.
  2. At the age of 3, children experience an age crisis. The child is trying to do the opposite. This time passes and everything falls into place. Parents need to survive these moments and not worry once again.
  3. Scandals between parents in the presence of a child can negatively affect his psyche, social adaptation and behavior.
  4. During illness, children often do not ask for a potty.

The reason for the rejection of toiletries should be identified and eliminated as quickly as possible.

Refusal of diapers

Newly minted parents are constantly worried about the question of what time to potty train a child in order to give up expensive diapers? It is much easier not to use them during the day than at night. When the baby is awake, it is easy to catch him and put him on the potty. When the habit of regularly visiting the toilet or potty is clearly developed, the night diaper will remain practically dry. Then you can safely get away from him.

To secure the oilcloth or waterproof diaper from the crib, you should not rush to remove it. The baby needs to be woken up twice a night and, sleepy, seated on the potty. Gradually, awakenings are reduced to one time. A small organism will get used to this ritual, will begin to control the process of urination in a dream. The child will wake up on his own, feeling the need. The pot must be placed near the bed and leave the night light on.

Why can a child be afraid of the potty

It is difficult for a child to potty train when he reacts badly to it. This can happen for several reasons:

  1. When parents scold and even spank him for soiled or wet pants. Negative emotions accumulate that prevent the baby from calmly perceiving the potty.
  2. When acquaintance with a toilet friend turned out to be unsuccessful. Sometimes the pot seems to children too cold, unpleasant, ugly. The pot needs to be hidden for a while, and then the acquaintance should be repeated. It is better to buy a toilet friend in advance so that the baby can get used to it, know what it feels like and not perceive it as a terrible object that you need to sit on for some reason.
  3. Perhaps, when the child was sitting on the potty, he was frightened by extraneous sounds, or he fell off him and hurt himself painfully.
  4. In kindergarten, "wet or dirty" trouble can happen to any kid. Unscrupulous educators react violently to this, chastising the child in front of other children. When sending your child to a group, you need to be interested in what kind of toilet is there, are there pots, toilet paper, can the child retire when the need arises. The absence of these conditions causes a delay in defecation until coming home, which causes constipation.
  5. The reason following from the previous one is physiological constipation. It can cause fear of the potty. The process of defecation in the baby begins to be associated with torture and pain. It is difficult to convince the baby that the pot is not to blame.
  6. Children's fears and fantasies do not bypass the pot (toilet bowl). The child may be afraid that someone living in the toilet will grab him by the ass or bite him.

An adult child needs to create comfortable conditions for privacy so that he can relax and calmly go to the toilet. You can’t force the baby to sit on the potty, force him to sit down if he resists. Such mistakes often discourage children from using the potty.
