Cat and mouse mobile game for children. cat, buyer and seller

Game description:

Summer holidays. There are more and more children on the street. Need a game for a large number a person so that everyone could participate, and everyone had fun! Then the Cat and Mouse game is for you. This fun game designed for large friendly company, and it was known even to our grandparents. So how is it played?

The rules of this game are simple: we choose a mouse and a cat among all the players. This is easy to do with the help of lots or a counting rhyme.

For example:

One two three four five.
The cat is learning to count.
little by little
Adds a cat to a mouse.
The answer is:
There is a cat, but no mouse.

But, most likely, in your company there will be mice and cats who want to play the role, and therefore you will need to choose among them.
Now we have a cat, a mouse and other players. The players hold hands, as in a handshake, and form a circle. The mouse runs into the circle. And outside the circle remains a cat.

And now we play! The task of the cat is to get into the circle and catch the mouse. The mouse must be nimble and dexterous so as not to fall into the paws of a cat. And all the rest lead a round dance and try not to let the cat into the circle.

And so we started a round dance! The cat runs in circles, the mouse hides and teases the cat. The player in the role of a cat can crawl from below under the closed hands, jump over the hands from above, or, if possible, try to disengage the hands of the players leading the round dance.

The children who lead the round dance hold each other's hands tightly, and when the cat tries to get through them, raises their closed hands up or down, thereby creating a barrier for the cat. Standing shoulder to shoulder circle participants is prohibited!

With a mouse, everything is simple! He hides in the circle, runs around, jumps, teases the cat. Maybe even dance the lambada until the cat bursts into the circle.

And now attention! As soon as the cat gets inside the circle, the players open their hands and let the mouse out, and they try to stop the cat in the same way. And when the cat breaks out of the circle, she runs after the mouse and, of course, catches up with him! A player in the role of a cat can immediately catch a mouse in a circle if he has time. It already depends entirely on the speed of reaction of all participants in the game.

So look who among you is the most courageous, dexterous and fast! Now go outside and play!

An eternal confrontation between mustachioed pets and cunning rodents who want to get cheese. The eternal confrontation of these mustachioed animals, like fire and water. In the board game Cat and Mouse, everyone will be able to participate in the pursuit of their delicacy.

Feel like an escaping prey in search of cheese or a hunter who has a lot of small yummy running before his eyes. Who will win? It depends only on the speed of the players. Move smartly so as not to become dinner for a big impudent cat!

The eternal confrontation between mustachioed pets and cunning rodents who want to get cheese

Description and features

A red cat went hunting, he is incredibly cunning and placed a bait for small tailed pests. The board game Cat and Mouse and its add-on Cheese Pyramid Traps is designed for children from four years old. From three to six people can participate in it at the same time.

Why is the minimum number 3 when most games have 2? In addition to two mice hunting for cheese, in the chase one participant must try on the role of a cat - in cat form, he will chase gray troublemakers in an attempt to catch and dine at least one.

Red cat went hunting

Included board game Cat and mouse includes:

  • Six little cunning mice
  • One red cat-cup
  • One delicious piece of cheese
  • Dice (one piece)
  • Twenty-four cards of gray rodents
  • cat mouse game rules of the game
  • colorful square box with sides of twenty-four centimeters and a height of eight centimeters.

Board game Cat and mouse for children will amuse adults and children. It belongs to the category of developing, because each battle develops the speed of reaction, the speed of perception of information and perseverance. To win, you need to be careful and not catch mice before the corresponding value on the die falls out. Players must react quickly, because the mice quickly scatter, and the cat quickly rushes at its prey.

Its design is a plus. All components of the set are made of natural materials. They are pleasant to touch, and children will not break them on the first play. The set refers to entertainment in which not the victory itself is interesting, but Active participation. Pulling mice and attacking prey with a cat-glass will be interesting for all players.

All components of the set are made from natural materials

Rules of the game

The board game Cat and Mice requires some preparatory maneuvers. All of them are described in detail in the rules of the game.

Simple rules of the Cat and Mouse game will allow children to quickly figure out what to do and quickly feel like a hungry mouse on cheese. Parents will be able to set aside time for themselves, because the game does not require their participation and the children can spend time with their friends without opening up to the exciting confrontation between rodents and domestic predators.

Preparing for the game

Brief instructions for the board game Cat and Mouse:

  • Place felt cheese in the middle of the playing field so that all participants can reach it
  • Give everyone one cat mouse kalachi rodent figurine and four matching cards
  • Give the youngest player a cup-cat with which he will catch mice
  • Dice are given to the same participant who will be the hunter
  • Only in the first round there is a distribution of mustachios for kids (further everything will depend only on the players)

mice and cheese

The set of the game includes a delicious piece of cheese.

Game progress

The main task of the game for mice is to eat cheese and stay alive. The purpose of the cat is to dine with mice. The game begins with a roll of the dice. Two options can fall on them: a cat or a mouse. If a gray rodent fell out, everyone remains in their places. The cat tensely watches its prey, the mice happily eat the cheese. The dice are rolled again.

And what if a terrible red muzzle fell out? Then everyone starts playing Cat and Mouse for himself. The task of the cat: to attack the mouse company as quickly as possible, trying to eat as much running yummy as possible. Mice, in turn, should immediately take to their heels. In each horse, only the most nimble participants will be able to win.

For each animal eaten, the cat receives one card.

For each animal eaten, the cat receives one card. They are issued by the participant whose pet the hunter managed to feast on. When the predator has finished chewing his lunch, everyone returns to their starting positions, including the reincarnated mice.

The second round is no different from the first. The same player remains in the role of the hunter. If his reaction in the round turns out to be faster than the cube, or rather, the bones have not yet shown the cat icon, and the participant is already catching mice, then he must pay a fine in the form of one previously earned card.

The role of the cat passes to another player if the former could not feast on any of the rodents. Then the hungry pet is looking for a new owner who can feed him. The cup is passed to the player sitting clockwise. You can catch mice only on a piece of cheese: when the animals run away from it, they become immune to bites.

End of the game

To determine the winner in the confrontation between a domestic predator and cunning mice, count all the cards obtained during the hunt. The one with the most award sheets in their hands wins.

If two or more players have the same number of cards, a rematch will determine the winner. If there is no time to conduct a decisive battle, all participants with the largest number awards are considered winners.

The set is suitable for children's parties

Who will suit

The set is suitable for children's parties. For kids who like to spend time with their friends, the game will be good and useful entertainment. If you have a birthday planned, this game will cheer up all those invited, dragging you into a reckless pursuit of yummy.

The design of the game is made in bright colors, so you can give it even without packaging. It is pleasant to receive such a set for a holiday, especially since it can be used immediately. Evenings with the family will be noisy and fun if you arrange mouse races and cat hunts. The game will captivate the boys and allow them to spend the energy accumulated during the day. The game will take girls more than one hour, because they love beautiful design.

The set will be of interest to young parents with hyperactive children who find it difficult to keep one thing busy for more than five minutes. Excitement will captivate the guys, and the dynamics of the game will not let you get distracted.

The need to keep track of what falls on the die will develop in the younger generation perseverance, which will be useful in life. If friends are visiting your child, free up some time by getting them a set of Cats. The game of cat and mouse for children, the rules of the game will allow children to have fun without the participation of their parents.

Video review

If you liked the description of the set, watch the video review, which describes in detail and shows the game from all sides.

  • Chiefs Day

an active game that was born from the usual family vacation. For such entertainment, everyone will be able to realize their potential by performing bizarre tasks. One hundred different cards with quests that not everyone will come up with. It is fun and interesting to play this set in the family. Noise and uproar will stand even among unfamiliar people, if you decide to play at least one round. The entertainment is active and fast, so by the evening the children themselves go to bed, without trying to object.

  • Crocodile

Dynamic entertainment, after which the children will be left without energy. Here you have to jump, show different words and do it in such a way that it is clear what was written on the card. The set is available in many variations, among which you can find themed or designed for children. So each player will be able to choose the most suitable version for themselves. Entertainment develops intelligence and helps to stretch the muscles after a hard day. Unfamiliar companies quickly approach each other, because excitement always turns out to be stronger than embarrassment.

Fight for the right to be called the Leader of the great tribe of Totauhvatau. Since ancient times, these people decide who will become their leader with the help of a cunning battle: everyone sits in a circle and opens their sheets. The first ones to match the pictures grab the totem. The first one to grab the desired figure becomes the leader. Just imagine what fights there were, because all the eucalyptus leaves are terribly similar to each other. In our time, the game has evolved, so now the battle is played on cards, the pattern of which is different.

Anna Dementieva
Summary of the lesson "Cats and mice"

Abstract continuous educational activities By

topic "Technology of teaching a healthy lifestyle as a condition for the formation of health skills in preschool children"

Subject: « Cats and mice»


Showing interest in exercise



Introducing children to the benefits healthy lifestyle life.

Develop the ability to jump in height and length, pass between objects "snake", walk on all fours, walk and run one after another without bumping into each other.

Learn how to move from one movement to another.

Cultivate a love of exercise.


Help develop attention creative imagination, motor abilities and agility, as well as the development of coordination, general endurance, strength, flexibility.

2. Develop the ability to listen and understand the task.

3. Enrich vocabulary by topic: « cat - mouse» .

4. Consolidate children's ideas about healthy way life.

Educational tasks:

1. Raise in children an interest in physical exercise.

2. To cultivate a culture of verbal communication.

3. To develop in children the ability to coordinate their actions with movements others: start and end exercises at the same time, observe the suggested pace; independently perform the simplest constructions and rebuildings, confidently, in accordance with the instructions of the educator.

To cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers and interest in joint motor activities.

Methods used and tricks:


The teacher's story

Not material resources:

musical composition "Song about sports"

Estimated result:

Children show interest in physical exercises, their motor experience is quite diverse.

The course of continuing education activities:

Children, visit us today occupation a guest came! Guess who This:

He doesn't sleep at all at night.

The house guards from mice,

Drinking milk from a bowl

Of course it's a cat!

Is the cat an animal? What is he? (kind, fluffy, striped.). That he has? (head, ears, paws, tail.) What does he like to do? (play, run, jump.). Imagine now that you are cats (kids wear kitten hats). Let's stand in a circle and move like cats.

General developmental exercises "Cat".

The cat turned to the right (turns right and left)

The cat looked to the left

Your fluffy tail (turn around with side steps)

He wanted to catch.

Raises paws (raise hands up, clap hands)

Our cat is good

And over your head

Claps his hands.

And now our cat (squat down, and in front of him "catch" hands) quickly sat down,

gray mouse

He wanted to catch.

The mouse is scared (get up, run in place)

Runs away quickly

Well, the cat jump (jump in place, hands on the belt)

Starts after her.

Breathing exercise:

hands up - inhale, hands down - exhale.

And now you and I, like cats, will walk on "four paws"- on all fours, deftly walk between objects (Christmas trees) "snake" and jump over obstacles (drifts).

crawl on all fours with support on the palms and knees.

walking between the trees "snake"

stepping over snowdrifts.

Guess guys who cats like to catch?

small stature,

A long tail,

gray coat,

Sharp teeth. (mouse)

That's right, cats catch mice. Now let's imagine ourselves as mice and play a game "We are not afraid of the cat".

mobile game "We are not afraid of the cat"

The teacher chooses the driver - this is a cat, all the rest are mice. The cat sits on the floor and sleeps. Mice walk in a circle near the cat. On signal educator: "The cat woke up!"- mice run away (hide in minks, and the cat catches up. On a signal teacher: "The cat fell asleep!"- the game is repeated.

Mice, do not squeak loudly, (mice walk around the cat, and the cat sleeps)

Better look for minks.

Not that bad cat

You will be found here quickly.

The cat woke up

Oh, oh, oh! Hurry, little mice! (cat catches mice, mice run away, hide)

Run away without looking back!

Final part:

sedentary game "Gymnastics"

Children become in a circle. The teacher slowly reads the poem, the children perform exercises in accordance with text:

We stomp our feet, we clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands, we lower our hands,

We hold hands

And we speak in unison:

“Health is in order, thanks to charging!”.

Here is our lesson has come to an end, you are smart, everyone tried. Did you like it and what did you like the most?

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Synopsis of a lesson on mathematical development in the 1st junior group - "Cats and Mice" Tasks: 1. To teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the content. 2. To consolidate in children the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfour colors.

Subject: Cat and mice

Pedagogical goal: processing the ability to maintain direction without bumping into each other.

Game Purpose: mice to run away from the cat, and the cat to catch up with the mice


To develop the ability of children to act together at a certain pace.

Develop speed, strength, agility, spatial orientation.

Bring up friendly attitude between children, the ability to play together, together.

Equipment: cat hat


1. Do not run away from the cat until the cat says "Meow".

2. The cat does not move and does not open its eyes until the children say "And don't get caught by the cat!"

3. Run to your house and escape from the dog without pushing each other.

Game progress:

Children become in a circle. In the center is a cat. The rest of the children are mice. They walk in a circle and say in unison in an undertone:

Quiet mouse, quiet mouse...

The cat is sitting on our roof.

Mouse, mouse, watch out.

And don't get caught by the cat!

The cat then opens its eyes and meows. Children run into the house, beyond the line. The cat tries to catch up with them. The role is transferred to another child. The game is repeated.



Mobile game "Cat and Mice"

middle group

Theme: Cat and mice

Pedagogical goal:processing the ability to maintain directionwithout bumping into each other.

Game Purpose: mice to run away from the cat, and the cat to catch up with the mice


To develop the ability of children to act together at a certain pace.

Develop speed, strength, agility, spatial orientation.

Cultivate a friendly attitude between children, the ability to play together, together.

Equipment: cat hat


1. Do not run away from the cat until the cat says "Meow".

2. The cat does not move and does not open its eyes until the children say "And don't get caught by the cat!"

3. Run to your house and escape from the dog without pushing each other.

Game progress:

Children become in a circle. In the center is a cat. The rest of the children are mice. They walk in a circle and say in unison in an undertone:

Quiet mouse, quiet mouse...

The cat is sitting on our roof.

Mouse, mouse, watch out.

And don't get caught by the cat!

The cat then opens its eyes and meows. Children run into the house, beyond the line. The cat tries to catch up with them. The role is transferred to another child. The game is repeated.


The activities of the educator

Children activities

Methods, techniques of organization

Planned result

Organizational and motivational

Now we will go to gym and we will play an interesting game there.

We went to the gym and stood in a circle.

Guys, I know you love to play.

Today I want to introduce you to a new outdoor game called "Cat and Mice". To do this, we need to stand up a large and beautiful circle.

First, I will tell you the rules of the game, and you listen carefully, and whoever does not listen will not understand the rules of the game and will not play.

I begin to tell the children the rules of the game: Now we will choose a cat, the cat will stand in the center of our circle. And we will all be mice. We will walk in a circle and say these words:

Quiet mouse, quiet mouse...

The cat is sitting on our roof.

Mouse, mouse, watch out.

And don't get caught by the cat!

After these words, the cat opens its eyes, says: "Meow." And chases us. And for us, after the cat said “Meow”, we need to run away to the house, our house will be located beyond this line.

The cat does not open its eyes until we say "And don't get caught by the cat!

And follow the safety rules

run to your house and escape from the cat without pushing each other. If anyone does not follow the rules of the game, I stop the game with the words "STOP GAME".

We clarify the rules of the game with children.

Let's guys repeat together what we are going to say: (several times)

Quiet mouse, quiet mouse...

The cat is sitting on our roof.

Mouse, mouse, watch out.

And don't get caught by the cat!

What should a cat do?

And what do mice do?

How do we run from a cat?

After what word do the mice run away from the cat?

After what words does the cat wake up?

Children come up to me and stand in a circle, listen

Repeat with the teacher what they will say

Children get ready to work, answer questions.

Verbal method (conversation, explanation, explanation).

Children are motivated to play activities.

main stage

We choose a dog with the help of a counter.

"An apple was rolling in the garden and fell right into the water, Bul-Bul-Bul."

Now I will put on a hat for the cat and she stands in the center of the circle, and we hold hands.

During the game, I observe the observance of the rules, the relationship of children in the game. I play with the children 4-5 times.

Stop game.

The children take their places. The cat puts on a hat and stands in the center of the circle. Children stand in a circle and hold hands. Children actively participate in the game, follow the rules of the game.

game method, verbal method(counter).

Children actively participate in the game.

The final stage

Well done boys! Did you enjoy playing the game? And what is it called? Tell me, who were our cats? Who didn't get caught? You can play this game outdoors or on physical education class, and now we are lining up in a column, and returning to the group.

The children are talking to me. They answer questions. They leave the hall.

Verbal method (conversation, questions, praise).

Children actively answer the teacher's questions.

1 section.


(A game of medium mobility, round dance, source - "Music and Movement", a collection of games - M., 1999))

Purpose of the game: development of dexterity, attention, sense of rhythm, verbal memory, collective interaction, desire for mutual assistance.

: you can prepare elements of cat and mouse costumes (hats, ponytails)

Choice of leader and driver: To select a cat and a mouse, it is possible to use a song-song, then spoken during the game: this will help children learn the text at the same time:

Mice lead a round dance,

A cat is napping on a couch,

Hush, mice, don't make noise,

Don't wake cat Vaska:

How Vaska the cat wakes up

Will break the whole dance!

Description of the game progress: the players lead a round dance, in the center of which is a mouse - this is her “house”, pronouncing or singing words. As soon as the song is over, the players understand their hands without opening them - “the doors open”, the mouse runs out and runs from the cat, who was waiting for her outside the round dance.

Rules and conditions of the game:

If the cat managed to catch the mouse, the game ends. You can make a cat a mouse or choose a new pair.

The cat has no right to run into the circle.

The mouse has no right to stay in the house for too long during the chase - just run in and immediately run out.

Players in a round dance should be careful and careful - you can’t drop your hands sharply so as not to hit the drivers.

Game difficulty options: You can choose two mice, two cats.

2 section.

GAME "CAT and MICE" (5-7 years old)

Purpose of the game: development of dexterity, ingenuity, attention, the ability to coordinate movements with words. They practice running with dodging, catching and building a circle.

You can prepare elements of cat and mouse costumes (hats, ribbons)

Number of participants: 25-30.

Choice of leader and driver: it is more expedient for the teacher to act as a leader - he explains the rules and monitors the progress of the game.

Description of the game progress: The mice stand in a circle. Everyone receives a strip of colored material or a ribbon, which he puts behind his belt. A cat is sleeping in the center of the circle. Mice lead a round dance, pronounce or sing words.

Mice lead a round dance,

A cat is napping on a couch,

Hush, mice, don't make noise,

Don't wake cat Vaska:

How Vaska the cat wakes up

Will break the whole dance!

As soon as the song is over, the mice scatter around the playground, the cat wakes up and runs after the mice, trying to pull the ribbon from one of them. The little mouse, having lost its ribbon, temporarily steps aside.

At the signal of the teacher, the children are built in a circle. The cat counts the number of taken tapes and returns them to the mice.

Rules and conditions of the game:

1. The ribbon cannot be held by hand.

2. If the cat cannot pull out a single ribbon within 1-2 minutes, the teacher appoints another.

3. The ribbon should be put behind the belt so that its end hangs down, and it can be freely grabbed by hand.

4. Finishing the game, the teacher notes those cats that managed to pull out more ribbons, and those mice that never lost their ribbons.

5. If the playground is large, then you need to mark its borders with flags or draw lines so that the mice, running away from the cat, do not run across the borders.

Game difficulty options:

1. You can choose two cats.

2. You can hang ribbons of two colors. One cat plucks ribbons of one color, the other another.

GAME "CAT and MICE" (5-7 years old)

Purpose of the game: development of dexterity, jumping, attention, sense of rhythm, verbal memory.

Equipment and game material to the game: you can prepare elements of cat and mouse costumes (hats, ponytails)

Number of participants: 25-30.

Choice of leader and driver: it is more expedient for the teacher to act as a leader - he explains the rules and monitors the progress of the game.

Description of the game progress: A circle is drawn on the ground. One of the players stands in the middle of the circle - he is a cat. And around the circle the mice lead a round dance.

Mice lead a round dance,

A cat is napping on a couch,

Hush, mice, don't make noise,

Don't wake cat Vaska:

How Vaska the cat wakes up

Will break the whole dance!

After the words, the mice jump over the line of the circle and, if there is no danger of being caught by the cat, remain inside the circle for some time. Continue jumping on two feet in place, or move forward towards the center of the circle. The mice try to dodge the cat and jump out of the circle in time. Whom the cat grabbed becomes a cat, and the cat a mouse.

Each time the game lasts no more than 1-2 minutes, the total duration of the game is 5-7 minutes.

Rules and conditions of the game:

1. Players from the circle are only allowed to jump out. Anyone who runs out of the circle is out of the game.

2. The cat chases mice, also jumping on two legs.

3. If the cat cannot catch a single mouse within 1-2 minutes, the teacher appoints another one.

4. Finishing the game, the teacher notes those cats who managed to catch the mouse, and those mice that never fell into the paws of the cat.

Game difficulty options:

1. You can choose two cats.

2. You can jump on one leg (right or left).



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution - Child Development Center kindergarten No. 5 "Golden Key" of the Strezhevoy city district

Mobile Game Modification

"Russian folk outdoor game"

Stikhilyas Lyudmila Dmitrievna

physical education instructor

1 section.


(A game of medium mobility, round dance, source - "Music and Movement", a collection of games - M., 1999))

Purpose of the game: development of dexterity, attention, sense of rhythm, verbal memory, collective interaction, desire for mutual assistance.

Equipment and game material for the game: you can prepare elements of cat and mouse costumes (hats, ponytails)

Choice of leader and driver:it is more expedient for the teacher to act as a leader - he explains the rules and monitors the progress of the game. To select a cat and a mouse, it is possible to use a song-song, then spoken during the game: this will help children learn the text at the same time:

Mice lead a round dance,

A cat is napping on a couch,

Hush, mice, don't make noise,

Don't wake cat Vaska:

How Vaska the cat wakes up

Will break the whole dance!

Description of the game progress:the players lead a round dance, in the center of which is a mouse - this is her “house”, pronouncing or singing words. As soon as the song is over, the players understand their hands without opening them - “the doors open”, the mouse runs out and runs from the cat, who was waiting for her outside the round dance.

Rules and conditions of the game:

If the cat managed to catch the mouse, the game ends. You can make a cat a mouse or choose a new pair.

The cat has no right to run into the circle.

The mouse has no right to stay in the house for too long during the chase - just run in and immediately run out.

Players in a round dance should be careful and careful - you can’t drop your hands sharply so as not to hit the drivers.

Game difficulty options:You can choose two mice, two cats.

2 section.

GAME "CAT and MICE" (5-7 years old)

Purpose of the game: development of dexterity, ingenuity, attention, the ability to coordinate movements with words. They practice running with dodging, catching and building a circle.

Equipment and game material for the game:you can prepare elements of cat and mouse costumes (hats, ribbons)

Number of participants: 25-30.

Choice of leader and driver:

Description of the game progress:The mice stand in a circle. Everyone receives a strip of colored material or a ribbon, which he puts behind his belt. A cat is sleeping in the center of the circle. Mice lead a round dance, pronounce or sing words.

Mice lead a round dance,

A cat is napping on a couch,

Hush, mice, don't make noise,

Don't wake cat Vaska:

How Vaska the cat wakes up

Will break the whole dance!

As soon as the song is over, the mice scatter around the playground, the cat wakes up and runs after the mice, trying to pull the ribbon from one of them. The little mouse, having lost its ribbon, temporarily steps aside.

At the signal of the teacher, the children are built in a circle. The cat counts the number of taken tapes and returns them to the mice.

Rules and conditions of the game:

1. The ribbon cannot be held by hand.

2. If the cat cannot pull out a single ribbon within 1-2 minutes, the teacher appoints another.

3. The ribbon should be put behind the belt so that its end hangs down, and it can be freely grabbed by hand.

4. Finishing the game, the teacher notes those cats that managed to pull out more ribbons, and those mice that never lost their ribbons.

5. If the playground is large, then you need to mark its borders with flags or draw lines so that the mice, running away from the cat, do not run across the borders.

Game difficulty options:

1. You can choose two cats.

2. You can hang ribbons of two colors. One cat plucks ribbons of one color, the other another.

GAME "CAT and MICE" (5-7 years old)

Purpose of the game: development of dexterity, jumping, attention, sense of rhythm, verbal memory.

Equipment and game material for the game:you can prepare elements of cat and mouse costumes (hats, ponytails)

Number of participants: 25-30.

Choice of leader and driver:it is more expedient for the teacher to act as a leader - he explains the rules and monitors the progress of the game.

Description of the game progress:A circle is drawn on the ground. One of the players stands in the middle of the circle - he is a cat. And around the circle the mice lead a round dance.

Mice lead a round dance,

A cat is napping on a couch,

Hush, mice, don't make noise,

Don't wake cat Vaska:

How Vaska the cat wakes up

Will break the whole dance!

After the words, the mice jump over the line of the circle and, if there is no danger of being caught by the cat, remain inside the circle for some time. Continue jumping on two feet in place, or move forward towards the center of the circle. The mice try to dodge the cat and jump out of the circle in time. Whom the cat grabbed becomes a cat, and the cat a mouse.

Each time the game lasts no more than 1-2 minutes, the total duration of the game is 5-7 minutes.

Rules and conditions of the game:

1. Players from the circle are only allowed to jump out. Anyone who runs out of the circle is out of the game.

2. The cat chases mice, also jumping on two legs.

3. If the cat cannot catch a single mouse within 1-2 minutes, the teacher appoints another one.

4. Finishing the game, the teacher notes those cats who managed to catch the mouse, and those mice that never fell into the paws of the cat.

Game difficulty options:

1. You can choose two cats.

2. You can jump on one leg (right or left).
