Uncovering the secrets of skin lightening. Facial skin whitening, the best lightening recipes

Some beauties are crazy about dark skin and are trying in every possible way to achieve a chocolate shade. And some, on the contrary, like aristocratic pallor and such girls strive for snow-white, almost porcelain skin. How to achieve a swarthy shade is not a secret for anyone, because tanning and self-tanning is known to everyone. But not many people know how to give the skin a noble pallor on their own. To make your own face whitening safe, read this article.

Benefits of home skin whitening

Beauty salons will offer you more than one procedure that guarantees a brightening of the face. But they are all expensive compared to home whitening. This is not available to everyone, unlike beauty secrets that can be applied to yourself. In addition, bleaching products used by professional cosmetologists often contain substances that are not the most beneficial for the skin, namely:

  • Mercury. This is a very effective brightening component, but everyone knows about its dangers.
  • Hydroquinone. Carcinogen, prolonged exposure to the dermis, on the contrary, contributes to the appearance of age spots.
  • Monobenzyl. This substance destroys melanocytes, and this leads to the cessation of melanin production.
  • Tretinoin. Causes increased sensitivity to sunlight. Causes thinning of the dermis, itching and peeling.

Using homemade beauty secrets, you will know exactly what you are applying to your skin and will not harm it. Numerous reviews testify to the high effectiveness of home recipes.

How is face whitening done?

Face whitening at home has 2 stages:

  1. Exfoliation of the top layer of horny cells.
  2. Decrease in the level of melanin, which is produced in melanocytes.

When exfoliating the skin, melanin is also removed from the epidermis, due to this, age spots and freckles disappear. This is the basis of the principle of peeling, so they are often used as aids for whitening the face. Keep in mind that home whitening of the skin of the face will take you a little longer than cosmetic procedures. But if you regularly repeat the procedures and go to the intended goal, the result of do-it-yourself clarification will be visible.

How to make a homemade face scrub

You need to start whitening your face at home from the first stage - skin scrubbing. You can use any cosmetic product, or you can make a scrub from the products available on the kitchen shelves. If you prefer natural remedies, the following step-by-step instructions for preparing a homemade soda scrub will come in handy:

  1. Dilute the baking soda with warm water to make a thick paste.
  2. Apply this scrub with the pads of your fingers to specific areas or, if necessary, to the entire face and rub gently.
  3. Wash off with warm water.

Such a scrub effectively removes the layer of dead cells, disinfects the skin, removes black spots and impurities. In addition to soda, ordinary oatmeal is well suited for home scrubbing. You can steam the flakes a little or grind them in a coffee grinder for a milder effect, and then cleanse the skin.

Citrus fruits help in skin lightening

After cleansing with a scrub, you can proceed to the second stage - directly to its clarification. Fruit acid is the leader in effectiveness in this matter. Citrus fruits are widely used in whitening nails, hair, teeth and, of course, skin. You can whiten your face with orange peel or lemon slices. When peeling oranges, do not throw away the peel, but dry it naturally, grind it in a blender, and whiten your face with orange peel. You can use the following step-by-step scheme for preparing a face whitening mask with the peel of this citrus:

  1. Take 2 teaspoons of crushed orange peels.
  2. Add 1 small spoonful of runny honey.
  3. Squeeze out the juice of a quarter of a lemon.
  4. Mix all the ingredients and apply on cleansed skin for 15 minutes.
  5. Rinse off the rest of the mask with warm water and wipe your face with tonic.

From the flowers and leaves of this citrus, orange oil is made, which can be bought at a large pharmacy or a specialized store. The cost of this oil is very affordable, from 100 rubles per bottle of a standard size of 10 ml. With it, by adding a couple of drops to a face whitening mask or cream, you can even out the color and remove age spots.

When using citrus fruits in the fight for snow-white skin, keep in mind that they are a strong allergen. If you are prone to allergic reactions, test on your wrist first.

Brightening face with parsley

Green cosmetics is gaining the number of its fans every day. Many women have long used the properties of green plants, parsley in particular, to improve the appearance of their skin. Whitening the skin of the face with parsley is carried out as follows:

  • Parsley juice is a component of a face whitening mask. Grind the parsley leaves in a blender, and then squeeze the juice through a small sieve or cheesecloth. Mix half a teaspoon of this juice with 1 teaspoon of honey. Add a couple of drops of lemon oil and stir. Keep the mask on for 10 minutes.
  • Leaf decoction. Take 20 gr. cockerel leaves, pour a glass of water and bring to a boil over low heat. Strain the decoction through cheesecloth. Do a face wash every morning or evening.
  • Ice cubes. From the juice of the plant, ice cubes can be made, which should be used at least 2 times a week. Wipe your face with a cube, and then leave the parsley juice on your face for 15 minutes.

For greater effectiveness, parsley juice can be moistened with a napkin and applied to the face. This procedure can be carried out daily, for 15 minutes. Parsley contains a lot of ascorbic acid, and it is added to a special face whitening cream.

What else can you use

There are other facial whitening products, such as:

  • Rice broth. The water in which rice is boiled must be drained, cooled and ice cubes from this broth should be frozen. After, you need to wipe your face with them.
  • Essential oils. You can add them to masks or creams, but with great care, as there may be allergies to essential oils. Use lemon, orange, eucalyptus, peppermint, and tea tree oils.
  • Dairy products. Kefir and sour cream are used to relieve redness and itching of the skin, but they are also effective in whitening. You can apply sour cream or kefir directly to the skin, or you can prepare a mask based on them. To do this, mix 2 tbsp. spoons of kefir with 1 tbsp. spoon of chopped parsley leaves.

There are a lot of home secrets. Not all of them can suit you the same way, not every girl will get the desired degree of effectiveness from these funds. But still, positive reviews about such methods of home skin lightening speak for themselves. In any case, before turning to professional lightening, you can try folk homemade recipes.

Once upon a time, connoisseurs of female beauty decided that a girl's skin should resemble silk (in texture) and porcelain (in shade). For those who intend to comply with these canons, experts offer 6 ways - home and salon methods skin whitening.

Skin whitening ─ horticultural

Those who believe that trying to whiten the skin and erase freckles and age spots from the face with the help of the contents of the refrigerator are doomed to failure are wrong. If freckles are closer in intensity to pastels than to gouache, then do not neglect the whitening resources of parsley, cucumber, blackcurrant or lemon juice. But in order to add moisturizing properties to the whitening properties of fruits and vegetables, cosmetologists recommend taking a course of whitening masks for the skin.

Skin whitening for owners of pale freckles - lemon honey mask.

Take a tablespoon of beeswax, peach oil, honey, castor oil and heat in a water bath, and add lemon, crushed with zest, to the slightly cooled mixture. This mixture is enough for 3-5 procedures. It is enough to make this mask every other day for a month (it should be kept on the face for 20 minutes), as a mirror will please you with a lighter and more uniform skin tone.

Skin whitening ─ creative

Using the whitening potential of scrubs gives freedom to creativity! After all, in addition to store-bought cosmetics, you can "compose" your own compositions for skin whitening. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the base. Dry sensitive skin will appreciate a scrub based on semolina or finely ground almonds. Oily skin will be happy with an exfoliating bleaching mixture of buckwheat or crushed fucus.

Skin whitening for normal skin "noted" in heterogeneity, pallor and dullness - coffee scrub.

Mix steamed oatmeal with coffee grounds (1:1 ratio) and add a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil. Apply the resulting mixture on cleansed face skin, after 7-10 minutes, remove with circular lightly rubbing movements. Repeat the skin whitening procedure once a week for 2-3 months - a systematic renewal of the epidermis, which provokes regeneration processes, guarantees a fresher and healthier skin tone.

However, if you are a supporter of ready-made cosmetics, then you should know that you can whiten your skin with the help of two types of scrubs: enzyme (dissolving dead skin cells with the help of enzymes) and mechanical (physically removing the top layer using crushed apricot kernels, polyethylene microballoons, etc. ) The former is best used when caring for delicate, thin skin, but it can cause irritation in hypersensitive skin. The second type of scrub is appropriate for oily, dense, porous skin. Recommendations for use are usually indicated on the label, but the "classic of the genre" of skin whitening is as follows: 2 r. per week - for oily skin, 1 p. - for dry.

Skin whitening ─ ultrasonic

This method of giving the skin a healthy porcelain radiance is based on the ability of ultrasonic waves (in combination with certain professional cosmetics) to remove the “spoiled” skin layer by pigmentation. Ultrasonic skin whitening gives it a powerful stimulus for renewal - as a result, new skin is "born" clean, bright, uniform. In addition, ultrasonic waves help the active substances of the mask or serum to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin - this is due to the moisturizing, nourishing and / or tightening effect of the procedure.

Skin whitening for dull, porous skin, as well as for hypersensitive and rosacea-prone skin - a course of ultrasonic peeling using whitening serums.

The duration of the course is in the competence of the cosmetologist, which proceeds from the individual needs of the skin.

Skin whitening ─ radical

The most radical potential Snow Whites tend to visit an aesthetic surgeon's office instead of a beauty salon. At their service are many procedures that have such a powerful effect on the skin (and on the whole body as a whole) that they involve a rehabilitation period. The features of the "postoperative" period include a ban on tanning (including a solarium), gentle care aimed at restoring the barrier properties of the skin and the use of protective cosmetics.

Skin whitening for dull, dull skin with enlarged pores ─ microdermabrasion.

This method of skin whitening is based on the combined effect of oxygen and fine sand.

Skin whitening for pigmented skin with post-acne spots and uneven relief ─ deep.

It is divided into glycolic (based on fruit acids), trichloroacetic, retinoic and phenolic. The aesthetic result of chemical peeling, in addition to skin whitening, is also complemented by lifting - fine wrinkles are smoothed out, freshness returns, and elasticity increases. Attention! Chemical peeling can cause an exacerbation of chronic herpes.

Skin whitening for atonic, prematurely aged skin ─ laser resurfacing.

In terms of the depth of exposure, this whitening procedure is equivalent to plastic surgery. With the help of a laser, not only age spots can be eliminated, but also wrinkles such as “baked apple”.

Skin whitening daily

If we are talking about fairly strong pigmentation, combined with an unwillingness to “go under the knife”, experts recommend whitening creams for daily use. Of course, this is not obsolete cosmetics with bismuth and mercury additives! Its whitening effect does not justify toxicity.

Skin whitening for freckled skin ─ modern cosmetics based on kojic acid, vitamin C, arbutin, cassia extract, which inhibits the formation of pigment, whitening the skin.

Is it possible to enhance the whitening effect of the cream? Yes, if you start adding milk to tea and coffee. There is no scientific evidence that black tea and coffee have a bad effect on complexion. But life does not get tired of demonstrating the triumph of "grandmother's wisdom"! The main thing is not to overdo it with milk: milk protein intolerance in an adult can cause intestinal disorders, which in no way contributes to skin whitening.

Alternative skin whitening.

There are more original ways to bring skin color closer to the desired ideal. If skin imperfections are associated with the heterogeneity of its color, then “camouflage” cosmetics will come to the rescue, namely: multi-colored correctors. For example, a green corrector neutralizes red (pimples, an area of ​​irritation), blue - it copes well with yellowness, orange - is designed to eliminate brown spots. And according to chromotherapists, the red color generally stabilizes the production of pigment in the skin. It is enough to buy glasses with red glasses or spend half an hour daily in a room with red stained-glass windows or walls, as the skin will acquire a more uniform and lighter shade.

The tone of the face is given to us by nature. But not all women are satisfied with it, someone visits a solarium to make their skin look darker, and some, on the contrary, want to whiten their skin. Let's talk about the second option. Face whitening methods will also be useful if you want to eliminate acne, age spots, get rid of scars, freckles, bad tanning, or simply make your complexion more attractive.

Pigmentation and methods for its elimination

The causes of pigmentation may be the following:

Facial whitening in the salon is the most effective, but expensive, solution to the problem. Of course, salon methods allow you to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time. Nevertheless, if it is not possible to contact a beautician, there are alternative solutions - folk recipes.

Effective whitening masks

There are a huge number of recipes for homemade masks that can lighten the skin and other pigmented areas on the face. Berries, vegetables, juices from them, as well as hydrogen peroxide, soda, vinegar and other quite affordable ingredients can be used as an active ingredient.

with berries

What better way to whiten the skin of the face than berries? We will need: currants (black and red), cranberries or viburnum.

The simplest recipe - you just need to squeeze the juice from the selected berry, moisten gauze in it and apply it to your face for 15 minutes.

A wonderful mask for whitening the skin of the face is obtained from the pulp of fresh berries with natural honey. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is applied to the face for fifteen minutes, then washed off with water.

with cucumber

Cucumber products have excellent bleaching properties. You can use a ready-made cream or make your own mask with cucumber.

To prepare the mask, mix the grated pulp of cucumber with lemon (one spoon each) and sour cream (0.5 spoons). Apply the mixture on the skin for 15 minutes. You can mix the cucumber mixture with honey in a ratio of 1: 2 and apply the resulting brightening agent for fifteen minutes on the face.

with parsley

Parsley products are great for whitening the skin of the face. To prepare the mask, you need to squeeze the juice from parsley, mix one teaspoon of it with the same amount of honey, lemon juice and apply the mixture on your face for 15 minutes.

The recipe for a whitening mask made from parsley, oatmeal and sour cream, see the video:

hydrogen peroxide home remedies

In folk recipes for skin lightening, hydrogen peroxide is often used. This ingredient is easy to purchase at a pharmacy for a small cost, but its effectiveness has been empirically confirmed. The skin tone becomes lighter and more even, without black dots, rashes.

The procedure for bleaching a face with peroxide should be carried out according to a scheme determined by the type of skin: for dry skin - once a week, for oily skin - twice in seven days. The peroxide solution should be no more than 3%, since bleach in high concentrations can harm the epidermis - dry it out or even leave a burn.

Masks with hydrogen peroxide are very easy to prepare, are gentle on the skin (can be used for sensitive types) and have a good whitening effect. Here are some recipes:

Lemon juice in brighteners

Juice obtained from lemon, characterized by excellent brightening properties. With it, you can not only whiten the skin, but also smooth out all the flaws, bumps.

Among citrus fruits, not only lemon is characterized by a whitening effect, it can also be used for this purpose. grapefruit. With a slice of this fruit, you can wipe the previously cleansed skin of the face or directly the area that should be bleached. You can squeeze the juice from a grapefruit, freeze it in a special form and wipe your face in the morning and before going to bed. It is important to remember that you should wipe your face very carefully, with light sliding movements.

Lemon juice can be used as a component of whitening face masks:

  • Lemon and honey mask. It is very popular among whitening cosmetics. The following components should be combined, taken in equal proportions - honey, lemon juice, olive oil. The result is a liquid mixture that must be applied to the face with a cotton pad. After application, the skin should be massaged a little so that the mask is absorbed. After fifteen minutes, you can wash your face to remove the remnants of the mixture.
  • For sensitive skin, whitening can be used. mask with glycerin. You should combine the juice of lemon and apple in equal proportions (0.5 tablespoons) with a spoonful of glycerin. The mixture is applied to the face for 15 minutes.

Effective remedies with soda

Baking soda, which is always in the house, is also an excellent skin lightening agent:

For cosmetic purposes, only ordinary baking soda can be used.


Of course, the smell of vinegar is not very pleasant, but it is he who is considered one of the most effective means for lightening the skin of the face. Women of ancient Egypt used vinegar to care for their skin. But we must remember that it is impossible to use vinegar in its pure form - this can have a negative traumatic effect on the skin and even leave a burn. It is preferable to dilute it with water in equal proportions.

To carry out the clarification procedure, it is necessary to dilute vinegar with water, moisten a cotton pad in the solution and apply it to areas of the face with pigmentation. You can wipe the whole face with the resulting product and leave for 15 minutes. Afterwards, wash with warm water.


There are many easy options for face whitening. All of them have proven to be effective when used at home. For dry skin type, a recipe with parsley and kefir is more suitable, for oily skin - products with lemon and peroxide. The big advantage of home methods is that in addition to whitening, they can be used to nourish the skin, soften it, and eliminate a minor rash.

To brighten the face, all kinds of masks, lotions, ice cubes, dairy products, berries and fruits, herbal decoctions and much more are used. All skins are very easy to prepare at home. Choose the option should be based on individual needs and skin characteristics. Any means can be enriched with lemon and grapefruit oils. Of course, if there is no allergic reaction to essential oils in general or specifically to citrus esters.

The fashion for beautiful skin will never go away, because it is a sign of health and well-being. But the skin color that all the beauties of the world strive for can change. Once upon a time, ruddy girls were in fashion, and then tanned dark-skinned women. Today, the ball of snow white and touchy rule again. The image of a fragile woman with translucent pale skin and luscious lips is a dream of trying on for any girl, because he is full of tenderness, femininity and alluring inaccessibility. Even those who are not attracted to such images want to have an even skin tone without spots, freckles and other features. And this is not surprising, because with absolutely clean skin you can create any images, from a fatal beauty to a cute Cinderella.

Skin and pigmentation

I especially want to be snow white in the cold season. Cold paints flawless cheeks with a bright blush, eyes shine, and your beauty simply goes beyond all real boundaries. However, the skin of many women has a tendency to various kinds of pigmentation, such as:

  • freckles;
  • chloasma;
  • lentigo.

Some of the above pigmentations are quite common, some are less common. All of them are united by one thing - the desire of women to get rid of them by any means. I must say that such a struggle is justified and may well lead to victory. The result of the use of whitening techniques is determined by the types of pigmentation, the cause of its appearance and the characteristics of the human genotype.

It is necessary to identify the cause before starting the fight for clear skin. It is pointless to fight exclusively with aesthetic manifestations.

Pigmentation can appear for a number of reasons.

It happens that undesirable manifestations on the skin disappear without any intervention, and in another case, light exfoliating procedures are enough.

If pigmentation is caused by diseases of the internal organs, then it may be pointless to fight it. Moreover, the time spent on treating a symptom can lead to the development of more serious consequences. All this suggests that skin whitening should be started only after consultation with a specialist who will determine the cause of pigmentation.

Prevention of freckles

Freckles are the most common type of pigmentation. In most cases, freckles look cute and attractive, give originality to the face. As they say, this is a lot of small suns on one beautiful face. But often the owners of freckles are not happy with this “decoration” and strive to get rid of it by all means.

The appearance is not at all inevitable, contrary to popular belief. You can prevent their appearance if you take care of your skin from an early age. Preventing the appearance of fine pigmentation in childhood will allow you not to worry about full-fledged skin whitening in adulthood. If there are many owners of freckles in the family, then a young girl will have them with a high degree of probability. Especially on exposed parts of the body: face, shoulders, arms.

Freckles can be small and large, yellowish and brown. All of them are caused by exposure to sunlight. They appear with the first signs of spring and fade in autumn.

The main thing in the fight against freckles is UV protection. No skin whitening product will help if it is exposed to ultraviolet rays. In the very first sunny days, it is necessary to start using high-protection sunscreens. When applying makeup, it is enough to apply such a cream and lightly powder the face.

Ultraviolet is harmful to the skin

You should not trust cosmetics with photo filters, their protection is not enough to prevent the appearance of freckles. But you should not neglect it, let it serve as additional protection against the aggressive sun. At night, you need to regularly use a whitening cream.

In addition to the face, the body must also be protected. It should also not be exposed to ultraviolet light. It is better to give preference to light clothing, but with long sleeves, especially when it is very sunny outside. All sun protection during this period will become essentials: umbrellas and wide-brimmed hats, capes and other accessories should reliably protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Where he still touches the skin, cheerful red spots will not be slow to appear.

Whitening products

Whitening products include:

  • potent with side effects;
  • mild, but not giving a clear and quick result.

The reason for any pigmentation lies in the increased production of melanin in a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. Therefore, all whitening procedures must be carried out with maximum protection from ultraviolet radiation. From exposure to ultraviolet rays, pigmentation can increase significantly, become more intense. During skin whitening, daily use of broad-spectrum sunscreen is essential. At the same time, decorative cosmetics with photo filters are not effective enough.

The basis of whitening procedures are two stages:

  • exfoliation of the keratinized layer of the skin;
  • decreased production of melanin.

When exfoliating the skin, melanin is removed from the epidermis, due to which the pigmented areas become lighter. Peelings are used for exfoliation.

It is necessary to choose peeling based on the type and manifestation of pigmentation. Previously, salicylic alcohol, phenols, mercury ointment were used for bleaching. Today, glycolic, citric, and lactic acids are added to cosmetic exfoliants.

Skin whitening needs to be done right

Whitening properties, the ability to inhibit the production of melanin, have various substances. For example, hydroquinone is considered one of the most effective today. But its disadvantage is the toxic effect on skin cells, so it can only be used very carefully. In modern cosmetology, a 1-2% solution of hydroquinone is used.

Also in skin whitening, arbutin, kojic acid, and ascorbic acid products are used. All of them regulate the production of melanin, but can cause allergic reactions.

Natural substances can also be quite effective in skin whitening. Of course, their effect is weaker than that of chemicals, but at the same time, the side effects from them will be harmless. In practice, bearberry containing arbutin, hydroquinone and organic acids, yarrow rich in flavonoids, licorice, parsley and much more are often used.

Persistent hyperpigmentation is treated surgically, using liquid nitrogen, dermabrasion, laser resurfacing. Surgical treatment can be used alone or in combination with other skin whitening methods.

Before starting skin whitening, it is worth considering whether this treatment is necessary at the moment. If the need exists, then it is worth taking very seriously the choice of the optimal method of treatment.

The best time for skin whitening

Facial skin whitening is best done in autumn and winter.. During this period, the likelihood of complications is significantly reduced. You should not approach the procedures with fanaticism, trying to achieve the maximum effect and completely get rid of pigmentation. It is quite enough to slightly reduce the brightness of freckles or other manifestations, and then use modern corrective and masking products for the face. With this little trick, you can become the ideal of beauty without the risk of serious complications.

Having decided the question of when to whiten the skin, you need to decide where and how to whiten it. All methods can be divided into those that can really be used at home, and those that can only be performed in the salon. The second usually requires special equipment and special knowledge that only a professional can possess. The products used in salons can be extremely dangerous if used incorrectly, so you should not risk trying them on yourself without the supervision of a specialist. For the same reason, it is recommended to carefully choose a beauty salon in which it is planned to carry out skin whitening procedures. The master must be asked for confirmation of her skill and competence.

It is better to lighten the skin of the face in the cool season.

The choice of whitening methods depends on the degree of pigmentation, financial capabilities, and desire. Obviously, procedures in a beauty salon will lead to the desired result faster, but will also require significant material investments. Home whitening can be delayed indefinitely. It takes a lot of patience to notice subtle changes in skin tone. But home whitening is safer and more affordable.

Facial skin whitening in the salon

In beauty salons, just the same chemicals that suppress the production of melanin are used. Peeling in the salon can be divided into the following groups:

  • chemical (salicylic, fruit, glycolic, lactic acids);
  • mechanical (using special devices);
  • laser, etc.

Peeling procedures need to be done several times, usually from three to eight. Laser peeling is recognized as the most effective and safe, providing low trauma and excellent results. The laser works accurately and painlessly. After peeling is over, the whitening effect is fixed by other means.

Peeling performed in a beauty salon completely opens the skin. This condition is equally good and bad for the skin. On the one hand, she perfectly perceives any caring procedures: nutrition, moisturizing, whitening, etc. On the other hand, it is more susceptible to injury, infection, and negative environmental influences. Frost, snow, sun at such moments are very unpleasant for the skin.

Full recovery of the skin after peeling occurs within a month. That is why it is best to carry out this procedure in October-November, when the scorching sun no longer burns the skin, and it is still far from severe frosts.

Skin whitening at home

Home treatments are best for those who do not suffer from truly severe pigmentation disorders. Freckles and dull pigmentation can be corrected with home remedies.

Firstly, the modern market offers a wide range of ready-made bleaching agents. Secondly, the necessary compositions can be prepared independently from simple and affordable ingredients.

Finished cosmetics are:

  • ease of use;
  • saving time and effort;
  • verified result.

Of course, creams and masks for home use will not provide the same result as a beauty salon, but for minor problems they may well help.

Folk remedies require patience and perseverance. They need to be properly prepared and applied correctly, and you also need to be prepared for the fact that the result may not be so impressive.

Most often, in home cosmetology, cucumber, pomegranate, grapefruit lemon juice is used to whiten the face. The result is achieved due to the vitamin C contained in them.

The easiest way that can be used by everyone without exception is rubbing the face with a piece of cucumber or freshly squeezed juice.

Products familiar to us will help in lightening the skin of the face

Masks also have a whitening effect. They can be made from simple products:

  • from cucumber, chopped or grated;
  • from sauerkraut finely chopped cabbage;
  • from sweet grated pepper.

Whitening masks are applied for 15 minutes and then washed off with cool water. After the procedure, a moisturizer should be applied to the face.

High whitening qualities are noted in sour milk and fermented milk products. It is enough to wash them regularly to achieve high results in the field of whitening the face. Milk has a beneficial effect on the skin as a whole, not only making it whiter, but also softening and moisturizing.

There is a good recipe for home peeling: oatmeal should be diluted with kefir and applied as a mask. This composition produces a double effect: both exfoliating and whitening. This mask is suitable for all skin types.

There are many recipes for home whitening of the face, from the simplest to the incredibly complex. But what is difficult for one is a mere trifle for another. Therefore, we give an example of a more complex composition for whitening the face at home.

It is necessary to mix three components: one grated cucumber, one teaspoon of lemon juice, half a glass of parsley broth. With the resulting mixture, you need to wipe the skin every evening for a week.

Carrying out the whitening procedure at home is quite simple.

Of course, all peels and masks must be applied in such a way that maximum attention is paid to problem areas with bright pigmentation. Before carrying out any whitening procedure, the face must be cleaned. Do not expect instant results from home whitening. It is necessary to carry out the procedures for at least a week so that the first signs of improvement appear. However, with sufficient perseverance, it is quite possible to achieve the goal.

Face whitening creams

Of all the home remedies for whitening facial skin, creams are the easiest and most effective.. Of all the cosmetics presented today, the following are considered the most effective:

  • Cream with kojic acid and lactic acid. It is highly active, limits the appearance of melanin and has a healing effect.
  • Cream with mercury. In terms of effectiveness, this is perhaps the most powerful of the home remedies. But it must be applied carefully. It is important to correctly assess the sensitivity of the skin. Pregnant and lactating women should not use this cream.
  • Salicylic alcohol. It is good for oily and normal skin. Before lubricating your face with alcohol, you need to wipe it with lotion or wash it with soap and water. Smoke face whitening - two weeks. After that, alcohol can be replaced with a fermented milk product. If irritation appears on the skin, then washing should be carried out not with water, but with vegetable oil.

Whitening cream can be prepared independently. This requires 15 grams of lanolin, a spoonful of grated cucumber, 50 grams of stone fruit oil. All this must be mixed, covered with foil and heated in a water bath. After half an hour, mix, strain and beat. The resulting cream should be applied two hours before bedtime. Apply one week.

The use of whitening creams can be combined with the use of essential oils. The most effective of them are orange and lemon oil. Their action consists not only in whitening, but also in rejuvenation, getting rid of wrinkles and normalizing the sebaceous glands.

Skin whitening and nourishing masks

For any skin, a curd mask is suitable. In combination with milk, cottage cheese whitens the skin well. Maxi from cottage cheese can be prepared in different ways:

  • salt the cottage cheese and mix with milk;
  • prepare a mixture of cottage cheese and parsley juice;
  • finely chop the dandelion leaves and add to the curd. This method is especially effective against freckles.

Other products can be used as whitening masks:

  • yeast and lemon juice;
  • yeast and hydrogen peroxide mixed to a creamy mass - especially effective for strong pigmentation;
  • grated cucumber and ¼ teaspoon of boric acid;
  • honey, starch, milk and salt;
  • honey, milk powder and lemon juice;
  • oatmeal and tomato juice;
  • lemon juice and protein;
  • banana and sour cream.

A variety of products can be used as a whitening mask. Masks made from natural products are especially good because, in addition to the whitening effect, they also have a nourishing, moisturizing and refreshing effect. And this is especially important when whitening the skin. No matter how white the skin is, if it is depleted and deprived of nutrients, it will look not attractive, but repulsive. Therefore, in order to achieve a high result when whitening the skin, special attention must be paid to its moisturizing and nutrition. To do this, you need to regularly make nourishing masks from natural products.

After whitening masks, the face should be wiped with a cool lotion. You can make a cold herbal compress and then apply the cream. The best time for masks is the evening, because after these procedures the skin becomes very susceptible to ultraviolet radiation.. If you go outside after the mask, the entire whitening effect will come to naught. The same mask must be done 8-10 times, and then the composition can be changed.

There are many skin whitening products, and each of them is good in its own way. Each woman independently determines the depth of her own problem with skin pigmentation and, in accordance with this, makes a choice in favor of one or another method of whitening it. The main thing is to remain objective and not look for problems where there have never been any.. The desire for beauty is understandable and justified, but in this desire you should not give up your own individuality.

Oftentimes, it's not just the tan that's reminiscent of summer vacation, but the brown islands of pigmentation that pop up here and there, regardless of the SPF level of our sunscreen. Popular recipes against this misunderstanding are more of a guide to food misuse. Perhaps someone is ready to wipe their face several times a day with cucumber-lemon infusion, scare their neighbors with yogurt or yogurt frozen on the skin (which must be removed with a cotton pad dipped in a decoction of lime blossom) or knead sour milk with horseradish and oatmeal to make whitening compresses. Maybe...

But progress does not stand still and, fortunately, Today there are much more effective and aesthetic methods for whitening the skin of the face and body. Let's leave fruits and vegetables, and take a closer look at cosmetics and procedures in clinics and beauty salons.

Species theory: hyperpigmentation comes in many forms

A few years ago in London, at the presentation of Even Better Clinical, Clinique, a serum for correcting skin tone, Paolo Giacomoni, Doctor of Biochemistry, explained to reporters,. “It's very simple,” said the scientist. - Melanin, which is produced by melanocytes, is involved in skin pigmentation. Sometimes it happens that too much melanin is produced, and then a problem arises in the form of thickening of the horny standing and the appearance of dark spots of various sizes and shades.

Just do not confuse congenital and acquired pigmentation. As a rule, whitening products work more on uneven skin tone and specifically on age spots, but in no case on freckles. You don’t have to fight freckles at all!”

The same idea is confirmed by Sofia Bigvava, Ph.D., dermatocosmetologist, chief physician of the clinic of anti-aging and aesthetic medicine Bellefontaine: “Pigmentation is divided into congenital and acquired. For us, cosmetologists, acquired is of the greatest importance. These are cases when the sensitivity of melanocytes to various adverse factors increases.

What else to fear? Some drugs: there are groups of antibiotics, as well as hormonal contraceptives, the use of which literally affects the skin. But it's all very individual."

Skin whitening preparations

For a long time, doctors have considered hydroquinone to be the “gold standard” in the treatment of hyperpigmentation of various origins. This is a substance that stops the production of melanin molecules by simply blocking the tyrosinase enzyme. But the matter is not limited to this. Hydroquinone promotes the destruction of previously accumulated melanocytes, gradually brightening the affected areas of the skin.

As a rule, creams with hydroquinone are used to effectively whiten the skin - the doctor will tell you what concentration you need. If you do everything right, the first results will appear in five to seven weeks. However, not everything is so simple here: when applying the drug, redness and slight itching sometimes appear, and with prolonged use, even contact dermatitis may occur. And in general, to achieve a pronounced effect, you will have to wait from three months to a year. And no one wants to wait (although a positive result will be necessary).

Another slow, but quite reliable fighter with age spots is retinol (aka vitamin A). Gradually, within a year or two, he and his derivatives will restore sun-damaged skin, stimulating cell renewal, the synthesis of bleaching agents and collagen from day to day. However, taking such a course, one should not forget about sunscreens for a minute - otherwise the spots will only increase.

You can still be treated with steroids, but it’s better to think carefully, because in a small concentration (1% hydrocortisone) they do not give a pronounced effect, and in medium and strong concentrations they work, but threaten with serious complications, such as tissue atrophy and acne.

But, as a rule, experienced dermatologists use various combinations of drugs for whitening, not limited to any one remedy. A good doctor should choose a program that will achieve the fastest possible results, but at the same time minimize side effects.

"Clarifying" cosmetic procedures

Some desperate fighters with hyperpigmentation insist on lungs and even know how to make them on their own, without contacting a specialized specialist. The mechanism of their lightening action is clear. A composition is applied to the skin that causes active exfoliation. Layer by layer, the brown tint fades.

The effectiveness and, importantly, the safety of the method largely depends on how deep the acid penetrates into the tissues and what chemical agents are used. Therefore, it is always very important to follow the instructions exactly, without trying to speed up or intensify the process. With special care, chemical peels should be treated for people with fair skin who have frequent recurrences of herpes simplex on the face.

Most often, professionals use peeling based on retinol, lactic or trichloroacetic acid to whiten facial skin. Alpha-hydroxy acids, which frighten many, despite the frightening name, are just a group of organic compounds that are widely represented in natural vegetables and fruits.

Light brown spots occur in the superficial layers of the skin and are amenable to external treatment methods. The situation with deep dark brown pigmentation is somewhat different. Here you definitely can’t do without a course of procedures in a salon or clinic.

One option is cryotherapy (treatment with liquid nitrogen). Some melanocytes are sensitive to cold. So why not take advantage of this? Another way is ; in this case, these are injections of bleaching agents (including ascorbic acid) directly into the focus of pigmentation. Treatment is fast and precise.

And, finally, heavy artillery - the destruction of dark spots with a laser and exposure to selective pulsed light (phototherapy), after which the spots darken and peel off a few days after the procedure. And most importantly - no longer appear in the same place. Such programs are best done in autumn or winter, when the activity of the sun is minimal.

The right place: the best salon programs and skin whitening procedures in Moscow

  • Anti-Aging and Aesthetic Medicine Clinic Bellefontaine

A special program has been developed here to eliminate hyperpigmentations using the DEKA laser device and cosmetics. Laser beams destroy melanin, after the procedure the pigment darkens, active exfoliation occurs within two weeks, which as a result leads to lightening of the problem area. The course of laser therapy is from two to four procedures. In the interval between the hardware exposure, professional brightening care Bellefontaine is prescribed. Such a team copes well even with age-related pigmentation. In six weeks, not only dark spots are lightened, but skin tone and texture are evened out and improved.

  • Beauty Salon "White Garden"

Along with various peels and mesotherapy using cocktails based on vitamin C, minerals and, this salon uses the SharpLight multifunctional system for skin whitening. The smart machine is equipped with special nozzles with pulsed light technology that quickly and safely work on superficial age spots on the face, chest and arms. The doctor applies the nozzle to the problem area, the pulsed light energy gradually turns into thermal energy, and as a result of heating, only those areas of the skin where melanin has accumulated are destroyed. For all actions, the specialist takes from 15 to 45 minutes. In the first 5-12 days after the session, the treated areas often darken, but then they brighten significantly - until they completely disappear at the end of the course. But there is one important condition: for the SharpLight procedure to be successful, the skin must not be tanned.

  • Phyt's Beauty Salon

A very cozy salon, where the atmosphere of Provence reigns and everything organic is revered. Therefore, there are no machines or injections here, but there are Phyt's cosmetics, created by a naturopathic biologist, and the hands of masters. For whitening face and body care (however, as for all other procedures), small common jars of cream are used, and an individual set of ampoules that contain high concentrations of active substances.When you open your personal set of products and begin a comfortable ritual with a long good massage.Bioactive whitening is built on the high efficiency of a patented complex of plant extracts and essential oils.Listing the composition of White Bio products -Active is reminiscent of a botanical encyclopedia: aloe, licorice, parsley, wheat oil and bitter orange... This is already enough to win the hearts of all natural lovers.

Rating of the best cosmetics for fighting pigmentation, lightening and whitening the skin

Our shortlist includes proven products, which are backed by both the impeccable reputation of manufacturers and positive user reviews. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with each of them in more detail and choose the most suitable for yourself and your skin:

Means Description
It is a two-stage peeling system - skin cleansing and whitening + rejuvenating active complex. RES gel preparation technology provokes skin cells to intensive regeneration. Price: ~17000 rubles (30 cleansing wipes and peeling gel)
Developed using the latest biochemical technologies and designed primarily for the care of skin with excessive pigmentation. The effect is achieved through natural vitamin extracts. Actively brightens not only age spots, but also freckles, redness from scars and scars, as well as signs of chloasma during pregnancy. Price: ~150 euros (per 100 ml volume)
Whitening system Soin White Bio-Active, Phyt "s With daily use of this complex of natural products with a delicate texture, the skin noticeably brightens, age spots completely disappear by the end of the second week of using the products. Thanks to the use of the innovative PWE complex in creams, the skin acquires a natural radiance, becomes clean and smooth. Price: ~3500 rubles per complex.
Serum against age spots Forever Light Creator, Yves Saint Laurent The product is intended for whitening the face with age-related pigmentation. Already after one week of application, the skin color is visibly evened out. Due to the use of the innovative property of reflected light rays in the serum, a noticeable effect of skin rejuvenation occurs. Price: $42-125, depending on the volume of the bottle.
Whitening serum Belle de Jour, KenzoKi The white lotus extract used in its manufacture has an astringent property, helps to tighten pores, protecting skin cells from pollution. In addition, the natural properties of the drug contribute to blocking the sun's rays on the surface of the skin, preventing ultraviolet radiation from penetrating into the deeper layers and protecting the skin from photoaging. Cost: ~5700 rubles (volume 30 ml).
Corrector of age spots Melascreen, Ducray The tool is designed for local application on skin areas that have darkened due to age-related changes, photosensitivity to sunlight, with congenital hyperpigmentation and during pregnancy. Wonderfully smoothes the skin, creating a rejuvenating effect. Price: ~1200 rubles (volume 30 ml).
Clean Skin System, Inneov The cleansing complex is recommended for use 1-2 times a year for people with problem skin, with dark and pigmented spots, with excessive exposure to the sun, with metabolic disorders. Helps restore skin elasticity and radiance. Price: ~1500 rubles (per package, 40 tablets).
Extremely effective for brightening the face of hyperpigmentation. Due to the use of natural brightening components (bearberry extract, licorice extract, kojic acid), melanin synthesis in skin cells is blocked. Price: ~1850 rubles (volume 30 ml).
Helps to even out skin tone, gives it a dull tint, eliminates age spots, prevents premature appearance of wrinkles and age-related darkening of the skin. The product is enriched with extracts of natural herbal preparations with a strong whitening effect. Price: ~8000 rubles (volume 50 ml).
Serum for correction of skin tone Even Better Clinical, Clinique An innovative development designed to smooth and brighten the skin, to get rid of age spots, eliminate the effect of skin aging under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, in case of damage and scarring of the skin. Price: ~4500 rubles (volume 50 ml).
Crystal Shot Brightening Serum, Metatron It has a complex effect on the skin, cleansing, rejuvenating and brightening age spots. The active ingredients of the serum protect skin cells from aging, help the production of light melanin and effectively lighten natural dark melanin. Price: ~5000 rubles (volume 20 ml).
Skin Evening Base, Melaperfect, Darphin Thanks to the innovative high-tech complex MELA SYSTEM, this cosmetic actively fights for perfectly even skin color, helps to get rid of pigmentation, nourishes and protects the skin. Price: ~4000 rubles (volume 30 ml).
