Moisturizing and nourishing oily skin: home remedies and cosmetics. How to moisturize oily skin at home

For me, like most girls, it has always been vital to know my zodiac sign, lucky number and skin type. If there were no problems with the first points, then the last mystery could not be solved. It seems that the skin is oily - shiny and inflamed, the pores are enlarged and instantly clogged with moisturizing creams. On the other hand, it constantly peels off, dries out and reacts painfully to any degreasing agents. In a word, a complete set of joys.

After a long pilgrimage to cosmetologists, I finally received a diagnosis: yes, my skin is oily. But dehydrated. That is, it needs both thorough cleansing and moisturizing. After conducting thoughtful research, I found that this problem bothers thousands of women and men. IN big cities moisturized clean skin- generally a rarity. This is due to air-conditioned premises, lack fresh air and a nervous environment. It is impossible to choose the right care and cosmetics on your own. I share the knowledge gained from professionals on how to turn dry, oily skin into clear skin.

Main signs of oily skin

First, you need to determine whether you are the unfortunate owner of oily, dry skin. Here are the main signs:

It is dull, loose, gray in color;

Pores are enlarged and clog quickly;

Any moisturizer provokes the appearance of comedones (blackheads) and;

Oily skin care

It would seem that with such a set of gifts it would be easier to shoot yourself. In fact, even such skin can be brought into excellent condition. “Losing moisture, oily skin begins to actively absorb sebum, which it secretes in excess,” explains cosmetologist-dermatologist Tatyana Stepanyuk. “Because of this, it becomes porous, tight and inflamed. Simply combine products for normal dry and oily skin wrong - it will only make the problem worse. For oily, dehydrated skin you need special care" Here's what:

1. Avoid alcohol-containing tonics and products with high pH. They injure the epidermis and dry out the skin, causing additional sebum production. If the label mentions Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, this cosmetic is not suitable for you.

2. and use. Often this is enough to bring the face back to normal.

3. Cleanse your face thoroughly twice a day. Use water-based washes with gel and cream textures. They remove oily shine and do not dry out the skin, leaving it clean.

4. Take courses of vitamin E (of course, after consulting your doctor). Often its lack provokes dryness and tightness of oily skin.

5. Cosmetologists advise using slightly acidic tonics two to three times a day. They really help a lot. Choose products containing AHA acids and hyaluronic acid: they normalize sebum production and retain moisture in the skin.

6. To cleanse your skin, use a facial scrub, but not an aggressive one, but a gentle one. It should be creamy and contain fine exfoliating particles.

7. Be sure to use light moisturizers at least in the morning and evening. Oily, dehydrated skin responds best to aromatic cosmetics. Choose creams with essential and vegetable oils.

8. Before the cream, apply any serum with vitamin C. It creates a kind of filter that will allow the skin to absorb exactly as much moisture as it needs and not become inflamed.

Care and moisturizing of oily facial skin at home

In addition, oily, dry skin is exactly the case when. During my torment, I visited dozens of masters, and even in very expensive salons I was certainly advised to make masks from oatmeal. Also included in the “must diet for the face” set are honey, egg white, lemon juice and oil tea tree. Here are some effective combinations:

1. Dilute 50 g of white clay with warm water, add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil and a tablespoon olive oil. Apply thickly to face, rinse after 15 minutes with warm water. Repeat 2-3 times a week: this mask absorbs sebum and at the same time normalizes the hydrolipid balance.

2. Mix 2 tablespoons honey, 1 beaten egg white, a drop of tea tree oil, 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Gently massage your face with this mixture and wash off after 5 minutes. This scrub perfectly tightens pores and improves skin color.

3. Mix 50 g natural yogurt and a handful of rolled oats. Massage your face, then rinse with warm water. This is a universal cleanser for oily, dehydrated skin - you can use it every day.

4. Prepare a chamomile decoction and let it cool. Add 2-3 tablespoons to it rose water and a spoonful of lemon juice. Use instead of facial toner.

Moisturizing is a key step in caring for any skin type. However, girls suffering from enlarged pores and greasy shine usually refuse it, for fear of aggravating the condition of oily skin. And in vain - the use of matting and antibacterial agents dries out the upper layers of the epidermis, causing inflammation and early wrinkles. The right moisturizer will solve contradictory but interrelated problems high fat content and lack of moisture.

When choosing cosmetic products, girls with oily skin usually look for information on sebum-regulating and anti-inflammatory properties on bottles and tubes. People usually forget about moisturizing - why additionally saturate the skin with moisture, which begins to shine within half an hour after washing? But sebum has absolutely nothing to do with hydration. The sebaceous film prevents the penetration of liquid into the tissue, so oily skin often looks gray and loose. That's why you shouldn't walk past the shelves of moisturizing creams and gels in cosmetic stores. By the way, a moisturizer can also be mattifying.

Oily, dehydrated skin is the number one problem of modern residents of big cities. Dryness is caused not only by incorrectly selected cosmetics, but also by a passion for foundation, dust, and air polluted by exhaust emissions. Air conditioning in offices and frequent stress further complicate the situation. In defense, the skin of your face produces a double “portion” of sebaceous secretion, so you have to use powder more and more often.

Efficiency cosmetic product depends primarily on correct definition type of epidermis. Are you sure that your skin is oily and not combination? In addition to the indefatigable activity of the sebaceous glands, such skin is usually porous. Enlarged pores quickly become clogged with sebum and turn into “blackheads.” Oily skin - problematic skin. Pimples, pustular inflammations and acne are its faithful companions. The combined type is characterized by focal fat content: only the T-zone (forehead, wings of the nose and chin) shines. Acne in girls with this skin type appears much less frequently.

Salicylic alcohol is traditionally used as the main components of oily sebum care products. glycolic acids and zinc. Alcohol promotes evaporation of liquid and causes allergic reactions. Acids generally should not be used more than 2-3 times a month, especially in the form of creams and chemical peels. When used correctly, they lighten post-acne and exfoliate dead cells. If done incorrectly, they increase skin sensitivity and accelerate the aging process. Therefore, it is better to leave cream with AHA acids on the store shelf. Zinc is an active ingredient in teenage cosmetics. A cream or lotion with zinc in an older girl can cause a change in skin type and disrupt collagen synthesis.

To defeat blackheads and pimples, you need to keep the pores on your face clean. The packaging of a moisturizer for oily skin must contain information about non-comedogenicity. Comedogenicity is the ability of a cream to clog into enlarged pores, causing the appearance of small rashes and subcutaneous inflammation. Creams for dry and normal skin a priori are considered comedogenic for oily and combination skin types.

Choose creams with a light, preferably even gel, texture. Thick products are poorly absorbed and leave a sticky feeling because they contain fixed oils. The greasy shine from such a cream will only intensify.

Gels, serums and fluids for day and night care for oily, dehydrated skin are made based on water or essential oils. By the way, it’s for treatment essential oils sebaceous glands react very well. Provencal lavender, bitter orange, tea tree and rosemary oils will help control oiliness.

Remedy for day care must have an SPF filter. Oily skin is especially susceptible to harmful effects sun rays, therefore, as a base for makeup, use a cream or gel with a protection level of 15-20 units. Sunscreen cosmetics for sebum with increased activity of the sebaceous glands are widely represented in the lines of salon and pharmacy brands.

The mattifying and antibacterial properties of cosmetics often negate efforts to cleanse the skin. Replace alcohol tonics with gel containing aloe or lemon juice. No miracle cream can cope with the consequences of use daily scrub- its granules transfer bacteria from inflamed areas of the face to healthy ones. If you have to deal with traces of acne and pimples, buy a special sponge or sponge for washing, but not an exfoliant with granules that injure inflammatory elements. Before going to bed, be sure to wash off the makeup and apply it to the skin. night cream. There is no need to vigorously rub the product into the skin with your fingertips - apply it with light patting movements. Before going to bed, blot off any remaining product. paper napkin or a terry towel.

Moisturizing care for oily skin is perfectly complemented by masks with Shea butter, calendula, peach oil or vitamin E. Masks are used 2-3 times a week or in a course (as intensive therapy). The face is cleansed with milk or gel, then the mask is applied in a thick layer. The product is washed off with plenty of cool water after 15-20 minutes.

Many people believe that oily skin does not need moisturizing and, on the contrary, requires constant elimination of excess fat.

Those with oily skin face a lot of problems: enlarged pores, oily shine, frequent acne and redness.

Oily skin care includes several main steps:

1. Cleansing.

2. Toning.

3. Moisturize.

4. Nutritional treatments.

In fact, insufficient hydration Oily skin can aggravate existing problems.

The water balance of cells, regardless of skin type, should always correspond to the norm. And if in the case of dry skin, violation of this rule leads to dryness, then with oily skin, the sebaceous glands in this case begin to work more actively, and moisture leaves the skin at this time. All this leads to poor metabolism in cells, and the consequence is.

And since there is a violation water balance Nowadays it is observed in almost every girl; moisturizing procedures need to be done every day.

Zinc helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, acids help prevent, amino acids help increase natural protective functions cells, while water-lipid metabolism is restored. Thanks to this complex moisturizing, the skin is actively saturated with oxygen, as a result of which metabolic processes in it are accelerated, and, accordingly, regeneration occurs much faster.

Available in pharmacies wide choose products for moisturizing oily skin, but they can also be easily prepared at home.

At the same time, you can save money and get full confidence that the product uses high-quality components that have not exceeded their shelf life.

Moisturizing masks for oily skin

Recipe 1. Mask of juice and oatmeal;

You need to take 1 tbsp. spoon of orange, lemon, tomato juice and milk, mix with pre-chopped ones (the finer the better) oatmeal and apply to the face and neck area. You need to keep the mask on for 20 or 30 minutes. After that, everything needs to be washed off with cool water.

Oatmeal will soften and smooth the skin, lemon and tomato juice will help tighten it, and orange and milk will moisturize.

Recipe 2. Apple-carrot mask

Recipe 3. How to moisturize oily skin with toner

Take 1 aloe leaf (the plant should not be less than 3 years old), crush it until a homogeneous mass is formed and mix with 1 tbsp. spoon of wine. The tonic should be used before bedtime. The resulting liquid should be applied to a tampon and wiped over the skin of the face so that it becomes slightly damp.

After 15-20 minutes, the mixture must be removed with water ( room temperature), you can add a few drops of wine vinegar.

Recipe 4. Watermelon juice lotion

And let it sit for 2-3 hours, then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth to get 500 ml of juice. Add 15 grams of salt and 30 grams of honey and 200 ml of vodka.

Shake the entire mixture and it can be used daily. It is better if you do this in the evening, after which you do not wash it off for 2 hours.

Recipe 5. Chamomile mask

3-4 tbsp. Pour boiling water (250 ml) over spoons of dry chamomile; after cooling, strain the mixture through 2 layers of gauze. Then pour in 2 tablespoons vegetable oil and mix everything well. Fold the gauze to make 3 layers. Coat half with mixture and cover with the other half. In this form, put on your face and keep for 35-40 minutes. Wash your face with warm water.

Recipe 6. How to moisturize oily skin with yogurt

Beat one egg white, mix it with the juice of half a lemon and one tablespoon of honey and 3-4 tablespoons of yogurt.

Apply the mixture to the skin and keep for no more than 20 minutes. Afterwards, the composition should be washed off with water (preferably warm) or a cotton swab dipped in water.

Recipe 7. Moisturizing mask for oily skin from medicinal herbs

Grind the horsetail and plantain leaves so that a homogeneous paste is formed. Take 2 tablespoons of the resulting mixture and add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.

Mix everything and apply the mask to a face cleansed with tonic or lotion.

When making masks and lotions, you need to take into account the body's reaction to all components and before manipulating the skin, you should do a test.

Leather fatty type, like anyone else, may lack moisture. At the same time, she becomes dehydrated. Oily, dehydrated skin differs from dry skin in that flaking does not form on it. People with this skin type may notice a feeling of constant tightness, even if their face is excessively shiny from sebum.

Causes of dehydration in oily skin

Most often, dehydration of oily skin is caused by excessive efforts to remove excess fat from it. As a result, the work of the sebaceous glands only intensifies, and the upper layers of the skin are deprived of moisture.

Owners of this type, according to the observations of cosmetologists, are the least prone to the formation of wrinkles - such skin looks young longer. However, wrinkles can form on it just as quickly as on dry skin, even if it is abundantly covered with small droplets of sebum.

Proper care for dehydrated, oily skin

Times when excessive fat content getting rid of it by aggressive cleansing and drying with alcohol are long gone. Any qualified dermatologist or cosmetologist will tell you that oily skin needs hydration no less than dry or normal skin.

If your facial skin is excessively dry, your body tries to compensate by producing more sebum. At proper care You can not only get rid of dryness, but also normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.

The main principles in caring for oily, dehydrated skin:

  • Delicate cleansing.
  • Toning.
  • Hydration.
  • Nutrition.


Most often, the skin becomes dry due to intense cleansing. Soap and alcohol-containing products deprive the skin of not only fat, but also moisture.

Those with very oily skin should opt for delicate gels or foam cleansers, and for those whose skin is moderately oily ideal solution will be washing with hydrophilic oil.

Oil cleansing works on the principle of “like dissolves like” - oil remedy It not only removes makeup perfectly, but also dissolves sebum. If there is a need to remove makeup before washing, it is better to do this in advance with micellar water or special wipes, and only then start washing with oil.

Once or twice a week, it is allowed to use a deep cleanser: herbal ubtan, beldi, tar soap.


The effect of alcohol on the skin is permissible only if the product is applied precisely to the inflammation. In other cases, the use of alcohol solutions inevitably leads to dehydration of the skin.

Alcohol “talkers”, lotions, and tonics should be replaced with new generation products. If you need light drying, good purchase will be a tonic with salicylic acid. They cope with the matting task no worse herbal infusions and hydrolates. For example, calendula decoction, grapefruit or tea tree hydrolate.

The most successful would be a combination of moisturizing and cleansing tonic. Moisturizing toner is applied in the evening, before night cream.


Skin that has enough moisture produces less oil. Its hydration occurs both outside and inside. Sufficient water intake proper nutrition, frequent consumption of foods rich in collagen helps to naturally moisturize the skin.

Skin care products should become additional artillery on the way to hydrated skin. A moisturizer for oily skin should be gel based, not oil based. Such a product will not provoke additional sebum production.

Natural products can also be good moisturizers. The leading position is occupied by aloe gel. It can be purchased in online stores natural cosmetics, or make it yourself. Similar action has a decoction of flax seeds.


Nourishing products can instantly soften the skin and make it more hydrated. Purchased masks, according to the instructions, apply 1-2 times a week. Natural masks can be applied every other day. If you choose from home recipes, then the most the best option for dehydrated oily skin there will be masks made from honey or egg yolk. They soften the skin but do not clog pores.

Proper care will be a real salvation for oily, dehydrated facial skin. Follow these simple tips and always be beautiful!

Needs to special care. This skin type is prone to developing greasy shine, the pores are open and enlarged, especially in the so-called T-zone (forehead, nose and chin area). Excessive production of sebum (sebum) leads to skin that is dirty, tired and unattractive.

But there is good news - this skin type begins to age much later than any other. Sebum protects the skin and serves as a kind of lubricant, which means that as you age, your skin will look younger than I should. So tune in late old age, being the owner of oily skin.
However, it is very important to remember that you need to get rid of excess sebum day by day so that the products do not dry out the skin.
Many people think that oily skin does not need moisturizing due to excess sebum, believing that a moisturizer will only clog pores. This is a very common misconception - oily skin needs hydration!

Two basic rules for caring for oily skin:

1. Cleansing- without drying out the skin
2. Hydration- it is necessary to return the moisture that the skin lost during the cleansing process

You should not neglect any of these rules; without cleansing your skin before going to bed, you can become the “lucky” owner of blackheads and rashes.

The face must be clean

Cleanse your facial skin with soft remedies for washing twice a day. Never go to bed without cleansing your skin first. Otherwise, the pores become clogged, leading to the formation of blackheads or pimples. The best thing you can do for your skin is to cleanse it regularly - every day, in the morning and in the evening.

But don’t go too far - cleansing the skin more than twice a day leads to dryness, the skin loses the necessary moisture and fat that protect it, and the result will be the opposite of what was expected. The intensity of sebum secretion will increase several times!

Never leave your skin without moisturizer

Moisturizing your skin after cleansing is very important. During cleansing, the skin loses essential moisture and oil. A moisturizer will help the skin restore its natural moisture balance. You may feel a feeling of discomfort, dryness and tightness immediately after washing your face - this is how it manifests itself moisture imbalance in the skin.

Best Moisturizers to Hydrate Oily Skin

Always pay attention to the presence of the mark - for oily skin, on the product label. You should also choose products that do not contain oil- just on water based. Give preference to gels - they are lighter than conventional creams, absorb faster and better and contain more water.

Try products designed for regulation of oily shine- they tighten pores and your face remains matte throughout the day. If you use foundation or base - give preference to water-based products or BB cream for oily skin types.

You should also like the effect that creams and gels containing AHA acids- pores tighten and remain clean, rashes decrease and disappear completely. We recommend Alpha Hydrox Oil-Free Formula, Kiss My Face Peaches & Creme Moisturizer with 8% Alpha Hydroxy Acids, AHA gel from Christina.
