Coloring-posters from "MIF": Cheerful zoo, City, Happy New Year! Large coloring-posters Coloring-posters "Merry Zoo" and "City".

Wonderful large coloring-posters for children "Cheerful Zoo" and "City".

Giant coloring pages

My daughter and I met giant coloring pages a few years ago when I printed and glued an Easter coloring book for her from a foreign site. She really liked the new large format, and this is not surprising, because large coloring pages have a lot of advantages.

Benefits of large coloring pages

  • Such coloring pages can be called novelties. They have not yet become as widespread as usual, and children really like everything new and unusual.
  • Like all coloring pages, they are very useful, especially for preschool children, because they:
    • develop fine motor skills
    • develop coordination of movements
    • preparing the child's hand for writing
    • allow you to usefully spend time for a meditative activity - coloring.
  • They can be colored by one child or several at once - there are enough details for coloring for everyone.
  • You can paint on both horizontal and vertical surfaces. If you hang a coloring book on the wall, the child will satisfy his interest in drawing on the walls, which wakes up quite often not only in very young children, but also in quite conscious older preschoolers.
  • Ready coloring will be a wonderful decoration for the nursery!

Coloring-posters "Fun Zoo" and "City"

Today we received a package with the long-awaited large coloring pages from the publishing house "MIF. Childhood": "Merry Zoo" by illustrator Polina Nesterova and "City" by Vladimir Yudenkov. How we liked them!

The coloring pages came to us just in time: my daughter is sick, and coloring pictures is a great activity, compatible with bed rest, you just need to put the coloring book on a drawing tablet (or on a large format hardcover book).

Rita immediately set to work, and I also participated a little in this.

What do you like about these coloring pages?

It may seem that the "City" will appeal to boys more, but my girl enjoyed playing cars on it. And the recommended age of 4 - 5 - 6 years, we outgrew it.

I suggest also to look at other articles from this heading. For example, articles about books with for children and about.

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Today, coloring pages are becoming very popular, and their formats are more diverse and creative. Interesting coloring pages were published by Mann, Ivanov and Ferber. Their feature is a large format, a variety of themes, plots and characters. Many children love to draw, especially on wallpaper, and I think it's a great idea to let them do it for their own pleasure on these coloring posters. A huge drawing, various elements, the ability to paint not only at the table, but also on the floor or walls, will attract the attention of young artists for a long time. A large coloring poster is a huge field for your child's creativity!

A lot of words have already been said about the benefits of coloring pages. With the help of coloring pages, the child's creative perception of the world around is stimulated, depending on the subject of the coloring, coloring can also be of an educational nature. Coloring books are the first aid for learning to write for a child. In addition to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, coloring books help develop creativity, artistic imagination, fantasy and many other useful qualities and skills. The child independently makes decisions about the choice of color, sees a certain plot in the drawing in his own way and creates his own art. Coloring drawings increases concentration, because. the child has to monitor the correct application of color, its location and be careful not to go beyond the contour of the image. Coloring also helps little fidgets to relax and calm their nerves, it acts as a kind of art therapy.

So, about the posters. The design of the posters is the same. They have the same size - 76 × 56 cm. The paper is thick, it can be painted with both pencils and felt-tip pens, wax crayons and even paints. The coloring pages are packed in a thick cardboard envelope, which you can always take with you by placing the coloring book there. Everything looks very high quality.

On the reverse side are indicated: the dimensions of the poster, recommendations for use, as well as assignments. For example: "Count how many squirrels decorate the Christmas tree" or "Count how many hares live in the zoo." Parents can come up with similar coloring tasks for their child. Each coloring page has a lot of different plots, you can not only color it, but also study the characters on a given topic, play “find-and-seek” or make up a story from pictures, which, in turn, develops the child’s speech.

The idea of ​​a coloring poster is very interesting - a large picture is divided into smaller ones, which can be perceived as independent stories or as parts of a large whole, but at the same time, all the pictures are interconnected.

Let's see the coloring in more detail

Happy New Year! Coloring poster, Elena Dolgova

- Happy New Year! Coloring poster, Elena Dolgova

New Year's mood is created from small trifles and the more of these trifles there are, the brighter the impressions of this holiday will be. A great way to please your child with a New Year's giant coloring "Happy New Year!"

This huge coloring book will fill your home with a sense of magic and celebration on the eve of the New Year! Favorite New Year's characters gathered around a fluffy beauty - a Christmas tree. A fast reindeer and a wise owl, a red fox and a hare... And, of course, funny squirrels who decorate the Christmas tree with glass balls, colorful flags and funny toys.

This is what the poster looks like

And now the details:

City. Coloring poster, Vladimir Yudenkov

- City. Coloring poster, Vladimir Yudenkov

This is a fun trip through the metropolis! Unfold the poster and you will find yourself in a real city! Roads, houses, bridges and a variety of vehicles: bus, tram, tractor, subway train, truck crane, fire truck and many, many more cars filled the streets of this city.

The coloring book is very educational. Using it, you can learn modes of transport, the names of various buildings and institutions, visit a construction site, the subway, a residential area, a factory or a railway station.

Fun zoo. Coloring poster, Polina Nesterova

- Fun zoo. Coloring poster, Polina Nesterova

Who is not here! A juggler penguin, a painter raccoon, a gardener wolf, a musician tiger and other funny animals live in this fabulous zoo, have fun and everyone is busy with something interesting! There are a lot of interesting and funny stories. The scope for children's imagination is huge!

Here is a large coloring book - a poster for the wall for children with pictures of a train, numbers, animals. By coloring these drawings, the kid will quickly learn all the numbers from 1 to 10, remember the sequence of numbers. The kid will really like funny animals and a funny little train that transports numbers, he really likes to paint animal tracks and flowers in the clearing, ducks on the lake, bees and ladybugs. The child will choose and color what he likes. Such a coloring poster is also suitable for joint coloring by several children at home or in kindergarten, there is enough space for everyone!

How to make a coloring book - poster for children

The coloring sheet consists of 6 sheets in A4 format, which you can download at the end of the publication. Unpack the archive, print the sheets, carefully glue the sheets together, matching the pattern. Ready big coloring - fasten the poster on the wall. That's all you can color the poster all together!.

Make such a poster - coloring and the children will be delighted, and regardless of age. This coloring will be interesting for both kids and schoolchildren.

Good luck to you and your kids!

Coloring book - a poster for the wall for children: a train, numbers, animals for coloring

Coloring book - a poster for the wall for children: a train, numbers, animals for coloring

Coloring book - a poster for the wall for children: a train, numbers, animals for coloring

Coloring book - a poster for the wall for children: a train, numbers, animals for coloring

Coloring book - a poster for the wall for children: a train, numbers, animals for coloring

Coloring book - a poster for the wall for children: a train, numbers, animals for coloring

Coloring book - a poster for the wall for children: a train, numbers, animals for coloring

Coloring book - a poster for the wall for children: a train, numbers, animals for coloring

Coloring book - a poster for the wall for children: a train, numbers, animals for coloring

Publication source: internet

See more on the topic big coloring - print a poster on the wall for children:

  1. Coloring - poster New Year's "Winter" on the wall for children
  2. Coloring book - princess poster for girls
  3. Coloring - poster cute pony for girls
  4. Coloring - poster pirates for boys

Friends, I want to present you another idea for the entertainment and development of children.

Giant coloring "Great Journey".
The Great Journey Coloring Poster was created and drawn especially for your kids. This is not just a coloring book, this is a whole adventure in the air, on land and in the sea.

Earlier I wrote a note that you can buy on the page of the site
Now a poster has been added to the coloring wallpaper.
Coloring coloring pages is one of the most loved and rewarding activities for most children. But large coloring pages will be an unexpected surprise for any child.

The coloring poster drawing contains simple and clear details and elements. In the process of coloring the picture, the child will train well and develop fine motor skills of the hands, get acquainted with simple geometric shapes.

The plot of the drawing on the poster will be of interest to both boys and girls.

Free areas are specially left on the poster, where the child, having shown his imagination and fiction, can draw his poster heroes.

The poster - a coloring is printed on a dense environmentally friendly paper.

The poster can be attached to almost any surface.
Coloring packs are completed with stationery adhesive pads for gluing "Pritt Multi Fix" posters
It is necessary to separate the pillow from the blister, knead it and roll it into a ball. Glue the ball to the back of the poster and press it down. For one poster, only 8-10 small pillows (pieces) are required.
