Types of Durex condoms: what you need to know. Durex condoms: a tandem of quality and vivid sensations Which condoms to buy

Not a single review?!:) No one has used it?!:) Or are we being modest:) Well, okay, I have to get used to writing about such things. In my married life, I used Durex at one time. There were only positive impressions left.

In fact, a great means of external contraception. The company is well-known - the trademark belongs to a British company, but its subsidiaries are scattered around the world. In China - most of them are, which is not at all surprising. Well, okay, we’re already used to the fact that everything is from there. The Chinese can also make a quality product. I believe they make Durex to European standards.

The assortment is varied: for every taste and every need! We mainly used classic "Classic"" (blue packaging) and ultra-thin "Elite"(lilac packaging) - for lovers of natural sensations - just the thing :)

The material is durable and therefore reliable.
Q.E.D! And at the same time quite thin. Latex is soft, pleasant to the touch, hypoallergenic. Some types of "Durex" come from polyurethane- This is generally a wonderful material for such things. In stock Silicone Grease- someone really needs it. There is no characteristic latex smell.

In general, in this case it would be more appropriate to describe the feelings of the partner. My husband likes it, otherwise he wouldn’t have bought them for six months :) There has never been a case where the condom didn’t fit well, slipped, crumpled, rustled like foil or some other “jamb.”

Quality is reflected in cost. Yes, not cheap: a package of 12 pieces costs 426 rubles, of 3 - 120 rubles. For the average couple, who, sorry to say, have sex every day and more than once, the product, frankly speaking, is a bummer. But it’s not a sin to overpay for real quality. We are not such hyper-passionate people and “super-Stakhanovites” (:))))!), however, I decided to return to the popular "Contex"- my wastefulness and objective financial moderation affected. I reasoned this way: in our case, both “Contex” and “Durex” have the same protective effect, there have never been any glaring cases of use, fortunately, we don’t have allergies either, so it makes sense to overpay for an identical one I didn't see the result. And the difference between these two companies, using the example of a package of 12 condoms, is about 140 rubles. I’d rather buy an extra bag of fruit or buy extra socks for the child. And “Contex” is a good brand, not some “Tumbler” for 7 rubles :))

In addition, the exclusive use of expensive condoms will not be appreciated by anyone except you and, of course, an adequate partner. These are not expensive shoes or watches for everyday display, which could be appreciated by people who know a lot about this. But objectively: great condoms! They are sold both in pharmacies and at the checkout counters of supermarkets like “SosedDushki” - as a reminder of an additional purchase to a set of champagne and a box of chocolates :) I have a friend who orders “Durex” in an online store: a whole box for an unrealistically significant difference in price: )

Rubber contraceptives occupy a leading position in the fight against unwanted pregnancy and sexual diseases. But many, especially men, do not like to use condoms due to a decrease in the sensitivity of sensations from sexual intercourse. Such a risk can lead to undesirable consequences. Therefore, marketers of global contraceptive companies are developing condoms that are thinner than classic ones.

All global manufacturers of rubber contraceptives have in their line condoms for any client: thick, thin, with aromas, colored, etc.

Condoms that are thinner than regular ones are designated as: ultra-thin, extra-thin, extra-thin, super-thin, sensitive, etc. But in fact, they may turn out to be ordinary. Therefore, when purchasing “ultra-thin condoms”, pay attention to the packaging, where, in addition to the size of the condoms, the wall thickness should also be indicated.

About the thickness of the condom walls

Most rubber contraceptives are made from natural latex. For allergy sufferers (allergy to condoms), there are condoms made of polyurethane and synthetic resins. Unlike latex ones, polyurethane condoms are much thinner by default, but this does not mean that you go to a sex shop and buy exclusively polyurethane, because... they have some features: they are not elastic/stretchy, they need additional lubrication, because... They absorb it poorly and are not easy to put on.

Latex condoms are divided into 3 categories based on thickness:

  • Standard. Condom wall thickness 0.06-0.07mm
  • Thin. Wall thickness 0.03-0.05 mm
  • Thick condoms (0.07-0.12mm)

As mentioned above, polyurethane condoms are several times thinner than latex ones. The thickness of classic polyurethane condoms can be 0.02-0.04 mm.

Features of thin condoms

Some sexologists note that ultra-thin condoms do not give the desired effect: the difference in thickness is not noticeable, moreover, there is a self-hypnosis effect.. Super-thin condoms have the following features:

Increased sensitivity

Better heat conductivity

— It’s more difficult to put on the penis in an unlit room (you can’t immediately figure out where the front side is and where the back side is)

— Greater risk of rupture of a latex product. Less thickness means less strength! This is true, but you need to remember that all condoms break, and here, first of all, the problem is not in the condom itself, but in the human factor.

Why do condoms tear?

Regardless of whether the condom is thick or ultra-thin, the likelihood of breakage primarily depends on the person. Why do super-thin latex condoms tear?

  • Wrong size
  • No lubrication/dry, unexcited environment.
  • Weak potency. Yes, yes, yes, a weakly erect penis can cause the condom to break.
  • Damage to condoms with teeth: oral sex, unpacking condoms with your mouth. When opening, putting on a condom with your mouth (), or during oral sex, microcracks may occur.

TOP 10 thinnest condoms

Below we provide a list of the thinnest latex and polyurethane condoms.

  1. Okamoto 001 zero one is the world's thinnest polyurethane condom. Thickness is only 0.01mm. Not available for the Russian market. The main feature of these polyurethane condoms is the formula, due to which the condom has greater stretch and elasticity compared to other polyurethane condoms.
  2. Sagami Original 001. Thickness is 0.18mm. Ultra-thin polyurethane condoms, size 170/55mm (Length/Width). Produced for the Japanese domestic market, like Okamotto 0.01. But some condoms can also be bought in the Russian Federation, in limited quantities.
  3. Okamoto 002 is again a Japanese brand, but already present on the Russian market (0.02mm). Material: polyurethane.
  4. Sagami Original 002 – ultra-thin polyurethane condoms; (190/52/0.02mm). There is a version with a ribbon for easy putting on (002 quiq).
  5. Okamoto 003 – this time it’s extra-thin latex condoms from a well-known Japanese manufacturer. The thinnest latex condoms: (180/54/0.03). Judging by the reviews, they run a little small, but overall the quality is excellent. There are options with an anatomical shape without storage (Real Fit), and there are standard Platinum ones. Beware, there are many fakes in online stores.
  6. Sagami Xtreme 004 – super thin latex condoms. There are dotted versions (Type E Dotted) and Cola flavored versions. (190/58/0.04)
  7. HI-TECH Ultra Light - the thinnest condoms in the line of condoms (180/52/0.04). An affordable option, it has many negative reviews where it is compared to a package, but in reality it is quite good contraceptives with silicone lubricant in sufficient quantities.
  8. Durex Invisible is a well-advertised, renowned company. They claim to be “the thinnest condoms.” In fact, the wall thickness is 0.04. The most expensive condoms available in pharmacies and hypermarkets. They have good reviews.
  9. Ganzo Sense - inexpensive condos originally from Britain (180/53/0.05).
  10. Contex Lights Ultra Thin is probably a well-known option from the most widespread manufacturer in the Russian Federation (180/52/0.05).

In addition to the above models, there are the following options on the market that raise questions: Durex Elit and Sensetiv claim to be “ultra-thin condoms” with increased sensitivity. But the fact is the fact, the wall thickness is 0.06 mm, like the most ordinary condoms.

So, the thinnest polyurethane condom is Okamoto 001 zero one. As for latex ones, this is Okamoto 003. It is worth noting that the thickness of a human hair is 0.05mm.

It’s difficult to talk about the best thin condoms: the thinnest ones are not available in the Russian Federation, and those that exist are probably fake. Available options such as Durex/Contex/Visit have been tested for a long time and are an excellent product.

Not only consumers, but also manufacturers are interested in the quality of condoms. Therefore, each manufacturing company regularly tests its products, inviting volunteers of at least 200 people who want to test the products in action and determine which condoms are the best. Amurochka provides you with a rating of condoms released under different brands in 2012. The rating is based on data on sensitivity, strength, and dimensions provided by the manufacturers themselves.

Condoms "Crown Skin less Skin Condoms"

Considered the best in the world over the past decade. Manufactured by the Japanese company Okamoto. They are the thinnest among the representatives of the leading 10 and the most durable. They have a pleasant smell and the highest degree of sensitivity. Parameters: width 53 mm along the entire length; thickness - 0.047 mm; length - 18 cm.

Condoms "Durex Extra Sensitive Condoms"

They have been in the top for 6 years. The most sensitive among Durex condoms, they are practically not felt by men and not felt at all by women. But many men noted an increased piquancy of sensations when using them. Parameters: width from base to middle - 5.1 cm; head width - 5.4 cm; thickness - 0.048 mm; length - 19.8 cm.

Condoms "Beyond Seven Condoms"

Also in the top 6 years old, also Japanese, made from Sheerlon latex: thin and durable. A special feature is the narrowed shape, which provides a tight fit to the penis. They do not slip down, but some men with wide penises may find them too tight. Parameters: thickness - 0.049 mm; length - 18.2 cm; width throughout - 4.4 cm.

Condoms "Kimono Micro Thin"

In the tens for a couple of years. Immediately after release they hit the top due to their super-thin structure. They don't feel like partners. Parameters: length - 190 mm, width - 52 mm, thickness - 0.045 mm.

Condoms "Impulse Bare Pleasure Condoms"

They have ribs and pimples. These condoms gained particular love among women, as they provided thrills during sex. In the top for 3 years. Parameters: thickness - 0.056 mm; length - 17.1 cm; width throughout - 5.1 cm.

Remember that a condom protects 80-90% from unwanted pregnancy. It only partially protects against STDs, and even then not against all bacteria. A condom does not protect against HIV, since HIV is 30 times smaller than the pores of latex. Therefore, the best way to protect yourself is to have a regular sexual partner in whom you are confident.

Condoms "Durex Love Condoms"

They are easy to put on and take off, have abundant long-lasting lubrication and a special contour shape with an extended head. Parameters: length - 20.3 cm; thickness - 0.053 mm; width from base to middle - 5.1 cm, heads - 5.4 cm.

Condoms "Trustex Extra Large"

They are hypersensitive and large in size. Ideal for men with large penises. Parameters: thickness - 0.048 mm, length - 20.3 cm, width over the entire length - 5.7 cm.

Condoms "LifeStyles UltraSensitive Sheer Pleasure Condoms"

Made in the shape of a “light bulb” with free space in the head area. Women claimed that they also experienced pleasant sensations when they felt the free tip deep in the vagina. Parameters: thickness - 048 mm, length - 19 cm, width of the head and middle part - 5.7 cm each, base width - 4.4 cm.

Condoms "Beyond Seven Studded Condoms"

Ribbed and super sensitive. Parameters: thickness - 0.05 mm, length - 19.4 cm, width - 50 mm.

Condoms "Durex Her Sensation"

Ribbed and richly lubricated, providing maximum comfort during sex. Condoms with an extended head and no latex smell at all. Thickness - 0.069 mm, width - 5.1 cm, length 18 cm.

To find out which condoms are the best for you, you should rely on how you feel. For some, “pimples” are more important than the brand, while others intend to try the entire line of products from a specific manufacturer.

How to choose a quality condom

There are a few simple rules that you need to follow if you want to choose and buy a high-quality condom from foreign brands:

  • High-quality ones always bear the mark: “Recommended by the World Health Organization” (WHO).
  • Look on the packaging for the country of origin barcode and batch number. Please note: on packs from the USA the name of the state is written, from Europe - the name of the country is written and there is a “CE” mark.
  • Do not buy condoms with a strange number - the sign "24". They are made in China from meat waste, most often from lamb intestines. One can doubt their strength, and natural condoms are unlikely to protect against infections.
  • Do not buy Simplex, Deluxe and Long Love, which do not have a “batch number”, but only a hologram and the address of the distributor in Switzerland. These are fakes.

How to put on a condom correctly

It is important not only which condoms are the best, but also how skillfully you use them. Gynecologists regularly record cases of girls who have had unwanted pregnancies, despite the fact that their partners used condoms during sex.

According to statistics, if a condom is used correctly, the level of protection against pregnancy is 99-98%, but if used incorrectly, it is only 76-87%.

And the last figure is largely due not to the quality of condoms, but to inept use or early damage. Condom Use Research Team - a group to study the use of condoms at the University of Kentucky, together with venereologists, conducted a study that revealed shocking facts: 40% of men unrolled condoms before use (not put them directly on the erect penis, but unrolled them beforehand), 10% put them on inside out, and then turned it inside out, 4% of men used one condom multiple times. Among the students, many of whom had little or no experience using condoms and had to read the instructions, 40% did not leave the end of the condom free. And this is fraught with rupture and pregnancy or infection. Another 20% were removed “somehow”, without holding them at the base. In short, the study revealed that up to 50% of those tested used the products incorrectly.

Therefore, learn to put on and use a condom correctly, many of the points described below are “already known to everyone,” but the basic rules of use are often neglected:

  • One condom is used once, repeated use is unacceptable!
  • Carefully open the package, tearing off the edge of the foil thanks to the factory notch. Do not use scissors, a knife, keys or other sharp objects when opening.
  • Do not unroll the condom until you are putting it directly on the penis.
  • Put it on only when your penis is “standing”
  • Pull the foreskin back, press the end of the condom with your fingers, and put it on the head of the penis.
  • Hold the tip of the condom and straighten it towards the base of the penis.
  • Immediately after ejaculation, remove the penis, pressing the edge of the condom with your hand so that it does not slip off.
  • Do not touch the vagina with the penis when the penis is removed after ejaculation.
  • At the same time as using a condom, use water-based lubricants, not Vaseline or baby cream, because they destroy the latex structure.

The best condoms made in Russia

Condoms are also produced in Russia and comply with GOST 4645-81. They have a low price, many times lower than imported ones, and good quality when used correctly.

Which condoms are the best made in Russia, you should decide for yourself individually. Here are examples of high-quality ones that are only slightly inferior to foreign ones in thickness:

  • Latex condoms Gladiator "Classic". Made from high-quality latex, have a smooth classic shape, silicone lubricant, non-toxic, hypoallergenic, and undergo careful quality control during production. Parameters: length 180 mm, width 52 mm, thickness 0.06 mm. Sold in packs of 3 and 48 pieces.
  • EROS Lux condoms are ultra-thin. Parameters: length 198 (+/-8 mm), width 54 (+/-2 mm), thickness 0.05-0.06 mm. They promise partners maximum naturalness of sensations and reliability. Condoms have a thin transparent rim around the edge for easier insertion. They pass electronic control.
  • EROS Extra extra strong condoms. Parameters: length 198 (+/-8 mm), width 54 (+/-2 mm), thickness 0.07-0.09 mm. Thicker than classic ones, more durable, and also have a thin transparent rim around the edge for ease of putting on. They pass electronic control.

The company, which owns the Durex brand, was among the leaders throughout the 20th century in the speed of implementation of new technologies. Since the mid-90s of the last century, an assortment of more than 20 types of condoms has been developed. Not all types are available for sale in Russia, so in this article we will get acquainted with the main ones.

Durex avanti ultima

The Durex avanti line of condoms has revolutionized the sex industry. The material used is not latex, like our usual condoms, but polyurethane. Such condoms do not cause allergic reactions on the skin and glans penis. This makes them an indispensable means of protection against unwanted pregnancy and HIV infections for men for whom latex products are contraindicated.

Durex Classic

Classic condoms have a standard length and width of 56 mm. Suitable for men with a penis size from 14 to 18 cm in length and 10-12 cm in girth.

Other characteristics:

  • anatomical shape – facilitates the process of putting on;
  • material – latex;
  • lubricant – yes, with silicone oil;
  • sperm collection pocket;
  • color – transparent.

All types of Durex condoms are electronically tested. Durex Classic is no exception. If you follow the instructions for use, the manufacturer guarantees maximum protection against sexually transmitted diseases.

Extra Safe

This type of Durex condom is designed for those couples who value comfort and safety during sex. Thanks to special manufacturing technologies, condoms have thin walls that fit tightly, but without excessive compression, around the penis. The condoms are tested for strength using an electronic testing device and comply with international quality standards.


  • size – 56;
  • shell thickness – 0.04 mm;
  • material – non-allergenic latex;
  • lubricant – silicone-based gel, double quantity;
  • color – colorless;

The Durex Extra Safe condom, if used according to the instructions, provides almost complete protection against unwanted pregnancy. Attention! Male contraception is not intended for anal sex.

Durex XXL

The contraceptive is designed specifically for men whose penis size is larger than the standard one. The product is suitable for representatives of the stronger sex with a penis length of more than 19 cm and a girth of up to 13 cm. Thanks to the use of modern latex, the Durex XXL condom will not tear even during passionate sexual intercourse.


  • material – natural latex;
  • size – 180 mm length and 56 width;
  • silicone lubricant in the form of a gel;
  • transparent walls of the condom.

The use of modern technologies and high-quality raw materials allows Durex to sell products that do not have a specific odor. This also explains the extremely low number of complaints about allergic reactions. The exception is men with individual intolerance to latex or silicone gel components.

Durex Elite

Condoms are created for people for whom the depth and brightness of tactile sensations during sex come first. This type of Durex differs from others in the ultra-thin walls of the condom and its special anatomical shape that follows the contours of the penis. Therefore, Durex Elite is not felt during sexual intercourse by either a man or a woman.

Durex Pleasuremax

This type of Durex condom has a textured surface. What does this mean?

The product is made of durable natural latex, like previous types. But there are irregularities on the surface in the form of ridges and dots. When a man's penis is erect, the walls of the condom fit tightly around the organ. The texture of the condom is designed in such a way that the irregularities affect the nerve receptors, thereby enhancing sensations not only in the man, but also in the woman.

This method of protection is a real guarantee of safety! Which condoms are better, which provide good protection and a feeling of comfort at the same time? We will try to find the answer to this question. Which definition best reflects this method of contraception? According to the most commonly used descriptions, a condom is a barrier type of contraception that is designed to protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), as well as against unwanted conception.

We figured this out. Now let's find out how to choose the right condoms, which are the best and most reliable?

Where to look

Probably the first thing you should think about right away is where it is better to buy a good protective agent, so that later you don’t have to buy it in a dubious place. Of course, in our time there is basically no problem with this, since this product is sold almost everywhere. So, it’s night, you are planning a romantic evening, and it’s a long walk to the pharmacy store, the first thing that will be relevant in this case is a stall or a small shop near your house.

However, there are several factors that should be taken into account when choosing this method of contraception:

  1. Brand or brand.
  2. Size.
  3. Properties and quality.
  4. Product price.
  5. Rating.
  6. Shelf life of the product.
Before purchasing a product, you need to look at its expiration date.

Many people would not even think about such things as the rating or shelf life, but it is precisely because of such subtleties that couples in love often join the lists of those who “accidentally broke.” Models can be made of various materials, it can be either latex or polyurethane, and the requirements for their storage are different. You won’t believe it, but this special “gum” has a shelf life (from 2 to 5 years). So it is better to purchase good products in pharmacies, where all storage conditions are provided and the expiration date is checked.

Size matters

Another thing worth thinking about is what kind of condom you need and its size, because the most important thing is that it is convenient to use. The width of the product plays a big role, the length is not so important. But if the condom slips or rubs, this will create an uncomfortable feeling during contact. What is the best way to choose good protective equipment among all the variety?

So, let's look at condoms that have a high rating and the most common parameters in Russia, Europe and the USA:

  1. The length must be at least 170 mm.
  2. Width in the range of 44–56 mm (XXL - 52 mm).
  3. Thickness: latex - 0.06 mm (regular or thick condoms); super thin - 0.05 mm; polyurethane (thin) - 0.02 mm.

Types and textures, aromas and tastes

To attract more buyers to their products, so that the product is popular and has a high rating, whatever the manufacturers come up with. To ensure that interest in these protective equipment does not fade away, the range is constantly updated with new types of rubber products. Models of various types and structures are offered, among all the variety the most popular ones can be identified:

There are many types of condoms to suit every taste.
  • Smooth (simple).
  • Close-fitting or anatomical.
  • Textured (ribbed, with antennae; with rings; with attachments).
  • Flavored (floral, berry, etc.).
  • Flavored (caramel, chocolate, strawberry).
  • Colored.
  • Glowing.

A large assortment of products makes it possible to better choose the most suitable option in all respects. The customer will always be satisfied.

Brand selection

So, we come to the main point of our article. Let's figure out which condoms are better and how to choose the right quality product. What is better to focus on: the manufacturer or the brand?

  • Crown Skin Less Skin - condoms from the Japanese company Okamoto. According to reviews, this model has become a favorite among both men and women. All this is due to its fine structure, pleasant aroma, and anatomical shape. Such products are better and pleasant to use. These contraceptives have held the lead in the market for 10 years, and have received a solid “5+” from consumers. Parameters, mm: length 180; width 53; thickness 0.047. Price for 12 pcs. 315 rub.
  • Durex Extra Sensitive is a super-thin contraceptive from the entire Durex line. For six years now they have been in the top ten due to their insensibility during sexual intercourse, and they give men a piquant sensation. Parameters, mm: length 198; width 52; thickness 0.048. Price for 1 piece. 40 rub.
  • Beyond Seven - made of special Sheerlon latex, they are the thinnest and most durable. They also say about these that reliability is above all. This model has been on the market for six years and occupies a leading position in the popularity rating. Parameters, mm: length 182; width 44; thickness 0.049. Price for 1 piece. 32 rub.
  • Life Styles X2 - the same as the previous nominee, thin, strong and reliable, the lubricant of these condoms includes the unique component L-arginine, the best condoms. Parameters, mm: length 190; width 51; thickness 0.056. Price for 1 piece. 44 rub.
  • Impulse Bare Pleasure - hold a leading position due to pimples and ribs. They are very popular due to their unpredictable sensations. Parameters, mm: length 171; width 51–52; thickness 0.056. Price for 1 piece. 38 rub.
  • Love - comfortable, easy to use, thin condoms. The best model from Durex, as the rating says. Parameters, mm: length 203; width 54; thickness 0.053. Price for 1 piece. 42 rub.
  • Trustex Extra Large - very sensitive, especially for guys who have something to brag about. Parameters, mm: length 203; width 57; thickness 0.048. Price for 1 piece. 36 rub.
  • Life Styles Ultra Sensitive - the beauty of this product lies in the free tip, which gives extra sensation to both men and women. Parameters, mm: length 197; width 57; thickness 0.048. Price for 1 piece. 40 rub.
  • Beyond Seven Studded - for its ribbed structure and high sensitivity, it also occupies an important position in the sales market. Parameters, mm: length 194; width 53; thickness 0.050. Price for 1 piece. 29 rub.
  • Durex Her Sensation - benefit from the presence of ample lubrication and free space at the tip. Parameters, mm: length 201; width 51; thickness 0.069. Price for 1 piece. 44 rub.

When assessing the quality, five main competitors were identified, which were significantly better:

  1. TM Durex Аrouser (Great Britain).
  2. TM Mikado (Malaysia).
  3. TM Viva (Thailand).
  4. TM Сontex (Thailand).
  5. TM Vizit Play (Germany).

Of the above options, all passed the physical and mechanical test, but only the sanitary and hygienic test:

  1. Durex (UK).
  2. Viva (Thailand).
  3. Vizit (Germany).
