Yellow gold. Lemon gold How to distinguish lemon gold from other metals

Hello! As promised in the last article, today we will talk about the varieties of gold, from white to black.

Open your box... This is the secret world of each of us, where excellent precious metal jewelry lives. Some "walk" almost every day, while the rest is given this honor only a couple of times a year. We are sure that each of you will have at least one gold jewelry, because it is the most popular precious metal of all time!

Did you know:

  • Which is more expensive white or yellow gold?
  • what color is pure gold?
  • What gold is best for diamonds?
  • How is lemon gold made?
  • Why is there an allergy to a precious alloy?

Let's choose the most important points that will help you understand the colors of gold:

  • Pure gold is pure gold without ligature. It is very soft, has a yellow color and is not suitable for jewelry.
  • A ligature (impurity) is added to gold to increase its scratch resistance and hardness.
  • The most popular alloys (375, 585 and 750 samples).

Last week we discussed gold assays, remember? For those who missed such an important topic, you are welcome to read it at.

Since pure gold is soft and is not used in precious jewelry, jewelers began to add all kinds of impurities to it: nickel, silver, platinum, copper or palladium. Of course, the hardness increased, but the color also changed. And so new varieties appeared: black, white, red, yellow and lemon gold.

gold colorredpinkyellow/lemonwhiteblackbluepurple
impuritiesCopper and silverCopper and silverCopper and silverSilver, nickel, palladium, platinumChrome and cobalt, or rhodiumNickel and ironaluminum

red gold

Red gold has many shades. Depending on the sample and the ratio of copper and silver in the alloy, the color of the precious metal varies.
Such gold was previously used for gilding the domes of churches, and now it is very popular in the world of precious jewelry. Jewelers love multi-color products. Take for example the world house Cartier and their famous Trinity triple rings in white, yellow and red gold.

Pink gold

Rose gold can be called a shade of red. It is distinguished only by the ratio of impurities in the alloy - a greater percentage of silver. Such a noble metal over the past ten years has gained very good popularity in the jewelry houses of the world. Damiani, Tiffany, Cartie use rose gold 750 and 585 in all collections.

The classic pink hue 750 is composed of 75% gold, 9% silver and 16% copper.

yellow/lemon gold

Yellow gold is an alloy of the same copper and silver, but in a completely different ratio. For example, if you take 750 gold, then silver with copper will be present in a ratio of 2:1. At the same time, bright yellow gold 585 indicates that copper is 20% more than silver.

Lemon gold can be safely called the brother of yellow. True, it is worth considering that there is no 750 lemon-colored gold. On the contrary, very common low-grade 375 gold.

Yellow gold may have a slight green tint. In this case, only up to 5% of copper is present in the alloy, and the rest belongs to silver.

White gold

It is difficult for an ordinary person to distinguish a white noble metal called gold from platinum, the price of which is much higher. Therefore, white gold jewelry is gradually replacing yellow jewelry with confident steps.

Transparent diamonds play best in a light product made of white gold. Ten years ago, this color was not very popular. But thanks to the collections of jewelry houses, many began to replenish their jewelry boxes with rings, earrings and chains made of white gold.

What additives are used to give a light shade? Silver, platinum, nickel and palladium are most often added to pure gold.

It is important! About 10% of the population is allergic to nickel. If you are in this group, we do not recommend buying gold with such an admixture.

The most popular light color ligatures are palladium and silver. Platinum is rarely used.

The fashion for lemon gold came from Europe and the USA, where this color of the precious metal has always been quoted. In the USSR, products with a reddish tint were more valued. But now the noble light yellow color has become more widespread in our country.

The color of the metal is affected by the amount of ligature - impurities that are added to pure gold. The tint of lemon color is obtained by adding silver and copper, with much less copper. But if this element prevails in the ligature, the decoration will acquire a characteristic shade. It is silver that gives the product a citrus color.

Wedding rings

To obtain a lemon tint, some manufacturers add nickel, zinc and platinum. Platinum gives the product wear resistance and special strength. But aurum with impurities of these metals is not so often found on sale.


Most often, products are produced in 585 samples. In such an alloy there will be 58.5% gold, 29-30% silver and no more than 13% copper. Increasing the amount of copper will give the jewelry a greenish tint. 585 standard corresponds to 14 carats in imported jewelry.

Less common is the 500th or 375th sample (12 and 9 carats, respectively).

But jewelry of 750 samples (18 carats) of this type is not made. So, at least, the jewelers say. Jewelry made of high-quality gold turns out to be a completely different shade.

The lemon-colored precious metal of a higher standard (999) also does not exist in nature. Aurum without impurities is characterized by softness, plasticity, and is easily deformed. Jewelry from it is valued only in Japan. They are worn for celebrations several times in their lives: weddings, anniversaries, etc.

But decorations made of 585 lemon tone alloy are suitable for both holidays and everyday life.

It is customary to give lemon gold for a wedding or engagement. Wedding rings have a spectacular look and are suitable as a gift for the bride, as well as for a birthday.

Jewelry of this type is practical, suitable for everyday wear and, unlike low-quality fakes, will not fade over time. There are no scratches or dents on them.

Rings and chains from Italy and Turkey are not suitable for everyday wear. Alloys are made using completely different technologies, and accessories from it, as a rule, are softer than Russian-made counterparts.

Lemon Gold Earrings

You should find out what is included in the alloy ligature if it has a greenish-lemon hue. In some countries, cadmium is added to give color. In our country and the EU states, due to its toxicity, it is forbidden to use it in the manufacture of jewelry.

In terms of value, lemon gold is no different from yellow gold of the same sample. So if you are offered jewelry, the cost of which exceeds the price of 585 samples, this is a reason to be wary. Maybe under the guise of gold they are trying to foist a fake or low quality precious metal on you.

What stones are suitable?

Zircon, cubic zirconia, pearls, chrysolite, topaz, garnet are combined with lemon gold. Products are not recommended to be worn with jewelry of a different color, otherwise the ring or chain will resemble jewelry. They are combined with other lemon-colored decorations.

Lemon gold will always be in trend: if you choose jewelry in this shade, you will never regret such a purchase. The main thing is to purchase it from professional jewelers or in well-known salons.

It should be remembered: the quantity and quality of the ligature affects the color of the precious metal. In the salon where jewelry is sold, you must be provided with information about the alloy.

Lemon gold in appearance and composition of ligature alloys practically does not differ from the yellow type of products. At a cost the same as yellow, available. The only difference is in the methods of obtaining, shades and properties.

If copper is present in yellow gold, then copper and silver are present in lemon gold. The latter provides a bright shade, shine and durability.

Characteristics and properties

The so-called Western-style silver gold is now popular in Russian-made markets. Compared with traditional copper, lemon gold is more beautiful, its luster is brighter, and the surface is smooth and dense. Light yellowish metal is in demand in jewelry technology and is valued no less than gold items.

With regards to the sample, there are such varieties:

Pure lemon gold does not exist, since 900 and above are only classified as yellow metals. But this does not make it less valuable, because the combination of impurities in a minimum amount of only 25% of the total weight of the product. The price of 1 gram varies from 30 to 40 dollars. If there is platinum in the ligature, a gold ring weighing 5 grams will cost almost $500.

It is noteworthy that this product can only be found in the CIS countries: there are similar analogues in Turkey and China, but in most cases it is a fake. In Russia, a variety of such gold is also used to cover gold jewelry. It is considered possible and prestigious - instead of sputtering on the coating, a real precious alloy of natural metals.

Recently, jewelers have begun to use lemon gold for:

  • jewelry cuts;
  • making cufflinks;
  • finishing of women's rings and chains;
  • engraving of pendants and metal inserts.

In fact, this composition of gold is a material for giving gold products a beautiful and finished look. You can find hand-painted items. Often on the rings there are precious stones of light colors. The exception is white and pink diamonds - by their property they are incompatible with the composition of the lemon gold alloy.

As an independent material, it is supplemented with precious and semi-precious stones:

Cubic zirconia and zircon are rarely used for lemon gold jewelry. It is best to combine light and bright stones with it.

Speaking of wearing, lemon gold is not recommended to be worn with outfits of yellow and pink tones, but jewelry made of this metal is perfect for a red color outfit. It is noteworthy that the lemon color is suitable only for the female half, it is better for men to refrain from such products.

How to distinguish lemon gold from other metals?

A light shade of gold is intermediate between green and yellow. According to the technical characteristics, with a decrease in the proportion of silver in the composition, the color also changes. Without having before your eyes a table with measurements or documents on the composition, it is quite simple to distinguish a lemon color - you can put a yellow and green test next to it for comparison. In the absence of products, if you are not in the store, pay attention to the stigma.

On the back of the ring or chain there will be a number corresponding to the ligature and gold alloy. It is also available on other products. On the metal, there may additionally be a mark of the percentage of nickel, silver, zinc or even platinum. Platinum greatly increases the density and strength of the product, but on the other hand, the cost also increases. The fewer additives, the brighter and lighter the gold. This applies to gold 585 samples, or 12 carats.

Expensive 18 carat lemon gold will look yellower than the lower cost counterpart. It's about impurities and compositions - the proportion of silver is much lower.

This is due to the demand for compliance with quality standards. In jewelry, such a metal is checked for compliance with the help of hydrogen and heating equipment. By eye, it is difficult to determine the high or low standardization of a piece of lemon gold - this requires either a specialist or a technician.

On the wrong side, they write a sample of 750 samples without additional characters, as is the case with 585 samples. The relative price varies from 80 to 120 dollars per 1 gram. With the help of a numismatist, you can determine the approximate content of other alloys, but it is better to buy products in specialized stores - the samples are clearly visible, not erased, there are documents and quality certificates. For a more understandable presentation, we offer a table of lemon alloys - samples, composition, shade:

As can be seen from the table, the standard 585 hallmark of lemon gold has a light shade of yellow, while nickel and zinc impurities may be present. Silver for both tests is mandatory. The light shade is obtained due to the presence of white metals.

Platinum is in the second alloy - 750 samples, it gives a yellowish tint, and there are no other metals in this value. So for comparison, you can navigate by the table or the hallmark, which is shown on the wrong side of each product.

The average layman often asks himself the question "what is lemon gold?". In its essence and structure, this kind of metal makes it possible to compare it with ordinary yellow gold, which is so popular and in demand on the territory of Russia and the former USSR. These two similar alloys have almost the same percentage composition of impurities and ligatures, as well as similar external indicators that do not affect the quality of the products.

The main composition of lemon gold is pure noble metal, copper and silver. The last two have approximately the same ratio in the final alloy. It is these two metals that make lemon gold quite light, giving it a distinctive look and a color tone that cannot be confused.

Characteristics of lemon gold

This alloy has almost the same value as yellow standard gold, and therefore its composition is equated to 585 samples of the noble metal. In the West, this alloy is considered to be a 12-carat sample, which is no less cheap and in demand than ours. The lowest rates that this type of gold can have are 375 samples. Many mistakenly believe that it is the expensive 750 sample that is the lemon metal, but this is absolutely not the case. These two alloys have a similar appearance, but completely different composition. Lemon gold is an order of magnitude cheaper and has many additional impurities than 750 gold, where the amount of impurities reaches only 25 percent.

If you want to sell or purchase such a product, then be sure that on average, the price for it will not differ much from that of a yellow or red precious metal. The average cost per gram of lemon-colored gold will be about 2500 - 3000 rubles. If we translate this cost into Ukrainian hryvnias, then it will be about 450-500 hryvnias. In dollars, this amount will be 35-40 dollars. It should be borne in mind that lemon-colored gold, which was produced in other countries - Turkey, China, Italy, should also have the same value. Otherwise, it is low quality metal or simply an ordinary fake.

Our manufacturers most often use this alloy for cutting or for the production of chains, rings or earrings. These are exactly the products that should be bright, beautiful and have a rich yellow color. Often, lemon gold has repeatedly become the fashion trend of the season, not yielding the same positions now.


Lemon gold products can have a variety. All of them must be of high quality, seasoned, durable and bright. Precious and semi-precious stones, such as pearls, garnet, chrysolite, topaz or quartz, are best suited to such an alloy of metal. It is they who most often emphasize the natural noble color of such an alloy, and show it once again in the best presentable form. A little less often, cubic zirconia or zircon are combined with lemon gold.

Lemon gold, it is better to try to wear it separately, as jewelry with other gold alloys, as it will significantly stand out against the background of other products. Often a large accumulation of gold jewelry of different compositions and samples is perceived as jewelry and they do not see an adequate high cost in it. In this case, you need to be aware and combine only the most suitable decorations for each other.

It should be understood that today jewelers have been able to achieve a stunning effect from different alloys, producing not only lemon, red or white gold, but also blue, purple, green and pink. Such a variety should be adequately perceived by fashionistas and combined accordingly.

How to distinguish lemon gold from other metals?

If you confidently wanted to become the owner of just such a metal, then you need to carefully and carefully acquire it. At the moment, there are a huge number of fake sellers and scammers who will gladly give you any high-quality jewelry, calling it lemon gold. To prevent this from happening, you need to carefully and carefully inspect the product before purchasing.

In order not to let scammers deceive you, forever forget about buying any gold items in stalls, pawnshops or street vendors. (see also How to buy gold at a pawnshop) It is best to trust proven stores or jewelry stores that value their name and cooperate only with jewelry factories or factories. Before you become the owner of such a product, you have the right to demand from sales consultants all quality certificates and documents that confirm the legality of their trade. If everything is in order with this documentation, then you can not worry about the quality of your future jewelry.

Before you pay for the purchase, do not hesitate to ask to hold it in your hands. It must be done very carefully and technologically. On it you can notice with the naked eye a sample and a brand that will indicate the manufacturer. Only such indicators can guarantee you gold of the highest standard and quality.

If you do not trust sellers, name salons or documentation, you have the right to invite a professional jeweler with you to help you make the right choice. Even if you do not have such acquaintances, then you have the right to hire such a person for a symbolic amount, and he will adequately show you right at the place of purchase, all the pros and cons that this golden lemon product has.

It is because of its stunning color of the heavenly body and beautiful brilliance that yellow gold has long gained fame as the most valuable precious metal. Our yellow gold has a light reddish tint, while European gold has a more delicate lemon tint. This noble metal does not tolerate duality, it cannot be confused with any other. Yellow gold speaks for itself and impresses with its luxurious aesthetic even without exquisite ornaments and precious stones.

"Four nines" - 999.9 - the most high-grade gold. It is used as a base for jewelry alloys and for making gold leaf. Jewelry made of 999 gold is very rare, you will not find them in the windows of jewelry stores. It is used to make banknotes.

The rich yellow color of the gold jewelry alloy acquires as a result of the introduction of copper and silver. It should be noted that "wedding" gold 958 does not differ in its shade from gold "four nines". Cold yellow color is typical for 750 gold, it contains up to 17% ligature silver. Gold 585 is a more "warm" yellow color. The composition of the alloy is 13.5% copper and up to 28% silver. And the brightest yellow color (egg yellow) has 22.75% copper ligature. Lemon-hued gold also has 585 fineness and is distinguished by its pale color. Zinc can also give jewelry gold a yellowish-green tint. The most low-grade 375 yellow gold, it contains silver, copper and 4% palladium.

Today, white gold is especially popular. White gold jewelry looks especially sophisticated, pretentious and stylish. In products, it very favorably emphasizes the unique beauty of diamonds and precious stones of cold shades. White gold jewelry alloys are divided into expensive alloys with noble alloying additives (platinum, silver, palladium) and cheaper alloys with base alloys. An alloy of gold and platinum is quite expensive. Platinum gives high strength and hardness. She is the "record holder" for bleaching gold. For the production of "platinum" white gold, only 8% of platinum in the ligature is sufficient. White gold with a platinum content of up to 9.5% is used to set large diamonds.

Alloys with palladium are much cheaper, but have similar properties. White gold "palladium" 585 - multicomponent. More numerous types of white gold - 750 samples.

Red gold is a favorite alloy for creating beautiful, practical and inexpensive jewelry. A variety of its shades - from rose gold to bright red - is given by copper. Rose gold 750 is 75% pure gold, 12.5% ​​silver, 12.5% ​​copper. The 585 rose gold alloy has 9% silver and 32% copper.

Green gold is an unconventional jewelry alloy that is achieved by adding silver. A beautiful green tint is demonstrated by an alloy of 585 samples with a silver content of about 42%.

Black (blackened) gold is a triumph of jewelry technology. The characteristics of black gold jewelry are worthy of high praise. Jewelry looks very beautiful and impressive, especially in combination with diamonds. There are several technologies for obtaining black gold. Black radiation - a gold product is covered with a micro-fine rhodium "mirror" by galvanic method. Or they alloy pure gold with cobalt and chromium in certain parts, then subject it to high-temperature oxidation.

Today, in jewelry art, a special trend is products that combine gold of different colors. This decoration looks very original, beautiful, giving the product a special exclusivity.
