An active conspiracy to sell an apartment. Strong conspiracies for the successful and quick sale of an apartment

Magic has become an integral part of people's lives. Despite the fact that progress does not stand still, sometimes situations arise where a person simply needs magical help. Using simple rituals for selling real estate, you can sell your apartment quickly and without problems.

A conspiracy will help you sell your apartment profitably

Ritual for the quick sale of an apartment

When there is absolutely no time left, and a sales transaction needs to be completed, a magical ritual with salt will come to the rescue.

What will help you perform the ritual?

For the ritual you need to prepare the following magical accessories:

  • glass container;
  • half a glass of salt;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • half a glass of rice cereal;
  • new pin.

How to perform the ritual correctly

  1. The ritual is performed while the moon is waning.
  2. In the prepared container, mix all the prepared ingredients - sugar, salt and rice cereal.
  3. Stir this mixture for a while and stick a pin into the center of the container and say the words of the magic spell:

    “I sell not to evil people, but to good people, for happiness and prosperity what I do not need. For myself, God’s servant (indicate your name), I will purchase what you need (indicate the desired amount for the sale). Let it be so!"

  4. Place the used container in a secluded place, preferably near the entrance to the property being sold, and after completing the transaction, bury it in the ground in a place where people do not walk.

After a successful sale, you will need to distribute alms to at least six needy people, as a thank you to higher powers for help with the sale.

A simple ritual with a broom

This very simple magical ritual can speed up the process of selling real estate.

For this ritual to quickly sell real estate you will need:

  • new broom.

How to perform the ritual correctly

You need to sweep all the rooms in the apartment with a new broom.

  1. With a purchased new broom you need to sweep all rooms.
  2. While sweeping, pronounce the words of the magic spell:

    “Come to me Grandma Nastasyushka, come and look at the oven, and there’s a loaf of bread. I’ll bake a fresh loaf for you, I want to appease you. I’ll serve you sweet tea that smells of herbs, I’ll serve you a fragrant loaf, with cinnamon, sweet. Take your purple purse with you, grandma, and don’t forget about the rich gift. God's servant (his name) will invite noble guests to his house, princes, and overseas merchants. Without you, grandmother, that meeting would not happen. You alone bring living luck, you alone know what I want. I’m selling my stone house to the boyar, I’m giving you, grandma, a delicious, lush, sweet loaf. Help me, grandmother, don’t leave me, God’s servant (name), alone with this matter.”

By performing these simple steps with a broom, you can profitably sell your house or other real estate.

Ritual for selling an apartment using wheat

This powerful ritual for selling an apartment will help in the long-awaited transaction. Having prepared for the ritual and performed all the steps correctly, the realization of your desires will not take long.

What is needed for the ritual

For this ritual for the profitable sale of real estate, you need to prepare:

  • wheat grains in such quantities as there are corners in the apartment for sale.

How to perform the ritual correctly

  1. Prepare the required amount of wheat grains and wait until dawn.
  2. Place one grain in each corner and say the words of the conspiracy:

    “Golden grain, come out of the corner, when the money merchant comes, invite him to visit, tell him about your happy life, show him the mansions! So that the desire to buy appears in him, take good gold from him! For every corner, for every piece, for every window!”

  3. Despite the ease of this conspiracy, it turns out to be quite effective. In gratitude to the higher powers for their help in the sale, the grains must be collected and buried away from the house that was sold.

A conspiracy to attract generous buyers

You can attract a buyer to sell your property urgently and on favorable terms by performing a home magic ritual.

What will help you perform the ritual?

For the ceremony you need to prepare:

  • large dish;
  • red apples 10 pieces.

To perform the ceremony you need to take 10 red apples

How to perform the ritual correctly

  1. Select only the most beautiful, appetizing apples, exactly 10 pieces.
  2. Lay them out on a table in a room without prying eyes and read the following words of the magic spell:

    “Look, dear customers, what bright windows I have, gilded thresholds, oak doors, welcoming walls, even apples, and those are beautiful and juicy. Admire it, buy it, don’t haggle. Amen".

  3. Place the apples in the prepared dish and leave them on the table for potential customers to see. If possible, try to treat the buyer to an apple.
  4. It is important not to eat these charmed apples yourself or give them to relatives; they are prepared only for buyers.

When the apartment is sold, it is better to distribute the apples to strangers.

How to cast a poppy spell to sell a house quickly

There are strong conspiracies for selling real estate, selling houses is not at all difficult, but the result comes very quickly. Such conspiracies also include a ritual using poppy.

What will help you perform the ritual?

For the ritual, prepare:

  • two small plates;
  • Holy water.

How to perform a ritual

  1. Place two prepared plates on the table in front of you.
  2. Pour poppy seeds into one of the plates and pour holy water into the other.
  3. Take a pinch of poppy seed from the plate and pour it into the water, saying the magic words:

    “As I throw poppy at you, I invite money. Buyer, come and buy my apartment. Mac will help me with everything, I will sell the apartment at a good price. I hold a magic poppy in my hand, as I said, so be it.”

  4. Say the words until all the poppy seeds are poured into a plate of water.

This mixture must be kept in the apartment until it is sold, after which it must be poured under the tree.

Key spell when selling an apartment

This selling ritual will take some time, but the home will sell easily and for a good price.

What will help you perform the ritual?

For the ritual of quick and profitable sale you need to prepare:

  • front door key;
  • pan with water.

How to perform a ritual

  1. Pour water into the pan, a little more than half the capacity.
  2. We place the key to the front door of the house or apartment that needs to be sold at the bottom of the pan.
  3. Wait until the water starts to boil and say the words of the magic spell:

    “Just as no one can have a home without a key and without a reliable lock, so they will not be able to live without this apartment located at (insert address). Just as food and water are important for everyone living, this apartment located at (specify address) is so important for them. Let it be so!"

Place the water in a secluded place and wash your hands before the buyer comes to inspect the home.

Rite of sale with honey

Rituals for a successful sale that are carried out on the waning moon will be much more effective than on other days of the month. You should definitely take this nuance into account if buying and selling is very important to you at the moment.

What will help you perform the ritual?

For the ceremony you will need to prepare:

Honey will help sell an apartment

  • two pieces of thread;
  • brush;
  • scissors.

How to perform a ritual

  1. It is necessary to wait until the sun sets, after which you can begin to implement your plans.
  2. Having tied the threads into five knots, you need to tie them to the handle of the front door from the inside of the house or apartment.
  3. Taking a container of honey and a brush in your hands, say the words of the magic spell:

    “How strong is linden honey, So easy and successful is the sale, To the joy of everyone, to our prosperity. As Honey is sweet, so will Our life become sweet and joyful.”

  4. Go clockwise around all the rooms of the apartment, leaving in each of them a drop of honey in the center of the room.
  5. After going through all the rooms and returning again to the exit, we drip honey onto the threads that are tied to the handle of the front door.
  6. Leave the house or apartment like this until the morning.
  7. In the morning you can remove the threads, saying the following words: “What got in the way has passed, What bad has come has gone.”

The threads need to be buried under a strong green tree, in no case under a dried one.

Sunflower will help in selling real estate

These yellow flowers symbolize prosperity and cheerfulness and are quite often used in household magic.

What will help you perform the ritual?

To perform this ritual you will need:

  • a bouquet of nine sunflowers;
  • vase.

How to perform a ritual

  1. Place a bouquet of sunny flowers in a vase.
  2. Determine the south side of the house and leave flowers there in a visible place.
  3. Sunflowers with their energy will attract buyers like a magnet.

A quick positive result will please you. An important nuance: if the time of year does not allow you to get fresh flowers, you can also use artificial sunflowers.

What ritual for a quick sale can be performed when cleaning

When putting an apartment up for sale, a good owner will always clean it. But few people know that in such a simple way you can increase the chances of selling by performing a magical ritual. Selling your home will be much easier and there will be a benefit in price.

What is needed for the ritual

For such a ritual for sale you need to prepare:

  • bucket with water;
  • accessories for cleaning.

How to perform the ritual correctly

  1. Prepare a bucket of water and start washing the floors in the apartment. It is important that cleaning is carried out with only one bucket of water; it cannot be changed until the cleaning is completed.
  2. You need to wash it thoroughly, looking into every corner - both on the balcony and in the pantry.
  3. Leave the water until sunset, and then read the text of the magic spell over it at least three times:

    “I’m leaving you in good hands so that there is no boredom. Get yourself a new tenant - a good fellow, and let me go. Amen".

After this, the charmed water should be poured out. You cannot talk to anyone while carrying out this process, otherwise all actions will have to be repeated again.

A ritual to quickly attract a buyer

When selling an apartment, it happens that there are potential buyers, they are satisfied with everything, but the deal cannot take place. In such cases, rituals for selling a house or apartment will help. With their help, higher powers will send a good, generous buyer to you, and the house you sold will fall into good hands.

What will help you perform the ritual?

To perform this ritual you will need:

To sell an apartment, you can perform a ceremony with wax candles

  • 10 coins;
  • 12 wax candles;
  • small capacity.

How to perform a ritual

  1. It is better to perform this magical ritual before sunrise.
  2. Place a container in the middle of the table to hold the coins. The denomination of the coins is not particularly important; it is important that there are exactly ten of them.
  3. Add a small amount of honey to the coins.
  4. We place candles around the coins with honey. It is very good if the candles are purchased in advance from the church.
  5. Just before sunrise, we light candles in a circle.
  6. After all the candles are lit, we read the words of the magic spell:

    “A new day is coming, a new light is coming into my house. It is not I who light the candles, but a ray of sunshine that illuminates them. The new day fills my home, makes coins shine, and adds sweetness to honey.”

  7. We hide the coins smeared with honey under the threshold, and the remaining honey can be used to smear the door.
  8. The current conspiracy will have the most positive effect on buyers; they will agree to the price you name.

Using conspiracies to quickly sell an apartment, you will receive disinterested and influential assistants in this difficult matter. An important point that must be taken into account in order to achieve the desired result is maintaining the secrecy of what is happening, both before the rituals and after the sale of the house.

In the modern world, magical practice covers almost all aspects of human life. With the help of magic today, love issues are resolved, work problems are eliminated, and financial difficulties are overcome.

Thus, a conspiracy to sell an apartment helps to quickly and profitably realize the sale. You can use this ritual in several cases. First of all, to quickly find a reliable buyer. Secondly, to successfully conclude a deal. Through such a conspiracy, many problems associated with the sale of real estate are solved.

Selling a home today on your own is extremely difficult. It is necessary to be well versed in the financial and legal aspects of this issue. This procedure is accompanied by considerable paperwork, which requires additional costs. Among other things, the procedure for buying and selling a home can drag on for many months. In this case, you may well end up with a careless buyer.

Magic rituals allow you to sell your home at a good price to responsible buyers without unnecessary problems and financial costs.

People know many similar rituals, which may vary depending on the purpose and means of their implementation. Thus, there are known rituals aimed at the successful sale of living space, at attracting buyers, increasing the profitability of the event, as well as solving related problems.

How to perform the ritual correctly?

To conduct a successful transaction for the sale of an apartment, you need to know all the nuances of such a conspiracy. Lack of experience in this matter will not be a hindrance, since you can easily turn to an active magician for help. He will perform the appropriate ritual and bring good luck to the seller’s side. However, you can perform the ritual yourself. This will require sincere belief in magic, the power of words and your own strength. Among other things, you need the ability to concentrate on a goal, as well as the ability to direct all your energy to achieve it.

To effectively carry out the ritual, it is necessary to completely cleanse the property being sold from the energy of the previous owners. There are several special rituals for this. However, it is first recommended to thoroughly wash the floors in all rooms with infused water.

The water is infused in a dark place for three days and prayed in advance.

Conspiracy “To cleanse your home” for water

“My home, four corners, I renounce you. Whoever brings me money for you will take it! Amen!"

Among other things, it is initially recommended to appease the brownie, otherwise at the very last moment he can ruin the deal. This is easy to do - you need to stand in the doorway, look into the far corner and bow. After such a greeting, the brownie should be asked to accept the new owners, after which a saucer of food should be left in this corner overnight.

Greetings to the brownie

“Welcome new owners to your home, brownie! Not for an hour, not for a day, but for a century! They won’t offend you, but don’t offend them either!”

An appeased brownie will be happy to help complete the deal. However, you can take the brownie with you to a new home - this will not cause any harm either.

Sell ​​an apartment quickly with magic

Selling an apartment may well bring a lot of financial benefits if you use the appropriate ritual. To do this you will need a new broom. With this item, you should visit the property for sale and start sweeping absolutely all the rooms, not forgetting the corridors and the bathroom. At the same time as sweeping, the seller must read the words of the conspiracy.

Spell “For selling an apartment” on a broom

“Come to me Grandma Nastasyushka, come and look at the oven, and there’s a loaf of bread. I’ll bake a fresh loaf for you, I want to appease you. I’ll serve you sweet tea that smells like herbs, I’ll serve you a fragrant loaf, with cinnamon, sweet. Take your purple purse with you, grandma, and don’t forget about the gift rich. God's servant (his name) will invite noble guests to his house, princes, and overseas merchants. Without you, grandmother, that meeting would not happen. You alone bring living luck, you alone know what I want. I’m selling my stone house to the boyar, I’m giving you, grandma, a delicious, lush, sweet loaf. Help me, grandmother, don’t leave me, God’s servant (name), alone with this matter.”

A strong conspiracy to quickly and profitably sell an apartment will help you quickly implement your planned project.

It is carried out using wheat grains, and you will need exactly as many of them as the number of corners the house for sale has. At dawn, a grain should be placed on the growing Moon in front of each corner and the plot should be read.

Conspiracy “For selling an apartment” for grain

“Golden grain, come out of the corner, when the money merchant comes, invite him to visit, tell him about your happy life, show him the mansions! So that the desire to buy appears in him, take good gold from him! For every corner, for every piece, for every window!”

After the sale of the apartment, the grain must be collected and buried away from the house.

A very powerful ritual is performed on the third Thursday of the month. Standing up at night near an open window and looking at the Moon, you need to read a spell and the deal will be successful.

Conspiracy “For selling an apartment” on the moon

“Holy Fathers in the centers, Angels of God in the windows. Opposite my yard stands a strong mountain, a high mountain. No one can get around that mountain. No one can find a way out of it. The Lord God alone can open the lock from that mountain, unlock it with a key, and show the way. From West to East the mountain is locked, by an angel Sealed by God. The Mother of God gives me the keys to that mountain, and she herself goes to sleep. I’ll lock myself (name) on that mountain, I’ll lock myself away, I’m not afraid of anything. The Lord will be with me at that moment, will save me from the storm, will hide my children from the evil eye. He will protect me from the fierce beast, from the dark raven, from the evil man. That mountain is my home, only to a kind person I will give the key to it, only to a kind person, and equally generous. Save that man, Father, protect this dwelling, Mother. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Is using magic dangerous?

The use of magic in solving various issues can be dangerous if you violate the ritual procedure, make your own additions or change the words of the spell. Such an irresponsible attitude can affect the health of a person or his loved ones, the financial condition of the family and the well-being of family relationships. Any frivolous attitude towards magic is punished by higher powers.

Video: Plot to sell an apartment

How to quickly and profitably sell an apartment? This question is very relevant for many, because selling real estate is a protracted process and does not always end successfully - supply is often many times higher than demand, and it is not easy to find conscientious buyers. You can easily run into scammers. Some people don’t even know where to start selling an apartment and how to do it so as not to be left with nothing. The Internet is replete with a variety of information on this matter, often not clear to everyone. In this article we will present several magical rituals and conspiracies that will help you sell your apartment quickly and safely. They are performed independently at home.

A conspiracy to sell an apartment will be very useful to you in this matter - if you charge your home with positive energy with the help of conspiracies, you will quickly attract buyers and achieve the result you need. The first step is when an advertisement for the sale of housing has already been submitted, you must read the following spell at midnight, standing facing the apartment for sale in the entrance doorway: “Sweet home, dear home! It was on the way for you and me! Now our paths diverge: for you - to the right, for me - to the left. Let your fate be one of pampering and not fun. May your master be kind and pleased with your service. I thank you, sir, for your service, please let me go to a new hut! I wish you happiness, protection from fire and bad weather! Let it be so!"

Seek help from this ritual (the ritual is done any day of the week, preferably at night, without witnesses) - pour water into a bucket and wash the floor throughout the apartment. Before washing, say the following to the water; “The four corners are my house and the brownie’s! I renounce you - from locks and doors, from four corners, and from the brownie. Whoever brings coins for you will take it to himself. Let it be so!" Pour the water onto the street, but make sure no one meets you along the way.

After the first rituals have been carried out and you have gained calm confidence in a positive result, you can begin to attract clients.

Conspiracy to quickly sell an apartment - attracting clients

In order for the apartment to quickly let go of its former owner, again on the waning moon, you need to read the words: “Golden thresholds, diamond palaces, windows made of pure silver - there is nothing better than goodness! Admire the apartment and don’t bargain! Take it with love and live happily!”

Or you can carry out this ritual with a broom - at a time when the moon is waning, at three o’clock in the morning they say a broom, and in the morning, before sunrise, they sweep the apartment with it for three days in a row, saying the words: “As I sweep away rubbish, I sweep , so I encourage buyers to come to me. The first one will come, the second one will come, the third one will buy it. Let it be so!"

Here is a very strong conspiracy to sell an apartment. Works 100 percent!

The ceremony is carried out in the apartment that needs to be sold on the last Friday of the month. Do a thorough cleaning of the room, from carpets and windows to walls and doors. Then you yourself and all your household who lived in this apartment should dress in simple clothes and slippers, as they wear at home. In a pre-prepared glass bottle, but not for alcohol, throw salt, a head of garlic, divided into cloves, three bay leaves and dry spices - basil, anise, dill and pepper, and at this time read the spell: “Unite into one for protection my home from the evil eye and evil spirits. Help me sell my home profitably and quickly. Find a new owner for my house."

When everything is in the bottle, say: “The owners are abandoning this house, merchants are already coming from all over the world. Their eyes are covered with sand and soap, and therefore they will buy this house without bargaining. Let it be so!" Hide the bottle in a secluded place so that no one will find it. In the morning, in the corners of the apartment for sale, place coins of the same denomination, saying: “Let the money return as money.” After three days, take the coins from home and give them to the poor. After such a ritual, a buyer will be found immediately.

To find a buyer faster, you can enlist the help of a guardian angel: “My angel, follow me!” You go ahead, I'll follow you! Fly out onto the road and lead the client to the doorstep! His joy is his, his income is mine! My angel, follow me! So, they read it every day until someone wants to buy your apartment.

When a buyer has been found, we take the following actions.

We meet the buyer

All the rituals were performed correctly, however, there are very few people willing to buy your apartment. This is natural, because now only interested serious clients will pay attention to your advertisements, and not scammers and crooks, but in order to protect yourself from such for sure, when you meet each potential buyer, ask for protection from the Mother of God: “The Most Holy Theotokos is the patroness and protector! Turn away the bad man, and bring the bright man into my house! Divide the joy into two - our fate is in Your hands!”

A conspiracy to successfully sell an apartment

Two days before the expected date of sale, go around all the rooms in the apartment, reading a spell written in your own hand, putting all your strength and confidence so that positive energy settles in every corner of the house: “I appeal to the elemental fire, help me successfully sell the apartment at a good price . Bring worthy buyers to my home and, with your flame, repel unkind people. As the buyer enters the house and looks around my house, the sale will be successful. If a bad person crosses the threshold, let me know about it. May the sale be successful and quick. Amen!"

Strong prayer for selling an apartment

By turning to the Higher Powers, we can always count on their help, gaining confidence in our abilities in solving pressing problems. There are prayers through which you can realize all your desires, for example, to sell an apartment. And if you say prayer daily with all your sincerity and faith, the result will be immediate.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker: “Nicholas the Wonderworker! People turn to you in terrible times, in misfortunes and troubles! I turn to you with a sincere prayer and ask you very much: may I meet only generous and honest buyers on my life’s path! Let them like my apartment, and let the sale be easy and successful. I put fate in your hands, I trust you alone! Let your will be done! Amen!"

Here are some tips that have been effective for many hundreds of years and are passed down from generation to generation:

  • money to money. For a successful and quick transaction, place a coin under what the floor in the apartment is covered with. When the sale takes place, there is no need to take out the money;
  • to find a buyer faster, walk around the entire apartment three times in a clockwise direction;
  • ask the brownie for help in selling your apartment faster in your own words;
  • do not tell anyone that you are planning to sell your apartment, so that there is no envy on the part of other people, which may interfere with you;
  • make the buyer sit down in the apartment.

Good luck to you!

Conspiracies to sell an apartment: 6 ways to make your life easier + 5 important tips for performing the ceremony.

So, hour X has come - it’s time to say goodbye to the old apartment in order to move out of it into a wonderful, bright future. Well, how to move out - to get money for another, better housing.

But here you, as a mere mortal, will be overcome by fears about “black” realtors, fraudulent buyers, your own sluggishness and other nonsense.

What if we do a little magic to make a successful transaction? A correctly executed plot to sell an apartment will help you feel more confident.

5 important tips for a plot to sell an apartment to work: you can’t do without it!

Don’t rush to memorize a plot to sell an apartment - first listen to the advice of magicians on how to make this ritual as effective as possible:

    concentrate not on how you pronounce the spell, but on the desired end result.

    Imagine yourself selling real estate for great money to reasonable, calm buyers. In a word, everyone is happy, everyone is happy!

    no magic ritual will work to sell an apartment if you don’t believe in what you’re doing.

    Your faith in the ritual is almost 90% of success. Higher powers do not like to help those who do not really count on them. And really: why the fright?

    “You must put all your energy, all your faith into reading the plot, and then everything will definitely work out.”

    - say experienced magicians.

    The best time to read a plot to sell real estate is in the evening, on the waxing moon.

    It is advisable to do this on Wednesday or Friday. This is when it is easiest to attract good luck;

    like anyone
    It is better to read the plot alone, and then not tell anyone about it.

    Does anyone really need to know that a successful home sale is the result not only of your brilliant commercial abilities, but also of the intervention of higher powers? Hardly.

    Follow the chosen ritual exactly:

    changing the words in the plot or other actions can lead to the opposite result - on the contrary, problems will arise with the sale of the apartment. Did you think magic is just toys for you?

    It’s better to choose the one you like, read it and wait for the effect.
    And only if you can’t sell your apartment for several months, you can try another slander.

Now that you know exactly how to make a conspiracy correctly, it’s time to move from theory to practice.

Conspiracies for selling an apartment: 5 ways to find the ideal buyer and get him

Conspiracy No. 1: we attract the brownie to help.

  1. Wait until the evening from Friday to Saturday and then walk around the property three times counterclockwise.

    You should start from the front door and walk very slowly, as if examining your possessions.

  2. When you have made three circles, stop at the exit from the apartment and say the following spell:

    Corners and window(s), ceiling, walls and floor - My apartment, and the main one is the brownie! Please help me. Walk through the house, look at the corners, let in the new tenants. I'm selling the apartment, I give you honors. Bring buyers, find owners. Here are your keys

  3. At night, the keys to your home should be left on the floor (from the inside, of course).
    And be sure to leave something next to the bunch to help with the sale, for example, a couple of candies or a few cookies on a plate.

“I recommend this conspiracy to all my friends who want to successfully sell their apartment. Generous and non-scandalous buyers are found very quickly. Tested more than once by me, my friends and relatives!”
– says Snezhana from Pskov.

Conspiracy No. 2: to attract buyers with big money and pure intentions.

    Fill a bucket of water from the tap in your home and leave it in a dark place for three days.

    She must stand up.

  1. On the fourth day, thoroughly wash all the floors in the apartment, paying special attention to the corners.

    While tidying up each of them, you need to whisper the following conspiracy:

    My home, 4 corners, I renounce you. Whoever brings me money for you will take you. Amen!

  2. IMPORTANT! Psychics remind you that the words of the conspiracy cannot be changed, even if we are talking about an apartment, not a house, and there are many more corners in it. That is, the conspiracy must be pronounced exactly as it is written.

“Oh, I’ve never washed the floors so thoroughly before! Dryla like a conscript soldier in his first year of service. But the effect exceeded all expectations: the very first potential buyers offered a good price!
All the paperwork was completed without delay, there wasn’t even a queue at the notary’s.”

– Lisa from Tyumen shared her story on the Internet

Plot No. 3: when you need to quickly find a buyer.

This plot to sell an apartment will help in cases where you urgently need to sell an apartment, but time is running out:
  • Find the nearest spruce and tear off a few needles.

    IMPORTANT! It must be spruce, and not pine, cypress, etc., otherwise the plot will not work. So even a silver spruce near the city executive committee is quite suitable for your purpose.

  • When you come home, hold the needles in your hands, and then, looking carefully at them, pronounce a spell to sell your home:

    Spruce needle, pin my goods to the merchant. He won’t run away from him; he will always come running to my house to buy something. Key, lock, tongue! Amen!

  • Before potential buyers arrive, the needles need to be placed in different corners, but so that they are invisible.
  • after the deal is concluded, the charmed needles must be taken with you and simply thrown away. You cannot leave them in a sold apartment: experts say that then you will not get accustomed to the new place!
    Another option: you will constantly be drawn to your previous home.

People who have tried this ritual agree on one thing: if the price is fair, almost the first people who look at the property agree to buy it.

This is great if you urgently need money. And it doesn’t matter for what – emigration to the USA or urgent surgery.

Plot No. 4: to attract generous and pleasant customers.

  1. Buy a new broom on Friday. At the same time, you cannot bargain with the seller - pay as much as he asked.
    Naturally, you should not buy from the first grandmother you come across at the market, but from someone who offers a normal price.
  2. Wait until 3 am and read the following plot over the broom:

    Just as I sweep away the litter, I sweep it away, so I attract buyers to me. The first one will arrive, the second one will come, the third one will buy it and take it for himself. Amen

  3. At dawn, with the first rays of the sun, sweep the apartment.
  4. The ritual, with reading the plot and sweeping, must be repeated three nights in a row.

Knowledgeable people say that this way you will quickly attract generous buyers who will not haggle too much and will pay you a good price for your home.

Plot No. 5: if you can’t sell it for a long time.

This conspiracy to sell will help if advertisements have been published in all newspapers and websites for a long time, employees of real estate agencies have been tortured to death, and the apartment cannot be sold:

Just as a blacksmith needs to forge, a plowman needs to plow, a merchant needs to trade, the priest needs to pray for an honest love, and I need to go to church and be baptized, so a kind, rich and generous buyer should come to my house, pay for it and settle in it. Amen.

You can read it at any time above the keys to the front door. The number of repetitions depends on how expensive your property is - the more elite it is, the more work you will have to do (3,7,9,11,33, 77, 108 repetitions).

Focus on how expensive buying your apartment is for an ordinary resident of your region.

Step-by-step video that will help you sell your apartment much faster.

Let's look and apply!

Plot No. 6: one of the most powerful.

Psychics claim that this simple plot to sell has helped more than one client place their apartment in good hands:

  • Take half a glass of salt, rice and sugar and mix them in a glass jar. Its volume and color are not important;
  • stick an ordinary pin into the center with the words:

    I sell not to evil people, but to good people, for happiness and prosperity what I don’t need. I will buy what I need for myself, God’s servant (name), (you can name the amount you want to get for housing). Let it be so! Amen!

  • Now the charmed jar must be placed near the exit from the house, but not in a visible place. It will attract wealthy buyers to you;
  • When the property is sold, the container can be thrown away. In addition, after completing the deal, you will have to donate money to six beggars. The amount is not important.

As you can see, conspiracies to sell an apartment can and should be used.
But remember that they will be of great help only if you do not cheat, set an adequate price, and do not try to pass off an old Khrushchev apartment as a royal mansion.

Yes, and they also kept silent about the drug-addicted neighbor and the periodic power outages.

Life is like a boomerang: as you treat people, so they treat you. And no conspiracies will help...

Transactions for the purchase and sale of real estate are a common occurrence in modern times. People have always strived to improve their living conditions, especially with regard to the housing issue. To speed up the sale of an apartment or to achieve maximum benefit from the transaction, sellers use various methods: some turn to realtors and shell out a considerable amount for their services, while more thrifty owners remember the tricks that our ancestors resorted to. One of these secrets is magical rituals, prayers and conspiracies for selling a home. Read about how to sell an apartment faster using a conspiracy in this article.

It is advisable to entrust the performance of a ritual to sell an apartment or the casting of a spell to an experienced specialist who will quickly understand the issue and choose the most suitable ritual. However, you can completely do it on your own; it is enough to be 100 percent confident in your success and aim for a favorable outcome of the matter. Magic rituals associated with the real estate market are white (the vast majority), and therefore independent practice will not lead to any negative consequences; in the worst case, the ritual simply will not work.

Important point - rituals for the quick sale of property should be carried out during the phase of the debilitated moon, since their goal is to get rid of living space and transfer it into the hands of the buyer.

Situations with the sale of housing are different: most often people sell their apartment, but some have to deal with square meters that, for one reason or another, were inherited from relatives. Of course, working with the conspiracy will be much easier if the seller himself is the owner of the apartment. In the case of someone else’s home, other rituals are used - stronger ones.

Whatever the seller’s goal - to sell his own or someone else’s apartment, all conspiracies for the quick sale of a home must be carried out exactly according to the instructions, not a single detail should be ignored. The intention to carry out a conspiracy and its procedure itself should be kept secret - the influence of outside energy and publicity may not have the best effect on the deal.

3 strong conspiracies for selling an apartment

Appeal to the brownie

This ritual is performed on the waning moon, on a bright and sunny day.

To complete this you need to prepare in advance:

  • 4 wax candles,
  • a bucket of clean water,
  • pine aromatic oil,
  • a rag.

To begin with, a bucket of water should be left for a couple of hours in the brightest room of the home, near the window. Then 4 candles need to be placed in the outer corners of the apartment for sale and lit. You need to drop a few drops of any pine oil into the water infused in the light. With a rag soaked in water, you need to thoroughly wipe all surfaces in the apartment: walls, windows, mirrors, plumbing fixtures, household appliances.

At the very end, the floors in all rooms are washed with the words:

“Brownie, brownie, help me sell my house. My friend, if you help me, you can live in goodness and light!”

When your home is clean, you should wait at least an hour until all surfaces are dry. The candles should remain burning all this time. Once 1-2 hours have passed, you need to loudly address the brownie with the words:

“We want you to be happy, we will give your house to good people. Love us and don’t forget us, don’t be bored in love or in grief!”

Having pronounced the spell, the candles must be extinguished and the apartment for sale must be left in this state until sunset. You cannot ventilate it, so as not to accidentally release the spirit of sale. Soon after the ceremony, the desired buyers will appear.

Complex but 100% conspiracy

It is best to pronounce this plot from memory. But since it is very voluminous, it is allowed to rewrite it with your own hand on a clean white sheet of paper and read from it. It is advisable that the ritual be performed by a woman.

The performer must stand in front of a large mirror, comb her hair and recite the text of the spell:

“A long road lies ahead for me, God’s servant (own name) . I will become God's servant(own name) , walk along different roads, look for rich merchants. I will put it on, God's servant(my name), a white shirt, I will tie a red scarf on my head. I’ll go by the edge, I’ll go around sideways, a merchant will come out of the forest to meet me, that merchant will become a crossroads for me. Don't turn right - there is a brown, fierce bear there. Don't turn back - the snake there is evil, insidious. Don’t go to the left - there’s a three-headed dragon there that wants my heart. I just have to go straight to the rich merchant, an honest and good merchant. A merchant will say a word in stone - I will give him half of the house; if he says a word in gold - I will give him the whole house, and land in addition. A generous merchant will say a word - it will bring me great joy. The merchant will go straight to my house. Then I too can return, without fear of the dark forest. The merchant will find the way to my house, he will find his happiness and his destiny there. There he will not know sins or evil intentions, he will live and live and make good. And for that good, glorious estate he will give me his fortune. These hairs of mine hear the words, the eyes see the power, their hearing remembers. My hand will not tremble, the fire will not light, my legs obey. In reality I will see everything, I will say everything. What is commanded will come true. Amen (3 times) !”

Watch the video for another way to speed up sales:

Ritual for realtors

This plot is for those sellers who need to sell someone else’s apartment, in which they themselves did not live (for example, an apartment inherited from a deceased relative). Will need 4 mirrors of any size. They need to be placed so that their surfaces are directed to 4 different sides, for example, put a box and rest the mirrors on its edges. The conspiracy is pronounced 4 times, each time the performer must look into one of the mirrors, one by one.

“The house has 4 corners, the brownie guards it, and does not want to change the owner. He invited me to visit and then drove me away. I renounce these choirs - I have my own father’s house! Let the mansion be taken by the one who brings me the fastest and most money. With the consent of the brownie, with the blessing of God. Amen!"
