An interesting birthday surprise for a loved one. What would be right to give a guy just like that, for no reason: the best solutions

We will share some ideas with you:

Oil burner:

  1. Buy an aroma lamp.
  2. Study (carefully) the instruction to it.
  3. Choose your favorite place in the room or apartment of your loved one.
  4. Wait for your loved one to come home from work.
  5. Turn on this lamp when your loved one is next to her.
  6. Give him genuine smiles.

Warm scarf:

  1. Buy good (quality) threads.
  2. Buy knitting needles.
  3. Think about whether you know how to knit (if you don’t know how, learn).
  4. Start knitting your favorite scarf.
  5. When you finish knitting, sew three buttons onto the scarf.

Leaves on which the words are written:

  1. Buy a lot of multi-colored leaves (better - leaflets - stickers).
  2. Write on each of them some beautiful phrase (“I adore you”, “I missed you to the point of madness”, “I adore you”, “you are the best man”, “it’s impossible for me without you”, “you are very beautiful "," thank you for being with me now").
  3. Post these leaflets throughout the apartment.

Air balloons:

  1. Buy a sea of ​​snow-white balloons.
  2. Inflate all these balloons (carefully so as not to burst).
  3. Carry balloons to his car quietly.
  4. Decorate it (with balloons) as you wish.

Matrix (screen) for a laptop:

  1. Collect enough money.
  2. Get a matrix.
  3. Find time to go and change it.
  4. Enjoy the result and the joy of your loved one.

Photo session of a loved one:

  1. Give the guy the flag of his favorite football team.
  2. Wait until the day when the TV will have to broadcast the match of this team.
  3. Invite your loved one to take a picture with the flag.
  4. Tell him to put a photo (the most successful one) with a flag on the avatar "VKontakte".


  1. Persuade the guy to take a walk with you.
  2. Take him to some ski center.
  3. Rent some tubing.
  4. Admit to the guy that this was all made up for him.
  5. Have fun every minute of your extreme time.

Shopping for clothes for yourself:

  1. Go to a clothing store.
  2. Buy something pretty and seductive in the shop (for yourself, but for his sake).
  3. Do a general house cleaning.
  4. Beloved wait from work.
  5. Feed him a delicious but ordinary dinner.
  6. Change into the outfit you bought while splashing around in the bathroom.


  1. Find an unusual key from your grandmother or in the attic.
  2. Sew a pillow (heart-shaped).
  3. Give the guy a pillow and a key.
  4. Tell him that you give him your heart and a "master key" from him.


  1. Collect a lot of money.
  2. Buy twenty to thirty (possibly more) bottles of champagne.
  3. Wait for the guy to return from work (or school).
  4. Fill the tub with champagne (instead of water).
  5. Take him to the bath.


  1. Take a large piece of paper (landscape).
  2. Take a lot of paints, felt-tip pens and pencils.
  3. Draw some big and bright drawing.
  4. Present it when you are sure that it is more than ready.

What gifts can be a real surprise for a loved one:

  1. Plasticine figurine. What figurine to make? Any. You just need to choose expressive colors so that it is not boring to look at it.
  2. Training apparatus. It can be any (for anything) simulator! But consider the dimensions so that there is where to put it.
  3. A set of handkerchiefs. Modestly? But he will not think that you can give such a gift! A necessary thing and never superfluous.
  4. Bike. You can ride it together. This is a wonderful surprise on wheels! The guy will be delighted with him despite the fact that he already has an expensive and favorite car!
  5. Ashtray. It will be relevant if your loved one belongs to smokers. If not, then don't give it.
  6. Tetris. It will remind you of your childhood. The guy will be delighted, even if he is already over thirty by age "passed".
  7. Wristwatch. Don't chase the price! If you see an unusual watch - buy it! True, you also need to take into account the attitude of your loved one to the watch.
  8. Huge pie or cake. Don't have time to stand in the kitchen by yourself? Order in the store or in the Internet store such a "charm"!
  9. Notebook. One (which he already has) he will use for work, and the second for everything else. Many guys dream of such surprises!
  10. Anything collectible. Remember (ask) what he likes to collect. Having replenished his collection with at least something small, you will make your loved one very happy!
  11. Constructor. Probably, the guy didn’t play enough of them when he was little! And if he played enough, then in his “childhood” there were definitely no such toys! You'll see how happy and surprised he will be with the surprise! The constructor will have a rather constructive effect on it.
  12. Soft toy. There are wonderful toys (huge sizes) that can be used as pillows, armchairs or a sofa.
  13. Alarm clock (flying). He will be immensely grateful to you for such a gift - a surprise. After all, it is quite difficult for men to get up (wake up) in the morning. And you will make his life easier with your surprise.
  14. Wall - TV. Put it in place of the old one that stands and gathers dust in the corner.
  15. Mini-bar or mini-fridge. Many men dream of this. After all, they want to relax sometimes.
  16. Board game. Choose any! The main thing is that you present it unusually, unexpectedly.
  17. Clothes hanger. Let it have at least ten hooks. And it's okay if it is a little "glamorous" (decorated). And men love pretty things.
  18. What worthy surprise can you make to your loved one? - Ring (gold). Give this to your loved one if he likes gold. You can also give a silver one, if he is more supportive of silver. You can also donate a chain!

Switch. . .

"Honey, I'm pregnant!" - here is a phrase that can be a huge surprise for any man. And if you want to please your loved one with something pleasant, but still less shocking, then it's time to look for options for what kind of surprise you can give a guy for a special occasion or just like that. After all, everyone loves gifts, regardless of gender and age.

Simple and tasteful

The desire to please a loved one is absolutely natural, and it is not necessary to buy him a new car. Sometimes simple handmade things are much more pleasant for a man to get than a Ferrari (especially if he doesn’t have a license).

The peculiarity of male psychology is such that the effect of an unexpected gift can be akin to an exploding bomb - from crazy hugs and fiery kisses to a marriage proposal. It all depends on how emotional your partner is and how often you pamper him. By the way, you should not do it too often: any holiday turned into a routine loses its charm. So you can make surprises just like that no more than once a week - and, of course, on special occasions.

4 birthday surprises

“It’s a pity that the birthday is only once a year!” - birthday people think. But those who have to puzzle over what kind of surprise a guy can make for his birthday often hold the opposite point of view. But in fact, everything is not so difficult. The main thing is that the gift should be:

  • relevant (it's stupid to give last year's disc of your favorite band if the band has already released two new ones);
  • interesting to him (it should not be “I bought you something for myself”);
  • sincere (purity of thoughts is the main component of any gift).

This is the gift that can be given not exactly on X day, but, for example, on the evening of an important football match with the participation of his favorite team. The organization of the event, which you will have to do, includes:

  • invitation of boyfriend's friends;
  • preparation of light snacks and beer;
  • timely self-elimination from the "battlefield" to a friend.

Such a feat no man will leave without attention.

A bit of history

Now it has become very fashionable to look for your roots, to study the history of the family. Why don't you take advantage of the new trend and arrange the history of the chosen one's surname in the form of a stylized letter? Another "historical" gift can be a collage with your joint photos. Many will say that, they say, the surprise gives away mothballs, and they will be wrong. Printed photographs carry a completely different energy in contrast to the gallery on electronic media. Moreover, each of them is associated with some special moment of your overall biography.


Don't want to give the moon? Then maybe Mars? Or Jupiter? And in the kit to the planet - a telescope that will allow you to observe all the beauty and magic of the starry sky.

Register for a seminar or webinar

This option is exactly the opposite of the previous one, because it suits pragmatic persons, realistic to the marrow of their bones. Sign up your loved one for some important event that will be interesting to him, and even bring benefits for business, and he will certainly appreciate your efforts.

4 surprises for the anniversary of the relationship

An important feature of preparing a surprise for a guy on the anniversary of the relationship is that you must be a full-fledged component of this gift.

Erotic present

It can be any intimate gift - from your striptease to a goldfish role-playing game with the fulfillment of 3 ... 4, or maybe 5 of his desires. Just keep in mind that for such a surprise, it should really be an anniversary, and not 1 or 2 months of meetings. Otherwise, your partner may be taken aback by such a sexual pressure of a modest woman, with whom he is embarrassed to discuss intimate topics.

The crazy rhythm of life requires maximum stress every day. So it will be useful for both of you to devote a few hours of pleasant relaxing treatments to unobtrusive music and the murmur of water in the jacuzzi.

A wonderful surprise for a man who is not afraid of heights. This gift can be classified as a surprise, from which both partners can get full pleasure. After all, you can fly as a duet.

If your companion is a romantic, then colored lights scattered in the sky, your hugs and tender words will be a wonderful birthday present. Just do not miss such important nuances as:

  • weather (when it rains, you are unlikely to want to leave the house even for the sake of a surprise);
  • place (next to the area where the salute will be launched, there should be no explosive objects or crowds of people);
  • time (you must admit that the morning fireworks are unlikely to please with their beauty).

4 presents just because I love you

Feelings for a loved one are so overwhelmed that you want to give the whole world, but at the same time there are absolutely no ideas, what kind of surprise can you make a guy just like that? In fact, there are many options.

After all, it doesn’t cost you anything to write down on small pieces of paper why you love your boyfriend? And he will be very pleased to walk around the apartment and read tender words on the mirror, on the refrigerator, on the desk and on his favorite mug. A variant of such a gift can be a recognition leaf launched into the sky. To do this, the main words are written on a large sheet, and with the help of balloons and a fishing line tied to them, the note is released into the sky.

This is a universal gift that is good both just like that and on the most serious occasion. Choose the right route and hit the road with your loved one under the rumble of wheels and the sound of the wind.

Dinner with the stars

No, you don't need to invite Philip Kirkorov! Stars scattered across the sky will do. You just need to negotiate with the janitor, get the keys to the attic and arrange an open-air dinner. Just keep in mind that the roof of the Khrushchev five-story building, planted with pigeons, is absolutely not suitable for this.

Website for you

In our age of high technology, you can not do without gifts that keep up with the times. Why not take advantage of the Internet and create a site where you can post his favorite songs, photos of you together, and LiveJournal-style notes about how much you love your man?

In surprises, the main thing is that your other half likes them. What kind of surprise can you arrange for a loved one?

Thoughts about this come to mind for many women on the eve of a boyfriend's birthday or other holiday. But you can please your partner without a particularly important reason. Such surprises, as a rule, turn out to be the most unexpected, and therefore especially memorable.

Guy character and surprise

There are many ideas for surprises. Among them, a special place is occupied by gifts made by one's own hands. At the same time, take into account, first of all, the warehouse of the character of your young man.

If a guy is somewhat conservative, then he is unlikely to enjoy an unplanned hang-gliding flight or a risky parachute jump. He will consider this simply childish and stupid throwing money away - this must be taken into account.

But if your young man has a creative personality, then everything is exactly the opposite - there is no need to arrange romantic traditional surprises for him. It is better to present something original for the holiday, preferably with a bit of humor or extreme sports.

Bad Ideas

As a rule, a girl will readily and gratefully accept any most ridiculous surprise. She will like any sign of attention. But with guys it's not so easy.

The male half of humanity is very practical and rationalistic, so it is important that your surprise has some material use. A man is unlikely to be touched by pink notes that you wrote with your own hand and found in the pockets of your work suit in the middle of an important meeting.

It is unlikely that he will like the cute balloons that filled most of the house. Or rather, he will not fully understand - why was it necessary to make so much effort to create such a useless gift.

Also, do not use these ideas:

  • Announce your pregnancy as a surprise. Still, it's better to report such things in a different way.
  • If a man hints that he loves blondes, and you are a brown-haired woman, do not rush to run to recolor your hair and shock the guy. What you were, and remain so, if you think that it is better for you. And to please and surprise a guy, try on a wig, it may turn out that in fact you do not have light hair color

  • No need to guard your loved one at the entrance of his house after work and pounce on him from the dark, loudly shouting: "Surprise." With fright, he will not fully appreciate all the charm and immediacy of this method of congratulations.

DIY gift ideas

Humorous congratulations. Suitable if some date or holiday is planned - a birthday, an anniversary of a memorable event, and so on. This congratulation can be written on a cool postcard - they make it with their own hands and present it to a guy in a bouquet of flowers. This option is also suitable for congratulating a colleague, since it is quite innocent. It is advisable to compose a poem yourself or order from a professional.

Make a video presentation for the anniversary of, say, your wedding or your first date. Decorate beautifully and show all this at dinner in the evening. Such a presentation will remain in the computer's memory and it can always be corrected with video recordings and photographs of new events in your life. Thus, with a favorable development of relations, a whole family chronicle can be obtained.

Prepare a delicious meal for your boyfriend. Better than a few tasty dishes.

If you are a needleworker, then it will not be difficult for you to knit some relevant and useful thing for a guy - a warm scarf, or socks - ideas can be found anywhere. Wearing these things, your loved one will always involuntarily associate them with you - because this will make him more often remember you with gratitude. In addition, handmade gifts are very pleasant surprises.

Surprises for those who are addicted

You are very lucky if the guy is seriously interested in something, in which case the question of a surprise may not arise. After all, in this case, you can give him something that he likes one hundred percent. But here it is important that he does not have such an instance yet:

  • As a good option, you can print your photo or the two of you, or the idol of your young man on a T-shirt or mug. This is an inexpensive gift option.
  • If your man is a lover of computer games, you can present him with a newly released licensed cool game so that he can play it at home

  • A ticket to a concert of your favorite musician is a great idea. It is advisable to give two tickets. After all, then he will invite you with him, this is for you to get closer
  • A lover of technology will be pleased with remote-controlled models. Everyone knows that men remain children at heart and, despite their age, love to play. Maybe they even have children just to play enough with them under legal cover.

If there are no problems with money, you can simply organize a vacation in a beautiful country. Preferably where he wanted to go. If this holiday is with extreme options, even better. What surprises are suitable for this? Races on safari, ATVs on sand dunes, skiing on new tracks or other interesting types of extreme recreation.

Such a "separation" very well distracts from the harsh usual everyday life, transferring for a while to a different reality, even if only for one day.

Original, romantic and practical

  • Meeting

If you are separated from your loved one, then different ideas may arise? For example, if he went on a long business trip to another city, then perhaps the best surprise for him will be your arrival at his celebration.

It is only important to choose the right time of arrival so that the surprise is a success. Or you can order a gift with delivery to him in another city - your loved one, most likely, will really be delighted with such a sign of attention.

  • Massage

A massage session is a great way to relax a guy and set him on the right wavelength. But doing it is not so easy, and an inept massage can only ruin the whole thing. To really surprise your loved one, take a few lessons from a professional. To learn the basics, it is enough to practice 2-3 times - and you will succeed. It is also a very useful life skill.

Men really appreciate women who can relieve tension and relax with one touch. Giving a guy a healthy relaxation session is a great option.

  • Collective holiday

You can secretly attract friends and relatives to help and organize a party for the birthday boy. Ideas to take from the American tradition - while it is especially important that nothing foreshadows in advance. Let him go to work in the morning, as usual, no need to fuss around him and congratulate him. But when he comes home in the evening, friends and gifts will be waiting for him, including a cake, concocted on his own. It can turn out to be a wonderful unexpected surprise.

  • radio frequency

You can just congratulate the guy on the radio. Here it is important that he listens to this channel for sure.

If you own a computer, you can give your loved one his personal blog or your general family blog, where you can post photos and notes about your family. In the future, you can lead it together. If the site becomes popular, it will be an additional source of income.

The best

  • Romantic evening for your loved one. It's just that several things the guy loves came together at once: delicious food, a beautiful girl, comfort and care. He will appreciate your efforts and, perhaps, one wonderful day, he will soon give the coveted ring.

  • You can organize a joint bath with candles and other romantic attributes: a bottle of wine, rose petals, fragrant oil. The completion of such a bath is unforgettable for both
  • Breakfast in bed at the weekend will also be a good romantic pleasant surprise for your loved one. Slowly drinking coffee with croissants or fragrant pancakes will set your loved one in the right satisfied mood - and the weekend will definitely become wonderful.

  • Erotic surprise. It's almost a win-win surprise. All guys love experimentation and variety. You can buy a special form in the sex shop and give the guy a session of role-playing games. He will definitely like it and add spice to your relationship.

How much do you love your boyfriend or husband? Are you ready to prove it with a gift that he will never forget? It will not necessarily be disks for a car or an expensive mp3 player. We will talk about how you can make a surprise for your loved one on a holiday, a memorable day, or just because of strong love. At the same time, our surprise ideas for your loved one will help strengthen your relationship and make you an original, creative and loving soul mate.

Birthday surprise ideas for your loved one

The most important occasion for which surprises are prepared for a loved one is a birthday. It is on this holiday that every loving man expects something unusual. And you have a mission - to choose a gift that will surprise and delight.

All materials were collected on the basis of forums, opinion polls and real opinions of men.

But before you choose a birthday surprise for a guy, you need to understand the basic principles of a man's attitude to gifts that you may not have known about:

  • Men do not like abstract gifts, so it should be immediately clear what it is and why it is needed;
  • Non-functional gifts that are not clear how to use are more likely to annoy the stronger sex than to please;
  • Do not try to disguise the necessary things in the house as surprises for your husband on his birthday;
  • Do not give flowers, this is a sign of weakness for them;
  • Beautiful packaging is a waste of time and money;
  • No money - he already has it;
  • Decorations with balls and anything else are not for the stronger sex.

90% of men don't like being given clothes, even if they are super cool. (Poll)

So, let's get down to the most interesting, birthday surprise ideas for your loved one.

  1. Gather his friends and arrange a surprise birthday surprise for your loved one when he returns from work, from the store, garage or somewhere else. Every man loves attention to himself, and here there will be especially a lot of it, which will make you smile. Immediately there will be a reason to sit down at the table and properly celebrate the celebration;
  2. Buy him tickets for football, basketball, etc. However, the biggest surprise for your loved one will be that you will go with him;
  3. Leave a radio congratulation - he will be pleased that you are ready for anything for the sake of your beloved. This will also serve as a reason for pride in front of friends who will listen to congratulations with him. It is good if the congratulatory speech will sound in your voice;
  4. An unexpected surprise for a loved one on his birthday will be a subscription to a one-time visit to the SPA center together. He will be pleased not because he will rejuvenate his skin or make peeling. He will see what you are doing there, and he will feel it for himself. Believe me, guys are always wondering what's going on in your spa center? It’s good if there is a bathhouse where you will go after these procedures that are incomprehensible to him.
  5. Buy erotic lingerie for yourself. Believe me - it will be a surprise for the guy on his birthday, and not for you;
  6. A useful accessory is what you need. The main thing is that it should not be cheap, because accessories are valued by their name, and not by functionality. It can be a pen, a lighter, a tie clip, a diary, a belt. Other accessories may turn out to be a bad birthday surprise for a loved one;
  7. A gift certificate for something he hasn't tried yet. It can be wakeboarding, paragliding, snowboarding, bowling. But don't overdo it. You don’t need to give him a certificate for a parachute jump, maybe he hasn’t consciously jumped yet, because he’s afraid;
  8. Do-it-yourself surprise for your loved one on his birthday. It can be anything, the main thing is that your efforts for his sake are noticeable;
  9. And give him a manicure and pedicure, after all.

If you liked one of the tips or any of them helped you make a choice, tell us about it in the comments!

Of course, you are a woman, and you want to add a touch of romance to a pragmatic and soulless gift for a man. But be careful, because romantic surprises for your loved one are like walking on a razor's edge. Romance for the stronger sex is an unnecessary thing, but with the right approach, it can be very useful.

Remember that with romance, you can express your attention and nothing else. Of course, there are romantic men. But flowers and balls, nevertheless, are necessary for women. So, what kind of romantic surprise for a husband or boyfriend can you make?

  • Leave stickers with the words "I love you" on every thing that he touches in the morning - he will love such a romantic gift;
  • Prepare dinner with his favorite dish;
  • Take care of him, offer a back, neck, head massage. This can be a great prelude to a more romantic surprise for your loved one in bed;
  • Touch him more. This on the subconscious will indicate your interest and desire to be with him. Believe me, men need it;
  • Give one compliment every 30 minutes. But do not overdo it and do not be cunning. Everything must be honest;
  • Bring coffee in bed for an unexpected romantic gift;
  • Make a photo album of his photos, which you quietly took during the week. At the bottom there should be a signature: "I always think of you" or something like that. But make sure that it turns out cool in the pictures;
  • Romantic handmade gift.

And remember! No flowers, bows, balloons, hearts and other feminine romance! A romantic gift is attention, effort and love.

There are also surprises for men that can negatively affect relationships. We will also tell you about them so that you do not get into an awkward situation.

  • Banal socks, a toothbrush and deodorant - all these gifts can only tell about the bad look and smell of a man;
  • Alcohol - he can buy this drink for himself, besides, it is because of him that scandals and separations occur in families;
  • Panties, even expensive ones, are an individual thing. He must choose his own underwear, so you should not force him to wear unloved panties;
  • Household items for the home - veiled appliances or dishes can show that you do not take into account his personality;
  • Makeup is an insult to a real man;
  • Money is usually not interesting and trite. In addition, he himself can earn money;
  • Animals - maybe he doesn't want to have them?
  • You are on a silver platter in erotic lingerie - this is a good addition, but not a replacement for a gift.


Write him a letter. And it doesn’t matter that you live together and you don’t need the services of a postman, the main thing is to pour out on paper everything that overwhelms you now in relation to your loved one. Write to him what you feel, what you are planning, describe his best qualities that are most valuable to you. List everything that makes you love him so much. The most important thing is that everything written comes from the heart, sincerely. Just write a letter on paper, by hand, so it will have more warmth and tenderness. Believe me, a loving person will always appreciate such an unusual and unexpected surprise.

Have a romantic dinner. Seems like a silly idea. But, if you approach this idea with imagination, you can get a very memorable evening. For example, you can arrange a dinner under the stars, on the roof of your own or someone else’s house - it’s not so important. And the important thing is that you will be together in the evening glow of the stars, looking at the city lights, drinking wine or champagne, enjoy each other's company. At the same time, you can give a pre-written love message in such an environment. Be sure: this evening will be remembered by both of you for a long time.

Give me an adrenaline rush. If your chosen one is not from the timid, then you can present him with something more extreme. What you two do, of course. Now it is very easy to purchase a gift certificate for two for every taste. For example, quad biking or paragliding. Another cool idea is to fly in a hot air balloon. It is both extreme and romantic at the same time. Both he and you yourself will be happy to escape from the daily hustle and bustle and do something unforgettable and inspiring.

Relax your loved one. That's what you can definitely do with your own hands in the truest sense of the word, so it's a relaxing massage. After a hard day or even a week, your man needs to relax and soak up in your warm and caring hands. You can supplement massage procedures with a relaxing environment around: light fragrant candles, turn on pleasant, light music, create dim, flickering lighting. Do not forget this evening about your appearance, so your loved one will be doubly pleased to receive a gift. By the way, the massage itself can be done using aromatic and therapeutic oils, which will be an additional bonus. Well, if you are still not ready for such a feat, you can always give a trip to the SPA center for two - you will kill two birds with one stone at the same time.
