The use of folk remedies in cosmetics. Folk skin care tips

The skin on the face reflects not only the woman's age, but also her love and respect for herself.

That's why proper care behind it simply must become the rule of every day, and the truth about your age will be hidden from others forever.

But what to do if you want to look beautiful, but material possibilities are very limited?

It's simple - give preference to home-made products.

This is no less efficient than salon procedures but much cheaper and safer!

Facial skin care at home: proper cleansing

beautiful skin- clean skin. It's not about mechanical pollution, but about blockage of pores. This problem is increasingly accompanying not only oily skin, but also owners normal type skin. Ideally, the epidermis should cleanse itself (as nature intended), but our vital speed has gained maximum momentum, and the skin simply does not have time to adapt its direct functions to the pace of life. She needs a little help.

The simplest and inexpensive method deep cleaning skin home is salt. There is an opinion that only sea water should be used. It is not true. Plain salt has big set antiseptic properties, besides, it is always at hand. Salt scrub is not stored, it must be used immediately after preparation. Recipes for each skin type are different.

Any scrub is more effective if carried out on slightly steamed skin. Best after a hot shower or relaxing bath.

Proper cleansing skin at home provides two golden rules:

1. Never start mechanical cleaning face, if it has inflammation, rashes, wounds. The procedure will not bring benefits, and may worsen the healing of the inflamed process;

2. In no case do not start cleaning the pores without first cleaning the skin with soap or other cleanser. During mechanical impact the skin is injured and the presence of any type of pollution on it (even cosmetic residues) is fraught with inflammation.

Facial skin care at home: moisturizing

Moisturizing - milestone in skin care. Elastic, glowing skin is a reality for any woman. Properly saturate the skin with moisture without even noticing it. simple products with a daily presence in the menu, they can saturate the body with substances that improve the health of the face and skin in general.

1.5 liters daily is enough to give the skin proper elasticity

Vitamin C

Promotes natural collagen production. Just a few apples a day or a salad with sauerkraut have the same effect on skin health as an expensive cream

Fats and fatty acid omega 3

We are talking about healthy, easily digestible fats of vegetable origin, or with fermented milk products. Marine fish fats are the most healthy source omega-3 acids

Trace elements: copper, magnesium, silicon, sulfur

A daily portion of any cereal or a slice of whole grain bread will fully satisfy the body's need for these trace elements.

The vitality of the skin integument largely depends on the way of life, and not on the price tag on the box of moisturizer. Less caffeine and stress, more sleep and positive emotions reflected on the face instantly. But still pamper your face with moisturizing masks required several times a month.

Recipe #1:

1 chicken yolk (can be quail);

1 st. l. fatty kefir (cream);

1 tsp carrot juice.

Mix and apply for 15 minutes clean face. It is better if the mask is slightly warm. More suitable for dry skin.

Recipe #2:

Sea buckthorn juice - effective remedy for any skin type. Wipe your face with it daily, or apply on gauze mask and leave it on your face for 20 minutes.

Recipe #3:

2 tbsp. l. honey;

1 st. l. aloe juice.

Extract aloe juice from one leaf of the plant, previously cut and left in the refrigerator for several days. Mix with honey in proportion and apply on clean skin. This mask can be stored in the refrigerator. Suitable for any skin type.

Facial skin care at home: nutrition

It is necessary to nourish the skin in order to improve its color and general appearance. Loose, almost translucent skin gray shade- this is what can happen if you do not pay due attention to your face. Skin cells are very lazy by nature. If they do not receive proper nutrition, they begin to slow down their functionality up to a complete stop. To prevent this, you need to feed your body beneficial substances not only internally, but also externally.

At home, skin nutrition occurs with the help of masks, which are prepared from improvised ingredients. Best choice for every skin type suitable composition, otherwise the effect will not be maximum.

Homemade nourishing masks for different skin types

skin type

The composition of the mask

Application features


1 egg white;

1 tsp honey;

Potato starch.

Heat honey in a steam bath and mix with whipped protein. Thicken the mixture with starch. Apply to a clean face for 25-30 minutes. Repeat 3-4 times a month.

20 gr. yeast (not dry);

1 st. l. sour cream.

Apply the mixture on the skin for 25 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water without soap.

1 tsp honey;

1 tsp glycerin.

The components are mixed in a steam bath, then applied to a clean face for 1-2 hours. Leftover masks will keep in the refrigerator for up to three days. Repeat the process until the composition is complete.


1 st. l. cottage cheese;

1 st. l. berry puree (according to the season).

Mix the ingredients and apply on the face. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Repeat no more than once a week.

Facial skin care at home: whitening

With age or under the influence environment and the pace of life on the skin of the face, unpleasant surprises may appear in the form age spots. Many women immediately run to boutiques for corrective means, not realizing that this problem is solved at home with the help of a very available ways.

Cucumber express mask

1 fresh cucumber;

Cucumber grate and pour alcohol. Insist 24 hours in the refrigerator. A gauze pad soaked in the resulting lotion is applied to the face for 15 minutes. The resulting infusion can be used until it runs out. A series of procedures last from 14 to 30 days, depending on the result. This mask is more suitable for owners oily skin.

parsley tonic

Chop the parsley with a knife and pour boiling water over it. Rub the infusion into the skin 2-3 times a day. For convenience, you can freeze the infusion in ordinary ice molds and wipe your face in the morning before work. This procedure will give the skin elasticity and freshness.

Honey Lemon Mask

Juice of 1 lemon;

Honey 2 tbsp. l.

Melt honey in a water bath and mix with lemon juice. Soak gauze well with the solution and apply on the face for 15-20 minutes.

You should not pin hopes that after one procedure the skin will become perfect. This requires a series of procedures, but the result will manifest itself as a long-term effect.

Facial skin care at home: the fight against wrinkles

Advertised anti-wrinkle masks are largely just a commercial ploy. All processes of aging of subcutaneous cells are controlled only by the body. As we feed him, so he answers us. To delay the appearance of the first wrinkles, it is advisable to do preventive procedures that do not take much time, do not require material investments, are safe for health and give good result. This:

1. healthy eating,

2. Fresh air,

3. facial massage,

4. vitamin home masks.

The area around the eyes is the first to react to age, so you need to pay more attention to it. This smoothing mask recipe is suitable not only for wrinkles, but also as a reduction dark circles.

Potato mask for the skin around the eyes

1 st. l. mashed potatoes;

1 tsp olive oil;

1 tsp chopped parsley.

Mix the ingredients and apply to the area around the eyes for 15 minutes. Apply the mask every 2 days for a month. For convenience, you can make an infusion with parsley. Pour boiling water over 15 teaspoons of chopped parsley and let it brew until the water cools.

The most effective means for instant result- This is a gelatin mask. Gelatin contains natural collagen. All expensive products and salon procedures, in one form or another, contain it.

Gelatin mask from wrinkles

Milk 2 tbsp. l.;

Fat cottage cheese 1 tbsp. l.;

Gelatin 1 tsp

Pour gelatin with milk until swelling. Then melt it in a water bath (do not bring to a boil). Rub the cottage cheese through satiety and mix with gelatin. Apply the mixture on your face for 30 minutes. At this time, it is better to relax, not to show emotions and facial expressions. The mask will dry, making a film on the face. Under no circumstances should you tear it off. The mask is removed with a very warm decoction of herbs or with the help of steam bath. This miracle remedy has no contraindications and can be used frequently.

Facial skin care at home: reasons for failure

Homemade facial skin care products have all the properties that are valued and synthetic purchased creams and masks. The only difference is that the tube from the store is more convenient to use, it is always at hand. But him chemical composition should be alarming for everyone. IN home remedy only what is given to us by nature, and this is a priori better. But still, if home remedies do not give the expected effect, the reasons may lie in:

1. Composition. Incorrectly selected ingredients according to skin type give the opposite effect.

2. The use of components out of season (you can not turn on in winter fresh cucumbers in skin care products)

3. Non-systematic procedures.

4. Inconsistency of the type of mask to the problem that you want to solve.

When caring for dry skin, plants containing essential oils: fruits and roots of parsley, lemon balm leaf, medicinal mint, chamomile color, thyme and others. Their combination with mucus-containing - mullein, quince fruit seeds, mallow. The herbs are crushed, the juice is squeezed out, and used for compresses, or simply applied to the skin, once a day for ten days in a row. Reach best effect a combination with a steam bath will help, it can be done once every 7 days: take a spoonful of dill, lemon balm, chamomile, lavender, coltsfoot, calendula; pour about 2 liters of water, boil and warm your face for about 15 minutes over steam. Wrap your hair in a towel. This will improve the condition of the skin and cleanse it well.

Oily skin care

If you have oily skin, use yarrow, calendula, sage, hops, wild chestnut, tricolor violet. Pour 3 teaspoons of one of the plants with one glass of boiled water and let stand for fifteen minutes. decoction room temperature wipe your face. For compresses, use the collection of these herbs. In the thick of herbs, add starch, flour and get great mask- put it on your face, wait 20 minutes, rinse.

Apply steam baths from rosemary, sage, linden, chamomile, birch leaf.

Make your own toning lotions:

  • 50 pcs. cornflower flowers pour half a liter of well-boiling water and leave for an hour - for washing;
  • 20-25 g of parsley roots should be poured over the floor with liters of boiling water, insist 1 hour - wipe the face;
  • pour a glass of strawberries with vodka, leave for a month - wipe your face and neck.

Products for problem skin

At acne help horseradish, parsley, violet, burdock, figs. Fresh parsley juice, fig juice - to lubricate the affected areas. Be sure to dilute the horseradish root porridge with milk so as not to get burned. To enhance the effect of acne treatment, drink decoctions of the herbs listed above.

Pityriasis versicolor can be treated in the following way. Lubricate the affected area with onion juice 4-5 times during the day or wipe alcohol tincture calendula. In case of irritation, dilute the tincture with water 1:1.


There are all kinds of masks made from vegetables and fruits, but do not forget about honey cosmetic products, which make the skin velvety, supple, fresh.

  • mix honey 100 g, a spoonful of alcohol and a spoon boiled water. Apply the mask 10 minutes before washing;
  • take a spoonful of honey and juice from half a lemon, mix, spread for a quarter of an hour, then wash well with warm boiled water;
  • mix a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of sour cream and raw egg yolk. Apply the mask, wait 15 minutes. and wash away.

An excellent remedy is honey cream: a teaspoon of honey and ammonia, 3 tablespoons of glycerin, a pinch of borax and half a glass of boiled water. Shake well before use.

After a long winter, the skin on the face began to peel off in some, while in others it shone. Decorative cosmetics is no longer able to cope with its work and does not hide imperfections on the skin well. by using folk recipes perfect solution. Grandma's recipes - folk remedies facial skin care help deal with the problem.
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Face masks

Masks for oily skin

We bring to your attention effective masks for oily skin:

  • In one spoon of warm milk stir: 1 teaspoon of yeast; whip the egg white chicken egg;add mashed sweet and sour apple to the mass in the amount of 2 tablespoons; Combine 2 tablespoons of grated apple with potato flour (1 teaspoon).
  • Mix egg white with: 1 teaspoon of potato flour; 1 teaspoon cranberry juice.

All masks are applied for 15 minutes and washed off with warm water.

Oat mask for sensitive skin

If your skin is overly irritable and sensitive, it will love masks made from oats, as well as from flaxseed:

For three tablespoons of warm water or milk, take one tablespoon oatmeal, let them swell, apply this warm gruel to your face.

For two glasses hot water, add one tablespoon of flaxseed and put on fire. When the flax seed boils and turns into a pulp, cool it to a warm state and apply on the face. These masks are very soothing to the skin.

Herbal masks

Their masks medicinal herbs have a less sedative effect

The benefits of natural herbal balms for the skin

The effect of all herbal balms created by mother nature herself is priceless. They contain plant hormones, phytoncides, biogenic stimulants and all kinds of vitamins.

All these components are able to improve metabolism, have a beneficial effect on the skin and warn of its premature withering.

Apply nutritious cream at night should only be applied to areas of your face where wrinkles are expected to appear or where they have already appeared.

Cream is applied or the face is wiped as needed composed of lungs and soft movements. Stretching the skin of the face is not acceptable.

If necessary, apply the cream on the face in this order:

  • from the middle of the forehead - towards the temples;
  • from the temples - towards the inner corners of the eyes;
  • from upper lip(its middle) to the middle of both cheeks.
  • from the middle of the chin - towards the cheeks.

Facial puffiness masks

Are you worried about facial swelling? If you do not suffer from heart and kidney disease, simply limit your salt and fluid intake, and also treat with masks.

For example, like this:

  • rub the raw potatoes on a fine grater, squeeze the juice slightly and spread the gruel on gauze napkin, apply to the face for 15 or even 20 minutes, then rinse;
  • finely chop the pumpkin (2 tablespoons), add a few tablespoons of water, then put on fire to turn it into a mushy state, remove from heat, add a teaspoon of honey. The mask is applied to gauze, applied to the face, and put compress paper on top for 15 or even 20 minutes, then rinse.

With puffiness of the face, it is necessary to take two, maybe three times a day, an infusion and a decoction of birch buds, and also wipe the oily skin of the face three times a day with this infusion:

  • two tablespoons of a decoction of birch leaves;
  • five teaspoons of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of birch buds.

Oily skin care tips

  1. Oily facial skin loves masks that include acid: from berries, vegetables, fruits.
  2. Oily skin is much more difficult to take care of. On the face in summer time often a reddish rash may appear, as well as blackheads, dust.
  3. Wash your face more often at this time of year with cool water at least twice a day.
  4. Before going to bed, a decoction of horsetail will help dry the skin of the face. One glass cold water pour 1 tablespoon of horsetail, boil for 20 minutes, strain and the broth is ready.
  5. If you are the owner of very oily skin, aloe juice will come to your aid. Since the juice is an active stimulant, it accelerates cell regeneration. Aloe juice eliminates inflammation and slows down the process of skin aging. Aloe juice in cooperation with eucalyptus juice is very good for sunburn.


Recipes traditional medicine most often used in combination with conventional treatment or as an adjunct to traditional treatment. Any recipe is good after consultation with a specialist.

Do not self-medicate!

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