How to choose a toilet for a cat, what types they are: automatic, closed, houses, trays, with and without a side. Cat toilet Kopfgescheit KG7010DC

An automatic toilet for cats, this fantastic piece of equipment seems like an expensive toy to many. On the Internet you can find indignant statements: is it really so difficult to wash a litter box that people are willing to spend a lot of money on innovations for their pet. What if there are 5 cats living in the house? And everyone has a tray. All five need to be washed, otherwise the stench in the house is terrible. It is for such cases that this device was developed. For breeders caring for several pets at once, an automatic toilet is not a luxury, but a life-saving necessity.

Automatic toilets for cats: operating principle and purpose

The Cat Litter Box differs from a regular litter box only in the presence of sieving rakes and a waste receptacle

This tray costs $129 on eBay. According to reviews from breeders, with silica gel filler Cat Litter Box lasts 5 years or longer. It’s very easy to train a cat to use it:

  1. Install an automatic toilet instead of the old litter box.
  2. Add a little used litter to the clean litter so that the cat can smell itself and understand that this is a toilet.
  3. Do not turn on automatic cleaning for your pet during the first week of use, so as not to scare away the cat and allow it to get used to the new item.

Disadvantages include the need to remove excrement from the receiver and wash all surfaces. The presence of an unpleasant odor depends entirely on the quality of the filler. Cat Litter Box does not eliminate litter odors.

Video: Cat Litter Box in action

This toilet has more modern look. It is made in the form of a round bowl, which begins to rotate during cleansing. A lattice scoop is immersed in the filler. Clean granules pass through the grate, and large fractions are retained along the conveyor belt arrive in a special container. The liquid, as in a regular tray, flows into the pan.

Simply Clean toilet - self-cleaning box with conveyor belt

There are practically no advantages over the previous option. You will also have to come into contact with your cat’s waste yourself. Feces and urine receptacles are not airtight, so to eliminate the smell in the house you need to wash this unit more often or use expensive fillers. The only plus is that it's new original design

- is at the same time a minus. The cat will be cramped in such a tray, and the complex structure will be more difficult to disassemble, wash and reassemble. Training your pet to Simply Clean is as easy as training your pet to Litter Box. The price of the product on eBay is 5–6 thousand rubles or $99.

Video: how Simply Clean works

Toilet Kopfgescheit A good attempt to create an analogue of human plumbing for cats. They say that the original version was made of sanitary ware; after modernization, customers began to receive plastic Kopfgescheit toilets. Authorship is attributed Italian designers , the Kopfgescheit brand belongs to Russian company , and the product comes from Taiwan. Nevertheless, the principle of operation is admirable, and appearance

- tenderness. The cat toilet completely copies the familiar urinal.

The Kopfgescheit cat toilet completely copies plumbing for people A motion sensor is built into the side. 15 seconds after the cat has done its business, the flush is triggered. To train your pet, the kit includes a toilet seat cover into which filler is poured.

Gradually the amount of filler is reduced to a minimum. When the cat gets used to doing without it, the pad is removed. The price in one of the online stores is 14,990 rubles. Many breeders believe that original idea

  • still needs improvements:
  • Even the most powerful water pressure in the Kopfgescheit is not able to wash away cat feces. They stick. You'll have to work with a brush.
  • The plastic under the heavy cats creaks a lot. The sensor is installed on inside
  • rim, so the flush can work when the cat is standing on the edge or just sniffing the toilet. The noise and water scare away the pet, he begins to look for a toilet in another, quieter place.
  • Urine leaks under the headband, which causes unpleasant odors.
  • The cat steps into its own puddle in the toilet, tries to bury it, splashes urine on the walls and carries it around the house on its paws.

Over time, cats become disillusioned with such a tray and turn it into a drinking bowl.

Video: cats use the Kopfgescheit toilet

Hello! How, some say, in order to make our life easier, we bought ourselves such a miracle thing (I’m talking about a toilet with an auto-flush Kopfgescheit). To be honest, we saved money. They squeezed 20,000 rubles. on CatGenie. Stinginess (ours, of course) resulted in the fact that the cartridge must be bought for 1,200 rubles once every four months (this is for one cat - respectively, for two - once every 2 months). Result: 1. Difficulty connecting. (technically difficult process). 2. There must be a certain diameter of the pipe that supplies cold air. water. (if the pipe is smaller, the flush works very poorly (does not wash away poop)). 3. The flush is very loud and scary (cats get scared) 4. The cats simply refused to go to this toilet (stupidly they went on strike - they began to relieve themselves anywhere but in this toilet) The cats finished us off in 4 days. The toilet was dismantled and sent back . So I had to order CatGenie. We use it - we really like it! We're saving up some money for a second one just like it. To girls (cats) and kittens (they have a separate apartment in our nursery). There you are real experience.

Toilet for cats Kopfgescheit. I installed this one personally. It really works. Flushing is automatic using a photocell (how exactly it is implemented - see the instructions). Disadvantages - high price and the cat may not like it. After installation, the customer accustomed an adult cat to it for two weeks, then for a year they did not know any grief. After this, the cat died tragically, and the kitten was adopted. This one flatly refused to use it; only a tray with filler. So it doesn’t happen once at a time (but theoretically, most likely, it should work out). I will definitely install such a thing for myself (my cat) when I renovate the bathroom.

I decided to try using Kopfgescheit (now I regret that I didn’t return it right away, they won’t take the used one). Two of the three cats began to walk into it without problems, one categorically did not recognize it and began to shit on the floor, which it had never done before. The two “successful” cats started smearing everything on the walls (while they were trying to bury it) or simply stood up in their business with their paws and then stomped around. The smell of urine was very strong, even though I washed it every day. Urine also flows under the frame along the side. As for the automation: the toilet works as it wants, based on the sensors very conditionally, that is, it sees the cat when it is inside the bowl, but if the cat is standing on its paws or sitting on the side, the sensor does not notice it, and accordingly it can release water into the cat’s paws or when the cat sniffs or otherwise explores. At the same time, the water starts up very noisily, and the cats simply jump away. As a result, the second cat also stopped going in it, the only cat went in it normally, the others used it as a drinking bowl.


CatGenie 120 robotic toilet

This is a professional toilet that does everything itself. You can program cleaning, for example, to do it twice a day or immediately after a cat visits. There's also immediate on-demand cleaning at the touch of a button. The CatGenie looks like a regular toilet, but has been upgraded to suit your cat's needs. In particular, the round tray is filled with plastic granules, which means that four-legged animals will be comfortable in such a toilet, because the instinct to bury their “treasures” can be realized.

The CatGenie 120 toilet has a familiar appearance for humans and is comfortable for cats.

After starting the program, the tray with the filler begins to rotate, and the lattice scoop is lowered into it. Mixing and sifting occurs, as a result of which solid waste remains on the scoop and is lifted onto it into a special chamber, where it is mixed with water and goes into the sewer. Then water with shampoo flows into the bowl-tray. The filler is automatically washed and dried.

The model has already gained a lot positive feedback. Owners even forget that cats have a smell and need to be cleaned up after them. There is a smell of detergent in the toilet.

This robot also has a lot of disadvantages:

  • High price, now about 29.9 thousand rubles.
  • Expensive consumables. Filler and cartridges with detergent We need to buy only branded ones. Replacement is necessary once every 2–4 months.
  • After a few years of use, the motor may break down; replacing it will cost about 10 thousand rubles.
  • Once every six months you need to disassemble the structure and wash it to remove stubborn deposits.
  • The scoop has a sparse grid, small fractions of feces may remain, you need to keep an eye on it and remove it with a regular scoop. Such waste can go through all stages of purification, including drying. Then a very unpleasant smell will spread throughout the apartment.
  • The device beeps loudly when some kind of failure occurs, for example, the water is turned off. Doesn't start again when the problem is fixed. Needs to be turned on manually. Because of such failures, owners are afraid to leave home and ask friends to look after the cat's toilet.
  • The entire auto-cleaning process lasts about 40 minutes, and the granules remain warm for the same amount of time. As a result, the air in the room becomes very hot; it is necessary to install a hood.
  • If there are 2-3 cats in the house, then the next one who wants to go to the toilet may not be able to stand it while the machine does the cleaning.

But all these disadvantages are offset by the pleasure of using modern and high-quality equipment. Cats and people like cleanliness and odorlessness.

CatGenie is installed permanently, as washing machine. Connects to sewerage, water and electricity.

To toilet train a cat:

  1. Move the old tray to the location where the CatGenie will be installed.
  2. After installing the toilet, leave the tray nearby. Don't turn it on new device so as not to frighten the animal.
  3. First, accustom your pet to CatGenie granules, add a little to the old tray, mix with the usual filler. You cannot do the opposite: pour filler that is not intended for it into the toilet.
  4. When your cat starts using CatGenie granules without problems, stop cleaning and washing the old litter box. The cat will choose a cleaner place for the toilet. Most likely, it will be a robot toilet standing nearby. To be on the safe side, place soiled CatGenie pellets from the tray in the automatic toilet.
  5. Give it a week to get used to the new toilet and only then start using automatic cleaning.

Video: cat playing with CatGenie litter box

Perhaps every cat lover will be interested in an automatic toilet for cats.

If only because it is not easy to organize cleanliness and freshness in the place where your pet does his business.

Especially if there are several pets.

Let's take a closer look at this interesting invention, and we will understand how necessary it is for the four-legged beauty.

By the way, to make it convenient for her to eat food, check out and choose the ideal one for your pet.

She also has to go to the toilet often.

To eliminate the need to constantly clean and maintain cleanliness, a special device was invented solving the problem automatically.

That's what it is.

The moment of using an automatic toilet

Externally, the automatic cat toilet looks elegant and is quite reminiscent of a human one.

The principle of operation is the same. The cat does his business in the litter.

The owner's task comes down to simple action: either press a special button and wash away the waste, or program the time after which the procedure will complete itself.

Actually, this is what distinguishes such products.

Some rely on the same mechanical flushing as human toilets, while others are self-cleaning litter boxes for cats.

Which option is more convenient and effective is, of course, up to you to decide, as well as what to choose for a furry pet.

Automatic cat litter can look creative

There are quite a lot of advantages to an automatic cat litter:

  1. You don’t have to scoop out, scrape off stuck together lumps of filler yourself, and also wash the dirty tray;
  2. The miracle toilet looks fresh and neat, it does not emit an unpleasant odor, therefore, the cat goes there more willingly, “mistakes” happen less often;
  3. Some models allow you to fully automate cleaning; you can leave the cat on for a long time one (if necessary), without fear that he will dirty the entire tray and walk past it;
  4. Some models come with their own filling granules, allowing you to save on filler, whose price is quite high;
  5. It is hygienic and is especially indispensable in homes where there are small children.

In general, the advantages are enough to buy this miracle invention.

Moreover, it is relatively inexpensive (especially when you consider how much time and money it saves): from 10-15 to 25 thousand rubles.

A decent price to pay for comfort. But let's take things in order.

Features of the invention

There is a comic opinion that lazy owners came up with an automatic toilet for cats.

They supposedly didn’t want to dig through the tray several times a day, removing the pet’s waste products.

In fact, everything is more prosaic.

Some models of automatic toilets look like cozy houses

The gadget appeared not so long ago.

The most famous brands are

  • Kopfgescheit;
  • Catgenie;
  • Simply Clean;
  • Cat Litter Box.

The product has become widespread in Lately, but many owners can say: it’s not suitable for everyone. We'll tell you why below.

By the way, if your kitten doesn’t succeed in making friends with automation, we recommend reading.

An alternative is a regular cat litter box.

Let's go back to modern gadget. Initially, the cat toilet was based on the usual principle: the animal did its business, the owner came, pressed the pedal - and the water coming from the pipe washed everything away.

Such types still exist. However, progress has gone further, automating the process as much as possible.

Thanks to the built-in touch sensor, smart technology knows when the cat is in the tray.

Later certain time after the pet has left it, the flush is triggered.

A time period (usually 20 seconds) is needed so as not to frighten the cat by unexpectedly appearing water and noise.

Manufacturing materials

Most often, the products are made from porcelain, or the familiar sanitary ware. They are priced accordingly.

However, all costs are offset by the fact that a self-cleaning toilet is also hygienically clean.

It was made using a material that is ideal for this type of device.

Porcelain is the main material for the production of toilets for cats

More a budget option- plastic. It also cleans well.

The material resembles that from which outdoor dry toilets are made.

Models can be produced in different color solutions, which will help you choose a toilet that suits your interior.

Types and manufacturers

There are three types of cat litter boxes.

They are fundamentally different from each other, although they have a common function - independent drainage of excrement, without direct human participation:

  1. A device similar to a human one, but filled with special granules. For example, Catgenie products, which can be purchased on the manufacturer’s website or official dealers. There is no need to pour the usual filler into such a toilet. It is filled with special granules, through which liquid excrement flows into the drain. Solids are collected with a special rotating scoop. The owner can install convenient time cleaning: the tank will wash itself, the granules will be cleaned and dried. This type of self-cleaning cat litter requires a connection to sewerage and electricity. You can do this yourself or call a plumber. Suitable for almost all cat breeds: from type and , and to type , and . Equipped with a sensor.

Catgenie automatic cat litter with special granule filler

  1. A device similar to a human one, without granules. No different from the ones people use, except that you need to add your preferred filler. It’s possible without it at all, but many cats refuse to go into a tank that they can’t dig into. This also includes sensory toilets that do not require filler. They work like this: the cat comes in, does its business, and leaves. The sensor reads presence. When the cat leaves the tank, smart technology counts down the set time and then drains. There are several disadvantages: the animal may be afraid of water, some cats ignore the latrine due to the lack of filler, it requires a connection to the sewer, light, and water supply (this can be done with your own hands). The most famous manufacturer is Kopfgescheit.

Pictured: Kopfgescheit automatic cat litter

  1. Tray with self-cleaning function. Operating principle: it looks like a regular tray, but somewhat more complicated. When the animal goes into it, a special device will collect and send excrement to the lower tank, and the worker will become clean again. For such toilets, it is necessary to purchase special bags for excrement. Once a week they will have to be removed, and every day you will have to clean the tray by pulling a special lever. One of famous brands, producing similar products - Hagen smart sift. The manufacturer has one more “highlight”: the car toilet is available in the form cozy house, which is suitable for absolutely all breeds, even large ones. It has a significant disadvantage: you can’t get rid of the smell until you change the waste bag.

In the photo: using the Hagen smart sift automatic cat litter box

An automatic litter box for cats is an excellent purchase that greatly simplifies keeping your pet.

But besides quite high price, it has a number of other disadvantages, which are discussed below.


Cat toilets are convenient, hygienic, and are connected to the sewer system with your own hands. But they have a number of significant disadvantages:

  • They require additional costs for light and water, with self-cleaning trays the most.
  • Cats don’t always like them because of the noise, pouring water, and the periodically rotating surface of some models.
  • Those that lack litter to dig for may be ignored by your pet;
  • When the lights are turned off or the water supply is turned off, automatic toilets lose their main advantage - they stop cleaning the tanks on their own;
  • Some models cannot neutralize unpleasant odors, although they remove animal waste products from sight.

Waste bags

It's up to you to decide whether to buy such a miracle of technology.

Many manufacturers accept the product back if for some reason it does not suit the four-legged picky dog.

For some, cleaning the cat litter box is not a problem. They picked up waste products with a special scoop, threw them away and forgot about them. Others find it difficult to tolerate this procedure.

The difficulty arises when you have to leave home. If organizing cat food is feasible, then the toilet situation is a tragedy.

How to avoid it? A cat litter box with an automatic cleaning function will help.

Operating principle

It is the same for all trays. The cat goes to the toilet, it is cleaned automatically. The only difference is in the programming. One automatic pet toilet requires pressing a button to start cleaning, the other requires installing a specific program, the field of which operates completely independently.

Let's talk about each in more detail.


This automatic cat litter box is a round tray filled with granules. The principle of its operation is as follows: the gadget is filled with granules. After the cat has done its business, a scoop with a rake leaves a special place. The scoop is pressed tightly against the wall of the tray, rotates as it moves, and the filler passes through the rake. The solid waste travels away with the scoop and floats down the drain. flow into a special tank and from it go into the sewer.

The tray is cleaned by washing the filler granules. Water and detergent enter the tank, the granules are mixed with a scoop, then washed and dried.

Pros of the tank

This automatic toilet (tray) for cats has a number of advantages:

    No smell.

    Cleaning and cleaning occur automatically, without human intervention.

    Several animals can use the toilet at once.

    Programming mode.

    The cleaning shampoo and granules are non-toxic.

Negative sides

An automatic toilet for animals is very convenient. But it has a number of disadvantages:

    The need to connect to the sewer, cold water and electricity. No light - the tank is not working.

    The sound of cleaning can frighten the animal.

    The price of the toilet is quite high: from 34,000 rubles. There will be additional costs for granules and shampoo.

Kopfgescheit - cat toilet

This is a touch-sensitive automatic toilet for cats. The operation is based on a touch sensor. If the cat is in the tray for about 10 seconds, then draining the water lasts 4 seconds - the urine is washed off. If an animal enthusiastically tries to bury something in the toilet for more than 10 seconds, then the sensor understands this in its own way. And draining the water will last 6 seconds or more.

The sensor gives the command to clean 15 seconds after the cat leaves the toilet. This is done so as not to scare the animal.


An automatic cat litter box will be very helpful when the owner is away from home for a long time. There is no need to clean up after the animal. What other advantages of using an automatic tray can you highlight?

    No smell.

    The tray is removed immediately after the pet has used it.

    Built-in motion sensor.

    Cleaning begins after the cat leaves the litter box.

    Caring for it is the same as caring for a human toilet.

    Does not require filler, cleaning shampoo or other additional materials. This indicates that there are no additional costs.


Compared to other automatic cat litters, the water consumption of the Kopfgescheit brand is an order of magnitude higher. Price category not cheap: a toilet will cost the animal owner 30,000 rubles. Requires connection to water, electricity and sewer.

This automatic cat litter box features a round litter box with a scoop for cleaning. The waste is sent to a special container resembling a plastic bucket. They are transported along a conveyor belt attached to a container and lowered into a tray.

The tray rotates, grinding the filler. Solid waste is collected and transferred to a collection tank. The liquid also goes into a special container.


A definite plus This automatic cat litter box is self-cleaning.

    Built-in motion sensor.

    The tray is always clean.


The toilet has many more advantages than advantages.

    Electrical connection required.

    The owner must clean waste containers himself, because the tray does not have the function of connecting to water and sewerage.

    Doesn't work without electricity.

    Overfilled tanks make very loud sounds strong smell.

    You will have to spend money on granules for the tray and replacement bags.

    Rotating the container may scare away the animal.

This automatic cat litter box features a tray with a container for collecting waste. A rake moves from the back wall of the tray to the front. They collect solid waste and pass filler. After this, the excrement is sent to a container located in front of the tank.


What is good about this automatic cat litter?

    The filler is used sparingly thanks to the collection rake solid waste.

    Several animals can use the tank.


First of all, these include the fact that the waste box does not clean itself. The owner of the animal will have to do this.

The second point is the smell. Obviously, if the collected waste is not removed from the tank for a long time, it begins to smell disgusting.

Third, the automatic cat litter runs only on electricity.

And fourth - cleaning begins only after pressing the button on back wall tray. Without this, work cannot be carried out.

The cost of such a toilet for a cat starts from 18,000 rubles. Plus the expense of filler.

Automatic cat litter: reviews

What do pet owners say about using sensory trays? If we sum up all the reviews to one denominator, we can see something like the following picture:

    The most convenient and profitable is Kopfgescheit. It is easy to care for and does not require any additional investments. Service life - up to 5 years.

    The smell disappeared from the apartment cat urine. You don’t have to worry about filling and washing trays. Convenient for those who have two or more pets.

    If you need to leave, it helps a lot.

    The cat will have to be retrained to use this toilet, but it will be worth it.

additional information

How to train a cat to use an automatic toilet without litter?

This will take a week of time and patience.

It all starts with a regular tray. Gradually, day after day, the filler is removed from it. At first just a little, on the second day - more, on the third - even more. For seven days. By the end of the week the tray remains empty. And the cat gradually gets used to the fact that the volume of the filler is reduced. Give her another two to three days to get used to the empty litter box. And you can replace it with an automatic cat litter box.

Let's summarize

The purpose of the article is to tell the reader about what an automatic litter box for cats is. What models are the most popular, what do the owners whose animals use it say about the automatic tray. Advantages and disadvantages of each model. Let's highlight the main aspects:

    There are two types of automatic cat litter: fully motorized and semi-motorized. In the latter, waste is collected in special tanks that must be cleaned independently.

    All sensory trays are powered by electricity, some require a water and sewer connection.

    There are trays with a programming system. And there are those that work only after pressing the button to start.

    It’s better to pay a decent amount once, but get rid of the additional costs of “maintaining” an automatic cat toilet.


Readers now know the basics about automatic cat tanks. Some may find them unreasonably expensive. However, they are worth it.

An automatic tray will save the owners time and nerves. If previously you had to clean the cat litter box every day, now this task has been removed from the owner. You can safely leave home for a few days, leaving food and water for your pet. Upon returning, the apartment will not turn into one continuous lump of unpleasant odor.

Best Automatic Self-Cleaning Cat Litter Box 2017

Every cat owner knows that scooping up cat litter can be a hassle, especially for a busy person. Cat litter can contain bacteria that can be harmful to children and impair the health of adults if left for long periods of time. A self-cleaning toilet can solve this problem. This review will highlight the best automatic cat litter box on the market and is something cat owners should pay special attention to.

With the help of these automatic litter boxes, cat owners no longer have to pick up sand and pick through their pet's waste products. The device is quick and easy to set up.

Why do you need an automatic toilet?

Self-cleaning pet litter boxes have become popular among cat owners, not just busy people. I wonder why you need this innovation? Here are some of its benefits:

Saves time: We live in a busy world today and it can be difficult to maintain a toilet cleaning routine while racing Everyday life. It's much easier to automate the entire process, freeing up time for more important actions. The cat owner will not have to clean up litter every day.

Hygiene: your home will be cleaner and safer for you and your cat. Regardless of which approach you use when choosing cat litter, it should protect you from close contact with the tank containing animal waste products. With an automatic toilet, you don't have to interact with it. An ordinary toilet quickly becomes dirty, even if the owner keeps it clean every day. In addition, clay, sand, or soil soaked in urine will unpleasant looking in any home. Automatic cat litter boxes will make your home more hygienic and remove unpleasant odors, which arise due to the presence of cat droppings in the house.

Pamper your pet: Our beloved cats don't ask for too much. They only want food, love and a clean bathroom. This is true? The automatic toilet provides a clean environment for our pets. This is important because pets are very sensitive to smell. And just like people, they like a clean toilet. The only difference is that they need a portable toilet.

How to choose a good robotic toilet for your pussy?

Choosing the best litter box for your cat is critical for one reason: if your cat doesn't like it, she won't use it! This is why it is very important to choose one that she will like.

Before choosing, here is a list of some factors that you should consider:

Size: for cats have various shapes and dimensions in order to fit comfortably in the location chosen for installation and minimize the presence of the cat. However, cat owners should be aware that larger size toilet, the better, regardless of the number of animals.
Hood: Litter hoods provide cats with some privacy and also help keep the smell of urine or waste away from the cat. hygienic place, where she could do her business.
Filler: exist on the market different kinds cat litter with various materials and textures. In addition, the litter must properly absorb odor and waste, be safe for both humans and cats, and reduce particles and dust to a minimum. Natural or biodegradable cat litters rank first in this category.
Quantity: a large number of cats in the house is the basis for placing one or more automatic cat litter boxes. This is due to the fact that the cat needs hygiene. Cats are also territorial animals and may have problems sharing their litter box with another cat. This should also be taken into account.

Location: Choosing where to install the cat litter box is also important. It should be installed in a quiet and secluded area that is far from water or food, or where animals and people sleep. Many models require connecting the cleaning system to the sewer system.

Review of 5 automatic litter boxes for cats

1. Pet Safe Scoop Free Self - self-cleaning automatic toilet.

This toilet cleans itself automatically within weeks and does not require cleaning, flushing or refilling. It has a lid trap to block particulates and odor, and it can help the user avoid sight or contact with waste.

The toilet has a disposable and sealed tray as well as a lid, which can ensure easy, quick and hygienic cleaning.

What we liked

Easy to assemble
- Easy to clean
- It prevents odors
- Works for kittens and mature adult cats.
- Ideal for multiple indoor cats. What we didn't like

It's a little long, making it difficult to pull out the trash bag.

2. Cat Genie Self - Self Flushing Cat Box

This is an advanced litter box for cats because it uses water as a major part of the cleaning process. Plus, this amazing pet litter box is washable and cleanable.

Catgenie uses reusable plastic pellets instead of regular thickened cat litter, which can help cat owners save money. It also has a biodegradable disinfectant that is released during its automatic cleaning process. It washes away dirty beads and disinfects the device after each use. This can be purchased from the online store website.

What we liked

Relatively easy to set up.
- This is a fully automatic solution.
- Ecologically pure.
- Can be used by multiple cats.
- After use it dries the tray. What we didn't like

Rotors make noise.

3 ScoopFree Ultra - automatic waste toilet.

The toilet uses disposable blue crystal trays designed to absorb moisture. This can reduce the smell after the cat is done with her business. The toilet has modern design and is a hands-free manual toilet.

This unit may be ideal for cat owners who want a litter box that will reduce odor to a minimum. It uses blue crystal filler with absorbent capsules to perform the task efficiently. Carbon filters help reduce any unpleasant odors.

What we liked

Ease of use

Carbon filters and crystal trays reduce odors.

The device has a rugged design.

It has a powerful engine. It's comfortable.

What we didn't like.

It needs some human intervention to function.

4. Automatic toilet Omega-paw.

Large cat litter box. Cleans stool and urine without requiring a scoop. The Omega toilet has a system that breaks down the discarded waste and directs it to the disposal tray. A toilet of this size is suitable for big cats or domestic cats. A special sensor detects the need for cleaning. With this device you won't need expensive filters or electricity. The device is manually self-cleaning and waste is absorbed into a retractable tray for easy disposal.

What we liked:

Removes the need to perform this task.

Cleans your toilet in a short time.

Ideal for busy people.

Reduces toilet use.

It's relatively easy to use.

What we didn't like.

Weak latches.

5 PetSafe Simply Clean Self-cleaning pet toilet.

This device is user friendly but may take some time to set up. However, it is quite easy to clean and maintain overall. It has an intermediate compartment that is translucent and will help you know when it needs to be cleaned.

The device uses a special low-voltage system that cleans and ensures proper toilet care without creating excessive engine noise. This feature can make it ideal for cats that are anxious, shy or timid. Additionally, the machine operates with fewer absorbents than a standard toilet, which can save users a ton of money. Its litter tray can be ideal for small or medium-sized cats.

The engine runs so slowly that it makes one full revolution in one hour. It cannot scare away your cat, no matter how young, small or afraid she is.

What do we needliked:

- Uses AC/DC adapter.

Really easy to use.

Saves filler.

Does not cause annoying sound.

Does not require additional scoops, liners or filters.

What we didn't like:

The conveyor drive is not easy to remove.

Review of automatic cat litter boxes March 23rd, 2014

But I’ll tell you - 100 years ago the usual white toilet was a curiosity and shocked some, and even now many are not familiar with the achievements of the sanitaryware industry. Once upon a time, even the Queen of Great Britain went to the hole, and the courtier who was in charge of the royal toilet cleaned up after her. It was called the “groom of the stool.”

If you have a cat and a male cat living with you, then you can safely call yourself a “cat seat cleaner.” Cats, unlike dogs, do not go outside on a leash to perform their daily natural needs. Cats have their own toilet at home - a tray or master toilet. But times are changing, comfort is expanding, and a toilet has also been invented for cats.

Tray with rake

The conventional tray with a mechanical rake was the first to enter the automatic toilet market. A simple principle of operation - some time after the appearance of poop in the tray, the rake automatically passes through the layer of filler and pushes the waste into the container. As the container is filled, waste lumps must be thrown out.

The simple and clear principle of operation and the shape of the toilet (tray) attract the user. There are a large number of users and the disadvantages of this method are known. The rake does not always manage to push the lumps into the container; the cat may poop profusely and the rake will stand up. It is not entirely clear how foolproofing works; the cat will definitely begin to explore the cleaning process and may be harmed by moving parts.

A big plus is the low price and not big size.

Rotating tray

This is a closed version of the tray with an automatic cleaning mechanism. A simple principle of operation - after the well-known cat actions, the tray begins to rotate and the waste, rotating in the filler, turns into lumps; at the end of the process, the filler is sorted into the chamber, and the waste falls into the trash bin. Afterwards, the tray returns to its place, and the filler pours out of the chamber into its place.

A wonderful invention that looks like an object Star Wars has found its niche among cat litter. An obvious plus is automatic operation and perfect protection from a bad cat. The toilet has a sensor that reacts to the presence of a cat and any actions are suspended upon contact with the animal.

There are also disadvantages - large size and cost.

One manufacturer - Automated Pet Care Products Inc
You can buy it in the USA / in Europe / in Russia

cat toilet

This is a hybrid of a conventional toilet and a tray with filler. Well, a piece of the tray with a rake is here.

A toilet filled with filler is waiting for its pet. After all the cat's business, the litter is washed and passed through a rake, waste is removed, and the litter is washed special means. The waste is washed down the drain, the filler is dried and everything returns to its original state.

This is quite a trick structure with a brilliant idea, and contains a requirement for the owner to clearly and accurately understand the operating principle and nuances of the device. And there are enough of them, for example, a cat must be combed of hair, as it can clog the cleaning system. You must understand that the device contains many mechanisms (cleaning agent supply system, rake blade, heating and drying system), and they (the mechanisms) must be serviced in a timely manner for normal operation.

A wonderful device if you clearly understand how it works. A big plus is that all waste is dumped into the sewer.

One manufacturer - PetNovations LTD
You can buy in the USA / in Europe / in Russia

Conclusions: all three models are good in their own way, a tray with a rake for its familiarity and price, a tray with a rotating body for its well-thought-out reliable waste separation system, a toilet with a filler for its ingenious idea. Everyone should choose based on the habits of their pet, their own understanding of technical issues and price. But the price is not the most important argument when choosing; by buying such a toilet, you are investing in your comfort; this is a long-term investment for 10-15 years. And here it is important not to miss, just like when sitting on the toilet.
