How to clean pearl beads. How to clean natural or artificial pearls at home? – simple methods and special means; product care (bleaching and storage)

Almost all gems are created by nature in the depths of the earth. They are crystals completely transparent or colored in some color. Their appearance depends on the jeweler who processes them. Pearls are of organic origin. It is created by a mollusk, trying to protect its delicate body from the irritation of a grain of sand that has fallen into the shell. Layer by layer, it releases the enzymes aragonite and conchiolin. Mixing and layering on each other, the enzymes create an extraordinary pearlescent depth.

Pearls are organic

The uniqueness of pearls is the need to regularly touch the skin. It must be dressed and worn in order to be preserved.

By nature of origin, pearls are:

  • natural, marine;
  • artificial, a grain of sand is placed on the mollusk;
  • freshwater - artificially grown in fresh water.

Pearls can withstand impact and great pressure. They have a scratch-sensitive surface. If we compare them with dust, then its particles are one and a half times harder. pearl by physical characteristics similar to a human nail. This must be taken into account in order to properly care for jewelry.

The creation of shellfish contains only 2% water. It becomes cloudy from sunlight and dampness, cracks with a lack of moisture. Its surface is corroded by acids and alcohol-containing compounds. Avoid contact with jewelry:

  • vinegar;
  • alcohol;
  • toilet water;
  • tonic;
  • cream;
  • powders;
  • drinks, especially carbonated ones;
  • juices;
  • fat;
  • hot air and steam;
  • sun rays.

Pearls are a part of wildlife and require careful handling.

When handling pearls, it must be remembered that they are a piece of wildlife.

With proper care, you will not have to seek help from a jeweler. For those who want to know how to clean pearls at home, the main cleaning products and materials for them are listed in the table.

Jewelry paste has been used by professionals for a long time. It is softer than dust and does not scratch the surface of pearls, it cleans and polishes it. It is difficult to buy it, sellers offer GOI polishing paste, designed for glass and metal. It will not work with delicate pearls, it will scratch their surface.

After removing the jewelry, apply a little jewelry paste on cotton pad and rub the pearls until completely clean. When it starts to shine, you can put it in storage.

Use jewelry paste in pearl care

Traditionally, pearls are restored by aging in sea ​​water. This is his native element in which he was formed. If you clean your pearls yourself at home, use salt. To do this, you need to have a bag made of linen or thin suede. Turn the seams out. Put decoration in the bag, pour salt. Fill a bowl with clean, warm water. Dip the bag and rinse it. The salt will dissolve, dissolve completely, and the dirt will go away with it. Wipe the pearls with a paper towel and lay on a soft cloth to dry.

Should be potato, natural. You can not replace it with baby powder, on the contrary, treat baby skin with starch.

Cleaning an organic decoration with starch is easy in two equally effective ways.

  1. Apply starch to a cotton pad and wipe the jewelry until it shines clean.
  2. Put the necklace on a velvet napkin. Sprinkle starch. Wrap the napkin and clean it with light movements, as if you are doing a massage. Then remove the residue from the surface with cotton pads.

Use natural potato starch to clean pearls

Starch has a moisture content similar to pearls. It simultaneously cleans and polishes the surface of organic jewelry.

In case of severe pollution and the possibility of splashing on the pearls cosmetics It is better to use potato juice. He will restore the jewelry after a long stay in the sun and in a room with dry air.

Wash the potatoes, chop them with a blender or on a fine grater and squeeze the juice through a linen or cotton fabric. Ego will weed out all the abrasive particles that can get into the cake.

A cotton pad is soaked in juice and wiped over the surface of the pearls. The liquid is high in starch. Potato juice does not contain acids, only alkalis and amino acids. Clean jewelry is dried before being sent to storage.

Olive oil is the only one of all fats that does not harm pearls upon contact. It is enough to moisten the disk in oil and remove all dirt from the pearls. Then remove the remaining oil with a paper towel and dry the jewelry.

Cleaning with soapy water is suitable for combined jewelry from gold and pearls. Standard methods polishing precious metals rough for the delicate surface of organic matter.

Pour shampoo into a bowl of warm water liquid soap spoonful to a glass of liquid. The jewelry should be placed in a piece of tulle, and gather its edges so that the jewelry does not fall out. You can use old tights. Rinse pearls in soapy water. Rinse with clean running water without removing from the fabric. Then blot the moisture with a napkin and dry.

To save a pearl, it must be worn. When in contact with the skin, it receives the moisture it needs. To prevent cream and perfume from getting on the surface of the jewelry, it is necessary to observe simple rules:

  • dress last;
  • shoot first;
  • keep the lock.

First you need to finish the makeup, sprinkle yourself with aromas. After that, wash your hands, removing the remnants of cosmetics from them, remove the pearls from the box, carefully take it by the lock and put it on. Returning home, be the first to remove pearl jewelry.

Pearls must be worn correctly

Pearls fully meet the requirements of fashion: jewelry in the evening, bijouterie during the day. He does not like sunlight and with prolonged exposure becomes cloudy and covered with cracks. It must be worn on the body, in last resort, it can lie on the silk fabric of the dress.

Rough fabrics and wool scratch the delicate surface, and it loses its luster.

You can not store pearls with others. For him there should be a separate box, upholstered inside with velvet or suede. The lock should lie aside and not scratch the beads.

On beads and necklaces, the thread should be changed regularly, depending on the frequency of wearing and cleaning, approximately every 1 to 3 years. Smooth and durable silk works best. Ideally, when knots are tied between the beads on the thread. They protect the pearls from shifting and rubbing against each other. Dry the necklace only by laying it out on a soft cloth so that the thread does not stretch.

In the room where there is a box with pearls, it is necessary to monitor the humidity of the air. It is advisable to put a humidifier or, in extreme cases, a glass of water next to it.

Pearls are the first stone used as jewelry since ancient times. Since then, little has changed: mother-of-pearl beads are loved and appreciated by women of all ages for their beauty and lively brilliance. But this capricious stone, like a person, gets sick, grows old and even dies. That's why proper care behind him is very important.

How to help pearls keep their beauty and health

born in water element in a clam shell, pearls are 10% water. No wonder it is considered alive in some cultures. Like any creature, it is sensitive to the external environment and requires a careful attitude towards itself.

Types and features of pearls - video

Enemies of stone

Ignorance of the characteristics of pearls can lead to a change in its color, loss of luster, cloudiness, and sometimes death.

  1. Vinegar and other acids. There is a legend that Cleopatra, at a feast with Mark Antony, dissolved a pearl in vinegar and drank the drink. History is silent about how this affected the health of the queen. But the fact that acid dissolves pearls is a fact. He is even afraid of her fumes. Remove decorations before cooking or canning with vinegar.
  2. Any aggressive household chemicals detrimental to pearls. Avoid contact with strong alkali, ammonia, peroxide, solvents, chlorine.
  3. The soft surface of pearls is easy to scratch, so contact with sharp objects should be avoided at all costs. Not recommended to wear Pearl necklace over coarse woolen clothing. Do not use even soft abrasives for cleaning - soda, fine salt.
  4. Pearls need moisture, but in moderate amounts. From its excess, the pearls swell and fade, and mold may even appear. Be sure to remove jewelry before taking a shower, bath, especially before going to the bath. Water combined with high temperatures is detrimental to pearls, while dry air makes them brittle and brownish.
  5. Cosmetics - creams, lipsticks, perfumes, hair sprays - harm pearls. Wear jewelry last after applying makeup, hairspray and perfume or eau de toilette.
  6. Delicate stones do not like to sunbathe, preferring sunbeams cool shade.

Now it is impossible to buy pearls found by divers in the depths of the sea: its extraction has long been prohibited. The one sold in jewelry stores, grown on pearl farms. But this does not make the stone artificial, because a person only slightly helps by placing a grain of sand or a piece of mother-of-pearl in the shell.

How to pamper pearls

Take jewelry in your hands more often, sort out pearls, put them on and walk. Pearls love contact with a person, soaking up his energy and skin moisture. From this they come to life, begin to shine.

Pearls need human contact

Pearl reveals all its beauty precisely when it comes into contact with young skin, because with age it loses moisture, which is so necessary for the stone. No wonder in the old days in Russia unmarried girls it was allowed to wear only pearl jewelry, as a symbol of purity and purity.

Young skin nourishes the pearls with the necessary moisture.

For very dry skin, choose jewelry with a frame.

How to store pearls

Born from Foam: Purifying Pearls

Like any piece of jewelry, pearls need regular cleaning. Make it a habit to wipe your jewelry off with a dry or damp lint-free cloth.

Soap bath for a sissy

If the pearls are tarnished, yellowed and there is a coating on them, wash them clean water. For heavy pollution need mild soap with a low alkali content, suitable for children. This method is safe for any kind of pearls: sea, river, artificial.

Products with a gold, silver frame require cleaning and metal. Gold and rhodium silver does not darken, does not oxidize in air. It is enough to wash them with soapy water. Unrhoded has no protective coating, darkens and oxidizes on contact with the skin and requires thorough cleaning.

Gold jewelry with pearls is enough to wash in soapy water

It is important to clean the jewelry so as not to damage the pearls.

How to clean pearls with salt

If a soapy bubble bath doesn't help, use salt.

  1. Put the decoration in white napkin and sprinkle with fine salt. You can not rub, but this is not required.
  2. Tie the napkin into a tight knot.
  3. Dip it in a bowl of cool water and rinse until the salt dissolves.
  4. Rinse the product with clean water and dry.

From such a procedure, silver will be cleansed and sparkle, and a wet shimmer will return to pearls, because they were born in salt water. Pamper sometimes sea ​​pearl salt baths, he will be grateful to you.

Silver jewelry with pearls is cleaned with salt

Purification of pearls with starch

Use potato starch to remove excess moisture, sebum and impurities from pearls. Just sprinkle stones with this substance, and then wipe them with a velvet cloth.

Starch is used to cleanse pearls of excess moisture and impurities.

If the result home cleaning you are not satisfied, it is better to take the jewelry to the jeweler. It will carefully clean the products, taking into account the characteristics of metal and pearls. Don't even experiment on your own. by professional means for cleaning jewelry: the result can be disastrous.

What Not to Use to Clean Pearls

Everything that pearls are afraid of cannot be used to cleanse it:

  • acids;
  • household chemicals;
  • solvents;
  • peroxide, ammonia, oils;
  • any abrasives;
  • ultrasonic bath.

Some sources advise using the acid's ability to dissolve mother-of-pearl to restore luster to pearls. This method can destroy the decoration irrevocably. The recommendations to clean pearls with olive oil are also doubtful. After all, fats are one of the elements that harm mother-of-pearl.

The cleaning rules are the same for sea and river stone. But the artificial requires special careful attitude. After all, the mother-of-pearl layer applied to a glass or plastic bead is much thinner than that of natural pearls. This means it is easier to damage.

Love your pearls, treat with care, like a capricious but helpless child. And he will answer you with a gentle radiance and will delight you for many years.

In fact, knowing the simple rules for caring for pearls, you can maximize the life of your favorite jewelry:

Pearl cleaning

No matter how carefully you protect your pearls from contamination, sooner or later you have to give them for cleaning or try to clean them yourself. professional cleaning jewelry and precious stones it is not cheap, but you can put pearls in order at home, spending a little time on it. First of all, to clean pearls at home, you need a mild detergent, a bowl, a fine strainer, pieces of soft cloth and a soft towel (preferably made of cotton, it absorbs moisture well).

To make a pearl cleaning solution, you will need plain water from the tap, it should not be too hot or cold, room temperature- that's what you need. Incorrectly selected temperature can damage the outer coating of pearls, which determines its brilliance and radiance. Add a few drops of detergent to the water and mix well.

Then dip a soft cloth into the solution and wring it out lightly. Gently wipe each pearl bead individually with a damp cloth. Never fully submerge pearl jewelry in a cleaning solution. In almost all high-quality and expensive pearl necklaces, beads are strung on a silk thread; when dried, the silk stretches, and then ugly gaps appear between the beads. Of course, the thread can be replaced, but the pearl necklace is not as easy to pull as it seems. Liquid soap can be used as a cleaning agent for the solution, most of these products have a very mild and gentle formula.

Rubbing the beads soft cloth, do not rub the pearl too hard, so as not to damage its surface. After you have treated each bead with the cleaning solution, wipe them with a piece of cloth dipped in clean water, and then, spreading the decoration on soft towel leave it to dry completely. Do not dry your pearls with a towel or cloth, let the jewelry air dry. Pearls are born in an aquatic environment, so mother-of-pearl beads can survive a short period of light dampness.

"Golden rules" for the care of products with pearls

  • If you decide to clean your pearls ready tool To clean your jewelry, choose products specifically designed for cleaning pearls.
  • Never use ultrasound to clean pearls.
  • The same applies to couples.

  • Do not use dishwashing detergents, bleach, powdered cleaners, baking soda, or products containing ammonia to clean your pearls.
  • Do not clean pearls with a toothbrush, kitchen sponge or abrasive materials that can damage the surface of the pearl.
  • Do not wear a pearl necklace until the thread dries. Wet silk thread stretches a lot and quickly gets dirty.
  • Never hang your pearls to dry.

Hello! Let's talk about pearls again. This time about how to properly clean it from dirt and negative energy. natural jewelry with pearls will serve for decades, will “survive” more than one generation, if they are worn correctly and cared for carefully. Did you know that natural pearls do not tolerate any "chemistry"? Perfumes, creams, body lotions - all this affects the color and condition of the beads. Find out how to clean pearls at home, what products to use so as not to damage the surface.

Rules for the care of rings and earrings

For the care of pearls decorations fit only warm soapy water and a brush with natural soft bristles. A good option- a baby brush for newborns or an applicator for shadows (clean). Do not use any other means, including those recommended on the Internet on the request "how to whiten". This is especially true for chemically aggressive substances and abrasive powders.

Despite the apparent strength, natural pearls are capricious and need delicate care.

So, how to clean jewelry correctly?
Prepare everything you need:

  • convenient water container;
  • warm solution with laundry soap fragrance-free;
  • soft brush;
  • natural dry cloth for grinding.

Start by preparing the solution. One tablespoon of grated soap is enough for half a liter of water. Dip the jewelry into the solution for no more than 5-10 minutes, delicately brush it. Remove and dry gently with a prepared cloth. Silver earrings with pearls or a ring, usually, after such a procedure, they are completely cleaned. Run-down pearls with traces of old dirt may need to be cleaned twice.

Pearl necklace - proper cleaning

At the heart of the classic string of pearls is nylon or silk. Natural threads wear out faster than mother-of-pearl beads, lose elasticity and accumulate dirt. That is why they need to be cleaned, even if visually the beads themselves do not seem dirty.

The problem is that the soapy solution, mentioned above as a tool without which no pearl cleaning goes, for silk or nylon thread won't fit. You need to take care of the strings of pearls with double diligence, dividing the process into several stages:

  • cleaning beads;
  • thread cleaning.

It is enough to wipe the first ones with a cloth moistened with a solution of soap, followed by processing with a clean rag. The thread can be cleaned safely and conveniently in potato flour. The product is left in a container with flour for a day, after which the excess is removed, rubbed with a clean cloth.

Regular care of pearls: what rules to follow

Knowing how to properly wear gold with pearls or any other type of metal will make cleaning easier and prolong the life of your jewelry. Well-groomed products not only look different, they are pleasant to wear, they literally radiate positive energy.

Pearlescent layer natural spheres does not tolerate contact with chemicals in any form. Try to exclude hair sprays, skin cosmetics, etc. from life on the day of contact of products with the body. If it's hard to go without make-up, put it on before putting on jewelry.

Before putting away the products for storage, they must first be refreshed with a damp and then with a dry cloth, removing traces of sweat, dust, and cosmetics.

It is very important to make it a rule never to wear silver with pearls, platinum or gold in:

  • sauna;
  • solarium;
  • swimming pool;
  • to the beach;
  • in gym.

Firstly, it is harmful for beads to contact with the sun, salt water, chlorinated water, UV rays and sweat. Secondly, in all the places listed, this kind of decoration will simply be out of place.

With regard to storage rules, it must be understood that natural pearls need a special box, preferably made of wood with a layer of silk or velvet. You can not store jewelry in plastic boxes, bags, together with other products and on weight.

Despite all the "no" pearls just love to contact with the owner. Wearing them, following simple rules, is a proven way to preserve natural beauty, save from yellowness and prolong "life".

Energy cleansing - what is it and when is it needed

Any jewelry needs regular energy cleaning. This is especially true for products with natural stones that absorb the energy of the owner. You need to clean them both after another person, and immediately after purchase. special attention will require jewelry inherited. It is believed that along with inherited pearls, one can adopt the fate of its owner. If this is not in your plans, it is better to take the time to clean up.

Proven and safe method to clean the negative of genuine pearl products - whole grains of rice. They will not damage the color, will not violate the structure of the coating. Just place the decoration in a container of rice for a day. This time will be enough for the negative accumulated by the pearls to remain in the rice. You can use grains several times for re-cleaning, but in no case for food.

Please note that you cannot clean natural pearls salt, like many natural stones. But melt water is suitable. Rinse the beads with melt water, read prayers, this is enough to eliminate the negative.

An interesting way is to get rid of negative energy with the help of the moon. Decoration is placed on the window in such a way that Moonlight got on pearls, leave for the night. It's believed that heavenly body removes negative accumulations, clearing jewelry.

A non-standard option is cleaning from someone else's energy with the help of sound. Mantras are sung over pearl jewelry or a bell is rung, church bells are allowed to ring in the recording.

In the end, if there are real doubts about the "purity" of the product, it can be consecrated in the Temple. Then there will definitely not be any foreign energy and negativity in it.
You learned how to properly care for pearl products, found out where they should not be put on. Became real experts in cleaning from alien and negative energy. Share your knowledge on social networks with your friends!

Team Love Stones.

Pearl jewelry is extremely popular among female half population. Pearls are unique and perfect in their beauty. Just imagine that these perfectly round pebbles are the creation of the deep sea, because this is truly a miracle of nature. Of course, now pearls are not only natural, but also cultured, but they do not lose their beauty, but only gain fans. Pearl jewelry is worn by ladies from high society, ladies who know their own worth. You can look at the stars of the screen and see for yourself: Princess Diana, Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Cameron Diaz and Milla Jovovich prefer pearl necklaces and earrings. They say that even Cleopatra herself loved to wear pearls!

To preserve the beauty and brilliance of pearls, you must handle them very carefully: any careless attempt to wash a pearl necklace with detergent will result in you having to say goodbye to it. Probably, every girl who has pearl items in her jewelry box has a question about how to clean pearls at home, because no one wants to spoil the product.

What not to do when cleaning pearls at home
Pearls tend to become cloudy and lose natural shine due to the fact that it contains only two percent water. One side - heat leads to "dehydration", overdrying of pearls, cracking and delamination of its coating. On the other hand, with high humidity, the pearls fade, fade and eventually become completely unattractive. Yes, pearls are very finicky, but still there are a few simple and affordable rules for cleaning pearls that all owners of pearl jewelry can follow.

To begin with, it should be noted what cannot be done with pearls. So, in no case should pearls be cleaned with a brush or washcloth. Any hard matter will simply scratch the coating, and you obviously do not want this. Do not use whitening pearls in cleaning detergents, solutions with ammonia, soda, strong vinegar. Allow hits toilet water and perfume on pearl jewelry is also not allowed, otherwise over time you can get a red necklace instead of a nice milky one, because essential oils tend to leave greasy marks on mother-of-pearl. Accept water procedures in pearl jewelry is also not recommended.

How to properly clean pearls at home?
All you need to remember when you are going to clean your pearls at home is the rules of care and accuracy. Pearl impurities are removed from with the help of a lung soap solution and a cotton pad. Soap solution can be made using baby soap, soft baby shampoo for hair and warm water. Pearl beads and necklaces should be wiped with a cotton pad soaked in soapy water. Earrings, brooches and rings can be dipped into the solution for a few minutes, then removed and wiped with a dry cotton swab.

You can make pearls shine again with olive oil high degree of purification. To do this, apply a few drops of olive oil to a cotton pad and wipe the pearl jewelry. Residual oil can be removed with paper napkin, remember that hard materials cannot be used! In addition, it is not recommended to use other types of oils for cleaning pearls - you will not return the shine to pearls, but greasy traces will remain.

Another known way clean pearls at home: if you need to clean jewelry from dirt and water, use potato starch - this is a proven tool. To do this, pour a little powder on the velvet fabric and wipe the pearl product.

Tarnished pearls with traces of fat can really be brought back to life in the following way: in a soft linen fabric wrap the pearl product, after pouring a teaspoon into it table salt fine grind. Rinse in water until the salt dissolves, then dry. Note - the product does not need to be rubbed with salt, otherwise it can be damaged! It is not recommended to use this method to clean beads and bracelets strung on a thread: it can become thinner from water and break.

How to keep pearl products in their original form?
It's simple! After each time you wear your pearls, wipe them with a damp, soft cloth to remove any traces of sebum. It tends to gradually soften the mother-of-pearl coating of pearls - over time, the pearls will crack and shine. If you have pearl beads, it is recommended to separate individual pearls with knots on a thread. So they will not come into contact with each other and scratch the coating. Often change the thread on which the pearls are strung. It is recommended to do this with a frequency of one to three years. Store pearl jewelry separately from the rest, it is better if they are wrapped in a soft linen or velvet cloth. With these simple rules you will keep the beauty and brilliance of your pearl jewelry for years to come!
