I love you in short prose. Confessions to a beloved man in prose - in your own words

, beloved in prose

Declaration of love to a loved one in prose

My unshaven sun! My sullen breeze! My prickly cloud! All the words of all the languages ​​of the world are unable to contain the depth of my feelings for you. When you're with me, it takes my breath away. When I'm with you, I breathe often, often. When we are close, I want to bury my nose in your strong shoulder and ignore the whole world.
But this is not fair: after all, it was this world that gave me you, your Strong arms, your smart eyes, your tender words… I can no longer imagine how I would live without you! I am grateful to fate for giving me the opportunity to love, and I am happy that this opportunity is to love you, my unshaven sun!

Do you know what happiness is? Happiness is love and complete reunion with the beloved. I dream about you every night, and I can no longer keep my feelings for you inside! I love you! I love you as you can love only once in a lifetime, so selflessly and deeply, with with a pure heart and soul! Believe that I will always support you in all your affairs, successes and failures. I will always be there no matter what happens and no matter what! I can give you joy and great love, without which life loses its meaning! Should we try? I love you, you understand? I love you so much that you occupy all my thoughts. You are in my dreams and they are all dedicated to you! My dear, I will never betray you and will always help in everything! I love you very much!

My sun is clear, my joy is boundless, the ocean is seething! I'm cold, painful and sad without you. You fill my life with meaning, paint the world in all colors, launch a rainbow into the sky, disperse the clouds above my head. Thank you dear for everything! I love you. Very! Your unruly hair, radiant eyes, lips greedy for kisses, courageous hands.
My heart beats in unison with yours - do you hear? And this trembling cannot be drowned out by anything - neither adversity, nor difficulties, nor problems. I will overcome everything when you are near! I will endure everything! And then our big love like a ball will lift us to heaven, and the rest of the world with its mortal deeds will lie at our feet. He will cease to exist for us! Just me and you, my love! Forever. Forever.

Since I met you, it always seems to me that this was already in my life, only many millions of years ago. You won my heart with your seriousness, restraint and real masculinity. You made me the most devoted member of your “sect”, you never cease to amaze me with your views on life, somehow everything harmoniously combined in you: tenderness, strength, audacity, and timidity. What are we on this island of the Universe called Earth?! We are just like Adam and Eve, the discoverers of the most real, sincere, human feelings called love! I am made of your rib, I am your soul mate, and therefore I am so happy to see you, feel you, live by you and your interests, I accept everything that you think up, and what else you think up - it's nice to feel like one with you whole! Therefore, I can tell you with full confidence that I love you, I love you to the very depths of my soul, I love you with all the fibers of my being, and may this love make us happy!

The world has infinity human lives, the chaos of threads woven by Fate. And in this tangle it is so difficult to find the intersection of lines, it is difficult to unravel resentment and misunderstanding, indifference and random knots of relationships. But one day, light appears in this chaos. And then comes the revelation:
The world does not live without your smile, without your eyes. The world does not want to rejoice when you are not around. The world stops when it hears your steps and voice. The world shines when you show up on the doorstep...
My world is you. The thundering heart is also you. Happiness, hopes, dreams, inspiration... The desire to live, fly, sing and dance. And listen to the pulse: you, you, you, you ...
It is so difficult to convey all the colors that fill the soul. But you see, I love you. I pronounce this word aloud to express with one breath all my feelings, all my desires: I love ...

Once upon a time, a very proud beauty lived in the Caucasus. Once she said to a young man in love with her: “Climb high into the mountains. There, on the steepest rock, grows beautiful flower- symbol eternal love. Bring this flower to me, and then I will give you my love." So says an old Caucasian legend.
But I don't need to climb mountains. Because the flower of love has long blossomed in my heart. His timid sprout hatched the day I first saw you. And he began to grow day by day. Each meeting made him more and more beautiful, and each separation made him stronger and stronger. I love you my dear man! And I want your eyes to be the sun for our love, and your hands to be true support. I'm happy that you're by my side!

Ever since we met, I've been really happy. Every moment spent next to you is a fairy tale for me, which I dreamed about from a young age. You are my hero, with whom I am always calm and comfortable, fun and good. When we are together, I am ready to make mountains, shout to the whole world about what happiness fate has given me. Yes, I am the best happy woman on earth, because I have you. I love you! I breathe you, I am ready to follow you to the ends of the earth, because I will be happy only when you are near. Look into my eyes and you will see there the whole world in which there will be only you and me. Look into my heart and there you will see a place where you will be warm and comfortable. Look into my soul - it is open to you. Beloved, we are destined to be together and I will do everything to ensure that you are the most happy man on the ground.

When a girl is asked a question about the ideal of her man, you can often hear the answer: to be kind, honest, and so on. I always assumed that it was really possible to be guided by such criteria in life, until then ... Until then, until I fell in love with you. Now it seems to me that all this does not matter, because a loved one completely absorbs love and care. He is both protection and support in life, and a strict father, and an attentive friend, and just your whole integral world. I feel very good and comfortable next to you, I believe that together we can overcome a lot. I like to close my eyes and imagine that you are near, and when you are near, I just don’t think about anything. Being yourself, loving, giving you happiness - this is what my life found when you appeared in it!

It is a pity that in our language there are so few words to express all my love for you. I'll tell you just one thing. Not on earth, not on another planet, not in another galaxy, there is no creature that would love you more than me. I really need you, you have become a part of me. You managed to divide my life into two parts, and now the second part has come beyond the line of our meeting, the part in which I am absolutely happy.

It becomes so easy and calm in my soul when I gently and affectionately hug you, when I feel your breath, heartbeat, feel your warmth and your smell. There are no moments more exciting and happier. When I kiss you, my heart stops, I stop breathing, my body trembles, and the words throb in my head: you are mine, you are only mine, how I love you.

I never suspected before that it is possible to love as much as I love you, my dear. I have never experienced so much passion, so much tenderness for a person. I never felt the need for anyone's presence. But now everything has changed. Because I have you, my beloved, my strong, my courageous, my smart, my best in the world!

I did not think that the whole world could be contained in only one person. But, it’s with you that everything is more interesting to me, it’s better for me to live next to you a million times better. I love falling asleep and waking up next to you, feeling your hugs, feeling your gentle loving glance. I love walking the streets with you so much, and it doesn’t matter if it snows, it rains or the sun bakes, I am always happy next to you. Because I love.

Nature has created a couple for each of us, the second half, your soul mate. How happy I am that I found you, my most beloved, closest and dearest person. Now it’s not enough for me to just live the days, just look at the world, just dream. All this I want to do with you, I want to share with you every joy and every little discovery of mine. Because I love it very much.

There is nothing worse in the world than being apart from you, my dear. Without you, nothing makes me happy, I can’t find a place for myself, and some kind of longing is gathering inside. But, even then, your image does not allow me to be very sad, because as soon as I remember you, a smile immediately appears on my face. I love you very much, come back soon and hug me, my sweet boy.

My dear, my most beloved man in the world, I drown in your eyes without looking back, I always want to fall asleep and wake up in your strong and courageous embrace. After all, there is nothing sweeter, more alluring than your strong, hot hands that draw me to you tightly, tightly. I want to understand you without words, to know all your thoughts, all your dreams, I want to make you happy.

You are not just the best man on earth, you are completely special person who gave me his unearthly love. You taught me to be strong and courageous, to believe in myself and not be upset over trifles. You taught me to forgive and understand. And today I want to tell you that I am ready to reap you for all eternity, ready to be patient and caring for you, I want to be the most tender for you. Love you.

You are mine, and I am yours, we are together, like a single organism pulsing with love. And I don't need anything more from life. When you are next to me, I feel like in paradise. Everything is completely different next to you, the world, people, sensations. I love you very much, know that you are my only, my best. I will always be by your side, no matter what happens, I will always support you in everything.

I love you so, my baby, as no one has ever loved. You have become the main meaning of my life. It’s so easy, pleasant, comfortable and good for me next to you that everything else, the whole world, fades into the background. Become not important issues, troubles and problems. You are my gentle and brave guardian angel, who, like a wing, closes me from the hardships of this world. Thank you for everything.

I love you very much, and I can’t imagine what could be more important than this?!? I have no one dearer than you, closer and dearer. You have become the most important person for me, covering the whole world with your wide, courageous back. I love you more and more every day, is this possible? Every day you become more and more dear to me, and I am very afraid of losing you.

Nobody understands me when I say that you are a special person for me. But it's true, you're completely different from everyone else. All your words, deeds, and even appearance sharply distinguishes you from the gray mass of men. You are the only one and you are mine. And that makes me the happiest. I love you very, very much, my dear, my gentle, my glorious. I love you all, without exception and without a trace.

I love you so endlessly attractive eyes, they contain for me the whole cosmos, all the galaxies and all the planets. They contain my whole world and myself. I love your smile so much, it illuminates me like the light of the morning sun. In any bad weather, in any mood, your smile can make me the happiest. I love you, my dear, my dearest and best man!

I really want you to read these words and believe in their sincerity. These words are not empty, there is no idleness in them, all my feelings, all my experiences, and maybe even fate are invested in them. I love you and I want to shout to the whole world from this great joy. Not everyone gets to experience such feelings, but I was lucky. All I dream about now is reciprocity. Now everything is only in your hands.

I love love love you. And I don't know what to do with this raging element inside me, how to curb it, how to keep it? I adore you, and it seems to me that I will never be able to live without you now. After all, I have grown to you with all my soul, I have united with you into a single whole. You filled all my thoughts, all my dreams and all my plans for the future. I love you very much, I am happy next to you.

I wake up and fall asleep solely with thoughts of you, my beloved person. I breathe you like air and dream of our joint happiness. My main and most cherished dream is to live with you all my life, side by side, loving, and feeling your love in return. I always want to hear from you: you are mine! After all, I am yours, I belong entirely to you, body, heart, soul and thoughts.

My dear, these words are meant to remind you of my strong love, and that I, even if we are physically far from each other, are always next to you. I never leave you, and always protect your soul. I send you our dreams and our tenderness, let them be warm and warm for you. cozy blanket. I want the light and light music of our love to sound in your head.

I love you very much, and there is no deceit in my words. I am faithful to you both in body and soul. And so it will be until the end! I don't want to hide my feelings from you, I want to be open to you, sincere. And I believe in miracles! And I won’t fool you, so I’ll say it straight - every moment spent with you means a lot to me. There is nothing more important to me than our love.

I can't live without you, I need you like air. Without you, I'm just a little man in this world, and with you I'm in seventh heaven with happiness. When you are around, I feel that you need me just as much as I need you. Don't think that when you're not around, I don't think about you. When you are far away, I love you hundreds of thousands of times more. I think about you all the time and love you very much.

My sweet baby, my affectionate angel, I want to give you the most precious thing that I have - the desire to make you happy! Yes, my sweet, I want to give you all my tenderness and affection, spend with you unforgettable days and nights, whisper in your ear “I love you, kitty” and purr with pleasure!

When you are near, a light burns inside me, I like its warmth, and the way it warms me. I feel comfortable with you when you hug me. Your kisses are sweet and tender, and your lips are soft and inviting. You are my small world which even the whole universe cannot replace. I love you and that says it all.

SMS in prose to your beloved

Dearer than your sweet look, for me in this world there can be nothing. For your strong arms to always hug me, I am ready to give everything in the world. I don’t know how I lived before, when I didn’t know you, because now you have become the meaning of life for me. When you're not by my side, I just don't want to breathe. I want you and me to stay together forever, because I love you very much!

I want to fall asleep in your arms to wake up from your warm breath. Sit with your legs tucked under you and watch you go about your business. Watch a movie with your chin on your chest. Inhale your scent, so fresh and warm, burying your nose in your neck. Take you by the hand, going out into the street. I want all this because I love you madly.

The whole meaning of my life is you! I fall asleep and think of you! I wake up and think of you! I sleep at night and smile because I think of you. I am ready to scream anywhere and everywhere that I love you. I can't imagine myself without your smile, without your eyes, without your kisses, without your hands. You are my happiness! I love you!

A drop of rain fell on your face and froze on the lips. And it seems to you that someone is kissing you - gently, affectionately ... Golden Maple Leaf swirled in last waltz and as if by chance he touched your cheek, as if someone had touched it with a warm palm ... I will look into your eyes and you will understand that for your sake I can become both rain and leaf fall ... Because I love you ...

Darling! You have something very attractive, unique, very tender and sexy, something that others don't have... You have me! Protect me!

A person is an amorous nature, in his life he falls in love more than once, but here real love comes only once. And you know what? I think I've already met my love... And it's YOU!!!

SMS in prose to your beloved

Nothing in this world can compare to my love for you. I don't even know how to describe my feelings. It just needs to be felt. Let, reading these lines, you will understand that apart from you, I do not need anyone. You are the most best guy for me, and I would give a lot for you and me to be together forever. After all, now I just can not imagine my life without you!

I have long wanted to confess: I envy your cell phone. Every minute he feels the touch of your fingers with his whole body. Basking in the hot wave of your breath when you talk to someone. He alone knows the content of your telephone conversations and SMS texts. And no matter where you go, you take it with you everywhere. I dream to be as close to you!

My cat, my prince, is the most beautiful, reliable, strong, courteous, generous, honest, cute, sensitive, reliable, funny, sporty, charming, brave, incomparable, optimistic, attractive! I love you!

When you finish reading this SMS, you will understand that there is a girl in the world who cannot imagine her life without you, without your smile, gentle hugs and kisses ... I love you very, very much!

Darling! What a joy to see you, waking up, wishing you Good night, rejoice at your successes, be there when you are sad and do everything for your good! What happiness to be treated kindly and to feel your care, your tenderness, your warmth! What a blessing that I have you like this - the best in the world!

I don't know where you are now when you read my SMS. Maybe you've just woken up and are having "bachelor" sandwiches for breakfast. Maybe he's been on his feet for a long time and has already earned us a couple of hundred for ice cream. Or maybe you're sitting at a lecture and writing notes in your manly handwriting. At this moment I want to penetrate into your world and remind you of myself. I love you!

It's hard not to love you, because you have so many virtues! You are beautiful and smart, strong and determined, noble and responsible. For this you are loved by many: parents, relatives, friends. But there is another person who loves you, maybe even more than the rest. It's me.

They say that people are born with one wing, and only by embracing can they fly. When you and I are together, I feel the same: I just fly with happiness. Your every call is a holiday for me. For your every look, I'm ready to give everything in the world. And I want you to know: I love you very much, and I won’t give it to anyone.

You are damn beautiful, extraordinarily strong, phenomenally educated, infinitely kind, unprecedentedly talented and simply incomparable ... a monster! Well, I'm the same beautiful princess from a fairy tale who is in love with you! :)

Read me like a book. Look into my eyes and you will understand how much I need you. Listen to my words - and they will say how much I love you. Turn the pages over and over again to make sure that you are the main theme of the plot of the book of my life. Because you are everything to me...

I want to make you the happiest man on this earth! I want to enjoy you every minute and I want to give all my tenderness, warmth, care, affection ... I love you! 119

Our souls found each other, and now I can shout to the whole world that I am the happiest. I fell in love with you and I want to always be with you! 29

I am grateful to you, my dear, for making me the happiest! Your kisses just give me wings. I love you, my one and only, and I want to always be with you! 93

I have never met someone so close and native person with whom hours would fly by like minutes, and with whom I would never want to part ... I have never loved anyone the way I love you. 80

You made me the happiest. When you're not by my side, everything becomes dull and gray. I want you and I to stay together forever, because I love you very much! 49

You are the dearest and most beloved person in the world. When you are not around for a long time, the world becomes uninteresting. And when you're with me happier than a man not in white. You are like the air that I breathe and without which I cannot live for a second. You are my whole life, and I simply cannot live without you! 108

The whole meaning of my life is you! I fall asleep and think of you! I wake up and think of you! I sleep at night and smile because I think of you. I'm ready to scream anywhere and everywhere that I love you! 31

What is love? Can't be explained. To understand this, you just need to love! I love you more than anything in the world! You are wonderful, my most beloved and very dear person to me! 65

I am grateful to fate for giving me you. I love you and do not hesitate to confess my feelings, I love and will always be there for you. Let our love be the brightest, sunny, positive and beautiful! 60

You have something incredible, unique, unusual, something that others don't have... You have me. Protect me) 27

Your kindness, tenderness and smile just enchants me. I love listening to your laughter, looking into your beautiful eyes. I am very happy with you! I love you, my joy, may we be together and may we be very happy! 37

They say that every person in this world has a soul mate, which he simply must find. I love you and it seems to me that you are mine real half, without which I simply can’t imagine myself, and I don’t want to. 57

For Have a good mood I need to hear your voice. For a very good mood, your hugs are enough. And for have a great day need your gentle kiss. With love, kiss! 57

I am happy next to you, happy at the thought that I am yours, happy a thousand times when I see your face, your hands, your lips. Love lives in my heart, the most wonderful feeling to you! And she will never leave my heart, because I really want to be next to you! 62

Man! It seems so simple and understandable and at the same time completely incomprehensible in his thoughts and feelings. He won't show them off. Will not talk about them. But, revealing the secret of his thoughts, a woman is simply struck by the storm of passions that reign in his soul. Indeed, behind the solid armor of masculinity and strength, very thin and romantic nature. If you have already found out that your chosen one is just that, know that he will be very happy to show the most tender emotions on your part. In the early stages of a relationship, everything matters. One of better ways is always prose about love. Gentle and sensual phrases uttered only for him will win his heart. After all, no matter how confident a guy is, inside he always has a bit of doubt about the attitude of the lady he likes towards him. Dispel these doubts and give declaration of love to a man. The occasion could be a birthday or other holiday.

If your heart and thoughts are overflowing from an excess of emotions, but there are not enough words to express it, the authors of a wonderful site made sure that any woman picks up lines here that are suitable for her chosen one. Without special efforts you will find the most suitable congratulation in verse and prose. Believe me, there is no representative in the world strong half humanity, which would not be pleased with such a manifestation of attention. If your subject does not yet know about your feelings for him, this is the ideal method for the first conversation. He will forever remember these magic minutes while listening to your voice making warm and passionate confessions to him.

Prose for the Beloved

What is love? Tenderness, passion, dreams, attraction, the desire to be together, the desire to look in one direction ... I feel all this for you. I want to be with you, I dream about you, I miss you, I think, I'm jealous, I need you, I go crazy, I worry, I rediscover you every day, I admire, I wait, I want, I respect ... And this means only one thing - I love you!

Close, unique, reliable and necessary little man in the world! I hasten to you to open the secluded corners of the soul, because there is no further strength to remain silent. I am glad that next to me is such a man - a real, kind, caring and affectionate. I love you! And I believe that this is mutual and forever.

I always talk to you a lot, because my thoughts are only about you! But I know that I can always tell you about my love. I know you would prefer that I not tell you "I love you" - you always read it in my eyes when we are together, next to each other. Know! I love you with all my heart! Immeasurably... difficult... and I hope you will forgive me for my selfish desire to try to live happily by spending the rest of my life with you, love!

You are everything to me: my life, my happiness, sometimes my sadness. But my dear, I am very grateful to you for this. I don't know how to put my feelings into words. I am overwhelmed with emotions, I always want to be there, to feel your perfume, to touch you, not to let go even for a minute. Perhaps this is what love is. I want these emotions to never pass, I hope our desires coincide in this.

Do you know what makes me the happiest when I'm with you? It is to look at my beloved man and speak words of love. It is not difficult, loving heart itself gives rise to a sensual syllable. When we are together, the world for me narrows down to two points of your caring eyes, to a mouth generous with kisses, to strong, but gentle hands. I love your walk, your gestures, all the details of your image - the embodiment of love.

I'm worried... It's not easy to say this, it's better to write... I could, like Tatyana Larina, send you a confession in verse, but I want my words to be simple and frank. I really need you, without you I am not myself, I think about you every minute, you are constantly in my heart and thoughts, so why be silent about it? I am not shy and not afraid to open my soul to you and confess my feelings. I love you!

Your eyes know how to laugh when you are serious, the touch of your lips makes your body tremble. Your hands are both timid and demanding, gentle and reliable. Loving you is a reward from above: it is enough to remember you, how I am overwhelmed by a wave of tenderness, happiness and sweet longing! I dream of enjoying you, inhaling your fragrance, holding your hand and trembling in your arms!
