Prayer from bad people and neighbors. Conspiracies to get rid of evil neighbors

A conspiracy from neighbors for many people becomes the only way to effectively protect against enemies living nearby. It allows you to harmonize relationships with such people, avoid harm from them, or force ill-wishers to change their place of residence. So that you can use it correctly for your own benefit, we will analyze which conspiracies from neighbors are the most effective, and how to use them correctly.

In a showdown with neighbors, people do not always manage to reach a consensus. In some cases, only special slander and prayers can pacify ill-wishers. Protective formulas work better in such situations.

Conspiracy on a neighbor-ill-wisher

To make the neighbor's exhaustion subside, you can perform a special ceremony on the fish. You will need needles, gauze, a pan, as well as fish (any). The plot itself is done like this:

  1. They put a pot of water on the fire, put the fish in it, cook for 1.5 hours.
  2. They put needles wrapped in gauze into the water. Continue to cook the dish.
  3. They read the plot. They say that the neighbors should be dumb, like fish that swim in the water, so that they smile, never swear.
  4. Then gauze with needles is taken out of the pan, the vessel itself is poured into a river or stream.
  5. They go home, take out needles, imperceptibly drive them into the doorposts of their neighbors.

It is believed that after such a conspiracy, the neighbors will always live with you in harmony.

Conspiracy-protection from evil neighbors

If you want to quickly get rid of ill-wishers, use a conspiracy from evil neighbors on a broom. Proceed like this:

  • Take a large new broom that has not been used.
  • Carefully mark the apartment with this product, while saying that misfortunes will leave the house with a broom.
  • Throw away a broom nearby.

Those people who pick up such a broom will sort out your troubles. Neighbors soon after such a ritual will be able to move or lose interest in confronting you.

Prayers for protection from neighbors

The presented conspiracy can be used if the neighbors constantly deliberately harm you, behave noisily, often flood, smoke, or interfere in any other way. Proceed like this:

  1. Get in front of the threshold. Turn to God "My holy sovereign", ask him to protect you, your family from a person, an adversary, to pacify evil neighbors. Say an amen at the end.
  2. Repeat the spell three times.

After such a ritual, harmful neighbors will not approach your apartment, they will not come to visit unless you invite them yourself. If the presented prayer did not provide your housing with the necessary protection, the neighbors began to bother you again, repeat the presented ritual - soon they will completely forget about you.

Getting rid of bad neighbors - conspiracy

Use a conspiracy from bad neighbors on the evening of the new moon. To do this, you will need an ordinary church candle made of natural wax, half a cup of olive oil, a teaspoon of salt, and a chicken feather. Proceed like this:

  • Take everything you need for the ritual, take off to a deserted place. You can go to a wasteland near the house.
  • Arriving at the chosen place, put a candle on the ground, and next to it - a cup. Be sure to pour the salt into the oil, light the candle.
  • Start reading specialized text from evil neighbors. Ask the Lord to help you, protect you from adversity. Sentence that the neighbors, like chickens, leave their homes, but disappear into a new nest. Ask for peace and quiet in your house (during prayer, be sure to give your name, the names of your neighbors). At the end, turn to God again and say "Amen."
  • After that, dip the prepared feather into the oil.

When you return home, draw a line with this feather between your personal home and the home of your neighbors, mentally wish them to move out.

Conspiracy to make the neighbors move out

In order for unfriendly cohabitants to move in a communal apartment or move around the floor, you can use a strong conspiracy. For this you need:

  1. Take a piece of black A4 fabric, cut out figures of a man and a woman from another piece of the same fabric, get a photo of hated neighbors.
  2. Prepare three candles from natural wax, put them on the table, put photos of neighbors between the candles, black pieces of cloth.
  3. Start a conspiracy on burning candles, saying that as the deceased crossed the intersection for the last time, so did the neighbor (indicate the name of the person) cross the threshold of his house for the last time.
  4. Wait for the candles to burn out, wrap the things used in the ritual in cloth, hide them in the western side of your home.

A few weeks after the ceremony, the ill-wishers will move, the neighbors will not be able to live next to you. Such a spell is especially effective from neighbors from above, who regularly flood, turn on loud music, and bring strangers of dubious appearance to themselves.

Protective conspiracies and prayers

If you suspect that a witch lives in your neighborhood, use a rite that provides protection from strong negativity. Get a photo of the person who interfered with you, take salt, garlic, church wax candles (you need to take three things, you can use thin ones). Put the photo on the table, divide the garlic into heads and put it on the picture, sprinkle the circle around the photo with salt. Light the candles. Start reciting the plot. Say that the curse of a person (mention his name) will not touch either word or deed. That like wax will melt, the anger of people against you will disappear, and your word is unshakable by the church, by people. Finish the recitation with a general formula, take a photo of the culprit of your misfortunes, burn it. Throw away the things used in the ritual near the dwelling of the ill-wisher.

An old spell from bad neighbors

This ancient spell will destroy any negativity. You need to collect holy water, wash your face with it for three days, and on the fourth day read a special conspiracy in front of the vessel with it. Say that when you wash yourself, you remove everything bad from yourself, that you give back what you received earlier, you wash off the damage. At the end of the plot, apply the formula “Key. Lock. Language".

After that, you should wipe your face with a towel and burn this towel. Relations with neighbors will soon improve.

Neighbor Respect Spell

Not always, in order to remove negativity when communicating with other people, you need to use a conspiracy on neighbors. In some cases, it is enough to regularly recite a prayer for respect. This will help build new relationships. Act like this: turn to higher powers in the name of all saints, ask the Lord to tame the hubbub of neighbors so that they do not interfere with (insert your name). Read the presented prayer in the morning, you can also read it on the waning moon. Say the text three times, do not forget to be baptized.

Conspiracies and rituals that will help get rid of bad neighbors.

People who live in high-rise buildings know how noisy and annoying neighbors can be. Neighbors who use alcohol and drugs can bring even more discomfort. In this case, life in your own apartment becomes simply unbearable, and a person has to look for a way out of this situation.

In our article, we will tell you about a not quite traditional way to deal with noisy neighbors - white magic. We will introduce you to the most effective prayers and rituals that will help you make your life calm and measured.

What a conspiracy, a prayer to read so that the neighbors shut up, do not harm, do not make noise: words, rite

A conspiracy so that the neighbors shut up, do no harm, do not make noise

Before introducing you to the ceremony and prayer from noisy neighbors, I would like to clarify that in this case the emotional state of a person plays an important role. If you want your actions to have the desired effect the first time, then try to conduct the ceremony and read the words in the best possible mood.

If you do everything with negativity, whether you like it or not, some of the negativity will inevitably come back to you. The easiest way to calm noisy neighbors without harming yourself and them is to speak an ordinary nail and hammer it into the jamb of the front doors.


  • Buy a nail on a full moon day
  • Bring it home and sprinkle it with holy water
  • Next, after reading the Our Father, proceed to the ceremony
  • Light a church candle and burn a nail well in its flame
  • While the process is going on, read a special prayer
  • Let the charmed nail cool, and you can hammer it into the door of noisy neighbors
  • Do it when they are not at home
  • If you do everything right, then its energy will affect the tenants of the apartment from 6 to 8 months.

Words for the ceremony:

  • I heat the nail with holy fire and endow it with powerful power
  • Let neither a cry, nor a sound, nor a rustle harm my home and my household.
  • Let the servants of God (name names) forget about screams, noise, turmoil and live in complete silence

Salt plot from evil, bad and noisy neighbors: words, rite

Salt plot from evil, bad and noisy neighbors

Probably, it’s not even worth talking about the fact that ordinary kitchen salt has a lot of positive qualities. One of the most pronounced is the ability to absorb negative energy. In view of this, if you want to get rid of evil, bad and noisy neighbors as quickly as possible, then try to fight it with the help of this product.

True, you must remember that in order for the salt to have the maximum effect on them, it must get into their house. Therefore, after the salt has been spoken, under any pretext, visit a neighbor and imperceptibly pour it into the salt shaker or simply hide it behind any locker.

  • Buy a new pack of salt from the store
  • Bringing it home, start the ceremony as quickly as possible
  • You can’t take the salt that you have in the way that by speaking it, you will suppress the energy of your home
  • Pour salt in a saucer and start reading a plot over it
  • The words: I read a conspiracy over salt, I wish the neighbors peace and good
  • Live peacefully and amicably without making too much noise
  • Where this salt will be, there will be peace and grace
  • Repeat the spell over salt 40 times and you can carry it to the neighbors' house

Conspiracy on a string from evil, bad and noisy neighbors: words, rite

A conspiracy from evil, bad and noisy neighbors

Another effective way to deal with evil, bad and noisy neighbors is considered to be a thread plot. In this case, it is best to use red wool thread. If you speak it correctly, then it will be a kind of energy feature that will prevent the negativity coming from the neighbors' apartment from entering your house.


  • Buy a woolen red thread and a church candle
  • Burn the scissors over the candle and cut off a small piece of thread with them.
  • Spread it on the table and start reading the plot
  • The words: The thread scorched by Holy fire, give peace to the lost souls of God's servants (name names)
  • Do not let them become a victim of the unclean and give them peace of mind
  • Protect my home from negativity coming from outside
  • Read the plot 3 times, and then cut the thread into 2 parts
  • Put one of them under your threshold, and take the other to your neighbors

A conspiracy on a pin to survive scandalous, envious, bad and arrogant neighbors: words, rite

Pin conspiracy to survive the neighbors

The rite with a pin is somewhat similar to the rite with a nail. In this case, you will also need to speak a pin, and then, unnoticed by the neighbors, stick it into the door frame. It is necessary to perform the ceremony on the waning moon, and if you do everything right, then within a month envious and noisy neighbors will begin to feel terrible discomfort in their home, and will try to spend a lot of time outside the house. After some time, this discomfort will force them to sell the apartment or they will simply move out of it.


  • Sprinkle the pin with Holy water and read the Our Father 3 times
  • Light a church candle and start reading the plot
  • To do this, bend over the pin as low as possible and say the magic words 3 times.
  • CONSPIRACY: Almighty, protect me in my trouble
  • Give me and my household peace and prosperity
  • Let the violent neighbors move out and build their nest elsewhere
  • I leave all quarrels and squabbles outside the threshold, there is no need for them to stay here anymore!

What kind of conspiracy from harmful and noisy neighbors from above, on the side, on the site needs to be read 40 times so that they leave: words

Conspiracy from harmful and noisy neighbors from above

If you have resorted to white magic at least once in your life, then you probably know that in any case it will benefit both the one who asks for help and the one who is affected. This effect is obtained due to the fact that most often in conspiracies they turn to the Almighty or strong Saints.

Perhaps that is why, when conducting such ceremonies, church candles and baptismal water are obligatory paraphernalia. But besides all this, white magicians recommend that people read special prayers 40 times. Remember, the more internal strength and time you spend on pronouncing special words, the faster you will get the result.

Conspiracy from noisy neighbors:

  • Save me, Almighty, save all my relatives from hatred
  • I beg you Lord, calm down the neighbors.
  • Drive them away from my home once and for all
  • Punish them with justice, let life around me no longer seem like honey to them.
  • Let life be difficult for them here
  • I ask for myself and for my good-natured neighbors. Amen

Conspiracy from neighbors Natalia Stepanova: words

Conspiracy from neighbors Natalia Stepanova No. 1

Conspiracy from neighbors Natalia Stepanova No. 2

Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova is famous for helping to solve the most difficult problems with the help of seemingly simple words. In view of this, if you want to pacify or get rid of noisy neighbors, then try to do this with the help of her conspiracies. Above, we offer you 2 conspiracies that will surely help you get rid of the noise and negativity in the next apartment.

How to make peace with neighbors so that neighbors love, respect: conspiracy, ritual

Conspiracy, rite for reconciliation

If you want to make peace with your neighbors and find allies in their person, then try talking honey, and just give it to the tenants from a noisy apartment. As they use it, the tension between you will go down. True, you must remember that in order for the charmed honey to have the desired effect, all this time you should not be negative towards them.


  • Buy a jar of honey on the Full Moon
  • After bringing it home, put it on the window at night so that the moonlight falls on it.
  • This is necessary in order for the honey to be saturated with the power and wisdom of the luminary.
  • When the moon wanes, start reading the plot
  • The words: Viscous honey, you have the strength and energy of kindness!
  • Make it softer in the hearts of God's servants (names)
  • Calm them down and reconcile us all
  • Let there be peace and grace between us from now on. Amen

A conspiracy on a pin for peace between neighbors: words, rite

According to those who have used this method of reconciliation on themselves, it works almost flawlessly. If you do everything as correctly as possible, then with a high probability we can say that you can forget about squabbles with your neighbors.


  • Get a pin, and when you bring it home, immediately put it in a glass of water.
  • Just keep in mind that it should be natural, not tap
  • Put water with a pin on the window so that moonlight falls on it at night
  • It should be saturated with peaceful energy for 3 days and 3 nights.
  • After that, you can speak a pin
  • The words: Steel pin I order you (say your name)
  • Let noisy and evil neighbors become good and kind
  • Let love for me and my household settle in their souls
  • So be it!
  • The words above the pin must be read 3 times

Video: Ritual with a mirror from noisy neighbors

Very often people have to suffer from bad neighbors. This is especially true for residents of large multi-storey buildings, where the walls between apartments are very thin.

Neighbors can just be noisy, constantly show curiosity and even aggression. It is possible that they like to have noisy parties, constantly use alcohol or drugs. In this case, life in the neighborhood with such people becomes unbearable. What to do?

This article will outline non-traditional ways in which you can "tame" irresponsible and noisy people living nearby. You can get acquainted with white magic, which will help with the help of prayers from evil neighbors and ancient rituals to solve a painful problem.

In order for the rite and prayers to take effect, it is very important to be in a certain emotional state. It is important not only to take the actions performed as seriously as possible, but also not to allow even a shadow of a doubt that your efforts will be in vain. It is necessary to tune in only to get a positive result.

Note! You can not pray in irritation or wish your neighbors evil and misfortune from the bottom of your heart. All this will definitely come back to you.

A nail plot is one of the simplest and most harmless ways that can calm down noisy neighbors.

What to do:

  • on the day preceding the Full Moon, a large nail is acquired;
  • at home, you need to rinse the nail in a small amount of holy water;
  • read the Our Father three times;
  • light the three church candles prepared in advance, and “cleanse” the nail in turn in their flame;
  • while calcining and cooling the nail, read the words intended for the ceremony;
  • hammer the charmed nail into the door jamb of the restless neighbors.

Naturally, you need to perform this ritual when you are completely sure that there is no one in the next apartment. If performed correctly, the ceremony can last up to a year.

Prayer words:

Holy fire glows the nail and endows it with its power

From now on, nothing will harm my home - no scream, no knock, no noise

From now on, the servants of God (list by name all those living in a noisy apartment) will stop making noise, singing and annoying me

Now they live in peace and quiet. My word is strong, Amen.

How to get rid of an annoying neighbor

Sometimes there are situations when the neighbors seem to be neither angry nor noisy, but very annoying. This may be a neighbor who constantly persuades her husband to drink alcohol or a talkative neighbor who takes up precious time with empty talk. In this case, a ritual will help to repel annoying neighbors.

What to do:

  • on any Tuesday, get a pair of chicken feet;
  • bring them home, and read the plot over them three times;
  • after reading the ritual words, drip one chicken leg from the north side of the house, and the other from the south.

After some time, you will be able to get rid of annoying visitors.

A conspiracy for salt from constantly scandalous and noisy neighbors

Our distant ancestors considered ordinary salt a powerful amulet. She was credited with many positive and magical properties. One of them is to absorb and neutralize evil thoughts and negative energy.

If you are tired of the constant scandals, screams and drunken fights of your neighbors, try using the old way - a conspiracy for salt.

After the ceremony, it is necessary, under any pretext, to deliver the charmed salt to the dwelling of the neighbors. Think of any occasion and visit them. If you succeed, pour a whisper of salt into the salt shaker. Or sprinkle salt in a secluded place between the wall and the closet.

What to do:

  • before lunch, buy a pack of ordinary salt in the store;
  • you can’t use your home salt - you can harm the energy of your home;
  • on the way home, it is advisable not to engage in conversations and empty talk with anyone;
  • pour salt into a disposable plate and read the words of the prayer over it.

To discreetly “throw” salt to your neighbors, you can pour it into your pocket or squeeze (how much to fit) in your fist. After returning home, shake out the rest of the salt from your pocket over the bath and rinse with running water, and wash your clothes.

Ritual words:

I read a conspiracy over salt

Good luck to those who live nearby

Live in peace and harmony

No more noise from now on

Where is this salt

Tears and heartache go away.

A conspiracy on a red woolen thread from noisy and angry neighbors

A charmed thread is a very effective tool that helps in the fight against unpleasant neighbors. To do this, read a prayer over a red woolen thread. The charmed thread will serve as a special energy barrier that cuts off all the negativity from your neighbor's apartment from your family.

What to do:

  • it is necessary to purchase a red woolen thread and church candles in advance;
  • the rite must be performed in silence and solitude;
  • light three church candles;
  • calcine in turn in the fire of each candle, scissors;
  • cut off a small piece of thread;
  • put it on a clean white sheet of paper;
  • read our Father three times, then special words.

Prayer words:

Purified by the Holy Fire, give peace to the lost souls of God's servants (list those living in a noisy apartment)

Deliver them from the machinations of the unclean and give them peace of mind

Protect me and my family from black envy and malice

Protect my house from dark thoughts and neighbor's curses

May it be so. Amen

Read these words three times, then cut the thread in half. One part must be placed under the neighbor's threshold. Put the second half of the thread under yours.

A pin conspiracy to help arrogant, evil and envious neighbors survive

This rite is similar to the rite that is performed with a nail. The charmed pin will need to be carefully and imperceptibly stuck into the neighbor's door jamb. The ceremony is best performed when the moon is waning.

If everything is done correctly, then after one lunar month, the neighbors will begin to feel unbearable discomfort at home. And only when they leave their native walls, they will feel good. After a while, they will start looking for a buyer to sell the apartment and move out.

What to do:

  • buy a pin before lunch;
  • bring her home without talking to anyone along the way;
  • wash the pin in holy water;
  • light three church candles and burn the pin in their fire;
  • put the pin to cool on a white sheet of paper;
  • read our Father three times;
  • read the words of the conspiracy.

Ritual words:

Almighty, I ask you for protection from the evil of neighbors

Protect me and my family from their violent temper and black thoughts.

Let me and my household live in peace and tranquility

Find a new home for our neighbors

Conspiracy to leave restless and evil neighbors

White magic exerts its pacifying effect on those who resort to its help and on those to whom its action is directed. This effect is explained by the fact that in conspiracies they turn with prayers to the Almighty, Light Forces or strong Saints.

That is why, holy water and church candles are used to conduct white magical rituals.

Some white magicians advise saying prayers and conspiracies forty times, as they claim that the result depends on the time spent pronouncing the necessary formulas and words. Other magicians argue that the effect of the conspiracy does not depend on how many times to read the prayer, but on the fullness of the emotional feelings put into it by the speaker.

I ask you for salvation, the Almighty

Save me and my family from the hatred of neighbors

I beg you Lord, drive away evil people from my home

Show them another place where they will live in peace and prosperity

And we were sent other good-natured and quiet neighbors


Conspiracy to reconcile with neighbors

Sometimes, in order to solve a problem with neighbors, it is enough to establish relations with them. Try to speak honey and treat hostile tenants from a noisy apartment to them. It is necessary to try very hard and, under any pretext, deliver a sweet treat to their house.

Tasting the charmed honey, the neighbors will lose their aggression towards you and other people.

What to do:

  • on the day of the Full Moon, purchase a jar of honey;
  • at night, when the full moon rises into the sky, put honey on the windowsill - it should absorb the light of the moon;
  • honey should be saturated with the wisdom and power of the heavenly body;
  • after the moon begins to wane, read the plot.

Sweet honey impregnated with wisdom and energy of kindness

Soften the hearts of the servants of God (list the names of harmful neighbors)

Soften their temper, give them peace and reconcile us

From now on, let there be no anger, no envy, no bad thoughts between us.


Prayer from the evil eye and corruption

What if you live next door to a person with an evil eye? Or does your neighbor use black magic to induce damage?

Unfortunately, this problem cannot be solved quickly. Yes, and it is not possible to cope with such a neighbor on your own. You can seek help from a strong white magician or psychic who will put protection for you and your home.

Until such time as professional help is provided, it is necessary to read the Our Father three times every day before going to bed, and then a prayer from the evil eye and corruption.

After your house is protected, read this prayer at the beginning of each month for three days.

Sometimes angry people choose to be bullied and begin to harass the neighbors, annoying them and making their life hell. In this case, you can resort to conspiracies and save yourself from trouble.

Strong conspiracy against noisy neighbors

How to influence noisy neighbors without entering into long negotiations with them? How to make yourself heard, without unnecessary emotions? Turning to magical rituals is the best option in order to get rid of ill-mannered people living nearby. They just turn off the music and stop being loud. A conspiracy from bad neighbors will not harm you, because the truth is on your side.

Salt Conspiracy

You will need a dry broom, collected by yourself, for example, birch or spruce, salt. At midnight, on the waning moon, sweep the rug at your door, away from it, saying:

“I dare all extraneous noises from myself, I fence off all harmful people from my apartment (house!”).

Then fry salt in a shallow frying pan, saying:

"Salt is red-hot, strong, no one can overcome its strength."

Pour it in a thin strip under the threshold (in front of the door) to those who annoy and harm, with the words:

“May no evil noise come out of this apartment, may it no longer disturb me or anyone else.”

The salt will darken, and will not be evident.

You can also, passing through the myom of the doors of unloved people living nearby, pronounce:

“You show respect for everyone who lives here, it is always quiet and calm in your apartment.”

This will also be a kind of conspiracy against the neighbors.

You should accurately voice your desires: if you want silence, ask for it correctly, magic hears everything literally. For example, a grandmother living above you listens loudly to TV, you should not ask like this: "so that this demonic box burns down at a harmful grandmother." The result may be the most unexpected and the concept “burned out” is far from abstract, especially for those nearby. It’s better to ask like this: “I wish her hearing was restored” or “I wish that my grandmother would be tired of watching TV in the evening.” Perhaps she will have a hearing aid or an evening hobby.

A slander to make the evil neighbors move out

Ritual with a nail or needle

In a hardware store, buy a carnation, on the full moon, light a church candle and ignite it on fire, read the following words.

“I will temper the nail with fire, I give it great strength, so that it will help me sell the apartment from the servants of God (names).”

Then sprinkle your apartment with holy water:

“Let no one else’s noise, no cry, no sound harm my house.”

On any other day, you will need to get into the house of people who harm you and stick (drive) carnations into their jamb, with the words:

“Yes, they will not like the apartment, and the noisy neighbors will sell it to calm people.”

In order for this action to be quickly completed, you need to choose a small carnation that can be imperceptibly stuck.

In this ritual, you can also use a needle, such a magical lining can be left completely unnoticed. But the ritual on the needle will take longer.

Conspiracy to make neighbors kinder

Sometimes the people next to you, not even noisy, cause great trouble with their arrogance, rudeness, and you want to make these harmful comrades kinder. In this case, there are strong conspiracies.

Salt ritual

For such a sacrament, you need to borrow salt from your neighbors. On the new moon, put garlic in a bottle (you can clove), sprinkle with this salt and read the following:

“We have exchanged salt, we have exhausted quarrels, may there be peace between our homes. Amen".

Rite in the cemetery

To pacify a neighbor who gathers a daily noisy company is possible only with the help of rituals aimed at his sober lifestyle. To do this, you will need a bottle of vodka, candles, food and sweets. You should visit the graves of his loved ones, if this is not possible, then find a few unkempt graves and clean them up. Before leaving, leave food, sweets there, saying:

“I take care of you, and you take care of the servant of God (name), so that he takes up his mind and stops drinking.”

On a full moon, put the bottle on the window so that the light hits it completely. Arrange candles around her and light, say these words:

“How disgusting you are to me, water of fire, so you would become disgusting to the servant of God (name), so that he would not look at you, would not think about you, would not want you, my words are strong as a stone!”.

Put out the candles, leave the bottle until dawn under the moon. The next day, under any pretext, give it to someone who gives you trouble. The same can be done with products, which you can then treat to a living person nearby, unless of course he accepts them. Such a ritual will not help to evict a neighbor, but he will behave more quietly and become more friendly with you.

Prayer for protection from harmful neighbors

You can perform a ritual on the husk from the seeds. You need to know that sunflower seed husks often lead to, such a conspiracy should be used as a last resort with the most scandalous and drinking people, with whom it was not possible to agree in a good way.

Seed husk conspiracy

Prepare the husk, scatter it in front of the door of the neighbors on the full moon, reading these words:

"Litter outside the threshold, quarrels in the house, there is no reason to stay here anymore."

There are cases of extreme necessity, and the family is socially stable, quite peaceful among themselves, in order to evict them, you can use the husk with such speeches:

“Just as there is a lot of husk, so let you have a lot of money so that you can buy yourself a house twice as much, twice as good and move out of here as soon as possible.”

Instead of the husk, you can conduct a ritual through the garbage. Pick up a lot of small pieces of paper, collect various cores and use the same text to speed up the move.

From floods and other damage

Often there are people who flood those who live on the floor below. Perhaps they are not evil, and it's not even their fault, but the fact remains, we must make sure that there are no more floods.

First of all, you should visit the church and light candles to your defenders, as well as to Nicholas the Wonderworker, asking him to perform a miracle and put those who will not stop annoying you on the true path. Then, on the growing moon, stand under their door with a lit candle in your hands, let the wax drip onto the floor. Read the following:

“Lord, work a miracle, give them forever the memory to turn off the water in their absence, give them money to fix all the taps and pipes, help them establish relationships with those who monitor the condition of the house so that they always come to them on time. Amen".

A prayer read from the bottom of your heart cannot fail to bring happiness to your home. It will be useful to light church candles near the threshold and pass fire around the perimeter of your door with a request for humility.

When and how will rituals work?

Each ritual is effective and powerful, but reinforcing it with faith will bring much more success. Relocation conspiracies require patience, since neither physically nor legally can be carried out in a short time. A conspiracy from bad neighbors works much faster, about two weeks after reading.

They will be more effective if you devote more than one day to the ritual, but several suitable for this number: 3, 9, 12, 33, 40, 90. Harmful people living nearby can be appeased by prayers and candles set for their health and cordiality. The more often you remember them with kindness, the really kinder they become.

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Believers also have conflict situations. This can happen not only at the instigation of the demon, but also for other common everyday reasons: different outlooks on life; different upbringing; different tempers; and even different generations. If suddenly you have a conflict with your neighbors, then do not rush to label them and discuss them. Try to take an example from the Lord himself - pray for those who offended, hated and humiliated you. Even if they are very unpleasant and envious people.

Remember also that the Orthodox Church strongly condemns various lapels and conspiracies from warring neighbors. The thing is that in this case a person asks for help not from God, but from completely opposite forces. This is the power of the devil. But prayer from bad neighbors is a protection that helps very quickly if you sincerely believe in it. As practice suggests, there were many cases when, after praying for reconciliation, the warring parties began to make friends.

Protective prayer from noisy neighbors

In conflict situations with people who live next to you, according to the canons of the Orthodox Church, it is recommended:

  1. Do not respond with hatred or reciprocal insults towards the enemy. Keep yourself in control, even if it is very difficult;
  2. Overpower yourself and often turn to prayer from evil neighbors. At the very beginning, this is not easy, but after the first prayers you will feel that the offense is gradually leaving. And after several prayer appeals, it will even be possible to notice the result on their part.

Prayer will at least help establish neutrality. Maybe this will be enough for you. But if things in this case are very bad, and you are worried about your well-being or are afraid of harm to your family from bad neighbors, then you need to turn to Orthodox protective prayer. You can contact the following Saints:

  • Martyrs Cyprian and Justinia;
  • George the Victorious.

When you need to improve life in the neighborhood with "not good" people, turn to St. George for patronage.

Prayer from neighbors to George the Victorious:

“Holy passion-bearer George the Victorious! As you cast down your evil enemies, so may my enemies be cast down. Protect me, servant of the Lord (name), from the machinations of my enemies, from evil deeds, from an unkind word, from an envious thought. Let them leave their unclean plans, may the Lord's forgiveness be to them for their sins. May my word be strong, may the Lord be merciful to my requests. Amen!"

Psalms 26 or 90 and prayers to the Life-Giving Cross also help in this matter.

Prayers from neighbors drunks or drug addicts

To date, alcohol or drug addiction is a real scourge of society. Such people cause a lot of anxiety. Indeed, in their apartments there is always some kind of noise, eternal unpleasant odors, dirt and unsanitary conditions everywhere.

If suddenly such a nuisance overtook you, then it is better not to interfere in conflict situations with such people. The best way out is to seek help from the Almighty or holy minions. The following icons and holy images can help with neighbors who are drunkards or drug addicts:

  1. Icon of the Mother of God;
  2. Icon of St. Alexei;
  3. Icon of the martyr Boniface;
  4. Icon of Paisios the Great;
  5. Icon of Moses Murin.

Remember that the canons of the Orthodox Church are forbidden to refer to conspiracies, rites or rituals like "so that the neighbors move out" or "how to get rid of them." Never resort to such methods. Keep your soul pure.

God bless you!

Watch also the video prayer to the Lord for protection:
