Men's haircuts according to the zodiac sign. Hairstyle by zodiac sign

Some believe that the sign of the zodiac affects the character and habits of a person. This also applies to the style of dress, manner of communication and the way of self-expression (including with the help of makeup and hair).

If you believe that the stars have an influence on our destiny and who we are and how we look, you will be interested to know which hairstyles are best for representatives of various zodiac signs.

Hairstyles by zodiac signs: Aries

The owners of such a dynamic character as Aries girls are characterized by constant activity. They are always in a hurry somewhere and busy with something. Therefore, the ideal daytime hairstyle for Aries is a stylish and simple ponytail, and in the evening, hair can be collected in an exquisite version of the French “bun”. Dramatic and deep hair colors are preferred.

Hairstyles by zodiac signs: Taurus

Taurus women prefer practical yet feminine hairstyles. In this case, an elongated bob would be an ideal hairstyle choice - long enough hair (up to the collarbones or slightly higher) allows the styling to keep its shape for as long as possible. Also, this length is optimal if you want to have a feminine hairstyle and at the same time maintain volume.

Hairstyles by Zodiac Signs: Gemini

Geminis love variety in every aspect of their lives and hairstyles are no exception in this case. They often change the color and length of their hair depending on their mood and desire. For twins, cascading haircuts are ideal, as they allow the twins to show all their ingenuity in terms of changing hairstyles.

Hairstyles by Zodiac Signs: Cancer

Cancers are emotional, spontaneous and sometimes a little eccentric. They prefer a practical hair length and shape that means frequent visits to the hairdresser. The best choice of hair color for cancers are various ombre options.

Hairstyles by zodiac signs: Leo

Those born under this zodiac sign have a very charismatic appearance and for the most part carefully monitor the condition of their hair. Lions are most suitable for voluminous and lush hairstyles. For the evening, it is better to bet on a classic big beam.

Hairstyles by Zodiac Signs: Virgo

Virgos are perhaps the most practical of all 12 zodiac signs. When it comes to choosing a hairstyle, Virgos prefer to combine rationality with femininity and beauty. Hairstyles with curls are ideal for representatives of this sign.

Hairstyles by zodiac signs: Libra

Libra strives for balance and harmony in everything around them. Their hair and hairstyle in this regard is no exception. They are looking for a haircut that is both simple yet stylish, elegant and feminine. Long hair flowing down in waves is their best choice.

Hairstyles by Zodiac Signs: Scorpio

Women of the zodiac sign Scorpio are mysterious, passionate and self-confident. They love to experiment with trendy hairstyles, often prefer non-standard options and always let their imagination and creativity run wild when styling them. The different braid options are perfect for their hair.

Hairstyles by Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius

Sagittarius is the embodiment of the spirit of freedom and adventure. Representatives of this sign love hairstyles that do not require careful styling and hassle, but at the same time emphasize the femininity of their owner. Haircut on medium length hair with light waves for archers is the best option.

Hairstyles by zodiac signs: Capricorn

In everyday life, representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign are strict, neat and organized. They show the same traits in their choice of hairstyles: neatly trimmed, graceful and carefully styled hair is a hallmark of Capricorns.

Hairstyles by zodiac signs: Aquarius

Aquarius women are very bold and inventive when it comes to fashion and style. They are always ready to try something new and are not afraid of criticism. Aquarians are constantly experimenting with hairstyles and therefore there are no definite recommendations for this sign in terms of color and length.

Hairstyles by Zodiac Signs: Pisces

Mystery, sensuality and simplicity are three words that can be used to describe representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces. Thus, the most suitable hairstyle for them will be elegant Hollywood waves with a side parting to one side.

It is no secret that when the inner worldview corresponds to the outer appearance, a person begins to feel more harmonious, confident and comfortable. According to astrology, each sign of the zodiac has its own haircut, which is most suitable for the character of a particular constellation.

Everything is taken into account in astrology: length, hair color and even the shape of the hairstyle. In a metaphysical sense, hair is an antenna that conducts the energy of the cosmos into the human body. You yourself have the right to choose what energy you want to attract to yourself. In order to get this opportunity, you just need to create your own image and decide what your soul wants.

The best haircut for you

In the beginning, you need to say about what haircuts and hairstyles are given to the Signs of the Zodiac by nature.

Element of Water. Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio- straight, long and shiny hair. The hairstyle should resemble building streams of water.

Air Element. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius- medium length wavy hair.

Earth Element. Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo- elastic naughty hair, collected in a bun, ponytail.

Poems of Fire. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius- reddish shades, short in length.

If you intend to increase the impact of your Zodiac Sign on you, then you should only create the very image that corresponds to your constellation by date of birth.

It is not necessary to "customize" yourself to the image of your Zodiac Sign. If you need to enlist support in a certain business or area of ​​\u200b\u200blife, then you can try on a haircut of that zodiac element, the influence of which matches your needs.

  • If you want to quickly achieve career growth, then good luck will be brought by haircuts and hairstyles of the Signs of the Zodiac of the elements of Earth and Fire - a strict, simple, but at the same time elegant image.
  • If you want a solid financial position, then it is recommended to borrow a hairstyle from the Signs of the Earth Element - collected hair.
  • If you want to communicate more, to learn something, make new acquaintances and in general, make your life more vibrant and active, then choose the hairstyles of the Zodiac Signs of the Air element. These are curls, wavy curls, medium length.
  • Want to attract luck in love- Hairstyles of the Fire element or Water element will help. Want more passion - paint in red shades. If you want harmony in relationships, grow long hair.

And one more tip: long hair gives more strength, but slows down the reaction to the course of events. Short hair gives a person brute strength and powerful energy that speeds up all processes. So if you want everything at once from life, a short haircut will help. And if everything suits you and you don’t want to change the course of your life, it makes sense to grow long hair. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.02.2015 09:13

Different things make us happy, but preferences are not least determined by our Zodiac Sign. ...

Sometimes it takes a lot of effort and luck to achieve happiness. If you want fast...

Did you know that you can choose a hairstyle not only depending on the type or color of hair, age or appearance, but also on the sign of the Zodiac?

And our site "Beautiful and Successful" knows about this, and today we will tell you in more detail which hairstyles suit you according to the sign of the Zodiac and how they can enhance the magical properties of each star sign.

Astrologers say that hair is a kind of antenna that connects us with the cosmos and the universe and helps draw cosmic energy. It is quite clear that for each sign of the Zodiac, hair will have its own requirements.

For example, purposeful and even a little tough Aries need to add a hairstyle, but gentle and changeable Sagittarius, on the contrary, need a little rigor. It is also believed that you can make a hairstyle that is more suitable for another zodiac sign and thus make changes in your life.

What hairstyles are suitable for the zodiac sign?

Below on the site we will talk about which hairstyles according to the sign of the Zodiac are suitable for each of the twelve representatives of the starry sky.


This is one of the strongest fire signs. Aries women are usually firm, driven, and a bit tough in both work and personal relationships. Their hair, as a rule, also corresponds to these characteristics - they "behave" as they please. Therefore, Aries often choose short haircuts - because of convenience, of course.

In these cases, you can advise not strict and correct contours, but haircuts with asymmetry or styling with the effect of “light mess” to add dynamics to the hairstyle.


How to choose a hairstyle according to the zodiac sign for Taurus? Naturalness and versatility dominate here - most often, Taurus women have medium-length hair, dyed in natural shades, without any trendy effects.

Warm golden and wheat colors, by the way, will definitely improve your financial situation. And to be more stylish and stand out from the crowd, you can choose a square with a short nape and elongated strands on the sides.


But here everything is more complicated, since Gemini, like another related sign Libra, is very “airy” in its native element: where the wind blows, their curls lie there - today in one direction, tomorrow in the other, today waves, tomorrow ideal smoothness, etc.

Astrologers advise adding splendor and volume to your hair: wind light curls or make a cascading haircut so as not to bother with. This technique will allow Gemini to be more social, to achieve success in communicating with people. The length of the hair in this case can be different - ranging from an elongated caret to long braids.


This is one of the most complex, but also the most powerful star signs in terms of energy. Which, of course, cannot but affect the hair - usually they are thick and straight, heavy and filled with health.

What hairstyles are suitable for the zodiac sign "Cancer"? This is again a square with regular clear lines. The hair of a Cancer woman most often does not curl well, so it is worth leaving simplicity and perfect smoothness along the entire length. Such hairstyles allow you to direct energy into the body, preventing it from "dissipating" in space.

a lion

Lion's mane - only such a hairstyle should be for a Leo woman. Hair color is not important - choose a shade for yours or at your personal discretion. But the splendor and volume from the roots to the very tips are important. It is better to make a haircut stepwise, cascading. The hair of this sign is usually curly by nature, so styling should not be a problem.

Such hairstyles will give even more confidence to the already regal Leo.


This is a sign of the Earth, which cannot but affect the character of Virgos: most often they are pedantic, accurate, modest and hardworking. Would you like to add a little playfulness to such an image?

Astrologers advise paying more attention to hair care so that they have a natural shine, use golden hues of paint, and even use false strands and hairpieces to create hairstyles. This approach will allow Virgos to cope with large amounts of work and at the same time pay attention to their personal lives.


Libras value classics and simplicity, but are always open to experimentation. That is why astrologers advise Libra women simple silhouettes, but you can add zest with the help of unusual color blotches.

Make fashionable (transition from dark roots to light tips) or coloring along the entire length with the effect of strands burnt out in the sun. The classic in the haircut itself and at the same time the challenge in the color scheme will attract the attention of others.


The scorpion tail is invariably associated with braids and weaving, and yes, indeed, this is what suits the Scorpio woman the most. Curls braided and laid around the head will allow this zodiac sign to accumulate energy inside itself, without releasing it outside.

It is better to choose bright and saturated colors for coloring - platinum blond, blue-black or eggplant - they can further emphasize the natural sexuality of Scorpios.


Sagittarians are very freedom-loving, their hair most often curls by nature and falls off in light strands. Therefore, to add a little rigor, you can cut your hair short, but without excessive extravagance, or style long hair in high hairstyles.

A ballerina bun, or a shell hairstyle, is suitable for a Sagittarius woman.


Capricorns appreciate simplicity and practicality in hairstyles. Minimum styling time - this is exactly what they need!

By the way, astrologers advise Capricorn women to wear bangs - it can be even and smooth (if the hair itself is straight) or oblique and elongated (if the hair is slightly curly). They say that it is the bangs that will allow Capricorns to improve their financial situation and attract money to the house.


Despite the fact that the name of the sign is associated with water, its element is Air. Aquarius women feel very well all the new trends in fashion and are the first to pick them up. Therefore, everything that is at the peak of popularity suits Aquarius - with the help of fashionable novelties, they will be at their best in any society.

Coloring in bright colors and unusual shades will be very relevant today: if Aquarius is blonde, you can even paint a few strands in pink or purple.


The element of this sign is Water, therefore, just like the other “water” sign Scorpio, Pisces will suit braids and weaving, as well as beautiful knots and styling in the style of the 60s (“babette”). Pisces women are usually very restrained and harmonious, therefore, shades for hair coloring must be selected natural and natural - walnut, honey, chestnut.

Well, we have listed all 12 zodiac signs. Choose yours among them and try to make the most suitable hairstyle, haircut and styling - then all the energy of your sign will be revealed to the fullest!

Aries are very short haircuts, for example, bob, bob, gavrosh. They correspond to their dynamic pace of life and give the image individuality. Young representatives of this sign can experiment with haircuts, for example, choose asymmetry or extremely short length. For mature women, short hairstyles will help you look younger.


Taurus is recommended to choose haircuts that preserve the length of the hair as much as possible. Women born under this sign love to do intricate hairstyles, so it’s better to opt for a classic “ladder”. Often Taurus have heavy facial features. A cascade with oblique bangs will help soften the image.


Easy-going Gemini astrologers advise wearing airy hairstyles. It is easiest to create it on medium length hair. For Gemini, it is important that the hair is lush. Multi-stage haircuts, a classic cascade, an elongated bean, a torn bob can add volume.


Cancers usually have naturally good thick hair. Haircuts that emphasize the beauty of the strands are suitable for them, for example, “fox tail, long or wavy bob, “ladder”. You can experiment with parting and curling, but it is better to refuse bangs.

a lion

Leos prefer haircuts that express their bright personality. Usually they have luxurious thick hair. If for some reason the condition of the hair leaves much to be desired, Leo women resort to extensions. Lush haircuts are suitable for them, for example, an elongated bob with or without bangs, Aurora, and a wavy bob.


Simple conservative haircuts are suitable for virgins. Their ideal hairstyle should be neat and elegant. An excellent choice would be a classic bob (square), elongated caret in all variations, session.



Like all representatives of the water element, Scorpions are very long hair. In addition to cutting the ends “under the ruler” and “ladder”, extravagant hairstyles are recommended to them. Representatives of this sign will organically look with a pixie haircut, asymmetrical bob, gavroche.


Sagittarians like to change their image often. At the same time, their main requirement for a haircut is the minimum amount of time for styling. Representatives of this sign go equally well with long and short hair. They can be advised French haircut, shaggy, page, double or graduated bob.


Capricorn feels comfortable with a classic haircut, devoid of extravagant elements. Options for the most conservative representative of the earth element: a neat page or a concise “hat”, a universal session, a practical “ladder” or a comfortable long bob.


Aquarians are always up to date with fashion trends. They are not afraid to experiment with the shape and color of their hair. They are modern haircuts with shaved temples, Iroquois, asymmetry, "hedgehog". The most daring Aquarians dye their hair in acid colors and do their hairstyles in the "thrash" style.


Romantic Pisces prefer long hair so that they can do complex hairstyles with braids and curls. They are suitable for feminine haircuts without sharp contours and sharp corners. From the point of view of astrology, Pisces can be advised wavy bob, cascade, foxtail and aurora haircuts.

Your perseverance in achieving goals can be envied, including when it comes to. You do not mind spending half an hour in front of the mirror, because you know that the result will be like from the salon. The best option for your sign is long hair. If you want variety, play not with the form, but with the color. And to go out, make a "shell".


With your light and eccentric character, strict hairstyles are not an option. You constantly need to change. Try to make trendy bright strands. Their color
can be changed with every wash.


Curls will emphasize your romantic nature. Light curls are in fashion, for which tongs or curlers are not needed: just braid braids for the night. When thinking about a haircut, stop at the option below the shoulders. The short length does not look so gentle.

a lion

You love to be the center of attention, so your hairstyle should also catch the eye. Volumetric lush mane -. If you have thin hair, a cascading haircut will help to give it volume. And curls should be “try on” for owners of thick hair. For a wow-effect, lightly tease them at the roots.


It's not in your nature to experiment with looks and try creative haircuts. You are a conservative at heart and prefer classics to trendy options. Therefore, you should not "risk" with the shape of the hairstyle, it is better to correctly place color accents. For example, you can make coloring with the effect of sun-bleached hair. This coloring looks good on both straight and curly hair.


Balance in everything is your motto in life. You need a hairstyle that, on the one hand, will be in trend: for example, a strict bob with straight bangs, perhaps with elements of creative coloring. But on the other hand, the hairstyle should be easy to style. Therefore, often representatives of the sign Librawho are enough to dry with a hairdryer and a comb to make the styling look perfect.


You can't go around with the same hairstyle for a long time. Such is your nature: to always strive for something new. Do not make a too creative haircut that cannot be styled in different ways. Stop for a haircut with thinning or unusual bangs.


You are a free and creative person, and you need hairstyles to match. Even if you wear a regular ponytail, make a noticeable bouffant on the top of your head. And if you like short hair, think about a square that can be styled according to your mood. For a more daring look, comb your hair up, if you want romance - stretch the strands to your face.


You don't like to draw attention to your appearance. Your strong point is to fall in love with your intellect. Therefore, you need a hairstyle “with meaning”, which will not be striking, but will subtly and skillfully emphasize the oval and make facial features bright. For example, a profiled square to the shoulders or a bob with a shortened nape.


You are simple and open, you do not like to complicate life and delve into the little things. Complex haircuts that require special styling products are not your option. You will be comfortable with loose or slicked back hair in a bun. And to add zest to a simple-looking image, jewelry will help.


Simple, natural, neat… You can say the same about you and about your perfect hairstyle. Pisces are loose straight lines. If you're a brunette, apply a little shine spray or light oil down the length of your strands, avoiding the roots. Hair will look even more well-groomed. Do not experiment with complex weaves, deliberate curls, bright strands: they will not get along with the image.


Complex haircuts with unusual coloring will suit your sign. They well convey the main character traits: perseverance, determination, pragmatism, a critical view of things. When choosing a hair color, astrologers recommend looking at the shades typical of representatives of the fire element - red, caramel and beige. The combination of several tones in a graduated square looks stylish. Spray your roots with dry shampoo and tousle your hair. The styling will last without varnish! Thinking about a short haircut? In fashion options with elongated bangs.

Styling products

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Professional hair dryer 6615E Babyliss. Price ok. RUB 8900*

Hairspray "Volume and care" Nivea. Price RUB 247*

Lotion-spray for basal volume with John Frieda thermoprotective action. Price RUB 850*

Sun protection leave-in spray BIOLAGE SUNSORIALS Matrix. Price RUB 713*

Wet Brush. Price RUB 860*

Firming conditioner [phytokeratin] Pure Line. Price RUB 100*
