An obsession came true!!! Relationship between father-in-law and young daughter-in-law.

Marina arrived at the regional center at noon. She traveled a hundred kilometers, moving away from the noisy metropolis where she was born and raised, met her betrothed and got married, and then, after living in a happy marriage for two years, gave birth to a daughter. Marina walked up to her husband's house with an uncertain step. She came here alone, without her beloved husband: it’s been a year since he passed away after a ridiculous and terrible accident that claimed the life of the person closest to her. Actually, the road here has always been difficult for her, and now even more so... But the wake of her beloved Vanechka was scheduled for today, and she did not dare refuse her husband’s tough relatives, placing her little daughter with her mother.

Approaching the gate, Marina saw her husband’s cousins ​​and their wives, and some other strangers. They all looked more like villagers than city dwellers. The woman mentally grinned, remembering how the grandmothers gossiped on the benches near their houses, and with what reproach her future relatives looked at her when Ivan brought her here for the bride. Oh, they were hard for her! On the very first day, Marina was made to understand that she was not one of them, constantly pricking her pride with his caustic remarks about her asymmetrical youth haircut, frivolous blouse made of semi-translucent fabric, extravagant fashionable trousers, and inability to adapt to their usual way of life. It was always like this: every time, during their obligatory monthly trips, they made fun of the fragile resident of the big city, hiding their complexes. She realized this later, but at first she roared and clenched her fists, powerless to fight back her newly-made relatives. Then - childbirth; the child was born at seven months old, and on this occasion she also had to endure verbal outpourings (now from her father-in-law and mother-in-law) that they needed a boy, an heir to the family, and also physically strong...

The husband tried to soften all these blows, but, to tell the truth, he did not always succeed convincingly. He was too different from them in his gentleness, kindness, and tenderness towards his beloved. Now there is no one to protect the young widow, Marina felt sorry for herself, approaching her relatives. For the occasion, she wore a black, albeit tight-fitting, dress. And even in this strict attire she looked wonderful. Marina was delicate in body, slender, rather even thin. But her breasts were excellent - beautiful, erect, moderately full. With her wonderful figure, which only gained a little weight after giving birth, Marina delighted many men. Her thinness was now smoothed out, and that made the young woman look even sexier. And she more than once caught openly interested glances from the opposite sex. But she remained faithful to her Vanya, even when his parents opposed the marriage, and under a family pretext they took their son away for a couple of months out of sight of the “insidious seductress.” Remembering all this, Marina sighed and entered the house.

“Hello, our dear girl,” the father-in-law approached her, hugged her, and kissed her three times. Then, putting his arm around his daughter-in-law’s shoulders, he led her deeper into the house, stroking the young woman’s back a couple of times along the way.
“It’s just a shame, he doesn’t go: our mother is sick.” He has hardly gotten up for two weeks now. “You should have brought us some medicine from the city, otherwise the little bird has flown away and won’t show up,” the father-in-law continued in a surprisingly soft voice.
Marina was even confused by this reception and began asking about the health of all her relatives, at the same time finding out what they needed...
- Well, come in, come in, into the far room, you can rest from the road. And we are now, now,” the father-in-law began to fuss, letting Marina go ahead. The widow felt the boring gaze of her late husband’s father with her back, and immediately saw a portrait of Vanya in a black frame. Strange, but she noted how much her beloved husband turned out to be like his father. The young woman’s heart again felt a dagger of suffering from the irreparable loss of her loved one. A shadow of grief fell again on her beautiful face.
- Let's start a little later. There’s something else that needs to be done, my relatives are doing this, you’ve seen them,” Marina heard. It’s strange, the father-in-law still didn’t leave.
- Forgive me, daughter, I was harsh with you in an unfatherly way. You can’t bring back the past, but you’re not a stranger to us, remember that,” continued the husband’s father. It was the first time Marina had heard such speeches here, and in such a warm, affectionate and sincere voice. The father-in-law again came close to the woman, and, taking her into his arms, began to say in a half-whisper, as if reading a spell:
- You are so timid, as if made of crystal. This is not the kind of wife we ​​saw for our boyfriend, our Vanechka. But he loved you so much! And now, fool, I understand what happened. You are our beauty! - continued the father-in-law.

Marina was silent, amazed at what was happening. She sat down on the bed, fiddling with her purse in her hands, not knowing how to give away the money she had brought with her. She again looked towards the portrait of her late husband, as if seeking his advice, and again the thought of her son’s strong resemblance to his father flashed through her mind. And he kept lulling her to sleep with his soft, unfamiliar to her, heartfelt voice. The father-in-law stroked Marina's head, and then gently touched her hair and began to slowly finger it. Continuing this, he took his daughter-in-law's porcelain fingers into his huge palm, gently fingering them and continuing to speak in a quiet, soothing voice. The widow raised her eyes and was met with a gaze that pierced and pierced through and through. The father-in-law's pupils glowed with a bright, some kind of primitive, animal fire. It was precisely these kind of glances - heavy, full of wild desire, undressing - that Marina felt on herself when she traveled to the Caucasus on business. For some reason this stuck in her memory. She was afraid of Caucasian men, but then, in the mountainous region, she noted to herself with horror that she would give herself to the loving southerners with a sweet feeling of submission if they happened to catch her in some deserted corner. And in her erotic fantasies, she several times replayed the passionate scenario of her captivity by bloodthirsty and proud horsemen, unceremoniously tearing off her clothes and passionately taking possession of her. Sometimes Marina even dreamed that she was falling into the hands of some brutal men who did not let go of their trembling prey until they were fed up. And a strange thing: in a dream, the woman experienced some kind of indescribable languor, waking up in icy sweat, and feeling sticky moisture flowing between her legs...
One day she was watching an American film, and suddenly she was inflamed by an episode in which a European woman traveling through the desert is left alone and ends up with the Bedouins. And these Bedouins did not ignore the charms of their trophy, giving her what the lady would never have received if left alone with gentlemen from a civilized society. Marina turned this plot over in her head many times, fearing the unbridledness of her desires, and straining all her will so as not to betray her passion. Yes, she was a temperamental woman, constrained by decency and her own oath of fidelity to her husband, who loved and caressed her reverently and tenderly, although he possessed a kind masculine strength that delighted an inexperienced, fragile woman.
All these thoughts flashed through Marina’s head in a swarm when she turned back to reality. The father-in-law continued to coo over the ear of his meek daughter-in-law, captivating her with his honeyed, leisurely conversation. The husband's father was already stroking Marina's sides, not forgetting to walk over her tummy and even fleetingly glide over the attractive curves of the young widow. It was hard to believe that these caressing, gentle, enveloping hands with erotic warmth belonged to the man whom she was terrified of. She didn’t have the courage to force herself to contradict her father-in-law, but she had no right to let it go that far...

Marina made an attempt to free herself from her father-in-law’s embrace, but that was not the case: a large, strong body pressed against her more and more. His hand slid along her back, right along the line of her spine. The woman shivered, and the father-in-law must have noticed this slight movement, because he looked at her studyingly. Now one hand was stroking her back, the other was supporting her lower back, covered in the mourning fabric of her dress. Marina felt his palm pressing on her sacrum, forcing her to move even closer. The old man's heart was beating like a sprinter's, and the widow was surprised to note that her own heart was beating almost in unison with his. Suddenly the father-in-law gently ran the pad of his thumb over the nipple - very softly, and therefore even more sensitive for her. He reacted treacherously, revealing himself through a thin black dress.

It’s hard for you, I suppose... You’re a woman in her prime. I want a woman’s joy, my body is asking for it. I’ve been without my husband for a year now, I’ve suffered…” whispered the father-in-law, who was carefully watching the young woman’s slightest reaction.

The man said incredibly shameful things, unceremoniously invaded the intimate life of his daughter-in-law, but for some reason the woman began to listen to the scorching speech of her dissolute father-in-law right from these words. And it was as if he was looking into the water! And he voiced everything accurately and without embarrassment, revealing the whole essence of the experiences of a temperamental young woman. The father-in-law entwined her with his increasingly daring strokes and shameless speeches, like a spider its victim.
Marina's memory rewinded the tape of memories a year, six months and a week ago. Why remember! After the death of her husband, the first months she lived as if in a fog. She was scared and empty in the apartment, which still smelled of family happiness. Having been widowed, Marina did not want to return to her parents - however, it was not possible to live in the same room with them, especially with their little daughter. Sometimes it seemed to the woman that she was about to wake up, the terrible dream would end, and Ivan would caress her again. Then it went away. Every day a cold bed awaited her, which her beloved man would never warm with his warmth. And one lonely night, Marina acutely felt that she could no longer remain without a partner. She realized that she was unable to suppress her desire, which she kept inside herself so skillfully that she had a reputation for being a cold, work-minded woman. The thirst for male caresses grew, and for Marina it was unbearable and terrible.

She tried to despise herself, but her patience melted away like ice cream under the summer sun. Ivan awakened her sensuality, which raged in her like an inexhaustible spring. And - he passed away. Marina again began to have night visions of muscular, and even not very neat, men who undressed her, held her by the chest and hips, groped her most secret corners, and invaded, invaded, invaded their flesh, delivering pleasure incomprehensible in strength even in a dream . The most striking - and invariably constant - element of these dreams was the uncontrollable, flood-like ejaculation of these wild males. The woman almost in reality felt a warm protein mass on her breasts, which covered the woman’s body in generous drops, leaving wet paths and creamy puddles everywhere one could imagine. And Marina woke up from a clear feeling of delight, at the peak of pleasure, with surprise feeling pleasant spasms in the vagina dripping with juice. Sometimes she began to think about another man, then she drove these thoughts away, fearing thoughts that were forbidden for a decent widow. About seven months later, she felt a craving for wine in order to forget about the gloomy thoughts that overwhelmed her. But I quickly realized that the female brain immediately switches to the sexual sphere from alcohol. And she was even more tormented by the absence of a man.

Of course, Marina was engaged in self-satisfaction. She tried the shower option, but it didn't help. The woman caressed and stimulated herself in every way; and even went further than finger manipulation. But she quickly realized that to get full pleasure, she lacked real sexual intercourse. Mechanical irritation of the genitals was not enough for her, but she needed someone to caress her breasts and squeeze her thighs. She desperately wanted to feel the body of her partner, who gave her tenderness and love.

And inconsolable, full of strength and innermost desires, the widow made up her mind and began searching for a man who resembled Ivan to her. But no one lived up to her expectations: they sought to quickly satisfy their lust, without thinking about the pleasure of their partner. She greedily caught rare pleasant sensations, only vaguely reminiscent of sex with Ivan. Even in the shameless dreams that visited her, Marinino’s vagina watered with the juices of desire much more actively than during contacts with rare lovers. And there were only three of them - all sent to their organization for a maximum of a week. The team was exclusively female, and Marina never had a chance to be in company: she was in a hurry to go home to her child. Some more time passed, filled with suffering, and Marina one day realized that she would no longer find a man who would suit her. There is no chance, she told herself, and with these thoughts she went to the wake at her father’s house Vanechka...
Melancholy and dissatisfaction, and even shyness in front of her father-in-law, who was always harsh towards her, prevented Marina from offering at least some resistance to her father-in-law who suddenly approached her. And the elderly man’s manipulations became more and more animated. He stroked her fine body, yearning for caresses, more and more insistently. It became more and more pliable, obeying the unspoken commands of the seducer. He kept whispering something to his daughter-in-law, fanning her reddened ear with the hot breath of an excited male. Her breasts became increasingly tight in her bra, her nipples became sore, and a hot pulsation arose between her legs, echoing a frantic beating throughout the woman’s body.

And you lie down, lie down on the bed, my sweetie! - the father-in-law forced Marina to take a lying position with his body. And at the last words, no longer afraid of the righteous anger and rebuff of the young widow, he put his hand right between the woman’s thighs. The man's fingers ran over the delicate fabric of the women's panties, stopping at the point of the woman's nature moistened under the thin silk. Just a moment, but it was enough for Marina to realize that she began to flow. And her father-in-law just became convinced of this.

Oh, you little fish, you swam! - the father-in-law was delighted with his discovery. He wanted to sing from the near happiness of owning this well-groomed metropolitan thing. Victory over a young woman who smelled pleasantly of perfume, dressed in an elegant dress that still hid her tender and so alluring young body, was easier than he expected. The father-in-law always, in the depths of his soul, considered Marina a gift of fate for his son, envied him, passionately desired her. And, realizing the impossibility of his dream, he humiliated and made fun of his unrequited pretty daughter-in-law in every possible way.
Uncle Stepan, as he was called in the area, adored the sweet life, and achieved considerable success in conquering local young women, along the way becoming known as a local Casanova among the inconsolable wives who lacked warmth from heavy-drinking men. But to take possession of a sophisticated beauty from a big city, and even fit to be his daughter... This elderly male could not even imagine this!

During the visits of the newlyweds, he several times had the opportunity to watch tiny erotic performances: then the daughter-in-law’s skirt would open in the breeze and show off the lace of her stockings; then when a modest woman bends over, her beautiful breasts sway in the cut of her blouse, as if asking to be tenderly rubbed. Stepan looked at her swollen, beautiful lips and imagined how she took a man’s penis with them. He lowered his gaze to his hips - and almost clearly felt how they were pushing towards Ivan’s loins.

But the most unforgettable sight was when the father-in-law had the opportunity to become a happy spectator of the almost completely naked Marina. She washed herself in the yard, believing that she was left alone. It was early in the morning, there could be no one at the washstand: Vanya’s parents had to go to the gardens, and her husband had gone fishing at dawn. But Marina did not know that Stepan had returned for the forgotten statement, and was unexpectedly rewarded with a bright spectacle. The daughter-in-law stood bending over the washstand in a very piquant pose. The young woman remained only in a translucent bikini, carefreely showing off all her charms to an unwitting witness. In the rays of the morning dawn, half-naked Marina looked like the goddess Aurora. She could not help but captivate with her femininity and graceful movements. Stepan was fascinated, and could barely restrain himself from jumping out of his hiding place and tearing apart his delicious daughter-in-law, throwing out the entire accumulated seed reserve into her. From then on, he became even harsher and more unfriendly towards Marina.
And now the father-in-law was enjoying the omen of good fortune. Being an experienced lover, he understood that the bird was already in the snare, but could still fly away. Therefore, he decided not to stop his pressure. Stepan's hot mouth was already caressing Marina's neck, his tongue was teasing her earlobe. The woman tensed, still trying to restrain herself so as not to reveal her growing excitement. Meanwhile, her perineum became more and more wet, and it became more and more difficult to resist the surging desire. She had not had a man for a long time, moreover, just today she was starting to ovulate, it flashed through the woman’s head. With his palms, hot with lust, the father-in-law was already moving with all his might along the inner side of the woman’s satin thighs, not forgetting to stroke Marina’s proud, hot breasts. The widow began to make quiet, helpless moans. Stepan immediately covered her mouth with his hand.

Wow, it turns out you're hot! “Be calm, now you’ll feel better,” the father-in-law began to quickly unbutton his daughter-in-law’s dress, deftly freeing his partner’s absolutely unresisting body from clothes.
- We’ll release your sweet breasts into the wild... Such balls are languishing! Wait, I’ll take them,” appreciating the beauty, Stepan squeezed his chest and began to pinch the nipple. It’s a strange thing, but Marina found it pleasant, and, closing her eyes in pleasure, she continued to make sweet moans, muffling them with a pillow.

Having freed his daughter-in-law from almost all her clothes, Stepan rejoiced. He saw the desired young woman in front of him - her high, full breasts; nipples erect like soldiers; a flat and smooth belly above a tiny triangle of panties, as black and translucent as the discarded bra. The damp fabric of her panties only slightly covered the light matted growth of pubic hair. Stepan began intensively stroking Marina’s lower abdomen. When his palm pressed imperiously on her most sensitive spot, she herself spread her legs, experiencing sweet languor.

The woman looked with misty eyes at Vanya’s photograph. The smiling deceased husband seemed to encourage her in this madness. And the young widow finally surrendered to the mercy of her sudden suitor, who reminded her of a very aged Vanechka. The man rubbed her crotch, covering every inch of the magnificent female body with kisses. Finally, he pressed his mouth into his daughter-in-law’s vagina, which was clearly begging for attention. Marina felt stuffy and her breathing was short. She felt incredibly pleased, and very quickly, unexpectedly for herself, splashed thick, sweet nectar into Stepan’s face.

Marina was already beside herself with the bliss that enveloped her. Now she gently hugged the tousled head of her elderly father-in-law, moaning gratefully in time with the movements of his tireless tongue. The tongue danced around the clitoris, and the man's fingers squeezed the buttocks, stroked the thighs, spread the private lips wider and, finally, entered the vagina. Juice began to flood Marina’s anus, and the ring finger easily slipped into it. The woman went into a frenzy when three male fingers entered her at once, separated by a thin partition. The effect was amazing. Marina took this as acutely as if her clitoris had been irritated. Now two sensitive points were excited at once.

And no one had ever done anything like this to her before! Screaming and shuddering with every touch of the tongue and every back-and-forth movement of the hand, the young widow arched. Stepan played non-stop, and Marina already knew for sure that in a moment she would soar into the heavens of pleasure. Suddenly Stepan pushed his fingers into her all the way and licked the most sensitive point of the clitoris. The orgasm was short-lived, but piercing. The woman was thrilled with the bliss spreading throughout her body. The man pulled his fingers out of her, she relaxed and... felt the pressure of the massive head of his penis on her private lips.

And here is my spine! Now we will please you! - sliding over the clitoris, the penis penetrated the vagina, generously watered with sexual secretion. The father-in-law's hands squeezed the woman's buttocks, the penis penetrated Marina even deeper, the scrotum danced between her wet thighs, and the head began to hammer into the cervix.

God, how good she felt! Perhaps she had this feeling because she had not had sex for a long time, but it is possible that the reason for this was the size of Stepan’s penis. Marina plunged into the ocean of voluptuousness, sailing along its waves, and approaching the island of heavenly pleasure. The man continued to plunge his sword into the wet sheath of the woman struggling under him, while simultaneously covering her heated body with kisses. His hands managed to caress her hair, face and breasts, his tongue wandered wherever possible, paying special attention to his partner’s ear, bringing her into trembling delight with his sophisticated caresses. She wriggled under him, completely forgetting about everything, and animal moans and screams came from her throat, prudently muffled by the badly bitten pillow. Suddenly Marina grabbed the back of her elderly male, who continued to attack her uterus, and through splashing tears asked:
- Please be kind, tell me that you need me! Do me good!

And my father-in-law did! As if in a hot delirium, he whispered to her the most tender words,
He said that he only needed her, that he loved only her, that he was crazy about her unearthly beauty. With each new push, the father-in-law's act with the young widow approached the moment of maximum ecstasy. And then Marina was hit with a cold shock: now she is having the most dangerous days, she so frivolously forgot about everything, they are not protecting themselves... What a horror!
The woman tried to push back her ass, which a second before had been flying towards rapturous pleasure, and tried to free herself from her father-in-law’s strong penis, which was working like a piston.
- No need, ask for whatever you want, just not this! Take me as you like, but not into me! Please, please, not into me... - Marina begged her partner, who was accelerating the pace. He stubbornly continued, anticipating the imminent ending. The member “kissed” the daughter-in-law’s uterus more and more sensitively.
- Swallow, now... You are mine now... That's it! - Stepan wheezed.

“Like this, like this, like this,” he repeated as if in an echo, pouring his sperm into Marina, portion after portion. And indeed a rapid stream of her father-in-law’s semen rushed into her vagina. It irrigated the canal carefully caressed by a considerable male member, and at that moment Marina felt that her time had come. She began to cum furiously, ceasing to think about everything in the world except the bliss that had washed over her. It was so sharp and long that even the brightest moments with Vanya seemed to her little consolation...
Marina looked at her elderly lover with the peaceful gaze of an impregnated woman. She instinctively realized that the male juice, having merged with her nectar of passion, had already begun its work, eternal as the world. The young widow hugged the spicy-smelling Stepan, and, placing her snow-white thigh on his wet dark belly, whispered:
- What have we done to you?
Her forced abstinence was rewarded with the most powerful orgasm of her life. Grateful Marina, feeling a surge of tenderness for her stern ruler, began to shower the man’s body with kisses, and shuddered in surprise when she heard:
- I need an heir, Marina!
And nine months later she gave birth to a boy. While she was carrying the child, an elderly man came to visit her in the big city, giving rise to gossip among curious neighbors. The child was named Vanya, and after the christening, which occurred in the third month after the death of Stepan’s wife, Marina unexpectedly left for permanent residence in a small town. True, in a different area. She has been living there for three years now with two children and an elderly, caring husband.
He is so caring that Marina is already carrying another child under her heart...

Hello! My name is Marina (real name), I am now 26 years old, my husband is two months younger, my daughter is 7 years old. My story, although unusual, is very real. Please do not judge strictly, there is simply no one and nowhere to speak out. I know that this is wrong, it’s dirty and disgusting, I hate myself, I’m ashamed to look my husband in the eye, his mother - she’s generally a holy woman, my daughters - they don’t deserve all this, but I can’t help myself. I'll start in order.

She got married, as they used to say, most likely by pregnancy. I can’t say that I particularly loved him (my husband), I just found it interesting to be with him. I met my husband when I was a second-year student; we studied at the same time, but in different faculties. They started dating, then rented a room for two. Six months later, I became pregnant, and I had to go to the academy, Vova (future husband) continued to study and also got a job.

Six months after the birth of my daughter, I resumed my studies. We graduated with grief in half, my husband was assigned to the periphery. I didn’t work, we bounced around rented apartments, Vova often changed jobs, there wasn’t enough money all the time. Even the wedding took place in the dorm after the birth. Then his father said that he had built a good house in a normal city, that his specialty was in demand among some acquaintances, and invited us to live with his parents. How welcome they were to us... They babysat their granddaughter, they gave us the entire second floor...

Vova got into his work well, finally began to bring good money, gifts for his daughter and me sometimes, but he began to pay more attention to work and friends than to me. But I found a common language with his parents, especially with his father Viktor Nikolaevich. We could chat for hours on any topic, do housework, do some business - he has a small store in the village, and I was also involved there of my own free will.

He is a respectable, prominent man and, despite his age, looks much younger than his years. They often began to chat about sexual topics. And from more and more frequent communication, I became more and more drawn to him. Every day I became more and more sympathetic to him - not only as a relative and as a person, but as a MAN! Yes, exactly as a man, as a male, as a person with whom I would like to share a bed. He often hugged me like a daughter-in-law, like a daughter, and I just got goosebumps.

Maybe it was due to a lack of attention on the part of the husband: sex - one stick every ten days, short kisses, and stingy with affection. Sex with my husband has become simply a physical necessity, although orgasms are regular... I don’t know why this all happened, I don’t know!!!

And in the back room of the store, Viktor Nikolaevich and I were putting goods on the shelves, I almost fell off the stool, he caught me and... It happened! We kissed!!! Passionately, with a long kiss! I didn’t know what was happening to me at that moment. I was ready to give myself to him right there, in the back room, I had already started to take off my dress, but he stopped me. He stepped aside, apologized, and asked never to be alone together again, because this was more than a betrayal.

It lasted us two weeks. All this time I was thinking only about HIM! Even with my husband, I imagined his father in bed. The father-in-law also changed in face, became more withdrawn and gloomy. His mother-in-law never noticed that something wrong was happening to him, and, in his words, they had not had sex with Vova’s mother for a long time due to her illness.

Two weeks after the above events, we celebrated our daughter’s birthday. The husband got drunk and fell asleep. Viktor Nikolaevich drinks very little, and I’m not a drinker at all. My mother-in-law also went to bed, citing poor health, and Victor and I decided to take a walk. I didn’t hide my feelings anymore, and neither did he. We went into the bathhouse, took off our clothes and had sex. I couldn’t even dream about this!!! Three and a half hours, almost non-stop! I was perfectly aware of what I was doing, I know that I wanted this for a long time, we both wanted it. I couldn’t tear myself away from him, I was ready to caress him and caress him, I realized that I fell in love, truly fell in love, even though this love is taboo! After that, I left, lay down with my husband, and he lay down with his wife.

Three days later it happened again in the car, on the river bank. Then in the store in that same back room. At every opportunity we fucked wherever we had to. We both know that this is all wrong. The husband will lose not only his wife, but also his father; his closest and dearest people were stabbed in the back. His mother may not survive this at all, she has a bad heart! The worst thing is that I don’t want a husband anymore as a man, I’m physically attracted to only one person - his father! Carrying out my marital duty with my husband, I have the feeling that I am betraying my beloved.

How we want to be together! How we love each other! How can we confess everything to our other halves without hurting them, avoid tragedy, because they won’t understand us? And my husband and I also have a daughter! How can I explain it to her later? Viktor Nikolaevich said that he would talk to his son like a man and try to explain everything to him. It will be more difficult with the mother-in-law if her heart cannot stand such news. She’s ready to commit suicide, but her daughter stops her. This has already been going on for six months right under everyone’s nose, and the mother-in-law is starting to suspect something. Husband - no! Trusts and loves. What should I do?

“Misha and I have been married for about three years. After the wedding, we rented an apartment, but my husband lost his job, and we had to move in with my mother. At first, the relationship between son-in-law and mother-in-law developed well. And then off we went. Misha constantly found fault with his mother and caused scandals. Either he didn’t like the way she prepared the borscht, or the way she wiped away the dust. In a word, he was not satisfied with everything that my mother did. Living together was simply unbearable. But renting a separate apartment again was out of the question: there was a catastrophic lack of money. Then we decided to live with my husband’s parents for some time. That's when it all happened...

He stroked my ass

Mishka looked for a job every day. He came home only in the evening. His mother worked several hours a day as a cleaner in a grocery store, and spent the rest of her time in the garden. The father-in-law was sitting on a well-deserved rest and lay on the sofa all day long, staring at the TV. In general, most of the time he and I were alone in the apartment. At first, my second dad just gave me lustful looks. I was terribly embarrassed and looked away. When he realized that shooting with his eyes had no effect, he decided to seduce me in a different way. I was peeling potatoes in the kitchen, he came up behind me and started stroking my ass. I jumped away from him, shamed him and demanded an explanation. But the father-in-law just smiled and went in for a kiss. I threw the knife, ran out of the kitchen and locked myself in the toilet. I was disgusted, but all this excited me at the same time. I decided not to tell my husband anything. Why spoil relationships?

It's impossible to tear yourself away...

The next time, my father-in-law asked me to make coffee and bring it to his room. When I went in to see him, I immediately dropped the cup from what I saw: daddy was watching porn! God knows what was happening on the screen. He looked at me with a languid look and offered to do... the same thing. I refused, but... I decided to watch the movie a little too. And again I felt both self-loathing and insane excitement at the same time! Then the father-in-law went into the bathroom and asked him to rub his back. I didn’t answer, but after a few minutes I still went after him. Seeing a naked man, I was very embarrassed and wanted to leave. But when she looked at his manhood (which was simply enormous!), she attacked her husband’s father! What happened in the bathroom was simply indescribable. I have never experienced such an orgasm before. I love my husband very much, and in bed with him, in principle, I feel good, but... His father made me feel like a real woman. I am unable to end an intimate relationship with this man - such a thrill! What will happen to my marriage?..

At first, I couldn’t get enough of my mother-in-law. She treated me like her own daughter - it seemed that I had found a second mother. But then her obsessive friendship and desire to control me began to irritate me. By the way, my husband was on my side.

When I met Boris, I was in seventh heaven. Smart, handsome, intelligent guy, also caring and gentle. He earned good money as a leading manager in his father's thriving construction company.

Sometimes I even wondered why this wonderful young man paid attention to such a gray mouse like me. But, naturally, she kept such thoughts to herself and did not voice them.

Our first timid dates gradually grew into a stormy, dizzying romance with grandiose plans for our future life together. And one day Borya invited me to his place to introduce me to his parents.

Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law - a story from life

Seeing this house (no, not a house, but a house!), I opened my mouth with amazement and delight. The luxurious two-story mansion made an indelible impression.

Oh wow! - she gasped, looking around at the huge, well-groomed garden stretching off into the distance with perfectly evenly trimmed bushes, the intricate milky stucco on the walls and the luxurious front porch. The heavy, imposing door slowly opened, and a beautiful, slender woman in elegant clothes appeared on the threshold of the house. She extended her thin hand to me, covered with a light tan.

“Hello, Nadenka,” said Boris’s mother. - I'm Karina. Glad to meet you.

I hastily closed my mouth, afraid of blurting out something wrong and seeming like a naive fool, and vigorously shook my narrow palm.
“Wow, what a strong handshake,” she smiled. - Uncharacteristic of a girl... You probably go in for sports?
- A little. Aerobics, fitness. “Mainly to keep myself in shape,” I answered her straight away.

To put it mildly, I lied. I didn’t have enough money for paid classes. Therefore, the matter was limited to banal exercises in the morning and free jogging in the park.

Commendable,” Karina nodded. “I would like to know as much as possible about you,” she turned to her son: “Borenka, take the guest into the house.”
“Of course,” Borya grabbed my arm.

After a couple of minutes, I felt like Cinderella, for the first time in my life, in the royal palace. After all, the future mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were from different worlds. My thrift store clothes were clearly not for such splendor. Unlike my lover and his parents, I also did not differ in refined manners.

And what kind of manners can there be if my mother sells fruits and vegetables at the market, and my father was a simple worker at a factory (he died many years ago). We are as close to the aristocrats as to the sky. Perched on the edge of a chair, I fiddled with a handkerchief in my hands and confusedly talked about my life.

Periodically, nausea crept up my throat, and I was on the verge of losing consciousness from tension and excitement,
- School... College... Work... Nothing interesting...
- So after college you didn’t go to college?
“No...” I squeezed out, feeling another attack of faintness. And then she started chattering, explaining: “You see, I thought that I definitely wouldn’t get it on the budget.” But there is no money to study in a paid department. What is mom's salary in the market? Pennies... It only allows you to make ends meet. So I work to save money for my studies.

Of all this, the only truth was that I worked. About the institute - a lie. I actually didn’t think about further studies at all until today.
-Where do you work? - asked Karina.
- In the shop. “A salesperson,” she whispered, looking down. I was afraid to raise my head so as not to see the contemptuous look of my future mother-in-law. But contrary to my expectation, she suddenly clasped her hands and exclaimed, turning to her husband.
- You see, Gennady, how smart Nadyusha is! Independent, responsible! Not like these modern frivolous girls. They dress up so much that it’s scary to look at... All they know is to run around nightclubs...

“So I’m not modern? - I got worried. - Is this condemnation or approval? Judging by the tone, it’s more like approval,” and, having come to this conclusion, she exhaled with relief.

After the introductory small talk, everyone went to the dining room. We dined at a long table covered with a snow-white, hand-embroidered tablecloth. Although we had lunch - this, of course, is a strong word. I didn’t eat anything for fear of mixing up the cutlery.

She returned home only in the evening, thoughtful and silent.

“Tell me how it all went,” my mother demanded.
“It seems normal,” she shrugged. - Borya’s parents treated me kindly. Although compared to them I am a beggar,” she grinned. - They don't have money. There are already four cars in the garage, can you imagine?
- So what? Just think, cars... Wealth is not the most important thing. If only you and Borya loved each other.
“Well, that’s not the main thing...” she drawled, not agreeing.
- Yes. Not important! - the parent stood her ground. - Your father and I were happy without any millions.
“And with millions you would be even happier,” I couldn’t help but fake it.
- Nadya, do you really think so? - she clucked like a hen. - Did I teach you this?
“Mom, I was joking, calm down,” she waved it off cheerfully.

Material wealth has never been considered a special value in our family. Despite the rather mundane profession of a salesperson, my mother lived in some special illusory world and constantly regaled me with beautiful phrases about soul, kindness, selflessness and forgiveness.
- I wonder if Boris’s parents expressed a desire to meet me? - Mom asked.
- They said it, but what... A gala reception is scheduled for next weekend in honor of Borya and I’s engagement. Naturally, you are invited too.
- Reception? - Mom said. - Well, it’s necessary... I’ve never been to any receptions in my life.
“You’ll be there,” I said.

In the middle of the week, the groom informed me that his mother wanted to meet me on Friday evening.
“We were going to the cinema,” I reminded.
“We’ll go another time,” he responded nonchalantly.

I didn't like it too much. Still, I was somehow already in the mood for romance, for furtive kisses in the last row. Does he cancel a date to please his mom? But why?
- Bor, listen, maybe I’d better meet her on Thursday? - she suggested carefully. - I just have a free day...

Nadya, since mom said Friday, it means Friday,” Boris answered. -Are you upset? Do not pout…
- Yes, I’m not sulking, I just wanted to spend the evening with you.
“We still have so many evenings ahead—we can’t count them,” he pulled me towards him, buried his nose in my hair, and I immediately melted, pressing my cheek tightly against his chest.
- Well, so, honey, agreed?
- Yeah... By the way, what does your mother want from me? - asked.
- I don’t really know... Like, go to the store together.
- For what? - I threw my head back and looked into his face.
- As far as I understand, she is going to buy some new clothes and seems to want to consult with you.
- Wow! - I was happy. - So she thinks I have good taste? Cool! Does your mother dress in boutiques? Oh, there are such chic things there, but they are scary expensive.
“Nadyukha,” Borya rolled his eyes painfully, “I have no idea where mom gets dressed.” I'm not interested. Ask her yourself if this worries you.
“I won’t ask her anything,” she shrugged, “otherwise she’ll decide that I’m a stupid motherfucker.”

Boris laughed and jokingly poked me in the side.
- Well, that’s what you said - dammit. I had fun.
To be honest, I was very flattered that Karina decided to take me as an adviser, so all the resentment towards Borya immediately evaporated. After all, establishing a good relationship with his mother is now perhaps the most important task. It’s nice, damn it, when the mother of your loved one considers you a friend; mother-in-law and daughter-in-law should become friends!

Oh, what a Friday it was! Trips to expensive stores, where I didn’t even dare to look before. Helpful to the point of impossibility saleswomen, price tags on which, as in that joke, either the price is indicated or a telephone number. Kareena chose an elegant beige top with shiny gold thread. She twirled in front of the mirror and said:
- I'll wear it to your engagement party. And I have a matching white gold necklace on my neck. What do you say?
“I’ll say that you will be the most beautiful,” I complimented.
- You should be the most beautiful, my dear. This is your holiday after all.

I sighed, thinking that it was unlikely that I would look decent in my only dress-up suit, bought at a sale last year. Coming out of the fitting room, Karina casually handed a top to the saleswoman who flew up.
- I'll take this thing.

I moved towards the checkout, but my future mother-in-law called out to me: “Let’s take a look.”
She focused her attention on a dark dress with original sleeves. Simple, but very cute.
- What do you think? - asked me. - In my opinion, nothing.
“Cute,” I nodded.

In fact, the dress seemed a little gloomy to me, probably because of the color, but I didn’t dare contradict Karina. “Come on, try it on,” she said in an orderly tone.
- I?! But why? - Even her eyes widened in surprise.
- I want to see from the outside how it looks.
“You see, you and I have different figures, so you don’t have to navigate…” I began to babble.
- To the fitting room! - Karina said indisputably. I had to obey. I won't say that the dress was bad, just not quite to my taste.

Great! Let's take it.
- Just like that? And you don't even try it on?
- Not necessary.
- What if it doesn’t fit well on you?
- It doesn't matter. I'm not going to wear it.

I blinked in confusion.

“You will wear this dress to the engagement party,” she said.
- What? - I was taken aback. - But I... I... didn’t think...
- There's nothing to think about.
- But this dress costs more than my monthly salary.
- Doesn't matter. I'm buying it. Because I want you to look great at the reception.

Instead of objecting and admitting that I didn’t like the dress, I was full of gratitude, remembering that my mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were now like members of the same family. Then we taxied to a small restaurant for a bite to eat. I only wanted to order myself a cup of coffee, but Karina said that it was unhealthy and took us a glass of freshly squeezed juice. When I saw how much it cost, I felt sick. But my future mother-in-law was paying the bill, so I decided not to bother.

In general, as far as I understood, she was obsessed with the idea of ​​​​healthy eating.
- No meat, only fish! She is very helpful! - Karina spoke convincingly. - And also various salads with olive oil. This is my usual menu.

I almost blurted out that I liked pork chops and chicken wings, but I caught myself in time.
- You support my views, don’t you?
“Totally and completely,” I smiled obsequiously.

There was no reason to upset Borya's mother.

Fine! I hope that through joint efforts we will re-educate our men too,” she winked.
- In what sense? - I did not understand.
- In direct. My husband and son still cannot understand that a person is, in essence, what he eats. They throw all kinds of garbage into themselves, swallow whatever they can. I'm already tired of fighting this! - she
rolled her eyes. - And now I have a soul mate. Together we are strong.
- Yeah, the force, that’s for sure, agreed out of politeness.

Then Karina began to talk about miraculous enemas, and I almost vomited the priceless juice. But I restrained myself and only nodded, so as not to offend my boyfriend’s mother. It was very important for me to win her sympathy.

The reception in honor of Borya and I’s engagement went great (except for the fact that the tables were filled with wholesome “nasties”). Karina did not leave me a single step, introduced me to all the guests, and chirped tirelessly, extolling my virtues to the skies. I won't lie, I was pleased.

The only thing was that I felt awkward in the new dress (well, I don’t like such a dark color!), but otherwise everything went more than fine. I didn’t even notice that my mother stood modestly on the sidelines all evening, not talking to anyone.

And the next day, sharing the most intimate things with mommy in our small kitchen, I happily tweeted:
- Borya’s parents promised to give us an apartment for the wedding! God, I can't believe this is possible!
- Isn't the gift too expensive? - said mom.
- Ma, if they can afford it, why not?
- Well, I don’t know... It seems to me, Nadyusha, that this is too much...
“Oh, stop it, mommy,” I waved him off. “And after the painting, Boris and I will go on our honeymoon.” Do you know where? Guess! At least try!
- I have no idea. Maybe to Turkey? Or to Egypt?
- No, no and NO! A week in Italy... - I spread my arms dreamily. - And a week in Paris! It's like a fairytale!
- The main thing is that the fairy tale does not end quickly.
- It won't end. Karina said that we are going to Haute Couture Week in Paris. Let's go to the shows.
“Wait,” Mom frowned. - Which side did your precious Karina end up there?
“She’s coming with us,” I said.
- Seriously? Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law? On a honeymoon?! Oh well…

To be honest, I myself was shocked when I heard this news. But Karina presented compelling arguments: they say, under no circumstances should you miss the opportunity to attend a high fashion show. Who should you go there with if not her?
- Mom, I don’t understand what you don’t like. Let him go. Borya and I will stay in the honeymoon room, and she will stay in the room next door. What problems?
- Yes, none. If this doesn't bother you...
- Your decadent mood confuses me! Your daughter is getting married, but you don’t see anything joyful on your face.

The preparations for the wedding turned out to be no less grandiose than the celebration itself. Borina's parents covered all expenses. My mother contributed all her savings, but they were just a drop in the ocean.
Feeling obligated, I tried not to argue with Karina. She agreed to the outfit that she liked. She allowed herself to be persuaded into a hat with a veil, although she had always dreamed of a long white veil. The future mother-in-law even came with us to choose wedding rings!

My mother looked at the current state of affairs with bewilderment bordering on dissatisfaction.
- Nadya, you always had your own opinion on any matter, stop following Karina’s lead!
Deep down, of course, I agreed with her. But she didn’t say this out loud, but pretended to be content and happy.

Stop pitting me against my mother-in-law! - I told my mother. - I will have the wedding I dreamed of!
- You will have the wedding that Borya’s mother dreamed of.
In general, this is exactly what happened. But I wasn’t upset, I understood that in any case, Karina was making every effort, and for the sake of Borya and me.
“It’s just a wedding,” she repeated to herself. - Let him do as he wants, I don’t mind. Then everything will be different."

I returned from my honeymoon, exhausted by the constant presence of my mother-in-law. For the first time, thoughts appeared that it was time to put an end to her obsessive friendship.
- Now let’s start buying an apartment! - the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law solemnly announced, that is, I was speechless. - Which area would you like?
“Oh, I don’t even know,” she was confused. - The main thing is that the apartment is warm and cozy. Well, we don’t need a big one, there’s no need!
-What do you mean “don’t need a big one”?! - she was indignant. - And when the children go, where will they play? I think there should be at least four rooms, and even better - five.
- But why so much?
- Don't argue, I know better. Starting tomorrow we will start going to viewings. I already called the realtor.
- I can’t do it tomorrow. Only in the evening. My vacation is over, it's time to go to work.
- What job?! In the shop? Haven't you quit yet?
- Why on earth should I quit?
“It wasn’t enough to disgrace our family and stand behind the counter!” And then, Borechka is able to support her family. Am I right, Boris? Am I right?
- Of course, you’re right, mommy! - He hugged his mother by the shoulders.

And I again followed their lead. She obediently wrote a statement of her own free will.
Despite the fact that we went together to choose housing, Karina was not particularly interested in my opinion. She was guided solely by her own taste. And, of course, I didn’t disagree again.

Is it possible to express dissatisfaction if you are presented with such an expensive gift? In addition, I received an envelope with a certain amount “for furniture and trinkets.” I have never held such money in my hands...

But my life, under the strict guidance of my mother-in-law, changed dramatically. Pleasing my mother-in-law, my daughter-in-law began to dance to her tune... Together with her, we prepared healthy dishes (and I wanted fried potatoes!), drank freshly squeezed juice in the morning (without coffee, I was simply dying!) , regularly visited the hairdresser and cosmetics shop (because her son’s wife had to look good), went shopping (but she was not allowed to meet with her friends, it was “a shame to waste time”).

The most terrible evenings were: my husband, father-in-law and mother-in-law went either to a restaurant or to some reception. I already forgot when I spent time alone with Borya!

Rebellious feelings were brewing in me. Of course, if you look from the outside, everything seems to be in chocolate, there’s nothing to complain about. But in reality, I was ready to explode and ruin my relationship with Borya’s mother.

“You are a real treasure,” Karina repeated, which instantly disarmed me. - Sweet, obedient, pretty. I'm glad Borenka is so lucky.

“How will you sing if I stop giving in and start defending my point of view?” - I thought more and more often. One day my mother-in-law gave me a book about cleansing the body. And a couple of days later I asked: “Have you read it?”
“Well, of course,” I lied. - Very informative.
- In that case, we will fast together. I didn't expect such a turn.
“This is not for me,” she objected softly. - Just thinking about an empty stomach causes cramps.

The smile on her face instantly faded.
“I just don’t have the willpower,” I added.
“I’ll follow you,” the mother-in-law did not give up.
- No, really, I can’t cope with such a test.
“Well,” she stood up. - If you don't want to be healthy, that's your business. Although I thought you were smarter...

When my mother-in-law left, I felt remorse. At least run after her, apologize and agree to this crazy idea of ​​fasting. But I didn't run. How long can you pretend to be an easy-going motherfucker?

And the last straw that overflowed the cup of my patience was the questions about my intimate life with Borya.

“I’ve been wanting to ask you for a long time,” Karina began one day without a shadow of embarrassment. -Are you protecting yourself? “We’re talking about contraception,” she explained, seeing my elongated face. “I’ve been thinking about this often lately and decided that it’s too early for you to have a child.”
- Well... - I hesitated. - We haven't talked about children yet.
- Right! Enjoy your youth and freedom. The whole world is open to you. I have always loved traveling, now four of us can travel together. Because with Gennady on trips you can die of boredom.

I was dumbfounded. I've had enough of my honeymoon with my mother-in-law! She doesn't understand what's in the way?
I went to my mother to seek salvation,

What should I do? - she asked. - She's already sick of me! It seems that she wants the best, but this kindness of hers stands in the throat. And you can’t object, you understand?! I can barely contain myself anymore.
- What does Borya say about this? - Mom asked.
- Nothing! He's at work all day. It’s mostly me who has to communicate with his mommy.
- You can go back to work too.
- But I have enough money...
- And you don’t go to work for money, but to feel like a person, and not just a beautiful doll. Well, you will see your mother-in-law less often.

I can’t imagine what she’ll say if I mention work.” She winced as if she had a toothache.
“Nadya, this is your life, not hers,” my mother reminded. “Sometimes I get the impression that you are married to Karina, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are a married couple,” she joked.
“You know, me too,” she mumbled in response. Of course, my barely audible squeak about going to work was drowned in the quiet (my upbringing does not allow me to shout), but murderous anger of my mother-in-law.

Don't you have anything to do?! - she hissed, turning white. - Look, the apartment is half empty, the furniture has not been bought yet, who should build the family nest?
“I will,” she hastily agreed.
- Here you go. I would help you, but we are just organizing a meeting of classmates, so I will be busy.
“It’s okay,” I barely hid my joy. - I can handle it myself, I assure you! - After a short silence, I timidly, but firmly enough, said: “And when I finish arranging the apartment, I’ll immediately return to work.”

“We’ll see,” the mother-in-law said evasively. - Anything can happen in life. It is unknown what will happen tomorrow...

I devoted the next week to furniture stores. The prices were just crazy. But since I didn’t need to save, I very quickly bought everything I liked. And the apartment finally turned into a real cozy family nest.

Nadyukha, I like it so much! - Borya admired.
But Karina, to put it mildly, did not approve of the new furniture.
“I don’t know how you could choose such a color,” she shook her head. - It's dark, like a cellar.
“This is intimate,” Borya joked to defuse the situation.
- Intimacy should be in the bedroom. What's with that creepy kitchen buffet? Antique, right? This is no longer fashionable!
“I didn’t chase fashion,” I flushed, “I bought what I liked.” This is our home.
“The house is yours, but the money is ours,” the mother-in-law said coldly. And I was forced to bite my tongue.

The next morning I called my former boss to find out if she would take me back. Fortunately, it turned out that there was a vacancy. Before I had time to hang up, the phone rang.
- Nadenka? “I made an appointment for you and me for a manicure at twelve,” my mother-in-law said.
- Unfortunately, it won't work. I'm going back to work.
“Hope,” said Karina. - Don't do anything stupid. You're not going to stand behind the counter and serve customers, are you? If you are so eager to work, I will tell my husband to take you to his construction company.
- But I don’t understand construction.
- So what? But you will be under the supervision of both Gennady and Borenka. And we will give you a good salary.

“I don’t need to “set” anything! - I mentally exploded. “And I can earn money myself!”

I believe that a husband and wife cannot work together. Professional activities should not be mixed with personal ones, otherwise company affairs will be discussed at home,” she said into the phone.
- Nonsense! - Karina snapped. - These are just ridiculous inventions!

To avoid conflict, I tried to joke:
- I don’t want Boris to boss me around.
It seemed to me that I expressed my opinion clearly and clearly, so I was very surprised when a day later my husband asked:
-Have you really decided to work in our company?
- What? Why do you think so? - I instantly tensed.
“Mom said,” he pulled me towards him. - This is good. I see you so rarely, at least we’ll be together more often.
- You think? - pressed herself to her native shoulder.
- Well, of course. Besides, I trust you, I know you won’t let me down.
“I don’t know what to say,” I thought about his words.
- No need to say anything. My father is also in favor.
-Have you already discussed this with him? Without even getting my consent? What if I refuse?
- But mom said you want to work.
- I want... But... Everything turned out this way... Unexpectedly...
- In short, if you decide, I’ll get up at eight tomorrow.

I once again made a compromise. But as soon as I got into the swing of things, I discovered that... I was pregnant!
“Borya, we will have a child,” she told her husband.
- Super! - he screamed in delight. - I'll be a father!

Borya's parents were also happy. Even my mother-in-law, although earlier she persistently advised me to postpone motherhood.
“Don't worry about anything,” she said. - We will help you. Tomorrow I will make an appointment for you to see my gynecologist.
- But I’ve already been to the doctor. At our local clinic.
- In a free consultation? Do you want to save money on a child?! I can afford to find the best doctor for my daughter-in-law and grandson.

I had to agree. Why ruin the relationship if the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are happy with the expectation of the baby. Karina accompanied me every time I visited the gynecologist. I didn’t listen to any objections. She said that taking care of her grandson is her main responsibility. She also insisted that I leave work without waiting for maternity leave. I didn’t even imagine that I would again be captivated by good intentions.

But now she had a weighty argument - her grandson, his health, and I reluctantly obeyed the whims of my mother-in-law. A month before Borina's expected birth, Borina's parents brought a bright blue stroller.
- Most expensive! - Karina boasted.
I gritted my teeth and didn’t admit that I had my eye on someone else for a long time. My mother-in-law interpreted my facial expression in her own way:
- I know that buying in advance is a bad omen, but we, modern people, do not suffer from superstitions.
“Still, I ask you not to buy anything else until the baby is born,” I said as calmly as possible.
“We’ll see...” the mother-in-law responded nonchalantly.

My request was blatantly ignored. Even before giving birth, the closet was filled with baby things.
“I came to an agreement with everyone at the maternity hospital,” said Karina. - Of course, I paid a lot, but I don’t mind anything for my grandson. The birth took place without any complications. On time, I gave birth to a healthy toddler weighing four kilograms. Soon I was discharged.

We were met at home by... Karina.

“Usi-pusi,” she cooed. - What a handsome man! A copy of Boryusechka as a child. Oh, you are my sunshine, my Bogdanchik.

I looked expressively at my husband.
- Mom, what kind of Bogdanchik? - He understood my point of view correctly.
- We have already chosen a name.
- What do you mean you chose? And they didn’t consult me?
“Mom, but actually we are the parents,” Borya noted.
- And I am a grandmother! - my mother-in-law retorted.
- Yes. Your grandson's name is Nikolai.
-Are you crazy? Also call Vasya!

I struggled with a frantic desire to send her away. But my beloved husband controlled himself.
- Nikolay - very original and extraordinary. You can call him in the French manner - Nicolas.

My mother-in-law liked this option.

“Nicolas,” she tried the sound. - Not bad.
“That’s good,” Boris nodded. - And everyone is happy.

We won a small victory. But... My mother-in-law decided that I was too young and inexperienced, and came to us often.
“Nicolas, look at this little rattle,” she sang, bending over the crib. - Will you go to grandma's arms?
“He’ll get used to the hands and get spoiled,” I noted.
- Let him get used to it. That's what grandma is for, to spoil her. I endured, counting to myself to one hundred so as not to break down.
- And now we are giving our boy a bath, because mommy is still weak. Yes? Yes? - she lisped.
- I can handle it myself.
- Rest, my dear, I’ll take care of everything.

My irritation was about to spill over, so I gathered my strength for a serious conversation.

You see, Karina, the thing is... - I began hesitantly. - You are too protective of us. “I would prefer that you warn me in advance about your visits,” she blurted out the sore point.
- Am I interfering?!
“No, Lord, of course not,” she babbled. “But I would like to somehow restore order, tidy up the apartment, and not accept you in such a mess,” she turned away.
“Thank God, you yourself raised this topic,” she perked up. - My opinion is this: it is necessary to hire a housekeeper.
- Well, yes, that’s all we needed! - I exclaimed.
- And what? All my friends have housekeepers. And Alevtina cleans my house twice a week.
- I can take care of the house myself!

Yes?” She pointedly looked around. - It’s just your imagination, darling. Tomorrow I will send Alevtina to you.
“Let’s call the cook,” I said sarcastically.
- Cooks? - my mother-in-law took my words at face value. - No problem. I’ll talk to my friends, maybe they’ll give me some advice...
- Karina, I was joking!
“My dear, in every joke, you know...” she remarked thoughtfully. And already at the door, throwing a fur stole over her shoulders, she said: “And we also need to find a good nanny.” I looked into her eyes, hoping it was humor. But, alas...
“Housekeeper, cook, nanny…” I listed. - All that remains is to hire a woman who will perform marital duties instead of me.
“Nadya,” Karina pursed her lips, “aren’t you ashamed?” I try, but you are always unhappy with everything. And this is instead of gratitude!
- I’m very grateful to you, really! But why hire all these women? What will I do in this case?
“At least you’ll start looking after yourself,” she looked at me with an arrogant look. - A woman should always look great. And you? Look at you... Motherhood is motherhood, but those sweatpants are stretched out at the knees, those T-shirts are stained... Fi!

I have never been humiliated like that before. Yes, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law looked different...

Don’t be offended, my dear, but think about what I told you,” she finally said.

The resentment spilled out into angry tears. As if sensing my mood, Kolenka woke up and cried. I calmed my son down, fed him, changed the diaper, wrapped the baby in a warm blanket and... went to complain to my mother. She listened to my lamentations, thought and said:

You're like Don Quixote - you fight windmills.
-You mean to no avail? I understand this myself. But I don't know what to do.
- Talk to your husband. He probably doesn't know what's going on.
“I don’t know,” she agreed. “I try not to burden him with my domestic problems.”
- These are not your personal problems, but your common ones. Therefore, my advice to you is to enlist the support of Boris. Or at least find out what he thinks about it. Maybe he's on his mother's side.

But my husband decided to support my point of view.
- Nadyushka, I also don’t really like the fact that my mother dictates her terms to us and gives us valuable instructions. But I kept quiet, I thought everything suited you.
- Not satisfied!
- So, we will build our family as we see fit. Don't want a housekeeper? Well, it is not necessary! I'll be home on Saturday to help clean up. And it’s okay if you don’t have time to cook dinner. I understand everything, Kolya requires attention. When I come home from work, I’ll whip up something myself, it’s not hard for me.
“Bor, I love you so much,” she hugged her husband.

Having learned that, against her will, I was refusing to hire hired workers, my mother-in-law was offended and did not communicate with me for two whole weeks. I never even stopped by to see my grandson. She didn’t know that I had made another epoch-making decision - to go to work. I discussed this with Borya and explained that I wanted to communicate with people and develop somehow.
“I don’t mind,” said the husband. - But what about Kolya? It’s probably too early to send him to kindergarten.
- What a kindergarten, the child is still small.
- Then we need to come up with some way out.
“I’ve already thought of it,” she said in a boastful tone.
- Seriously? Enlighten. I suppose you settled on a nanny?
“Nope,” she smiled radiantly. - I’ll try to come to an agreement with my mother, she just retired. I’ll take Kolenka to her in the morning and pick her up in the evening.
- Don’t you want to connect my mom?
- Yours? - she repeated, surprised. - I somehow didn’t even think about this. But it's worth a try.

My mommy was extremely happy when I said that I was going to entrust her with my grandson.
- What happiness! - she clasped her hands. - Nadya, I’m ready to sit with him on weekends!
“This is only if my husband and I feel the urge to retire for a romantic weekend,” I giggled.
- Have as much privacy as you want! - Mom exclaimed.
- Actually, I still need to talk to Karina. You see, she is exactly the same grandmother as you. And he probably also wants to look after his grandson.
- Clear. “I’m being crossed out,” my mother smiled bitterly.
- Nothing like this. I’ll just find out what she thinks about this, and, most likely, Nikolai will be with you for a week, and Karina for another week. So that no one is offended by anyone. Otherwise, all we missed was the grandmothers’ war over their beloved grandson.

But my mother-in-law, after listening to me, became furious, immediately realizing that everything was being started so that I could go to work.
- What kind of work if you don’t have enough time for a hairdresser?
- Karina, let me decide for myself...
- Decide! Cheers! How much will fit! - she screamed like a market woman, where all the gloss had gone. - But remember, we won’t help you in any way! We won't give you a penny! Just know it! She was eager to work!

She was indignant until the heavy front door slammed behind Kolya and me.
Now in my perception this luxurious oak door has become a kind of symbol. Everything that happened was left behind her, there, in the past. And a new happy life awaits me ahead!

I finally went to work. My mother-in-law declared a cold war on me. The father-in-law whispered in confidence: “Don’t worry about it, she’ll go crazy.” I smiled. But the smile was not very cheerful. It is unpleasant when there is conflict in the family.

A couple of weeks have passed. And yesterday my mother made me promise to remain silent (at least for the time being) and shared a secret:
- Today Karina came. She misses her grandson. Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law should be friends!

I instantly felt better - as if a heavy stone had been lifted from my soul. I realized that very soon everything would be settled, and no one would be offended by anyone.

Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law - a story from life

2015, . All rights reserved.

A young wife, joining her husband’s family after the wedding, receives a new status in relation to his relatives. From a bride she turns into a daughter-in-law or daughter-in-law.

"Daughter-in-law - who is she?" - young people may ask in our modern age, when family ties no longer play such a big role as before. Although this term of kinship is still quite close. This is what they call father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Daughter-in-law or daughter-in-law: which is correct?

Explaining the presence of these two terms, some sources say: a young wife remains a daughter-in-law (“unknown”, “unknown”) for her husband’s parents until she gives birth to his child, then she becomes a daughter-in-law. But in Ushakov’s dictionary, the term “daughter-in-law” is applicable to denote the relationship between a mother and a son’s wife; his brothers and sisters also call his brother’s wife. But for a father-in-law, his son’s wife immediately becomes his daughter-in-law.

Daughter-in-law: who is she?

What does the term "daughter-in-law" mean? Its meaning is also interpreted differently by different sources.

Thus, in ancient times it was believed that the birth of a child finally “tied” a wife to her husband’s clan; she was no longer such a “stranger” and “unknown,” but became almost as dear as a son—a “son-in-law.”

According to another version, the word “daughter-in-law” comes from the word “to demolish.” Having come to her husband's family, the wife was forced to endure all kinds of reproaches from her husband's relatives and even endure beatings; she was the most dependent person in the house.

Relationships: daughter-in-law and mother-in-law

Nowadays, the daughter-in-law, of course, is not as powerless as she was before. And in most cases today, young spouses tend to live separately from their parents. And yet, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law very often leaves much to be desired. The main reason is jealousy. Mom is afraid in advance that her son will not love her as before, he will no longer need her. And my mother also thinks: who is her daughter-in-law, can she take care of her son the way she does, her own mother?

In order not to aggravate relations in the family, young spouses need to take care that the mother does not feel deprived. The daughter-in-law must let her understand that she does not seek to take the place of her mother in her husband’s heart, but, on the contrary, understands well that this is the dearest woman in her husband’s life.

Father-in-law and daughter-in-law: everything is simpler here

It very rarely happens that disagreements between father-in-law and daughter-in-law bring confusion into the relationships of young spouses and other relatives. Unless people noticed unpleasant cases of intimacy between them. In villages, all life was always visible; it was almost impossible to hide anything. The father-in-law, noticed in such obscenity, received the stigma of a daughter-in-law or a dreamer, thereby expressing general censure for the violator of the sanctity of family ties.

When you dream about your daughter-in-law

This means that changes await you in your personal life. Soon you will meet a person with whom you will experience many happy moments, he will give your life new meaning.


This happened in China. In ancient times, one girl, who after the wedding began to live in her husband’s house, could no longer endure the reproaches of her mother-in-law. She went to her father's friend, who sold herbs, and told him:

- I am no longer able to live with my mother-in-law. She'll soon drive me crazy. Help me please. I will cry.

- What can I do? — the herbalist was surprised.

- Sell me poison. By getting rid of my mother-in-law, I will get rid of all misfortunes,” answered the young woman.

After some thought, the herbal seller said:

- Of course, I will help you. But listen to me carefully. Firstly, you can’t poison your mother-in-law right away, because people will guess everything. The herbs that I will give you will kill your mother-in-law gradually, and no one will understand that she was poisoned. Secondly, to avoid suspicion, you must learn to respect your mother-in-law, love her, listen carefully and be patient. When she dies, no one will suspect you.

The daughter-in-law agreed to all the proposals; she gradually added the herbs taken to her mother-in-law’s food. She also learned to listen to her mother-in-law’s advice, not only not to be offended by her husband’s mother, but also to respect her. When the mother-in-law saw her daughter-in-law's kind attitude towards her, she fell in love with the girl very much. Soon the relationship between them became like that between a mother and daughter.

when the girl came to the herbalist with the words:

- For God's sake, save my mother-in-law. I don't want to kill her. I love her.

The herbalist replied:

“Don’t worry so much, I didn’t give you poison, but ordinary spices.” The poison was only in your head, but you successfully got rid of it yourself.

So, daughter-in-law - who is she? Let’s answer: with a good relationship, a daughter for her husband’s parents.
