Homemade recipe for nail growth. Folk remedies for fast nail growth

What woman doesn't want to have long hair? beautiful nails? Perhaps each of us dreams about this. Moreover, they must be their own, natural. WITH natural beauty nothing compares. Today we propose to talk about how to grow nails in a week.

Unfortunately, business woman Leading a fast-paced lifestyle, it is very difficult to grow long nails. Negative influence provide stressful situations, poor urban ecology, poor nutrition. In this regard, many women resort to extensions. But this is not the most the best option. We offer you several effective recommendations on how to speed up nail growth at home.

You need to understand that the condition of the nail plates is affected by your diet. It is very important that it contains foods rich in vitamins, calcium and iron. These substances are found in large quantities in cheese, cottage cheese, fermented milk products, and nuts. Also, consumption of products containing gelatin has a positive effect on nail growth.

You can improve blood circulation in the nail plates, normalize metabolism in their structure, thereby accelerating nail growth by performing regular massage of the nail plates in the cuticle area. It is recommended to do the massage using almond or olive oil. Some activities, such as playing the piano or typing on a computer, also serve as a kind of massage.

Lemon juice also has a positive effect on the condition of the nail plates, strengthening their structure. Cut a lemon into two halves and dip your fingertips into the lemon pulp for a few minutes. After completing the procedure, be sure to lubricate your fingers nourishing cream.

Homemade nail baths

Regularly performing nail baths at home will have a positive effect on the health, strength of the nail plates, and accelerate their growth. We bring to your attention the most effective, but extremely simple to prepare formulations.

  • Warm baths with iodine and salt are very useful. To prepare the solution, dilute two tablespoons table salt in 0.5 liters of warm water. Then add to saline solution 10 drops of iodine. Dip your fingertips into the solution for 15 minutes.
  • Women who have adopted sea salt baths know very well how to speed up nail growth. Sea salt is one of the most effective means for strengthening and accelerating the growth of nail plates. To prepare the solution, dilute 20 grams of sea salt in 400 grams of warm water. Then soak your fingertips in the liquid for 15 minutes. It is recommended to perform this procedure 2-3 times a week.
  • Oil baths are no less effective. They are extremely easy to prepare. It is necessary to heat almond, olive or Castor oil, then add a few drops of glycerin and iodine to it and mix thoroughly. Then dip your fingertips in this solution for 15-20 minutes.
  • Homemade nail baths with soda have a positive effect. To prepare the solution, dilute a tablespoon of soda in a glass of warm water, add a couple of drops of iodine. Immerse your hands in the solution for 10-15 minutes. Upon completion of the procedure, be sure to lubricate your hands with olive oil or nourishing cream.

Useful tips

You can't paint your nails with colored polish without a break. Nail plates need periodic rest. At a minimum, they should be left without varnish for two weeks once a year. Don't forget that our nails also need access to oxygen. By following this rule, most likely, you will stop wondering how to grow your nails in a week .

When using nourishing hand cream every day, do not forget to apply it to your nail plates. At the same time, massage the cuticle area.

To remove nail polish, use a gentle liquid that does not contain acetone.

When performing housework, be sure to wear rubber gloves.

When going outside in winter, be sure to wear warm gloves.

Perhaps this is all you need to know to speed up nail growth. By following the recommendations given in this publication, you will very soon have strong, healthy and long nails. We wish you health and beauty!

Healthy and beautiful nails are a must flawless image. By their appearance, it is easy to determine how carefully a woman takes care of her appearance, since problems can be hidden even with the help of high-quality and well-applied varnish only for a short time. No manicure will last on weakened, peeling and brittle nails, so their health requires special care.

Not everyone is ready to resort to nail extensions. Many adhere to the principle of naturalness and want to grow their own beautiful nails, but extension procedures, as you know, are not in the best possible way affect the condition of the nail plates. Even the most modern cosmetology methods can seriously damage nails, and it will take a very long time to restore them. How can I speed up natural growth nails and make them stronger without resorting to expensive cosmetics and salon procedures?

How to improve nail growth?

To strengthen your nails and enhance their growth, you need to provide them with protection from harmful factors and regular care, as well as eating right. It is important to monitor the balance of vitamins and valuable elements, and since a sufficient amount of them cannot always be obtained from food, to improve nail growth it is recommended to additionally take poly vitamin complexes.

Nutrition. Good growth Nails are promoted by foods rich in vitamins A and B, calcium, iron, silicon and other valuable micro- and macroelements - cottage cheese, herbs, cheese, nuts, liver, seafood, carrots, tomatoes, sprouted wheat grains. You should know that any strict diets can significantly slow down the growth of nails and worsen their condition.

Protection. To remove nail polish, you need to choose gentle products without acetone, and all housework should be done with gloves so that your nails do not come into contact with the nail polish. household chemicals. Several times a year it is worth giving your nails a rest from a manicure. To do this, it is recommended to take at least two-week breaks 3 or 4 times throughout the year. During these periods, you can use medicated nail polishes instead of colored ones.

Care. Nourishing hand cream should be used daily, and it is better to choose complex means, which contain valuable components for strengthening nails. In addition, for care, it is recommended to additionally use home remedies that are made from affordable and natural ingredients.

Effective Home Remedies

To improve nail growth, you can use baths, hand masks and homemade creams. Choose suitable recipes should be based on the availability of ingredients and other possibilities - someone has time to make regularly long procedures, while some prefer to spend no more than 10–20 minutes on them.

Here are the most popular, simple and effective home recipes for rapid growth and strengthening nails:

  • Regular undiluted lemon juice - you can lubricate your nails with it for a few minutes or simply hold your fingertips in the lemon pulp.
  • Warm baths with salt and iodine - add 1 teaspoon of salt and 2-3 drops of iodine to half a glass of warm water, dip your nails in the solution for 10-15 minutes.
  • Warm oil baths - heat a little vegetable, almond, linseed, olive or castor oil, add a few drops of iodine and glycerin to it, dip your nails in the bath for 20 minutes.
  • Herbal bath - pour a glass of boiling water into 2 tablespoons of a mixture of dry herbs (St. John's wort, chamomile and burdock root), leave for half an hour, and then hold your fingertips in the decoction for 15-20 minutes.
  • Oil masks – olive, linseed or almond oil add a few drops of vitamin E solution (sold in pharmacies), lubricate the skin of your hands and nails, put on cotton gloves and leave the mask overnight.
  • Vitamin cream - one teaspoon of any baby cream mix thoroughly with oil solutions of vitamins A, E and D (8–10 drops of each solution), apply to the skin of your hands and nails (it is advisable to wear cotton gloves and leave the cream on your hands for 2–3 hours).

The selected home remedies can be used at any time. convenient time and alternate with each other. For example, at first you can do it 2 or 3 times a week oil masks, and take baths based on herbs or with iodine and salt every day. As you improve, you can abandon daily procedures and support your nails with strengthening masks or baths 1-2 times a week.

Slowly growing nails are often only an external problem, which must first be solved from the inside... Is your metabolism impaired, is your cardiovascular system in order? NameWoman will tell you what kind of nutrition a healthy person needs long nails and will offer several recipes for the most effective baths and nail masks.

Diet “Long and strong nails”

The basis of nutrition is foods rich in vitamins A and B: carrots, green vegetables, cabbage, liver, sprouted wheat grains are very useful. Eat dairy and dairy products daily dairy products– the main suppliers of calcium to the body (primarily cottage cheese). Seafood and occupiers will be enriched with silicon place of honor Spinach is on the list of negative calorie foods. When choosing vitamin complexes, pay attention to those containing iron, iodine, sulfur, and do not neglect mineral supplements with calcium.

NameWoman is quick to warn those on the diet that significantly limiting fats and proteins will not benefit your nails.

Homemade baths to speed up nail growth

Home nail care to accelerate their growth NameWoman suggests starting with miraculous baths. Classic recipe: sea salt (1 tablespoon) per half liter of water. After a quarter of an hour, dry your fingers and apply a rich cream to your skin and nails. The course of such baths should be at least two weeks.

- Ingredients for the following recipe: a tablespoon of table salt, 200 grams of warm water and 7 drops of iodine. This bath can be performed daily for a quarter of an hour. Salt can sometimes be replaced with soda; after the procedure, lubricate the handles with olive oil.

The third bath to accelerate nail growth is more complex. Heat 150 ml of milk, dissolve 3 tablespoons of honey in it, add 2 tablespoons of fresh apple juice, squeeze half a lemon into the prepared mixture. The last ingredient is 2 teaspoons of salt. Keep your fingers in the bath for 20 minutes, then rest for half an hour and repeat the procedure. Finally, rinse your hands and apply the cream. The frequency of this procedure to accelerate nail growth is 3 times a week.

Homemade masks for long nails

Take a teaspoon rich cream for hands, add half a teaspoon clean water and half a teaspoon of ground red pepper. The mask is heated in a water bath, then cooled and applied to the nail plates and cuticle area for a quarter of an hour. Rinse off the product with warm water. As a way to accelerate nail growth, this remedy is very effective, but you should use it no more than 3 times a month.

1. Warm baths with salt and iodine. Add 2 tbsp. spoons of table salt in 0.5 liters of warm water, then pour 10 drops of iodine into the bath. Soak your hands in the solution for about 15 minutes. The bath helps strengthen your nails and accelerate their growth.

2. Lemon juice also has a beneficial effect on nail growth and strengthens their structure. Lubricate your nails lemon juice, or soak in lemon pulp for a couple of minutes. After the procedure, you need to lubricate your nails with a nourishing cream.

3. Sea salt is an excellent remedy for strengthening and growing nails. To prepare a bath, dilute 15-20 g of salt in two glasses of warm water, you can also add a couple of drops of iodine. Immerse your hands in the solution for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.

4. Soda baths for nails: add a tablespoon of baking soda to a glass of warm water; if desired, you can add a few drops of iodine. Keep your hands in the bath for 10-15 minutes, then lubricate with cream or olive oil. Baths can be done several times a week.

5. Oil baths for nail growth: warm vegetable oil(olive, almond, castor or any other) add a few drops of iodine and glycerin. Dip your fingertips into oil solution for 20 minutes, then blot your hands with a napkin. Nails will become strong, shiny, and their growth will accelerate.

6. Regular massage of nails in the cuticle area will improve blood circulation in the nail plate, as a result, nails will grow faster and stop peeling. During the massage, it is recommended to use olive or almond oil or nourishing cream. Your nails will receive a full massage with regular typing and playing the piano, and as a result, they will grow faster.

7. High-quality nutrition affects the condition of your nails, so make sure your diet includes foods rich in calcium, iron, vitamins - cottage cheese, cheese, nuts. Eating products containing gelatin will help speed up nail growth. Convenient to purchase at a pharmacy mineral complex with rich calcium content.

8. An excellent tool to strengthen nails is " Smart enamel". This medicinal varnish for strengthening and growing nails, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetics store. Use it regularly and as a result you will get strong, long nails.

9. Effective method To accelerate nail growth, paraffin therapy is used. During its implementation, molten wax or cosmetic paraffin. Its effect is similar to a massage - blood circulation improves and the flow of oxygen to the nail plate is stimulated.

10. Using ointment for nail growth helps tremendously. To prepare it you need to take 40 ml of calendula oil, 5 g beeswax and 1 cooked egg yolk. The wax is heated in a water bath and then oil and yolk are added to it. Next, the mixture is heated with constant stirring and brought to the consistency of sour cream, after which it is carefully applied to the nails and cuticle area.

11. You can also use beeswax to speed up nail growth. pure form, purchased from beekeepers at the market. The procedure should be performed before bedtime. The wax must be heated to a liquid consistency and lower your nails there for a few seconds. Next, let the wax on your nails cool, put gloves on the resulting masks and leave them overnight. In the morning, remove the gloves. The recommended course of the procedure is 10 sessions.

12. Regular baths with lemon are very useful for accelerating nail growth. To do this, take 1 lemon and cut it in half. We use one half for nails on right hand, the other for the nails on the left hand. Dip clean, well-washed nails into lemon pulp and hold them for 2-3 minutes. You can squeeze 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and add 5-7 drops of iodine to it. This bath should be done daily for 15-20 minutes and your nails will be irresistible.

13. Excellent herbal bath for nail growth. To prepare it, you need to add 2 tablespoons of a mixture of chamomile, St. John's wort and burdock root to a glass of boiling water. Mix everything well and let it brew for half an hour. Then dip your fingers in the broth for 15-20 minutes. The frequency of the procedure is 2 times a week.

14. Promotes nail growth by regularly applying olive oil to their surface. Although it is quite expensive, it contains a large number of vitamins and microelements beneficial for healthy nails. Therefore, 1-2 times a week, apply olive oil to your nails and skin, put on cotton gloves and leave overnight. You can also use it to nourish and grow nails. liquid vitamin E, which is sold in pharmacies.

15. The hot manicure procedure perfectly nourishes and heals the nails, helping to accelerate their growth. In a small bath with hot water add a tablespoon nutritious oil(olive, castor, almond, wheat germ, etc.). Dip your fingers into the resulting solution for 15 minutes. It is useful to do such a manicure once a week, your nails will become strong and shiny, hangnails will disappear, and the skin of your fingers will be smooth.

1. If you constantly wear colored nail polish, you need to periodically rest your nails, at least for 2 weeks several times a year. Your nails need to breathe oxygen too!

2. Use nourishing hand cream daily, and don’t forget to apply it to your nails.

3. Choose a gentle nail polish remover that does not contain acetone.

4. By doing homework use rubber gloves.

5. Protect your hands from the hot wind and frost with warm gloves (for long manicure buy gloves a size larger to prevent your nails from breaking).

The beauty of a manicure directly depends on the condition of the nails, unless, of course, we are talking about gel extensions. In recent decades, due to deteriorating ecology and lack of access to food, healthy food All more women suffers from fragility and slow growth nails There are also cases when the nails peel or go in waves, and this problem has nothing to do with fungal diseases. From this article you will learn about the most effective means for growing and strengthening nails at home.

4 main rules for protecting hands and nails

Relieve your nails of excess stress in the following ways:

  • If the condition of your nails leaves much to be desired, do not overuse varnishes and various coatings to strengthen your nails. Majority similar procedures V nail salons They don’t help solve the problem, but only hide it external manifestations. Wavy and ribbed nails there is no point in sanding, since removing the top layer of the nail plate will only worsen the situation;
  • Contact with dishwashing detergent and various household chemicals is also undesirable, since it not only affects the condition of the nails, but also leads to premature aging hand skin You can protect yourself from such troubles by using rubber gloves;
  • IN winter time it is necessary to protect your hands from the cold so as not to slow down the growth of nails and prevent the formation of cracks on chapped palms;
  • Unhealthy nails are often associated with a lack of vitamins. To solve this problem, include fermented milk products (kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc.) in your diet, as well as vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C (sweet peppers, Brussels sprouts, parsley and dill, spinach, kiwi, oranges, strawberries, etc.).

5 best nail masks

Pepper mask

Mask for nail growth

Mix 0.5 teaspoons of olive oil with the same amount of red pepper and heat slightly in a water bath. Apply to nail plate, starting from the cuticle, for 20-25 minutes. Wash off with warm water and soap (preferably baby soap), then lubricate your hands and nails with nourishing cream.

Do not perform this procedure more than once a month.

Wax mask

Mask for strengthening and growing nails

Melt required amount beeswax in a water bath and let it cool slightly. Apply to nails starting from the cuticle. The duration of the procedure has no restrictions and depends on your capabilities. It is best to apply wax to your nails before going to bed, protecting the applied mask with cotton gloves.

It is advisable to do a wax mask once a week.

Mask with lemon and iodine

Firming mask

Mix 1 teaspoon of olive oil with lemon juice and 4 drops of iodine. Lightly heat the resulting mass and rub it into your nails, starting from the cuticle. After 10-15 minutes you can wash your hands.

Castor mask

Mask for growth and color improvement

Lubricate your nails with castor oil, or put your hands in a small bowl with this product. To enhance the effect, you can mix castor oil with 2 drops essential oil bergamot.

It is advisable to use the mask once every 5-7 days.

Vegetable mask

Firming mask with vegetables

Grate on a fine grater, or grind in a blender, 1 cabbage leaf medium size and 1 small potato. Add 1 tbsp to the vegetable puree. a spoonful of natural sour cream. Apply the mask on your nails for 15-20 minutes, then rinse it off and lubricate your hands with nourishing cream.

Nail baths

Baths for strengthening and growing nails are good because they also take care of the skin of your hands, making it soft and elastic.

Sea salt

Bath with sea ​​salt

Dissolve 2 tbsp in 2 glasses of warm water. spoons of sea salt and 3-4 drops of iodine. Immerse your hands in the resulting solution for 15-20 minutes, then wash off the remaining salt and use a nourishing hand and nail cream.

Repeat the procedure every 5-7 days.


Baking soda bath

Dissolve 2 tbsp in 2 glasses of warm water. spoons baking soda. If desired, you can add 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes, after which the hands should be lubricated with nourishing or baby cream.

Soda baths for nail growth can be used 3-4 times a month.


Salt bath

Dissolve 2 tbsp in 0.5 liters of water. spoons of table salt and 5 drops of iodine. Immerse your hands in a container with the solution for 15-20 minutes, then rinse off the remaining salt and use baby cream.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure once a week.

Olive oil

Sea salt baths will accelerate nail growth if used once every 5-7 days.


Lemon bath

Grate 1 medium-sized lemon onto a fine grater or chop in a blender. Mix the resulting mass with 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil and 100 gr. warm water. Dip your fingertips into the bowl with this mixture for 10-15 minutes. Wash your hands and then use nourishing cream.
