How to make ink better painted. Do you know what is the best way to dilute dried mascara? Hot water saves mascara

Mascara is an integral part of the perfect makeup. But this is also a very capricious element of decorative cosmetics, because it is with him that various minor troubles occur more often than usual. In particular, it can dry out and become thick, even if it is still quite new.

Do not despair if you have this problem, and even more so do not need to rush to the cosmetics store. There are several proven options for diluting mascara that has thickened. Moreover, they are not only effective, but also absolutely safe.

How to dilute thickened mascara: criteria for choosing a product

Before we deal in more detail with the question of how to dilute mascara at home if it has dried up, let's take a closer look at what the selected products should be. There are only 2 criteria:

  1. You can dilute mascara that has thickened only with those home remedies that do not harm your eyes. Chemical mixtures should be abandoned, even if they have proven to be highly effective when used with other elements of decorative cosmetics.
  2. The substance with which you are going to dilute the mascara should not cause allergies or irritation of the skin.

If the mascara is dry, how can it be diluted: 6 effective ways

Now let's move on to the most basic part, and consider the options that you can use to return the previous consistency of the mascara, which has thickened. These home remedies are highly effective, and they are absolutely safe for health. And do not worry that you will harm the structure of a product that has dried up - such fears are groundless.

Remedy #1: Water

Water is one of the most popular options for diluting mascara at home. There are 2 ways to use it:

  1. If you have thickened mascara containing paraffin, then the tube must be placed in a container with hot water for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the paraffin will melt, and the mass will again become plastic.
  2. If the product has dried up without paraffin, then it is allowed to add 2-3 drops of distilled water to the bottle. After that, the tube should be shaken well.

But such a breeding of a cosmetic product has its drawbacks. So, if you decide to dilute the mascara that has dried up, which contains paraffin, then you will have to heat it up in a water bath literally before each use.

As for the dilution of mascara made without the use of paraffin, the frequent use of distilled water can lead to the fact that it simply becomes unsuitable for further use. So use this tool wisely.

Method number 2: eye drops

If the question arose of how to dilute mascara at home quickly, then you can use eye drops. For this purpose, it is better to use moisturizing preparations that do not contain an antibiotic. You can also dilute the mascara, if it is dry, with the help of the liquid in which the lenses are stored.

It is enough to drop only 2-3 drops of the product into a tube of mascara, then shake it well. Voila: the cosmetic product is ready for use again.

Method number 3: vegetable oil

How to dilute thickened mascara if there are no eye drops on hand, and the option with water does not suit you?

In order not to harm the structure of the mascara, but at the same time return it to its previous consistency, if it has thickened, you can use peach or almond oil. Castor oil is also quite suitable for this purpose.

So, if the mascara has thickened, then you can return it to its previous consistency as follows.

Put 2-3 drops of the selected oil into the tube, close it and shake well. A "rehabilitated" element of decorative cosmetics will last for a long time after such a dilution. If the mass inside the bottle has dried up again, it can be diluted with any of these types of oils again.

Remedy #4: Strongly Brewed Tea

Looking for a way to dilute mascara that has dried up quickly and at home? Adopt the simplest way to solve the problem - use strong brewed black tea. It is imperative to put as much sugar as possible into it, and then add a few drops of a miracle remedy to a tube of mascara that has thickened.

After that, the brush must be thoroughly washed, and then lowered into the bottle. It should be shaken well - and the mascara is ready for further use.

Tool #5: Alcohol Free Makeup Remover

If the mascara is very dry, it can be “revived” with an eye makeup remover. But there is one important condition: it must not contain alcohol. It is better to use an eye make-up remover of the same brand as the mascara.

The principle of using this method of thinning carcasses that have thickened is identical to those previously described. It is enough to add just a few drops, then shake the bottle well.

Method number 6: spare mascara

Old ink that has dried up can be diluted as follows. Take another product (preferably the same brand) and add it to the tube. Mix well with a brush. This method is very effective, besides, unlike others, it can be used to dilute the carcass that has thickened without restrictions.

Interesting fact. Some manufacturers offer their customers a cosmetic product with "help". That is, one tube of mascara has a brush for application, while the second is added to it without it. Thus, you can either replace the product with a new one, or from time to time take a little mixture from a suitable bottle to dilute the old one, which has thickened.

Each tube has 2 expiration dates:

  1. The first, which is indicated on the packaging, is the period until which the product can be sold. After its expiration, the store has no right to sell a cosmetic product.
  2. The second is the expiration date of the mascara after it has been opened. As a rule, it is only 3 months. But just in case, after opening the protective film and opening the tube, study the information written in the instructions on the sticker.

If the expiration date of your cosmetic product after opening it has expired, do not try to restore its structure, but for your own safety, go and get a new one. You will spend money, but save your health, and this is much more important and more expensive!

Decorative cosmetics has an unpleasant property to end at the most inopportune moment. Or fall into disrepair, which very often happens with mascara.

If there is no new mascara at hand, bought in the store the day before, this fact is very upsetting for women. We have to urgently find means to dilute the mascara so that the makeup is perfect.

What can you dilute mascara with?

Unfortunately, the methods used by ladies for urgent "reanimation" of cosmetics are far from always safe. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation when the paint flows, leaves prints on the skin, or, even worse, harms the cilia and eyes, you need to know what you can and cannot dilute the mascara with.

One of the main conditions: if the carcass has expired, you should not try to extend its life. Such cosmetics should immediately be sent to the trash can.


The most convenient option. It is enough to dip the brush into the water (drop 3-5 drops on the bristles), dip it into the tube of mascara and quickly move it up and down. The water will mix with the paint, the mascara will become more fluid and can be used without problems.

The method is good, but on condition:

The advantages of the method are its simplicity and accessibility. The cons are as follows:

  1. The effect will be short-term and the next time the procedure will have to be repeated.
  2. The mascara, diluted with water, quickly crumbles from the eyelashes.
  3. The more you dilute the ink with water, the faster it will become unusable.

And finally, you can never be sure of the absolute purity of water.

If the liquid, even in scanty amounts, contains harmful substances, after adding it to mascara, there is always a risk of allergy symptoms - redness, tearing, skin irritation, swelling of the eyelids.

In addition, the bacteria that inhabit the water can provoke diseases of the skin of the eyelids and eyes.


The simplest means in practice are the safest. For example, regular black tea.

To return the carcasses to their previous consistency, you need to do the following:

For diluting thickened mascara, this remedy is ideal, and for the eyes and skin of the eyelids, tea is not only absolutely not harmful, but also useful.


You can extend the life of dried mascara with the help of vegetable oils. A few (2-4) drops of olive or sunflower oil will restore the normal consistency of cosmetics.

If there are any of the base oils for making masks in the house (jojoba, almond, coconut, peach), it is better to use them. It is advisable not to use essential oils for diluting carcasses.

A significant disadvantage of the method is that the mascara does not dry well on the eyelashes. If you introduce oil into its composition, prints will remain under the eyes and on the eyelids. Makeup, alas, all the time will have to be adjusted.

Makeup remover

If wax or paraffin is present in the composition of mascara, a warming “bath” will help restore its original qualities.

It is enough to immerse the tube tightly in hot water for 10 minutes, then shake vigorously, open and mix the contents of the tube with a brush.

Many liquid make-up removers are allowed to be used when mascara has thickened and you do not know how to dilute it. You can add milk, tonic, lotion, etc. to the paint. The main thing is that there is no alcohol in the composition of such a product. The best option is to use the product of the same company as the mascara itself.

Eye drops, lens fluid

If there are eye drops in the home medicine cabinet, they can be used to dilute the dried carcass. Manipulations are performed the same as with water.

However, compared with the previous remedy, eye drops have more advantages.

They are as follows:

  1. There is no risk of an allergic reaction.
  2. Side effects in the form of inflammation, irritation, itching do not occur.
  3. Can be used to dilute waterproof mascara.

In addition, eye drops have a slight disinfectant, antibacterial and antimicrobial effect, therefore, they kill the pathogenic microflora that develops in a tube of mascara even before the expiration date of the product.

The same can be said about the liquid in which contact lenses are saved. This is a good and, most importantly, safe means for diluting dried carcasses. The only “but” is that for women with good eyesight or who use glasses, it is not always available. And it is not advisable to buy a special liquid for storing lenses, so that if something happens, it is not advisable to dilute mascara with it.

Attention! Care should be taken when using eye drops or the liquid in which contact lenses are stored.

Even if it is not a drug, serious side effects may occur. And since it is impossible to pre-test the chosen remedy in front of your eyes, it is better to use other, guaranteed safe methods of diluting dried carcasses.

What never dilute mascara

Many of the tools that ladies try to use to breed dried carcasses turn out to be dangerous. The list of the most undesirable liquids for eye contact includes:

It is strictly forbidden to restore mascara with such means. If there is nothing at hand that can dilute cosmetics, it is better not to make up your eyelashes once and buy a new mascara on the same day.

Remember, although beauty requires sacrifice, it must be reasonable, reasonable and safe for health!

The difficult economic situation in the country is forcing girls to save money, including on cosmetics. When buying expensive mascara, you want to be able to use it for as long as possible, despite the expiration date.

But it doesn't always work out that way. When you open the tube in the morning, you notice that the mascara has dried up. Buying a new one is not included in your plans yet, or there is simply no way to run to the store. How can it be diluted without compromising eye health, consider below.

Why does she harden

If you bought the product in an unreliable place, but did not look at the expiration date, then the expired period of recommended use may be the cause of drying.

Remember, the later the production date is on the package, the longer the mascara will not dry out.

Improper use of the coloring agent also leads to its drying. If, when opening the tube, the brush is lowered into it several times, then air enters the bottle.

With vigorous whipping, the creamy texture becomes thicker. To get more mascara on the brush, you need to make a few circular movements inside the bottle, then pull out the brush and paint your eyelashes.

Easy application and perfect separation

It will help restore the health of curls.

What means can be diluted

An open tube with a coloring agent should be used within six months. Further, it is not recommended to use it so as not to get an allergic reaction or irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

If the product contains paraffin, then you need to lower the bottle for 60-90 seconds in a container of hot water. The heated paraffin will become liquid, and the consistency of the product is suitable for use.

Find out all about the benefits and harms of tar shampoo.

To dilute mascara with a normal shelf life, it is recommended to use the following liquids:

  • A few drops of water can restore the normal consistency of the product. For breeding, use distilled or boiled water. Raw water can cause the development of pathogenic microflora. 3-5 drops of liquid are enough, re-dilution is unacceptable. The ink will crumble and crumble. This method is suitable for girls who do not suffer from allergies.
  • Drops for moisturizing the mucous membrane of the eyes "Renu", "Vizin". Drops tested by ophthalmologists do not cause irritation of the mucosa. Despite the guaranteed result when they are used, the funds simply may not be at hand. The expiration date of "Vizin" after opening is no more than 30 days, the purchase of a new bottle at a price can be equated to the cost of an inexpensive carcass. It is forbidden to use therapeutic drops with antibiotics and other antimicrobial components.
  • If you or someone close to you wears contact lenses, then lens storage solution suitable for breeding carcasses. In its action, the solution corresponds to moisturizing drops. Thanks to the antibacterial components, the liquid will prevent the development of pathogenic microflora. Mild action does not irritate the eyes. To dilute the carcass, you need 2-5 drops of the solution. Owners of very sensitive eyes should use such funds only in case of urgent need.
  • Freshly brewed strong black tea. The presence of tannins in the infusion provides antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. A similar remedy is used for irritation or suppuration of the eyes, promotes a quick recovery. For 1 tsp. dry tea needs 50 ml of boiling water. The infusion is kept for 10-15 minutes, filtered. To dilute the carcass, you need 2-5 drops of infusion.

When using any authorized agent, it cannot be guaranteed that the mascara will not lose its properties and durability. Therefore, dilution is a temporary measure to be resorted to in emergency cases.

How to choose children's cosmetics for girls in a suitcase is described in.

Cosmetics will help to make a luxurious make-up.

How to dilute a waterproof product

The difference between waterproof mascara and regular mascara is its resistance to water after the paint has completely dried on the eyelashes. Therefore, water cannot be used to dilute it.

The most suitable means are:

  • Liquid for removing waterproof makeup from eyelashes. If you have already used the product before, then the absence of allergic reactions is guaranteed. However, it is worth remembering that the liquid has a complex composition, and it is not intended for prolonged contact with the eyes. The best effect can be achieved when using the liquid of the same brand as the mascara.
  • Milk or cream to remove waterproof makeup. Does not adversely affect the eyes. It only takes 1-2 drops. It is better to choose products of the same brand.
  • Moisturizing eye drops. We have described their action above.
  • A few drops of castor, almond, jojoba oil quickly restore dried mascara. Oils are used to increase the density of eyelashes, they do not cause irritation of the mucous membrane. The procedure will require 1-2 drops of oil.

Waterproof cosmetics have a more complex composition than water-washable ones. Therefore, when breeding such a carcass, the probability of changing its properties is higher.

Before you go to the nail extension procedure, find out how to choose it. And those who dream of a beautiful hairstyle should understand.

You can choose a liquid for removing hair extensions suitable for the capsule and tape methods.

Waterproof Eye Makeup Remover

You will find recipes for home lamination of hair with gelatin.

How to extend the life of your mascara

With proper use and storage, mascara retains its original thickness longer. You need to purchase only a fresh cosmetic product. Store it at a temperature of 5-25 ̊С, not in direct sunlight. Leave your makeup bag at home when it's cold. Temperature fluctuations disrupt the texture of products containing water.

When opening the tube, make rotational movements with the brush, do not pull it up. Close in the same way, pressing the lid tightly. With such movements, less air will get inside the bottle, the mascara will not thicken longer.

Wash the brush under running water approximately once every 1-2 weeks. Dust, dried particles of the product will be removed, and not accumulate at the bottom of the bottle, forming clots.

Lumps are the first sign of freezing

It will help to cope with alopecia.


Although you can use water, drops, oils, and lotions to dilute the carcass, it is better to resort to these measures in an emergency. The ingress of new components into the composition of the carcass is unlikely to improve its effect.

If you can't buy expensive cosmetics often, choose brands that are cheaper, but use them during their expiration date. The health of your eyes should be more important than the prestige of using luxury products.

They opened the tube, and the mascara dried up there? There are several proven methods of resuscitation that return the product to a liquid state, a pleasant consistency, suitability for use in makeup. Some tricks can make mascara better than it was in new condition, but there are undesirable ways to dilute that ruin cosmetics and pose a danger to eye health.

Why does mascara dry quickly?

It is necessary to highlight 5 reasons for the drying of mascara in order to prevent such damage to cosmetics in the future. After all, the basic prerequisites are created by the ladies themselves, who do not always exploit the brasmatic in the right way. So, the reasons for the drying of the leading weapon of a woman for the eyes:

  1. Expiration date - Examine the packaging of the product or the bottle itself for the latest expiration date. If there is very little left before it, then the cosmetic product dries out from its old age, and it is better not to bring it back to life.
  2. Improper storage - leaving brasmatik in the open sun, near hot batteries, in the cold is strictly prohibited, since the life of the carcass will be reduced at least a couple of times.
  3. Operational errors - the brasmatik brush should be screwed in, unscrewed from the mascara bottle, but in no way should the movements of the donkey from the cartoon, in which the ball went in and out of the pot, be avoided. This is how an unwanted guest enters the tube - air, which helps to dry the product.
  4. Not enough power - otherwise there is no way to explain why the ladies do not close the bottles to the end or leave the brasmatic brush separately from the mascara container.
  5. Bad neck - it has been noticed that a tube with a narrow corridor for a brush takes more time for the mascara to dry, so focus on this.

Effective ways to restore mascara

Don't be afraid to revive brasmatic mascara if its expiration date allows it. Previously, there were dry formulations that had to be diluted before applying the eye make-up. Therefore, the restoration of the finished mascara is a natural action that helps to increase the number of created makeups by a couple of times. But you need to use safe methods and solvents, because no one needs eye diseases.

Hot water

An effective, simple, but not a one-time method is resuscitation with hot water. Before makeup, pour boiling water into a glass, dip the brasmatik for half a minute, immediately take it out. It is impossible to boil a bottle of mascara, because it is deformed, and lowering it into a hot liquid does not threaten it. It is allowed to repeat regularly, just keep an eye on the density of closing the lid, the level of boiling water, which should not reach the opening point of the brasmatic. It is allowed to add such a solvent inside the tube if distilled water is used.

Eye drops

The beauty of the dilution method with eye drops is safe, because the remedy is a priori not capable of harming the organs of vision. However, some cosmetologists, oculists, advise first testing diluted mascara, knowing that it is difficult to predict the reaction of the resulting composition. It will take a couple of drops of artificial eye moisturizers, carefully inserted into the tube. It is recommended to leave the mascara with the solvent overnight to see the effectiveness of the method. Use drops of Vizin, Albucid, Taufon, their analogues.

Infusion of strong tea

Prepare a sweet, strong black tea drink and dropper. Dip a brasmatik brush, previously washed with soap and dried, into the solvent. Pipette a couple of drops of tea into the bottle and close tightly. Let the solvent work with the makeup for a while and then apply your makeup. The effectiveness will be visible if you do not overdo it with tea. With a small amount of a sweet drink, the mascara will turn out to be resistant, homogeneous, not flowing, and if you pour it - wait for a smeared makeup.

Eau de toilette or perfume

Mascara perfectly dissolves in perfume, but choose non-alcoholic liquids to avoid irritation of the eyeball, allergies. It is allowed to simply puff the inside of the bottle with perfume, screw in the brasmatik brush, put the tube of the product aside for a while. Pour a lot of solvent should not be, so as not to get a dark or colored slurry. Apply the composition to the eyelashes carefully, avoiding accidental contact with the eye, the skin around.

Castor or burdock oil

Castor, burdock oils are effective means of diluting cosmetics, along the way taking care of the hairs. Eyelashes are as if under a mask, if you apply a composition with burdock, castor oil on them. For convenience, add the solvent to the mascara tube with a brush. Just scoop up a drop of oil with the tip, gently screw the brush into the bottle, set the brasmatik aside for a while. Clean the brush with warm, soapy water first to kill any accumulated germs.

Eye makeup remover

It is logical to use a tool designed to dissolve makeup to dilute the mascara. It definitely won't stay dry. Allergic reactions are excluded with almost maximum probability, since the remover is used native, familiar to the skin of the eyelids, eyelashes. It is recommended to anoint the neck with a thin layer of solvent, then turn the brasmatik brush while screwing in so that it is evenly covered with makeup remover. Then inside the vial the contents will be more easily mixed with the injected agent, a homogeneous consistency will be obtained.

Facial tonic or lotion

Choose compositions without alcohol, because the eyelashes dry, fade, lose their vitality. Dilute mascara in brasmatic with your skin friendly toner. Add the thinner to the tube sparingly so that you don't end up with an overly liquid eyelash makeup product. If in doubt about the ability to accurately perform the dissolution process - apply droplets of tonic to the mascara brush. Suddenly excess will pour out - just rinse the brush.

Contact Lens Storage Liquid

An almost ideal solvent, since it is absolutely hypoallergenic, as close as possible to the composition of tears. After such breeding, worrying about the safety of eyelashes, the eye will be redundant, because the liquid for the lenses is created taking into account their comfort. Bottles of such a solvent have a convenient narrow neck, which helps to measure out the strictly required number of drops.

How not to dilute mascara

Paradoxically, the most common means of dissolving mascara are the most dangerous. The availability of these solvents has many drawbacks, endangering eye health. Therefore, do not create problems for yourself by taking risks in this way. Review the list of undesirable diluents. If you have already used the indicated carcass dilution methods - discard them in the future if you only plan to test the effectiveness of such products - think a few times and choose something safer from the previously listed solvents.


Rushing beauty leads to the use of saliva as a mascara thinner. It is very easy to spit a little on the brasmatik brush, dip it into the bottle, and then make up your eyelashes. Infecting the eyes in this way is also very simple, because saliva contains the greatest number of microbes, bacteria. Infectious eye diseases are treated for months, years, so do not expose yourself to the risk of self-infection - do not reanimate the mascara with saliva.

Hydrogen peroxide

Get burned, stay without eyelashes, damage your eyes - peroxide is suitable for this, but not for diluting mascara. Avoid bad advice if you value your eyesight. Mascara is cheaper than the treatment of diseases provoked by the remedy. You should not put yourself at risk for dubious savings, because there are effective, safe, solvents available.

Vegetable or olive oil

Leave such solvents for the kitchen, since they can only harm dried carcasses. Oil never dries out - the same will happen with makeup. The applied mascara will simply flow, smearing the eyelids, cheeks, spoiling the carefully applied make-up. Another threat is posed by insidious microorganisms that have identified olive, vegetable oil as a habitat and then get into the ink during its resuscitation.

A categorical taboo in such a delicate cosmetic issue is the use of products with alcohol. They will perfectly dilute the mascara, but they will create a huge danger for the eyelashes and eyes. Careless use of a brush, an accidentally trembling hand will provoke alcohol to enter the eyeball, which is fraught with inflammation, irritation, and blindness. Eyelashes from such solvents as cognac, cologne, chloramphenicol lose their vitality, break, become less frequent, fall out.

See how a simple trick helps to make mascara runny. The girl in the video reveals a secret that is used even in cosmetic stores to pass off a dried product as a new one, while maintaining its properties. The availability of the solvent allows it to be used to dilute even cheap mascara, for which it is a pity to spend money on expensive solvents. Pay attention to the dependence of the amount of resuscitator on the degree of drying, the correct movements of the brush, the sequence of actions. Try it on an old carcass - evaluate the performance!

Sooner or later, there comes a moment when, when applying the first layer of mascara, the eyelashes become similar to. Of course, such an effect in makeup is now in trend, but it is better to create it with special techniques. In addition, the thick texture of the mascara lays down in lumps and crumbles very quickly.

However, do not rush to get rid of the bottle, the mascara can still be saved!

First of all, regularly carry out “service maintenance” of the tube:

Remove the remnants of mascara from the neck and threads (they prevent the tube from twisting tightly and the mascara thickens faster).

Wipe the shaft of the brush with a make-up remover wipe (do not use cotton pads - they can leave lint that will later get into your eyes).

Remove the limiter from the carcass and clean it (due to its proximity to the neck, the remaining mascara dries quickly and prevents you from picking up mascara in the right quantity and quality)

Now the mascara bottle is ready for resuscitation of the contents!

As we have already said, mascara contains soft wax, which becomes more plastic when heated.

  • Accordingly, the logical and simplest would be to lower the dried mascara into a glass of hot water or hold it under the tap.

An important nuance - do not allow water to get on and under the lid, otherwise there is a chance to spoil the ink.

By the way, in addition to water, the following are not suitable for diluting carcasses:

  • Saliva - it is the environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Not only will you not return the product to the desired consistency, but you will also provoke the development of dangerous processes. As a result, the ink will only be thrown away.
  • Any liquids that contain alcohol (alcohol, perfume) - they can spoil the consistency of the product, as well as cause
  • Hydrogen peroxide and other medications - it is impossible to predict what kind of reaction they will enter into with the components of the carcass, and what effect they will have on the sensitive skin around the eyes.
  • Make-up remover - as the name of the product says, it is designed to remove makeup, in other words, to dissolve it. Accordingly, the durability of the carcass decreases many times.

But despite the simplicity of the first method, you will have to resort to heating the carcass every time before using it, which may not be very convenient.

For a longer lasting effect, you can dilute the mascara in the following ways:

  • Add a couple of drops of lens solution or eye drops to the tube and gently mix the mascara with the brush. The main thing is not to make sudden movements so that excess air does not get inside.
  • Add a couple of drops of castor, peach or almond oil. The best option would be to add the same oil that is already in the composition. The most common is castor oil. This will not only return the mascara to a soft consistency, but also increase its caring properties.

An important point: in an effort to extend the life of a tube of your favorite mascara, do not forget that mascara has two expiration dates. The first, printed on the label, and the second - the one that is counted from the moment the package is opened.

Do not use and reanimate mascara that was opened more than six months ago!

We told how to dilute dried mascara, and now find out how to fix broken powder.

Do you know other ways to "save" cosmetics? Write a comment.
