Parental round table "Family values ​​and their impact on the upbringing of the child." Round table - family traditions What can be collected in the family

Parent meeting. "Family values ​​and traditions, their importance for the child."

Purpose: to determine the influence of family values ​​and traditions on the child

Proceedings of the meeting

Before the meeting, parents and children do the following tasks:

1. Collective drawing "My happy family."

2. A story about the tradition of your family (describe in any genre).

3. Bring photos from the life of your family, come up with interesting names or quatrains for them.

4. Make a joint craft for the exhibition "Family Workshop".

Organizational stage

Dear parents! Today we have gathered to talk about the family, about family traditions and their importance in the upbringing and development of the child.

Let's think about the concept.

How do you understand the word tradition? (parents' answers)

Generalization of the parents' answers by the teacher.

"Tradition" is translated from Latin as "transmission", "continuity". Tradition is something that has passed from one generation to another, inherited from previous generations (i.e. from your relatives: moms, dads, grandparents.) The culture of each family is reflected through its traditions.

In order for us to tune in to work and our thoughts come in order, I suggest you relax a lot and play

1. "A piece from my childhood."

Various objects are laid out on the table. It can be a ball, a doll, a soft toy, a note, etc. Everyone chooses for himself the subject that is associated with his childhood, and, if desired, tells the appropriate episode from his life.

Teacher: What do you think the word "family" means? (Answers)

Teacher: According to the definition of Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl, "a family is a set of close relatives living together: parents with children." For a long time, home and family have always been spoken of with love and respect. From ancient times, legends, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings about the family have come down to us. Let's try to remember them. I start and you finish.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better).

The hut is not red with corners, ... (red with pies).

What is at home, such is ... (to himself).

Children are not a burden, but ... (a joy).

When the family is together, and ... (heart in place).

Every mother has her own ... (child is cute).

You will find everything in the world, except ... (father and mother).

A mother feeds her children like ... (land of people).

There is no kinder person ... (father and mother).

There is no more expensive ... (father and mother).

Family is ... (seven I).

Dear fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers! You are your child's first and most important teacher. No matter how long we live, we still constantly turn to the experience of childhood, to life in the family: even a veteran with gray hair continues to refer to “what I was taught at home”, “what my mother taught”, “what my father showed me”.

The family gives the child the main thing - something that no other social institution can give: a personal connection and unity with relatives. The social function of the family is psychological rear, protection, shelter. The mother is the main educator of the child. The function of a mother and parents is to teach a child to live. The nature of a child's emotional well-being or distress is determined by his emotional relationships with adults in the family. Communication with adults is one of the most important factors that influence the development of the child. The only true luxury is the luxury of human interaction.

Do you think we know how to use this luxury in our families, do we teach this to our children? (Answers.) Let's talk about family traditions today:

I love it when everyone gets together.

The table is covered with a white tablecloth.

grandmother with mom

Together we are called family. (O. Vysotskaya)

And now I will ask everyone to remember what traditions exist in your family and share them with other parents.

(Parents talk about their family traditions).

Teacher's message on the topic "Family Traditions"

Tradition 1. Family holidays.

Do you think holidays are necessary for children in the family? (Answers)

Yes, for the full development of a child, a holiday is necessary like air. A holiday for a child is not the same as for us adults. A holiday is an event in a child's life, and a child counts his days from holiday to holiday, like us, his years from an important event to another. And vice versa, “this childhood would be dull and gray if holidays were thrown out of it,” wrote Konstantin Ushinsky.

And now a little warm-up.

Listen, here's my family:

Grandpa, grandma and brother.

We have order in the house, okay

And purity, why?

We have two mothers in our house,

Two dads, two sons,

Sister, bride, daughter,

And the youngest is me

What kind of family do we have?

(6 people: brother and sister, their parents, grandparents)

With the help of this comic puzzle, we touched on an interesting topic - the topic of family relationships.

Tradition 2. Family album.

Tradition 3. Drawing up a genealogy of your family.

(performance of families with their pedigrees)

Summing up the results of the meeting

Teacher: It is in our hands to raise children who are literate and educated, well-mannered, loving and honoring their parents, who know their ancestry.

Take care of each other

Take care of each other,

Kindness warm.

Take care of each other,

Let's not offend.

Take care of each other,

Forget all quarrels

And in a spare moment

Stay next to each other. (O. Vysotskaya)

"Family traditions"
- to cultivate love for one's family, to show the importance of the family in the upbringing of the younger generation;
- to emphasize the kind, attentive attitude of family members to each other;
- to instill pride and respect for family traditions.
Preliminary work:
- talking with children about family and family traditions;
- make gifts for parents with children;
- reading fiction, memorizing poems.
- collection of material for a photo exhibition;
- production of "Genealogical tree"
Meeting progress:
1 part:
- Hello, dear children. Good afternoon, dear parents and guests. Today we have gathered to talk about the family, about family traditions and their importance in the upbringing and development of the child. The moral health of the family, its spiritual values ​​and, consequently, its potential educational opportunities can be judged by the traditions established in it. Tell your parents, what do you understand by the word tradition?
(parents' answers)
Tradition in Latin means "transfer". Tradition is what was passed down from one generation to another, what was inherited from previous generations (views, tastes, ideas, customs).
If you pronounce the word “childhood” and close your eyes, then along with your loved ones, with your native walls, something special will arise in your mind that is unique to your family. This "something" is a family tradition. And it is remembered only because it was repeated many times .. Family traditions are a huge workshop in which everything is intertwined: inspiration, play, joy, creativity, skill, accuracy, art. It is known that each family has its own “living soul”, which has both a blooming garden of Eden and springs of “living” water.
Good traditions like these springs strengthen - give life to the family. Each clan, family has its own treasury of traditions, which, together with the dowry in forged chests, were inherited by children.
Every family has its own way of bringing children into common family traditions.
For some, these are family meals (lunches, dinners) - a wonderful tradition of getting together at the same table for communication.
Others share leisure time. A good continuation of the lunch will be joint leisure, for example, you can play some board game. Or go to nature and spend time actively in the fresh air.
At the third - family holidays. Each family has its own special traditions of celebrating family holidays. But each of them is shrouded in the mystery of love, warmth and tenderness of the family hearth.
Tell me who is dearest to you most in the world? (answers of children and parents) I agree with your answers that the family is the most important thing in life for a person and what happiness that you have wonderful families, there is a parental home - the beginning of all beginnings.
Family is the most important thing that each of us has. Family is a place where we will always look forward to returning. Where family and friends are always waiting for us and love. After all, it’s not for nothing that they say: “My family is my support, my family is my fortress.”
The family and its meaning are well described in the poem by Tatyana Bulkovskaya “What can be more precious than a family?” (children read the verse)
What could be more expensive for families? Warmly welcomes the father's house, Here they are always waiting for you with love And see you off on the road with kindness! .Parents - wiser in everything, Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner, And mom is the closest, relatives. Love! And appreciate happiness! It is born in the family, What could be more precious in this fabulous land
Part 2 - Discussion of the family tree!
- Tell me, what do you think, are all families the same? Yes, different. And how do they differ?
(answers of parents - habits, way of life, customs, atmosphere, traditions).
A person is born into the world, grows, thinks: who am I? Where am I from? Where are my roots from? Since ancient times, one of the traditions in Russian families has been the tradition of learning about their ancestors, compiling their genealogy - a family tree. And so you and your parents tried to compile your family trees. We would like to know more about your family tree.
-How many names does your family tree include?
-How long have you been working on it?
-Who helped in compiling your pedigree?
-I wonder what this job gave you?
-And who has already compiled a pedigree?
- I want to advise you not to throw away your works, keep them for your family, replenish your tree, learn about your relatives. And let this be your good family tradition.
Part 3 - Conversation about family traditions (family stories about themselves)
And now I want to ask you to tell about your family. What traditions do your families have, what holidays do you celebrate, etc.
Photo exhibition "Look into the family album"
- In the design of our hall, we used the photo exhibition “look into the family album”. Since 1929, when the French artist and designer Dagel invented photography, the tradition of compiling and storing family albums has firmly entered our lives. Every family has photographs that leave a memory of dear people, events in family life for a long time. Here at our exhibition are photographs from the family albums of our group. We organized this exhibition first in our group. The children and I looked at the photo albums with great interest. After all, only thanks to photographs, for example, can we learn something about our distant relatives or look into the past.
Physical education minute
Part 4 - Game "Culinary"
One of the most common Russian traditions was a feast. Entire generations gathered at the common table, the owners regaled them with some kind of food. Culinary traditions were not in the last place in Russia. Previously, cabbage soup, porridge, turnips, radishes, game, and fish were held in high esteem. From drinks beer, kvass. Everything flows, everything changes the tastes of people and other dishes appear on our tables and become traditional. I invite you and your children to draw your traditional dish and tell us about it. (parents and children draw their favorite dish)
You need to start your story with the words “traditional in our family is ....” . And you need to end the story with the words "lick your fingers."
Discussion of drawings.
Part 5 - Gifts for parents.
There is another good tradition - to give gifts to relatives and friends. And what are the best gifts to give? - handmade. My children and I have made handmade gifts for you and we want to give them to you.
- Well, our round table has come to an end. It is very important to follow family traditions, honor them, pass them on from generation to generation, most importantly, they are needed to strengthen the family, so that you have a home where you would like to constantly return.
Only from the standpoint of mutual responsibility and obligations of parents and teachers in relation to the child can good results be achieved. And I would like to end our mini meeting with the words “We influence the family through the child and for the child, we influence the child through the family and for the family”

Advice for parents
"Family traditions"
(Round table)

Objectives: - to promote the observance of existing family traditions and the emergence of new ones;
- exchange of experience of family education and traditions;
- improving the pedagogical culture of parents;
- search for new forms of interaction between teachers and parents.

Conversation "Family Traditions"
Educator. What do you think the word "family" means? (Answers)
(parents give their association words with this word)
What is family? The word is clear to everyone, like "bread" and "water". It is with each of us from the first moments of life. A family is a home, dad and mom, close people. These are common worries, joys and deeds. This is love and happiness.
According to the definition of Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl, "a family is a set of close relatives living together: parents with children"
For a long time, home and family have always been spoken of with love and respect. From ancient times, legends, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings about the family have come down to us.
Let's try to remember them. I start and you finish.
Being a guest is good, but being at home is better)
The hut is not red with corners, but ... (red with pies)
What is at home, such is ... (to myself)
Children are not a burden, but ... (joy)
When the family is together, and ... (heart in place)
To each his own mother ... (child is cute)
You will find everything in the world, except ... (father and mother)
Mother feeds children like ... (land of people)
No more ... (father and mother)
Family is ... (seven I)
As the philosopher Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin said, “the family is the primary womb of human culture. Here the dormant forces of the child's soul awaken and begin to unfold: here the child learns to love, believe and sacrifice, here the first foundations of his character are formed, here the main sources of his future happiness and unhappiness are revealed in the soul of the child, here the child becomes a small person, from which a great one will subsequently develop. a person or, perhaps, a low rogue "
The Czech psychologist Z. Mateychek noted: “The family is an environment in which the fundamental need of a small child is satisfied to be taken seriously and to be respected in the future. In a family, children from the first days of life receive a valuable experience of forgiveness, compliance, adoration, support from loved ones, they feel attention, admiration and devotion from loved ones.
In the book "Non-Standard Child", psychologist Vladimir Levy reveals the "image of the house" in all its diversity:
“The house was hell for me. Scandals and accusations, prohibitions, mistrust, surveillance… Constant violence against the will, bondage… indifference, loneliness, boredom… The house broke me…”
“The house was heaven for me, and I paid for it. It turned out to be unsuitable for real life - continuous disappointments. Longing for the unrealizable, the search for the impossible, in the end, the atrophy of the will ... "
Not! Neither hell nor heaven should be a home for a child - but a place where one can live. The place where you want to live.
Of course, the psychological situation in the house is mainly determined by adults. The nature of the relationship with their son or daughter depends on their skill, tact, patience. -What do you think, who has the leading role in raising a child - family or kindergarten? (Answers of parents)
The priority in raising a child, no doubt, belongs to the family. “Kindergartens are family helpers in raising a child” (Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”)
Dear parents! You are your child's first and most important teachers. His first school - your home - will have a huge impact on what he will consider important in life, on the formation of his value system.
No matter how long we live, we still constantly turn to the experience of childhood, to life in the family: even a gray-haired veteran continues to refer to “what I was taught at home”, “what my mother taught me”, “what my father showed me”.
The family gives the child something that no other social institution can give: personal connection and unity with relatives.
The well-being of children is the pinnacle of parenthood. And if the measure of all things is a man, then the “measure” of parents is a child.
The nature of a child's emotional well-being or distress is determined by his emotional relationships with adults in the family. Communication with adults is one of the most important factors that influence the development of the child.
The only true luxury is the luxury of human interaction.
In your opinion, do we know how to use this luxury in our families, do we teach this to our children? (Answers)
Let's talk about family traditions today:
... I love it when everyone gathers.
The table is covered with a white tablecloth.
Grandma with mom, dad and me,
We are called together - family.
O. Vysotskaya

1.Mini questionnaires
Educator. Please answer the questions of the mini-questionnaire "Every house has its own traditions"
- What do you think is included in the concept of "family traditions?"
What family traditions do you have in your family?
- Do family traditions influence the upbringing of a child?
- What positive character traits do they bring up in a child?
2. Acquaintance with the traditions of families.
Parents talk about their family traditions.
Family traditions are, first of all, holidays that are celebrated by all family members and, of course, the child’s birthday; gala dinners on weekends, when the whole family is assembled and a festive service is served. It can be a tradition to plant a tree or go out of town on New Year's Eve to decorate a live Christmas tree. It is a tradition to visit museums and exhibitions with the child. These are joint games. Congratulations relatives. Traditional hikes, walks and picnics in nature. Compilation of their pedigree and family albums. Collecting and holding family concerts.

Educator. It is in our hands to raise children to be literate and educated, well-mannered, loving and honoring their parents, who know their pedigree
Take care of each other
Take care of each other,
Kindness warm.
Take care of each other,
Let's not offend.
Take care of each other,
Forget all quarrels
And in a spare moment
Stay next to each other. O. Vysotskaya
We invite parents to take the Miracle Bag with them and put in it what they would like to take with them from the knowledge acquired today into the future.


Trofimova Evgenia Nikolaevna,


MBDOU child development center -

Kindergarten No. 81 "Malvina".

Target: Education of moral culture through the creation and observance of family traditions.


  1. To give an idea to parents and children about the importance of family traditions in the development and upbringing of a child.
  2. To acquaint the participants of the round table with the traditions that exist in different families.
  3. To interest parents and children in the creation of group traditions.
  4. To cultivate the desire to work together and work together in the manufacture of souvenirs.

Preliminary work:

Organization of the exhibition "Our Traditions"

Making souvenirs from salt dough with group children

Preparation of "Khvalenok" for exhibitors.


Multimedia installation for slide show;

Paints, brushes, jars for water;

The tin can is large;

Magnet with the image of the city, Easter egg, New Year's sock;

Event progress:

Viewing a presentation containing photographs from the life of the children of the "Solnyshko" group "We are like the sun's rays - lovebirds" (Appendix No. 2).

The teacher reads the poem:

They say that in the old days

So it was.

Many brothers and sisters

It was fun to be friends.

We drank milk together

They ate sushi together.

Real Kindergarten

Each had a hut.

(Yu. Entin)

Educator: Dear guests! Let's play the game "Guess" with you. An object is placed in a tin can in advance.

Now I, one of you and your child, will show what lies in this jar, and you will become the leader, and the task of the rest of our guests is to guess what is in it, only with the help of leading questions, to which the leader can only answer - yes , No.

(A magnet with the image of the city, an Easter egg, a New Year's sock are placed in turn in the jar).

Problem situation: “What are all these items for?”

Educator: What do you think, dear guests, how can these objects be connected with each other? What can unite them?

Guest responses.

Every family has different traditions. Family traditions are customs or rituals that we observe year after year. Each family has its own, someone is used to gathering at dinner every evening and talking about the past day, someone has a summer vacation, they spend the whole family, someone celebrates the New Year, leaving for relatives who live in another city, and someone - something leaves for nature with the first rays of the sun.

caregiver : What are the traditions in your family? (experience exchange). The one who prepared the exhibits for the exhibition tells about the tradition.

Purpose: to introduce parents and children to the varieties of family traditions.

Presentation of parents with children.

Educator: So we learned the different traditions that exist in families. Some traditions are very important to you as they are passed down from generation to generation. Let's try to say pleasant words to each other, which are so important for our loved ones to hear in response to what they do for us. The exercise is called “Words of Gratitude”. I ask you to make 2 circles, children do one circle, and parents stand around them. You - parents, throwing the ball to your child, say pleasant, affectionate words, and you children, throw the ball in response with pleasant words, what a good mother you have, or what a strong and courageous dad.

Purpose: to show parents and children that feelings and words of gratitude for family traditions are very important for their loved ones.

Thank you for your participation, dear guests and guys, so we learned how important it is to hear pleasant words from each other.

Joint activities of parents with children.


The guys and I have prepared small surprises for you parents, I suggest that you and your child color them in memory of today. We have prepared a cast of your child's hand made from salt dough. This will not only teach your children how to make gifts with their own hands, but will also contribute to the development of fine motor skills.

Educator: Our group is a big family, look how we painted souvenirs together and cheerfully. Maybe someone coming home today wants to create their own tradition, or remember the traditions of their parents and continue them. Maybe we will come up with the traditions of our large family?

Traditions of our group:

1) Children's birthday by month;

2) “Day off, day off with dad, mom and sister” - children's stories about the past weekend, what they learned new and interesting.

3) The group's birthday is the first Monday in October;

4) Tea drinking at the end of the school year - discussion of our achievements;

5) Mother's Day - congratulations for mothers;

7) Grandparents' Day - making souvenirs from salt dough for grandparents;

8) "Decorate the Christmas tree ourselves" Christmas tree decoration in the group;

9) "Autumn Golden" - the production of a collective kibana.

Educator: We would like to thank the parents who participated in the exhibition and hand over "Khvalenki" . Thank you for your active participation in the life of our group.


Purpose: to obtain information about the course of the lesson process and its results.

Parents write their wishes and impressions about the evening spent in the sun.

Distribution of booklets(Appendix No. 3). Annex No. 3-booklet.pdf (630.12 KB)

I distribute booklets with information about what family traditions are.

Presentation Application"Solnyshko Group" 31MB

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the city of Kogalym "Birch"

Outline of a round table for parents on the topic: "Family traditions in the modern world"

Prepared and hosted:

educator MADOU "Birch"

Klimina A.A.



Family Traditions in the Modern World

Target: involvement of parents in the establishment of rules, norms of behavior, customs, traditions in the family, that is, in the formation of family values.


  • reveal the meaning of the concept of "family traditions";
  • determine the role of the family in shaping values ​​of a preschooler;
  • to cultivate a desire to observe existing family traditions;
  • shape the rise in the status of the family in our society;
  • contribute to the establishment of friendly, good relations in the family.

Outline plan:

I part Introductory remarks by the educator:

Good afternoon dear parents! Our today's meeting is devoted to a very topical problem - the problem of family traditions in the modern world.

What is the modern family like? Do we, modern parents, consider traditions the most important means of upbringing in the family?

Before starting our conversation, I offer you an interesting warm-up.

The game . From ancient times, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings about the family have come down to us. Now we will remember them, I begin, and you finish. So, let's begin:

  • Being a guest is good, but being at home is better);
  • He does not paint the hut with corners, but (paints with pies);
  • What is at home, such is (to oneself);
  • Children are not a burden, but (a joy);
  • When the family is together and (the heart is in place);
  • To every mother his own (child is sweet);
  • You will find everything in the world except (mother and father);
  • The mother feeds the children as (the land of the people);
  • There is no kinder person (father and mother);
  • There is no more expensive (father and mother);
  • Family is (seven I).

Many scientists say today that traditions are practically lost in the modern family, which negatively affects the upbringing of the younger generation.

Preparing for this event, I had a conversation with the pupils on the topic: "Our family traditions." It turned out that our children do not know that they have family traditions and that each family has its own. It can be concluded that parents at one time did not convey to their children the meaning of the words "FAMILY", "FAMILY TRADITIONS". But this is very important for the child! If the family has its own traditions, then the child will feel confident and protected in this life.

I suggest you think about what the word “tradition” means (statements of parents). On the slide in front of you is the definition of this concept, found in the dictionary. Read and analyze how this definition matches your ideas about family traditions.

Dahl dictionary definition: Tradition- forms of activity and behavior transmitted from generation to generation, as well as customs, rules, values, and ideas accompanying them. The tradition is formed on the basis of such forms of activity, which have repeatedly confirmed their significance and personal benefits. When there is a change in the social situation of the development of a particular community, the tradition can be destroyed, transformed and replaced by a new one. Traditions are the most important factor in the regulation of people's life, they form the basis of education.

And now I have a request to you to raise your hand to those who believe that the preservation and transmission of family traditions is necessary for educating the younger generation... And who thinks that today it is quite possible to do without it? Please try to justify your position.

II part Teacher's speech:

What is it - "Family Traditions"?

These are, of course, the holidays that families celebrate (birthday, New Year, etc.). It can be a tradition to plant a tree or go out of town on New Year's Eve to decorate a live Christmas tree. It is a tradition to visit museums, exhibitions, theaters with the child. These are joint games, or congratulations from relatives. These are traditional, walks, picnics in nature. This is the compilation of family albums, the genealogy of your family.

The game is being played "Sun rays".

Take each one of the sunbeams that are pre-made for you and write with a marker any family tradition, and it doesn’t have to be your family tradition. Now, voicing the tradition that you wrote, we attach our rays to the sun.

Since there are families in the group that do not yet have family traditions, we will try to offer a variety of traditions.

Tradition 1. Family holidays

Are holidays necessary for children in the family, what do you think? (answers)

Of course, yes, a holiday is simply necessary for a child to fully develop. For a child, a holiday is not at all what it is for us adults. A holiday is an unforgettable event in a child's life. Each child counts the days from holiday to holiday, like us, his years from one event to another. “Dim and gray would be this childhood if holidays were thrown out of it” / K. Ushinsky/.

Do you arrange children's holidays in the family? How do you do it? (answers)

It must be remembered that the holiday is not for an adult, but for a child. You can often observe the following picture: the baby is bored at his birthday (everyone forgot about him), or vice versa, all the attention is on him and the child is a witness to adult conversations and a participant, then he gets used to being the center of attention, which develops in him indiscretion, swagger.

Don't force your child to perform if he doesn't want to. He himself must express his desire to sing, to recite a poem.

Do you think it is necessary to decorate an apartment for the holiday? What is it for? What does it give the child? (parents' answers)

Is it important for everyone, both children and adults, to participate?

Everyone loves to be given gifts, especially children.

Do you give gifts to your children? Which? (answers of parents).

The gift should be a little for growth, but in moderation. Each toy should develop the memory, thinking, attention of the child. Develop physically: balls, jump ropes, hoops. For the development of fine motor skills - pencils, plasticine. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the mood with which the child accepts the gift and how he thanks for it.

It’s good if you take pictures of a child with your family on your birthday. Also think over a program for entertainment, purchase various trinkets for games - attractions, the success of children's creativity depends on the fiction and imagination of adults.

Tradition 2. Pedigree

And now I offer a comic warm-up. Try to count how many people are in the family.

“Listen, here is my family:

Grandpa, grandma and brother

We have order in the house, okay

And purity, why?

We have two mothers in our house,

Two dads, two sons.

Sister, daughter-in-law, daughter

And the youngest is me.

What kind of family do we have?

(6 people, brother, sister, their parents, grandparents)

With the help of such a riddle, we touched on an interesting topic - family relationships.

Each of us is a successor of his kind. And the roots of each kind, like the roots of a tree, go far into antiquity. And that kind is strong, who remembers his ancestors and protects.

As an example, I propose a family tree, pay attention to the slide. Try to make your family tree, start with yourself (5 min. task).

Who came up with the name for you? Where are your parents from? Grandpas? grandmothers? Who came up with the name for your child?

It will be very cool if you start collecting the history of your kind. It will be a kind of bridge between the generations of your ancestors and descendants. This will be your family biography, which you can simply and intelligibly tell your children about.

Tradition 3. Family archives

It's not the past, it's always tomorrow.

A family must have its own archive: certificates, medals of fathers, grandfathers, history of their family and surname.

Definitely a family album.

Tradition 4. Family album

This is a huge space of our life, on the one hand, simple and understandable to a child, on the other hand, mysterious and amazing.

When was the last time you flipped through your family album?

Examining photographs, designing album pages - this is exactly the kind of communication that an older preschooler needs in his joint activities with his parents.

The image in the photograph is always associated with some story from the life of family members, this arouses the keen interest of the child and stimulates his memorization.

Tradition 5. Family outdoor recreation

How many of you have such a tradition - to go to nature (to the country) with your child?

Nature has a positive effect on the child. Develops the personality of a preschooler, gives the opportunity for good communication with the child. Walking in nature has a positive effect on human health, develops it, teaches how to protect the environment, gets acquainted with the life of plants, animals, birds, insects.

Tradition 6. Family visits to theaters, museums, exhibitions

And now let's find out which of you constantly goes with children to museums, theaters, exhibitions? (parents' answers)

Man at all times is characterized by the desire for beauty. As we know, every nation has its own culture, customs and traditions. We adults should contribute to introducing children to the large and complex world of beauty, nature, and art. Visiting museums should be a holiday not only for the child, but for the whole family.

Tradition 7. Collecting

It is very good when a family has a tradition. And if not, then you can offer - collecting. Gather together any collections, especially after visiting the museum, there is a choice (pebbles, shells, driftwood, candy wrappers, beads, stamps). As a result, the child awakens the need for conscious activity, the ability to appreciate the beautiful and respect the work of people.

One of our most important tasks is to help the child successfully enter the modern world, to take a worthy place there in the system of relations with other people.

Tradition 8. Joint games with a child

What games did you like as a child?

What games do you play with your child?

Do you know what kind of activity is leading in preschool age?

We can say with confidence "Childhood is a game, a game is childhood."

Childhood is given in order to prepare the child for entry into a rather complex social life, to be replenished with emotions and experiences. And the main task of preparing for this falls on you - the parents. The game is the life of a child and the choice of games should become traditional in every family. Lots of games and toys. You should carefully approach their selection. You need to play various games: board, mobile, verbal, educational.

Very good games of this type: lotto, dominoes, checkers, chess. We recommend that you definitely play games with natural and waste material. For example: “Guess what tree the fruit is from?”, “Who, who was?”, “What can fly?”, “Find what looks like an orange.”

It is in your power to raise children who are literate, educated, educated, loving and respectful of their parents, who know their ancestry.

III part Summarizing:

In conclusion of our communication, I propose to use the "Magic Piggy Bank" technique. The participants of the round table are invited to answer what they would like to put into the piggy bank and take with them into the future from the acquired knowledge.

Let's summarize this meeting. Family traditions, of course, occupy an important place in the development of a child's personality, and we, parents and teachers, must pay due attention to this area of ​​our life in order to educate a worthy citizen of our country. After all, it all starts with the family.

Parents are given memos "Values ​​of family education"
