Statuses from a grandmother about her daughter and grandchildren. Affectionate words for a little granddaughter in verse

Older people also crave happiness, but more often they make do with the happiness of their grandchildren.

The little hands of our grandchildren wind the clock of our old age.

Children and grandchildren are a joy then. when they continue in their image our dignity.

No one does as much for little children as grandparents do. They are capable of doing the impossible.

Grandmother | Grandfather

Children have grandchildren - so that the elderly do not become bored.

I've been a godmother several times, but being a grandmother is the best thing in the world.

Do you know where grandchildren get so much energy? They suck it out of the grandfathers.

If grandfathers and grandchildren find common ground so easily, it is because they have common enemies.

Sometimes, having become a grandfather, a person ceases to be a father.

I will only bow my head to my grandchildren so that they can sit more comfortably on my neck.

Love your grandchildren - don’t make idols out of them.

When grandchildren are born, they help their grandparents to be reborn.

While grandchildren are asking questions, grandfathers are getting smarter.

Short statuses about grandchildren

If you have grandchildren, then you did everything right.

The crown of old men is the sons of sons.

Our children's best teachers are our grandchildren.

Every grandmother is convinced that her grandchildren are absolutely wonderful, although they were brought up completely incorrectly.

The closer the grandmother lives, the fatter the grandchildren.

The grandson is the grandmother's director.

Grandfather: A man who takes a photograph of his grandson out of his pocket faster than a cowboy can draw his revolver.

Children can be good or bad, but grandchildren are always amazing.

There are fathers who do not love their children, but there is no grandfather who does not idolize his grandson.

Grandchildren are a vaccination against old age.

The first child is the last doll, and the first grandchild is the first child.

Don't be a pessimist. Wait for your grandchildren. They will surprise you.

If I had known before how wonderful it was to have grandchildren, I would have started right away with them.

Love your grandchildren! They will take revenge on your children.

Grandchildren make us children.

Children's pranks bring tears. The grandchildren's tricks are touching!

Grandchildren are the flowers of life that you already know how to care for.

When children are born in our family, we are still young. When grandchildren are born, a second youth comes.

Children are happiness, and grandchildren are a life not lived in vain.

A grandson on his neck is a laurel wreath for his grandfather.

If our children are the flowers of life, then our grandchildren are the sweet raspberries!

Grandchildren are the most beloved children.

To make old age a joy, you will know the sweetness of your grandchildren.

Quotes and aphorisms about grandchildren

Here are quotes, aphorisms and witty sayings about grandchildren. This is a rather interesting and extraordinary selection of the most real “pearls of wisdom” on this topic. Here are collected entertaining witticisms and sayings, clever thoughts of philosophers and apt phrases of masters of the conversational genre, brilliant words of great thinkers and original statuses from social networks, as well as much more...

The last time you bother your relatives is on the day of the funeral. Yuri Averbukh.

The crown of old men is the sons of sons. King Solomon - Proverbs, 17, 6.

The most unhappy families are those consisting only of poor relatives. Wieslaw Brudzinski.

Distant relatives are still not far enough.

Grandfather: a man who takes a photograph of his grandson out of his pocket faster than a cowboy draws his revolver. Unknown American.

You shouldn't have children, but you definitely should have grandchildren. Gore Vidal.

Children can be good or bad, but grandchildren are always amazing. Ludwik Hirschfeld.

If grandparents and grandchildren find common ground so easily, it is because they have common enemies. Sam Levenson.

Of all my wife's relatives, I like me the most. Joe Cook.

When we can finally afford to have children, we already have grandchildren.

It doesn't bother me that I'm already a grandfather, the only bad thing is that I'm married to my grandmother. Groucho Marx.

Don't judge a man by his family - he didn't choose them.

You can get rid of appendicitis immediately, but only gradually from relatives. Don Aminado.

After a good dinner you can forgive anyone, even your own brother. Oscar Wilde.

It's nice to meet distant relatives - as far away from your home as possible.

The poor have more children, but the rich have more relatives.

This is a gorgeous gold watch on a chain. I'm proud of them. My grandfather sold them to me when he was on his deathbed. Woody Allen.

As a consequence of the above: information to be posted on the site’s pages is provided by users, readers’ comments on quotes and aphorisms about grandchildren represent their personal opinion, which may not coincide with the point of view of the editorial staff of “”. Here you can see links to online stores with offers to buy this or that product. It should be noted that the community is a non-profit project, does not control these trading platforms, has no relation to them and, accordingly, declines responsibility for any consequences that may arise in connection with the use of such Internet sites. resources.

Poems about a granddaughter - beautiful, touching, short, as well as congratulations to your beloved granddaughter on the website Your!

Happy Birthday, granddaughter!

Dear curls,
Tiny hands!
Happy birthday dear,
Happy Birthday granddaughter.
You grow with joy
Everyone, my beauty.
For me there is nothing sweeter
Your "Granny".
So let it pass
Bad weather will fly by,
So that your eyes sparkle
Not from tears, from happiness!

Poems for granddaughter

Let the flowers bloom for you,
Friends give a lot of smiles,
And it always remains, dear,
Have a bright, sunny life!
To my dear granddaughter - bright happiness,
Affection, tenderness and warmth!
Everything you want will come true:
Believe in your golden dreams!

I love my granddaughter

I love my granddaughter
And I’ve admired her since birth!
I'm getting a lot of new ones
And have a pleasant experience!
Let all the puzzles of adult life
They will turn out great right away!
Manages to be healthy
And happy every hour!

Congratulations not on the birthday of your beloved granddaughter

On your birthday, cutie,
We want to tell you:
Better granddaughters than ours
You can't find it in the whole world.
We love you madly
Laugh more, don't be sad.
Always be prudent
Grow up as a smart girl.

Poems for granddaughter

Oh, granddaughter! Princess!
My beauty!
How wide open
Innocent eyes!

You don't know life at all
And you play with dolls,
And life is a big game
And there are dolls, dear.

But don’t be drawn to the outfits,
Dress up your mind and be proud of it!

I wish you, granddaughter,
Only joys hand in hand.
Yes, so as not to get sick,
Bloom and become prettier.

Today is my granddaughter's birthday!

I’ll get candy and cookies from the cupboard -
Today is my granddaughter's birthday!
I want to wish you family happiness,
May the angel protect you from bad weather!
Let the tears forget you forever,
And happiness and luck will always be with you!

Poems wishes for granddaughter

You are a gentle ray of light,
You are bright like summer!
Goodness, love, happiness
Let life be warmed!

Poems for granddaughter

To my wonderful granddaughter - the brightest days,
Decorated with a wonderful mood!
Let life become more beautiful and brighter,
Will make all your wishes come true!

Granddaughter is my treasure

You are my treasure
Dear granddaughter!
You found it straight to my heart
Your magic key.
I understand you
Right from the start.
Be beautiful and smart
Happy, healthy!

Poems for granddaughter

You are our sunshine
Little star, granddaughter!
Bright day
And a warm night!
Immeasurable joy
Cherished happiness
And the nightingale
Pre-dawn trill!
Let mercy
Your gaze will be filled,
Everything in life will come true,
It will definitely come true!
Let only good ones
People meet!
Let your qualities
Everyone is surprised!

Poems for my granddaughter-assistant

Nice girl, berry, honey,
There is a helper in the house, an affectionate friend!
We admire, most of all - grandmother,
You have no time to live without care!
Be like a star - bright, brilliant,
Grow up smart, healthy, big!
Be romantic, a little dreamy,
Kind, cheerful, with a beautiful soul!

Poems for granddaughter

From a thousand granddaughters I recognize mine,
And all because I love you immensely!
I admire you and laugh at the duet,
I can easily admit my best feelings!
May the sunshine always bring joy
And the rain: washes away all the sadness without a trace!
Be happy, granddaughter, healthy, smart,
Full of wonderful hopes, strength and plans!

Poems for granddaughter from grandfather

I wish you health on Angel's Day,
Your modest grandfather sends his greetings,
I kiss you, granddaughter, and congratulate you,
My dear, affectionate, beloved person!

Poems for granddaughter from grandmother

Granddaughter, princess, grandmother is calling,
And on his birthday he simply says,
So that you are the soul of any ball,
Let the princes all fall before you!

Poems for granddaughter

Seeing you is a pleasure
Hearing your laughter is touching!
A gentle hug is a sea of ​​joy,
And congratulations are a pleasure!
Granddaughter, let in tomorrow's future
Everything always works out!
The sun warms and pleases,
Happiness always smiles!

Poems for granddaughter

I have never seen such eyes in my life,
They promise only happiness,
For a granddaughter, let the best groom be
You yourself are like the wine of communion!

Poems for granddaughter

Cheerful girl, funny cunning -
How much happiness the granddaughter brought to the house!
Be happy too, little laughter!
I wish you joy and warmth!
So that the perky sparkle shines in the eyes,
May your entire future journey be easy!
And in order to turn into a beautiful princess,
Be kind and reasonable!

Poems dedicated to granddaughter

You are my little fairy
You're a brown-eyed wave
You seethe from morning until sunset
You are full of energy.
Tender as a white mimosa
Favorite among family
Roses with little thorns
You are not like others.

Poems for granddaughter from grandfather
D. Khazan

Come on, Zoya, stand tight
On my bare feet
Do you hear a jay singing somewhere?
High in the sky?
The parrots began to chatter
They shouted here and there,
Together the flock scattered
Through trees and bushes.
You don't understand yet
What is an airplane
And why does the dog bark?
And the cat loves to purr.
But it will take a little time
And you will immediately understand everything -
Why do deer have antlers?
Why is there a hedgehog with needles?
Who are monkeys?
Where the clouds sleep
And when the calf moos,
So he wants milk.
Be healthy and happy,
Many good long years,
This is what I wish for you

Happy Birthday, beloved granddaughter!
Happiness, joy, success in your studies,
Develop, create, earn money
Respect for your person.

Cute curls, tiny hands! Happy birthday, sweet, happy birthday, granddaughter! You are growing to the joy of everyone, my beauty, for me there is no sweeter “Granny”. So let the bad weather fly by, so that your eyes sparkle not from tears, but from happiness!

You are a gentle ray of light,
You are bright like summer!
Goodness, love, happiness
Let life be warmed!

You are our sunshine
Little star, granddaughter!
Bright day
And a warm night!
Immeasurable joy
Cherished happiness
And the nightingale
Pre-dawn trill!
Let mercy
Your gaze will be filled,
Everything in life will come true,
It will definitely come true!
Let only good ones
People meet!
Let your qualities
Everyone is surprised!

On your birthday, cutie,
We want to tell you:
Better granddaughters than ours
You can't find it in the whole world.
We love you madly
Laugh more, don't be sad.
Always be prudent
Grow up as a smart girl.

Oh, granddaughter! Princess!
My beauty!
How wide open
Innocent eyes!

You don't know life at all
And you play with dolls,
And life is a big game
And there are dolls, dear.

But don’t be drawn to the outfits,
Dress up your mind and be proud of it!

Our little granddaughter! Our joy, our continuation. Accept a short congratulation from your grandparents. Let your magical life be a fairy tale of the brightest colors! Luck accompanies everything! Let it be this way and not otherwise!

From a thousand granddaughters I recognize mine,

Seeing you is a pleasure
Hearing your laughter is touching!
A gentle hug is a sea of ​​joy,
And congratulations are a pleasure!

Everything always works out!
The sun warms and pleases,
Happiness always smiles!

Dear curls,
Tiny hands!
Happy birthday dear,
Happy Birthday granddaughter.
You grow with joy
Everyone, my beauty.
For me there is nothing sweeter
Your "Granny".
So let it pass
Bad weather will fly by,
So that your eyes sparkle
Not from tears, from happiness!

Friends give a lot of smiles,
And it always remains, dear,

Affection, tenderness and warmth!

Believe in your golden dreams!

Our beloved sun,
Our careless miracle,
May your life be complete
Warmth and happy days!
Congratulations, granddaughter!
May your laughter be joyful!
You are the best!
Grow up, good, smarter!

Be healthy, beautiful, rich,
Moderately tough, moderately vulnerable.
I would also like to wish you the most important thing -
Love and always be loved!

I wish you joy and warmth!

Be kind and reasonable!

Granddaughter, I congratulate you!
Look, how big you are already!
And it would seem only recently
I fed you semolina porridge
And now from different suitors
You probably have no end.
May God grant you love
Light, big. Happy birthday!

I wish you my princess
A life of great interest!

You have no time to live without care!

Congratulations to our granddaughter,
Happy birthday, moth!
Let's kiss on both cheeks,
You have blossomed like a flower!
Be healthy for sure
Smart, sweet, dear!
The best granddaughter of the Universe,
Beloved and dear!

How children grow up unnoticed.
You can't stop the flow of time.
You've grown older, you're the best in the world
Our dear granddaughter, our flower!
Your name suits you very well
To your eyes, dark as night,
To the eyebrows - the two eastern crescents,
To a smile as tender as the light of the moon.

You are my treasure
Dear granddaughter!
You found it straight to my heart
Your magic key.
I understand you
Right from the start.
Be beautiful and smart
Happy, healthy!

I’ll get candy and cookies from the cupboard -
Today is my granddaughter's birthday!
I want to wish you family happiness,
May the angel protect you from bad weather!
Let the tears forget you forever,
And happiness and luck will always be with you!

You are a gentle ray of light,
You are bright like summer!
Goodness, love, happiness
Let life be warmed!

To my wonderful granddaughter - the brightest days,
Decorated with a wonderful mood!
Let life become more beautiful and brighter,
Will make all your wishes come true!

You are my treasure
Dear granddaughter!
You found it straight to my heart
Your magic key.
I understand you
Right from the start.
Be beautiful and smart
Happy, healthy!

Nice girl, berry, honey,
There is a helper in the house, an affectionate friend!
We admire, most of all - grandmother,
You have no time to live without care!
Be like a star - bright, brilliant,
Grow up smart, healthy, big!
Be romantic, a little dreamy,
Kind, cheerful, with a beautiful soul!

From a thousand granddaughters I recognize mine,
And all because I love you immensely!
I admire you and laugh at the duet,
I can easily admit my best feelings!
May the sunshine always bring joy
And the rain: washes away all the sadness without a trace!
Be happy, granddaughter, healthy, smart,
Full of wonderful hopes, strength and plans!

I wish you health on Angel's Day,
Your modest grandfather sends his greetings,
I kiss you, granddaughter, and congratulate you,
My dear, affectionate, beloved person!

Granddaughter, princess, grandmother is calling,
And on his birthday he simply says,
So that you are the soul of any ball,
Let the princes all fall before you!

Seeing you is a pleasure
Hearing your laughter is touching!
A gentle hug is a sea of ​​joy,
And congratulations are a pleasure!
Granddaughter, let in tomorrow's future
Everything always works out!
The sun warms and pleases,
Happiness always smiles!

I have never seen such eyes in my life,
They promise only happiness,
For a granddaughter, let the best groom be
You yourself are like the wine of communion!

Cheerful girl, funny cunning -
How much happiness the granddaughter brought to the house!
Be happy too, little laughter!
I wish you joy and warmth!
So that the perky sparkle shines in the eyes,
May your entire future journey be easy!
And in order to turn into a beautiful princess,
Be kind and reasonable!

You are my little fairy
You're a brown-eyed wave
You seethe from morning until sunset
You are full of energy.
Tender as a white mimosa
Favorite among family
Roses with little thorns
You are not like others.

To our wonderful granddaughter
On your birthday we want
Wish we become famous
A lady with a golden disposition.

We love you, dear
More than life, more than anyone.
We will help you
To hear happy laughter.

Dear granddaughter, on your birthday
May fate caress you with kindness,
Gives you joy and inspiration
And spiritual, colorful peace!

Granddaughter, let bright victories
Opening up new paths
And Wisdom will reveal all the secrets,
So that you can find your dream!

My dear granddaughter,
Happy birthday,
May you always be lucky in everything,
Happiness will come soon!

To smile more often,
So that love rushes to you,
Let your dreams come true
The ones you dream about!

Be as beautiful as you are
Kind, affectionate and sweet,
I wish you inspiration
On the sweet holiday of your birthday!

Happy birthday, granddaughter!
The sun is radiant,
Affectionate, gentle,
Good and clean!

Happiness to you, dear!
Joy, luck,
May you always be upbeat
There will be a mood!

Let people be good
On the way they meet
And your desires -
They are fulfilled immediately!

And I wish you love
Beauty, soulfulness,
And all the best
Even in everyday life!

My granddaughter, my dear beloved
Happy birthday to you.
I wish that troubles would pass by
And, of course, I wish you health.

May you meet your love,
Faithful, pure, sweet.
So that your angel protects your family,
Helping in the hustle and bustle.

I wish you luck without her
It's hard sometimes.
And finally, I wish, dear,
May you be lucky with happiness.

We want you, granddaughter, to always know
So that fate does not prophesy for you,
We will always love you,
And we will be close constantly and always.

Yes, fate sometimes has its own quirks,
But we wish, granddaughter, from the bottom of our hearts,
So that not only on this birthday
Her gifts were infinitely good.

I want to wish my dear granddaughter with love
The best friends! Smile! Dream!
So that life responds to everything only with goodness,
So that happiness shines in your heart!

The brightest miracles, the most colorful days,
More laughter and joy in your life!
Amazing dreams, beauty, magic,
May your wishes come true in full!

Granddaughter! Bright joy,
A sea of ​​beautiful bouquets,
Kind smiles, gifts,
Gentle sun and light!

Like a colorful rainbow
What appears in the clouds
May every day make you happy,
All your dreams come true!

It’s so wonderful, granddaughter, with you:
You never get bored
Every day with a gentle smile
You always turn it into a holiday!
To my most beloved granddaughter:
Sunny, affectionate, sweet -
Only wonderful and joyful days,
To be the happiest in the world!

It's your holiday again, granddaughter,
You are respectful, gentle.
Everything is sunny, no clouds,
Beautiful and slim.
Divine, earthly,
As soon as you come,
You warm my soul
Like warm summer rain!

Today is my granddaughter's birthday
We would all like to wish
Health, happiness and fun
Today, Tomorrow and Again.

May all your dreams come true
Everything you could wish for.
And you don’t meet evil people in life
We wish you not to meet such people.

We wish you more love
Huge, pure, like a tear
We want you to smile forever
Your happy eyes.

They say that they love their grandchildren very much,
Even more than your own children!
For me, dear, you are like a daughter -
There is no one more beautiful and sweeter than you.

So let it be on your birthday
The best dreams come true!
Happiness, peace, joy, fun,
Good health and beauty!

Our joy! You are beautiful,
Carefree and easy
It's wonderful to eat with the birds,
You dance lighter than a moth,
You give generous smiles,
Full of charm
And you, our fish,
The whole family is conquered.
Be happy, our joy,
Grow smart, strong,
Fairytale luck bowl
May it be waiting for you ahead.

Granddaughter, dear girl,
We adore you
You are beloved by us all,
Our bright child,

We all want what we want,
Songs, smiles, flowers,
So that you play like a cat
May you have peace and quiet!

Our sweet doll,
Our call!
This day!
We wish you
More fun days!
So that everything works out perfectly
At school!
To have many new friends!
I slowly became an adult!

Happy Birthday, our granddaughter!
You're already a year older.
You are the only one more beautiful than all of us,
You are smarter than everyone, kinder than everyone.

We wish you forever
Would you stay like this?
Happiness is endless
It flowed like a river for you.

I remember you from your first steps,
And you have already become an adult.
Listen, dear, from sincere words,
What would I wish for you:

Always remain cheerful,
Live the way you want!
I will not wish you only beauty -
After all, you are rich in this miracle!

Granddaughter, dear,
On your birthday
I want to be treated kindly
Life and destiny.
Happiness and health,
Devils in the eyes
Luck and children's
Believe in miracles!
Good luck, hard work,
A circle of good friends
When did I grow up?
My baby all of a sudden?

Like a miracle, you entered the house,
The main joy in him was
Time passed, you grew up
And how the rose blossomed.
We want it without mistakes
Life generously gave you
Everything that makes youth bright:
Tenderness of gaze and smile,
Joy, happiness, ringing laughter,
Affection, faith and success!

Let the sunshine
Slips through the window
And the best of granddaughters
The bouquet will bring
Of the most beautiful
And kind words
Happy smiles
Magic flowers!

My dear granddaughter, congratulations to you!
From grandma I wish you a happy day
My beautiful one is like a scarlet flower,
I'll give you a padlock out of joy.
And the key of happiness and flowers of fun
From good fairy tales beauty necklace
I wish you my princess
A life of great interest!

Granddaughter is grandma's great happiness,
Granddaughter is grandfather's beautiful flower.
Happy birthday to you, our happiness!
Be gentle like a beautiful petal!

You are like a daughter to me, dear!
Listen, my granddaughter,
What does he wish for his birthday?
Today is your grandmother:

Perhaps the most important thing is health,
And not to count the money!
Let the feast be joyful,
Laugh more often and dream!

Granddaughter, I congratulate you!
Look, how big you are already!
And it would seem only recently
I fed you semolina porridge
And now from different suitors
You probably have no end
May God grant you love
Light, big
Happy birthday!

Seeing you is a pleasure
Hearing your laughter is touching!
A gentle hug is a sea of ​​joy,
And congratulations are a pleasure!
Granddaughter, let in tomorrow's future
Everything always works out!
The sun warms and pleases,
Happiness always smiles!

Nice girl, berry, honey,
There is a helper in the house, an affectionate friend!
We admire, most of all - grandmother,
You have no time to live without care!
Be like a star - bright, brilliant,
Grow up smart, healthy, big!
Be romantic, a little dreamy,
Kind, cheerful, with a beautiful soul!

Congratulations to our granddaughter,
Happy birthday, moth!
Let's kiss on both cheeks,
You have blossomed like a flower!
Be healthy for sure
Smart, sweet, dear!
The best granddaughter in the universe,
Beloved and dear!

Let the flowers bloom for you,
Friends give a lot of smiles,
And it always remains, dear,
Have a bright, sunny life!

To my dear granddaughter - bright happiness,
Affection, tenderness and warmth!
Everything you want will come true:
Believe in your golden dreams!

Our carefree granddaughter,
You are our immeasurable joy,
The nightingale's pre-dawn trill!

Happy birthday to you!
Double the joy and fun
Laughter and bright impressions -
In reality, in dreams, in dreams! 1

4 2

Let life be bright, interesting
There's enough room for kindness
May the angel protect the heavenly one,
Showing the way to your dream!

Let your hopes and plans
Will come true quickly
And life will only get more
Good events and friends!

To your beloved granddaughter - joy!
Every day - warmth and sweets!
Tenderness, smiles, light
And always at the heart of summer!

You are a gentle ray of light,
You are bright like summer!
Goodness, love, happiness
Let life be warmed!

Wishes for my dear granddaughter:
So that fate gives good things,
And from happiness and warmth
Life was sweeter than berries!

To my wonderful granddaughter - the brightest days,
Decorated with a wonderful mood!
Let life become more beautiful and brighter,
Will make all your wishes come true!

I wish my granddaughter dear
Good luck, health, happiness,
So that roses bloom in your soul
And there was no bad weather.
I want life to be bright
May you be cheerful
And so that the dashing ones do not know troubles.
Live, dear, for many years!

You are my treasure
Dear granddaughter!
You found it straight to my heart
Your magic key.
I understand you
Right from the start.
Be beautiful and smart
Happy, healthy!

You are our sunshine
Little star, granddaughter!
Bright day
And a warm night!
Immeasurable joy
Cherished happiness
And the nightingale
Pre-dawn trill!
Let mercy
Your gaze will be filled,
Everything in life will come true,
It will definitely come true!
Let only good ones
People meet!
Let your qualities
Everyone is surprised!

Nice girl, berry, honey,
There is a helper in the house, an affectionate friend!
We admire, most of all - grandmother,
You have no time to live without care!
Be like a star - bright, brilliant,
Grow up smart, healthy, big!
Be romantic, a little dreamy,
Kind, cheerful, with a beautiful soul!

Our granddaughter! You've already grown up!
(We remember how we played in the arena before.)
There are no number of friends in the house,
That's why you visit us less and less.
The bookcase where the fairy tales are completely forgotten,
"Mani", cabaret, "Mercedes" beckon...
We just don’t have any hard feelings about it:
Every age has its own interests!
Granddaughter! Show honor and be smart,
Yes, comprehend science! (Oh, there are a lot of them!)
Don’t forget your grandparents:
The road to the future is open to you!

Other congratulations in verse for the granddaughter

When you have a grandmother, she is sometimes closer than your parents, because with her you can afford almost everything. The grandchildren love to visit her on holidays or weekends. Interesting and fascinating statuses about grandmothers will help you fully express your mood and attitude towards this person.

Statuses about grandma with meaning and depth

Of course, on the Internet there are many interesting sayings about parents, mothers and fathers. Some of them are not only humorous, but also have deep meaning. So, statuses about grandmothers that contain the truth of life:

We can only complain to our grandmother about our parents.

There is a belief that a good and attentive dad helps you to be But no, only a reliable grandmother can make a mother kind and sympathetic.

Grandmothers believe that their children and grandchildren are always hungry, so they set a luxurious table and are offended if they haven’t eaten everything.

It is very difficult to explain to your grandmother what working at home on a computer is. No problem! After all, we also don’t understand how they could work for thirty years in one place. To each his own.

Grandma really enjoyed communicating with distant relatives via Skype. He says: “We talked and gossiped, but there is no need to go somewhere or set the table. These are miracles.”

What parents do not allow, your beloved grandmother will definitely allow.

Oh, and it’s difficult with these grandmothers, especially when you explain to them how to use a mobile phone.

Only grandmothers are absolutely sure that they will give us money for a cake, even when we are already 20 years old.

Funny and grannies

Of course, there are often funny situations with mom’s or dad’s moms. Especially when the grandchildren are still small. The following statuses about grandmothers may be useful and interesting.

A little girl, about five years old, recently told her parents: “Grandma has some problems with her memory!” "Why?" - Mom asked. “Every time I come to her, she asks: “Who came to us?”

There may be a bad son or daughter. But grandchildren are always ideal for grandma, and parents do not behave correctly with them.

The grandmother, putting her grandson to bed, sang for three hours straight, but he did not fall asleep. After the fourth hour had passed, the grandson asked: “Grandma, maybe I’ll go to sleep already? Or do you still want to sing?”

The old man and the old woman lived quietly and peacefully, but then... his grandson came to visit.

At the end of the summer holidays, the loudest shouts of joy were that parents and grandparents had arrived.

The laptop was on the floor; my grandmother decided it was a scale. Now she knows for sure that she weighs 50,000 rubles.

“Grandma, did you walk towards us with your own feet?” asked the 3-year-old granddaughter. “Yes...” the old lady was surprised. “And dad said that the devils brought you to us!”

Statuses describing the interesting behavior of grandmothers

Sometimes the older generation behaves in a way that surprises and amuses them. Here are some statuses about grandmothers that fully describe them:

There are not enough police officers for everyone, so grandmothers often replace them.

Near saunas, restaurants and discos, grandmothers are never mistaken in their readings.

It's very easy to change the way your whole house thinks about yourself. Don’t say hello to the grandmothers at the entrance once, and you will learn a lot of new things about yourself.

Despite the sarcastic and humorous sayings about grandmothers, they are the best. After all, only with them can we feel like children, no matter how old we are.
