Toy has bloody diarrhea. Diarrhea with mucus or blood

) is faced with a problem such as diarrhea in a dog. And this is quite natural, because dogs are living beings just like you and me. They may also have an upset stomach. What to do in such a situation? How help your beloved pet? First of all, it is necessary to determine exactly what happened to your four-legged friend, what made him ill, and then begin to treat him.

If your pet has diarrhea for about a week, then in this case you need to seek help from a veterinarian. He will prescribe you treatment. Typically, the dog should drink plenty of water during this period to prevent dehydration.

Antibiotics are rarely prescribed. As a rule, this happens with a serious illness. But why does diarrhea occur? What should you do to help your pet?

Causes of diarrhea

How to help your four-legged friend?

Before starting treatment, you need to find out the reason why the diarrhea occurred. To do this, you need to remember what you fed your pet the day before. If this is a new product, then it must be excluded from the diet. If your pet eats a lot, reduce his dose.

What to do if diarrhea still does not go away, and the measures taken did not help? Start treatment your four-legged friend.

  1. Do not feed your pet during the day;
  2. Give your dog adsorbents. They will remove toxins through the intestines;
  3. If diarrhea lasts more than a week, give your pet an antibiotic;
  4. Deworm your pet using special preparations.
  5. Give your dog clean water and small portions.

The dog has loose stools and vomiting.

Now you know what to do if your dog has just diarrhea. But what if diarrhea is also accompanied by vomiting? The dog vomited once - no need to panic. But if vomiting occurs repeatedly, the dog is lethargic, has a fever and refuses to eat, urgently take her to the vet.

Vomiting and diarrhea can be a symptom of poisoning or a sign of a serious illness. If your dog is vomiting foam and has mucus and blood in it, this may mean that your pet has swallowed a small object and it is stuck in the intestines.

Let's look at some other reasons why a dog may vomit.

  • Stale food;
  • Binge eating;
  • Swallowing a small object;
  • Fatty food;
  • Transition from one power system to another;
  • Bloating;
  • Chemical poisoning;
  • Helminthiasis.

Vomiting and loose stools may also be a sign of a viral infection:

  • Rotavirus and coronavirus. Such an infection may hit any dog and at any age. Recovery occurs within a week.
  • Plague. This disease affects young dogs. They refuse food and water. If not treated in a timely manner, the animal may die.
  • Adenovirus. This disease can cause a dog get sick at any age. It is accompanied by inflammation of the eyes and enlargement of the liver. Recovery occurs within two weeks.

How to treat a dog for vomiting

If the dog has vomited no more than three times, then the treatment will be the same as with diarrhea. But if the animal vomits repeatedly and has loose stools, you should contact a veterinarian. He will conduct an examination, identify the exact cause, and prescribe treatment.

Diarrhea with mucus or blood

What to do in such a situation? As a rule, the presence of blood or mucus in the stool is a sign of an inflammatory process. Only a veterinarian can voice the exact cause after an examination: abdominal x-ray cavities and stool analysis.

Treatment of diarrhea with blood (mucus).

To help the dog, you need to conduct an examination that will help you understand how advanced the disease is and what needs to be done. Depending on the severity of the disease, wound healing drugs are prescribed. Severe intestinal damage may even require surgery.

If the dog is poisoned, the stomach is washed out and antibiotics and adsorbents are given.

Viral and intestinal infections are treated with antiviral agents and antibiotics.

Diarrhea of ​​unknown color

If your pet has diarrhea of ​​unknown color, this is a sign of illness. Let's figure out what the specific color of diarrhea could mean.

Black diarrhea may indicate bleeding in the stomach. This may also be a consequence of taking activated carbon.

Yellow diarrhea means the following diseases have arisen:

  • Parvovirus;
  • Improper liver function;
  • Infection with worms;
  • Indigestion;
  • Jaundice.

White diarrhea means a blockage of the bile ducts, that is, there is no bile in the stool.

Red diarrhea is a sign of a viral disease or intestinal injury. It could also be an adverse reaction after taking antispasmodics or analgesics.

Green diarrhea indicates the presence of diseases such as:

  • Bacterial infection;
  • Viral infection;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

Green color of diarrhea can also mean rotting in the intestines due to the intake of low-quality and spoiled food.

How to treat such “colored” diarrhea?

Treatment will depend on the disease your pet has. As a rule, antibiotics, antiviral agents, and adsorbents are prescribed.

But there are also rules that must be followed:

  • Do not feed the dog during the day.
  • Drink plenty of fluids;
  • Diet;

What medications can you give your dog for diarrhea?

The medications that a person takes for diarrhea are also suitable for a dog. But before you start treatment, you need to consult a veterinarian.

What medications are suitable for the animal:

  • Activated carbon.
  • Regidron.
  • Smecta.
  • Enterosgel.
  • Glucose.
  • Enterofuril.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Furazolidone.
  • Antipyretics.
  • Loperamide.
  • Levomycetin.

Special veterinary and folk remedies for diarrhea:

  • Vetom.
  • Sage tea.
  • Oak bark decoction.
  • Camomile tea.
  • St. John's wort infusion

What can you feed your pet with loose stools?

It is better not to feed the dog during the day. Just let her drink. Water will help prevent dehydration. You can also give the animal herbal infusions and rice water. To prepare rice water, you need to take some rice and cook it in a small amount of water. Strain the resulting porridge. Only liquid should be given.

After a day you can feed the animal. It is better to feed boiled rice. After the diarrhea stops, give your dog fermented milk products. They will help restore the microflora. Then gradually introduce boiled eggs and chicken into his diet. Do not feed fatty or low-quality food.

To prevent diarrhea in your beloved pet, you need to monitor it, get all the necessary vaccinations on time, and feed it with high-quality and healthy food. But if such a nuisance happens to your dog, you should contact a veterinarian and avoid harming your pet.

Diarrhea and vomiting in this terrier, like in any other breed of dog, are just a consequence. This is a protective reaction of the animal’s body, manifested in the rejection and cleansing of the body from what irritates the gastric mucosa. That is, harmful substances that are not absorbed by the body are rejected. Also, vomiting and diarrhea are symptoms of dangerous diseases.

When a toy terrier feels nauseous and begins to vomit, there is a danger of dehydration. So, you should not let such a process as vomiting and diarrhea take its course. Sometimes by exclusion, sometimes you can clearly determine what causes these symptoms and begin to fight for the dog’s health in a timely manner.

That terrier is vomiting.

Vomiting in a toy terrier puppy causes great panic among owners, since the dog is still small and there may be many more reasons for such a reaction in the body than in an adult dog.

The following signs of vomiting in a terrier should alert you as the owner:

  • the pet begins to salivate profusely, the toy terrier whines and rushes about, even sitting still. The terrier's stomach is bubbling, rumbling in the stomach is clearly audible, and belching may occur. When a small puppy burps immediately after eating, this is normal, since this is how the digestion process occurs in babies when switching from liquid to solid food. But for an adult dog, burping is not a good symptom.
  • The vomit contains already digested food.
  • the vomit comes out with blood. This is a symptom of infections, tumor decay, and mucosal erosion.
  • vomiting coupled with diarrhea, accompanied by fever, indicates the infectious nature of the disease. Toy's body is rapidly depleted.
  • the smell of ammonia from the animal’s mouth indicates uremia or renal failure.
  • loss of appetite. Don't be surprised why the toy terrier refuses to eat. When the stomach is freed from pathogens, the dog, as you understand, has no time for treats.
  • or bile should alert you if it appears repeatedly. A one-time emptying of the stomach through may be deliberately caused by the dog itself. But a constant one indicates the presence of worms in the body.

Please note that while the dog is walking, it begins to look for and eat green grass. And then she empties her stomach along with this grass. Thus, the toy terrier tries to alleviate his condition on his own. Allow your dog to eat grass, just do it in clean, uncontaminated areas.

Toy terrier has diarrhea.

When a toy terrier has diarrhea, the reasons that cause this process are similar to vomiting processes:

Diarrhea in a toy terrier should also not be left to chance, since dehydration of the body as a whole occurs. In decorative small breeds of dogs, this process occurs an order of magnitude faster than in large ones.

If this symptom occurs, arm yourself with information on how to treat diarrhea in a toy terrier.

  • put your pet on a starvation diet. Just don't feed him. The first day, the dog’s diet should consist of clean water. Then, over the next two or three days, eat light diet food. This is liquid oatmeal with water, boiled meat (chicken, turkey), grated apple.
  • Give your dog a decoction of chamomile with a pinch of salt.
  • Give the animal activated charcoal (part of the tablet).
  • A decoction of oak bark will help fix persistent diarrhea. Plus, this decoction normalizes the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

If after four to five days the diarrhea stops, switch to the dog’s usual diet.

If the diarrhea continues, the dog has a fever, the temperature has risen, the animal has become lethargic and motionless, blood can be seen in the stool, take the pet to the veterinarian. These symptoms, coupled with diarrhea, indicate that the dog is sick with either pancreatitis or salmonellosis. Also, such reactions, along with diarrhea, occur to jaundice, intestinal dyskinesia, and chronic deficiency of digestive enzymes.

In case of prolonged diarrhea, be sure to have your dog examined by a specialist, which includes an external examination, stool analysis, abdominal x-ray, and blood test. Fecal tests are carried out to check for the presence of eggworms, foreign objects and particles, and purulent formations in the dog’s body. X-ray shows the condition of internal organs (liver, stomach, kidneys). The blood is checked for viruses.

Treat your terrier with vomiting and diarrhea responsibly. Your task is to help your beloved four-legged friend.

A dog's health largely depends on its owner. . With good balanced cultivation there will be few disease problems. Nevertheless, it is worth talking about some basic provisions. Here we will, in principle, consider only some basic rules for maintaining health, hygiene and treatment in case of illness. If incomprehensible signs of external manifestations arise, it is possible to first talk to the dog breeder (your breeder). In all other cases, you must contact your veterinarian.

A healthy dog ​​has a body temperature of 38 to 39 degrees. It is measured with a regular thermometer, coated with a thin layer of Vaseline, in the dog’s anus. The interval of 1 degree is determined by the individual characteristics of the dog’s normal body temperature.

If your dog has a fever or a real fever and appears exhausted and sick, you should consult your veterinarian immediately.Since the dog can only show that it is not feeling well, you need to look for it yourself. possible reasons . Your observations will help the doctor make the correct diagnosis.

Was it possible to eat something illegal?

Maybe the dog drank water from a puddle? (with machine oil, diesel fuel, dirt, chemical residues, etc.)?

Does your dog have a bloated belly?

Are there any cramps?

Does she lie there a lot and have no desire to move?

Was there anything unusual in the behavior?

Do everything like this. what would you do? if you had a small child who was sick. Collect all available observations to facilitate diagnosis.

1. Protective vaccinations

Already in puppyhood, the dog was subjected to basic immunization. Somewhere before 12 weeks of age, i.e. exactly four weeks after the first vaccinations. they need to be repeated. In this case, you can already get a rabies vaccination, which is not given at the age of less than 12 weeks. If all these necessary protective measures have been taken, all that remains is to repeat the rabies and enteritis vaccinations every next year. Vaccinations against plague and hepatitis are repeated after a year or two.

2. Diarrhea and vomiting

In dogs it is real andDiarrhea and vomiting can occur very easily , for example, caused by excitement or food replacement. This is not yet a reason for alarm. If no new signs of possible illness then appear, it is best to put the dog on a starvation diet. For a dog, going one day without food is not a problem. After all, the ancestors - wolves and all other types of predators - do not have food every day.

The main thing is that the dog always has fresh water. For diarrhea and vomiting, infusion of chamomile with a pinch of salt. Electrolytic tablets would also help, since in case of severe diarrhea they will return salts and microorganisms to the body. You can give medical activated carbon, just don’t overdo it.

The next day after fasting, give your dog a liquid porridge of oatmeal with water. You can add grated raw apple, a little salt and boiled white chicken to it in a bowl. Give your dog this diet food for another two or three days. Then gradually switch to regular daily food.

If the diarrhea has not stopped within these days, the fever continues and there are other symptoms of the disease, you should definitely consult a veterinarian.

Anti-flea collars, which must be worn by the dog for many weeks, work very well. After a few weeks, such a collar should be renewed, since the active substance in the collar only works for a limited time. Anti-flea collars are only suitable for adult dogs and should never be used on puppies. The chemical in the collar, evaporating under the influence of the dog's body heat, is harmful to the puppy's body.

Ticks , especially after a not very cold winter, they can become a real disaster for a dog. They lie in wait for dogs in the grass, among bushes, fall on their victims from trees, biting tightly into the skin, and feed on the blood they suck. At first they can be a few millimeters in size, but then they grow to the size of a cherry pit. They are gray or brown-gray in color, and when they stick to the skin, they feel very good.

You can rid your dog of ticks only by pulling them out of the skin with tweezers. However, you should pay attention: the tick must be removed completely. so that his head does not remain on the dog’s skin. Otherwise, there is a risk of inflammation.

4. How do you know if your toy is sick?

There is no breed of dog whose representatives would not get sick . Some are more, others are less. But all dogs are distinguished by one property - they are less sensitive to pain, their nervous system is stronger than that of a human, and therefore external signs of the disease may not be immediately noticed by you. In general, the appearance of a condition during a disease, as a rule, does not fully reflect the degree of danger threatening the dog. This fully applies to your pet.

The onset of a toy terrier disease can be determined by the following factors: : unusual behavior of the dog (depression, refusal to eat), external state and the contents of its physiological functions. By the way, such manifestations as howling, moaning, whining are quite rare in dogs due to their exceptional endurance and therefore one cannot particularly count on such signs.

That's why try to examine your pet every morning : clean your nose with a small amount of Vaseline (if there are crusts in the nostrils), wipe your eyes with a cotton swab and warm water, freeing them from the mucus that has accumulated overnight (from the inner corner moving to the outer), also with a cotton swab dipped in water, wipe the ears, comb the hair with a natural bristle brush.

Signs of illness that require immediate contact with a veterinarian are as follows:

Significant increase in body temperature (above 39.5 degrees) or decrease (less than 36.5 degrees);

Diarrhea in the form of foul-smelling discharge with characteristic brown and/or bloody streaks;

The dog’s persistent refusal to eat and obvious reluctance to go to the place of constant feeding;

The desire to hide in a dark corner with digging a hole;

Bloody, dark urine;

Muscle cramps and incessant body twitching;

Rare breathing with air swallowing - less than 12 movements per minute (determined by the vibration of the hand placed on the dog's chest).

These signs, taken separately or even more so in combination with some of them, - clear evidence that your dog is sick , and is seriously ill. The most common infectious diseases in dogs are distemper, hepatitis and parvovirus. Their clinical signs are sometimes so similar that only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis based on laboratory tests. Fortunately for the breed (and us, its owners), toy terriers, with proper and timely vaccination, are rarely susceptible to these diseases, which are the true scourge of dogs.

There is another serious disease - eclampsia. This is an acute nervous disease, to which puppies or lactating bitches are very susceptible if they are not properly cared for. It usually occurs during the birth or postpartum period. There were three such cases in my nursery, which, fortunately, ended successfully.

Frankly speaking, it is a painful sight to see a dog suffering from eclampsia. At first she becomes agitated, fearful, trembles, and whines. Literally after a few minutes (15-20) coordination of movements is disrupted, convulsions occur, and the back part of the body is paralyzed. The dog is seized with fear, its eyes are bulging, foamy saliva flows from its mouth, its limbs become stiff, its breathing becomes tense and accelerated. Convulsions can last for several hours, sometimes for days.

As the famous French veterinarians P. Cadio and F. Bretin (1930) wrote, “eclampsia, left to itself, can lead to death.” With timely assistance, cure is almost always achieved. First of all, you need to call a doctor as quickly as possible. If for any reason its appearance is delayed, you must take immediate pre-medical measures yourself. During the nervous stage (the dog is anxious, tends to go into the darkness, “digs a hole”) - 15 drops of valerian, plus 1/4 tablet of Relanium, plus 1/2 ampoule of calcium gluconate (in the mouth) can prevent further development of the disease. However, if you have cramps, you can’t hesitate. You need injections of a 10% solution of calcium gluconate into the thigh with an insulin needle (5-6 ml), and if this does not help, an injection of a 25% solution of magnesium sulfate (magnesia) intramuscularly using this technique: first inject 0.5 ml of novocaine, leave the needle in the muscle, connect a syringe with 1-3 ml of heated magnesium sulfate to it and slowly inject it. After this, the dog is provided with maximum peace - isolation in a darkened room, silence. Usually, if these conditions are met, the dog recovers after a few hours, and on the second day it can be allowed near the puppies. If necessary, cardiac and sedative medications should also be given.

Much more difficult to cure eclampsia in puppies , which begins with muscle contraction, holding the breath, and is almost immediately followed by spasms of the jaws, torso, and limbs. If measures are not taken, the puppies quickly become exhausted and die. You will not be able to provide effective assistance to them in this state on your own. The main thing for you is to recognize the symptoms of the disease and immediately call an experienced veterinarian.

Basic The cause of premature death in toy terriers is injury . The teeth of dogs, the claws of cats, the beaks of crows, the wheels of cars, the human leg... - are there many of them, these tragic faces of fate, always unexpectedly and unexpectedly interrupting the lives of our beloved creatures? Unfortunately, these include... a warm mother's side. Yes, it is not uncommon for miniature toy terrier mothers to crush their literally tiny newborns (to avoid this, for example, I allow the bitch to have access to the puppies, especially soon after giving birth, only under my supervision).

Signs of illness that do not require immediate veterinary help, but which you should not ignore: foul odor from the mouth, increased thirst (with or without diarrhea), increased hair loss, lameness, sudden weight gain or loss, hot and dry nose, pale or bluish gums.

If you experience one-time and seemingly causeless episodes of vomiting and diarrhea, don’t worry too much: this can happen in dogs no more than 1-2 times a month (a physiological feature of predators, and toy terriers are no exception). In these cases, it is recommended not to feed the animal for 1-2 days, give only water. By the way, some Toy Terriers themselves regulate this process by refusing food.

In any case, your veterinary home first aid kit should contain drugs against diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, antibiotics, eye ointment, cough suppressant, heart medications, vitamins and mineral salts, as well as dressings (adhesive plaster, sterile bandages, sterile medical cotton wool) and some instruments (medical thermometer, tweezers, scissors, eye pipette, heating pad, nail scissors, injection syringes 2 and 5 cm3 with a set of needles, syringe). Determine the specific name of drugs and medications together with the breeder or veterinarian.

We strongly caution : do not engage in treatment yourself, do not spare time (and, if necessary, money) to ensure that your pet is healthy and cheerful. However, you must be prepared to take it yourself in case of emergency. necessary measures :

Give medications orally (powder, tablets, dragees, capsules); at the same time, be sure to pour 5-10 ml of water behind the cheek for better passage of the medicine through the esophagus (if they are given without water, they can stick to the walls of the pharynx or esophagus and cause inflammation of the mucous membrane in this place);

Be able to give injections subcutaneously or intramuscularly (in the withers and hip area, respectively) to support the dog until veterinary care is provided. Calculation of the amount of the medicinal drug is based on the advice of a specialist, and if it is impossible to obtain it, based on the weight of the dog per 1 kg of the toy terrier’s weight.

In general, the Toy Terrier breed is genetically healthy and extremely resilient. These dogs are not inevitably predisposed with the onset of old age to serious diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and bones. Serious age-related diseases, such as diseases of the liver, kidneys, intestinal tract, uterus, prostate, tumors, are less common in toy terriers than in dogs of other breeds, including miniature ones.

But there is also a weak point - diseases of the dental cavity (caries, periodontal disease, and as a result, premature tooth loss). And it’s not just about the conditions of detention, but mainly about the breed standard, which prescribes a certain head shape and a short jaw. However, proper feeding with the supply of vitamins and mineral salts, systematic removal of tartar in combination with periodic (2-3 times a week) teeth cleaning with a special brush and paste make it possible to preserve the dental system of toy terriers into old age.

If you value your dog, do not skimp on scheduled preventative examinations from an experienced veterinarian: after 6 years of the dog’s life, once a year is enough, after 10 years, twice a year.

Perhaps everyone knows that diarrhea, or, in simple terms, diarrhea, affects not only people, but also representatives of the animal world. And most severely, this disease is experienced by dogs living in apartments and houses. After all, diarrhea can appear suddenly and not at all at the usual walking time. The dog begins to behave restlessly - fidgeting, whining, running up to the door and barking near it, asking to go outside. This is the case if the owners of the house. And if they are not there, she can defecate right in the apartment. But she does this very rarely if she can’t stand it any longer.

How do novice dog breeders usually behave in this situation? They either hope that everything will go away on its own, or they panic, thinking that the dog has contracted some dangerous disease. But both the first and second behavior are incorrect. You cannot ignore diarrhea, as sometimes it can be a symptom of a serious illness. But there is also no reason to panic ahead of time.

What should you do in such a situation? First of all, find out what kind of stool your pet has - color, smell, number of stools and amount of feces, whether there are impurities in it or not, whether diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting or fever, etc. It is also worth trying to find out the reason for these symptoms. After this, you should decide for yourself whether you can cope with this problem yourself or whether you should seek help from a veterinarian. Just remember that this is the case when it is better to underestimate yourself than to overestimate your capabilities.

Causes of diarrhea in dogs

There are many reasons for diarrhea in our four-legged friends. Some of them are the same ones that lead to stomach upset in humans, but there are also purely canine causes. Here are some of them:

There can be different causes of diarrhea in dogs of different breeds and different ages. For example, diarrhea in dogs of small breeds such as Chihuahuas and Toy Terriers is usually associated with poor nutrition. For example, a Chihuahua can be fed only with special food, fermented milk products, lean meat, cereal porridge, boiled and stewed vegetables. Fruits are even limited; these dogs can only eat bananas and apples. And any violation of this dietary intake can lead to diarrhea.

As for the toy terrier, due to the fragility of its bones, special vitamin complexes must be present in its food. And their diet must include raw meat, sour cream, cottage cheese, boiled eggs and cheese. But they should not be given together with dry food and canned food. Since this may lead to excess protein. And this, in turn, can cause diarrhea.

The cause of diarrhea in a shepherd dog can be poor functioning of the intestines and pancreas. Unfortunately, many German Shepherds suffer from this. And older dogs may suffer from diarrhea associated with digestive organ cancer. This is the case when diarrhea is the cause of a more serious illness.

Symptoms associated with diarrhea

In addition to loose stools, diarrhea may be accompanied by other symptoms, which are always taken into account when deciding on treatment. These are the signs:

  • the stool changes color, becomes black, green or brown,
  • the dog moans and whines when defecating,
  • in addition to constant walking time, the dog often asks to go outside, but does not have much feces,
  • mucus and blood are seen in liquid feces,
  • pet is losing weight,
  • vomiting is also observed along with diarrhea,

Of course, all these symptoms are a reason for the dog to be given special attention. But we will talk in more detail about two conditions - diarrhea with vomiting and diarrhea with blood.

Diarrhea with vomiting

If vomiting occurs once, then there is no particular cause for concern. But if this symptom bothers you more than once, this may indicate the presence of a serious illness. It could be:

  • parvovirus enteritis in a dog,
  • rotavirus and coronavirus,
  • adenovirus.

Parvovirus enteritis known to many as canine distemper, although many consider it an independent disease. It affects puppies under six months of age. With this disease, diarrhea and vomiting with mucus are also accompanied by nasal discharge and lacrimation. Body temperature also drops and problems with heart rhythm occur. Recovery may occur within a few days. But there are many cases when a weakened pet dies.

Rotavirus and coronavirus Symptoms are similar to parvovirus. The difference between them is that a dog can become infected with these viruses at any age, although most cases also occur in young dogs. In addition, for the most part, dogs usually recover from these viruses within seven days.

Adenovirus can affect dogs at any age. Often, in addition to the symptoms under consideration, there is another one: fever. In addition, this disease leads to enlargement of the liver. It usually lasts two weeks.

Of course, there are other causes of diarrhea with vomiting, for example, overeating, poisoning from poor-quality food, swallowing an inedible object, prolonged inhalation of toxic substances, and others. But only a veterinarian can determine this for sure, so if diarrhea with vomiting occurs, it is best to contact a veterinary clinic, where, having found out the cause, they will prescribe appropriate treatment.

Diarrhea with blood

If diarrhea is accompanied by bleeding, then this is precisely the case when you need to seek help from a veterinarian immediately. After all, it most often occurs for the following reasons:

  • severe poisoning,
  • consequences of taking NSAIDs and glucocorticoids,
  • traumatic enterocolitis,
  • parvovirus enteritis,
  • intestinal ulcerations.

Severe poisoning can occur in those dogs that are used to picking up trash while walking. The consequences of taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are most often the fault of the animal owners themselves, who are accustomed to giving treating your pets with human medicines, which sometimes cause increased sensitivity. Gnawing sticks and bones may lead to traumatic enterocolitis. When sharp pieces of these objects enter the intestines, they cause indigestion and mechanical damage. This is the reason why blood appears in loose stools.

The most dangerous conditions are parvovirus enteritis, which was already written about here above and which is very difficult to treat, as well as intestinal ulcerations, in which the dog loses a lot of blood. There may be even more of it in the stool than feces.

Treatment of diarrhea in dogs

As we can see, diarrhea can be a symptom of very serious diseases, sometimes even life-threatening. Therefore, if a dog has diarrhea, treatment at home can be justified only in cases where it is simply impossible to seek help from a veterinarian, or you are absolutely sure of the cause of diarrhea and the pet is not in danger. Most often, when treating diarrhea in a dog, the same drugs are used that are used to treat people.

  • Regidron,
  • Enterofuril,
  • Loperamide,
  • Furazolidone.
  • Phthalazol,
  • Smecta,
  • Activated carbon,
  • Levomycetin,
  • Enterosgel.

Before using medications to treat your dog, be sure to consult with your veterinarian, at least by phone. After all, any medicine has its contraindications. And in the instructions they are described only for people. But let's say, for example, that it is not advisable to give Loperomide to small dogs, such as the Chihuahua and Toy Terrier, which we have already talked about here. This medicine may cause bleeding in their intestines.

There are also folk remedies for the treatment of diarrhea. They can be used even when the use of medications is in question. This:

  • rice water,
  • decoctions of medicinal herbs: St. John's wort, alder fruits, blueberries and sage,
  • enemas with chamomile infusion.

Diarrhea, as you understand, is the case when you need to follow a mandatory diet. On the first day, the animal is usually given nothing to eat at all, however, if the dog has an appetite, then boiled rice can be given. On the second day, fermented milk products are given. And on the third day, if the pet’s condition has improved, then the diet includes: a piece of boiled chicken or turkey, an omelet or a boiled egg, gray bread crackers, you can give rabbit meat or sea fish.

Prevention of diarrhea

Diarrhea in a dog is a rather unpleasant thing, in addition to the fact that it poses a danger to the health of the animal and sometimes even very serious, it also causes additional troubles for the owners in the form of the need to walk the pet more times, sometimes even at night. Therefore, to reduce the risk of its occurrence, you need to take the necessary preventive measures. And the main condition here is to pay more attention to your four-legged friend. And:

Of course, all these measures will not give a 100% result that diarrhea can be avoided, but they will significantly reduce the risk of its occurrence.

In order not to repeat the stupid and completely useless actions of many unlucky owners, not to panic, and also to have a complete understanding of what exactly will help your dog get rid of such misfortunes as diarrhea or constipation, let's try to understand this problem in more detail.

So, first of all, let's find out what can lead to such an unpleasant disease as diarrhea.

Diarrhea: possible causes of the disorder

The most common causes of diarrhea in toy terriers include:

  • various infections,
  • allergy to anything
  • the presence of worms,
  • poisoning with food that is not fresh,
  • poisoning with low-quality products,
  • foreign objects that have entered the intestines.

How dangerous is the disease? First of all, because it can lead to dehydration of the body and, as a result, death.

What to do? If you notice that your dog has diarrhea, do not feed him during the day, or feed him just a little at a time. The next day, the dog should eat exclusively dietary food. If diarrhea does not go away, you should take your pet to a veterinary hospital.

Additional symptoms, if detected, it is advisable to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible, are:

  • the presence of blood in the stool,
  • apathy, indifference unusual for a dog, lethargy,
  • nausea.

If diarrhea begins in a small puppy, you should not wait a minute - it is best to immediately contact a veterinarian!

Constipation: causes, treatment

The main causes of constipation in Toy Terriers may be:

  • unhealthy diet
  • poor quality food,
  • intestinal diseases,
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver or pancreas,
  • the presence of worms,
  • insufficient physical activity,
  • dysbacteriosis,
  • neurological and orthopedic diseases.

What will help cope with this problem? First of all, ordinary Vaseline oil. You should give it to your dog from a syringe (without a needle, of course) twice a day. In addition, you can purchase the following drugs:

  • Bifitrilak - helps to cope with intestinal dysfunctions of the animal.
  • Regidron - effectively restores water and electrolyte balance.
  • Duphalac - regulates the rhythm of bowel movements. Acts as a laxative.
  • Enterosgel is quite effective in helping to cope with intestinal disorders.
  • Linex is a drug for the treatment and prevention of dysbiosis. Helps get rid of many of its symptoms, such as nausea, constipation, stomach pain, diarrhea, flatulence, vomiting.

If you are unable to cope with your dog's constipation on your own, you should consult a veterinarian. Most likely, in order to make a correct diagnosis, the doctor will need:

  • conduct a general examination of the four-legged patient,
  • do a blood test,
  • The abdomen may need to be examined using x-rays.

Hello, I have a Russian toy terrier, he is half a year old, today he was cheerful all day, running and playing, and in the evening he started having diarrhea and severe vomiting, what are they doing?

/ Hey! Someone in my Facebook group shared this website with us so I came to take a look. I’m definitely loving the inortmaoifn. I’m book-marking and will be tweeting this to my followers! Superb blog and brilliant design. clwehafj

Thanks for the tips! I recently created a Facebook fan page for my tutoring business and noticed there is a section there on insights only available once you have acquired 30 likes. However, I diu;r&sqdont know that after 25 likes you have the option of a vanity URL. Are there any other benefits or new features as I continue to acquire likes?

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Hello! Toychik 1.6 until today everything was fine, I’ve been raising him for a month. Today he has diarrhea and vomiting blood. I live in the village and there is no veterinarian. I'm very worried about the baby

my dog ​​had diarrhea, manganese acid potassium in solution came off as mucus. What else can I do? Maybe give me some tea leaves.

Hello! In what doses should Duphalac be taken? Our Lolochka is 1 month old and has constipation.

My 2-month-old boy had diarrhea, no matter what he gave him, the veterinarian was already scared, I decided to give him regular phthalazole tablets; after three hours the stool began to harden; by the morning it was all gone.

When I have diarrhea, I give my little boy a candle made of soap. After some time, the dog must go to the toilet.

Don't give pork rib. Pork is not recommended at all. You can only give dried pig ears instead of bones.

When my pets have diarrhea, I give both of them half a tablet of trichopolum in the evening and in the morning. Everything goes away for them the next day!

Help! My Ian has loose stools, weakness, his paws are shaking, he can’t even jump on his chair, he refuses food and water. We live in a village, it’s a very long way to get to a veterinary clinic. In the evening I chewed a pork rib, and at night and in the morning I began to swear. By lunchtime, other symptoms appeared. Ian, boy, 8 months.

Fortunately, we are not familiar with the problem of constipation, but diarrhea in our toy terrier happens quite often. The doctors don’t say anything intelligible: they prescribe medications, put on IVs, they took a blood test twice, but they never found out the real reason. Maybe we go to the wrong doctors, but in our town, one might say, there aren’t any: there is only one veterinary clinic for the whole city . And it’s not a clinic, but just the name, they can’t even do a normal analysis. This is how we live, we are saved only by the prescribed diet.

Good afternoon. How to give Linux correctly? With or without solution? In what doses can a puppy be given at 3-4 months of age?

Good afternoon, Christina!

The dose of medication is calculated based on the dog's weight. Check with your doctor before giving her any medications.

Duphalac - I recommend! The veterinarian advised us to take this particular drug for constipation. He helped us very quickly - the result, as they say, was immediate. Of course, this is all individual, so giving advice in such matters is a thankless task. This will help someone.

The dog started having diarrhea. I went to poop once with diarrhea and the second time it was water with almost pieces (a couple of pieces) of undigested dry food.

She only eats dry food + some treats (dry ears, etc.). Today she managed to grab a piece of cabbage pie from the floor (a pie made with sour cream and mayonnaise). The piece is small, but the dog is also small.

P.S. I'm at the dacha, there are no veterinarians here.

In general, look at the attached topic at the top - consultations with a veterinarian, ask her a question.

And for some reason I don’t see the topic of the veterinary hospital - was it demolished?

In general, look at the attached topic at the top - consultations with a veterinarian, ask her a question.

And for some reason I don’t see the topic of the veterinary hospital - was it demolished?

PS: IMHO, put on water, keep an eye on it, if the diarrhea does not stop, run to the doctor in the morning

Where should I go to see a doctor? I was only at the millstone with the cat, I don’t know about the other clinics.

PULKOVSKAYA STREET. house 2 tel:vetlife, I’m sure they’ll still provide addresses now. The dog gets better soon and doesn’t scare his nanny)))

Well, if it doesn’t stop, the doctor.



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Diarrhea (diarrhea) in a dog: causes, what to do

The following types of diarrhea are also possible: prolonged diarrhea up to several months, which does not appear constantly, but only from time to time. If your dog's stomach upset is isolated, it is not a serious cause for concern.

If diarrhea continues for more than one day, then you should immediately contact a veterinarian. The consequences of diarrhea can be very serious: electrolyte disturbances, dehydration and fluid loss, acid-base imbalance.

Causes of diarrhea in dogs

Why does a dog have diarrhea? The most common causes of diarrhea are:

  • unsuitable foods for dogs;
  • spoiled food;
  • a sharp transition from one type of food to another (for example, from dry to natural food);
  • entry of foreign objects into the intestines;
  • helminthiasis (worms);

Diarrhea with mucus in dogs appears due to deworming medications. Also, the cause may be inflammation of the large intestine.

What to do if your dog is vomiting and has diarrhea? Diarrhea along with vomiting is also common in dogs and requires prompt attention to a veterinary clinic for diagnosis and treatment.

Most often, the causes are both infectious and non-infectious diseases. Diarrhea with vomiting is especially dangerous for puppies, as this indicates that there is a viral infection in the puppy’s body. Another cause of diarrhea with vomiting can be poisoning.

What to do if your dog has bloody diarrhea? Bloody diarrhea in a dog is fraught with serious consequences, so you need to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible and conduct examinations to rule out potential dangerous infections. One of the causes of bloody diarrhea in dogs is salmonellosis. Another reason may be damage to the walls of the dog's anus by sharp bones or other objects. Bloody diarrhea may be the result of a fatal disease called hemorrhagic leptospirosis.

Symptoms and form of diarrhea

Symptoms of diarrhea in a dog, its cause and what treatment is needed:

  1. Diarrhea and fever indicate the development in the dog’s body of one of such dangerous diseases as plague, enteritis, etc. In such a situation, the dog requires urgent treatment at a veterinary clinic.
  2. Diarrhea along with general lethargy, which has lasted for several days, most likely indicate food poisoning. However, this may be a consequence of the development of an infectious disease. Therefore, you should not take risks, but it is better to contact a veterinarian.
  3. Diarrhea and refusal to feed for two or more days, if there is no vomiting, lethargy and fever, is most likely a normal reaction to poor quality food. If there is at least one other side symptom with diarrhea, then you should immediately undergo examination by a veterinarian.
  4. Diarrhea, along with cough and/or discharge from the nose and eyes, is the main symptom of plague or viral rhinotracheitis. If a dog has such symptoms, then you need to immediately go to the clinic, since these diseases can cause the death of the dog, especially if it is a puppy.

The form of diarrhea in dogs can be acute or chronic.

  • The acute form occurs most often in dogs. Diarrhea usually appears unexpectedly and stops quickly. The maximum duration of the acute form is three weeks. However, even if the diarrhea goes away quickly, it is still necessary to treat it, since even in the absence of illness, diarrhea will lead to dehydration and imbalance.
  • The chronic form is less common than the acute form. Its duration is more than three weeks. The main reason is poor quality products or damage to the gastric mucosa. It can also be caused by illness. Prolonged diarrhea can lead to weight loss, deterioration in coat quality, poor appetite and lethargy.

Treatment of diarrhea in dogs

What to do if your dog has diarrhea? What and how to treat diarrhea (diarrhea) in a dog?

Treating diarrhea first involves identifying the cause of it in your dog. If the cause is a short-term digestive failure, then there is nothing terrible about diarrhea and it is very easy to get rid of it. If diarrhea is caused by any disease, then it is dangerous for the dog’s health, so you need to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible, who can conduct an examination and identify the cause of the disease.

Tests include fecal examination, general blood test, urine test, biochemical blood test, abdominal x-ray, PCR test to detect diseases. Once the veterinarian makes a diagnosis, treatment is prescribed.

The following tablets and medications are suitable for treating diarrhea:

What treatment is possible at home? What to give your dog for diarrhea? You can help your dog in the following way: give it rice water or herbal tea. As herbs for the decoction you can take: St. John's wort, sage, blueberries and alder fruits. It is worth remembering that during diarrhea, the dog must drink a lot to avoid dehydration.

What to feed a dog with diarrhea? As for diet, it is best not to give your dog any food on the first day of diarrhea. If she is very hungry, you can give her some boiled rice. On the second day, you can give fermented milk products that will help digestion normalize. On the third day, you can give low-fat foods such as fish, eggs or chicken. It is also best to constantly feed your dog boiled rice during the first days of diarrhea.

Preventing diarrhea in dogs

The best prevention is professional help from a specialist along with home care. To prevent your dog from suffering from diarrhea, just follow these simple rules:

  1. compliance with doctor's recommendations;
  2. providing a balanced diet;
  3. annual check of the dog for diseases.

Video about symptoms of diarrhea in dogs

We invite you to watch the video, which is a kind of brief selection of the main symptoms of diarrhea. After watching it, you will learn how to identify and treat diarrhea in a dog.

You can always find answers to all these questions on our website. We will always be happy to help answer any question you may have. Contact us!

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In severe conditions after poisoning, as well as with a combination of many symptoms, of course, it is immediately necessary to take the dog to the veterinarian. However, if ordinary poisoning occurs with “another street rotten meat,” then there is a proven method: tablets of the standard antibiotic - chloramphenicol.

If the dog does not have allergies, then it is necessary to place the tablet on the root of the tongue and push it deeper (a very bitter drug) at the rate of 0.1 g per 10 kg of animal weight 3 times a day.

Typically, tablets are sold in a dosage of 0.5 g (that is, 1/4 of the tablet is required per 10 kg of dog weight).

This is how my dog ​​died... Our whole family cried... And it all started unnoticed, we didn’t even think anything bad! Alka (my precious puppy) has become strangely apathetic, although such dogs are distinguished by cheerfulness and mobility. A few hours later she started having diarrhea. Everything happened in the evening, so we didn’t go to the clinic right away, we waited for the morning. And in the morning they could no longer help her; it turned out to be too late. It turned out that it was hepatitis; the neighbors' dog had it (although she was saved). Therefore, my advice to you: do not take risks, do not feed your pets medicine, contact a veterinarian and do not delay! So that you don’t have to reproach yourself later..

I once had a bug dog and it was torn apart by large dogs. As a child, I was very worried and my parents did not get a pet dog after that. Now I am 27 years old, I live separately. I bought myself a Pekingese dog. My beauty became very attached to me, just as I was to her. We watch TV together and “cook food.” One fine day I noticed that Matilda had lost her appetite and had loose stools. She became sad and withdrawn. I read all sorts of stories on the Internet and decided that we had the plague. There was no way to see a veterinarian. We simply don’t have it in Menzelinsk. A neighbor told me to give her a decoction of pomegranate peel and give her activated charcoal. I had to pour it in by force, and I diluted the charcoal tablets in boiled water and also poured it into the mouth with a large syringe. After three times the diarrhea stopped. Two or three days and she was back on her feet. Everything worked out fine.

Hello! I have a miniature Spitz for 1 year and a month. Girl. She has severe diarrhea, which has lasted for 10 days; before that, she pooped loosely for a couple of months, but every now and then the poop was formed. Sometimes I pooped with blood. We went to the veterinarian, we take antibiotics, there is no more blood, his eyes have stopped watering, he has an appetite, behaves as usual, drinks a lot, but poops only water (there is nothing to even collect for analysis, everything goes into the diaper!). Losing weight. Just bones(((Has anyone had something similar? How to cure a dog?

How could you bring a dog to this? Have you heard anything about veterinarians?

Why didn’t you go to the vet for two months? How can you treat your dog so irresponsibly? There is only a slightly different stool (thinner than usual), so I immediately start giving enterozoo. A very good thing for animals, enterosorbent. Just like for people, only this one is for dogs. The dog feels better, toxins and harmful substances are removed from the body and the dog wags its tail and is active. But if it was a long time or something more serious, then I would immediately take it to the veterinarian.

Good afternoon. Today we went for a walk with our Rottweiler (1 year and 2 months), she first pooped good poop, then a little thinner, and then several times with water. We've never had anything like this before. He is active and eats normally. Is there any cause for concern? Thank you.

At home I always have Enterozoo in my first aid kit in case of poisoning. Suddenly vomiting, diarrhea, this enterosorbent is our first assistant. And it swallows without problems, no bitter or unpleasant taste or smell.

We give coal to the dog for diarrhea.

Veronica, the vet scolded us for the coal, saying that it washes something useful out of the body (I don’t remember what). And she advised giving veterinary gel if there is a suspicion of poisoning or diarrhea has already begun, enterozoo, it has already been mentioned here. I agree that it is a necessary thing in the house; it removes toxins from the body well.

Tell me you bought it. A 1.5 year old puppy is vomiting, diarrhea and screaming loudly. What to do? Is the puppy sick?

Diarrhea and vomiting in a toy terrier

Hello, please tell me, I have a toy terrier and will be 3 months old on the 17th. Everything was fine, but after yesterday I was given a small piece of fried chicken in the evening, at night, and closer to the morning, vomiting and diarrhea began. Vomiting continues literally every 1.5 hours, but I vomited 2 times, and the subsequent ones are just bile. He doesn't eat anything, doesn't drink water or sweet tea, nothing at all. Before this, I ate well soup, mashed potatoes, pasta, and boiled chicken. Tell me what I can feed him now and how to stop vomiting?

Don’t feed anything for now, but there must be water, it’s better to consult a veterinarian and if it doesn’t stop urgently, go to the branch. When I was poisoned, I poured activated charcoal with some water into mine, it went away quickly

Until you get to the doctor, drink rehydron and run to the doctor.

You should see a veterinarian who feeds the dog this. no fried or fatty foods, and haven’t gone to the doctor yet, take two tablets of activated carbon and give them to the dog. Naturally, she won’t eat them. So you need to stuff them down the throat, and then give the dog water. But the signs, in fact, are not the coolest ,so the vet is waiting for you

You people are strange. When I feel bad myself, ambulance, quickly, I’m dying. And how the dog was almost killed, you have a lot of time to sit on the forum and ask stupid questions. To the clinic, with a dog and preferably racing.

Dogs should not be given fried food. take him to the vet

Kick. Not only is the diet super, you also don’t go to the vet. Well, well, little dog - dehydration - death. sit further.

Why did they give you fried chicken? They would have given it to Hell right away so that they would certainly ruin it. Would you give your baby fried chicken? No? Run to the doctor. You can't stop the vomiting now.

Small puppies, and even adult dogs, should never be given anything fatty or fried. You have disrupted the functioning of the liver and the pancreas too. The puppy was treated for acute hepatitis and pancreatitis. The puppy has probably already become dehydrated from frequent vomiting; this condition threatens his life. You need a dropper to replenish the water balance, you also need enzymes, anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics. The puppy must be urgently taken to the clinic, where all this will be done for him. If you hesitate, you will lose your baby. And remember for the future: soup, puree, pasta are not food for a dog, especially one as small as a toy.

is the puppy vaccinated? maybe it’s not from the chicken. Yes, and pasta and mashed potatoes are not for dogs. They need a different menu

take me to the veteran! he's poisoned!

Advice for the future: no deviations from the diet and nothing fatty or fried. The liver was planted. I also took this lesson when I was 1 year old and 5 months old. It was terrible, I remembered it for the rest of my life! Vet. I advised: fast for a day, and then light food (rice + boiled chicken or vegetable stew). It didn’t go away right away. Yes, soups and pasta are also not Toy food.

A loading dose of charcoal and a teaspoon of enterosgel. A day of a starvation diet. But in general, for the good.. If a dog under one year old has vomiting and diarrhea, you need to rush to the veterinarian.

Diarrhea in small breed dogs - Yorkie, Chihuahua, Dachshund, Pug, Terrier

Causes of diarrhea in dogs

Diarrhea is loose stool that occurs more than three times a day. Diarrhea is associated with dysfunction of the digestive system, the causes of which may be the following factors:

Classification of diarrhea by color

Depending on the cause, diarrhea is distinguished by color. A yellowish tint of diarrhea occurs when there is a problem with the liver or pancreas, for example, with pancreatitis. For puppies, yellow, loose stool may be normal because their digestive system is not yet fully developed. The white color of diarrhea may indicate problems with the liver, gall bladder, and cancer of the digestive system. Red and black diarrhea occurs as a result of bleeding in the digestive tract. Green diarrhea is caused by putrefactive processes in the intestines associated with microflora disturbances. In addition to the reasons listed, the color of the stool is affected by the color of food. If diarrhea is not accompanied by fever, vomiting, or pain, it may be a minor digestive disorder caused by food. This diarrhea usually goes away within a day. Otherwise, you should immediately take the dog to the veterinarian.

What can cause chronic diarrhea in dogs?

Based on duration, loose stools are divided into:

  1. Acute - suddenly occurring and lasting no more than two weeks. The acute form of diarrhea occurs due to poisoning, infection with infectious and viral diseases. Acute diarrhea may be associated with a genetic predisposition; this characteristic feature is present in many small breeds of dogs, as well as in puppies, due to a sensitive digestive system. Any change in diet causes indigestion in them. This type of disorder usually does not last long and is treated fairly quickly.
  2. Chronic diarrhea is loose stool that lasts more than two weeks. Such diarrhea appears due to various pathologies of the digestive system of a chronic nature. The causes of this disease may be allergic reactions to food, enzyme deficiency, infections, weak immunity, and unsuitable food. Small breeds of dogs are characterized by stool disorders due to the predominance of fiber in the food. Chronic loose stools are characterized by a long period of progression, sometimes up to several months, with periods of remission and exacerbation.

Pug - features of care, nutrition

Pugs are small, unpretentious animals, ideal for keeping in apartment conditions. But it is important to follow some rules for their maintenance, non-compliance with which leads to illness in your pet. Firstly, pugs should not be fed more than three times a day, and puppies - more than four, since this breed has a sensitive digestive tract and a tendency to obesity. Secondly, you should follow the feeding schedule, that is, feed at the same time. Thirdly, the feeding area, bowls, and floor must be kept perfectly clean, otherwise the animal is at risk of contracting infections. In addition, pugs shed heavily; during the shedding period, try to comb and remove the fur as often as possible, since its entry into the stomach contributes to the development of intestinal disorders and vomiting. As for food, they should not eat fatty foods, smoked meats, cheeses, sausages, pastries, sweets, mayonnaise, or seasonings. For food, lean meat, boiled or stewed vegetables, cottage cheese with a low fat content, fruits, cereals or special dry food are recommended.

It is important to know that pugs are susceptible to allergic diseases, especially seasonal ones. If signs such as redness, sneezing, tearing, or upset stools appear, you should take him to the veterinarian. It is also important to protect pugs from drafts and severe frosts, as they are prone to colds and viral diseases.

French Bulldog - features of care and nutrition

French Bulldog puppies are very restless. As they grow older, they become more and more sedate and lazy. Adult representatives love to spend time in a horizontal position, which can affect their health. Therefore, pets must be taken outside several times a day, but not for long; long walks exhaust them. The French Bulldog does not tolerate both cold and heat. In winter, they need to wear special clothes for dogs, and in summer, avoid scorching heat; it is better to walk them in the evening and in the morning. In addition, they are prone to respiratory diseases, and therefore they should be protected from drafts and hypothermia. Another ailment to which these animals are susceptible is diseases of the eyes and teeth. To prevent eye diseases, they need to be periodically cleaned with a napkin to remove accumulated secretions. There are a number of products for teeth: brushes, tablets, pastes. The most convenient option is tablets. They have a pleasant taste and help remove plaque. An adult animal is given two tablets a day, puppies - one. They are not picky about food. The consumption of vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, cereals, and milk is allowed. The only things prohibited are sweets and baked goods. And you definitely need to monitor the hygiene of the places where the animal eats, sleeps, and plays.

York - features of care, nutrition

Yorkies (Yorkshire terriers) are quite demanding dogs. This applies to both attention and nutrition. They love communication very much and do not tolerate loneliness. Their coat requires constant care in the form of daily combing and trimming at least once every three months. Teeth and ears also require special care. To prevent tartar, it is recommended to give your Yorkies chewable tablets, special toys, and brush their teeth with toothpaste and a brush. The digestive system of Yorkshire Terriers is very sensitive, so feeding should be done responsibly. For Yorkies, you can use special food in the form of dry food, canned food, or feed them a certain set of foods - boiled meat, fish, cereals, vegetables and fruits, cottage cheese. Food should not be fatty. The animal should be fed according to its weight. A single meal should be no more than one tablespoon per five hundred grams of weight.

Chihuahua - features of care, nutrition

The Chihuahua breed is characterized by a tendency to convulsions and trembling. this may be associated with fear, anxiety, nervous tension, excitement, cold, hunger. These phenomena are due to the rapid metabolic processes characteristic of Chihuahuas. This breed does not require mandatory walks outside, like other dogs. But hygiene procedures for Chihuahuas must be carried out much more often - every ten days, while for other breeds once a month is enough. Ears need to be cleaned of wax after each water procedure. And to clean their teeth you need to take them to the veterinary clinic. Food must be dietary and strictly limited. The only food allowed is special food, lean meat, cereal porridge, fermented milk products, boiled or stewed vegetables, and only apples and bananas for fruit. A single meal should not exceed eighty grams per kilogram of the pet’s weight.

Toy Terrier - features of care and nutrition

Toy terriers are distinguished by fragility and brittle bones. Therefore, the diet of dogs of this breed must include additional vitamin complexes. You can feed the animal raw meat, cottage cheese, sour cream, boiled eggs, cheese, but not at the same time with dry food and canned food, as an overdose of proteins is possible, and this is fraught with intestinal disorders. Additional baits are sold in the form of tablets and powders, which are convenient to give to your pet with regular food. In addition, they need careful supervision. Toy terriers love to frolic and play, and sometimes an unsuccessful jump can cause injury, dislocation, or fracture. For toy terriers, it is necessary to arrange water treatments two to four times a week, this depends on the length of the coat. The ears require special care - cleaning of wax and massage. Also a prerequisite for keeping a pet is brushing teeth and cutting nails, as, indeed, for all the breeds listed above.

Dachshund - features of care, nutrition

Dachshunds are prone to gluttony and obesity, which leads to digestive problems, and therefore you should not feed them more than the prescribed amount. Normally, the amount of food for a dachshund should not exceed forty grams per day per kilogram of weight. The diet should include meat products, fish, cereals, fruits, as well as additional vitamin and mineral supplements, since the dachshund’s skeletal system is not strong enough. The amount of food intake directly depends on the pet’s physical activity and frequency of walks. If the animal is walked twice a day, then it needs to be fed only after the walk; if more, the number of meals per day can be increased up to three times.

What to do about diarrhea and vomiting in dogs?

What to do if you have diarrhea? If there is a lot of loose stool, the animal should be given more fluid. This can be ordinary boiled water or infusions, decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort, rose hips, and oak bark. It is especially important to maintain a drinking regime for puppies, because with frequent bowel movements, not only precious moisture is lost, but also the weight of the animal, which can quickly lead to death. To cleanse the intestines of toxins, you should give your pet activated carbon at the rate of one tablet per ten kilograms of weight or Smecta, Enterosgel. Further treatment of diarrhea should only be carried out on the advice of a veterinarian.

What to do if you vomit? In the treatment of vomiting, Regidron solution is an excellent solution, which is used to replenish the water-salt balance and eliminate the urge to vomit. This is all that can be done at home before the veterinarian arrives. Further treatment will depend on the causes of the disease.

Nutrition for dogs during and after diarrhea

The first rule for diarrhea is to exclude food for a day to give the intestines a break, while maintaining plenty of fluids. The first food during diarrhea is rice water, which envelops the walls of the digestive tract, protecting it from the inflammatory process. Next, you can offer boiled rice porridge in the amount of one or two spoons. At the next meal, you can offer the animal pureed boiled meat or fish, but not fatty varieties, or low-fat cottage cheese. The amount of food during diarrhea should be halved. As you recover, you can gradually switch to your usual regimen.

How to feed your dog correctly to prevent diarrhea?

  1. Select food taking into account the characteristics of each breed.
  2. Do not overfeed the animal.
  3. Maintain hygiene regime for both the pet and its feeding area.
  4. Carefully process fresh fruits and vegetables.
  5. Make sure there is clean boiled water in the bowls.
  6. Feed on a schedule, at the allotted hours.
  7. Check expiration dates of products.
  8. Do not give your pet prohibited foods - fatty, smoked, sour.
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