The hour of parting has come. Graduation party at the preschool educational institution

The day is over, all the songs are sung
And the fire burns for us in the night
And we are warmed by its warmth,
Around us we are thoughtfully silent
And a tear rolls down my cheek
From happiness or from sadness
And lights up our faces
Warm living lights.

Let us not repeat these days
But the memory will live in the heart
Hope remains with us
And through distances and years
We will come here again
And happiness will return to us.

We are so similar to each other
With the tender sound of our lyres,
And by the fact that with all my soul
We love this bright world.
To the sound of guitars in your prayers
We give kindness to people.
As long as love and faith are alive
And our songs will not die.

Dedication to a tourist friend

Well, what about you and me, my friend,
Now get out of the habit of wandering,
Get used to homemade food
Stop being fools?
What are our household names?
After all, there is a lot to do, and the years are rushing by.
And why, we don’t know ourselves,
We go through life with backpacks.

We have no peace. We hear the noise of trains
Over the years, these ways grow into us
And they bless us to move on.

Not for mushrooms, not for the dacha,
Not by car and not to the sea.
Let's take sister luck with us,
And I don't care about categories
What do all routes share?
By kilometers and minutes.
We, breaking out of comfort,
We laugh, it’s clear that the devil has misled us.

Hello relatives, let's go close,
But we have experience, and we believe the word.
We will not feast in a clean house,
We measure friendship along a dangerous path.
Without waiting for repentance,
We take distances as a memory,
Paths, clearings and dunes,
And the day when my friend was gloomy.

Chorus: We have no peace. We hear the noise of trains
Will suggest plots for future dreams.
Vagabonds of the earth, six strings at hand,
And this is not the first time for us to return home.

And I don’t understand how this can
All my life the road beckons,
But something is drilling, something is gnawing,
And I will leave the threshold again.
In the mountains we are all slightly poets,
And silhouettes in the blue haze
They will draw a map of life for us,
And that means we are not taking risks in vain!

Dedication to a Peer

Notebooks white pages
Keep declarations of love,
Like in a distant, small village
We lived wonderfully with you.

And life flowed there little by little
Study, camp and friends.
And that beautiful road
We can't forget

Guitars have a gentle sound,
It will pierce the tight heights again.
Kadzasov will say through silence: -
"We got together again..."

Let the rainbow hang again
Let laughter rush over the earth.
Look at our faces
After all, you and I are the happiest of all.


That's it, last concert

We were gathered on this stage.

I see burning eyes.

That's all, the counselor is tired,

He took off his tie and as a reward

He became an artist for half an hour.

That's all. At the microphone

I'll touch the strings of the guitar -

Let the music rain down.

That's all. On this stage

Not a tour and not a premiere

We'll finish the song and leave.

Everything here is painfully familiar,

Like within the walls of your own home -

So many shifts and so many bright days.

But let's finish the show

The darkness will descend on the stage,

Only you, my friend, don’t you dare be sad.


Is it possible to get used to partings, -

Their bitterness cannot be drowned out or appeased.

Unexpected or planned in advance

The distances are tearing me apart.

Line letters, phone calls

Distances cannot be overcome.

Even if we are far from each other,

But we shouldn’t regret this.

You can’t hold back your tears when parting,

My life is full of partings.

I believe: there will be a meeting, and again,

How we will once gather around the fire...

And the late evening will spread out the stars for us,

There will be songs, conversations and silences.

Yes, after parting there will be a meeting,

Well, you shouldn't regret breakups.


Let someone say bad things about you

Why have you forgotten why we were given life?

That you live in comfort and warmth,

What would you do if suddenly there was a war?

Let someone say: you cannot resist,

How we survived in '41,

You can't take a page in history

And you won’t bring any benefit to people...

You can argue with this endlessly

You can even shout slogans

But remember, in life you don’t believe words,

Be able to prove your words with deeds.

You prove to someone who is not here

Prove to all those who don’t believe us,

That among us there is no place for scum,

As there is no place for betrayal and lies,

That only conscience will tell us what to do,

That our hands are only for good,

That our motto is - don’t you dare live without benefit

And make tomorrow better than yesterday!


The hour of parting has come,

Time passed unnoticed by us.

I want to look into each other's eyes,

The only thing that gets in the way is a spark - a tear.

Let's remember, guys, the days gone by,

Like a minute, they rush by.

Maybe it was all a dream...

Heart, not mine, do I care about you here?

We won't have to walk for long,

The camp will not let us get tired and fall behind.

A torch burning in a child's hands

We carried through years, centuries.

The hour of parting has come,

And the guys will fly away now

Do you think we're breaking up? Oddball!

It just seems so to us!


The rainbow hung like a multi-colored rocker,

Dipping one end into the salty ocean.

Imagine a little and imagine that the wind whistled,

It was as if he had torn apart the fog over my dream.

Rainbow, rejoice at the rainbow,

If you dream and wait.

Rejoice in your dear side,

If you find one.

(our option)

Rainbow, rejoice at the rainbow,

If you dream and wait.

Dear little girl, rejoice,

If you find one.

Rejoice dear guy,

If you find one like this.

I'll put a solar lantern in my pocket,

I will cut blue sails from the sky.

And I’ll make myself a boat out of the clouds,

And I’ll rush off somewhere where my eyes look.

I'll rock the little boat over the silver bridge,

And then, like down a hill, I’ll jump down the rainbow,

I'll rise higher than the stars, push the moon with my shoulders,

And when I want, I will return to earth.

And when I quietly open my eyes, -

I don't believe anyone that this is just a dream.

I’ll smile at my dream, cover myself with my palms,

And I will see a rainbow from my windows!

The hall is festively decorated.

Well, friends, the time has come
The one we've been waiting for!
We gathered for the last time
In a cozy, bright room.
Here to say goodbye to kindergarten
Preschoolers are rushing in the morning,
We greet them with smiles,
Applause, friends!
Here they are, our stars!

To the music “Little Country”, children enter the hall in pairs, walk in a circle, through the middle, in different directions in pairs to the chairs.

Ved. Each of you is a star today!
Anyone will envy - yes!

1 child Let's walk along the starry path together
Let's gather a constellation of graduates!

Children perform the song “Light Up” (remake)

2 reb. There are different holidays throughout the year,
And today is our holiday,
Soon we will become first graders,
We say goodbye to the garden now.

3 reb. The sun is a cheerful ray
He happily knocks on the windows,
And we are proud today
An important word: “Graduate”

4 children Our parents came to our holiday,
And they look at us with excitement.
It's like everyone saw it for the first time
The children have grown up now.

5 reb. (boy)
The hour of parting has come,
A kindergarten waltz is circling around the garden!
Our beloved home
Native kindergarten,
Accompanying his children to school!

6 children (girl)
Farewell waltz, a little sad,
It's not easy to spin around in it,
Waltz farewell, farewell,
In a light prom dress!

Children dance the waltz and sing the song “Goodbye, kindergarten”
Everyone sits on chairs.

7 children Preschool childhood leaves one day,
And everyone felt it today!
Toys, cars, rocking chairs are leaving,
And baby books and squeaky dolls.

8 children But we can’t forget this colorful world
And our kindergarten is kind, cozy, welcoming.
And warm hands and a gentle look
All: Thank you, thank you for everything, kindergarten!

9 children Let the years pass
We can't hold them back.
Our favorite kindergarten
We will remember!

Children sing the song “What is kindergarten?” (standing by the chairs)
(adapted to DDT’s song “What is Autumn”)

Ved. Today I would like to summarize
And remember only the best things that happened in our lives during the kindergarten years.

10 reb. More than once we will remember how we played,
And how many things were there here,
How they painted in the evenings,
And the forest, and the mother, and the stream.

11 children We will remember the group and the toys,
And the bedrooms are tender comfort,
And how to forget friends - girlfriends,
With whom we lived here for so many years!

12 children But we grew up and we
The school is waiting for the very first grade.
Do you remember five years ago
How did we go to kindergarten?
13 children Why didn't you go?
They carried us in wheelchairs.
We often sat on our arms,
They didn’t want to stomp their feet.

14 children I remember crying every day
I kept waiting for my mother, looking out the window.
And __________ walked with a pacifier,
And someone wore diapers.

15 reb. Yes, we were all good
Well, what can we take from us – we’re kids after all!
And I did this
At lunchtime I fell asleep while eating soup...

16 children Sometimes I ate poorly,
They spoon-fed me.
The bib saved us from the porridge,
From tea, soup, yogurt.

17 children We baked molds in the sand,
Not very smoothly - as best they could.
And we played house together,
They treated each other!

18 children And who thought then
That we will become stars, friends!?

19 reb. They were such naughty people
They fought with their hands and feet,
And some even use their teeth,
All this is in the past, but now...

All: We are escorted to first class!
Ved. Guys, everyone is interested to know how we prepared for school.
And how you met her. Guess riddles about the school. I’ll start, and you finish, answer in unison.
School riddles.

21 reb. And we solve problems -
It’s like we’re cracking seeds!

Problems in verse:
1) A rooster flew up onto the fence,
Met two more there.
How many roosters are there?
Who has the answer? (three)

2) The hedgehog brought three apples from the garden,
He gave the most rosy thing to the squirrel.
The squirrel happily received the gift,
Count the apples on the hedgehog's plate! (two)

3) Mom brought toys and distributed them to the children:
She gave Masha a ball, and Tanyusha a samovar.
For son Vanya - a drum, for daughter Milochka - a sofa.
How many toys did the mother give to the children? (four)

4) A squirrel sits on a cart - she distributes nuts:
To the fat-fifted bear and the mustachioed bunny,
Two little fox sisters, a sparrow, a titmouse.
How many animals are there in total? (seven)

Children perform the dance “Twice two is four”

Ved. Our children not only counted and drew,
They sang, played and danced,
They didn't waste their time
And they even attended clubs.
We have one star graduate
A master at playing the pipe! This is Liza Slesareva (Dasha Ivania will help her)

Performance by the “Svirelka” circle “Improvisation of the song “Like under a hill under a mountain”

Ved. And the laughing girls prepared ditties! - these are the stars of the folklore circle “Rucheyok”
Ditties about kindergarten employees performed by the Rucheyok circle

Ved. What's happened? So many stars!
We've got it together today!
I think you will be happy
Meet pop stars!

"Theater of Pop Stars" performed by stars of the Teremok theater group

Ved. I would like to note our sports stars, they not only attended the Krepysh sports club, but also participated in all sporting events.
Word to the physical instructor.

Ved. It’s so nice to see how much talent we have, to hear about all the guys’ achievements.
The manager's word.
Presentation of gifts.

Ved. Parents are all in a hurry to congratulate their children.
A word to the parents.

Children sing the song “Cool, we’re going to first grade” (remake)

Astrologer runs in.
Astrologer. Wait, wait, I'm almost late!..
I was in such a hurry today, I was in such a hurry to go to the ball!
The stars whispered a secret to me, as if here at graduation
A new constellation will be born this day...
I may not be a wizard, just an astrologer
I'll give you guys this surprise.
He brings in a bunch of gel-inflated balloons. Stars are glued on the balloons (with wishes on the back)
Astrologer. I wish you all goodbye,
So that a star grows from every star! And he leaves.
Children catch balloons and read wishes with their parents.

This is the end of the holiday. Those who wish take pictures.

Event "Graduation evening in 9th grade"

class head Nikitina A.S.

Ved. We open our joyful holiday,

We open the gala evening.

There are so many beautiful and different faces here!

We are so glad to see you today!

Ved. For nine years you lived as a family alone,

For nine years we lived with one goal.

Here we studied, made friends, loved,

Every time we came here it was like coming home.

Ved. You came running here every day,

Every corner here is familiar to you.

Ved. We know that each of you will hardly forget

Your own school - a second sweet home.

The melody of the song “School Waltz” sounds and graduates come out.

Issue Good evening, dear teachers, parents, friends and just guests! Thank you very much for coming to our holiday to share your joyful mood with us.

Issue Lessons are over

All passed the exams

And the time has come

Say goodbye to you and me.

Be lucky

Live without sadness

Driven by love

Guarded by fate.

Issue Well, graduate, freeze for a moment.

This day, this hour has come.

The school sees you off with excitement -

School childhood is leaving now!

Issue Dear teachers! You, strict and affectionate, wise and attentive, led us through the years of childhood and adolescence...

Issue ... they put a piece of their heart into everyone, gave us their care, their love.

Issue You made sure that year after year we became smarter and better...

Issue ... and helped us find our place in life.

Issue They taught us to be honest and friendly.

Issue We thank you for everything and bow deeply to you.

Graduates sing to the tune of the song “The blue ball is spinning and spinning.”

The hour of parting has come,

We will say goodbye to you now.

Soon we will leave school for good,

Let's say goodbye to everyone then.

The time has come for the saddest moments:

Unfortunately, they won’t take all of us into the tenth.

We learned everything at our school

And we will always be grateful to her!

A song about school is playing. Three boys read poetry.

1st. If I went to the tenth,

All problems would be solved:

I would teach all the lessons

And I would have received a medal.

2nd. If I went to the tenth,

Guys would have fun:

I would relieve everyone's stress,

It lifted my spirits.

3rd. If I went to the tenth,

The girls would be happy:

I would let everyone write it off,

I would accompany everyone home.

Three girls come out.

Storyteller: We will tell you a fairy tale,

Let it fly through valleys and fields,

We will tell a story from Pushkin,

Only new motives in it.

Three maidens by the window

We talked in the evening.

The first girl says

First girl: If only I were a queen,

I would like to screw Max

Marry him to yourself.

The house is huge, with a mezzanine,

Near the house there are poplars,

There are carpets and a piano,

How much crystal is there in a pile!

Polish furniture in the kitchen,

Things are super duper, YES!

Your wallet is swelling with money,

Six hundredth Mercedes!

Max's mom is a super lady

Dad is a new businessman.

Oh, I wish I could screw Max,

Marry him to yourself.

In my opinion, he is not stingy,

Even though he is a poor student and stupid.

Storyteller: The average girl says.

Middle girl: If only I were a queen,

I would at any time of the year

I was only involved in fashion

Due to his slim figure

I would have three sheepskin coats:

Mini, maxi - which is cooler,

And the only perfume is Guchi!

Storyteller: Tell us, girl,

Do you have finance for your dreams?

Middle girl: I am alone with mommy,

I am alone with daddy.

They themselves are very happy

Buy me all the outfits!

Storyteller: The third girl says.

Third girl: One day in class, out of boredom,

I noticed the teacher at the blackboard,

I listened and suddenly began to understand

And it makes sense to write something in a notebook.

At home I decided to open the textbook,

To teach a topic for credit,

And somehow strangely, I became interested,

And getting a C was not enough.

So, I'm tired of just walking,

Dancing to acid in discos.

I don't want to depend on mom and dad

Or from her husband Ivan the idiot.

I decided to study well

Open your own business and become a craftswoman.

And let the suitors dry out and wait,

Until I finish my institute.

Storyteller: That’s the end of the fairy tale,

It's up to you to decide who is great!!!

Graduates sing a song:

Your Honor, dear school,

For some you are kind, and for others you are different.

Try sitting at a desk for nine years.

If you are unlucky in science, you will be lucky in love.

Your Honor, our teachers,

You were also affectionate, you were also strict,

Try teaching physics in English

You don't learn anything, just scream.

Your Honor, Mr. Director,

Finally the song is finished.

Guys, don’t try it with the director, don’t joke.

Wish you good luck and a bon voyage.

Speech by the school principal and head teacher. Presentation of certificates.

All the graduates come out.

1st. The hour of farewell has struck,

The years of study are over,

And we are leaving you now

To achieve bright goals.

2nd. The path won't be easy

You'll have to work hard

But we can get through them all,

Everything you want to achieve.

3rd. Today everyone is ready for you

So much to say goodbye

Heartfelt, kind, warm words -

At the last hour, at the hour of parting.

Graduates sing to the tune of the song “Yellow Leaves”

The years have flown by quickly,

The years have flown by quickly -

Believe it or not, believe it or not.

We still have our childhood here,

We still have our childhood here,

And now? Now what?

Goodbye, our school!

Goodbye, our school!

Don't be bored, don't be bored!

Even if we don't come back,

Even if we don't come back -

Remember, remember!

Chorus (sung twice):

The school years flew by so quickly,

That we didn’t even have time to look back.

This time will never happen again

We will only dream about our school years.

They will dream about it.

They will dream about it.

4th. Nine years have already flown by,

And I can’t believe it now

What once was a noisy flock

We arrived at our noisy class.

5th Time passed unnoticed:

A year is like a day, and a day is like an hour.

We were transferred “wholesale”

Every year from class to class.

6th. It all happened over these years:

Twos, threes, tears, laughter,

Even “strong” words

To everything, everything and everyone.

7th. And notes and papers,

And notes in diaries.

We destroyed our school,

Frankly speaking, to smithereens!

8th. There were so many wounds and bumps!

Well done to all of us, as is:

The winners came out

Saving face and honor.

9th. They didn’t leave, they didn’t run away,

And the whole crowd were friends.

Together we are now gathered

To the farewell graduation!

10th. And good fortune and adversity

We split it in half

And dearer year after year

The school became ours.

11th. And today, parting,

We say “thank you” to everyone

We wish you well from the bottom of our hearts

You, your children, and your family!

12th. Our dear teachers!

May you all be healthy

May spring bloom in your soul!

So that the students love

To always be remembered!

13th. And so that you don't get bored,

If this is your lot,

We wish you obedient,

Not like we are students!

14th. Troubles and troubles

Let them pass by!

We wish you a lot of happiness

Our dear school.

Speech by the class teacher.

My dear guys, I wish you that in adult life you will have to deal with lies and heartlessness, cruelty and meanness as little as possible. And if you still have to, then be able to save yourself! And arrange your life the way you wished today! May your deepest desires and dreams come true! Be happy everyone!

Well, there’s a lot left behind –

Teachers and school friends.

And ahead - both joy and anxiety,

And life is a serpentine path!

There are moments in life when doubts take hold of the soul, and it seems that the clock is knocking louder and more clearly. This means that the time has come to make decisions, the time has come to enter adulthood. Different roads open before you. The roads of life... We walk along them, snowy and steep. What awaits you? You don't know and we don't know...

Anyone who chooses a road needs a compass. It will be different for everyone. But which one is more correct? Compass of calculation? Compass of intuition? Or perhaps the compass of the heart? Choose your path! But know that you were all born with a soul - for good, with hands - for creating beauty, with a heart - for song.

Good luck to you my dears!

Graduates sing to the tune of the song “Hope”

The sun is shining high in the sky,

Again we come here with hope.

It’s not easy for us to say goodbye to you,

We will love you all as before.

And it’s still impossible to forget

All teachers and all subjects.

Together we are all more than friends

We are warmed by common love.

Teacher, you supported us

In difficult moments of exams

And I gave away every drop of knowledge,

And we won't forget about you.

Graduates bring out a small board on which leaflets in the form of announcements are attached.

Issue This is the "Bulletin Board". Without her, school is not school! And today it's a wish board! This is what teachers wish for graduates and their parents.

Teachers (one by one they come up to the board, tear off pieces of paper and read the wishes):

Don’t dare miss happy occasions,

Don't get tired of looking for joy!

Whatever happens in life, try

Never part with success!

Don't sniffle and don't be sad,

Overcome obstacles with courage!

Provide yourself and others with love,

Decorate yourself with both mind and health!

Don't you dare be lazy and tired,

What a wonderful way to have fun now,

So that in the future the evening will not be forgotten!

Ditties for teachers.

I'm a fidget girl

I'm a fidget girl.

Don't you really feel sorry for the five?

For beautiful eyes?

Oh, you, dear chemistry,

What have you brought to this!

After experiments with alcohol

I drank H2O all the time.

I'm sitting in English

I looked at the book for the entire lesson.

There are all squiggles there -

I don’t understand, I’m a dropout!

Dear you are our teacher,

Well, why do we need physics?

Winter evening, instead of formulas,

I'll see you at the video camera!

Oh, our Russian language!

I'm used to living without rules:

It doesn’t matter: where is A, where is O –

I've been underage for a long time!

Why this physical education?

There is no better figure for me.

Tired of running, jumping,

I love to bounce my legs.

Graduates reward teachers with comic certificates, diplomas, and medals.

Ved. Years flew by courier train,

They walked without stopping anywhere.

And the sons and daughters grew up

And they became strong people.

Ved. And today with a grateful feeling

They go off on their own.

Parents are both happy and sad,

That their children will live differently.


1st. At this hour we still have to say

About those who gave us life,

About the closest people in the world,

About those who helped me grow

And it will help in many ways!

2nd. Our parents follow us invisibly

Both in joy and in the hour when trouble came.

They strive to protect from all sorrows -

But, alas, we do not always understand them!

3rd. And sometimes we don’t accept their concerns,

Their efforts sometimes seem unnecessary to us.

And we remember our parents,

When a sudden disaster overtakes us.

4th. Forgive us, dear, dear ones!

We don’t have any people more valuable than you!

As they say, children are the joy of life,

And you are our support in it!

Graduates give cards to their parents.

Parents' speech.

Ved. Well, all the thanks and parting words have been said. A new life begins.

A farewell song is played (to the tune of the song “Autumn” by the group “DDT”).

What happens at school in the spring?

Something changes suddenly

It’s just that this childhood is leaving us forever,

And it doesn't come back.

The last lessons will fade away,

The farewell bell rang sadly,

Let's sing these lines about school again

To a solemn and sad tune.

Chorus: Let's quietly say goodbye to the school,

Promise to remember school

Let's come back here together again,

School, you are always with us!

And we will remember the teachers.

What should you wish them goodbye?

If only there were wizards, we could perform for them

All their deepest desires.

We don’t yet know what’s ahead,

And everyone has their own path.

We won't get back our school years, we understand

That's why we're a little sad.

Kindergarten graduation scenario

"Good time"
Fanfare sounds.
Presenter 1.
The gardens bloom and fade little by little,
And the sun shines so cheerfully.
And our favorite kindergarten “Ryabinushka”
On a spring day I feel a little sad.
Presenter 2.
Today in our bright hall
The guys gathered for the last time.
There will be a sea of ​​joy and a drop of sadness:
They leave us for first grade.
Meet our graduates.
To the soundtrack of the song “Little Country” (N. Koroleva), the children enter the hall.
1 To this bright, kind house
We walked for five years
And on a fine clear day
We must say goodbye to him.

2 Here they surrounded us with goodness,
Everyone was happy here.
There's a cheerful gnome here in the morning
He came to visit us.

4 And now the hour of farewell has come
For adults and children.
We are leaving for school, first grade.
That's it (in unison). Farewell to our kindergarten!

Presenter 1
Everyone has one time in their life
There is your first, your memorable class,
And the first textbook, and the first lesson,
And the first loud school bell.
Because very soon
Everyone who has grown up needs to go to school,
And they want to say...
Children. Goodbye, kindergarten! Hello school!
1st child: Kindergarten "Ryabinushka" stands in greenery,
And on Shkolnaya Street it will shelter all the children.
We lived together as a family, adversity passed us by,
And now we have grown up, it’s time for us to go to school.
2nd child: Birds chirp outside the window, lilacs sprinkle stars.
We will say goodbye to the kindergarten on this warm May day.
3rd child: Today we are graduates, goodbye to our kindergarten!
Our mothers will buy us diaries, textbooks, notebooks.
4th child: Today we are graduates, no longer preschoolers.
Fun calls and new guys are waiting for us.
5th child: We will now give you this song as a farewell gift.
Let this song fly around the world on a May day!
The song “Goodbye, kindergarten!” is performed.
(music lyrics by V. Malkov).
Children sit on chairs.
Presenter 1. Today is a holiday, and on holidays it is customary to visit each other and give gifts. And my children and I want to give you an unusual gift - a photo album as a souvenir. Together we will turn over the pages of our album and remember how it all began.
Presenter 1. So, page one “Do you remember how it all began.”
1. So we grew up, and we
The school is waiting for the very first grade.
Do you remember five years ago
How did we go to kindergarten?

2. Why didn’t you go,
They carried us in wheelchairs.
We often sat on our arms,
They didn’t want to stomp their feet.

3. I remember crying every day,
I kept waiting for my mother, looking out the window.
And Vova walked around with a pacifier,
And someone wore diapers.
Yes, we were all good
Well, what can we take from us – we’re kids after all!

4.Oh, I did such a thing,
At lunchtime I fell asleep over soup.

5. Sometimes I ate poorly,
They spoon-fed me.
The bib saved us from the porridge,
From tea, soup, yogurt.

6. Remember, I am made of sand
He built big cities!

7.Oh, ..., no need!
We all baked Easter cakes
Not very smoothly - as best they could.
And together we played

They treated each other!
They were such naughty people
They fought with their hands and feet,
Presenter 2. Just like these kids
Who have come to visit you now!
Children from the younger group run into the hall and line up in front of the graduates.
1. Are you going to first grade?
Maybe you can take us?

2. No, because we still have to grow,
It's early for us to go to school!

4.Only B students in class
And get straight A's.
They perform a dance.
Presenter 2. This is how you came to us as little kids, cute and funny. You didn’t know how to do much, you played pranks all the time, you could turn everything in the group upside down and scatter toys.
Presenter 1: Next page “Childhood”.
Dance "Chamomile Field".
Presenter 1. And on this page we have collected all the drawings of our children. There are so many bright colors and sunny ideas, we called it “Cheerful Pencil”.
1. Let's tell you what we are -
They loved to draw.
2. Exhibited for a whole year
Works for parents.
3.Both landscapes and portraits -
Everyone can draw!
4.No other way than they decided
Should everyone become artists?

Presenter 1. In kindergarten we not only played, but also studied, learned poems, and listened to fairy tales.
Presenter 2. Therefore, our next page is “Fairytale”.
A girl runs out and lays large flowers on the floor to the music.
The girl is an inch.
The forest woke up, the meadow woke up,
Butterflies around woke up
Herbs and flowers woke up
There is so much beauty everywhere.
I'm called Thumbelina
Little beauty.
I live in a magical flower,
I like my house.
The girls take flowers from the floor and dance the “Dance with Flowers.”
Elf school coming soon
Opens with us.
I will study there
And my friends are with me.
Let's study letters
Read different books.
And then any fairy tale
I can tell everyone.

Presenter 1. Well done, Thumbelina! Our children will also go to school in the fall. They have prepared well and already know all the letters.

Thumbelina. Well, then, see you at school. In the meantime, I'll run to my flowers.

Presenter 1: On the road, girls! Let's go, boys!
Walk the ladder of knowledge boldly!
Wonderful meetings and good books
There will be steps on it.
Presenter 2: Walk along the road with a merry song,
She will help you on a difficult journey.
What did you learn for yourself in kindergarten?
How to bring the banner into 1st grade!
Presenter 1: The next page is dedicated to “Our teachers” with whom you lived throughout your preschool childhood
Children sing the song “Our Teacher”.

Presenter 1: How nice, how wonderful,
How soulfully you sang.
Everyone worked hard,
We were convinced of this!

Presenter 2: You glorified our garden
Good deeds.
You have become family to us,
They became our friends.
We also made special preparations.
Children, accept a response from your teachers.
The teachers sing the song “Where does childhood go?”
Leading: Our next page is the “Farewell Toys” page.
And now it's time to say goodbye to toys.
Children. Goodbye toys
It's a pity to part with you!
Don't get bored dolls, bears
And pictures in our books.
The guys will come to you again,
Just like we once came.

Dance “Farewell, toys!

Presenter 1. Now it’s time to turn the last page of our “Farewell” photo album.

1. The hour of parting has come,
A kindergarten waltz is circling around the garden!
Our beloved home
Native kindergarten,
You're taking your kids to school!

2. The hall froze in solemn silence, friends awaited the cherished words.
Today we will say goodbye, something that cannot be said at all.

3. We are sad, it’s very sad to leave. We promise to visit our garden.
But the time has come to say goodbye, we want to say “thank you” to you all.

4. It was cozy and beautiful in the group; we walked happily to kindergarten in the morning.
We say “Thank you” to you all in unison.
And bow to you to the very ground.
Waltz "Anastasia" performed
1. On this solemn and slightly sad day, we say “thank you” to all the employees of the kindergarten, those who work here, trying to warm children’s hearts with their warmth.

2. Adult uncles and adult aunts,
People come to the garden to work every day.
They strictly maintain order everywhere,
We wish them success in their work.

3. Adults and children know
That leading is not easy.
Impeccable First Lady,
Our dear, our formidable.
For taking care of the children,
For comfort, for the image of the garden
We say in unison: “Thank you!
To our manager Irina Vasilievna!

4. The authorities are the right hand,
It was difficult for you sometimes
It's still an educational process
Made some serious progress.
Your merits are great:
You helped the teachers
Raise and educate children.
Thank you from mothers!

5. Who taught us to eat with a spoon,
Cope with any fastener
Who read poems and fairy tales,
Plasticine also provided paints?!
Thanks to our teachers

6. Children love her like their own,
Our golden helper!
Beds, windows and floors,
Pots, cups and tables!
The group shines with purity
There's an air of kindness there!
“Thank you” to the junior teacher!

7. Very difficult task
Get something
You need talent and luck
Find something for the kindergarten.
I can’t even do it now
And the gods know the economy,
For this reason in our kindergarten
And there is a good caretaker!
Thanks to Natalya Malekovna!

8. Thanks to all those who worked in the kitchen,
He cooked porridge for us and prepared compotes!
Thank you for the delicious sweets,
Thank you for your skillful hands,
Without you we would be like this
Don't grow big!
Thanks to Natalya Viktorovna and Elena Anatolyevna.

9. White napkin, clean sheet,
The apron and scarf shine white.
To keep it clean, simply top class,
Natalya Frolovna took care of us.

10.Valentina Nikolaevna!
Your job is very important!
Responsible and paperwork!
You think all day long
You know everything the kindergarten needs!
You will balance the balance beautifully -
Thank you for your painstaking work!
Presenter 1. Our album is children!
Our album is happiness!
Our album is a ray of sunshine in bad weather!

Presenter 2. We have been creating it for many years!
There were victories and there were adversities!
And now the time has come to part...
Have an easy and happy journey, kids!
The manager's word. Alumni awards.

"Last Call 2015"

Songs about school are played.

1. Presenter:

On this May morning, this warm spring
Everything is as before, everything seems to be going smoothly.

Only everything at the parade, with smiles, flowers,

The hall is in a beautiful outfit and the guests are simply afraid.

2. Presenter:

Today is a special day for us -

And joyfully. And we are a little sad -

We gathered solemnly today

At the Last Bell celebration

1. Presenter. Attention! Solemn moment! To your endless applause, I invite the heroes of the occasion to the hall - graduates of 2015

Music is playing. Graduates come in. (Wonderful school days 996)

1. Presenter. The ceremonial line dedicated to the last bell is declared open.

The Russian anthem plays.

2. Presenter

Here it is: exciting, alarming
And the long-awaited moment of parting
All the chalk is written on, all the calls have sounded
And large volumes of books were re-read.
1. Presenter
The last lessons will be held now
And everyone will rush to give you advice
But the first parting word
We'll ask the director to say

2. Presenter. The floor is given to the head of the branch, Natalya Viktorovna Romashenkova.

1. Presenter. Everyone is happy to congratulate you today,

We wish you success, both old and young!

The floor is given to our guests ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

1. Presenter.

Do you remember that funny call,

What rang for you for the first time,

When we entered the school with flowers,

To your very best first class.

2. Presenter.

How the teacher greeted me at the door,

Your faithful friend for many days,

And a big noisy family

New girlfriends and friends .

1. Presenter.

Sitting down at your desk carefully,

So as not to wrinkle your suit,

You opened your primers,

They opened the thick notebook.

2. Presenter.

And new books, and the first lesson,

And the first flooding school bell,

And the first mentor is the first teacher

Who opened the door to the road of discovery.

1. Presenter. The floor is given to the first graduate teacher -. Karagaeva G.V.

2. Presenter.

Let the bad weather pass by
And the world will become brighter for you
Please accept my wishes for happiness
From your little friends

Words of congratulations are provided to first graders

First graders read poetry

installation grades 1-4

1. Presenter: Dear graduates, today you have the opportunity to say all the words of gratitude, appreciation, love to those who were the guiding and guiding force of your growing up

2. Presenter: graduates give the floor

Alumni speech

First graduate: My friends, the farewell hour has come.
Today we are leaving school.
Everything here is close and familiar to the point of pain in my heart,
We will definitely come back here again!

Let's go back to the bright classrooms and the noisy corridor,
There are steep stairs in the foyer, in the dining room, and on the stairs.
Here is the school board looking after us...
The teacher and friends are all like family!

Second graduate: Many exciting minutes have passed here,
Sadness and joy - we have all known here.
Steps to knowledge and the ladder of sciences,
We walked together with the teachers.

Well, that's it, the school journey is over.
The last time we are here is with the teachers.
We understand that time cannot be returned,
But the heart remains close to you!

Song for the director

Our unspent cup of feelings

And the living breath of spring,

And our love and gratitude

We address it to Natalya Viktorovna.

She is excited with us,

As happens in moments of separation,

The head of our school family,

Our wise advisor and friend.

The hour of parting has come,

We remember a lot of good things about you.

Our worries, worries, sorrows

You certainly always noticed.

We wish you to remain like this

And never change for anything.

So don’t let the years age you,

And let them fly like arrows,

And may they always give you flowers

Restless, beloved students.

To the first teacher

Dear Galina Viktorovna!

First teacher forever

You will stay. All school years

We looked at the cute features

There is so much kindness and warmth in them!

What love, patience reserve

You need to teach us all,

Understand, help, forgive or scold,

At the same time, love everyone.

So as not to let you down, but to show you,

What knowledge did you give to many people?

We will remember that from your hands

We went to the world of big sciences.

To the class teacher

1.But who is your main mentor?
Who ruled our boat at school?
He regretted, scolded, talked, asked,
I suddenly brought a magazine to class,
He advised, he appealed to his parents,
Loved and helped as they are
In all capital letters TEACHER!
He is our great leader.

2. Dear Alexandra Sergeevna and Natalya Yuryevna!

You have always been with us
We brought sorrows and joys to you
And sometimes we upset you
And they didn’t see your fatigue.
We have grown up before your eyes,
We've grown up and become a little wiser!
But over the years you have become for us
Only closer, clearer, dearer.
Today we say goodbye to you,
It will be close, our path will be far,
We want you to remember
This is the very last call!

2.Leading. The floor for congratulations is given to the class teacher of the 9th grade - Kvitko Alexandra Sergeevna

Mathematics and physics teacher

1. Dear Natalya Yuryevna!

After sighing, we are looking for X's again,

But it’s spring outside!

Oh, if only you knew how difficult it is in May

Sit with your nose buried in your notebook.

Second lesson. The board is white with chalk,

My arm is tired and my back is stiff.

We look at each other crazy

And yet the problem is solved!

Dear Natalya Yurievna

Thank you for the wonderful lessons

And we will pass all exams without C grades .

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Dear Valentina Ivanovna!

Fantasy and adventure

And romantic fairy tales -

We all read with passion

Walking with the heroes to the denouement.

And you are with us, our friend-teacher,

Our guide through the book's lines.

You will hurry to our aid,

When suddenly it gets lonely.

And the gloomy rain will stop,

And everything in the world will become bright...

Literature teachers -

They are big kids at heart.

First graduate:

The teacher is a guiding star! There is no one dearer and dearer.
So may we have many years to come
No one can forget you anymore!

And now here on this farewell day
Please accept our words of recognition
For your daily grateful work,
For a strong shoulder, for our knowledge!

Second graduate: And after school, for many years
We will come to you for advice,
For wisdom, faith in kind hearts,
We are grateful to be you and will not forget!
To the teachers “Thank you!” we talk
And with a fiery heart we thank you for everything .

We thank all the teachers at our school for the wonderful lessons.

Graduate: Everyone who fed us and treated us

and washed the floors behind us

To those who gave out books,
Repaired school furniture

Everyone who was close to us

Our ninth grade

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,

Says thanks to everyone!

Song “Farewell Waltz” 888 (they give flowers)


How can we say goodbye to those
Who shared with us joy, sorrow, laughter,
Who was going to school every day,
And sometimes he burned with shame for us?

Parents! We are nowhere without you!
Any trouble is not a problem with you.
And the joy is so full to have fun!

After all, you still have a long time to study with us...

We love you for your affection, for your warmth,
Because they surrounded us with care,
And all your health and peace
You laid it on the sacrificial altar.

Thank you with both heart and soul.
"Break a leg!" wish us
And while we are passing our exams,
Scold more often and more.

1. Presenter: And now the parents look excitedly
For grown-up boys
And your parental word to you
At a solemn moment they want to say.

The word for congratulations goes to Kovalenko’s mother Valentina Nikolaevna

Song “Parental House” 1039

2. Presenter

We look with anxious and joyful eyes

In anticipation of new paths and roads.

Now it will be heard throughout all the corridors,

Sad, farewell last call...

1. Presenter:

We can't escape these moments,

And each of us is familiar with this feeling.

And, therefore, not only school childhood

He leaves us with this call.

2. Presenter

Like a Christmas tree, fairy tales end,

Like a movie reel, dreams are cut short.

No longer relying on anyone's tips,

We must solve all problems ourselves.

1. Presenter:

Not every path will be smooth,

Not all challenges will be easy.

And life lies before us like a notebook,

In which there is not a single line yet.

2. Presenter

Ring over the past and present,

Over everything that I saved and that I didn’t save,

Ring over my passing childhood,

Sad, farewell, last call!

1. Presenter:

The right to give the last call is granted

9th grade student _____________ and 1st grade student _____________


2 .Leading. Our holiday has come to an end. We invite everyone to the monument to honor the memory of those who fell during the Great Patriotic War with a minute of silence
