The cross stitch is almost perfect. Craft product cross-stitch almost perfect signs in embroidery canvas

This sign was fixed in the minds of embroiderers as firmly as the sign about a black cat or a five-petal lilac flower.

I did not embroider a ready-made set (it was in 2006), but downloaded a pattern on the Internet, found the key, picked up the threads and plunged into the process with my head. Embroidery was given easily, quickly and brought a lot of pleasure from the process itself and the result. After 2.5 years, I re-embroidered angels ...

My sign has not come true yet, but let's hope

EMBROIDERY VALUES- there are a lot of symbols and signs in embroidery.
There are also many articles on the net.
There are a number of signs that many embroiderers know about.

Let's try to systematize them.

1. Housing issue or what to embroider to expand the living space

(buy a cottage, an apartment, get your own house).

An embroidered HOUSE contributes to the appearance of your home. It does not matter whether it is a set of some company, embroidery according to the scheme, cross stitch, tapestry stitch or satin stitch. It does not matter whether it is a rural hut or a luxurious mansion. Any building will help improve living conditions.

2. Love, get married.

POPPIES and POPPY FIELDS (and indeed, flower fields) - to "male power".

PAIRED embroidery of animals or birds - two storks, ducks, a couple of wolves contributes to meeting with your soul mate, as well as family well-being. It is especially good if a picture with a pair of wolves hangs in the house.

If you will embroider a couple of people - a man and a woman, then ideally they should hold hands or kiss.

A meeting with a loved one is perfectly facilitated by PEONY.

According to Feng Shui, PEONY is a flower of joy, a symbol of exquisite passion and carnal love. It is the most auspicious symbol for young couples. The image of a peony in the bedroom or in the love sector is a wonderful talisman, but its favorable effect is relevant only in the first years of marriage. When children are born and the young wife becomes a mother, peonies in the bedroom begin to symbolize infidelity. That is, it is better to embroider peonies for couples who do not yet have children, so as not to provoke infidelity in marriage.

Therefore, after several years of a happy marriage, replace the embroidery with another one.

To speed up the wedding, you can embroider gold wedding rings on a red (required!) background (I think you can also on a red canvas).

If an unmarried girl embroiders a UNICORN, then she will get married in the near future.

3. Health.

CRANES (preferably a pair of cranes next to a pine branch or tree) is one of the most important symbols of health. PEACH is also considered a symbol of health.

4. Luck in business, money, wealth.

SAILBOAT - embroidered to attract good luck in business. It signifies the symbolic "arrival" of good luck. You need to embroider not a modern boat, wooden, but beautiful, powerful, and outwardly reliable. When you hang, carefully choose a place, it should not hang opposite the entrance, it should “float into the house”, i.e. should face the inside of the house.
GOLD FISH - success in financial affairs.

CARPS - symbolize wealth.

A THREE-LEGED TOAD WITH A COIN IN THE MOUTH is a symbol of great luck. One of the most effective talismans for the wealth zone. Brings wealth, increases monetary luck. It is better to place in the zone of wealth (southeast sector). It is necessary to arrange - as if she jumps into the house.
HORSESHOE - a symbol of good luck, abundance and prosperity. According to Feng Shui, it is recommended to place the ends up.

MONEY TREE - to wealth and the attraction of money, but only if it is embroidered correctly:

According to Feng Shui, a tree should have:

An odd number of coins (otherwise the money will decrease, not increase). It is best if there are 9 coins. Coins must be with a hole in the middle and hieroglyphs

An odd number of flowers, and preferably 3 flowers. Flowers should be like cherry blossoms.

Attached flowers and coins should be red thread.

The tree should hang opposite the front door so that the money goes into the house.

HORSE - a symbol of speed and endurance, joy of life, optimism and good fame. It is better if the horse is directed upwards. The horse brings with it the wind of change and favorable changes in life. If you attach a symbolic image of gold to the back of the horse, then the horse will bring you fame and money ...

5. Car

The embroidered MACHINE repeatedly helped embroiderers to acquire a four-wheeled friend. You can embroider any car, from a Ferrari to an antique 1898 Opel.


Feng Shui is the science of understanding how our environment affects our physical and emotional health. It is a system of knowledge based on the study of Nature. It allows you to change and enhance the energy of your surroundings. Symbols are very important in Feng Shui, they help harmonize space, suppress negativity, attract the energy of abundance and success, fulfill desires...

Since most of the signs came to us from Feng Shui, the meanings of the main symbols are given below.

STORK Longevity, happy and peaceful old age
QUINCE Fertility and happy marriage
BUTTERFLY Love and joy; two butterflies - marital happiness
BAMBOO Health, longevity, flexibility. Is a conduit of auspicious energy
BULL Reliability and strength. Long and fruitful life, stable and sustainable
VASE calm; a vase filled with something - a symbol of attracting wealth
FAN Traditional symbol of protection. Protects not only the house, but also the person himself from adversity
GRAPE Abundance, fun
WATER Health, wellbeing
WATERFALL Bringing good luck to the house
CROW Marriage, fidelity
PIGEON Meekness and purity. Pair of doves - love, friendship and marital fidelity
MOUNTAIN Support, protection and assistance
POMEGRANATE Bursting pomegranate - numerous offspring
GOOSE (pair) Faith and fidelity in marriage
DOLPHIN Dignity, Hope, Security
WOOD Longevity
THE DRAGON The highest symbol of good luck, creativity; brings business success
THRUSH New Opportunities, Joy, Happiness
TOAD strength, strength
CRANE Good disposition, calmness, fidelity, long life. Often depicted under a pine tree - another symbol of longevity.
HARE Sensitivity, abundance, longevity
STARS happiness and eternity
ZEBRA Peace of mind in any situation
KINGFISHER Grace, nobility, marital fidelity
SNAKE movement and renewal. Represents wisdom and deep knowledge
IRIS Life without aging
CARP Good luck and spiritual achievements. Nine carps symbolize prosperity and material well-being.
two carps A symbol of the complete harmony of relations between a man and a woman
hummingbird Symbol of the joy of life
HORSE Sign of victory, courage, power
BOAT A symbol of incoming good luck in business, security, hope
BASKET Filled with something - a symbol of abundance, fertility, prosperity
RAT Prosperity, prosperity, well-being
SWALLOWS success and abundance
SWAN Grace, beauty, purity, fidelity
A LION Energy and courage. Defender of the home and public places
BAT Happiness. Five bats - "five blessings" - longevity, wealth, health, virtue,
life until the end, predetermined by fate
LOTUS Perfection, spiritual grace, peace, female genius, summer, fertility
HORSE Protector of children. It symbolizes speed, perseverance, gives strength and endurance, and children - rapid development.
MAGNOLIA, ORCHID love, sophistication
BEAR Symbol of strength and courage
A MONKEY Originality of thought, cunning, ingenuity
DEER Career
EAGLE Powerful symbol of success. Power, courage, sharp mind
PEACOCK Beauty and nobility. Loose tail - titles and awards
PALM Victory
LANDSCAPE Symbol of good luck and auspicious opportunities
ROOSTER A symbol of vigilance, vigilance. Bearer of manhood. Fire protection
PEACH Symbol of longevity
PEONY ardent passion, undying love, glory, dignity
PARROT A symbol of a cheerful disposition, friendly communication, good memory
BIRDS Symbol of joy, beauty, happiness
BEE Diligence, success in science, art, trade
FISH Guarantee of success in financial affairs, successful development
SAKURA Luck, love, beauty, youth and renewal
ELEPHANT Power, strength, insight
OWL Erudition, reputation, wisdom; protects against irrational financial investments
DOG Reliable protection
MAGPIE Symbol of "happy meeting"
SUN Sign of providence, abundance, truth
PINE A symbol of long life, loyalty and devotion
TIGER Protector from evil spirits, symbolizes strength and power
DUCKS (pair) happiness in love
PHOENIX Symbolizes the warmth of the sun, summer and fire. Helping childless couples. The Phoenix paired with the Dragon is depicted during weddings as a symbol of a fruitful union, a happy marriage and healthy children.
HERON Symbolizes fidelity and longevity
TURTLE Longevity, strength, endurance. Symbolizes the steady movement forward.

Thoughts are material. I am 100% sure of this.

09 February, 2009 22:20


This composition was designed especially for you. If you are an experienced embroiderer, then first arrange the colors, and then start with the instructions that follow the diagram. For more information, read the entire manual before you begin.


Check the contents of your set. Check the contents of the kit against the list on the label. Make sure everything you need is present before you start embroidering.

Your canvas is called AIDA. This is a fabric without a pattern, made specifically for cross-stitching. The number on the kit label indicates the number of squares per inch of canvas.

Avoid wrinkling the edges of the canvas by wrapping them with thin masking tape.

When embroidering with a cross, it is best to start embroidery from the center of the composition and move to the edges. Thus, you will be sure that the composition will be in the center of the canvas.

To find the center of the canvas, fold it in half vertically and then horizontally. At the intersection of the bends, the center point of the canvas will be located.

The embroidery will look much better if the canvas is hooped (frames for embroidery in the form of a hoop)


Identify colors by comparing them in daylight and using the length chart below.

The code in the table is the color number in our color system. If you write to us about materials, please indicate the color code so that we can help you.



The code




Pale pink



Light yellow












Light blue









Golden metallic



Opal ribbon floss




Each thread consists of six strands. They can be separated by holding one end of the thread with two fingers and pulling the strands one at a time.

Combine the indicated number of strands together and insert into the needle, leaving a 3 inch tail (7.5cm) on one side of the needle.

Threads "Gold metallic" and "Opal ribbon floss" are not divided into strands. Use them as they are.

Needles are also included in the set. Use a needle with a smaller eye for lace embroidery. For other operations, use a needle with a large eye.

If you have ever seen the work of an experienced embroiderer, you have noticed that the reverse side of the work is as neat as the front. There are no knots or thread tails. To start sewing, leave 3 cm of the end of the thread behind the canvas and secure it by sewing a few stitches over it.

When the area is finished, the beginning and end of the thread must be spun to the wrong side of the embroidery. Be sure to carefully trim the remaining ends of the threads.

Try not to sew dark colors under light ones. They are usually visible on the front side of the embroidery, giving it a dirty look.

When moving from one area to another, try not to carry the thread more than 2 cm, because this will appear on the right side. Usually, it's best to end the thread and start the next area with a new one.

It is possible that the thread will curl during embroidery, making it difficult to work leading to knots. Just let go of the needle and thread to let the thread straighten out.

In order for the seam to turn out beautiful and thick, hold it in light tension. If the seams are too tight, you can damage the canvas or make wrinkles on it.

If you make a mistake, remove the seams by pulling them out with a needle. If you try to cut them, you can cut the canvas.


Cross Stitch:

 Peach -

Cross Stitch:

 Peach -

 Pale pink

 Light yellow

 Yellow -

 Blue -

 Light blue -

 Brown -

 White -

Half-cross stitch:


Parts of the diagram are colored in different colors to make the diagram easier to read. The squares in the diagram correspond to the canvas squares. Each Cross or Half Cross is represented by a symbol from the list.

The diagram also shows the parts that are added after the completion of the work with Crosses and Half-crosses.


Cross stitch and half cross stitch first. To start, follow the arrows on the edges of the diagram to find the center. Find the center of the canvas (see page 1). Find the nearest symbol and make the first stitch in the corresponding canvas square.

Continue making the remaining stitches. Symbols lying in sub-lines of the decor must be made with the specified stitch completely, and not partially.

Then add decor as described below. Use the number of strands indicated by the number in brackets.

When the Forward and Reverse stitches are listed together, you should use the Forward stitch for single straight lines and the Reverse stitch for all others. Make reverse stitches according to the lines on the diagram.

Thin black lines - Brown(1) Straight and Reverse stitch

Thick black lines - Brown(2) Reverse stitch

Thick red lines on the wings - Light blue(2) Reverse stitch

Thin red lines on the wings - Light blue (1) Straight stitch

Fine red hair lines - Golden(1) Reverse stitch

Black - White(2) French Knot

Halo - Gold(3) and Gold Metallic(2) Lace. Lay the strands and threads side by side. Fasten in place with golden lace(1)

If you need to wash or iron the embroidery, please read our instructions. It also provides information on self-framing.



1) Make all the crosses through the holes in the canvas. Start from left to right going up to A, down to B, up to C, down to D, etc. in a row.

2) Finish the second part of each right-to-left cross stitch. Make sure all stitches intersect in the same direction. Finish steps 1) and 2) before moving on to the next row.

3) Make vertical stitches one at a time.

Half cross

1) Go in and out of the hole in the canvas, go up to A, go down to B, up from C, down to D, etc. in a row

2) Continue 1-2, 3-4, etc.

3) This is how the underside of the embroidery should look like.


1) Go in and out of the hole in the canvas, going up to A, then going down to B. Going up to C. Then going back down to D (in the same hole as A). We continue, always dropping back down through the same hole as the previous stitch.


1) Go up to A, then go down to B, making each stitch along the length of the line in the diagram.

French Knot

1) We rise to A. With one hand we hold the thread in 5cm A. We wrap the thread around the needle once.

2) Still holding the thread, insert the point of the needle in B, next to A

3) Pull the thread until the wrap is pulled around the needle and lies next to the canvas.

4) Gently holding the thread, pull the needle through the canvas to complete the knot.


1) Thread the needle, then move the needle to the center of the thread. Tape one end of the thread to the edge of the table. Twist the other end of the thread counterclockwise until the thread begins to curl. Hold the needle with one hand, take the pinned end with the other hand and connect the free ends together. Release the needle and let the thread continue to twist. Adjust the curl to make it look smooth and beautiful. Tie the loose ends together to prevent untwisting.

To sew with Lace, go up through the canvas to one end of the line you will be sewing on. Lay the Lace in a line position and secure it in place with small Straight Stitches using one strand of Golden thread in a needle with a smaller eye. Place stitches every half centimeter.

To finish, pierce the canvas down and tie the string on the wrong side. Cut off the excess.

Repeat the operation as many times as necessary.

Here is what I found from DMC to Gamma (respectively):

3078 - 0101 or 0102

2 threads of gold color (metallized) + 2 threads of yellow (or other desired color) are taken. The threads are inserted into the needle and folded in half. We get 4 threads. We fix them on the wrong side, bring them to the front side. We twist into a rope. We take another needle with a gold (metallized) thread. We attach the twisted tourniquet to the fabric and with a second needle and thread (fixed on the wrong side and brought out to the face) - sew (we make, as it were, a jumper). Sew at regular intervals. I hope you understand me how to do it.

Use one strand of the indicated color for Cross Stitch:

 Peach -

Use two strands of the indicated color for Cross Stitch:

 Peach -

 Pale pink

 Light yellow

 Yellow -

 Blue -

 Light blue -

 Brown -

 White -

Use one thread of the specified color for Half-cross stitch:

 Opal ribbon floss -

Negative Feedback

I have had these angels on the shelves for a year already, they don’t help for some reason .. And good luck to you !!!

And I have been hanging on the wall for a year now. So far to no avail...

Neutral Feedback

I think it's also a matter of psychology. Embroidery is a very clear and painstaking work, and it is known that the delicate work performed by the fingertips activates the brain centers. Since the whole body is a single system, everything can act at the subconscious level based on a person's faith. When we embroider -we believe that it is this embroidery that will help, it reaches our subconscious in the process of work, and as a result, if we really strongly believe and have no doubts, then everything will come true. Perhaps something in the biochemistry of the body will change, a little differently (better) hormones aimed at conception will work and everything will definitely work out, as the girls did! Okay! I bought embroidery today, it turns out the last one in the store was, I’ll go embroider!!! Thank you!

for those who don't know what it is:

The most famous sign among embroiderers is the embroidery of three angels from Dimensions - Almost Perfect.

If you embroider them, you will definitely get pregnant. Judging by the reviews on the forums, embroidery works in 99% of cases. (c) stolen

my opinion is all self-hypnosis and embroidery just helps to take your mind off planning.

Positive reviews

The Almost Perfect set was my first set from Dimensions. I knew about the sign, heard and read a lot about it. Not to say that I longed to get pregnant, and all hopes were pinned on embroidery, no (children do not come out of this)) But once one embroidery sign came true for me: I embroidered a couple of wolves from the magazine "Embroidery for the Soul". The scheme left much to be desired, and my selection was, to put it mildly, not very good. According to the sign, an embroidered pair of wolves contributes to an early wedding, a meeting with a soul mate. And the sign came true! In the same year I got married. So I decided on "Almost Perfect".

I started to embroider with selection in the fall, I threw it twice, I made a mistake in the scheme. I bought a canvas with a pattern, and there the situation was even worse: the pattern was offset relative to the canvas. I was upset, because there was hope for a sign :)

I bought the original set. It cost about 148 hryvnia. And there was no time to embroider. So she lay with me, in the "hamster" stocks. And in a month or two I got pregnant, it turns out, around the time when I bought the set!

As for the kit: The scheme is clear, the icons are large, readable. The threads are of high quality, about 1/3 of the unused threads remained after embroidery. The canvas is hard, just what I like, because I don’t use hoops.

And finally: the main thing is to believe, and everything will work out!

Those same wolves flaunt on the wall in the bedroom. I cherished the hope of embroidering another pair so that everything would be perfect, but then I realized that mine are the BEST!

And my Perfect, who is already 20 weeks old in the belly!

I am fond of embroidery, I also read about this embroidery on the forums. A lot of feedback from girls, 99% say directly. I advised a friend, she is 36 years old and has no children. She bought embroidery, began to embroider, and then she became pregnant, she was overjoyed and stopped embroidering, as a result of the ZB. Here is such a case from my life, well, then how can you not believe in "almost perfect"?


High-quality threads, short thick canvas, clear scheme


Rare sets at auctions are expensive

Let's start with beauty:
I embroidered these two beautiful bookmarks in two nights! Despite the complex ornament and rather difficult "backstitch", it was easy for me to sew! Because the threads did not get tangled, because the pattern is clear and understandable, because these are luxurious embroidery kits from the American company "Dimensions". I have been following this set for many years. I managed to scratch it out for $100.
Another of my favorite works is the golden collection "Dimensions", a wreath of all seasons.
So far, the wreath has not yet been decorated, but it is waiting in the wings. Very bright saturated colors, beautiful design, interesting background. In a word, such a picture will complement any interior.
I also want to show you my paintings, which are still in the process. Also two paintings from the "Golden Collection". One of the works is a wreath with a hummingbird. Another, painting with lilacs and tits:
I also embroider Christmas decorations, I will take a picture and add them in the near future.


processed canvas, good threads


ill-conceived placement of symbols on the diagram

I love to cross-stitch, it calms the nerves, a pleasant pastime under some kind of TV series, and most importantly, beautiful pictures are obtained.
I already wrote reviews about kits from other manufacturers

"The Golden Fleece",

"Riolis". Now I want to talk about the Dimensions sets.
Cross-stitch kit Dimensions "Tits and pine cones" I bought on the Internet in the purchase, well, I really liked the drawing.
I received the set in a plastic bag with a button. But my main surprise when examining the set in more detail was that the canvas turned out to be hemmed along the edges (you don’t need to process the edges by hand), this is the first set with such a huge plus.
The set included:
- canvas Aida 16 grey;
- floss threads (cotton) sorted by color on a cardboard tablet;
- color scheme;
- embroidery needles;
- instruction.
The only drawback of this set was an unsuccessfully located diagram on paper, I had to turn it over many times to see the thread designation on the diagram (the thread designation was on the reverse side).
This is the beauty of the end result:
On occasion, I will definitely buy another set from this manufacturer, with high confidence I advise you to pay attention to the sets from Dimensions.


high quality, bright


One of my favorite embroidery companies! The pictures are bright, juicy, the schemes are well-designed, there are no sharp color transitions, each color smoothly transitions into another, which cannot but rejoice. It is easy and convenient to work on them. Canvas is good quality in sets. The threads are bright and do not shed. I have already sent 5 sets, I am very satisfied with the finished result, all the works are well worked out. True, there is still a minus - this is their cost, it is quite expensive, some sets are even too expensive and not everyone can afford at least one set from this company, perhaps there are no more minuses. Sometimes it's easier to find circuits on the Internet, especially since it's quite easy to do. Looking forward to buying a new set


Excellent schemes


Sometimes expensive

I have bought Dimenshis sets more than once. Like it very much. Well thought out pictures with a good selection of threads and a pattern that is well worked out. Threads often remain. The sets are very pleasing to the eye, but the truth is sometimes too expensive, but if the hamster really wants to, he will get himself a set. A large selection of sketches, on any subject and any size, for both beginners and experienced embroiderers. If you are thinking about purchasing a set, but do not hesitate to buy. There are collectible sets based on various artists, many landscapes. Dimenshis embroidery kits will bring you a pleasure.


High-quality material, convenient schemes, good completeness.


Quite expensive. Our counterparts are much cheaper.

The set is wonderful. Suitable for both beginners and experienced embroiderers will enjoy their work. The threads are very conveniently laid out, no need to rewind, do not get confused. Evenly colored. There are enough threads, there is no need to worry about enough, not enough. The diagrams are clear, easy to read and easy to get confused. It is a little difficult to embroider small elements with a thread in three additions. But, this is not even a minus, but a matter of habit. Once you get used to it, you just stop paying attention to it. For me, this is a sample of what an embroidery kit should be. I haven't come across better yet.


Excellent elaboration of schemes, always a wonderful result


Price, especially for rarities

Today I will write a review about my favorite embroidery company. I started embroidering in 2006. Being in a terrible mood, I wandered into the Petrovka book market, the first sets, the look of which made my soul brighter, were Dimensions (DIM), but the price ... that day I bought a set of some handicraft company, but the desire to embroider DIM hasn't gone anywhere. And only after defending my PhD in 2010, I allowed myself to buy an original set.
At first, Dimensions only produced booklets with diagrams, but after a while they began to complete kits with J&P Coats threads. They say they dyed (and dye) threads for each specific set, and therefore threads with the same number in different sets may differ in color.
Until 2006, kits were produced exclusively by American assembly. This is how the American kits look like: a cardboard organizer, bunches of threads that you need to sort out according to the instructions yourself according to the instructions. Since 2006, the production of sets began in China. Until 2009, the kits were produced in both the US and China. According to experienced embroiderers, of course, the original "Americans" sets were the best. Since 2010, the favorite DIM is exclusively China, and American rarities often cost fabulous money.
Organizer of the original "American" set.
Organizer set "Chinese".
As for me, this design is very convenient: the threads are already hung on the organizer, foam rubber is glued between two cardboard strips. If you embroider with several needles, it is convenient to stick them into this organizer. But in principle, laying out the strings in the organizers of the "Americans" is also a kind of part of the process - a rather fascinating ritual.
Bundles of threads in sets "Americans". The threads are pleasant to the touch, do not shed, no worse than popular DMS (maybe a little thicker than DMS).
The scheme in the sets is traditional three-color. For me, such schemes are very convenient, the back is well drawn and the main icons are clearly visible behind it. The sets use a cross, a half-cross, a backing, a lay-out thread and French knots in different additions of threads. A half-cross in 6 additions on 18 canvas is a tin :) but this is the whole charm of DIM. And this is how the "American" set looks like. The Golden Collection is an excellent set, with excellent elaboration of patterns and always a wonderful result (although they are not for beginners in terms of complexity, almost all types of stitches are used this way).
And this is already "Chinese". Also not the easiest set, but for an embroiderer with little experience it is already within the power.
Well, how without boasting? I love DIM and I definitely buy it whenever possible.

Hi all!*********************************************** *************************

Embroidery "Almost perfect "became a symbol of girls who want a child, but for some reason the stork is in no hurry to visit them.

Embroidery kit Dimensions, Almost perfect (Almost perfect ) was given to me by my brother's wife. There is a belief among embroiderers that if a girl who passionately wants to have a child finishes embroidering this pattern, the long-awaited pregnancy will not take long. I don’t know who keeps the statistics, but on the forums, 99% (!) Of success is indicated! Is it really a miracle?

And oh, how I wanted to get pregnant, but for 13 years of marriage, alas, nothing ...

I won’t mention how and where I was treated, I’ll only say that it took 10 years, for sure. Heaps of pills, laparoscopy ....

I embroidered the picture in one breath, literally in two evenings, it is small and very simple in execution. I framed it and put it on the chest of drawers in the bedroom. Girls, you won't believe it, but after 7-8 months I got pregnant! Now my miracle is already four years old and it is very similar to a mischievous angel from embroidery.

I don’t know what helped, either the time just came, or self-hypnosis worked (every day I looked at my angels and hoped that it would work). But the result, as they say, is obvious.

Why is embroidery called " Almost perfect "? Take a closer look at the third angel, he is not at all like his brothers. The halo has moved out, the legs are not straight, the eyes are open.

The “Almost Perfect” set or Angels has been produced since 1995 and is considered the most popular among Dimensions embroideries, despite its small size, only 10 * 15, it is not cheap.

The kit is very simple: it includes a canvas, a set of floss, an embroidery pattern, a needle, and instructions for embroidery. The instruction is detailed, no special talent for embroidery is required, only great desire.

I got these angels. They are now always in my bedroom.

You can order a set on the Dimensions website, a direct link to

Good luck and may your dreams come true!

There is a sign associated with the embroidery from Dimensions "Almost perfect" - they say that after the end of the work, a child will definitely be born. I really wanted to embroider this mischievous angel, but I don’t want a child at all right now. Therefore, having secured myself, I embroidered it thinking about the pregnancy of a friend and, in fact, for her then-future daughter.

Embroidered "with a bang", there is nothing complicated. The scheme is simple, subject even to the most beginner. I fiddled a little with halos, but then I figured out how to sew them on, not according to the instructions. And how wonderfully the wings shimmer - I had synthetic ribbons with yellow-pink tints in my kit. What a pity that their radiance cannot be conveyed through photographs.

The embroidery was ready a month before Lerochka's birth, and as soon as she was born, I added a metric using a font from the Internet. It was nice to embroider the metric right on the birthday - it turns out that the angels were born the same day as the newborn.

Formatting is a separate issue. The boy taking orders in a baguette was thoroughly tortured. As a result, a gentle gray-blue passport and a white baguette with silver-gold "scuffs" came up to the angels. They put acrylic glass (after all, work for a nursery).

The kit itself is not the cheapest (about 400 rubles), but looking through the embroideries according to the schemes (self-selection of threads) I can say with confidence that it is worth it. The original comes out much more concise and gentler than the replicas.

After spending a lot of time on embroidery forums, I learned a lot about embroidery terms, about different companies, and how many just fell in love with this manufacturer. the choice fell on this set because of its prevalence, and I also wanted to give a gift - a hint to a godfather (she has 2 wonderful blond girls). But I got myself into trouble, although I didn’t think that the omen would work on me

Now about the set itself:

Large color symbol scheme. No need to look with a magnifying glass, do not get confused by icons that are the same color and are very similar. Of the minuses according to the scheme - it is more pleasant for me to work with A4 size

A very convenient organizer (pulling out 1 thread is a real pleasure, I put the rest of the threads in a bag, there were few flowers)

Threads of excellent quality, the manufacturer does not skimp, cut to a very good length

The canvas is well starched, as a fan of the drum stretch, I liked it. embroidered without a hoop

What were the difficulties with embroidery:

Although before that I had experience in embroidery in quite a variety of techniques, I had to look at Google more than once, although everything seemed to be in the instructions

1. Introduced an opal thread (ribbon) into a stupor. It seemed that it needed to be divided, but this is not so, you need to embroider with the whole ribbon, but it is recommended to take a thicker needle, otherwise it will be very difficult to push the ribbon through the canvas, and it will simply break and crumble, so recommendation No. 2 is to sew with a ribbon of small length

2. Cording - a twisted thread, used here in halos, if you do everything according to the instructions - it comes out very well

In general, I am 100% satisfied with the set. it is worth the money, and I have forever become a fan of Dimensions

I found on the forums of expectant mothers, a sign about three angels who help girls get pregnant - "Almost Perfect" from Dimensions. At that time, with the young man there was a question about it. After searching in stores, I made an order, leaving a phone number, but all without result, and decided to buy via the Internet, but this scheme was not available anywhere, it was very scarce. When I was going to my best friend's wedding, I got a call saying that the embroidery was in stock in the store. I regarded it as a good sign "from above". I bought it and started to embroider.

The kit includes canvas, thread needles and a description in which everything is clear. The work is easy, not requiring special embroidery skills. Everything was ready in three weeks. But, it is necessary to fulfill with desire, through "I do not want" it is better not to take it. The photographs show the finished work, and the remaining threads.

When I finished, the cherished two strips did not appear, and after a while, the young man and I parted, with hard feelings for me.

Maybe my review is about an unfulfilled hope, but I still hope that it will definitely help other girls. Good luck to everyone, and wish fulfillment.

Girls, I add a review. After parting with a young man, exactly one year later (to the day) I met the father of my child)))) We have a son. I don’t know if the embroidery helped or not, but I’m very happy)))))

Good day!

It so happened that in my first marriage I did not get pregnant. I was very worried about this. We did not part for this reason, my husband cheated on me and I did not forgive.

How did you start dating the 2nd. he wanted children and immediately began to try, but somehow to no avail. I began to read the article and somehow came across an article that after embroidering her pregnancy occurs in 99.99999999999999% of cases.

A woman I don't know emailed me a diagram. I bought everything in the store and began to embroider. Came out fairly quickly.

And you won’t believe how I framed the work, I got pregnant the first time.

My son is 1 year 8 months old. I am grateful to these angels and believe in their power!

Who needs a scheme, write the email address, I will send it to you!

Today I saw a set with such angels. It costs almost 400 rubles. Everything cost me a lot less. A set of threads of the same color is 8 rubles, a canvas is about 15 rubles and a gold thread is about 20 rubles. so consider. Another plus is that you get pleasure from choosing threads, and then embroidering.

P.S. girls, believe it or not. Embroidered another one and now at 26 weeks))))

I wish you all female happiness! Your sunshine!

"Almost perfect" - the legendary embroidery, with its already rooted sign. According to everyone who embroiders "Almost perfect" will definitely get pregnant ( stop!!! Important!!! The presence of a man in the process of conception is mandatory !!!))

On the Internet, there are a lot of cases when the omen worked. I didn’t embroider this set for myself, maybe that’s why nothing worked out for me, but unfortunately, the comforts for whom I embroidered didn’t happen either.

Although, when she gave the set to a friend, she met a guy who has a child. Soon they got married, but there are no common children yet. The embroidery is on a shelf in her room. But she got married. We will assume that in something good the omen worked.

The second time I embroidered this set for a work colleague, unfortunately, the sign did not work for her either.

So now about the set itself: It is very simple, unpretentious, the most primitive design, but what a nice little and beautiful one.

It is included in the kit:

canvas 14 Aida(I stubbornly change to canvas 18, this is my quirk), colored threads from Dimensions, a three-color scheme, a needle, and a shiny thread.

I embroider slowly, so I usually embroider this set 2 times within a month.

I hope the trick works for you.

16633 Almost perfect
This design was created especially for you. If you are already an experienced embroidery machine, you can sort out the colors and start with the instructions after the diagram. If you need more information, please take a moment to read through the entire manual before starting to embroider.

Check the contents of the set. Check the list on the package with the contents. Make sure you have enough before you start.
Your canvas is called Aida. It is not printed. The number on the package indicates the number of crosses per inch.
In order to protect the edges of the canvas from sataning, glue the edges with paper tape.
In a counted cross, it is better to start embroidering from the middle to the edges. This way you will know for sure that the design is centered on the canvas.
To find the center, fold the canvas in half vertically and horizontally. Mark the place where the 2 lines meet with a dot or thread.
Your embroidery will look best if the canvas is pulled tight over an adjustable hoop while you embroider.
Separate the colors.
Distinguish colors by comparing them in daylight and comparing the number of streaks with the information below.
The listing number below is for our color identification system. If you are writing about materials, then the number is what we need to help you.

Name Quantity of skeins Color number
Peach 5 6031
Dusty pink 3 13069
Light yellow 8 12292
Yellow 9 12293
Golden 4 12306
Pale blue 8 17004
Light blue 2 17005
Brown 4 15470
White 15 11001
Gold metallic 6 0G0LG-0J
Iridescent tape 5 00026

Using thread, ribbon and needles
Each sash consists of six threads. You can easily separate them from one another by holding the skein between two fingers while pulling on one thread, as shown in the picture.
When threading the needle, fold it in the indicated number of folds, leaving approximately 3 inches on one side of the needle.
The skein of golden metallic and iridescent ribbon does not separate into threads. Use them as is.
The set includes 2 needles. Use a needle with a smaller eye to attach the braid. For other stitches, use a needle with a large eye.

Notes for embroidery.
If you've ever seen the work of an experienced embroiderer, there the wrong side is almost the same as the front side. There are no knots or tails from the threads. To start the seam, leave an inch of thread on the back of the canvas, and secure it by sewing the first few stitches over it.
After that, continue to work, bringing the needle from the inside out to the “face” and in the opposite direction. Make sure that the tails of the threads are neatly trimmed.
Try not to fill dark colors under light ones. They can show through to the front, making your embroidery look messy.
When you move from one part of the embroidery to another, try not to pull the thread more than an inch, as this will also be noticeable from the right side. If you need to stretch the thread further, then it is better to cut it and then fasten it again in a new section.
The thread may twist or knot during the embroidery process. Therefore, it is better to leave the needle hanging freely on the thread more often so that the thread unwinds.
In order for the crosses to be even and convex, do not tighten the stitches too much. Because if you do this, it may damage the holes in the canvas.
If you make a mistake, then remove the stitches by unraveling them with an ilga. If you try to trim them, you may accidentally cut through the canvas under the stitches.

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Everything is short here

This scheme does not correspond in size to the completed design.

Third page. On it, the characters themselves did not redraw, but they are exactly in order, as in the instructions
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Symbol list
Use single strand thread for full cross stitches
Use 2 ply thread for the following colors to make full cross stitches
dusty pink
Light yellow
pale blue
light blue
Use a thread in one addition to make half-crosses
iridescent tape

How to read a diagram
In order to make the diagram easy to read, some of its parts are colored. The squares on the diagram correspond to the squares on the canvas. Each cross and half-cross is represented by a character from the list of characters.
The details that you add to the design after you embroider crosses and semi-crosses are also displayed on the diagram.

Sewing order
First embroider crosses and semi-crosses. First, find the center using the arrows on the edges of the chart. Find the center of the canvas (see previous page). Give the symbol closest to it to make the first cross in the corresponding square of the canvas.
Continue the work by doing crosses and half-crosses. Symbols that fall under the lines of additional seams are made with full semi-kerstics or full crosses, and not their parts.
The next is adding the details described below. Use the number of threads given in brackets.
When stitch forward needle and stitch back needle are described together, then use stitch forward needle for individual lines on the diagram and stitch back needle for all other lines. Place the stitches with the seam back of the needle according to the lines in the diagram.
Thin black lines - brown (1) stitch forward needle and back stitch needle
Thick black lines - brown (2) stitch back needle
Thin red lines on the wings - light blue (1) stitch forward needle
Thick red hair lines - golden (1) stitch back needle
Black dots - white (2) french knot stitch
Haloes - gold (3) and gold metallic (2) for braid. Fold the threads together to make a braid. Attach the braid with gold thread (1)

If your embroidered design requires washing or ironing, please read our instructions. Design information is also included for self-implementation.
The team of Margaret, Feis and Kirsten have gone to great lengths to create a guide that will make your project a success. We hope you enjoy it.

1) Make all the crosses on the canvas holes. Start from left to right from point A to point B and down to point C, up to D and so on, along the line
2) Complete the crosses with the second half, moving from right to left. Make sure all crosses are the same size. Continue to do steps. 1 and 2 for the next row.
3) Perform vertical crosses if necessary.

Half cross.
1) Sew along the openings of the canvas, going up from point A, down to point B, up from C, down from D, etc. in a row
2) Continue repeating 1-2, 3-4, etc.
3) The back of your work should look like this.

Seam back needle
1) Follow the canvas holes up from A, down to B, up to C, then down to D (same hole as A). Continue always moving back and down the same holes as the previous stitches.

Fourth page.

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Seam forward needle
1) Work up from A to B, making stitches where the lines are drawn in the diagram

french knots
1) Bring the needle up at point A. With one hand, hold the thread 2 inches from point A. Wrap the thread around the needle.
2) Continuing to hold the thread, insert the needle next to A at point B
3) Pull the thread until it wraps around the needle and is drawn to the canvas
4) Tighten the thread until a knot is formed.

1) thread the needle, then pull the needle to the middle of the thread. Glue the end of the thread to the table. Twist the other end clockwise until the cord begins to twist itself. Take the needle in one hand. With the other hand, peel off the other end of the thread, connect the ends together and let the needle scroll until a braid is formed. Tie the ends together so they don't unwind.
In order to sew the braid, attach it to the canvas. Hold the braid in place and sew with small seam forward stitches to the needle. Using gold thread in one addition in a needle with a smaller eye. Make stitches every quarter inch.
To complete the braid, bring the needle to the wrong side and tie a knot on the back of the canvas. Trim the ponytails. Repeat to attach tape where needed.

I did not translate about how to iron and iron. If necessary, I will.

Which, if I'm not mistaken, I came across with LiRu (thank you!). You know, I don’t have time to read for a long time, and therefore I noticed this post only now, although I always liked this embroidery very much. As you can guess, I like it from afar, I haven’t embroidered it myself yet, but everything is ahead;)

So, with the kind permission of the owner of the site, WebClubnicki, who also had one, I publish her article "Angels "Almost Perfect" scheme and key in Russian".

There is a wonderful omen associated with the Almost Perfect cross stitch kit from Dimensions, which, according to the embroiderers, works 99%. You will embroider angels - you will become pregnant.

I did not embroider a ready-made set, but downloaded a pattern on the Internet, found the key, picked up the threads and plunged into the process with my head. Embroidery was given easily, quickly and brought a lot of pleasure from the process itself and the result. I made the frame myself (cardboard, colored corrugated paper, glue, confetti stars, gold thread), I decided to invest in this work to the fullest. My sign has not come true yet, but let's hope

The scheme for embroidery of angels and the key to it in Russian in the continuation of the post.

This composition has been designed especially for you. If you are an experienced embroiderer, then first arrange the colors, and then start with the instructions that follow the diagram. For more information, read the entire manual before you begin.

Check the contents of your set. Check the contents of the kit against the list on the label. Make sure everything you need is present before you start embroidering.

Your canvas is called AIDA. This is a fabric without a pattern, made specifically for cross-stitching. The number on the kit label indicates the number of squares per inch of canvas.
Avoid wrinkling the edges of the canvas by wrapping them with thin masking tape.

When embroidering with a cross, it is best to start embroidery from the center of the composition and move to the edges. Thus, you will be sure that the composition will be in the center of the canvas.

To find the center of the canvas, fold it in half vertically and then horizontally. At the intersection of the bends, the center point of the canvas will be located.

The embroidery will look much better if the canvas is hooped (frames for embroidery in the form of a hoop)

Identify colors by comparing them in daylight and using the length chart below.
The code in the table is the color number in our color system.

Each thread consists of six strands. They can be separated by holding one end of the thread with two fingers and pulling the strands one at a time.
Combine the indicated number of strands together and insert into the needle, leaving a 3 inch tail on one side of the needle.
Threads "Gold metallic" and "Opal ribbon floss" are not separated into strands. Use them as they are.

Needles are also included in the set. Use a needle with a smaller eye for lace embroidery. For other operations, use a needle with a large eye.

If you have ever seen the work of an experienced embroiderer, you have noticed that the reverse side of the work is as neat as the front. There are no knots or thread tails. To start sewing, leave 3 cm of the end of the thread behind the canvas and secure it by sewing a few stitches over it.

When the area is finished, the beginning and end of the thread must be spun to the wrong side of the embroidery. Be sure to carefully trim the remaining ends of the threads.

Try not to sew dark colors under light ones. They are usually visible on the front side of the embroidery, giving it a messy look.

When moving from one area to another, try not to carry the thread more than 2 cm, because this will appear on the right side. Usually, it's best to end the thread and start the next area over with a new one.

It is possible that the thread will curl during embroidery, making it difficult to work leading to knots. Just let go of the needle and thread to let the thread straighten out.

In order for the seam to be beautiful and thick, keep the thread under light tension. If the seams are too tight, you can damage the canvas or make wrinkles on it.

If you make a mistake, remove the seams by pulling them out with a needle. If you try to cut them, you can cut the canvas.

Use one strand of the indicated color for Cross Stitch:
- peach
Use two strands of the indicated color for the Cross Stitch:
- peach
- pale pink
- light yellow
- yellow
- blue
- light blue
- brown
- white
Use one thread of the indicated color for Half-Cross Stitch:
- opal ribbon floss

Parts of the diagram are colored in different colors to make the diagram easier to read. The squares in the diagram correspond to the canvas squares. Each Cross or Half Cross is represented by a symbol from the list.
The diagram also shows the parts that are added after the completion of the work with Crosses and Half-crosses.

Cross stitch and half cross stitch first. To start, follow the arrows on the edges of the diagram to find the center. Find the center of the canvas. Find the nearest symbol and make the first stitch in the corresponding canvas square.

Continue making the remaining stitches. The characters lying under the decor lines must be made with the specified stitch completely, and not partially.

Then add decor as described below. Use the number of strands indicated by the number in brackets.

When the Forward and Reverse stitches are listed together, you should use the Forward stitch for single straight lines and the Reverse stitch for all others. Make reverse stitches according to the lines on the diagram.

thin black lines - Brown (1) Straight and Reverse stitch

Thick black lines - Brown (2) Reverse stitch

Thick red lines on wings - Light blue (2) Reverse stitch

Thin red lines on the wings - Light blue (1) Straight stitch

Fine red lines in hair - Golden (1) Reverse stitch

Black.- White (2) French Knot

haloes- Gold (3) and Gold Metallic (2) Drawstring. Lay the strands and threads side by side. Secure in place with Gold Lace(1)


1) Thread the needle, then move the needle to the center of the thread. Tape one end of the thread to the edge of the table. Twist the other end of the thread counterclockwise until the thread begins to curl. Hold the needle with one hand, take the pinned end with the other hand and connect the free ends together. Release the needle and let the thread continue to twist. Adjust the curl to make it look smooth and beautiful. Tie the loose ends together to prevent untwisting.

To sew with Lace, go up through the canvas to one end of the line you will be sewing on. Lay the Lace in a line position and secure it in place with small Straight Stitches using one strand of Golden thread in the needle with the smaller eye. Place stitches every half centimeter.
To finish, pierce the canvas down and tie the string on the wrong side. Cut off the excess.
Repeat the operation as many times as necessary.
