Hydrophobic impregnation for shoes with your own hands. Types of impregnation for fabric and a recipe for making impregnation with your own hands

Not a single trip is complete without good shoes, especially if it is a hiking and mountain trip. Mountain hiking shoes should fix the ankle, not slip, breathe well. In addition, shoes should not get wet for as long as possible, because wet shoes lead to chafing and blisters, are unhygienic, unpleasant and contribute to freezing of the feet, morbidity. First of all, the design of the boots and the quality of their tailoring are important here, but the properties of the water-repellent impregnation applied to the shoes also matter.

We found, in our opinion, a very successful water-repellent impregnation for leather hiking boots. For the impregnation of ordinary city shoes, it is better not to use it, since the impregnation changes the color of the shoe (makes it darker).
Impregnation works well when it is applied in a thick layer (in several layers). Thanks to this impregnation, the shoes remain dry up to 2 weeks after application! How long the impregnation will last on your shoes depends on the weather conditions, the properties of the leather, the quality of the seams, the thickness of the water-repellent impregnation and other factors. In any case, the impregnation will last at least 2 days, after which its water-repellent properties will begin to weaken.

The ingredients and technology for applying water-repellent impregnation is not complicated and accessible to anyone. If you have half an hour of free time, and on the way home it’s not too lazy to go to the pharmacy and a couple of other stores, you can make a water-repellent impregnation for shoes with your own hands with a margin of several months in advance.

Do-it-yourself water-repellent impregnation ingredients, 150 ml, for leather shoes:

  • Castor oil - 120 gr

    You can buy castor oil at any pharmacy. It is sold in bottles of 30 ml. The cost of one bottle is from $0.6. In total, you will need 4 bottles for this ingredient, which is about $ 2.4.
  • The resource will help you find cheaper drugs in the pharmacies of your city: http://www.tabletka.by/

  • Linseed oil - 12 gr

    You can buy linseed oil at any pharmacy. It is sold in bottles of 100-500 ml for $1.5 per 100 ml. You will need only a part of this volume, the remaining oil can be used later, when the water-repellent impregnation with your own hands is over.
  • Turpentine - 12 gr

    Turpentine can be found in the bins of any thrifty Soviet citizen. It is widely used as a solvent for varnishes and paints, as well as in medicine, veterinary medicine, and the chemical industry. If you didn’t manage to get turpentine for free, gum turpentine can be bought at a hardware or hardware store, if you’re lucky, at a pharmacy. The approximate price is $3 per 1000 ml.
  • Wax - 12 gr

    Wax can be found at any beekeeper you know, just ask your friends - there are a lot of natural honey lovers. If you can’t get wax, you can buy it in small quantities in essential oil stores. If such a search was unsuccessful, contact specialized stores for beekeepers to purchase a wax sheet. In addition, beekeepers hand over wax to shops for processing, and you can "intercept" it. Approximate price - $9 per 1000 gr.
  • One purchase of turpentine, wax and linseed oil will last for a long time, only castor oil will have to be periodically bought for a new batch of do-it-yourself water-repellent impregnation. For comparison with store-bought impregnations, the "net" cost of home-made impregnation, with a volume of 150 ml, is about $ 2.7, which is quite inexpensive.

    Now that all the ingredients have been found and bought, it's time to make your own water-repellent impregnation and impregnate our hiking boots.

    During the preparation of the impregnation and its application, you will need:

    • small glass jar (170-180 ml)
    • high accuracy scales
    • saucepan/pot
    • a small amount of water
    • gas or electric stove, if available - an industrial hair dryer, in field conditions - a burner or a fire
    • tassel. It is more convenient to make it from a piece of rag and wire. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty in our potion, the water-repellent shoe polish washes off easily and is harmless to the skin.
    • Do-it-yourself water-repellent impregnation recipe for leather shoes:

      • Pour the contents of 4 bottles of 30 ml of castor oil into a dry and clean glass jar, with a volume of 170-180 ml.
      • Place the jar on a high precision scale. Try to add exactly 12 grams of linseed oil as accurately as possible. For convenience, each time a new ingredient is added, it is necessary to reset the scales (set the current weight of the jar with its contents to zero).
      • Now pour 12 grams of turpentine into the jar.
      • Add crushed wax, weighing 12 gr.
      • Now the water-repellent impregnation for shoes needs to be heated in a water bath until the wax is completely dissolved. To do this, pour water into the pan so that the jar is about 1/3 submerged in water. Boil water and let the jar "cook" a little.
      • Do-it-yourself water-repellent impregnation is ready!
        Let's soak her boots. The ideal conditions for impregnating leather are applying heated impregnation to warm shoes. Water-repellent impregnation is reheated in a water bath before application. Shoes need to be prepared for impregnation: remove the laces, clean them of dirt and dry the surface of the skin. Then the shoes need to be heated with a hairdryer, or from the heat of the fire. Make sure that the heat source is at least 30 cm from the shoes, the shoes are not very hot, the metal elements are not hot. From the action of strong heat, the sole of the shoe may crack, the leather may lose its properties. Therefore, keep your shoes near a heat source only if you can comfortably hold your bare hand from this distance from it.
      • Warm up the shoes evenly on all sides before applying the water-repellent impregnation.
      • Spread all the leather elements of the shoe with a brush or a piece of rag prepared in advance, apply the impregnation at the junction of the seams, the soles with the shoe last, especially in bold. Warm water-repellent impregnation easily flows and fills small holes. Cooling down, the impregnation hardens and clogs the seams.
        Apply the impregnation in a very oily layer. Make sure that the boot continues to be warm during application, and that the impregnation is liquid. After the boots are completely soaked, reheat them and apply another oily layer. We recommend that you apply 2-3 layers of water-repellent impregnation.
      • In hiking conditions, it is not always possible to impregnate boots as ideally as it is written above, but even if you apply hard impregnation with your finger on cold, fairly dry shoes, it will still work, just less efficiently and will not be able to clog the seams qualitatively.

        After applying water-repellent impregnation with your own hands, the boots will darken, the scuffs on them will become almost invisible. If the shoes were not warmed up enough, after drying, whitish streaks from impregnation can be seen. But all this is not important for hiking shoes. The main thing is that the do-it-yourself water-repellent impregnation works and works well, and at the same time the boots continue to breathe.

        Don't get wet on your hikes!

Not only autumn, but also winter are sometimes so wet that our shoes do not cope well with protective functions. And wet shoes are very often the cause of frequent colds. Special impregnation for shoes, made according to folk recipes, will make shoes waterproof and extend their service life.

Even if your feet remain dry, and in the morning you notice white stains on the surface of your shoes, then your shoes need additional water-repellent impregnation, which will increase the wearing life of your favorite pair. You can use industrial products that make the surface of shoes immune to moisture, or you can arm yourself with one of the recipes of our ancestors.

Waterproof shoes - comfort for the feet

All operations must be carried out with clean and dry shoes, because the dust and moisture that fills the pores of leather shoes will prevent any means from penetrating inside and the treatment will be ineffective. The easiest way is to impregnate shoes with petroleum jelly. You can buy it in the pharmacy chain or in the cosmetics department. Rub the surface of the shoes and let the Vaseline soak in, it will make the leather not only water-repellent, but also nourish it well.

One of the most popular recipes is a folk remedy for impregnating shoes based on equal parts linseed oil and mutton fat. To ensure that the components are well connected to each other, the mixture is heated and stirred. Apply it to shoes using soft flannel or wool. Sometimes a small part of turpentine or paraffin is added to the composition of such a shoe polish.

Means for waterproof shoes

The following composition has good waterproof properties. Two hundred grams of drying oil and one hundred grams of rubber glue are added to heated paraffin (50 grams). The mass should be warm, so in the process of mixing, keep it on low heat or a water bath. Add one hundred grams of castor oil and turpentine to a homogeneous mixture, they will increase the elasticity of the shoe. This tool impregnates not only the top of the shoe, but also the sole. To fix the waterproof properties, the shoes need to be dried well and this will take several days. Impregnation with this composition twice a season will be enough for the shoes to continue to be waterproof.

Mix three parts of wax and one part of linseed oil over low heat, apply the warm mixture to the surface of the shoe and polish with a soft flannel. A mixture of two parts of soap and one part of resin has the same property, which is also heated until the components are completely combined and applied with a small brush, but this composition is only suitable for black shoes. If you do not want to mess with all sorts of jars and brushes, then industrial impregnations for shoes are at your service.

Be sure to pay attention to what type of leather they are intended for, impregnations for leather shoes are not suitable for suede. Fats and oils in the composition negatively affect the villi of suede, which spoils. Water-repellent compounds for shoes are mainly produced in the form of sprays - this allows them to be applied simply and efficiently. The film remaining after the product dries is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the skin. Repeat the spray treatment several times, then drying each layer.

Shoe creams wax-based also protect leather surfaces well from moisture. Properly applied cream will allow you to save both shoes and health. Apply wax or cream in an even layer and leave it for about five minutes, then polish the shoes with vigorous movements for a lasting shine - your shoes will always look like new!

The water-repellent properties of leather shoes are lost after several weeks of wearing them. And with the onset of slushy weather, this can cause colds, since the legs need dryness and warmth. Therefore, you need to know how to treat shoes so that they do not get wet, and how to make them waterproof even in the wettest weather.

To do this, there are many factory and folk remedies that very effectively cope with this task.

Why do shoes get wet

Shoes can leak for the following reasons:

Sole defects and repair

Many are interested in the question of what to do if the shoes get wet. When shoes leak, the first thing to check is the sole, as often the cause of wet feet is associated with damage or poor quality. If the sole has defects or poor quality, then in wet weather it is better not to risk your health by wearing such shoes for a walk. It is necessary to carefully examine it, identify defects and take the following measures:

In order not to suffer in the future with the question of how to protect shoes from getting wet, carefully check the quality of the sole and seams when buying.

Suede and leather care

Poor-quality leather allows moisture to pass through quite quickly, so figure out how to soak your shoes from getting wet so that they do not wear out and your feet are dry.


Shoe care can be carried out using special water-repellent compounds for any materials. There are plenty of these funds on the market, and it will be easiest to use them. Impregnation in the form of a spray, a special cream or wax is suitable for the skin. Keep in mind that the emulsion cream will not be able to protect against moisture, so you need to choose an organic product with a high content of oils, wax and fat.

You can use folk remedies that will protect your leather shoes from getting wet.

Instead of a cream for treating skin and seams, castor oil is used.

You can also prepare special mixtures:

  • Recipe #1

Turpentine - ½ tbsp. l.

Fish oil - 4 tsp

Flaxseed oil - 4 tsp

  • Recipe number 2

Wax or paraffin - 1 tsp.

Flaxseed oil - 1 tsp or animal fat and castor oil (1:1).

Flaxseed oil can be replaced with melted animal (goose) fat. It is believed that waterfowl have the most suitable composition of body fat.

Suede and nubuck

Cream and wax for suede will not work. To protect this material from moisture, you need to use special impregnations in the form of a spray, which are made on the basis of waterproof emulsions.

Regardless of the type of material and method of processing, impregnation can only be done on dry and clean shoes 6 hours before going outside. If necessary, the procedure must be repeated regularly, since the water-repellent effect of the spray and wax is not endless.

So that the shoes are worn for a long time and do not get wet, impregnate new shoes with a protective substance. To do this, lubricate and treat them with a suitable agent several times at daily intervals. If the product has ceased to actively absorb the cream, oil or spray, it means that it has been soaked. After a little drying, you can safely go about your business.

Other materials

Purchased water-repellent products are not suitable for leather substitutes and fabrics, since artificial leather does not absorb fat, and it is simply stupid to treat light textile shoes with oil or cream. Although leatherette boots can still be saved.

If leatherette shoes let water through, it means that the sole is damaged or poorly sewn. You already know what to do in these cases: repair it yourself or take it to a workshop, and after repair you can wear it without risk to health.

How to process shoes so that they do not get wet

Protecting shoes from water with special means will extend the life of your boots and boots. Such sprays and creams can be bought at a shoe store. The most effective of them are I:

Proper shoe protection

To ensure maximum protection of shoes from getting wet, you need to correctly apply the appropriate product. . For this you need:

When choosing a cream for winter shoes, pay attention to the amount of fat contained in the composition of the product - they should be at least 40 percent.

  • It is advisable to lubricate the shoes a day before using them.

Creams should be used for leather boots, sneakers and berets. Textiles, nubuck and suede are treated with aerosols.

How to make waterproof shoes at home

Water-repellent (hydrophobic) properties any protective cream is supported in it by the high content of wax and fat. And cheaply purchase or prepare such products at home is not difficult at all. There are some effective and simple recipes to help keep your shoes from getting wet.

Treat leather shoes and boots with petroleum jelly. To do this, you need to lubricate the entire surface of the shoe with this agent, and especially carefully soak all joints and seams.

You can prepare the following composition:

  • Ghee mutton fat and linseed oil - equal proportions.
  • Turpentine - 1/5 of the volume of fat and oil.

All components are mixed and a warm mixture is applied to the boots with a flannelette rag.

Use an effective water-repellent cream that you can prepare at home. To do this, you need to take wax (can be replaced with paraffin) and linseed oil in a ratio of three to one, respectively. Melt the wax, add linseed oil to it, rub the resulting mixture into shoes or boots.

For amplification protective properties rough skin, you can use castor oil. After the procedure of rubbing into the leather material, the shoes must be polished. To increase the water resistance of the product, animal fat can be added.

Beeswax is a great way to protect boots and boots from getting wet. If you add crushed rosin and turpentine to it, then you will get an effective water-repellent cream, which in its protective properties is not much different from factory analogues. To prepare this remedy you will need:

  • Beeswax - 20 gr.
  • Turpentine - 10 gr.
  • Rosin - 50 gr.

Another good recipe from ingredients you already know:

  • Turpentine - 30 gr.
  • Beeswax - 10 gr.
  • Liquid fish oil - 40 gr.
  • Glycerin - 20 gr.

To prepare this shoe cream, you must successively mix turpentine, beeswax and fish oil. Melt the resulting mixture over low heat, and then add the glycerin. Warm cream is applied to leather shoes.

The following method is quite simple and does not require special abilities and improvised materials. Take a white candle and melt it. Spread warm paraffin in a dense layer over the entire surface of the boots or boots, carefully treating the butt joints and seams.

Then turn on the hair dryer and heat up the waxed shoes. Wax under the influence of temperature will begin to melt and fill invisible pores and small holes, which are the reason for water to enter the product.

Preventive measures

In order not to urgently resolve the issue of how to protect shoes from getting wet, you should take the necessary preventive measures immediately after purchase. In stores now you can find a lot of different special tools that differ in composition:

But before using this or that remedy, you need to know the features of applying a cream or spray:

If you stick to these professional advice, as well as use folk home methods, your feet will always be dry and warm, despite the vagaries of the weather.

Attention, only TODAY!

Shoes made of leather or suede under the influence of salt quickly lose their qualities: it is covered with white or grayish stains, an indelible coating. The material from which the shoes are made loses elasticity over time, deforms, shrinks.

In addition, the reagents also affect the seams, corroding not only the skin, but also the threads with which it is sewn - as a result, the shoes begin to “beg for porridge”.

All this significantly reduces the service life of shoes: even expensive and very high-quality shoes that are constantly in contact with wet snow-salt slurry can become unusable in a couple of months.

Therefore, despite the fact that cosmetics for shoes are sometimes not cheap, it is worth spending several hundred rubles to protect shoes from salt.

How to protect leather shoes from salt

New leather shoes are best treated immediately after purchase with a water-repellent agent. You can use special shoe sprays that impregnate the leather, protecting it from moisture and increasing the elasticity of the leather.

Daily care of winter shoes must necessarily include wet cleaning: in order to clean shoes from salt, wash them immediately after returning home, while the reagents have not had time to dry and absorb into the skin.

After washing, the shoes must be dried at room temperature. Drying next to the battery can ruin the skin - it will dry out and become covered with microscopic cracks.

On dried shoes, apply shoe polish, which contains natural wax or animal oils (for example, mink). This will not only add shine to the shoes, but also create a kind of protective film on the surface of the skin that will prevent moisture from penetrating.

Folk water repellents for leather shoes

To protect shoes from reagents, you can also use folk remedies: vegetable oils (sunflower, linseed, olive), fish oil or castor oil. They are applied to clean and dried shoes, and the oils also add shine to the leather and create a water-repellent film. It is better to use oil without a pronounced odor.

Oily creams, such as Baby Cream or nourishing hand creams, can also be used to treat shoes. But they can adversely affect the appearance of shoes: sometimes the use of cosmetics leads to tarnishing of the skin.

Caring for winter suede and nubuck shoes

Shoes made of suede or nubuck are not suitable for warm winters, it is not recommended to walk in wet snow or puddles. But, nevertheless, it is a very popular material for the manufacture of winter and demi-season shoes.

It is more difficult to protect suede shoes from reagents than leather ones, but nevertheless it is possible. For such shoes, special water-repellent impregnations are produced (they should be marked that the product can be used for suede and nubuck products).

Such shoes can be cleaned in soapy water with the addition of ammonia, or using aerosol cleaners. For cleaning, special rubber brushes are used, which can be purchased at shoe stores - they will help clean the shoes from salt and other contaminants.

Do not use wax, vegetable oils or cream to care for suede shoes.

Shoe care in the off-season and in winter is significantly different from the “summer” one: dirt, slush, puddles, sleet, salt and sand that are sprinkled on the paths do not benefit new shoes or boots. Do not rush to get upset - the so-called impregnations will come to the rescue.

Impregnation for shoes is a special composition that forms a protective water-repellent film on the surface of the material (leather, suede, nubuck and even textiles). As a result, water and dirt "roll off", and the shoes remain clean and dry.

Silicone (budget segment), wax, fluorocarbon resins are used as the basis. Also, the products may differ in the form of release: wax, emulsion, foam, spray.

Advantages and disadvantages

Quality impregnations:

  • protect from getting wet;
  • prevent the "eating" of dirt and salt;
  • prevent drying of the skin, make it more elastic;
  • do not weigh down shoes;
  • convenient to use;
  • effective.

A good and properly selected impregnation protects shoes even from a jet of water

At the same time, the list of shortcomings is quite modest:

  • it is necessary to apply impregnations regularly;
  • the compositions have a pungent odor: treat shoes in a well-ventilated place (for example, on a balcony);
  • for a lasting effect, use products designed for specific types of material (leather, suede);
  • do not ignore the manufacturer's instructions.

How to choose and apply impregnation on shoes

First, pay attention to the purpose. For example, a water-repellent impregnation for shoes containing fats is categorically not suitable for suede, and, on the contrary, nourishes natural leather well. If you wear boots made of different materials, then buy a universal composition.

Secondly, choose a convenient format. Impregnations in the form of sprays or foams are in greater demand: the product is distributed evenly over the entire surface, quickly absorbed. Please note that aerosols are consumed faster than impregnations of a thick consistency.

Thirdly, give preference to products from reputable manufacturers, such as Salamander, Salton, Nikwax, KIWI, Collonil.

Step-by-step instructions for applying impregnation

1. Using a sponge / brush, carefully clean the shoes from dry dirt and dust.

2. Wipe with a damp cloth or wash with warm soapy water (for textile variations).

3. Comb the suede with a special brush, gently lifting the pile. If there are greasy, greasy places, use a steam generator.

4. Dry naturally. Alternatively, stuff your shoes or sneakers with paper / newspapers: excess moisture will be absorbed into the filler.

5. When applying impregnation, follow the instructions on the package. Spread the thick mixture with a soft sponge, rub with velvet or a woolen patch. Spray the spray in a thin even layer from a distance of at least 10-15 cm.

For even application, hold the can at a distance of 10-15 cm from the shoes

You need to process shoes not before leaving the house, but in advance. The best option is overnight. It takes at least 6-8 hours for the product to soak the material well.

6. If you are dealing with vulnerable materials (thin leather, suede, nubuck), fix the result - repeat the procedure.

7. Do not use impregnation in conjunction with other compounds. For example, a greasy cream will not allow it to be absorbed well, which means that there will be no proper effect.

Homemade shoe polish recipes

For skin, use plain Vaseline. It protects the surface well from dirt and water. Apply with a sponge in a thin layer, rub, let it completely absorb.

If there is nothing at hand but a wax or paraffin candle, it will do. Rub the shoes, blow with a hairdryer (maximum temperature). The mass will melt and cover the surface with a thin film.

A piece of paraffin wax and a hair dryer will make the boots waterproof

Be careful: for products made of thin leather, this method is not suitable. From hot air it is deformed.

Melt candle wax in a water bath, add linseed oil (3: 1 ratio, respectively). Stir until the mass becomes homogeneous. Apply the cooled, but not frozen (!) mixture with a velvet or woolen patch. Polish thoroughly.

A good effect is given by a mixture of wax, drying oil and turpentine (in a ratio of 2: 1: 1). Melt the wax and, stirring constantly, add the rest of the ingredients. Use warm impregnation.

Melt 50 grams of fat (preferably lamb), add the same amount of linseed oil and 10 ml of turpentine to it. Collect some funds on a woolen cloth, polish the shoes to a shine.

Please note that mixtures containing wax or oils are not suitable for "capricious" suede and nubuck! In this case, use only factory shoe "cosmetics".
