Instructions for a smart girl to solve the problem of deception on the part of a guy. Why is he deceiving me

Are you faced with the fact that your man is constantly deceiving you, are you tired of watching him get out of situations in every possible way, are you tired of lies? So who doesn’t get bored! Therefore, today we will figure out how to understand whether your passion is really deceiving you, why he does it and what is the best thing to do if your boyfriend does not stop lying. You will be able to act thoughtfully, sort everything out and make the only right decision.

So that you can understand why a guy is lying, take note of several reasons:

  1. To the rescue. A man is afraid to tell a woman something, fears for her reaction or attitude to some circumstance. Having lied or failed to finish speaking once, he begins to do it unconsciously again and again. For example, a girl wants children in the near future, the guy agrees, but every year he puts it off until later. It is obvious that he does not intend to start one with you, he is just comfortable with the girl, or he likes her, but he does not want to offend her.
  2. "Peekaboo". This type of lie is characteristic of those who like to exaggerate and embellish reality. Some people most often simply cannot stand discussing serious issues and do not like to talk about their mistakes and admit them.
  3. Unscrupulousness and meanness. The most common option is when a man lies at every turn, big time, maybe even playing a double game. For example, he tells you that he is at work, and at this time he goes on vacation with friends. But what’s even worse is that people with a similar character may not even feel remorse when they come home after meeting another woman.

Psychology experts say that a number of reasons can contribute to deception:

  • problems at work;
  • disrespect or misunderstanding in family relationships;
  • poor relationship with parents;
  • distrust of the partner;
  • lack of confidence in you;
  • fear of getting close to someone.

Many boys who were raised strictly are accustomed to defending themselves from demanding parents. Knowing that they would take some information with hostility, they simply hid it or gave out something completely different.

Others, in order not to further traumatize their woman’s psyche, are accustomed to keeping silent about something. In this case, it turns out that the girl’s excessive emotionality is to blame. There are such character traits in some males, which makes them “take care” of their partner by turning everything around them pink.

If he constantly lies to you, perhaps he doesn't need you at all. We wrote earlier about how to understand this. You can find it here. You will see whether he loves you or is faking it.

Perhaps something happened to your young man, and he does not want to upset his beloved. Be prepared for this situation: we have prepared an article specifically for this about. You will need to pay attention to his behavior and gestures.

What if he is in love with you, but hides his feelings? This can also be regarded as deception. This one.

Don't be discouraged, even if the guy is constantly lying. Try it with our tips. You will learn not to be afraid of them and overcome them.

Read here. You will learn to determine how he feels about you, whether the guy hides his emotions, whether he thinks about you from a distance.

How to expose a liar

To find out if he is cheating, take a closer look at the behavior of your significant other. If a man, when answering your questions, changes the topic and tries to laugh it off, then most likely he is being obfuscated and hiding something. In this case, you need to take it by surprise. Pretend to fall for the trick, continue the conversation along the direction he has set, or laugh in response to his joke. When he relaxes, ask a question that interests you (where he was, what he did). He won't have time to react correctly, and you can catch him in a lie.

The second way to determine deception is to study a man’s gestures and facial expressions during a conversation. The main signs of lying are averting the eyes to the side, indirect gaze, slight trembling in the hands and closed postures. If such nuances are difficult to track, then watch him for several days.

If he is rude to you, perhaps the man is deceiving. This can also be indicated by the fact that the guy hides his phone and has passwords on his computer. If a man has closed himself off from you, he is definitely hiding something.

What to do if a guy is lying to you

Remember that you need to worry only when the young man’s behavior has really changed, if he has become withdrawn and closed himself off from you. If you managed to figure out what prompted him to deceive, then deciding how to correct the current situation is much easier.

If the problems are not that serious, the best way out is a heart-to-heart conversation. There is no need to raise a scandal; under no circumstances should you spoil the nerves of both yourself and your man. You can talk about everything calmly and reasonably. It is important to let him know that you know about the lie, that you understand the reason for it, that you want to fix everything. If a man truly loves a woman and values ​​her, he will meet such an offer with pleasure. So everything will soon get better through joint efforts.

If a man tries to lie blatantly, shamelessly and vilely, the man doesn’t care internal state, then you need to think about whether you need all this? In such cases, the most in an effective way will be the following: take paper and pen, sit at the table and write down everything that is on your soul, do not miss a single detail. Believe me, after rereading your thoughts just once, you will see the solution exciting question. It will become clear to you whether you need to fight for your partner or whether you should take care of your personal well-being.

Listen to what the lie specialist says, very interesting recommendations in this video:

Never panic. Take care of your nerves, because their disorder promises health problems. Emotional outbursts also prevent a woman from soberly assessing the situation.

Men and women reason and think differently. It is because of this that quarrels, misunderstandings and disagreements often arise. And, if your boyfriend is deceiving you, then what to do in this case?

You should not immediately announce the end of the relationship and file for divorce: try to find out the reasons for this behavior and talk to the person.

Lying about your whereabouts

Situations often arise when, when asked where a person was at a certain period, men answer lies and try to get away with stock phrases (“the car broke down,” “I was in a traffic jam,” and so on). After a while, you find out that he was actually spending time with his friend. Of course, at this moment you can feel acute resentment that your significant other is lying.

What to do in such a situation? Don’t rush to panic: it’s quite possible that the guy is simply afraid of your negative reaction to a truthful answer. Some women simply force their significant other to deceive them. In this case, all that remains is not to express obvious disdain for his friends and try to come to terms with the fact that a man’s life is not limited only romantic relationships with you.

Constant embellishment

Often, guys, wanting to please a girl, embellish their merits and attribute non-existent talents to themselves. This is absolutely normal phenomenon for some people, therefore, if the lie is quite harmless and concerns little things, all that remains is to close your eyes to it and, perhaps, play along with your boyfriend.

If embellishments go beyond all limits, and friends begin to laugh at the guy, talk to him in private, gently point out this feature. Under no circumstances should you express all this in general company: this can simply ruin the relationship between you!

Pathological lies

Most Hard case if the guy constantly cheats. This can happen out of the blue and for no reason at all; such people live in a world that they themselves invented. In this case it takes place psychological problem which needs to be resolved together with a specialist.

If relationships are important to you, try to talk with your loved one and make sure to sign up for a session with a psychologist. Otherwise, the only way out of this situation is separation.

Deception in a dream

If in a dream you see that a young man is deceiving you, do not rush to worry about this: most likely, this is something that will soon be forgotten. However, if such a vision periodically haunts you, it may be worth sorting out your relationship with your boyfriend.

Such a dream may indicate that you are too picky about your significant other. Try to become more tolerant of your man’s shortcomings, support him and learn to trust.

How to spot deception

How can you tell if a guy is cheating? First of all, it is recommended to pay attention to his facial expressions and postures. Here are several phenomena that may indicate that a person is disingenuous:

  • constantly crossing your arms or crossing your legs;
  • touching the tip of the nose with your fingers;
  • tie manipulation;
  • unbuttoning and fastening buttons on clothing.
In addition, a man may look away from you, and the timbre of his voice often changes. Another sign is the presence of a wide smile, the so-called friendly grin. This can be a direct indicator of insincerity, since bare teeth are considered a sign of aggression and self-defense.

Of course, if you notice these gestures, you should not immediately think: my boyfriend is deceiving me. You should always listen to your own intuition, in addition, some men are very good at hiding their feelings and true intentions: In this case, it is quite difficult to recognize deception.

A clear sign of deception is secrecy in behavior, changing your habits. If a person has something to hide, he will probably hide his phone and other personal belongings from his beloved.

If a man feels that his deception is about to be discovered, his behavior pattern changes radically: he may begin to snap at his partner, go on the offensive, or, on the contrary, become overly caring and affectionate in order to disguise his guilt. However, one should suspect a lie only if a person’s behavior has really changed: sometimes a person by nature is simply secretive and withdrawn, in this case one should not invent unnecessary things.

A monogamous man is a man who deceives only the woman he loves.
Don Aminado

What to do in case of fraud

If you are absolutely sure that the young man is hiding something from you or the deception has been completely revealed, do not rush to create a scandal and pack your things. Here are some tips to help you save your relationship or protect yourself and loved one from unnecessary worries.

  1. Try to understand the reasons for deception. It is necessary to analyze what caused the lie. There is a so-called white lie, for example, to preserve a relationship. The guy said he doesn’t smoke, but did you notice him doing this? Most likely, he simply decided not to upset you. Remember: you should only be offended for serious reasons (for example, when you cheat).
  2. Accept for yourself suitable solution . If a guy is cheating, you should think about what would be the ideal solution for you. Keep in mind that the guarantee of preservation healthy relationships- ability to find a compromise. The solution must suit both parties. For example, a guy spends a lot of time with a friend, but he deceives you and does not pay due attention. Offer to meet in a common company or determine the order of meetings.
  3. Have an honest conversation. Competent negotiations are an important part of conflict resolution. It is important to confidently tell your partner that you know about his lies, tell him what exactly the deception consists of. During the conversation, be sure to provide several facts: otherwise, the person will have the opportunity to manipulate and find excuses, to avoid direct answers.
  4. Explain to your interlocutor his offense. Tell him that lying does not lead to anything good, that you are unpleasant about his behavior. Invite him to apologize and offer a way out of this problem.
  5. If a person begins to promise that this will not happen again, perhaps should give him a second chance. Offer him an option that will suit both parties, this will help you rise in the eyes of your partner. Most likely, he will no longer want to deceive you.
Remember that a quarrel with scandals will not lead to a resolution of the conflict, but will only delay loving people. That is why it is not recommended to raise your voice or break into tears when talking.

Video: What are guys lying about?


Thus, a way out of almost every deception and subsequent conflict can be found. The main thing is to understand the reasons for such an act: it is quite possible that the guy did not want to offend you at all. To forgive or not to forgive serious things (for example, betrayal or a crime) is up to you. In any case, you should remember that by depriving a person of a chance to improve, you are depriving yourself of a future with someone who is close to you.

Women and girls often complain that a guy constantly lies. More often than not, this is not even a lie, but an exaggeration on the part of a man, but not every girl is ready to forgive a guy or a beloved man even this. Let's look at why a man lies to a woman and how to deal with it.

Why is this happening

If a man is lying, you should find out the reasons for such male tactics, then his motives will become clear and it will be possible to plan further actions. The reason may be quite deep.

It may be that when a man lies, he is simply showing a defensive reaction learned from childhood. It is possible that as a child he was required to give a detailed account of every step, was not left alone for a minute, and was severely punished for any little things.

Later, he realized that when he lies about little things, he is questioned less, and that any events can be embellished and made the way the questioner wants them to be. Such behavior for a guy can become a permanent pattern of behavior when he lies subconsciously. American psychologists believe that absolutely all people always lie - to others or to themselves.

How to spot a lie

When a guy lies, his subconscious clearly knows about it, and it can be quite difficult to hide it. Psychology identifies the following gestures that will help you recognize when a man is deceiving a woman:

  • A posture in which the hands are in the pockets may suggest that the man is lying.
  • Another type of gesture is touching your face, neck, shoulders, trying to cover your mouth with your palm.
  • Vague emotions, such as grinning, tenseness and shrugging, twitching.
  • Worry about appearance during a conversation, adjusting clothes.
  • The man hides details, answers uncertainly, and repeats the same things.

But you shouldn’t immediately conclude that the man is lying, since you can understand that this is really so only by taking into account individual characteristics person. Some men always behave this way around women – insecure and confused.

In addition, having discovered that something is wrong, you should not immediately call with hysterics young man and bring down a barrage of accusations and evidence on him. Most likely, the young man will not even listen to the end of the hysteria about “how bad he is, but they trusted him.”

How to react correctly

Having found out why he might do this, let's consider how to behave with a guy or man who is used to constantly lying. First of all, don’t look to your friends for advice. Everyone lies at least once in their life, but when they hear about the sins of others, they act as strict judges. Their advice is unlikely to change anything, but the dirty laundry will be washed out of the house, as the famous saying goes, and your loved one may be known as a person who often lies.

If a man constantly strives to deceive, you should not become for him something like a mother, controlling every step. In this case, men are guided by only one instinct: mother will forgive everything.

This approach leads to the fact that guys lie in the same way as they lied, and constant scandals They will only build an insurmountable wall between you. To do everything right, solve the problem step by step.

Convince the man that you yourself are not lying, and you want reciprocity in this regard. If a guy constantly lies, you need to make it clear to him that these omissions make your relationship worse, and that the bitter truth will always be better than the sweetest lie. Someday the lie will still be revealed. Remember what to do if a guy is used to lying, something won’t work out at lightning speed.

Is it worth exposing lies?

In most cases, the psychology of such lies is harmless and you should not react to it as if it were the end of the world. If, while figuring out whether he is lying, you definitely found affirmative arguments, try to judge them correctly.

For example, you found an amount of money that you didn’t know about. It is possible that he just wanted to give a gift. Psychological side the question is that constant reproaches you will only provoke him to become even more closed, and he understands this too.

Besides, catching him in a lie will hurt him. male pride. A male psyche It's very hard for him to bear it. The best option for girls it will be to turn this lie into a joke after some time. So she will be convinced that she was right, and male feelings they will not be harmed.

Little lies

Women's experiences and suspicions can sometimes be caused by the most harmless exaggeration. Girls believe that a person who lies about small things will lie on a larger scale.

In fact, the opposite happens. A person you can rely on in any situation, even the most difficult. life situation, is absolutely honest and sincere, but in small things he likes to exaggerate somewhat. From a psychological point of view, most men tend to exaggerate their achievements and successes, downplaying failures, and no advice can help here.

Perhaps he is trying to be more successful in the eyes of his other half, exaggerating his achievements. Accept this as a manifestation of his love and desire to be better, more successful, smarter, more beautiful for you. In this case, you cannot compare him with your colleagues or friends, since his pride will simply be trampled and not a single psychologist’s advice will help resolve the issue.

If all else fails

It also happens that not a single request or exhortation has any effect on a person. He admits that this is impossible, understands all the hints about his dishonesty, but systematically continues to do the same thing.

If lying becomes a serious obstacle to your relationship, you will have to start a dialogue. This should be a dialogue about how the relationship is in limbo and there is no reason to lie. But in no case should one proceed to reproaches and list all cases of deception.

Explain that you have a normal attitude towards meeting with friends, do not pretend to fully transfer your salary to the general budget and are ready to accept him as he is, so that he does not invent incredible stories about problems at work or downplayed his earnings.

When the chosen one realizes that there really is no reason to lie, his behavior may change. Also, as a lesson, you can try to behave similarly. Lie about something about which he knows the truth, doing it openly and confidently. Then he will be in your place and will be able to understand the emotions experienced.

How to choose the right approach

It should not be ruled out that lying is a consequence of banal indifference. Excluding this option is already a lie to yourself. If there are suspicions that the young man does not nourish old feelings, it’s worth talking about it - calmly and without hysterics. Burdening each other with an unwanted alliance is highly undesirable.

If the fantasies, exaggerations and fables of the chosen one are innocent in nature, you should not even worry about this. Exaggerating the size of a fry once caught while fishing or giving one’s former qualities a heroic connotation is completely normal behavior.

But a serious and major lie, which can set you up and seriously mislead you, is a real reason for a serious conversation and posing the issue head-on, since no behavior should become a wedge between loving people.

In men and women different nature, this has been known to everyone for a long time, but, unfortunately, based on this knowledge, conflicts have not decreased. Often different sexes It’s impossible to agree on anything, they worry and suffer from it and eventually break up.

But there are different situations, those that have reasons for conflict or not, those that are sufficient for separation or not. Very often this is caused by lies on the part of a man. If you look at the depth of the situation, then men tend to deceive, lie or conceal. But again, the situations and reasons why they do this are so varied that deciding what to do as a result is a rather delicate matter.

To begin with, before you start making a decision about a future relationship, you need to figure out how to understand that a man is lying. If you suspect that he is not sincere, you should try just talking to him about it. Of course, if he is hiding something serious, this may force him to be more vigilant and cautious, and then it will be even more difficult for the woman to get to the bottom of the truth.

But, nevertheless, trying to talk is the most correct thing in such a situation, the main thing is not to go too far. It is worthwhile to plan the necessary conversation well, and if it was not possible to get intelligible answers from the man, pretend that this issue is not being focused on.

A man is most likely lying if, instead of trying to explain something, he reduces everything to a joke and changes the topic of the conversation, or if he explains something very confusingly. Questions and the moment for conversation should be unexpected so that he does not prepare for them in advance.

In this case, the circumstances should be quite comfortable, if the omission is not significant - this will help the man relax and, perhaps, tell the woman everything. During such a conversation, it is important for a woman to monitor the man’s gestures and facial expressions. Some elements and movements may involuntarily indicate that a person is lying or hiding something.

In addition to these more obvious signs, there are also those that can simply be tracked in the process of daily life. If suddenly a man suddenly becomes secretive and taciturn, puts away his phone when a woman approaches him, or sets secret passwords everywhere, then most likely he has something to hide.

There are also two models of defensive behavior when a person is lying. In men they are expressed by aggression and excessive attention. That is, when a man feels guilty, he begins either to react sharply, “with hostility” to his woman, or to surround her with care that is absolutely unusual for him, thus compensating for his deception. But conclusions should be drawn only if the man’s behavior has really changed, and has not always been like this. For example, if he himself is quite reserved, then you should not think that this is some new trait in his behavior.

There are also such rare cases, when a man does not feel guilty for his lies and, accordingly, it is very difficult for a woman to reveal the deception, most likely such a man simply does not care about the woman who is next to him. But in any case, before judging what it is, it is worth understanding the situation and trying to understand the reasons for his deception.

If a man cheats or lies, what should you do? And indeed, the most correct answer to this question is to figure it out. Don’t decide rashly, don’t start a scandal, but first try to understand why he’s doing this. Most women immediately think that if a man lies, it means he is cheating, but these are far from identical concepts. There are many more reasons for lying.

Such examples include the so-called “white lie.” This type of deception implies that the man is worried about his woman, does not want to upset her, or this does not concern him at all, but one of his friends or some circumstances.

At the same time, he may not lie, but, for example, not finish telling some information. A man in such a situation may think that his actions are aimed at good. As a rule, if such a lie comes to light, the problems that have arisen can be resolved during an ordinary heart-to-heart conversation, naturally, if such circumstances do not recur constantly.

Most often, it is the same motivation that underlies deception over trifles, concern for a partner, reluctance to discuss any problems, failures or mistakes, etc.

In such cases, men often lie, exaggerate, etc. Of course, when a man constantly lies about little things, it’s worth taking a closer look, perhaps he is deceiving a woman in the same way on a big scale, but here a woman needs to be careful, she can blame her loved one without any reason. If we are talking about minor exaggerations and small deceptions, then it is best to put up with them. It’s sad to admit, but it’s natural for men to cry, just as it’s natural for women to cry.

The deep basis of these phenomena lies in the fact that men are accustomed to exaggerate facts, and women - emotions. This is why men lie and women cry, and, unfortunately, nothing can be done about it. These are partly interrelated phenomena. That is, because of some event, a woman gets upset and cries, and a man, in order to avoid further tears, lies.

Further, if the deception is revealed, the woman again becomes upset and cries. Thus, events continue in a circle until someone breaks it. But, as a rule, instead of eliminating problems, one of the partners simply breaks off the relationship, not seeing or not wanting to see another way out. Or such relationships last a lifetime, fueled in the future by even greater deception on the part of the man and suffering on the part of the woman. This is a standard model of behavior for most modern couples.

At the core male lies, besides him natural qualities, education plays a certain role. If in childhood there were many restrictions and punishments, then it was easier to lie and avoid them than to tell the truth. And this stereotype is clearly ingrained in their consciousness.

And if a woman behaves according to psychological type, like “mommy” and similar real parents pesters a man, he involuntarily begins to lie to her. Such children's complexes certainly affect the relationship as a whole, and it is best to resolve them with the help of a psychologist.

There are also cases when a man has a constant need to deceive, this is accompanied by constant problems not only at home, but also at work. In such a situation, the desire to deceive turns into a pathology, which cannot be solved even with the help of a psychologist, but it is necessary to contact specialists in this profile.

And only with their help and faith in success is it possible to overcome this disease. There is also not pathological lying in itself, but deception based on pathologies or addictions. For example, if a man has bad habit smoking or playing in the Casino, and because of this he lies. In this case, you should also contact specialists, but prerequisite it must be his desire to get rid of it.

Naturally, there are very often situations when lies are associated with betrayal; this is the circumstance that frightens women most of all. What to do in this situation is a personal matter for everyone. But psychologists believe that a one-time betrayal is a consequence of the behavior of both partners, and does not necessarily entail further ones, that is, if a woman is ready to make contact after such an event, then it is quite possible to restore the partners’ trust in the future.

If deception is repeated many times for the sake of betrayal or some kind of addiction, then it is best to break off such relationships completely. In this case, it will be optimal if a woman expresses all her emotions and feelings (preferably calmly) so as not to experience them within herself.

In any case, each situation and each deception of a man is individual, so a woman should start by finding out the reasons and circumstances and discussing the problems, and then relying on her internal sensations, make the final decision.


Pay attention to how the person speaks. The speech of one who deceives can be saturated a huge amount facts that are not directly related to the topic of conversation. By giving meaningless details, they want to make you believe what they are talking about.

If a person repeats your question before answering, this indicates that he wants to gain time. He needs it in order to come up with a “plausible” answer to asked question.

Regard constant jokes instead of a direct answer as an attempt to hide reliable information and an unwillingness to tell you the truth.

Pay attention to how the voice sounds. Typically, for people who cheat, it sounds higher and louder than usual, and their speech speeds up. The body itself can also tell a lot. The one who lies has his arms and legs crossed on their own. Most often this is an uncontrollable phenomenon. A person who deceives has practically no gestures. He keeps her under control. Once he starts gesticulating, it will be difficult for him to continue lying.

In a person who deceives, emotions appear with a certain delay. This is due to the fact that he is focused on his own and only superficially follows the conversation.

If you suspect a person of lying, look at him point blank and state quite firmly that you doubt the sincerity of what was said. Or react ironically to what you hear and try to interrupt the dialogue several times unexpected questions. Such actions will help you understand the sincerity of a person, and you will be able to more confidently identify the fact of a lie.

Another hallmark of a lying person is that when talking to you, he touches his nose or face too often. Also, frequent coughing while looking to the side indicates deception. The person feels like he is deceiving you. And so he tries to keep his hands busy and pass the time to figure out how to do it more believably.

A deceiving woman fusses a lot, constantly adjusting her clothes and shaking off specks of dust that are visible only to her. Suddenly, in the middle of a conversation, he may begin to preen himself, adjusting his hair or makeup.

When a man cheats, he may scratch his nose, touch his face all the time, open his mouth slightly, or, conversely, compress his lips tightly. Excitement and tension are felt in speech, the tone of voice can change sharply without visible reasons. Often a cheating man will mark time, or make some backward movements, as if trying to hide.


  • How to understand that you are being deceived?
  • How to understand that you are being deceived? How do men lie? How do women lie?

Women try to establish a relationship trusting relationship. They see men as support and support, rely on them, expecting support in return. And many overly frivolous representatives of the stronger sex take advantage of this. They deceive their other half, realizing that they are completely trusted. And yet they remain unpunished for a long time.


A man skilled in deception is not so easy to expose. But there are still enough signs by which you can understand that your partner is not very reliable. And the very first of them is failure to fulfill what was promised. A man who doesn't take relationships seriously lies about everything, even in small things. He will promise to buy bread and forget about it. He will say that he will return from work at seven in the evening, and will arrive after midnight. He will offer to spend the weekend together and disappear without explanation. All these actions very clearly show that the man does not value relationships. He is indifferent to a woman’s feelings, he considers himself practically free, and is hardly ready for family relations. You shouldn't try to build something serious with such a man. He is only suitable for the role of a visiting lover during the absence of a truly reliable and honest partner.

The second sign of that is his imaginary forgetfulness. Human, teller of lies, doesn't remember it. And if there are a lot of lies, a man will definitely get confused. And then he can be caught. If some conversation or fact has raised doubts, you can return to it after some time, for example, in a week. If new details begin to emerge, the story is very different from the previous one, most likely the man is deceiving. If this is not an isolated case, it is worth thinking about whether a relationship is needed in which there is no responsibility to the partner.

You can tell that a man is deceiving by his facial expressions. Shifting eyes, looking at the floor, hands in pockets or crossed over the chest - all these are signs that the partner is not completely frank. This can be found out more accurately by continuing the conversation on a topic that is unpleasant to him. If he got angry, left, stopped talking, it means he’s definitely hiding something.

A man's lack of desire to discuss serious issues - further relations, feelings, inattentive listening, disinterest in the opportunity to get to know a woman better through her hobbies and hobbies - all this indicates that the man is not in the mood for a long-term relationship. And this, most likely, means that he will consider himself entitled to deceive. When a man doesn’t care about a woman, he simply doesn’t think about it, forgets what he promises, changes his plans without consulting her. Sometimes he deceives unconsciously, simply not understanding how important his words are to his other half. This frivolity of a man may be temporary - for initial stage relationships. Or maybe constant, being one of the properties of his character. It is very important to recognize this as early as possible in order to decide in time whether to continue this relationship.
