Italian as she is - everything about Italy. Italians

Italian once: without makeup and embellishment.
About Italian ideal beauty

Only there is no such thing! By at least, monotonously uniform. The canons of beauty in Italy are like delicacies - each locality has its own. For example, in the south, being overweight is a sign of wealth, so on the beach there are solid local chubby chicks, donuts and Rubensian beauties. Who has been struggling with his entire adult life? overweight and recovering from an apple core will understand how beneficial it is for self-esteem to relax in the south of Italy! Closer to the north, on the contrary, fashion magazines strongly recommend having a toned butt and a trained figure. That's why beautiful Milanese bravely go to the gym during their lunch break. I'm wondering if they have lunch afterwards? Do they buy Panino?

We've sorted out the figure, let's look at ways to upgrade your appearance: manicure-pedicure (m/p), hairstyle and makeup.

The vast majority do not have a manicure as such. Apparently, emancipated Italian women considered that manicure was a relic of demonic times, when a woman was interesting to a man as an accessory. Therefore, among contemporaries we see peeling varnish, as a rule, life-affirming red or fatal plum colors. And many people have their nails bitten right down to the meat, although it’s mostly young girls who are guilty of this. It is extremely rare to come across ladies with fresh manicure And long nails. For a wedding, almost everyone makes you a French jacket. I haven’t seen any of them with extended nails in all the time I’ve been living in Milan. In general, for every day, native women prefer short, unpainted nails, making a nod towards naturalness.

Many people get a pedicure in the summer, but not everyone has well-groomed feet. This situation made me think that maniures and pedicures are simply not accepted among them; in Moscow, for example, even the most inconspicuous hairdresser has its own hairdresser, but in Milan you still have to look for it, and this pleasure is not cheap.

But here the number of hairdressing salons is amazing. female soul population. And for good reason: Italian women’s hair is chic and gives room for imagination. However, this latter categorically refuses to fly. Unlike Japanese women, Italians do not strive to become blondes at any cost, preferring more sophisticated methods such as highlighting or coloring. Many people wear long hair, but few people do their hair every day. Only old women, sorry, elderly respectable gentlemen (and it’s hard to call them old ladies) sport neat gray hair. They also boldly use bright lipstick, as opposed to young girls and women who either do not use war paint at all, or who prefer to focus on their eyes.

Slavic women paint themselves more, better and more carefully, while in Italy, and throughout Europe, they give preference to a healthy appearance and naturalness. The latter is also manifested in the fact that some people do not bother with hair removal... and do not abuse deodorants. And the noble local knights do not at all reproach their ladies for such omissions, attributing everything to Mother Nature.

And now I take advantage of such connivance with impunity and have not painted my nails for a long time - I have a lot of free time. But I’m not ready for the rest yet.

Italian two: earrings in the ears - two balls!
About the love of decoration...

Now I’ll quickly sketch out three pictures for you: twenty-year-old Italian women prefer baubles or earrings with pendants, thirty-year-olds willingly wear a Tiffany bracelet with a heart and a massive watch, and older ladies lovingly adorn themselves with massive gold items. Maybe they adopted this manner from Muslim immigrant women: if the husband decides to divorce, then the wife must leave as is, so they stock up? It's a crisis...

But jokes aside. In fact, Italian women love accessories and use them skillfully. Whether it's a silk scarf, an elegant brooch or a multi-tiered necklace - it's always a pleasure to look at. Sometimes you even want to stop and study everything properly. Does this happen to anyone or am I the only quietly crazy person in the world? Although sometimes, however, they go overboard in my opinion, for example, wearing jewelry made of both white and yellow gold.

Shoes cause a special awe among Italian women. Of course, it’s apparently in their DNA. What did you want from a country shaped like a boot with a heel? And the inability to buy a coveted pair of shoes is a sacrifice that you can make for the sake of, say, love for your child. No, you heard right: once on the subway I met a very wealthy woman. married couple with two small children, and we started talking about nurseries, nannies and kindergartens. That's how I found out that the signora would never give her crumbs to kindergarten and prefers to deny himself an extra pair of shoes every month, but pay a full-time job for their nanny. What is called, compare the incomparable....

On high heels They walk little (and sometimes ineptly), preferring more practical shoes with small heels or ballet flats. Moreover, the latter are especially popular: they are worn even with winter down jacket. And I swear, sometimes it looks good! In general, Italian women are masters of creating an image, if, of course, they give themselves the trouble...

By the way, if the motto “support” applies to shoes here domestic manufacturer", then in the bag business the Italians have long lost the palm to their sworn friends and the main competitors in terms of chic-brilliance-beauty, namely, the French with their timeless Louis Vuitton. The metro, trams, trains, cafes and restaurants are full of branded and not so brown handbags. This is a signature occupation!

Do you like the way Italian women look?

I was considering Italian women for you
Anna Chertkova

Italian women. What are they?

Italian girls, Italian women...
Of course they are different, generations differ from each other, just like social circles, everyday life from fun Friday parties and special occasions.
So what are they?

Let's start with clothes.
Italians are terrible rag-pickers; they cannot live without shopping, just like without a morning cup of espresso. Sales were invented especially for them; I am sure that no other people waits for seasonal discounts as much as the residents of the Apennines. There are also outlets - entire towns consisting of shops, restaurants and cafes. This a whole science and Italians have succeeded quite well in it.

Black trousers are a must-have wardrobe item. black dress And beautiful coat. Everything else just complements them! Of course, we will send a couple of blouses and shirts there too, to must be light colors, the last couple of Hogans, beautiful belt and the obligatory jeans. Well, of course, riding boots (where would we be without them?), and several beautiful bags and handbags. Italian women are very feminine, that's what they are New Year's Eve, despite the frost, they wear shoes, a cocktail dress and a flirty boa. They were the first to wear T-shirts with dropped shoulders. Such is the strength of the local mentality, but here they like to be sexy. All this is a little exaggerated, a little exaggerated, a little too much, but don’t forget that we are in the south! That’s why the edges are slightly blurred, that’s why there’s lurex, and sequins, and long earring falls on one side...
They love the so-called multi-layered clothing, so that there are straps, second ones, then a tunic, and on top a light cardigan, and all this is selected by color, texture, and on top is complemented by an elegant scarf to match. In short, they don’t really like simple cut in clothes; they prefer complex, asymmetrical things. Just like complex color combinations, they prefer one tone.

The most ordinary casual reigns in everyday life; it is normal, practical and convenient.

The most spectacular are women aged 50 to 65, this is the same “old school” who grew up watching Fellini’s films and whose ideal has always been the incomparable Sophia Loren. Cigarette trousers, simple but very high-quality and expensive pumps and an elegantly thrown mink coat...styled hair and the diamond constellation of the Dogs on the fingers. This is not uncommon, it is reality.

Every respectable Italian woman has a whole closet of shoes and that’s the minimum.

For every day, this is again unconditionally casual - ballet flats, sneakers and, lo and behold! even ugg boots. Well, if it comes to evening dress, then stilettos certainly reign here. You can see them wearing open sandals with thin heels at any time of the year, regardless of the weather. Because it's bellissimo, and beauty requires sacrifice.
This is probably why most of the famous houses that produce shoes come from Italy.

Personal care. Appearance
Things are a little sadder here. Let's start with the fact that the age of the average Italian woman in comparison with their Russian competitors should be calculated based on the fact that here in Italy everyone seems to be ten years younger, hence the attitude towards their appearance. Will explain. If a girl is 30, then she dresses and looks like she’s 20, but if she’s 40, then we subtract ten years again and get a 30-year-old coquette, and so on until she’s old. Indeed, Italians look much younger than their European sisters, maybe pasta plays here important role, maybe the climate, but most likely all this taken together plus a cheerful temperament and lifestyle.

The only BUT is that, be that as it may, skin care must be started earlier, so rarely does a 30-year-old girl use anti-aging creams, let alone twenty-year-olds.
Thus, expensive “aging” creams are mainly used by seniors over 50, which is not always correct. As the Italian proverb says, it is better to prevent than to fight, but alas, this opinion does not apply to skin care.
There is one more, but very big BUT, which I didn’t write about right away, you get so used to it that it’s somehow not even noticeable. This is a craze for solariums in particular and tanning in general. Of course, this does not add any additional benefits to the skin, rather it takes away.

But Italians have one wonderful thing and very important advantage. It's their hair! Shiny, well-groomed and well-cut, they fall in heavy waves onto fragile shoulders.
Her hair is taken care of a lot, often, and almost every week a self-respecting Italian woman goes to her hairdresser for styling. Again, do not forget that southern women hair is much thicker, stronger and grows faster and we will never achieve naturally such "luxury".

Well, everything here is very stereotypical, everything is exactly as we imagine them. There are a lot of decorations, big, bright, each outfit has something different, but again all this is in the evening. During the day, discreet rings or a small diamond on the neck, that’s it!

Oh, I completely forgot to say about this one important accessory, How Sunglasses! This is simply a must-have for all Italians; they wear it often (depending on the weather conditions!), with pleasure, and have at least three or four pairs in their assortment. Thank God, the fashion for ugly narrow horizontal glasses with diopters has passed; five or six years ago they “decorated” the faces of every second resident of Italy and it was not always beautiful, and sometimes simply ugly.
And of course, endless bags, handbags and clutches, and scarves, scarves...a sea of ​​scarves!

Have you noticed how slim most of them are? Did you notice?! And all because they go to the gym for fitness, cardio, and very often to the pool. This passion becomes even more intense during the New Year/Easter holidays, then the fight against extra pounds they come out, no, even the laziest ones rather run out.

Here are the main points in the description of modern Italian women, but in general they are very sociable, cheerful, cheerful and love to have a good time, both with girlfriends on Fridays in pizzerias/bars/discos, and with boyfriends on Saturdays in romantic restaurants on the coast.

Suddenly you met a girl of unknown age, slender, constantly laughing and with a shock of hair. gorgeous hair? Make no mistake, it's Italian!

In addition to outstanding designers, gastronomic delights and Celentano, there are local beauties. Italians are considered the most beautiful women in the world - history has many examples of this. Feminine forms, passionate temperament, sensuality in its original sense - the title of sex symbols goes to these sultry ladies without a fight.

Today, one of the most famous Italian actresses, Monica Bellucci, turns 53 years old. On the occasion, ELLE decided to remember the bright beauties of Italy, at the sight of which men lose their heads.

The title of the main sex symbol of our time belongs to the Italian Monica Bellucci. Bright appearance actresses with the face of an angel and the body of a sinner continue to inspire directors to endless interpretations of the theme of “abused beauty.” Bellucci managed to embody a whole gallery of such images - from Mary Magdalene to a street prostitute. At the same time, despite its classical, universal beauty, the actress is in demand primarily in the arthouse genre.

An Italian with an admixture of Estonian blood is the embodiment of a beauty atypical for her native land. Fragile figure Blue eyes, shock wheat hair– even for Italy, Muti’s appearance seemed exotic. The most amazing thing is that time still has no power over her: Ornella Muti is a real beauty even at 62 years old. What is the secret - genes or spaghetti? All that remains is to guess and envy in silence.

A native of Italy, her universal popularity largely owes to her genes. And although the actress’s dramatic talent is not in doubt (the star has received awards from all major film festivals), Lauren went down in history primarily as a symbol of beauty, in the context of which the actress’s name became a household name. The image of a movie star gave rise to a global craze: men worshiped Lauren, and women tried to imitate her. Curvy, violet eyes, full lips– millions of admirers fell victim to the beauty of Sophia Loren, while her heart belonged to her one and only husband, film producer Carlo Ponti.

The fact that Gina Lollobrigida played the main roles in the films “The Most beautiful woman in the world" and "Notre Dame Cathedral" speaks for itself. Wasp waist, graphic eyebrows, slanted eyes– no exaggerated forms, only perfect symmetry. The film star was unconditionally recognized as the standard of beauty of her time and a brilliant actress. The luxurious brunette had the opportunity to compete for the title of sex symbol with only one of her contemporaries - but it’s not a sin to compete with such a one!

One of the most desirable Italian women of all time, Claudia Cardinale, was not born in Italy, but in Tunisia. But ignorance native language(Claudia spoke French) did not prevent the actress from becoming an Italian film star and muse of maestro Fellini. It is also surprising that such a beautiful woman did not have stormy affairs with her filming partners, as often happens, and rejected Alain Delon himself.

Bianca Balti

The fruit of love between an Italian and an Azerbaijani woman is a burning mixture, both men and women state, looking at the glossy photographs of top model Bianca Balti. The beauty exudes electricity with just one look from her azure blue eyes. It is not surprising that the Sicilian duo Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana engaged the beauty as soon as she appeared on the modeling horizon.

Bianca Balti for Dolce & Gabbana

For example, Madonna considers herself a real Italian. Paying tribute to her Italian heritage, the all-time American pop star declares with some pride: “I gesticulate a lot, I cry a lot, I’m very emotional, I have a disgusting temperament, and I like beautiful shoes... Just like a real Italian." Is she right?

If the stereotype of a typical Italian is a real Latin lover, macho, loud and talkative, in love with football and own mother, then what is a real Italian?

Let's remember the movies of the sixties: they taught us that most Italian women dark hair, Brown eyes, cellulite strategically in the right places and tan all year round. But in some central and northern regions of Italy - yes, to be honest, even in hot Sicily - there are blonde-haired and blue-eyed Italian women. And, for example, in Tuscany, local women are much slimmer than their compatriots from, say, Naples. And Milanese women take better care of themselves than residents of the capital Rome.

For many of us the most common type real Italian is a woman in the style of Gina Lollobrigida, Sophia Loren and Monica Bellucci: average height, with dizzying shapes, with a magnificent bust and steep hips (the result of round-the-clock consumption of pasta), dark eyes and hair, cheerful, reckless, sensual and... with a pronounced maternal instinct. The main habitat of these seductive Amazons is the south of Italy.

It would never even occur to anyone to imagine an Italian woman with blond hair, boyish figure and reserved manners. And if a girl with golden curls is suddenly born in Italy, she immediately ends up in the Guinness Book of Records. Those unfortunates who are already in adolescence They cannot boast of a fourth breast size, as required by law.

But jokes aside: after all, in Cineccita (local film studios) of the 60s it was possible to make a career only thanks to your figure " hourglass"Even now, Italian actresses were able to make their way to Hollywood only thanks to the fourth bust size made in Italy. But in Italy there are other women who are not at all similar to those that we are used to seeing on our silver screens. After all, if you believe the cinema In fact, the States are populated entirely by tall, slender and fit blondes. But already at the New York airport we are faced with severe disappointment: many American women urgently need the help of a nutritionist.

Another stereotype - and it applies especially to northern Italian women - says that the true daughter of Bel Paese is a refined young lady, a kind of fashion victim, obsessed with the beauty of her own hair. You cannot envy these women, because on their fragile shoulders, chiseled thanks to many hours of training in the gym, lies the honorable mission of supporting the prevailing opinion throughout the world that Italians are the most elegant women in the world.

And their main occupation, of course, besides diligently visiting the already mentioned gym, is searching for a handbag to match the new shoes and lipstick to match the new, hitherto unprecedented shade of chestnut highlights. Yes, I almost forgot, such an Italian will never leave the house without vintage sunglasses, even if it's raining with hail, even if it’s night outside, and even if she only needs to take three steps to the Smart car parked outside the house. After all, if you believe Italians of other types, their compatriots prefer “Smarts” to this modification and drive their bugs very belligerently.

But the most common type of Italian woman is woman mother. These Italian women didn’t care about newfangled diets, because they feel great in their bodies and are manically obsessed with food. Of course, considering the local delicacies, they are quite understandable. These zealous housewives welcome even unexpected guests, because they are always ready to treat you to homemade lasagna or pizza according to a family recipe. And woe to you if it occurs to you to refuse a treat: this may just mean that you are very unwell. A woman-mother is simple and unsophisticated, an excellent cook, adores children, and the pernicious influence of feminism, which mainly affects representatives of the previous type (fashionable Valkyries), is alien to her.

Don't take my word for it? Then check it out for yourself! Come to Italy (summer sales are not over yet!), sit somewhere on the beach in the shade or outside at a table in a cafe, put on black glasses - and classify to your heart's content!

Italian women are famous for their elegance and ability to dress stylishly.

However, their style of clothing is completely different from the style of our Russian women.

To understand this Italian peculiarity, you need to immerse yourself in their culture, which is what we will try to do.

You will rarely see an Italian woman wearing figure-hugging clothes, high heels and evening makeup.

Most likely, the lady was simply going to a celebration or is a TV star. IN ordinary life Italians prefer comfortable, but at the same time fashionable things.

Russian women, in Everyday life they look like Italians on holiday. Our ladies are always in heels and impeccably made up.

Such fashionable behavior can, perhaps, be justified only by the fact that Italian women have always lived well and their taste has been formed over decades.

While our ladies began to make their first, and therefore inept fashion steps after the collapse of the USSR. We are all trying to catch up and catch up with the Western one, which, unfortunately, often fails.

If we take a simple example of the Milan-Moscow flight, then immediately at the airport you can notice the fundamental differences between us and the Italians. They will get off the plane at comfortable shoes on flat running, jeans, with a stylish and expensive bag in his hands, with a minimum of make-up on his face and glasses. Our women even travel in heels, with lipstick on their lips and skinny jeans. One can only wonder, is this really convenient?

This situation is well described by one popular Italian proverb. Dressed up heavily wedding celebration, you can say: “we wore everything we could for this wedding... even the chest of drawers itself!” In Russian, the phrase would sound like “put on all the best at once,” which is what our women seem to try to do every day.

Let's take a look, in turn, at an ordinary working Italian woman who, after work, also runs to kindergarten or school to pick up her children and still manages to pop into the store for groceries.

1) The average resident of Italy in casual wear extremely simple - jeans straight cut or a knee-length skirt, comfortable and elegant.

Flat shoes that provide comfortable movement, because there is so much to do! At the same time, the Italian woman will have very discreet makeup on her face, but she will proudly wear expensive and stylish hand in hand. Bag from Louis Vuitton will not be combined with gold, stones or even silver, but with modest jewelry in a minimalist style.

2) In makeup, Italians try to emphasize the beauty of their eyes, giving preference to smoky eyes.

In Italy, lips are painted extremely rarely, mainly for going out. red lipstick is sometimes even considered in bad taste and you can only see it in older Italian women.

Even in old age, they try to look like queens by wearing suits, bags, shoes and lipstick.

However, even an elderly Italian woman will not allow herself to wear gold and diamonds in the middle of the day, as this is considered bad manners.

Italian women happily give preference to simple jewelry, bracelets and massive watches in men's style. Young fashionistas choose Tiffany brooches, while older girls can afford a small thin necklace.

IN summer time year, Italian women decorate their wrists with a variety of textured bracelets. I skillfully combine them with each other.

3) Accessories - shoes and bags, this is the real weakness of Italian fashionistas.

They believe that these wardrobe items must invariably be of high quality and luxurious. Italian women stand in line during sales fashion collections, and some even pass on their exclusive Louis Vuitton bags by inheritance.

Sometimes women save for several months to afford the expensive bag they want.

Well, you shouldn’t blame them, because nothing makes a woman look better than high-quality designer shoes and a handbag.

4) By the way, many Italian women are very skeptical about high boots, especially with heels.

They don’t understand how they can wear such shoes, because the Italian climate is very mild even in winter. If they weren’t able to experience our winters, then they would definitely have bought themselves a different pair of boots.

However, many Italian women still wear these shoes, although mostly on flats and prefer high-rise shoes rather than boots.

5) But the most important thing to learn from Italians is the ability to combine colors.

Sometimes they combine colors that seem incompatible with each other - red, scarlet, yellow, blue, green.

Women of this southern country they just love it bright colors in clothes. They can wear even the simplest things, but with the riot of color duo, their look will be amazing!

You can easily admire an Italian woman in dark blue pantsuit, decorated with cognac-brown accessories - the height of grace.

6)On Italian women everything looks good no matter what they put on, and all because they are tanned!

We walk around pale-skinned all year long, waiting for the holidays so we can finally soak up the sun a little and get a tan. Italian women bathe in sun rays as the thermometer exceeds 20 degrees. They bare their legs, put on glasses and set out to conquer the Italians!

7) Due to the abundance of sun, glasses accompany fashionistas throughout the year, so they are accustomed to them.

Some people do not take them off in transport or even indoors. Also, many Italian women want to be so original that they choose the best glasses for themselves. different forms, with rhinestones and sparkles, just like some of our women.

So, you can learn a lot from Italians.

8)But main lesson, which these southern women can teach us, that everything is good in moderation.

Let's save it high heels, short skirts, tight and uncomfortable leggings, makeup and false nails for rare, evening outings.

Russian girls are already very beautiful and attractive, and the abundance of rhinestones, heels and makeup on the face only highlights our natural beauty.

A quote from Giorgio Armani would be appropriate here: “To be elegant does not mean to be conspicuous, it means to be etched in the memory.”

Italian women dress comfortably, in ordinary things, but at the same time they are incredibly elegant and luxurious! To learn how to be elegant, try the Italian beauty recipe.
