Girls in high heels VKontakte. Beautiful stiletto pumps: photos and trends

This is exactly what women's stiletto sandals provide. It is useless to argue here, there are comfortable and pragmatic, but not devoid of femininity models on flat sole. But a pair of elegant, but seemingly useless shoes is still worth getting.

Pragmatic and simple, flat shoes are comfortable to wear in summer. But summer is exactly the season in which 2019 stiletto sandals rule the show. This is exactly the case when the beauty and slenderness of the legs and the figure as a whole should be demonstrated “in full growth”.

High-heeled smart casual sandals

Studs never give up! Even with the total fashion for flat soles, models with high elegant heels - main trend season. It would seem that new things can be brought to such sandals. But this season has its own distinctive features.

Stiletto sandals 2019 are very elegant and feminine models. But they are intended not only for evening or solemn images and special occasions. These models are actively mastering the summer.

The basis of the most current models, became classic style with a wide transverse membrane and easy fastening with thin straps. In combination with a high thin heel, such shoes are sexy in themselves and at the same time elegant.

Active accents, such as intertwining ankles, have clearly dropped out of the trends this year. thin straps, leather with reptile dressing - the emphasis is on the purity of the style, bright colors and original decor.

The main purpose of women's stiletto sandals this summer is to be an expressive decoration. The role of an addition to outfits is assigned to more democratic flat-soled models.

The color scheme is as active and optimistic as ever. The designers took the colors of the new summer as a basis - rich berry, fruit and flower shades.

Red sandals look the most interesting in this design. Stylists can argue as much as they like about how appropriate this color is in shoes, but in the images of this summer it is the main one.

Best of all, the trend is demonstrated by red stiletto sandals in these photos:

At the same time, red can be of any shade - from bright scarlet to saturated almost pine forest. The brightness of the color will perfectly emphasize Polished leather and of course, the simpler the style of such a model, the more flawlessly you will fall into the fashion trend.

Look for literal color combinations no need for a dress. Red will perfectly support fashionable monochromatic outfits. Personally, you sandals on high heels will give growth and harmony to the legs and figure - in general. the best way visually look perfect - just not.

Better than red, there can only be black stiletto sandals - this is exactly the model that you should have in - for that very insidious case when there is nothing to wear. But you should be especially careful with them.

This model, especially with metal heels - silver stilettos, is definitely worth having in your own wardrobe.

They are in any trend show, and if it is possible to find own model in black leather with a white metal stiletto heel, a must-have.

Open summer sandals with stiletto heels made of natural materials

The opinion that wearing summer stiletto sandals is a whole test is preached by those who simply do not know how to wear them and, in principle, reject shoes with heels.

Meanwhile, there are several simple rules, which will allow not only to fall in love with these shoes, but to wear them with chic. Taking advantage of all its benefits.

First of all, choice. Materials, especially interior decoration, should be exclusively natural - best soft and soft skin with a minimum of stitching, so as not to rub delicate skin.

The model of open sandals with a stiletto heel should be as comfortable as possible, first of all - a block that you need to choose only for yourself. You can achieve the result only with a personal fitting and not one, but several pairs.

This should be done in the evening, when the legs are already “tired” - this is the only way to feel all the advantages and disadvantages of the model.

And do not forget about such convenient and practical things as silicone shoe pads. They perfectly and at the same time imperceptibly fix even the most open and difficult to wear sandals on the leg.

And, of course, it’s not at all superfluous, even for those who don’t wear heels out of principle, it will just work out at home in front of a mirror before taking this a new pair"into the light."

There are many visual and practical lessons on the net on how to work perfectly. beautiful walk and learn how to elegantly wear such models. Even Marilyn Monroe herself learned the correct gait.

Pay attention to the video, how stiletto sandals give the perfect gait:

Elegant sandals with a thin stiletto heel

Refined heels don't have to be high. In itself, the concept of "hairpin" - does not have a measurement in centimeters, five or twelve - on which, by the way, few people know how to walk - does not matter. But shoes like stiletto heels - even minimal ones - are a great reason to look slimmer and taller.

A great summer offering from numerous brands, white stiletto sandals are a frankly dressy option, especially if the stiletto heel itself looks defiant.

Thin, tall, metallic - this is a clear and obvious reminder of the Spanish stiletto - no one can resist. This is what sandals on a thin stiletto look like. If you haven't tried it, it's definitely worth it.

Of course, you should not wear such models every day. They are designed for grand entrances and extraordinary naiads. But oddly enough, the most fashion designers It is advised to wear them every day.

Everyday, and so familiar to everyone, the style becomes unfashionable - there is too much of it. And summer is a great excuse to break all the rules and put on a pair of completely light, almost weightless and carefully calibrated sandals. This trend in fashion is only gaining its height - and you should definitely take advantage of it.

Text: Daria Sukharchuk

This spring by social networks broke up two very similar victim stories corporate dress code. A waitress in the Canadian city of Edmonton bled her feet after spending many hours in high heels, but was reprimanded by a restaurant manager for changing into flats. London-based Nicola Thorpe took a job as a desk clerk at PwC's London office after refusing to change from ballerinas to pumps with heels. Women all over the world who have to face the same demands have supported each other in social networks hashtag #myheelsmychoice, and Nicola Thorpe's petition to remove heels from the corporate dress code has collected more than one hundred thousand signatures in a few days and will be considered by the British Parliament. We figured out how high heels have become a wardrobe must-have. business woman and why in the twenty-first century it is time to remove them from the mandatory requirements of the dress code.

rejoicing at the onset of fashion for flat shoes - they say that they will still continue to wear heels when they come back into fashion, but walking on a flat sole is much more pleasant for them.

This year in memory of last year at the Cannes Film Festival Julia Roberts walked barefoot on the red carpet, sparking tabloid coverage - and apparently inspiring other celebrities as well. Two years earlier, Emma Thompson went on stage even more radically, comparing the red paint on the soles of her shoes to blood, and then throwing the shoes off stage altogether. It seems that everyone is tired of heels - both women and men.

It is unlikely that the events of this year will radically change women's fashion and we will stop wearing heels - many people like them, and each of us has the right to self-expression. However, obliging women to wear shoes that restrict their movement and can cause serious harm to health is direct discrimination, and society should fight against it. Fortunately, this is understood by some members of the British Parliament, who have already supported Nicola Thorpe's petition. It remains to be hoped that large companies follow their example.

Pair of shoes on high heels is in the arsenal of any woman. Red lacquer, purple crimson with large flower or linen with colorful stones and beads. They always delight our eyes, look great on their feet, and most importantly, the figure in them looks much slimmer and more feminine, and the woman herself looks more confident and graceful.

Men are driven crazy, although they insist that it is terribly inconvenient, and why such sacrifices. But agree a woman in heels and ballet shoes looks completely different. Of course, in your wardrobe you need to have ballet shoes, and sneakers or sketchers, and even flip flops, but high-heeled shoes have a special place in it.

Many women wear such shoes every day, to work or to the movies, even running in heels does not bother them. The other half of women are wary of them, put them on on holidays and for a short time, although they are well aware that they look much more attractive with heels. Yes, every woman treats high heel shoes differently, with condemnation and the thought of inconvenience, or with admiration and passion. They do not leave anyone indifferent.

Walking in high-heeled shoes, of course, is not an easy task, the legs get tired quickly, the foot starts to hurt, and it is becoming more and more difficult to keep the balance of the body every hour. it whole science. And only after many days of practice, efforts and the desire to be irresistible, it succeeds in full! Beautiful, mysterious and feminine gait with small steps on huge heels, cannot leave indifferent both men and many women. High heel - a symbol of women's victories, it’s not for nothing that there is a Russian saying “to be under the heel of your wife.”

And no matter how much doctors talk about the dangers of wearing high-heeled shoes, fashion claims the opposite, reproducing more and more new masterpieces under the names of Manolo, Gucci, Prada. 5, 7, 15 centimeters ... and this is not the limit!!! Although many orthopedists agree that a 2-5 cm heel is not scary and sometimes even useful to wear. But the height of 7 centimeters and above is already quite high and can bring a lot of inconvenience to the mistress of her shoes. This significantly increases the load on the ankles, back and knees, which can lead not only to injuries and bruises, but also to sprains and displacements in the articular parts of the leg.

For women who, for no reason in the world, are able to refuse to wear high-heeled shoes, orthopedic specialists are strongly advised to use special metatarsal pads. They are sold in pharmacies and allow much less strain on the central part of the foot.

So who is it anyway modern fashionistas owe the birth of high heels? Short stature Catherine de Medici, wife of King Henry II of France. It was she who, experiencing a certain inferiority complex next to a tall and stately husband, ordered the royal shoemaker to sew elegant shoes for her, reminiscent of male shoes with a heel for horseback riding. This was in the middle of the 16th century. This invention would have gone unnoticed if, at the beginning of the 18th century, the skirts of young ladies had not become noticeably shorter. A with short skirt, as you know, an uncouth and rough shoe looks inappropriate, so the shoemakers decided to sew from that time graceful lungs women's shoes made of velvet, silk and brocade, and, of course, these shoes were high heels.

But loving high-heeled shoes and knowing the history of their appearance is not enough! The most important thing is to know how to choose them correctly so that the shoe is comfortable and the heel is not rubbed in order to fly in them, and not walk! So, how to choose shoes with heels, what to look for?

First, first you need to decide why you need another pair of high-heeled shoes. Do you want to attract the attention of men or stand out from the gray crowd in bright orange patent leather shoes? Or maybe you want to make a proper impression at work in front of the authorities, in strict, black shoes with a high but restrained stiletto heel, and at the same time put the whole women's team? For each purpose, it is worth choosing your own, special shoes. When you have decided on this, it is already worth sticking to general recommendations when choosing allies.

Be sure to consider the structure of your legs. If nature has rewarded you with full legs and a wide foot, then buying pointed shoes with a thin heel will only bring you pain and disappointment. With such a structure of the legs, it is better for you to focus on stable and wide heels.

If, on the contrary, your legs are thin with a narrow foot, then elegant shoes with high and narrow heels will only decorate them.

Be sure to focus on your own feelings. If during the fitting you feel unstable, there are doubts about the comfort of the shoes being tried on, then it is better not to take them. Not only your eyes, but also your legs should fall in love with shoes!“Spread” or “I’ll put a silicone lining or cotton wool” so that the leg sits more tightly is not your option at all! No need to hope that at the cost of your calluses, aching pain and capricious mood, you will achieve success and your goal in these fabulously beautiful, but, alas, shoes that do not suit you!

Well, the most burning question, what height of the heel is right for you? To do this, measure in centimeters what the length of your foot is and divide the result by 4. This will be your ideal heel height.

The basic rule, when choosing shoes, which all women should adhere to: There can be many pairs of shoes, but you only have one foot!

Wear heels, lovely women, but with intelligence and a break! Skillfully choose the model and heel of new shoes for yourself, feel the comfort and relaxation of the foot in them, and, of course better couple just walk in them along the corridor of your apartment, so to speak, the dress rehearsal will not hurt anyone! And then the men walking behind you will definitely not be able to resist your sexy and feminine gait ...

Many women like chinese girls from the Middle Ages, owners of “ lotus feet”, cannot move quickly in their shoes without the help of strangers.

All this starts from childhood. Girls are dressed in patent leather shoes, whose soles are slippery, and therefore children cannot run fast. Little girls are taught that they should not get dirty, that they should move carefully and “beautifully”. In a word, you need to become restrained and cautious in all areas of life. And adult women get so used to such behavior that they no longer notice the shackles.

Women's uncomfortable high-heeled shoes signal to men - “I'm helpless. I pose no danger to you." A woman in such shoes will not be able to run, will not be able to show strength and dexterity. She seems to be in chains and emphasizes this in every possible way, using the body language of submission over and over again.

Women take smaller steps than men, try to occupy less space to be skinny. Men often slander about the female way of walking: the pelvis is slightly extended, the knees are brought together, the hips, feet and lower legs form an X-shape. This looks really funny. But this is not only funny, but also sad, because it harms a woman: she stumbles, strains excessively, but still moves slowly and with difficulty.

This can also be dangerous for children, whom mothers hold in their arms in uncomfortable shoes.

Women literally with mother's milk learn the postures of obedience, the gait of obedience. The meaning of these rules is very clear. Try one day to get someone to listen to you or get your way when you stand in front of him with your head bowed and a resigned smile, swaying on high heels and tight legs ...

Women turn to orthopedic surgeons more often than men, and 87% of all operations to correct acquired foot deformities occur in women. Calluses, corns, twisted toes, arthritis, pinched nerves, back pain, and even cramps are just the traditional results of wearing heels, doctors say.

A recent study by British doctors and shoe brand MBT found that high heel wearers in England spend an average of £29m a year on surgery to repair damage to their health. Unfortunate victims of fashion, addicted to high heels, often because of this or that disease, either can no longer wear shoes without heels, or even find it difficult to walk. The pressure on the forefoot that occurs when wearing high heels leads to deformity of the foot, diseases of the knees, legs and back over time. For example, to pinching and inflammation of the nerves in the spine - as a result of a forcedly twisted posture when walking in high heels, when by shifting the pelvis back we try to compensate for the weight of the body shifted forward by uncomfortable shoes.

You must have noticed the paradox: the more powerful a woman is, the more attention everyone pays to her clothes. For example, Hillary Clinton. She chose the most concise and practical style to avoid unnecessary attention. Her wardrobe is black trousers, elegant jackets, closed blouses and shoes with almost no heels. But her clothes are still being discussed. Close this topic is simply impossible! At the same time, for some reason, no one is particularly interested in the clothes of other politicians.

The meaning of shoes

Perhaps in the case of Hillary, shoes are far from the main element of the discussion, nevertheless, her decision to wear shoes without a heel is quite a clear confirmation of her unbending self-confidence. The decision to wear practical shoes may seem logical at first glance, especially given the constant need to be on your feet, but traditionally it is assumed that powerful woman will be wearing high heels. Culture is filled with such images, as it looks on the covers of magazines - that is, women perceived as role models should wear heels. If you look at the choice of clothes for the heroines of the series, it becomes clear that high heels are still directly associated with high status, and no one cares about comfort.

Heels as a character trait

Let's look at a few series in which there are self-confident heroines. Selena Meyer, the character on VP, wears high heels, but at home, where she can afford to relax, she forgets about her image and kicks off uncomfortable shoes. Claire Underwood, the heroine of House of Cards, on the other hand, always looks like heels are part of her. Shoes become part of her personality. Just think: walking in heels on own house! Claire seems to fall asleep in them too. But heels, although they decorate the gait and make the appearance more aesthetic, still create significant inconvenience.

Inconvenience is losing popularity

In revealing the image of Claire, heels are very important. uncomfortable shoes, which you want to shoot, demonstrates how important it is for the heroine how others see her. So much so that she always continues to play this role. In reality, discomfort is rapidly losing popularity - according to statistics, more and more more women refuse uncomfortable heels, especially in a work environment. According to research, 72 percent of women wear heels from time to time. On average, the popularity of heels has declined over the past two decades. Only 31 percent of women wear them to work, the rest left dressy shoes only for the holidays. The thing is that heels fetter the whole body: the higher the heel, the greater the tension.

Traditional shoe selection

Perhaps because of the health hazards, heels were rarely worn before. The history of workwear for women is short, but heels have an even shorter lifespan. Even if not used too much scientific method and look at the outfits of women in the movies, you can see that in the 60s and 80s, heels were not so high. It seems that the characters do not need extra centimeters of height at all in order to succeed at work and show their ambitions. If fictional characters don't need heels to be successful, but real women increasingly refuse to hobble on workplace on stilettos, where did this image come from then? And why are we now associating hairpins with the idea of ​​a powerful lady?

History of heels

Heels have been around for centuries, but initially they were extremely practical - they were invented for riders so that the foot would not slip out of the stirrups. During the reign of Louis XVI, shoes became an indicator of origin for both men and women. Heels began to be worn, despite their impracticality in Everyday life- that was the charm. To the court, women put on such unusual shoes that they could only move with a stick in their hands. Over time, the heel became part of the only women's shoes. High heels make the leg visually smaller, which has always been appreciated, besides, it is a symbolic way to rise above the crowd and stand out, to show that walking for such a lady is something exceptional, she is not a commoner. Heels began to attract men - they turned into an indicator not only of status, but also of sexual attractiveness.

Contradictory attitude

After the French Revolution, heels went out of fashion for a hundred years, not only in France. For example, in America they were not popular until the very end of World War II. In the 50s, women returned to the traditional way, and heels became attractive again. A pin-up look became common, where women in high heels posed in attractive poses. Since then, heels have taken on the meaning of underlined sexual seductiveness. Many women in the decades that followed deliberately eschewed heels so as not to convey such overtones. This association continues to this day. Men think that women in heels are more attractive: in difficult situation, as experiments have shown, they are more likely to help girls in uncomfortable shoes. At the same time, excessive femininity can become a problem at work. Heels can get in the way of getting the job you want - a neutral look is recommended for an interview.

paradoxical change

Strange but true: after a woman gains influence and makes her own decisions regarding employment, heels are back. It turns out that a neutral style should be followed at the beginning of a career. Flat shoes not only do not exude femininity, they also make a woman look smaller than men. But in high heels, she looks more expressive, which allows her to demonstrate her ambitions, especially if you combine heels with elegant, not too seductive suits. For example, in the TV series Scandal, Olivia Pope always wears discreet jackets, beige raincoat, high neck sweaters. Her outfits do not emphasize the figure. Wide pants hide the fact that she is wearing high heels - this can only be noticed by chance. And this technique is used by many other heroines - they work on heels, combining them with a neutral look to give themselves a more confident look.

Femininity and masculinity

Feminists wanted women to be able to demonstrate masculinity, but also to be respectful of femininity. They were able to achieve only one thing - masculinity can really be demonstrated, but femininity is not appreciated. That's why modern women sometimes they use heels in order to rise to the male level. High growth is associated with masculinity, and masculinity is strength. Heels are now like shoulder pads in the eighties. Then women wanted to give the figure larger horizontal features. Now attempts to give the image of masculinity continue. And the image of Claire Underwood from the series "House of Cards" perfectly illustrates this. Claire and her husband Frank are portrayed as equals - and this goes for height too. Claire is a woman who can compete with her husband, full of ambition that manifests itself in all areas of her life. And the fact that she needs to look a certain way to emphasize her appearance this equality with a man, makes sure that feminine weakness is still a hindrance to women who want to appear self-confident.
